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**Hydrogen: The Simplest of Elements**
Hydrogen. The simplest of elements. One little proton hanging around, often it's, it's own best friend; H2. It also gets along with oxygen and that's water and you drink it.
So how in the heck can it power a car? We're talking about hydrogen fuel cells! (upbeat dissonant music)
**A Greener Alternative**
Look, even if you think the Earth isn't very old and petroleum-based fuels are somehow a sort of regenerative blood of the land like that guy in the comments. We know that what your car farts, isn't great for the planet or its inhabitants.
What if we could use a fuel, get energy out of it, and its only waste was say... water? That's a hydrogen fuel cell powered car!
**How It Works**
First things first; a car that runs on hydrogen is an electric vehicle. Wanna learn how most of those work? Check out the video.
A hydrogen fuel cell takes the energy from combining hydrogen and oxygen and creates an electric current. But its different than the big lithium and iron batteries in the bellies of these Tesla's.
Hydrogen fuel cells actually complete a chemical reaction in which the hydrogen is combined with the oxygen in the environment and discarded as water.
**A Brief History**
The concept of a fuel cell like this was first demonstrated by Humphry Davy in 1801. But the invention of the first working fuel cell is credited to William Grove; chemist, lawyer, and physicist.
Grove's experiments with what he called a gas voltaic battery proved, in 1842, that an electric current could be produced by an electrochemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen over a platinum catalyst.
So, how does it work? Well first, you might be thinking...
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Hydrogen. The simplest of elements.One little proton hanging around,often it's, it's own best friend; H2.It also gets along with oxygenand that's water and you drink it.So how in the heck can it power a car?We're talking about hydrogen fuel cells!(upbeat dissonant music)Look, even if you thinkthe Earth isn't very oldand petroleum based fuels are somehowa sort of regenerative blood of the landlike that guy in the comments.We know that what your car farts,isn't great for theplanet or its inhabitants.What if we could use afuel, get energy out of it,and its only waste was say... water?That's a hydrogen fuel cell powered car!First things first; acar that runs on hydrogenis an electric vehicle.Wanna learn how most of those work?Check out the video.A hydrogen fuel cell takes the energyfrom combining hydrogenand oxygen and createsan electric current.But its different than the big lithiumand iron batteries in thebellies of these Tesla's.Hydrogen fuel cells actuallycomplete a chemical reactionin which the hydrogen iscombined with the oxygenin the environment and discarded as water.The concept of a fuelcell like this was firstdemonstrated by Humphry Davy in 1801.But the invention of the firstworking fuel cell is creditedto William Grove; chemist,lawyer, and physicist.Grove's experiments with what he calleda gas voltaic battery proved,in 1842, that an electriccurrent could be producedby an electrochemical reactionbetween hydrogen and oxygenover a platinum catalyst.So, how does it work?Well first, you might bethinking, "Bart, how can I trustthat hydrogen and oxygenmakes water and that there'sa lot of energy to behad when that happens?"Well, I'm glad you asked.This is kinda the opposite withwhat happens in a fuel cell,we gonna take water and split it up.Thanks to the electric current,we're separating the bondsbetween the hydrogen and the oxygen.I'm trying to collect thehydrogen in this tube.The oxygen more thanlikely is just bondingwith the metal in themetal of the other screw.Thanks Philippe. Thatwas a sincere thanks,it wasn't like a sarcasticlike you screwed something upyou didn't screw anything up.So we just gonna waittill this test tube fills.Science is a lonely game.We got about 15 milliliters.So we got a little bitmore than 10 millilitersof hydrogen in here, and hydrogenis lighter than air so it goes up(pop)Pretty cool!Well that's kind of whathappens in a fuel cell;two hydrogens combine with an oxygenbut its not exactly thesame, so lets get in there.It works because hydrogen,the most prolific elementin the universe is also, the simplest.Here's the fuel cell in ahydrogen powered electric vehicleits got a few mainparts, we'll go over themthen we'll watch it in action to seehow they tie together to power your car.First, lets look at the anode.The anode; the negativepost of the fuel cell,has several jobs. Firstit conducts the electrons.We'll see how that happens in a minute.And second, it has channelsetched into it that dispersesthe hydrogen equally overthe surface of the catalyst.The catalyst basically means somethingthat makes another thing happen.The cathode, the positivepost of the fuel cell,has channels etched in itto distribute the oxygento the surface of thecatalyst, it also conductsthe electrons back fromthe external circuitto the catalyst where they can recombinewith the hydrogen ions and oxygenand form that sweet, sweetwater of life; water.The electrolyte is theproton exchange membranethis specially treated material,which looks something like anordinary kitchen plastic wraponly conducts positively charged ions.The membrane blocks electrons.The catalyst is a specialmaterial that facilitatesthe reaction of oxygen and hydrogen.It's usually made up ofplatinum, nanoparticlesand very thinly coatedonto carbon paper or cloth.The catalyst is rough and porousso the maximum surface areaof the platinum can be exposedto the hydrogen or oxygen.The platinum coated sideof the catalyst facesthe proton exchange membrane or PEM,that's that thing thatdoesn't let electrons through.So now lets get things moving.The membrane allows theprotons to pass through itvirtually unimpeded, whilethe electrons are blocked.The hydrogen hits thecatalyst and splits up.A single hydrogen molecule is a protonso the protons, hydrogens,get to pass throughthe membrane directly to the cathode sidewhile the electrons areforced to travel throughan external circuit. Neitherthe proton nor the electronslike being charged, they wannabe neutral. Like the Swiss.Hey, why are the most neutral countriesmake the least neutral cheeses?So the electrons travel from the anodeto the cathode and this is whatdrives the electric motors,and lights, and dashboards,and all the other stuffthat makes driving, driving.And we cover that inour electric cars video.Meanwhile on the cathodeside of a fuel cell,oxygen gas, O2, is beingforced through the catalystwhere it splits into two oxygen atoms.Each of these atoms of these atomshas a strong negative charge.This negative charge attractstwo hydrogen ions through the membranewhere they get theirelectrons back and combinewith an oxygen atom making water.This circle will keep runningfor as long as there's suppliesof hydrogen and oxygen.And since there's plentyof oxygen in the air,the only limiting factoris how much hydrogenthere is in the tank andall it pumps out is water.No NOx, no carbonmonoxide, no hydrocarbons.And another benefit is youcan fill up your hydrogen tankas quickly as a gas tank,eliminating the time it takesto charge modern conventionalelectric vehicles.People are like, "Yeahbut hydrogens dangerous."Guys, we're using gasoline now;you're driving around withgasoline in your car...So, why aren't we using it all the time?Well one reason is peopleare reluctant to geta hydrogen fuel cell EV 'causethere's nowhere to fill it up.Some states are funding initiativebut that's a long way off,also we're still looking forgood ways to get it.The way I got hydrogenearlier was using electrolysisit doesn't make muchsense to use electricityto get hydrogen to makeelectricity, does it?But we can use the Sun andthere's chemists pioneeringways to efficiently unlockthe most common elementin the universe, that's hydrogen.Go on, to chemistry and save the world!Hydrogen fuel cells.Make sure you subscribe'cause we got new stuffcoming out almost everyday of the week.Click this little buttonthat's says 'Donut'this means you're subscribing our channel.We got great shows, we tryna do new stuff.If you wanna see anything new,this is how we get to make it happen.You follow us on Twitterand Instagram @donutmediafollow me @bidsbartoshop for your favorite Donutmerch at shop.donut.mediaWho killed public transportationfrom his wheelhouse?Try out the new car show.Don't tell my wife I'm playingwith hydrogen, she worries.