We Made a Paver Foundation for...

Evan and Katelyn: A Two-Part Series on Building a Paver Base

We're excited to start this two-part series with our shed-building project, and we're glad you're joining us. As you can see, we've reached a crucial point where we need to create a paver base for our shed, as our garage is full and a shed is essential at this point.

The first challenge we faced was deciding who would use the shovel and who would handle the hoe. I think it's pretty clear that one of us needs to get stuck with the hoe, and that person has to deal with the clods flying everywhere! I've had my fair share of golfing mishaps, where I'd hit the ground instead of the ball, and this reminds me of those moments. Apologies to anyone who knows what they're doing – we're probably doing it the wrong way!

To begin, we started by digging a square of dirt at 6:00 pm, which was a bit ambitious, considering it's already getting dark. I'm happy with how our square of dirt turned out, and I think we can call it for tonight.

As day two begins, we're moving on to tamping the soil. I feel like you guys are doing nothing right now – we need to loosen the dirt so we can move it from the high spots to the low spots. Looking at this space, with only two bags of sand available, I'm severely doubting that we have enough sand. Did we do something wrong? Did we skip a step? We'll figure it out as we go along.

Evan is going to head to the store while I lay out this plastic sheet, which will provide a weed barrier. Once he returns with more sand, we can start laying it down. Instead of using more sand, we're going to try using these paver bases, which take the place of some of the sand. We'll see how they work!

I must say that using paver bases is a game-changer – it's tile timedoing this in some ways I feel totally capable of that now, and on the other hand, I'm like, "I would never want to do that." This is our max work capacity. Now we need to see if these sides hold together and keep nothing from coming through.

We're going to put down a barrier to retain this sand, so that nothing comes through. We'll nailing hammers in the dark – it's not working! Oh shoot, okay. It looks like it's time to call it a night for tonight. Tomorrow we'll start with polymericsand and should be done with the foundation.

We'd like to thank our Patreon supporters, who make this possible by supporting us every single week without any sponsors. Having your support allows us to put out videos regularly, even when we don't have sponsors. We're glad you guys are part of our community, and we'll see you in the next video!

In the meantime, I'd like to mention that our favorite content is probably the after show that we put out for almost every single video we've made so far – we have 44 of them! After show!

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhey guys we're Evan and Katelyn and todaywe're making a paver base for our shedbecause we have no more room in our garageand a shed is very necessary at thispoint this is gonna be part one of atwo-part series in part 2 we'll actuallybuild the shed yeah but this part'ssuper excitingall right so which one ofus gets to use the shovel and which oneof us has to deal with this hoeall right so I think that for thatyou can just likewhack down and pull upclods slam it down!this reminds me ofwhen I tried toplay golf every time I just ended uphitting the ground instead of the ballit's very jarringapologize to anyoneout there who like knows what they'redoingand if we're like completely doing thisthe wrong wayclods flying everywhere!!it went in my pantsall right well may have been a littlebit ambitious to start this up 6:00at night I'm pretty happywith our square of dirtI think we can call it for tonightsee you tomorrowand so begins day two of figuring outwhat we're doing through brute force sowhat we're doing today is tamping I feellike you're doing nothing right now dowe need to like loosen it the dirt yeahno no I think you just kind of pack itdown and get a level we need to loosenit to be able to move it from the highspots to the low spots so looking atthis space right here and the fact thatwe only have two of these bags of standI'm severely doubting that we got enoughdid we do something wrong did we skip astep okay this was in the car yeah yeahso right here it says remove what iscurrently there the grass check add aweed barrier spread sand check crap whatdo we do I mean really finelike okay how about this how about thislet's lay the weed barrier and thenwe'll get more sand to put over it itwon't hurt to have a nice level thingand then a little bit of sand on top ofthat I'm doubting everything okay soEvan's gonna go to the store and in themeantime I will lay out this plastic sheetwhich side goes down having a picnic inthe yard Evan's back with more sandall right so it's after dinner it's darkeverywhere else but don't worry we'renot creepy we're your friendsall right so instead of doing more sandliterally like form times more sandwe're gonna try using these paver baseswhich take the place of some of the sandyou just lay them down cut them to sizewith a little knife and then lay thestones directly on top of them so we'llsee how they work yeah perfectit's tile timedoing this in some ways I'm likeif we wanted to make our own paper patioI feel totally capable of that nowand on the other hand I'm likeI would never want to do thatthis is our max work capacitynow we need to see the retain these sidethings on now so that nothing yes nowwe're gonna put this barrier verysatisfyingyesssss yessssjust nailing hammers in the darkI mean nail- nailing nailsoh jeezit's not workingit's not- oh shootokay calling it a nighttomorrow we're gonna start the polymericsand then we should be done with thefoundationthat's why I did peace signs...that was supposed to be fingers crossedI think it's a late nightrighty so this video was brought to youby our Patreon supporters which isreally awesome because we don't havesponsors every single week but we stillwant to put out a video every week foryou guys so having that support onpatreon lets us do that even when wedon't have to sponsor like this videoand thank you guys we make extra contentover there our favorite is probably theafter show that we put out for almostevery single video we have 44 of them so farafter show! after show!poopy water, poopy water!poopy waterwhy it's almost like we've been atthis for 12 hoursOk I'm just gonna get comfortablethis is gonna be awesomethen everything just kind of went errrrrkand then she was like, by the waywe want two and I was like uhhhit's harder to be genuine whenyou're thinking about like oK we've beenin this scene for so many minutes thelighting is not good here let's get thelight kit and then you're like what werewe talking about alrighty let's get backto the project is this thing on so allwe need to do now is pour in the sandwhich seems really easy but there's alot to it no no no yeah this is likeflexible joint compound sand that hasvery specific requirementsVerrryyyy specificccc neeeeedsthat's a weird song so you don't want this pourit in one big pilea lot is blowing awaya lotttt is blowing awayso you kinda need to pour itwooo whoa whoa whoa oh my gahalrighty so everything's looking prettygood what comes next is this hammer justhitting the tile bits compressing andall the sand is dropping downlook at this Katelyn look see it was flushgo for itokay so now we spray it down?I want to get sprayedso that's everything that thisneeds but you don't want to have a lotof excess water so I'm gonna scrape thatoff real quick such a terrible noisealright and after that the manufacturer says it'susable for foot traffic right awayokay noI caught it!your mic popped out?ok but we can drive our cars onit in 24 hoursperfect so it's done! I mean we'reas done as we can beuntil the shed comes in oh yeahand then we have to put that togetheralright we'll see you guys when the shedarrives today we are building this paverbase I thought I'd leave it to you tonaturally finishtoday we're building is so good\n"