Is the Tesla Model 3 Worth It?

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The Tesla Model 3: A Review of its Features and Performance

As I spent the day with the Tesla Model 3, I was impressed by its features and performance. The car's sleek design, while not as large as some other models, makes it a stylish addition to any parking lot.

One of the most notable features of the Model 3 is its screen-based control system. This system allows users to control virtually every aspect of the car, from climate control to navigation. I was initially skeptical about this setup, but found that once you get used to having all your speed and mileage information on one side, it becomes second nature.

The Model 3's performance is also noteworthy. With its rear-wheel drive configuration, there is limited space inside the car, but this can be mitigated with the use of small holders for groceries or other items. I was surprised by how much space I could fit into the back seat, and found that it was more than sufficient for a small child.

One of the most interesting features of the Model 3 is its ability to integrate with various apps. Users can control music, streaming services, and other functions directly from the screen. This setup allows for a seamless and intuitive driving experience.

However, there are some quirks to the software in the Model 3. For example, users have to use the screen to open the glovebox, which can be a bit inconvenient. Additionally, the lack of physical controls for adjusting airflow can make it difficult to customize your driving experience.

Autopilot, on the other hand, is a game-changer. I had the opportunity to test both Autopilot One and Autopilot Two with my vehicle, and was impressed by its accuracy and responsiveness. Whether you're navigating through heavy traffic or making long trips to destinations like the Beverly Hills Cancer Center, Autopilot has got you covered.

Overall, my experience with the Tesla Model 3 has left me impressed. While it may not be perfect, its features and performance make it an excellent choice for those looking for a stylish and capable vehicle. A huge shoutout goes to my good buddy Jake from Vsauce three for lending me his wonderful vehicle to do this review.

And finally, as always, thanks for watching.

WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Hey guys, this is Austin, and todaywe're going to find out,is the Tesla Model 3worth it?Hey, are you famous YouTuberJake Roper from Vsauce3and Beme?- No, I'm Michael Cera.- Alright let's go drive the car,let's go drive the car.- You didn't hug me back!- So it is time to drive the Model 3.So you've had this for how long?- I've had this for four days.- So we're on Angeles Crestwhich is one of my favoriteroads anywhere, thisfeels pretty good, there'sa lot of regenerativebreaking, that's alwayssomething when I get in an electric carI let off and you're basicallydragging on the brakes.- It helps you drift.How does it handle these curves?- I'm not going fast yet butit feels pretty responsive.You're not used to being a passenger.- No I'm not.- I'm not even starting yet.So you can imagine thatthere will be more modelslater on but this is thelong range battery withthe standard rear-wheel drive, right?- Yeah.- So I'm assuming that theall-wheel drive would beeven faster, althoughprobably a little heaviermaybe, with the motor up front.- Yeah but it will befaster, I mean you can seethat with all of Tesla'scars, between the 85and then the 85D, youdid get about a secondof extra acceleration fromzero to 60 with the D.- Right you just haveall that extra, and alsoyou have two motors.- You get two motors andyou also get more range.- So what brought you to theModel 3, cause you havea Model S now, right?- So I do, well by the endof this week I will nothave a Model S anymore.- Oh so you're getting rid of it.- I'm getting rid of it,there's a few reasons.The Model S is a wonderfulcar but it's very large,it's also very expensive,this car is about halfthe price of my Model Sand to me I can't noticetoo much of a differencein terms of fit and finishin the feel of it, I preferthis one more actually.- When I drove the ModelS on this road it was funand you could tell thatelectric torque is right thereimmediately, but theproblem was it's heavy,it weighs like 1,000pounds more than this.- But the thing thatblows my mind is how wellit turns, cause I thoughtthe Model S turned reallywell, but this one, it'sjust, I keep saying the wordtight, it's just so tight how it turns.- I heard that some peoplehave complained about the rideso we drove up from downtownLA with this and on someof the bumps it's a little stiff.- And kind of what I wastelling you, my Model Shas air suspension, this one has spring,so it definitely is more stiff and more,you feel the road morebut it's not a huge deal.- Ready?- Do it.(laughs)- Oh man.- Oh man.- Holy smokes, you went allthe way up to forty-five.- Shh, you can't say that on camera.- I'm sorry, you went allthe way up to a nice number.- So that's one of the nicethings about an electriccar, it just punches you,we're going like 40 milesand hour and you roll intoit and it puts you right backin your seat.- It's immediate.- I noticed as we got toslightly higher speeds,it did kind of give out alittle bit, you can tellit's meant for getting onthe freeway versus blastingdown the Autobahn but itstill definitely picks up.- That's why they really only give youthe zero to 60 number.- Right, that's the thingthough, this is such an earlybuild of the car, it doesfeel like it's a little bitof a beta, not everything is complete,you were saying that the FMradio was just added, right?- FM radio was just added,auto wipers were justadded as I'm filming thisyesterday, with this caryou can only get thepremium model at the momentso it comes with heated rearseats which have not beenturned on yet.- Wait, wait, wait, you'retrying to say that thishas heated seats that youcannot turn on because it needsa software update?- Yes, but only in the backseats, the front seats work.- This is a higher speccedup model, the MSRP is 55?- This was 55,000, out thedoor but then it's also$1,000 document and transportation fee.- Sure, so it's 56,000 in total.- Excluding tax butthen you get the $7,500tax credit and then in Californiaat least and it dependson your state, you get a$2,500 rebate, so you save$10,000 by buying this car.- Which is a lot of money.- How does it compare to your car, 'causeyou have a very sporty Audi?- I have an Audi RS 3which is a little bitmore on the sporty side,it's faster, I will saybut this feels a littlebit like, what's scaryabout this is the speed seems way way lessbecause it's quiet, we werejust doing a reasonablyhigh speed and it justfeels like I'm driving downthe road so it's like,in that car that I have,you hear everything, youhear the motor, you hearthe turbos, you hear theexhaust, this is a much morecalm and serene experience,so this is not somethingthat I want to go to thetrack and abuse for six hours.- Besides the accelerationand what have you,what is the handling likecompared to your Audi?- It's good, I think witha more aggressive tirewe could be pushing it a lotmore, oh here's my tunnel,we'll forward through it anyway, ready.Warp speed!Now just spending a coupleminutes with the model three,something that'simmediately jumped out to meis there're a lot of reallyinteresting quirks with this.Now the first thing actuallyyou pointed this one out,the wheels, they actuallycome off or at leastthe arrow part.- The arrow wheel cover can pop off,so we can just do, I'mgonna use my muscles,oh they don't exist.- I got you.- There we go.- The idea is that thisis going to help withthe aerodynamics, right,but I actually kind of likethe wheel that's inside,I actually didn't realizethis was a thing.- It's not bad if you geta Tesla center cap there,and maybe some lug nutsthat match the color,that's totally fine.- Looks good.Now like a lot of modernTeslas, there are camerasall over the place, so juston one side you can seethat there's a little camera to look backbehind I guess fortraffic over on this side,do you actually know howmany cameras there are,'cause there's another one up here.