The Art of Creating a Unique KitKat Cake Design
For a unique and eye-catching dessert, one can experiment with different techniques to create a Chevron patterned KitKats cake. To start, it is essential to have the right tools and materials. The designer began by cutting the KitKats on a 45-degree angle at each end, but soon realized that this method didn't yield the desired results. Instead, they decided to arrange the KitKats in a specific pattern, which allowed them to avoid cutting any of the ones in the middle.
By placing the KitKats between two cake boards and trimming off a straight line, the designer was able to create a clean and neat design. This method not only simplified the process but also ensured that the edges were even and symmetrical. The result was a beautiful Chevron patterned cake that was both visually appealing and structurally sound.
To add an extra layer of complexity to the design, the designer decided to incorporate a personalized touch. As Harry Styles is Emily's favorite artist, she wanted to include a butterfly on top of the cake, which is also his tattoo. The designer carefully cut around the butterfly shape to ensure it was perfect and added supports to hold the KitKats in place.
The cake was designed to be both sturdy and portable, making it an ideal choice for travel. However, the cake's weight posed a challenge, and the designer hoped that the box would be able to hold all the KitKats in place during transit. To ensure the cake stayed secure, the designer added a cross-support made from fondant and edible markers.
As Emily prepared to leave with her family for their adventures, she couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. She had written a letter to James when he was in hospital, sharing her own experiences with surgeries and anaesthetics. The conversation turned to Emily's admiration for Harry Styles, and her desire to marry him one day.
The cake was revealed to be the first surprise in store for the family. A Golden Ticket was discovered on the bottom of the box, which would grant them access to opening night of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory the musical. The family was overjoyed and couldn't wait to see the show together.
As Emily began to cut into the cake, she realized that it might be a challenge due to its complexity. However, with her parents' support, she persevered and made sure to include some KitKats for everyone to enjoy. As they sat down to have morning tea, the family couldn't stop talking about their upcoming adventures.
The designer of the cake was revealed to be Emily herself, who had a passion for baking and creating unique desserts. She had shared her baking experiences on YouTube and had gained a following of fans who appreciated her creativity. To thank her audience, she included a message at the end of the video, thanking her Patreons for their support and encouraging them to subscribe to her channel.
In conclusion, Emily's Chevron patterned KitKats cake was not only visually stunning but also a testament to her creative spirit and determination. The cake's design and presentation made it an ideal choice for special occasions, and its complexity ensured that it would be remembered for a long time. As Emily looked forward to her adventures with her family, she knew that this cake would be a cherished memory for years to come.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enWe're about to surprise a subscriberwith a $1,000 cake and she has no ideathat we're coming to her house! Welcometo How To Cook That I'm Ann Reardon andthis is of course Dave Reardon ... my lovely husband πͺ You guys know him. Now one of thethings you've been asking for is could wedo 'mail time' π on camera so Dave has beendown to the PO box thank you for that.I'm gonna give you a heavy parcelI don't know what that one is ...and let's see this one is from Judy ... okayme first. Re: the hundred-year-oldbaking cakes my father took bread anddripping to school for his lunch in theDepression era. wow thank you for that Judy.That's very cool what's in yours? I have aterrific book by ... Kawaii Sweet World's cookbook.Hope you're doing well, wanted to send you a copy ofmy new cookbook for you to enjoy 75 allnew recipes always been a fan of yoursfor so long hope you enjoy it keep upthe amazing content. Oh look if I canfind where you buy the cookbook I mightput a link to that below so that is hernew book. Good on ya. What is this one?Another letter. Papier! This is from Kass and Kass also got a puppy... wegot a puppy as you know Molly πΆ she got apuppy Missy at the same time and she gothome from school yesterday I came intomy room and she was fast asleep on mybed.She loves socks and tissues and cling wrap!Molly loves socks and tissues if she canget into the recycle bin in particular...oh my goodness what a huge huge mess! Don't you think it would be so much fun justto rock up on the doorstep of one of oursubscribers and just surprise them? We should do it!How would you choose who? There is so many. Someone inAustralia. Well that would make life easier.Hey what is this?Oh look at that! That says Ann's recipes andthat says Dave's notes for my next book!Papier, we love your channeljust wanted to send you a littlepersonalized gift and we added somethingin for Dave too - Thank You! Kindest regards Sarah and the Papier team.That's very nice. I know who this is from I'mexcited about this one this is from MudAustralia, I