$500 Plasti-Dip vs. $2600 Vinyl Wrap - PART 2! | Donut Media
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**The Rediption: A Tale of Two Nissan 350Zs**
Welcome to the Rediption! We did it wrong before, but we're gonna hopefully do it right this time.
[Background music plays]
Ladies and gentlemen, there's pennies down here. That's mine. [Brakes squeal] Ah, that sound! The sound of excitement and anticipation.
We bought two identical Nissan 350Zs and we've been modifying them to be fun daily drivers that you can take to the track. One Z gets expensive parts, while mine gets cheap parts. Mm-hm, then we test them to see which components are actually worth spending your hard-earned money on.
**The Mission**
Today, we're seeking to redeem ourselves after a previous attempt at plasti-dipping our low car didn't quite go as planned. [Spray paint sprays] We're talking about plasti-dip, the DIY alternative to vinyl wrapping that offers many of the same benefits for a fraction of the price.
**A Word from the Expert**
Fonzie from dipyourcar.com reached out to us and said, "Hey, guys! Don't mess it up this time!"
**The Challenge Ahead**
We're going to give plasti-dipping another try, with the hope that we'll do it right this time. We'll be comparing the results to vinyl wrapping, and seeing which one comes out on top.
[Upbeat music plays]
Stay tuned for our Rediption journey! Will we succeed in redeeming ourselves? Only time will tell.
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- $2600 vinyl wrap versus$500 do it yourself plasti-dip hit.Ladies and gentlemen,we did it wrong before,but we're gonna hopefullydo it right this time.Welcome to the Rediption.(dramatic music)(evil laugh)Hey, there's pennies down here.- That's mine.(brakes squeal)(spray paint sprays)(upbeat music)(spray paint sprays)We bought two identical Nissan 350Zsand we've been modifyingthem to be fun daily driversthat you can take to the track.- One Z, gets expensive parts, mine,'cause I'm the baby andone gets cheap parts.- Mm-hm, then we test themto see which componentsare actually worth spendingyour hard earned money on.- We're comparedcoil-overs, brakes, tires, seats.- But today, we are seekingto redeem ourselves.Plasti-dip offers manyof the same benefitsas vinyl wrapping, but fora fraction of the price.We tried plasti-dippinglow car previously and,I didn't do the best job to say the least.I'm beside myself, this is theworst thing I've ever done.- Nolan did such a bad jobthat he put an entireindustry in jeopardy.(laughing)- Fonzie from dipyourcar.comreached out to us and said,"Hey, you're affecting my (beep) business.Please let me send you thecorrect stuff to do a good job."This kit is $500, it comeswith the correct spray gunand everything else we neednot to mess up the job.- Except the brains.- That's right, spraybottles, I got some dip coat,that'll make it look nice, dip remover,which we're gonna useall of, got tape, towels-- This is a very comprehensivekit, very nice product.So, let's seehow Nolan's $500DIYdrivewayplasti-dipcompares to my $2600professionally installedvinyl wrap.Does more expensive mean more better?It's the Rediption.(upbeat music)- Last time we tried to dip the car,results kinda speak for themselves.So this time, we've got a new planand we're gonna nail this thing.- Yeah, so first up we'regonna remove (beep).So, there are three steps to this process.First, we're gonna remove the dip.Second, we're gonna wash and prep the carand then third, we're gonnarespray it, let's do it.(spanner clanking)- Cha-ching.(liquid poring)- What the (beep) is this (beep)?- No, it's working.- Not really, I'm (beep)spilling everywhere.(laughing)- At least we're startingoff on the right foot.- We're cleaning itand we already look like colossal idiots.- Oo!- I've been wanting topeel this off for so long.- This is very soothing.- This is gonna take forever.Forever.- Problem was, it was sprayedpretty thin in certain areasso it's hard to get, like that like---- Dude, let's soak it and then spray it.- I'm down.- Yeah, let's do it, let's push this out.Already, first step,you guys are not doingwhat the professional told you to do.This is why we're here in the first place!