This is the Most Unfair State For Car Owners
The creative director's interesting experience
A while back, our creative director, the brilliant and handsome Jesse Wood, was filming a rally that ran down the east coast of the U.S. Jesse said that when it came time to drive south from New York to Miami, everyone opted to drive around Virginia.
He said very cryptically - No one drives through Virginia. And everyone in the office was like, "What does this mean?"
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- A while back, our creative director,the brilliant and handsome Jesse Woodwas filming a rally that randown the east coast of the U.S.Jesse said that when itcame time to drive southfrom New York to Miami,everyone opted to drive around Virginia.He said very cryptically.- No one drives through Virginia.- And everyone in the officewas like, "What, why?"But when we turned around, he was gone.A single white rose was left in his place.As clueless West Coasterswe wanted to knowwhy Virginia isn't agreat state to driver in.And let me tell you what we found outwas way more interestingthan what we expected.(bright upbeat music)I'm super stoked to announcethat we have a collabo with Lean Customsto make our own enamel pins.You've probably seen thesepins all over Instagramor my backpack saying, super high quality,it's on our store rightnow, so check it out.For just $10, you can wrap a jacket,a hat, backpack, whatever,just like stick this thingon whatever you got,stick him into my skin.Now available on our store, hit the link,get one for yourself, they're great.Guys, thank you for clicking on our video,if you like it be sure tosubscribe to our Channel,hit that Bell so we can keep bringing younew videos every week.In this video, we're gonnatalk about what makescertain States worseto drive in than othersand how the governmentexploits driving lawsto increase state revenue.But before we get to that,we're gonna get into the statethat's the most unfair, most despicable,the most infuriating stateto drive in, Virginia.Driving in the state ofVirginia can be frustrating.You'll encounter annoyancesthat you would findin a lot of other states.But then we found a drivingstatistic that blew us away.Ready, one out of everysix drivers in Virginiahas a suspended license.With one in six millionregistered drivers in the state,that means nearly one millionpeople are driving illegally.That is an insane statistic.Think about it.If the same percentageapplied to California,4.3 million driverswould be driving aroundwith suspended licenses.Frankly, that would explain a lot,people kind of suck at driving.Totally forgot dude, I got pizza,I love pineapple a lot.But that's a story for another video.Yeah, people probably shouldn't drivewith suspended licenses butthe reason they were suspendedwas what really shocked us.Virginia has a law that saysif you're going 20 over thespeed limit and get pinched,you don't get a speeding ticketyou get a reckless driving ticket.Reckless driving is a misdemeanorwhich means it's on parwith a DUI which meansthat you have to eitherspend a lot of time and moneyin court fighting to get it reducedto a simple speeding ticketor pay anywhere from $350to $2,500 or the reckless driving ticket.When compared to the average $250 penaltyon a normal speedingticket, that's quite a jump.And you might say that's easy Nolan,just don't speed.And that's a good point.But it's not that simple,plus, let's be honest here,everyone likes to speed evenif you don't wanna admit.Speed limits in Virginiaare notoriously low,streets that a driver could safely driveat 35 miles per hour are limited to 25.Many highways are limited to an anemicinfuriating 55 milesan hour which comparedto the rest of the U.S. is very slow.This makes it easy to speedwithout even realizing itand creates opportunities for speed traps.Virginia loves their speed traps.(violin music)If you're not familiar with the term,a speed trap is basicallywhen a cop posts upon a stretch of road orhighway that has a sudden dropin speed limit.It's very easy to fall into these trapsif you're an out-of-state driverthan maybe didn't catch a road sign.And let me be clear, the mainobjective of a speed trapis to make money.They call it policingfor profit and it sucks,no bones about it.- It's a trap.- One of the most egregiousspeed traps in the a stretch of the I295 thatruns through Hopewell Virginiathat earned the nicknamethe "million dollar mile."It got that nickname becauseit makes the precinctalmost $2 million a yearon speeding tickets.What are you guys spending that on?There are 11 sheriff's deputiesthat work 14-hour shiftshanding out ticketson the two-mile stretch of highway.It's only two miles long,then it is literally $1,000,000 a mile.And all that money goes straight backinto the town of Hopewell sothey can hire more deputies,buy more radar gunsand by faster cruisers.It's easy to try andjustify the laws by sayingthat it cuts down on accidentsand increases safety,but at what point does itgo from being a safety issueto an ethical issue?Policing for profit is apretty slimy thing to doto taxpaying citizens.And when you look at the demographic,it affects the most, it'seven more infuriating.By and large, the people most affectedare low income