The Rebirth of a Classic PC Build: A Journey from Ruins to Relaunch
As we embark on this journey, I've got a boot Drive hooked up just so that we can go into Windows and make sure that there aren't any massive temperature issues. This is an old Windows 10 install, it was just lying around all right, so there's our 5800x, the CPU boots, um, it goes into Windows, you know, we can run Center bench. There wasn't any visible damage to the CPU, there's no reason to expect that the CPU would be damaged by what happened, so I think we're good here.
Next up, we will do the ram. I'm going to put all four sticks in, all right coming in the Windows now. Okay, so that is good enough to get put in build for now. Um, so last up we have the GPU, let's give it a shot. This is the real test, fans are good maybe a little bit noisy but they don't sound unhealthy, host LEDs are proceeding normally, wow okay, that was fast, ER than the ram swap, nice yeah, I'm actually uh that should just be drivers, okay cool, excellent. The motherboard we're not planning on using even if it does work because who knows what issues are going to crop up down the road but we've got the bare minimum to test if it actually works.
All right, no LEDs, but this is a B550 board that wouldn't necessarily be any LEDs that come on this with a power supply. Uh, CPU LED lit, cards ramping up and down, oh moved on from CPU to VGA, nice all the parts that we wanted to save look salvageable I think we're going to move on to cleaning up the back plate for the GPU now just to get that a little bit more presentable and then we should be able to put the system back together.
First off, the original case this is not it, this is one that we had in inventory, we're not going to use the case that was in the fire, it got toasted, it's brown, it's it's not just coated in soot it's actually stained. So, we thought it would be kind of cool to just have the modern NZXT equivalent of the H440 which would really be the H7 but we like the H7 flow better, so we talked to NZXT and they agreed to help out. They sent over this case and they're sending a power supply as well, it hasn't gotten here yet, and these fans.
Also, we have made the decision that we're going to try to use the original motherboard, um, I had been pretty pessimistic about this board working at all but it seems like it does. It's a little bit Rusty in some spots, and uh you know it's got battle damage which arguably looks kind of cool but we're going to try it's it's a good motherboard so we're actually going to see if it works.
I talked to Steve though, and if we ship this back and then it turns out that the board was damaged somehow in a way that we couldn't um detect and you know the board dies then we'll figure out sending a replacement but I think it would be pretty cool to actually use the original board um because at that point we're pretty much just replacing the case and the rest of the components the ones that came through the fire. So, yeah, I'm going to work on assembling all of this.
Thank you put it all on there thing in Beauty so that's it for the build. This is the H-440 which I don't know if we mentioned it explicitly earlier but this is a very old but uh important case in the industry unfortunately we couldn't get it to clean in a presentable way Andrew tried for probably about a day and this is the best we got it so we contacted NZXT, we got a new case for Luke's build we used that one NZXT provided the case send it out to Luke he messaged us back and he said I'm actually shaking this means so much and he said it's crazy to see the rust on the screws and the connectors but it works.
So, he's also out of the hotel and into a more permanent residence now so things are looking up over there. So, um, he doesn't want the old case I don't know what we're gonna do with it, we'll hang on to it for now. Ultimately though, we actually shot this video months ago and there was just so much footage to parse we only just got through it all so a very fun project.
I'm shocked at how well all those parts came back to life and we're able to get it all working just like it was. And that's gonna be it for this one, thanks for watching, subscribe for more as always go to or gamersexes to help us out directly, and we'll see you all next time.