1,000,000 SUBSCRIBERS!!! --- Top 10 1320Video Moments Video

We did it and it was months before my goal I was just blown away this is where things get weird I wake up the next morning and we're a hundred and five thousand somehow we've grown five thousand likes overnight the next day I look at it were a hundred and twenty thousand and I didn't know what was going on by November or 2013 we have 1 million fans which was just mind-blowing we started gaining fans at 30,000 40,000 a day and we had no idea why but we loved it because we could just share what we were filming in love with that many more people fast forward to December 2014 a year after my goal of a hundred thousand we're at 2 million fans and as of today we're just over 2.9 million and this just allows us to share everything we do with so many people around the world and we love it and we thank Facebook that ability I know I said top 10 but I'm gonna throw an extra one in here chronologically

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enholy crap 1 million subscribers thank you guys so much I couldn't have done this without fans like you the massive group of friends and family to help you run this business and the power of social media like YouTube and Facebook as a thank you to all of our subscribers and fans we'll be bringing you a series of top 10 videos highlighting the craziest moments we've captured over the past 13 years of 13 20 videos history 13 20 video started as a hobby of mine actually and remained a hobby until I quit my full-time career 10 years of PayPal this January 13 2008 a kunai obsession for capturing the craziest moments in the racing world and sharing it with as many people as I can and with your help it's grown to a level I could never imagine to kick off the series of top 10 videos I wanted to share with you the top 10 moments in the past 13 years in chronological order first big moment I remember in 1320 video history a lot of people have this one in mind as parish this blue turbo pickup and that thing was the craziest sleeper street-racing monster the trek consisted of a single turbo 4.8 originally 700 800 horsepower he just kept tweaking it ended up being in the 900 horsepower range and then he threw a pair of twin turbos on his 408 set up and cranked it up to almost 1,100 horsepower he managed to click off a 10 point o4 in the quarter she doesn't seem fast today with thousands of turbo picked up sout there but back in 2003 this thing was the ultimate sleeper we pull up next to a nitrous fox body leave him by about 10 cars of the light and he'd have his jaw on the ground no idea what who wants to go for the next one I remember right around the same time we were filming parishes to pick up our friends WRX erasing this zo6 Corvette in the street for five hundred dollars our friend drugged this zo6 so bad the guy was so mad that he didn't want to pay out and make matters worse he punched her friend the face we took the argument to a parking lot somebody called in a tip that our friend had a gun in this car the cops show up canines scratching up cars searching everything it was just a mess so make a video it goes so viral that it takes down the Internet in our dorms that was staying in for college because my website was hosted in the dorm rooms and my friend calls me up and says you know what the Internet's down your video has gone so viral that we don't have internet right now that's when I knew I was onto something and it was time to take you to the next level next on the list Hot Rod magazine's Drag Week one of many events we film today this is actually my favorite legal event that we film our friend parish once again asked me to go on Drag Week 2005 and I wasn't really that interested in it but I wanted to film this pick up and it sounded pretty cool the way he's describing when I showed up I was instantly hooked looking at the cards that showed up they were just crazy unique builds nothing I've ever seen before and it was gonna be a great week I can tell I asked David Freiburger editor-in-chief of hot rod at the time what they had planned for live coverage and he told me they weren't really doing a live coverage they were just shooting for the magazine sometime in January so I have to be okay if I just blasted dragged me coverage all the message boards that I was on was my social media at the time and you said I didn't have any problem with it so this is when we locked in our coverage of Drag Week and became known as the place to go for drag me coverage until hot rod started doing live coverage after the five day drag racing journey driving a thousand plus miles with all these crazy cars I was really hooked to this event we've been filming it for eight or nine years now missed a few here and there mainly because I had my day job de to be accountable for but this is still our favorite legal or not and we love it this year there's over 300 cars that showed up it was just hard to keep track of it all but it's a great place for us to find unique crazy street cars but this is a bread and butter we'll be down shortly after the first drag week I realized that shooting photos and video by myself for the first few years didn't really make sense and driving three or four hours to events by myself was kind of boring so I brought my friend Kyle aka skunk shots to be the first team of 13 2000 he was shooting photos I was shooting video this is what vol 13 2000 sir into what it is today if you see us in events you'll notice that we have a big presence every one of the events our friend if we have a bet the event before we love becoming a part of the event the coming ingrained in the culture knowing the people knowing the