This Is the ULTIMATE Diode Laser! The LaserMatic Mk2

The Rotary Connection: A Game Changer for Diods

I'm excited to share with you my experience with this rotary connection, which has made setting up my diods a breeze. This thing rotates your connection's down here, which is super inconvenient at least this thing rotates so I can bring it up I don't have to try to stick my fingers under there. You can bring it down and lock this in once that's locked in and this is on its pens now that it's on its pens we should be good to go.

Let's see how the old rotary works because ideally, so what I would like is to have this set up more often because I don't do so much with dodes anymore. Use this for any tumblers that I need to do and so if I can keep this in this current configuration and it works well then that this will just be my Tumblr machine. What do you think? Think that's fantastic! You could drooled a little so this is kind of cool.

You can flip this up on its end so you can get it hook into the rotary correctly and then you know turn these guys and flip it down I like that. What I would really like to see aside from this being a different kind of connection is uh for it to be longer because it starts to pull on itself when it starts to flip out too far. So I set up everything except the speed and power so I'm going to let that run and then I'm going flip it over and I'm going to do it again on the other side setting the correct speed and power.

Sometimes I'm an idiot sometimes I'm an idiot, let's do it again. Let's do it again I shot the Sheriff but I did not set my laser right okay so it turns out fourth times a charm how's that look but let me be clear none of these issues were because of the laser they are because I don't do a whole lot of tumblers etc etc and just some other stuff like I said this first one I was more concerned with setting up the actual machine and I didn't set my speed and power kind of second and third one were the same issue.

I didn't I I didn't set the rotary right I like I thought I had it I almost said spunt spunt I thought I had it spinned I thought I had spun it to the right location I had not so those are just like oopsies now this one was settings that came with the machine and this is a perfect example of why you don't listen to anybody else's settings. You always do speed and power grid now I didn't do a speed and power grid today because I didn't really want to I I I'm not actually going to be doing these kind of tumblers so I made an educated guess uh basically I just lowered my speed by about 2,000 mm per per minute looking at this I would still do a full speed and power grid to get best results because while this is probably the best result I've pulled it could be better which is why we always say speed and power grid.

Speed and power grid speed and power grid speed and power grid all right one thing I don't think I went over is it does have a pass through on it this portion of the enclosure you can unscrew and take this off on the front and the back so you can run longer material through here uh this is basically about 16 in wide and so is the back so anything 16 in wide or narrower will fit slide through you can of course take the bottom off if you want to do something that this that won't fit inside the machine.

This is still by far my favorite Dio laser machine to date we've gone over Pros we've gone over cons I would say the machine is probably a 95 out of 100 it's got a little room for improvement I'm sure some of you guys are going to want to know how much the machine is. I'm looking at a the 20 watt laser unit with a Chuck rotary is $1,299 so 1,300 bucks that's everything so it comes with everything you don't have to pay extra for the exhaust you don't have to pay extra for the honeycomb you don't have to pay extra for the air assist the camera all of that stuff's included so if you're looking at a cheaper unit take those things into consideration all of those items are going to be things that you're probably going to want in the future and they add up plus the fact that this is already enclosed you don't have to look at an enclosure and it's a solid enclosure it's look at it it looks so good you can see everything from every angle it's just sexy as hell.

