Here’s How Stupid People Change Oil

Revving Up Your Engine: A Guide to Maintenance and Troubleshooting

Anthony recently changed his oil in his 94 Cutlass, which had only 53,000 miles on it. After changing the oil, he noticed that there was oil all over the place. He checked everything under the drain plug, but the oil filter seemed fine. He took it off and turned it back on, only to find that it wasn't leaking anymore. However, Anthony couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off.

He wondered if the old gasket on his old oil filter had come off, causing a leak. This is a classic problem that many people have seen before. To check this, Anthony took the oil filter off entirely and looked at the end of the oil filter. He then shone a flashlight at the block of the engine where the oil filter screws on. As it turned out, the old gasket had indeed come off, causing the leak. If left unchecked, having two gaskets can lead to costly repairs down the line.

One of the viewers asked if Anthony thought it was a good idea to buy a 2014 Kia Soul. While Anthony acknowledged that Kia has a limited lifespan, he personally thinks that their cars are not the most attractive vehicles on the market. However, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and some people might find the Kia Soul appealing.

On the other hand, Sergio Nunez praised the Acura TL, saying that it's an excellent car with a solid build and a great engine. The only issue he mentioned was that the parts can be expensive, especially as the car ages. Anthony had a customer who bought a used Acura for $3,000, which is considered a good deal.

Ygg asked about the reliability of Volkswagen cars, including GTIs. While VW has improved its reliability in recent years, some owners have reported issues with electrical systems and idling problems. To mitigate this issue, Ygg recommends getting a battery memory saver device, which can be purchased for around $12. These devices plug into the OBD port and keep the computer's memory alive even after the battery is disconnected.

In terms of transmission replacement, my oh three Jeep Grand Cherokee owner asked if it was worth the gamble to buy a used transmission part for $100. As Anthony pointed out, buying a cheap transmission can be a wild gamble, as there's no guarantee that it will work properly. Instead, he recommends going to a quality yard where you can see the condition of the transmission before purchasing it.

The Importance of Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance is crucial to extending the life of your car and preventing costly repairs down the line. By checking the oil levels regularly, replacing worn-out parts, and addressing any issues promptly, you can prevent many common problems from arising.

One of the most important things you can do to maintain your car's health is to check the electrical system regularly. This includes checking the battery terminals and making sure that everything is in good working order. By doing so, you can prevent issues like idling problems and electrical systems failures.

Battery Memory Savers: A Game-Changer for Modern Cars

Battery memory savers are a simple device that can be plugged into your car's OBD port to keep the computer's memory alive even after the battery is disconnected. This device has been a game-changer for many modern car owners, as it prevents issues like electrical systems failures and idling problems.

By getting a battery memory saver device, you can ensure that your car's computer remains operational even after a long break or during a power outage. This device is available on Amazon for around $12 and is compatible with most modern cars.

The Cost of Transmission Replacement

Transmission replacement can be a costly and time-consuming process. While buying a cheap transmission might seem like a good idea, it's often a gamble that can end in disaster. Instead, Anthony recommends going to a quality yard where you can see the condition of the transmission before purchasing it.

By doing so, you can ensure that you're getting a reliable part that will work properly and won't cause any more problems down the line. Additionally, you'll be able to avoid the hassle and expense of removing the transmission from your car and installing a new one.