drivers and telling the stories of what that is like to be at the event the thing a lot of people don't know is that 1320 video is just a bigger of friends we're all a big family friends that love cars I've met throughout the years and it's just evolved into a group of 30 40 50 friends that jump in here and they're dealt with photos with videos with selling merchandise it's a great game you might have heard of Street outlaws if you're street racer did you know that we actually filmed them back in 2006 we were invited to a st. Louis Street race which actually ended up being a bus is $1,000 buying ten cars lots of dollars cars the East Coast cars Chicago cars all converged we've got two street races done boostedgt oiled down the road and then the cops showed up at the first spot that we tried but what this did was introduced us to a whole new realm of serious increased as grudge racing having fun these guys throw money on the line because they've got some pretty crazy cars in st. Louis we met Limpy she Monza daddy Dave student driver and these are some connections that built some of the greatest friendships that we've got in street racing world the street loss TV show has helped our friends to do something that they loved on a skill they could never imagine just like me with virgin 20 video and it's done nothing but great things for street car racing around the world around the u.s. it's just blown up and that's what we love unique street cars that defines 13-point division so we love it fast forward a few years 2010 my friend Josh and Allah here kept coming back from this event down in Houston every spring just could not shut up about how crazy it was and we're always looking for the police or the event to go to to find the craziest most unique stuff in the world and this was a place we went down to TX UK and 2010 and my friend Josh was right the level of cars that showed up the level of street races the environment was nothing like we ever experienced this is the street racing superbowl around the world so in 2010 we headed down to Houston for our first year at TX UK and Josh was right the level of cars the speed the power this is insane this was the perfect place for us to find the crazy cars that we loved in film pairing up with TX UK has helped me grow that event and grow our channel at the same time 2012 we had crazy events that happened our page blew up TX UK created a whole new name for itself and it brought things to a whole new level TX Duque proved to be the Superbowl of street racing from around the world not to mention a lot of the other events that we filmed they have a huge concentration of cars that we love to film king of the streets no prep started filming that back in 2009 Texas Invitational some of the craziest of all race cars in the world a lot of them came from TX 2k12 the street racers that didn't want to play on the street anymore upwards of 200 miles an hour as well and then streetcar takeover a huge traveling event that we film this year lots of crazy street cars that show up there just works out great for content the next big moment 13:20 video history is one of the craziest feature cars we've filmed not just because of the car but because of how viral this car went the 3dx evo a car built locally our friend chase we follow him around when he's building it they took it to the dyno his goal is to break the evil record for horsepower and he did that right away we were trying to think of unique things to do with the car and back then these girls writing and fast cars videos are really popular so we put a whole new twist on it and you may have seen this video I'm Good Morning America I'm sure you see it on YouTube of our friend's mom driving this car banging through the gears at over 100 miles an hour and this video ended up on Good Morning America only 10 hours after I put on YouTube just blew my mind the level that we have gotten I put the video up on a paypal work trip in Baltimore about 10 o'clock at night I wake up in the morning my phone is full of texts saying look at the news look at the news your videos on Good Morning America this video propelled our YouTube channel to the level we had never seen before you see the spike on this picture that's from the mom video Thank You Good Morning America speaking of viral stats in propelling 1320 video the next moment related to Facebook back in 2012 we're leaving 40 X UK and a couple days before I open the Facebook app and the new update had a button on it said share photo and this might not seem that revolutionary but at the time you couldn't put photos on your fan pages without getting onto a computer and uploading through your computer before he left 40 X 2 K 12 in 2012 we had 2700 fans after the event we were somewhere in the 9000 range at the end of December we hit 30,000 which was just crazy to me my goal at that point was by the end of 2014 we would hit a hundred thousand fans and that was a big goal I knew her going to work hard for it and March 2013 20 X 2 K came around we were around 50,000 and then right before we're leaving for Drag Week we saw her stats are right around the 90 mm rings and we knew with the live coverage we were going to be doing this would give us 200,000 on Friday the last day of Drag Week at Bowling Green Kentucky I'm up in the tower watching our stats trying to get a screenshot of the hundred thousand mark 99999 hundred fifty and here's the moment one hundred thousand we had done it and it was months before my goal I was just blown away this is where things get weird I wake up the next morning and we're a hundred and five thousand somehow we've grown five thousand likes overnight the next day I look at it