This gets the the build that build two thumbs of approval I don't know if that's the thing but if you're in the market for a DI laser machine this is the only thing you should be considering at this point.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enif you're in the market for a diode laser this should be the only unit you consider from this point for this year I'm just not going to be doing as many review videos I I never wanted this channel to be a review Channel and I I just I I don't like not having the freedom to do what a w so I probably won't be doing too many more diod laser reviews on the channel but I am happy to say that this one in particular I am super stoked about if I was going to pick one Dio laser to finish up doing reviews with it would definitely be this one you guys got to check this out oh oh no can you see me can you see me the owner of the company that created this laser basically went to a bunch of forums and different laser engraving creators and said what do you not like about the lasers you're using now and I can honestly say that this guy right here takes care of almost every one of these problems this diode laser machine is superior to every other di laser machine I have used to date in every way so let's check it out let's talk about why mainly though I'm going to tell you it's because the guy that designed it listened to the guys that you use it it's not that difficult today we're going to be taking a look at the laser Matic MK2 by Ry and I'm telling you guys this machine right here it's the bees knees if you're doing your research I'm sure you've looked at a lot of different dial lasers this one solves all of your problems and it's constructed better than probably 90% of the dial lasers I've worked with to date like I said every once in a while every once in a while the designer and the user get together and they make beautiful things together beautiful babies if you will consider this one of those babies so first things first just the fact that it's enclosed now that we have enclosed diode lasers there's just not a whole lot of argument for diode lasers that are not enclosed anymore this is just safer I'm pretty sure that anybody that's putting any money into develop velopment of diode machines going forward is going to have something like this it's going to be enclosed we've had dial lasers on Rails for a long time we built our own enclosures people offered enclosures this just makes more sense you want to be able to see your material you want to be able to see what you're working on but you don't have to wear you know those really cool cool shades right also having small children and if you have people that just come in and out of the shop I'm always concerned about my children's eyes when I have something like this running because as much as you tell them not to look at it they will stare right at the damn thing so enclosure chef's kiss this whole video is going to be a love letter of this machine I do have a few things about this machine that I don't like and I will Point those out a little bit later but the majority of this when I was putting together which takes 10 minutes the majority of it was just like these little great discoveries like wow they did this WOW we've wanted this forever wow why didn't why doesn't every other company do this all right so let's talk about assembly this is your assembly instructions how awesome is that you need to take out some screws that they put in there just for shipping purposes let's see 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 screws you got to take 10 screws out and uh and you're up and running oh and you've got to run the air assist tube out the back but check this out the air assist is attached to the Gantry it has its own cabling that runs out the back and it it's got its own designated hole to go out the back and then it comes over to your air compressor what so you don't just have this stupid tube sticking up in the middle of everything what amazing amazing who thought of this what what Marvel of engineering did this take to figure out that you could attach this little tube to the Gantry and get it out of everybody's way okay so I turned it off for a minute because when you turn it on not only is it turn the fan on on the actual laser unit but it actually turns on an exhaust fan in the back of the enclosure like what oh my goodness but uh just so you can hear me a little bit better I'm going to turn it off for the time being what I'm about to show you is the first thing that I noticed when putting this together that makes this machine Superior to every other diod laser machine out there this right here look at how well constructed this wiring harness is look at that it's so nice it's very easy to pull in and out it doesn't you don't have to grab it by the actual wires and I know that seems like a dumb little thing but but just hold on up until this point this if I can get it to focus that is what we've had to deal with up until now all of these wires that are kind of just precariously put into this harness this harness is very flimsy it's difficult to pull out you've got to pop this off it clips into this harness right here and it's just a pain to deal with and then you've got all of these exposed wires that are right here up on the back of the unit they can caught on everything on top of that a lot of people can't get their fingers around this thing so they end up pulling on the wires to get it out and guess what these wires break really easy look at these wires one they're thicker material look at how much I can grab onto this to pull it out and I can't tell you how snugly that fits in there and how much