really really like Mud.Do you want to explain what mud is? You know allthe little bowls in my videoslittle ones and lots of people ask where I gotthem from, they're from Mud. they're verypretty. They're pretty and they're fine Ireally like ceramics and pottery and Ithink because I like artistic craftythings I really appreciate things that arewell crafted these are a favourite. These arehandmade? Yeah, they're with it'scalled a ... yeah I can't remember. Lots of little bowls youwill see they see the upcoming videosvery kind of them. Thank you Mud.So who are gonna go to? Do you reckon wereally can? We should, like a reala super-fan! Someone who commentssomeone who obviously they've written,but they comment all the times. Maybe someone with a goodstory. You know who could be good and I'mpretty sure she's in Australia know that the girl who sent ahand-painted card to James when he wasin hospital and she sent me ahandmade birthday cardand she's one of the first to commentnearly every video? Yeah I reckon I canlook for her card because the birthday card she sent had a flower ... and shewrote when James was sick right, when he was really sick? She did and she said that she's been in hospital a lot as well! Done, she's the one!But where does she live. Emily she's in Queensland.That's part of Australia π¦πΊit is, it's notin the same State. But it's only a PO box, so we can't just rock up to a PO box and yell 'surprise'!What if I was to write to theparents at the PO box becauseprobably it's their PO box. It probably isbecause kids don't have a PO boxes.We just got an email here from Emily's mum ...your idea sounds great and I'm veryhappy to help you make this a reallyspecial time for Emily. I'm trying todecide what to do for Emily's cake wefly in a couple of days so I need tobake today I need to get this sorted outI'm stressing out a bit. I've beenemailing her mum, I know she likeschocolates I've already decided on achocolate cake. I've also found thislittle box idea that you put someplastic bag things in and you pull outsurprises that are hidden inside thecake. Usually traditionally they justhave money in them so we might put somecash in there so she can go buy somestuff but also Dave's secured sometickets. So I want to put that inside, so Iwas thinking a cake about this sizewould be good and then I can hide thatinside. chocolate cake chocolate barsaround the outside and then I rememberedon a plane you're not allowed to holdthings on your knee for takeoff andlanding ... they have to be in the overheadcompartment or under the seat in frontof you. So I pulled out my hand baggagecase to measure how tall thosecompartments are and it's way too bigthere's no way this is gonna fit so I'mgonna have to go back to the cakedecorating shop get a different cake boxsmaller cake boards and shrink my wholeidea down so that it will fit in theoverhead compartment. I'm also a littlebit worried because on planes when theycome into land the whole plane actuallytilts like this and because I'm notholding the cake I can't balance thatout and tilt it the other way ... theactual cake is just going to tilt so I'ma bit concerned that we're going to getthere andhave a cake that's falling apart um I guessif that happens I don't know I guess itdepends how bad is whether I'll be ableto repair it or not I'm just kind ofhoping and praying that the cake staystogether. But first of all we do need toactually make it. I'm making up a bigbowl of milk chocolate ganache forbetween the layers and then I'm gonnaput that in the fridge to firm up whileI bake the cakes. I'm using my richchocolate cake and the recipe for thatis of course on the How To Cook Thatwebsite with a video showing how to makeit so I'm not going to do that here. Itdoes have a lot of eggs in it and thatmakes it a really moist cake, you canalso swap the flour out for gluten-freeflour if you're a celiac or just noteating gluten. We're going to need fourtrays of this cake because the cakewe're making is quite big. The plasticbox that I had is a bit too big so I'mmaking my own just by cutting a firm boxdown to size. Then we're going to need aplastic tube in the middle this is justa cake support tube and I've cut it tothe same width as the box and then I'mjust gonna spike a cake pop stick rightthe way through the middle so it sticksout either side and looks like that. Nextwe just need a slit at the top now Idon't want that in the middle I want itright at the front or the back and itneeds to be just wide enough to pullthese out of it. So once it's finished mybox looks like this it has a roller inthe middle and a slit right over to oneside. Slide your money into your bags ... inAustralia our notes are actually plasticso you probably could wash these upreally well and just use them but I justdon't like the thought of money touchingfood so I'm gonna put it all in bags. Nowwe have to put all of those together sowhat you have to do is peel off theadhesive from one and just join the nextone on like that and once they're alljoined together you can roll them aroundthe tube and roll it up and then secureit inside the box using the cake popstick. Then I'm going to wrap the wholething in sticky tape so it doesn'tabsorb the moisture from the cake or thefrosting. Now that thecakes are cooled you can cut them intosquares and you should be able to gettwo squares from each tray then add alittle bit of ganache onto a cake boardthat is slightly bigger than the size wecut the squares of