were a hundred and twenty thousand and I didn't know what was going on by November or 2013 we have 1 million fans which was just mind-blowing we started gaining fans at 30,000 40,000 a day and we had no idea why but we loved it because we could just share what we were filming in love with that many more people fast forward to December 2014 a year after my goal of a hundred thousand we're at 2 million fans and as of today we're just over 2.9 million and this just allows us to share everything we do with so many people around the world and we love it and we thank Facebook that ability I know I said top 10 but I'm gonna throw an extra one in here chronologically I mentioned I left PayPal earlier this year and that was a huge moment for me I loved my job I loved the people I worked with but I couldn't balance both of them I was filming all weekend and PayPal allowed me to work from the car on Friday driving to the event and then on the way back Monday drive me back home and balancing those two just wasn't possible anymore I couldn't do either of them the way that I wanted to so I left my job after nine and a half years to take 1320 video full-time because I knew it would be needed to take 13 2015 11 after filming all day we went to Walmart to get some supplies and our friend Garrett aka Cletus who actually runs all our social media walks out of the store with this ugly goofy chevy shirt well you back to the hotel and retire and delirious and screwing around we tear this leaves off with our bare hands with the power of bald eagles and this is when Cletus McFarland is born he says a bunch of goofy stuff we're always filming Garrett because he does weird random stuff to text to our friends or whatever after we filmed this stuff he does in front of Tom Bailey's 3,000 horsepower Camaro we can't stop laughing I'm in tears we just had to put it online so he spliced a few things together and put it up in the next morning it's and a half million views this is when Cleo's McFarland's born a few months later were hanging out at my house and Garrett's just feigning to bring Cletus back getting this goofy character and just screwed around so he tells me is gonna take my car out doesn't really tell me why and he comes back with a lawnmower of all things a lot of this stuff is staged but a lot of the little pieces in there are not and I was just cracking up we did do a test-fit of the lawn mower to make sure it worked it was my lawn mower but all the random stuff you threw in in between was just hilarious I had to try really hard to be angry because that's not but you'll be seeing a lot more Cletus we just put up a video from SEMA the guy's hilarious make sure you check him out last but not least one of the know the craziest event we have never filmed one of my biggest bucket list items we flourish Stockholm Sweden with the craziest street race in the world I've been seeing videos of this since 2005 or earlier and I knew I needed to go there one day with the help of some of our friends over in Stockholm we flew over they were awesome house we toured all the shops INSCOM before the big race Stockholm Open and we got a chance to get a preview of what we were gonna see the Stockholm Open is the Superbowl of street racing in Stockholm and Sweden there's three different street racing series with three different races per series and so they're running all year cash days style events the Stockholm open brings all of the craziest racers from those and throws them into the pot we'd like to thank all of our friends over in Sweden for the experience and letting us come over there and welcome us into their world and giving us access to anything that we wanted it was the craziest experience I have ever had in the racing world I was sweating I was shaking I was just had an adrenaline rush for 810 hours during the event it was nothing other experience thank you once again for 1 million subscribers hopefully this video is giving you a cool look into the background of where we've been if you're not a part of those 1 million subscribers click here so you can join us for the rest of our crazy adventuresholy crap 1 million subscribers thank you guys so much I couldn't have done this without fans like you the massive group of friends and family to help you run this business and the power of social media like YouTube and Facebook as a thank you to all of our subscribers and fans we'll be bringing you a series of top 10 videos highlighting the craziest moments we've captured over the past 13 years of 13 20 videos history 13 20 video started as a hobby of mine actually and remained a hobby until I quit my full-time career 10 years of PayPal this January 13 2008 a kunai obsession for capturing the craziest moments in the racing world and sharing it with as many people as I can and with your help it's grown to a level I could never imagine to kick off the series of top 10 videos I wanted to share with you the top 10 moments in the past 13 years in chronological order first big moment I remember in 1320 video history a lot of people have this one in mind as parish this blue turbo pickup and that thing was the craziest sleeper street-racing monster the trek consisted of a single turbo 4.8 originally 700 800 horsepower he just kept tweaking it ended up being in the 900 horsepower range and then he threw a pair of twin turbos on his 408 set up and cranked it up to almost 1,100 horsepower he managed to click off a 10 point o4 in the quarter she doesn't seem fast today with thousands of turbo picked up sout there but back in 2003 this thing was the ultimate sleeper we pull up next to a nitrous fox body leave him by about 10 cars of the light and he'd have