like even the color coding of it the yellow to the gray I know when it's plugged in and the fact that this is already set up for you is going to just save you a lot of time a lot of people that want to get into laser engraving aren't necessarily super tactical people are are really good about assembling the machine they just want to use the machine right like I don't want I don't want you to send me a printer that I have to assemble I just want to print the things on it you don't have to worry about squaring your frame everything is already been taken care of for you on top of that everything everything so far is it's it's it's hardcore man Everything feels solid it feels well machined everything moves so buttery smooth it's unbelievable I'm sorry but I told you this is going to be L of this machine I'm not kidding I made the decision last year to uh to either not review as many or just kind of stop reviewing dial lasers all together however I had heard such good things about this machine that when they reached out I said yes immediately said yes send me one of those I have to see it for myself and so far I am more than satisfied see this little nubbin right here so what that is is that is and there's one over here there's a nubbing right there and there's another nubbing right here and what that does is it corresponds to the holes on the back of the honeycomb so check this out first off you've got 0 0 CM on one corner you have 0 0 in on the other corner so we're going to put this in for inches you slide it in you set it on those little nubbins and now this doesn't move which means for like the first time ever on a DI laser you can use absolute coordinates because you know always where your z0 is so this guy comes in a 10 watt uh 20 wat and I believe a 30 wat variety I have the 20 wat but what's nice about the 20 W is that on the side I don't know how well you can see that we'll zoom in on it here a second if a can uh but basically if the switch is up it's 20 wat if it's down it's 10 watt also to adjust this up and down is this great just thumb screw look at how easy that works now while we're here we'll talk about my first con of the machine so this is your focusing gauge or your focusing Billet I don't know how well you can see that um so this is what you put under the device and then you're going to lower and let's move you down here a little bit hopefully you can see that um and then you just lower down until you're touching the Billet and then you're going to pull it out of there I like this Billet and I don't at the same point in time uh I like it because it has it like it it's it's telling you what to do here so for Engraving and cutting up to 3 mm or 8 of an inch use this one then 6 mm and 10 mm what I don't like about this is It's not attached to anything so I it doesn't necessarily I don't really care that like it doesn't have to be like a kickstand like on the X tool or anything like that but I would like a storage spot for it if there is a storage spot I don't know where it is but it'd be nice if this was just magnetic and could stick to the device or if it had a little place to live on the side or like a pocket on the front or something this is like Pro con number two finally somebody has gotten the idea to move the power and everything to the back of the machine but the issue I run into is that this is the cord for your computer that goes to your computer actually this is the cord for the uh camera then you've got your cord for your computer that's on the front of the machine so that's a little weird those those are always going to go to the same place so why not put that back here and then the fact that the power and the air is on this side makes it so you have to work on this side of the machine like this cord is not long enough I mean this cord is that so which means this has to be right here or right behind it this needs to be longer Ry this this cord needs to be a lot longer because this I need to be able to set this down to where you can't see it if I want to or on the other side of the machine the power cord is fine here but honestly most of these you're going to plug in and you're going to forget it so I don't see any reason to not have the power cord come off back so they have done LEDs all the way around this booger like you can see every you can see every nook and cranny inside this machine Bonkers you guys probably know that I'm not a huge fan of having a camera but it is integrated into the machine so it is a very nice to have if you want it type thing look at it it's just pretty it's just very aesthetically pleasing to look at and I will say that is one thing that XO is really good at and it's making the machines look pretty speaking of X tool this runs on lightburn one of the other things I think you're going to start seeing phased out or should be phased out is proprietary software when it comes to laser engravers if everybody just stuck to light bur a lot of issues would not be had beautiful beautiful girl one of the cool things is that you guys know rich Louisiana H guy he uh he donated or created a material settings Library I think it's for the 10 watt but uh it comes with the machine and you just need to load it into lightburn and you will have uh his library of settings for 10 watt materials and things like that not only is the creator of the laser listening to us but also working with us what a great idea idea so now that I have professed my love for this machine uh let's kick the tires a little bit also and I'm sorry I bled on this a little bit but this comes with the machine this is this was already done I did not I did not cut this out um I believe this was cut on this machine