cake and this ganacheis just to stop the cake from slipping.then add your first layer of cake on topand then because this is not being eatentoday I'm going to add some simple syrupto keep it really moist. This is justequal quantities of sugar and waterheated together until the sugar isdissolved. Stack up your first threelayers and then add cake support rodsI'm using four rods one in each corner.Spread on a thin layer of ganache add acake board a little bit more ganache andthen your next layer of cake and thenstack it up to the top. Use somethingstraight to make sure you've stackedthem directly on top of each other notcrooked like me and adjust that just tomake it right. Cover the top of the cakein buttercream making it as flat as youcan and do the same on all four sides. Iam using buttercream on the side so useganache between the layers you can useganache on the sides as well if you wantto it's up to you. Run something straightalong the edge and then add morebuttercream wherever you have gaps andthen just run it along again. The frostingis nearly done and now I haveremembered that I've got to put a boxinside the cake so if you're making thisput the box in before you do thefrosting! π€£ cut a hole in the top that isthe depth of the box plus a little bitand scoop out that cake and then add thebox into place pushing it down firmlyand then you want to hide the evidenceby covering that over with for the outside I want to haveChevroned patterned KitKats. Now Istarted cutting them on a 45 degreeangle at each end but then it didn'tlook that neat when I put them togetherso instead I decided that it's mucheasier if I put them together like thisin this sort of pattern and then I don'thave to cut any of the ones in themiddle I only have to cut the ones atthe edge and to do that I'm putting thembetween two cake boards and trimming itoff in a straight line. Once you've cutthem all add them to the sides of yourcake and once all the sides are donethen use two boards to gently just pushthem into the buttercream ... now I'm goingto make sure they stay there and they'renot going to fall off while we'retraveling and now to package it for theplane β This cake is really heavy so I'mhoping it's not over the hand-luggageweight limit and hopefully the box willhold all the KitKats in place whilewe're traveling because this cakes gonnabe out of the fridge for the wholejourney. I know if she likes Harry Stylesso I thought I might put a butterfly onthe top which is his tattoo just as anod to that ... then I'm just cutting aroundit so that the shape is perfect. π¦We need supports obviously so that wecan poke it into the top of the cake butalso I've got this cross support that isgoing to have the packet over the top. Tomake it strong get two little rectanglesof fondant and add them on top of therods at the back, then flip the wholething over and using an edible foodgrade marker draw on the butterflytattoo pattern. Personally I have neverhad a tattoo I don't really want one butI'm just imagining as I draw all theselines how much this would hurt it's sodetailed to get all of that inked inwith needles just sounds very painful π€then we want to roll a really thin snakeof black and add that on for theantennae.Then to pack my suitcase, load up the carget the cake and we're off...Okay are you ready everyone?Hi are you Emily?Your Mum knew all about :)So this is Emily obviously ... so you wroteJames a letter a while ago when he wasin hospital and you mentioned then thatyou yourself have had like 20surgeries or anaesthetics before ... do you mind me asking why you had somany surgeries? I have juvenilearthritis, I've had that since I wasthree.Wow. So um I just go in every now andthen when things start to get really bad.And you said you had one when you were awake?Yeah I've had a couple when I'm awake!That's very brave, that doesn't soundlike a lot of fun at all ... and you said in thecomments a while ago that you wanted tomarry Harry Styles ... are you still a fan?Yes yes!So did you recognize the top of the cake?Yes π We'll take the butterfly off and then we'll cut it and have morning tea, sound good?Keep pulling! See there's lots of surprises today.We've got some money for you to spend onwhatever you watch and then this one isfor the whole family to go to Movie World and then also down the bottomwe have tickets for the whole family to go to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory the musical!We thought since your Mum and your sister and everyone else has been keeping the secretwe thought we'd do something that you could all do together.Matt come in, so this is actually a Golden Ticketfor Charlie and the Chocolate Factoryso that's for opening night when itcomes here so you guys can go and seethat. That's for you. Are you feeling overwhelmed again? Yeah!This is going to be really hard to cut, I'm not gonna lie!There's KitKats all overthe outside. Oh look she's a pro!Now you've been baking cakes as well I hear you made a sponge cake for your mum's birthday?It's really good! Should we get somefor your family as well?Mmm-hmm! We should. They're all sittingwatching on. Let's get them cake too.Do you want to do the end of the video for me?Subscribe to HowTo Cook That, make sure give it a thumbsup and click here, here and somewhere towatch other videos. Awesome she's a YouTuber inthe making! Thanks also to my Patreonsponsors we make this sort of videospossible, make it a great week and I'llsee you on Friday.\n"