drivers,you know, the peoplewho definitely need alicense to get to work.What will happen is a driver misses a signand gets pulled over for doing 20 over,they're given a reckless driving ticket.When they are inevitablyunable to pay for the costof hiring a lawyer and takingtime out of their workweekto go to court, theirlicenses are suspended.They're in a pickle, okay,they don't have enough moneyto pay the court fees but theyneed their car to get to workso that they can make moneyto pay the court fees.So they end up driving despitetheir suspended license.And that's how you getnearly one million peopledriving with a suspendedlicense in Virginia alone.What's even dumber isthat it cost the statea ton more money to enforcein court and through the DMV.It's not really beneficial to anyonebut the precinct makingthat speed-trap money.Sorry, that's a little misleading,it does benefit politicians as well.But in a different way.One of the reasons thesespeed traps continue to existis because it lets politicianscampaign on the factthey not only crack downon these malicious speedersand made the road safer,they can say that they raisedsignificant revenue for the state.It's a win-win for politicians.And it's been going on for a long time.Years ago, then governorof Virginia, Tim Kaine,pushed legislation through that tactan additional abuser feeof $1,000 onto ticketsfor things like speedingand failing to signal.That's right, it was metwith so much hostilityfrom motorists who were paying over $1,000for not putting on their turn signalsthat the courts deemed it unconstitutionaland it was appealed.You might say, thankfully, Idon't live in Virginia Nolan,you Star-Lord action figurethat someone put in a microwave.Well, I've got somebad news for you, okay.There are speed trapsall over the country,no one is safe.(siren wailing)According to a study doneby the National Motorists Association,anywhere between $5 to $7billion are made every yearfrom known speed traps around the countrywhich they define asarbitrarily low speed limitswith heavy traffic enforcementdesigned to generate ticket revenue.The worst offending statesup there with Virginia,Texas, my home state ofCalifornia, Ohio, and Florida.It's no wonder why Florida, (laughs),it's no wonder why Floridais full of speed traps,the popular vacationdestination sees a constant flowof out-of-state driversjust right for the pic.The Sunshine State is home to twoof the worst speed traps inAmerica or at least it was.The Highway Patrol in Waldo,a town with a populationof 1,000 people wrote 12,000speeding tickets in 2013resulting in $400,000in fines for drivers.But you can rest easy,Waldo's seven person forcewas disbanded in 2014, yikes!The other recognized speed trapis in a town calledLottie, Lottie, Lottie,I'm gonna say Lottie, wherethere is a sudden drop in speedfor school zone but thereis no vertical signageto let drivers know that.That's very shady.Sometimes we don't even have the luxuryof a human pulling usover to issue a ticket,the city of Baltimorespeed ticket camera programwas under fire earlier thisyear for issuing tickets to carsthat were stopped at redlights and even a carthat was parked, parked!Lucky for us, there are organizationstrying to shut down speedtraps, not only in Virginia,but all over the country.One of them is AAA, theroadside assistance/insurance / everything you would ever wantfrom a company, company.I said that they've had some good successin stopping speed traps.Recently, they sent 200,000emails to members with linksto email Virginia lawmakers to,"Let them know policing forprofit shouldn't be happeningand to shut it down."The bills they're pushingwould limit the amount of moneya jurisdiction can keep from speed trapslike the one in Hopewell, Virginia,that's hopeful, that's good, I like that.So is Virginia theworst state to drive in?The speed trap suckbut it's probably notthe end of the world.I'm not gonna form an opinionbased off one comment Jesse made,even if he is very handsome,and yes ladies, he's single.Yeah, it sucks to getpulled over in Virginiabut you can't argue with the statistics.And the stats say that Virginiais actually one of thesafest states to drive in.A study was done using five factors.Fatalities from drunk driving,failure to obey traffic laws,speeding, careless drivingand fatalities per 100million miles traveled.Virginia scored fourthbest out of all 50 states.So as much as we don't like these laws,maybe they're working.I mean you can't argue with the results.The state that scoredthe lowest on this listyou might ask, that would be Montana,which has the reputation forbeing a great state to drive inbecause they don'treally have speed limits,so I'm not really sure what to think.If you live in Virginia,I would really like to hearfrom you guys in the comments,I would like to hear some of your stories.Maybe you got some ticketsor maybe you're drivingon a suspended license.Don't rat on yourself.Hey, we have a podcast too,it's called Past Gas, check that out,and now we have a notification.Finished setting up iPad?Why would I wanna do thatduring the wheelhouse?What, now, noSide eggs for breakfast, scrambled.A little bit of crushed pepper on top.This thing called breakfast.Thanks for watching, be kind,see you next time.