just to show you settings I this yeah it was because it says tested by and it was and it's signed okay I think this is Cherry Cherry and then I'm just going to pull my logo over and tried to engrave my logo and cut it out all right how's that look uh looks pretty good that took about three and a half almost 4 minutes um but I like it say hello to Chuck kids hello Chuck and I'm pretty excited for the rotary because this seems like a really good rotary machine part of that is because and this is just one of those things that you wish every other laser company would do right see these little nubbins maybe you can maybe you can't let's see over here see these little nubbins this guy right there that guy that guy and that guy those guys allow you to place the rotary in the same place every time so one of the big issues people have a lot of times with the rotary is they don't get it straight in the machine and so their engraving is off this fixes that o W okay so this guy just fits down on these little dolls is what it calls it I call them nbin um and now it won't move now I'm try to turn it around I don't know if you can see down here this is not ideal this is where it plugs in so the rotary plugs into the board that's right here unfortunately it's under this this control arm and then you got the little thin connector so like once I plug this in here also this is like four pen and the other one's five pen I didn't realize that I thought they were the same okay so four pen in there see to get that out it's going to be a pain so this thing rotates your connection's down here which is super inconvenient at least this thing rotates so I can bring it up I don't have to try to stick my fingers under there you can bring it down and lock this in once that's locked in and this is on its pens now that it's on its pens we should be good to go let's see how the old rotary works because ideally so what I would like is to have this set up more often because I don't do so much with dodes anymore use this for any tumblers that I need to do and so if I can keep this in this current configuration and it works well then that this will just be my Tumblr machine what do you think I think that is fantastic what do you think I think you think it's fantastic too I could drooled a little so this is kind of cool you can flip this up on its end so you can get it hook into the rotary correctly and then you know turn these guys and flip it down I like that what I would really like to see aside from this being a different kind of connection is uh for it to be longer because it starts to pull on itself when it starts to flip out too far so I set up everything except the speed and power so I'm going to let that run and then I'm going flip it over and I'm going to do it again on the other side setting the correct speed and power fraka fra dor Vu dor Vu sometimes I'm an idiot sometimes I'm an idiot let's do it again let's do it again I shot the Sheriff but I did not set my laser right okay so it turns out fourth times a charm how's that look but let me be clear none of these issues were because of the laser they are because I don't do a whole lot of tumblers etc etc and just some other stuff like I said this first one I was more concerned with setting up the actual machine and I didn't set my speed and power kind of second and third one were the same issue I I didn't I I didn't set the rotary right I like I thought I had it I almost said spunt spunt I thought I had it spinned I thought I had spun it to the right location I had not so those are just like oopsies now this one was settings that came with the machine and this is a perfect example of why you don't listen to anybody else's settings you always do speed and power grid now I didn't do a speed and power grid today because I didn't really want to I I I'm not actually going to be doing these kind of tumblers so I made an educated guas uh basically I just lowered my speed by about 2,000 mm per per minute looking at this I would still do a full speed and power grid to get best results because while this is probably the best result I've pulled it could be better which is why we always say speed and power grid speed and power grid speed and power grid all right one thing I don't think I went over is it does have a pass through on it this portion of the enclosure you can unscrew and take this off on the front and the back so you can run longer material through here uh this is basically about 16 in wide and so is the back so anything 16 in wide or narrower will fit slide through you can of course take the bottom off if you want to do something that this that won't fit inside the machine this is still by far my favorite Dio laser machine to date we've gone over Pros we've gone over cons I would say the machine is probably a 95 out of 100 it's got a little room for improvement I'm sure some of you guys are going to want to know how much the machine is I'm looking at a the 20 wat laser unit with a Chuck rotary is $1,299 so 1,300 bucks that's everything so it comes with everything you don't have to pay extra for the exhaust you don't have to pay extra for the honeycomb you don't have to pay extra for the air assist the camera all of that stuff's included so if you're looking at a cheaper unit take those things into consideration all of those items are going to be things that you're probably going to want in the future and they add up plus the fact that this is already enclosed you don't have to look at an enclosure and it's a solid enclosure it's look at it it looks so good you can see everything from every angle it's just sexy as hell this gets the the build that build two thumbs of approval I don't know if