(upbeat music)I'm spraying it downwith this dip dissolverthat came with the kitfrom dipyourcar.com.Then we're gonna pressure wash it.(high pressure washer sprays)(high pressure washer hums)- Yeah, this is so satisfying.- It's so great.- Ah, GoPro down!(yelling)I got it!- Okay, I'm gonna spray that again.- We're outta gas.- Ah (beep)!So, there's been a lot ofopinions and tactics sharedand the one that we foundto be the most effectiveis to spray one panel at a time.Wait for the agent to reallywork itself into the dipand once you can dothis, it's time to spray.So, let's spray.Eddie, your hands aregonna get, ah anyway.(high pressure washer sprays)- Oh yeah!- Yeah!- While Nolan and Aaron areout there still power washingthe car to get the plasti-dip off.So, we're gonna try to help him outand build him a little Dexter's roomor a paint booth of sorts.Pretty makeshift, but it should keepfrom over spraying this whole shop, so.Beautiful.(relaxed music)- Just got done pressure washing the car,it's really good, but what you don't seeis the little things like this.So, we're gonna wash the car,make sure we get all thestuff off the surface,because all that stuff's gonna show up,when we re-plasti-dip the car.And, we don't wanna mess up our next job.(sprays)- Oo!(sprays)(engine hums)So, we're all done forthe day here on low car,it's all finally washed.Tomorrow we're gonna come back,we're gonna mask all the lights,we're gonna spray itwith some pre-dip sprayand then finally, dip it.- Meanwhile.- So, we're about to takethe car to Vaderwerksto get all the new bodykit pieces wrapped.Before we do that, wewanna get a quick washto get all the LA grime off of it,so the wrap can really stick to it.(relaxed music)- Gino, for the guys that weren't herethe first time around,can you tell everyone whythe wrap is better thanthings like plasti-dip?- Way better finish,glossier, more durable.If it's done right it lasts forever.- And, it's nice that we can just comeand get it color matchedwithout any issue.- Yes, takes me youknow, five days to do a car.And that's you know, full disassemble.So, I take bumpers,- Take the whole thing apart.- All that stuff, mirrors.- Wrap everything individuallyand that's what you didon this the first timewhich is why I think it came out so well.- Yes, it's gonna look sick.- Yeah, man.(chilled music)- All right, so we're back,we let the car dry overnight.Now, we are masking offeverything we don't want sprayedsuch as the headlights and the windows.We're gonna take the hood offand just mask the engine bay.We're not worried about gettinganything on our carbon fiberbecause that would be a disaster.- Having done this once, itgives me a much better ideaof the places that I wanna improve on.Such as like the edges and everything.Now, when we mask, I'mactually pushing it up and overand then down into the crease.That way, when we spray theplasti-dip, it doesn't just sitover all the little rubbermoldings and everything.Dude, you're not allowed to mask.The line looks great,but the tape over it looks like (beep).- You know this is coming off, right?- Yeah, but the line isgonna come off wrong.- So, we have a phonecall in about an hourwith Fonzie from dipyourcar.com.He is basically the masterof plasti-dip on YouTubeas far as I'm concerned.Mr Fonzie, how are ya?- Good brother, how are you?- Pretty good, nice totalk to you face to face.First, I wanna apologize for doing sucha horrific job last time around.- No apology necessary,I do appreciate you guysbeing willing to take another crack at it.- So, we have the car mostly masked.We just had a few questions for you.We're gonna use your pre-dip spray.How far from the car arewe going to hold the gun?What techniques should we use?- The distance doesn't really matter.It's really about being on one sideof the extreme or the other.So, you don't wanna be way too close,where the product is gonna pool upand start falling down the car.And, you don't wanna be way too far awaywhere the product is gonnastart drying in mid-airand then actually landingon the car in dry particles.After the roof, I'm focusingon one side of the car.- Got it.- Working from the top down to the bottom,walking the length of the car.- We shouldn't worryabout like number of coatsjust the amount of product we use,like we should go through all the galleonsof the primer and the main color, correct?