his jaw on the ground no idea what who wants to go for the next one I remember right around the same time we were filming parishes to pick up our friends WRX erasing this zo6 Corvette in the street for five hundred dollars our friend drugged this zo6 so bad the guy was so mad that he didn't want to pay out and make matters worse he punched her friend the face we took the argument to a parking lot somebody called in a tip that our friend had a gun in this car the cops show up canines scratching up cars searching everything it was just a mess so make a video it goes so viral that it takes down the Internet in our dorms that was staying in for college because my website was hosted in the dorm rooms and my friend calls me up and says you know what the Internet's down your video has gone so viral that we don't have internet right now that's when I knew I was onto something and it was time to take you to the next level next on the list Hot Rod magazine's Drag Week one of many events we film today this is actually my favorite legal event that we film our friend parish once again asked me to go on Drag Week 2005 and I wasn't really that interested in it but I wanted to film this pick up and it sounded pretty cool the way he's describing when I showed up I was instantly hooked looking at the cards that showed up they were just crazy unique builds nothing I've ever seen before and it was gonna be a great week I can tell I asked David Freiburger editor-in-chief of hot rod at the time what they had planned for live coverage and he told me they weren't really doing a live coverage they were just shooting for the magazine sometime in January so I have to be okay if I just blasted dragged me coverage all the message boards that I was on was my social media at the time and you said I didn't have any problem with it so this is when we locked in our coverage of Drag Week and became known as the place to go for drag me coverage until hot rod started doing live coverage after the five day drag racing journey driving a thousand plus miles with all these crazy cars I was really hooked to this event we've been filming it for eight or nine years now missed a few here and there mainly because I had my day job de to be accountable for but this is still our favorite legal or not and we love it this year there's over 300 cars that showed up it was just hard to keep track of it all but it's a great place for us to find unique crazy street cars but this is a bread and butter we'll be down shortly after the first drag week I realized that shooting photos and video by myself for the first few years didn't really make sense and driving three or four hours to events by myself was kind of boring so I brought my friend Kyle aka skunk shots to be the first team of 13 2000 he was shooting photos I was shooting video this is what vol 13 2000 sir into what it is today if you see us in events you'll notice that we have a big presence every one of the events our friend if we have a bet the event before we love becoming a part of the event the coming ingrained in the culture knowing the people knowing the drivers and telling the stories of what that is like to be at the event the thing a lot of people don't know is that 1320 video is just a bigger of friends we're all a big family friends that love cars I've met throughout the years and it's just evolved into a group of 30 40 50 friends that jump in here and they're dealt with photos with videos with selling merchandise it's a great game you might have heard of Street outlaws if you're street racer did you know that we actually filmed them back in 2006 we were invited to a st. Louis Street race which actually ended up being a bus is $1,000 buying ten cars lots of dollars cars the East Coast cars Chicago cars all converged we've got two street races done boostedgt oiled down the road and then the cops showed up at the first spot that we tried but what this did was introduced us to a whole new realm of serious increased as grudge racing having fun these guys throw money on the line because they've got some pretty crazy cars in st. Louis we met Limpy she Monza daddy Dave student driver and these are some connections that built some of the greatest friendships that we've got in street racing world the street loss TV show has helped our friends to do something that they loved on a skill they could never imagine just like me with virgin 20 video and it's done nothing but great things for street car racing around the world around the u.s. it's just blown up and that's what we love unique street cars that defines 13-point division so we love it fast forward a few years 2010 my friend Josh and Allah here kept coming back from this event down in Houston every spring just could not shut up about how crazy it was and we're always looking for the police or the event to go to to find the craziest most unique stuff in the world and this was a place we went down to TX UK and 2010 and my friend Josh was right the level of cars that showed up the level of street races the environment was nothing like we ever experienced this is the street racing superbowl around the world so in 2010 we headed down to Houston for our first year at TX UK and Josh was right the level of cars the speed the power this is insane this was the perfect place for us to find the crazy cars that we loved in film pairing up with TX UK has helped me grow that event and grow our channel at the same time 2012 we had crazy events that happened our page blew up TX UK created a whole new name for itself and it brought things to a whole new level TX Duque proved to be the Superbowl of street racing from around the world not to mention a lot of the other