that's the thing but if you're in the market for a DI laser machine this is the only thing you should be considering at this pointif you're in the market for a diode laser this should be the only unit you consider from this point for this year I'm just not going to be doing as many review videos I I never wanted this channel to be a review Channel and I I just I I don't like not having the freedom to do what a w so I probably won't be doing too many more diod laser reviews on the channel but I am happy to say that this one in particular I am super stoked about if I was going to pick one Dio laser to finish up doing reviews with it would definitely be this one you guys got to check this out oh oh no can you see me can you see me the owner of the company that created this laser basically went to a bunch of forums and different laser engraving creators and said what do you not like about the lasers you're using now and I can honestly say that this guy right here takes care of almost every one of these problems this diode laser machine is superior to every other di laser machine I have used to date in every way so let's check it out let's talk about why mainly though I'm going to tell you it's because the guy that designed it listened to the guys that you use it it's not that difficult today we're going to be taking a look at the laser Matic MK2 by Ry and I'm telling you guys this machine right here it's the bees knees if you're doing your research I'm sure you've looked at a lot of different dial lasers this one solves all of your problems and it's constructed better than probably 90% of the dial lasers I've worked with to date like I said every once in a while every once in a while the designer and the user get together and they make beautiful things together beautiful babies if you will consider this one of those babies so first things first just the fact that it's enclosed now that we have enclosed diode lasers there's just not a whole lot of argument for diode lasers that are not enclosed anymore this is just safer I'm pretty sure that anybody that's putting any money into develop velopment of diode machines going forward is going to have something like this it's going to be enclosed we've had dial lasers on Rails for a long time we built our own enclosures people offered enclosures this just makes more sense you want to be able to see your material you want to be able to see what you're working on but you don't have to wear you know those really cool cool shades right also having small children and if you have people that just come in and out of the shop I'm always concerned about my children's eyes when I have something like this running because as much as you tell them not to look at it they will stare right at the damn thing so enclosure chef's kiss this whole video is going to be a love letter of this machine I do have a few things about this machine that I don't like and I will Point those out a little bit later but the majority of this when I was putting together which takes 10 minutes the majority of it was just like these little great discoveries like wow they did this WOW we've wanted this forever wow why didn't why doesn't every other company do this all right so let's talk about assembly this is your assembly instructions how awesome is that you need to take out some screws that they put in there just for shipping purposes let's see 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 screws you got to take 10 screws out and uh and you're up and running oh and you've got to run the air assist tube out the back but check this out the air assist is attached to the Gantry it has its own cabling that runs out the back and it it's got its own designated hole to go out the back and then it comes over to your air compressor what so you don't just have this stupid tube sticking up in the middle of everything what amazing amazing who thought of this what what Marvel of engineering did this take to figure out that you could attach this little tube to the Gantry and get it out of everybody's way okay so I turned it off for a minute because when you turn it on not only is it turn the fan on on the actual laser unit but it actually turns on an exhaust fan in the back of the enclosure like what oh my goodness but uh just so you can hear me a little bit better I'm going to turn it off for the time being what I'm about to show you is the first thing that I noticed when putting this together that makes this machine Superior to every other diod laser machine out there this right here look at how well constructed this wiring harness is look at that it's so nice it's very easy to pull in and out it doesn't you don't have to grab it by the actual wires and I know that seems like a dumb little thing but but just hold on up until this point this if I can get it to focus that is what we've had to deal with up until now all of these wires that are kind of just precariously put into this harness this harness is very flimsy it's difficult to pull out you've got to pop this off it clips into this harness right here and it's just a pain to deal with and then you've got all of these exposed wires that are right here up on the back of the unit they can caught on everything on top of that a lot of people can't get their fingers around this thing so they end up pulling on the wires to get it out and guess what these wires break really easy look at these wires one they're thicker material look at how much I can grab onto this to pull it out and I can't tell you how snugly that fits in there and how much like even the color coding of it the yellow to the gray I know when it's plugged in and the fact that this is already set up for you