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**The 555 Timer IC: A Comprehensive Guide**
Nowadays, there exists dozens of integrated circuits, also known as ICs, to make our life easier while building electrical circuits. However, there's one that is most widely used - the so-called 555 timer IC.
**What Makes the 555 Timer IC Tick?**
In this video, we will show you what makes this IC tick and what kind of different functions it fills in our circuits by attaching external components. Let's get started!
**Inspecting the Insides of the 555 Timer IC**
First off, let's inspect the insides of the dual inline package of the 555 timer IC. Pin 1 & 8 are connected through three 5 Kiloohm resistors in series. This not only gives this iconic IC its name but also creates a voltage divider since pin 8 is connected to the supply voltage, and pin 1 is connected to ground.
**Understanding the Pins of the 555 Timer IC**
Let's break down each pin:
* Pin 2 is the Trigger pin, which directly connects to the negative input of a comparator.
* Pin 3 is the output, which is connected to an output driver and subsequently to the outputs of the flip-flop pin. It also forces the reset pin, which directly connects to the reset pin of the flip-flop and can be connected to ground to reset the flip-flop instantly.
* Pin 5 is the control voltage, which not only connects to the negative input of the second comparator but also to the voltage dividers at its potential of the supply voltage. You can either supply voltage to this pin to change the reference voltages for the comparators or simply hook up a 10 nanofarad capacitor to stabilize the reference voltages.
* Pin 6 is the threshold pin, which connects to the positive input of the second comparator whose output connects to the reset pin of the flip-flop.
* The discharge pin directly connects to the collector of a bipolar junction transistor. Its emitter connects to ground and base connects to the output of the flip-flop.
**A Practical Example: Monostable Multivibrator Configuration**
Let's have a look at a practical example circuit, specifically a monostable multivibrator configuration. In this configuration:
* The capacitor is initially discharged, providing zero voltage potential at pins 6 and 7.
* Pin 6 provides the ground potential for the positive input of the second comparator since it's lower than the negative input, the output stays low, and nothing happens.
* To trigger the circuit, a push button at pin 2 connects to ground. This makes the positive input of the first comparator higher than the negative one, and its output becomes high.
* The output directly connects to the set pin of the flip-flop, which simultaneously activates the output of the IC through the bipolar transistor.
* Once the voltage of the capacitor reaches 2/3 of the supply voltage, the positive input of the second comparator has a higher voltage than the negative one, and thus it turns its output on. This resets the flip-flop, turns off the output of the IC, and activates the bipolar transistor to rapidly discharge the capacitor.
**Other Basic Configurations**
There are other basic configurations that can be achieved with the 555 timer IC:
* **Astable multivibrator**: Similar to the monostable multivibrator configuration but produces a square wave output.
* **Sawtooth generator**: Produces a sawtooth waveform by using an RC circuit as a timing element.
The NE555 is not suitable for producing PWM signals due to its unsymmetrical charging behavior. The CMOS 555 timer, such as the TLC555, can achieve an output voltage very close to the supply voltage and produce a beautiful PWM signal with constant frequency. By replacing the resistor with two diodes and a potentiometer, you can adjust the duty cycle of the PWM signal.
**Stay Creative!**
We hope this video has been informative and helpful in understanding the basics of the 555 timer IC. If so, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more videos. Stay creative, and we will see you next time!