- Yeah, everything that I sent you isa car kit built forthat car in that color.So, spray the AvalancheGrey until it's doneand that's it.You just wanna let itdry fully to the touch,so you know, I'd give itmaybe 20 minutes or so.- Okay.- Okay.- If you walk in and there isn't anythingon the car that lookswet, you can go aheadand move on to your next pass.- Great.- Cool.- Yeah, we have the rightproduct and the right toolsthis time, so I think it'llcome out really, really well.- It's a great option for DIY customersto change the color of their carand it's not going to matchup to a high-end paint job.But at least this time,you'll get to experiencewhat it's really liketo use the right stuff.- Sweet man.- All right.- Dude, thank you you so much seriously.- You're very welcome.- All right, thanks Fonzie.- Good luck, have a good one.- Bye.(lively music)The car has been washed,masked and preppedand it looks amazing, Ican't wait to get dipping.So, first thing we gottado is mix up our base coatof Avalanche Grey withthe included mixer here.(mixer buzzes)Then, we're gonna strain our paint throughthe included cone filter to make surethere's no impurities in the dip.Then, we'll put it on our gun,connect it to air, get spraying.We're going to do a test panel.(spraying)- Too much.Something, something's off.So, we're gonna try to geta few test sprays goinginside where it's not so freaking windy.(laughs)(spraying)That's so much better.- Remember you're never gonnastart spraying over the car.So, you'll start sprayingbefore you hit your paneland then spray through it.You good with it, you confident?- Think so.- Okay.- If we see anything we'll just stop.- Yup.- And, just start over.- Cool.(spraying)(tense music)- There's specks in it, that'sthe same thing as last time.- I think it's okay, man.- The breather hole mightbe, (beep) you see it like,it'll go and then it'llturn off and then go again.That's not what we want,that's what happened last time.It was just not consistently,like you can see it'sall patchy and gross.- Nolan just picked upsomething really important.He noticed the inconsistency in his spray.We thought maybe thebreather hole was clogged.But, what we found wasthat the pick up tubewas actually crackedwhich is drawing air inand making it spray inconsistent.So, we've gotta fix thatbefore we start and finish anything else.(spraying)(serious music)Dude, you've gotta back up man.(dramatic music)- God (beep) it, dude.(beep)I got too close and it pooled up a lotand that's exactly whatit looks like last timewe did it on the other side of the car.And, I'm (beep) pissed.Dude, this looks awful.It looks identical towhat happened last time.- So, I say we let it dryand (beep) peel it off.Re-prep that door and go from there.The pressure's on you know,so we need to chill out.Take our time spraying it.I always feel like ifyou spray a little bit,you can always add morebut you can never takeit off once you've sprayed it.So, as long as Nolan backs up a little bitand gets a nice consistent spray pattern,even if we have to do twomore coats of the primer,at least it's not puddling up.I believe it.- Hey, should we call Fonzie?- No.(relaxed music)- What are my thoughts?I think so far so good,it looks really even,it looks like a primered car.I definitely don't wanna laughwhich was my reaction lasttime they dipped the car.(calm music)- I think we're gettingbetter with every coat.It's looking a lot better thanit did the last time around.- I'm pumped man.- We still have to lay the color down.- Yeah.- Okay.- We're only about half way there.- Let's not go tootingall the horns just yet.- Yeah.(relaxed music)All right, so the primeris all over the Z.It is now time to revealthe new low Z color.Aaron, would you do the honors?- I'm on it.(drum roll)Cha-ching!- It's Force Teal from dipyourcar.I think it's a really nice color.It's a nice evolution ofthe blue low car motifthat we've been going with,but this kinda spices upthe hot boy factor a little bit.(spraying)(calm music)All right, so the Z isdipped and now Aaron and I,must get all the masking off, bare apart.