- There's here you havethere, then you havesome up front, you alsohave radar and sonar,then you have the same on the other sidethen you have the camera on the back,all really they give youa complete picture of whatthe car is seeing when itdoes it's machine learningfor actual automated driving.- So all model threescome with the autopilothardware preinstalled, sobasically the differenceis you have to pay tounlock it, so essentiallyit's a $5,000 upgrade?- I believe it's 5,000 forautopilot and then they havefull self driving which is another 3,000.- But that's not out yet.- That's not out yet.- But the idea is that ifyou basically pay for somesoftware updates, it has all the hardwareto essentially be prettymuch fully self driving.- Oh yeah.- So as soon as I sawthis car, one of the firstthings that jumped out tome were the door handles.So the model S, they actuallypop out, with this one,you actually have to press your thumb inand then grab the handlelike that, it's a littleweird, it's not quite what I would expect.- I feel like you getused to it right away.So it's like boom, boom!- There's actually a surprisingamount of room back here,look at this you have yourwonderful window sticker.- I like to show that off to people.- So this is for on thego charging if you don'twant to buy an actual EVunit, or Tesla's chargers,this one you just plug into the wall.- You have the adapters.- 120 volt, and then thisis the 250 volt adapter,so you plug it in andit charges with this.- So here you have yourcharging port on on the Xand the S it's alsohidden behind one of theseguys but this wouldn'topen, you push in, ooh,comes out and then the colorsadjust depending on whetheryou're charging or not, sothat's pretty nice, and thenyou just tap it to close.- Can you actually controlthat from the screen inside?- You can actually controlit from your phone.- Of course, naturally.- So it does come with these things,I actually should showyou, so this is whatthe key looks like.- So it looks just likea hotel key or something.- Yeah it's like a creditcard, so you can use thatto unlock the car and start it,or you can use your phone.- Most everything onthis car is controlledvia Bluetooth on the app, right?- Pretty much, you canadjust, you can do mostthings in the car as well.- I really like the waythe model three looks fromthe front although that is not big, wow.So this is still the rearwheel drive one, so figurethat there's not a lot of space in here,I wonder if they actuallygo all wheel drivethere's gonna be even less space.- The nice thing too isyou can have little holdersfor your groceries rightthere, it's clever.- Pretty sure you're gonnafit two grocery bags.- And a small child.- So the interestingthings about this car,is the screen, becausethat's basically whereyou control literally everything.- Yep, that's all there is.- But you can do, to be fairyou can do basically everything,so you have climate control,you have heated seatson the bottom, you haveyour nav screen hereand you have pretty muchall the main controlsfrom the car that you would normally seein your guage cluster.- Yup.And then you would alsohave, you can go more intodifferent apps so youhave music right there,but you can bring itall the way up like thatand they have radio,streaming, tune in, all thatstuff and then you adjustall your settings there.- Something I'm noticing is,this is really quick and responsive.- Oh yeah, it's super fast.- One thing that I think alot of people are wonderingabout and this is somethingwhen I first drove in itas well, was something thatwas like oh not so sure,is having all of your speedand everything all on thisside but it's not actuallythat annoying, I feel likeyou can get used to having your spedometerand your mileage andall that kind of stuffright off to the side.- It's right in yourperipheral as you're driving,you can see it right there.- There are some weirdthings with the softwarein the model three,including the fact thatyou have to use the screento open the glovebox.So will you show us the wonderful processof opening our glovebox?There it is.- But the thing I likeabout this is the lessyou have, the more yourealize what you don't need.- Right.- Which I think is a very fantastic thing,like having all thesebuttons and knobs everywhereare nice but how oftendo you actually use them,once they're taken awayyou realize oh not thatoften, but this is a fun thing, which isI wonder if this onecould be considered moredesign over practicality,but the fact thatthere is no way toactually adjust the airflowwith your hand here,physically, you have to doit this way, which it's a little weird,I think it looks cool.- Well if you're on autopilot here, which we can't try'cause we're on a little canyon road, but.- But autopilot I can sayhaving driven autopilotone point oh with my S and autopilottwo point five with this, it's great.Let's just say we're goingto the Beverly Hills CancerCenter, which is a lovely place,but if you're going there, our navigationwill pop up over here, and that's okay,but when you're drivingyou then have to lookall the way across this to here, andthat's kind of a bummer, and if you didlet's say we're drivingand it goes you know what,you're gonna get therewith negative five percent,it'll automatically routeyou to a superchargeron the way, so it'llmake sure you don't die,well your battery doesn't die.And you have your chargerhere so you can set yourcharging unit, I have it set all the wayfor a trip 'cause we weredriving a lot but yougenerally want to have itright at the bottom of that.So you don't do it all the way.So use for roadtrip,charging will take longer,daily driving needs.- After spending the daywith the model three,I gotta say I'm a lot more impressed thanI thought I'd be, of course huge shoutoutto my good buddy Jake fromVsauce three for lendingme your wonderfulvehicle to do a video on.You should definitely go to check outVsauce three and Beam andJ Cooper and all the otherwonderful projects you worked on.I feel like you have aspecific outro, my friend.- I do.- Shall we do it together?- Yes, are you ready?- Yes.- And as always, thanks for watching.- Was that cool or was thatnot cool, I don't know.