is going to just save you a lot of time a lot of people that want to get into laser engraving aren't necessarily super tactical people are are really good about assembling the machine they just want to use the machine right like I don't want I don't want you to send me a printer that I have to assemble I just want to print the things on it you don't have to worry about squaring your frame everything is already been taken care of for you on top of that everything everything so far is it's it's it's hardcore man Everything feels solid it feels well machined everything moves so buttery smooth it's unbelievable I'm sorry but I told you this is going to be L of this machine I'm not kidding I made the decision last year to uh to either not review as many or just kind of stop reviewing dial lasers all together however I had heard such good things about this machine that when they reached out I said yes immediately said yes send me one of those I have to see it for myself and so far I am more than satisfied see this little nubbin right here so what that is is that is and there's one over here there's a nubbing right there and there's another nubbing right here and what that does is it corresponds to the holes on the back of the honeycomb so check this out first off you've got 0 0 CM on one corner you have 0 0 in on the other corner so we're going to put this in for inches you slide it in you set it on those little nubbins and now this doesn't move which means for like the first time ever on a DI laser you can use absolute coordinates because you know always where your z0 is so this guy comes in a 10 watt uh 20 wat and I believe a 30 wat variety I have the 20 wat but what's nice about the 20 W is that on the side I don't know how well you can see that we'll zoom in on it here a second if a can uh but basically if the switch is up it's 20 wat if it's down it's 10 watt also to adjust this up and down is this great just thumb screw look at how easy that works now while we're here we'll talk about my first con of the machine so this is your focusing gauge or your focusing Billet I don't know how well you can see that um so this is what you put under the device and then you're going to lower and let's move you down here a little bit hopefully you can see that um and then you just lower down until you're touching the Billet and then you're going to pull it out of there I like this Billet and I don't at the same point in time uh I like it because it has it like it it's it's telling you what to do here so for Engraving and cutting up to 3 mm or 8 of an inch use this one then 6 mm and 10 mm what I don't like about this is It's not attached to anything so I it doesn't necessarily I don't really care that like it doesn't have to be like a kickstand like on the X tool or anything like that but I would like a storage spot for it if there is a storage spot I don't know where it is but it'd be nice if this was just magnetic and could stick to the device or if it had a little place to live on the side or like a pocket on the front or something this is like Pro con number two finally somebody has gotten the idea to move the power and everything to the back of the machine but the issue I run into is that this is the cord for your computer that goes to your computer actually this is the cord for the uh camera then you've got your cord for your computer that's on the front of the machine so that's a little weird those those are always going to go to the same place so why not put that back here and then the fact that the power and the air is on this side makes it so you have to work on this side of the machine like this cord is not long enough I mean this cord is that so which means this has to be right here or right behind it this needs to be longer Ry this this cord needs to be a lot longer because this I need to be able to set this down to where you can't see it if I want to or on the other side of the machine the power cord is fine here but honestly most of these you're going to plug in and you're going to forget it so I don't see any reason to not have the power cord come off back so they have done LEDs all the way around this booger like you can see every you can see every nook and cranny inside this machine Bonkers you guys probably know that I'm not a huge fan of having a camera but it is integrated into the machine so it is a very nice to have if you want it type thing look at it it's just pretty it's just very aesthetically pleasing to look at and I will say that is one thing that XO is really good at and it's making the machines look pretty speaking of X tool this runs on lightburn one of the other things I think you're going to start seeing phased out or should be phased out is proprietary software when it comes to laser engravers if everybody just stuck to light bur a lot of issues would not be had beautiful beautiful girl one of the cool things is that you guys know rich Louisiana H guy he uh he donated or created a material settings Library I think it's for the 10 watt but uh it comes with the machine and you just need to load it into lightburn and you will have uh his library of settings for 10 watt materials and things like that not only is the creator of the laser listening to us but also working with us what a great idea idea so now that I have professed my love for this machine uh let's kick the tires a little bit also and I'm sorry I bled on this a little bit but this comes with the machine this is this was already done I did not I did not cut this out um I believe this was cut on this machine just to show you settings I this yeah it was because it says tested by and it was and it's signed okay I think this is Cherry Cherry