- It's really important topull all the masking tape offof the plasti-dip as soon as possible.Because, we don't want it todry to a point where when we goto peel the actual tape off,it pulls the dip up with it.The quicker you can get the tape offthe less chance of thatyou have happening.- I'm just going around with a razor bladetrying to cut any connectionbetween the tape and the dip.- This is leaps andbounds better than before,I'm so proud of the boys.- So, the last step forthe car is to wipe it downwith some dip coat, what thisdoes is it kinda protects itfrom scratches and mars and water spotsand stains and that kinda thing.Gives it a little moreslicker feel, as well.We're just gonna give it a nice wipe downand then come back on Monday morningand hopefully it looksreally, really good.(upbeat music)- It's Monday morning, 9 a.m.,we're back at Vaderwerks to pick the Z.Can't wait to see how it looks.- Can't wait, yeah, this is a (beep).I wasn't gonna say anythingI just started talking.I don't have anything---(laughing)- Let's go take a look.(upbeat music)(engine hums)- Good looking!(engine roars)That is good dude, what have we done?(laughing)- Look at me in great 350Z.- Dude, this is awesome, this is awesomethanks so much dude.- Yeah, no problem.- All right, let's gosee what those boys did.(thudding)- All right, so the car'sbeen curing all weekendat the shop, we put the wing back on.So, now it's time for you guys to decideif we redipped ourselves.(upbeat music)The car looks incredible and it's reallybecause we learned a lotfrom last time, you know.- Dude, so good, withthe carbon fiber hood.It looks so good dude.- I can't stop looking at it.(laughing)Just looking back at low car now,like when it had the crummy paintand we referred to it as low car that wasbecause it was like justlike a pile of crap.- It looked like a pile.- Yeah.- But now!- And, we kinda disrespectedit a little bit.But now it looks great.- Yeah, now you realizeit's really a decent car.- Yeah.- It looks like a video game car.- It does.- Dude, if you showed methat car when I was 15.- Oh my God.- I'd lose it.- Game over.- But together thesethings just look so cool.- They're brothers.- This thing's a freaking monster.- The hood looks, sjoe.- It looks so good.- Wow, right?- Were you guys getting a lot of looks?- Dude, we created a monster.- I have no visibility in this car.(laughing)It's like wild looking,but it's still very mature.- Yeah, have you everseen a hotter pair of Zs?- We built these things.- Yeah, man.- That's so cool andwe're not even done yet.- Yeah, now it's timeto get more power, baby.- That's right.(upbeat music)(engine hums)- So, does more expensivemean more better?Finally, we have a decent exampleof both to actually compare.- Ah-hm.- Nolan?- You know, I'm not really sure,I really like how thedip came out this time.- To have, I would still rather have a carthat is vinyl wrapped,it's still 100% reversible.I think it looks better,I like shiny stuff.But, if I had to choosewhich one I was gonna do.I would definitely choosespraying plasti-dip on my car.There's no way that I could doa wrap job as good asVaderwerks did on my car.- It was $500, all in,to change the color of Z.But now that we have theequipment all that we need to buy,oh my goodness!Now, that we have theequipment all that I haveto buy in the future is just more dip.And, just keep doing it,until you find somethingthat you really, really like.- Yeah.- It's really, it's really cool.So, James I guess I, the only thingI have left to ask is did I redip myself?- You know Nolan, every oncein a while you do somethingso awful and stupid.(serious music)But then, you come backand totally redip yourself!- Yes!- Yeah dude, totally redeemed.I think you did a greatjob, you should be proud.- Thank you.- We have a really, reallyexciting episode next week.We're gonna finish up our turbokits with a fueling system.We're adding injectors, you'regetting a new fuel pump.- That's right.- Let us know if you'reteam high or team lowwith the hashtag up or hashtag down arrowand let us know in reallife with your team highor team low stickersavailable at donutmedia.com.- Nice plug.- We've got a bunch of new stuff cooking,a bunch of new shows.We've got this new showcalled "Money Pit".Hosted by my team high teammate, the---- The blue-eyed devilhimself, Mr Zach Jobe.Be kind.- I love you.- See you next time.(claps)(relaxed music)