Revving up your engine requires regular maintenance and troubleshooting to keep your car running smoothly and prevent costly repairs. By following Anthony's tips and advice, you can extend the life of your car and enjoy many years of reliable service. Remember to check your oil levels regularly, replace worn-out parts promptly, and address any issues as soon as they arise. With a battery memory saver device and a quality yard, you'll be well on your way to maintaining a healthy and reliable engine.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enrev up your engineanthony asks I recently changed the oillast week on my 94 cutlasswith 53,000 miles Wow hardly anymiles on a car that old man, but after I changedthe oil Inoticed there was oil all over the placeso I checked everything in the drainplug was tight but the oil filter seemedtight I took it off and then turned itback on and now I checked it's notleaking what do you think okay it couldbe a classic problem that I've seen manytimes so you want to check this rightaway take the oil filter off entirelylook at the end of the oil filter andget your flashlight and look at theblock of the engine where the oil filterscrews on you could have double gasketit it could have been that the oldgasket on your old oil filter came offand when they're like that sometimes theleak and if you tighten them up theywon't leak but it's dangerous having twogaskets they'll take it off and if youdo see two gaskets that was the wholeproblem now if it doesn't leak anymoreafter I check that odds are and itdidn't have the double gasket out thereyou just didn't have the oil filter Ithought nothing it was squeezing out ofthe sides but I often see people do thatwith double gaskets and you can earnyour engine later so take it off makesure it is not double gasket with twogaskets instead of just one, ElectraMarisa should I buy 2014 Kia Soul okaywell I personally think it's one of theugliest vehicles ever made but beauty'snow maybe older I realize it's Kia theyhave a limited lifespan if you buy 2014let's say it's got fifty sixty thousandmiles it still might go trouble-freetill it gets 120 or something thousandmiles there are ok cars but you don'twant to buy our mileage one cause theykind of fall apart as they age it alldepends on the price point and what youcan get it for how many miles it has onit you're not gonna get to 300,000 milesI could Toyota or Honda but if you canget one cheap enough and you want todrive that weird-looking thing aroundgo right ahead just don't buy one that hastoomany miles on it,Sergio Nunez says what do you think ofthe Acura TL those are excellent builtcars they handle well they got those Hondaengines and their solid built engines theonly problem with acuras are as theyage and they get really high mileagethe parts are super expensive and thensomething that cost a hundred dollars onthat might cost 350 for an Acura theyare well built cars and are fun to driveif you like sporty little cars they canbe excellent cars to drive onand you'd use ones that a decent deal tooI had a customer just buy a used one hepaid three grand for it it was a prettydecent car for $3,000 so you know it'snothing with that the new ones are priceybut you know most new cars arerather price that's why I was buy usedones, ygg says I'm just curious about histhoughts regarding performance VWreliability when takencare of including GTIs, VWmakes good engines they always did theyused to be solid reliable entire carslike the Beatles they could run foreverthey didn't cause much they got more andmore high-tech hey they own porschethey own audi they bought a lot ofcompanies up and they're too hightechnology these days you buy one itgenerally turns into an endless moneypit as it ages who wants to get stuckwith that plus there's a lot of plasticjunk on all of them, I got customers thelast 20 years not a single one everbought a Volkswagen and then boughtanother one the door handles that keepbreaking off the air conditioners wouldbreak they're just are not very wellbuilt reliable vehicles anymore but theyare fast and they drive what whenthey're working of course they're not asbad as I say alpha romeos but theystill are money pits as they age, grantJose asks Scotty my friend selling his2002 mx-5 miata 125,000 miles for 1,200bucks you think it'd be a good weekendcar are they reliable well if he'staken care of it 127 thousand milesisn't that much on one of those Miatasthey're well-made vehicles now hopefullyit's a standard transmission becausethose are really fun to drive withstandard transmissions and they'repretty bulletproof they can run foreverif it is an automatic transmission Miatayou want a road test see if it'sshifting right and if it doesn't shiftright don't buy it because the trannysdone those things the automatic ones areabsolute garbage you don't want to buyone with an automatic transmission everytime I have a cost or more it's one thereason they generally get rid of it isbecause it's an automatic transmissionMiata and the transmissions going outwhen I tell them to gonna cost themthree to five to fix itthey just say and they get rid of thevehicle so if it's a standardtransmission and it runs good I'd sayit's a good price and it could be a funcar to drive around for quite some time,Randy asks 2014 Scion tC I heard peoplehave electrical idling issues after theydisconnect to reconnect the batteriesthere anything I should know when I needthis to clean my terminals a lot oftoyota products and that'sthe products do that you disconnect thebattery they go back to scratch and theygot to relearn the idle configurationsif you don't want that to happen do whatI do when I'm working on customers carsget a battery memory saver autozonesells them for like 12 bucks you justplug it in the OBD port and then itpowers the computer so when youdisconnect the battery and clean it andput it on the computer hasn't lost powerthey're called battery memory savers youcan get them anywhere you can get themon Amazon they're just a simple devicewith 12 volt power or they're reallycheaper once they plug in and they gottwo terminals and you connect them to a12 volt battery like a motorcyclebattery or any 12 volt battery supplyanother battery from another car andthen it keeps the computer memory aliveit's a good idea to get one for anymodern car, I says Scotty what do youthink of a hundred bucks for a pick uppart transmission worth the gamble formy oh three Jeep Grand Cherokee when atransmission fails alright well youkind of answered your own question you'regoing to pick apart okay they buy thosecars for almost nothing then you got togo and pull the transmission out of itand buy it for honor bucks it's a wildgamble you have no idea it's gonna workit's not gonna workand it's a lot of work taking atransmission out of a car and putting itinto another one I would gamblesomething that cheap I'd rather go to aquality yard that maybe you're gonna payfour or five hundred bucks for a usedtransformation that you can see it's inthe vehicle how many miles are on itrather than some piece of junk that's ina pickup park they're gonna take apartbecause they're junk they don't pay muchfor them and they don't charge much for themyou want a door or hood stuff like that wheelsyoucan see it but something like atransmission I'd kind of shy away from thatoneso if you never want to miss another oneof my new car repair videos, remember toring that Bell\n"