and then I'm just going to pull my logo over and tried to engrave my logo and cut it out all right how's that look uh looks pretty good that took about three and a half almost 4 minutes um but I like it say hello to Chuck kids hello Chuck and I'm pretty excited for the rotary because this seems like a really good rotary machine part of that is because and this is just one of those things that you wish every other laser company would do right see these little nubbins maybe you can maybe you can't let's see over here see these little nubbins this guy right there that guy that guy and that guy those guys allow you to place the rotary in the same place every time so one of the big issues people have a lot of times with the rotary is they don't get it straight in the machine and so their engraving is off this fixes that o W okay so this guy just fits down on these little dolls is what it calls it I call them nbin um and now it won't move now I'm try to turn it around I don't know if you can see down here this is not ideal this is where it plugs in so the rotary plugs into the board that's right here unfortunately it's under this this control arm and then you got the little thin connector so like once I plug this in here also this is like four pen and the other one's five pen I didn't realize that I thought they were the same okay so four pen in there see to get that out it's going to be a pain so this thing rotates your connection's down here which is super inconvenient at least this thing rotates so I can bring it up I don't have to try to stick my fingers under there you can bring it down and lock this in once that's locked in and this is on its pens now that it's on its pens we should be good to go let's see how the old rotary works because ideally so what I would like is to have this set up more often because I don't do so much with dodes anymore use this for any tumblers that I need to do and so if I can keep this in this current configuration and it works well then that this will just be my Tumblr machine what do you think I think that is fantastic what do you think I think you think it's fantastic too I could drooled a little so this is kind of cool you can flip this up on its end so you can get it hook into the rotary correctly and then you know turn these guys and flip it down I like that what I would really like to see aside from this being a different kind of connection is uh for it to be longer because it starts to pull on itself when it starts to flip out too far so I set up everything except the speed and power so I'm going to let that run and then I'm going flip it over and I'm going to do it again on the other side setting the correct speed and power fraka fra dor Vu dor Vu sometimes I'm an idiot sometimes I'm an idiot let's do it again let's do it again I shot the Sheriff but I did not set my laser right okay so it turns out fourth times a charm how's that look but let me be clear none of these issues were because of the laser they are because I don't do a whole lot of tumblers etc etc and just some other stuff like I said this first one I was more concerned with setting up the actual machine and I didn't set my speed and power kind of second and third one were the same issue I I didn't I I didn't set the rotary right I like I thought I had it I almost said spunt spunt I thought I had it spinned I thought I had spun it to the right location I had not so those are just like oopsies now this one was settings that came with the machine and this is a perfect example of why you don't listen to anybody else's settings you always do speed and power grid now I didn't do a speed and power grid today because I didn't really want to I I I'm not actually going to be doing these kind of tumblers so I made an educated guas uh basically I just lowered my speed by about 2,000 mm per per minute looking at this I would still do a full speed and power grid to get best results because while this is probably the best result I've pulled it could be better which is why we always say speed and power grid speed and power grid speed and power grid all right one thing I don't think I went over is it does have a pass through on it this portion of the enclosure you can unscrew and take this off on the front and the back so you can run longer material through here uh this is basically about 16 in wide and so is the back so anything 16 in wide or narrower will fit slide through you can of course take the bottom off if you want to do something that this that won't fit inside the machine this is still by far my favorite Dio laser machine to date we've gone over Pros we've gone over cons I would say the machine is probably a 95 out of 100 it's got a little room for improvement I'm sure some of you guys are going to want to know how much the machine is I'm looking at a the 20 wat laser unit with a Chuck rotary is $1,299 so 1,300 bucks that's everything so it comes with everything you don't have to pay extra for the exhaust you don't have to pay extra for the honeycomb you don't have to pay extra for the air assist the camera all of that stuff's included so if you're looking at a cheaper unit take those things into consideration all of those items are going to be things that you're probably going to want in the future and they add up plus the fact that this is already enclosed you don't have to look at an enclosure and it's a solid enclosure it's look at it it looks so good you can see everything from every angle it's just sexy as hell this gets the the build that build two thumbs of approval I don't know if that's the thing but if you're in the market for a DI laser machine this is the only thing you should be considering at this point\n"