events that we filmed they have a huge concentration of cars that we love to film king of the streets no prep started filming that back in 2009 Texas Invitational some of the craziest of all race cars in the world a lot of them came from TX 2k12 the street racers that didn't want to play on the street anymore upwards of 200 miles an hour as well and then streetcar takeover a huge traveling event that we film this year lots of crazy street cars that show up there just works out great for content the next big moment 13:20 video history is one of the craziest feature cars we've filmed not just because of the car but because of how viral this car went the 3dx evo a car built locally our friend chase we follow him around when he's building it they took it to the dyno his goal is to break the evil record for horsepower and he did that right away we were trying to think of unique things to do with the car and back then these girls writing and fast cars videos are really popular so we put a whole new twist on it and you may have seen this video I'm Good Morning America I'm sure you see it on YouTube of our friend's mom driving this car banging through the gears at over 100 miles an hour and this video ended up on Good Morning America only 10 hours after I put on YouTube just blew my mind the level that we have gotten I put the video up on a paypal work trip in Baltimore about 10 o'clock at night I wake up in the morning my phone is full of texts saying look at the news look at the news your videos on Good Morning America this video propelled our YouTube channel to the level we had never seen before you see the spike on this picture that's from the mom video Thank You Good Morning America speaking of viral stats in propelling 1320 video the next moment related to Facebook back in 2012 we're leaving 40 X UK and a couple days before I open the Facebook app and the new update had a button on it said share photo and this might not seem that revolutionary but at the time you couldn't put photos on your fan pages without getting onto a computer and uploading through your computer before he left 40 X 2 K 12 in 2012 we had 2700 fans after the event we were somewhere in the 9000 range at the end of December we hit 30,000 which was just crazy to me my goal at that point was by the end of 2014 we would hit a hundred thousand fans and that was a big goal I knew her going to work hard for it and March 2013 20 X 2 K came around we were around 50,000 and then right before we're leaving for Drag Week we saw her stats are right around the 90 mm rings and we knew with the live coverage we were going to be doing this would give us 200,000 on Friday the last day of Drag Week at Bowling Green Kentucky I'm up in the tower watching our stats trying to get a screenshot of the hundred thousand mark 99999 hundred fifty and here's the moment one hundred thousand we had done it and it was months before my goal I was just blown away this is where things get weird I wake up the next morning and we're a hundred and five thousand somehow we've grown five thousand likes overnight the next day I look at it were a hundred and twenty thousand and I didn't know what was going on by November or 2013 we have 1 million fans which was just mind-blowing we started gaining fans at 30,000 40,000 a day and we had no idea why but we loved it because we could just share what we were filming in love with that many more people fast forward to December 2014 a year after my goal of a hundred thousand we're at 2 million fans and as of today we're just over 2.9 million and this just allows us to share everything we do with so many people around the world and we love it and we thank Facebook that ability I know I said top 10 but I'm gonna throw an extra one in here chronologically I mentioned I left PayPal earlier this year and that was a huge moment for me I loved my job I loved the people I worked with but I couldn't balance both of them I was filming all weekend and PayPal allowed me to work from the car on Friday driving to the event and then on the way back Monday drive me back home and balancing those two just wasn't possible anymore I couldn't do either of them the way that I wanted to so I left my job after nine and a half years to take 1320 video full-time because I knew it would be needed to take 13 2015 11 after filming all day we went to Walmart to get some supplies and our friend Garrett aka Cletus who actually runs all our social media walks out of the store with this ugly goofy chevy shirt well you back to the hotel and retire and delirious and screwing around we tear this leaves off with our bare hands with the power of bald eagles and this is when Cletus McFarland is born he says a bunch of goofy stuff we're always filming Garrett because he does weird random stuff to text to our friends or whatever after we filmed this stuff he does in front of Tom Bailey's 3,000 horsepower Camaro we can't stop laughing I'm in tears we just had to put it online so he spliced a few things together and put it up in the next morning it's and a half million views this is when Cleo's McFarland's born a few months later were hanging out at my house and Garrett's just feigning to bring Cletus back getting this goofy character and just screwed around so he tells me is gonna take my car out doesn't really tell me why and he comes back with a lawnmower of all things a lot of this stuff is staged but a lot of the little pieces in there are not and I was just cracking up we did do a test-fit of the lawn mower to make sure it worked it was my lawn mower but all the random stuff you threw in in between was just hilarious I had to try really hard to be angry because that's not but you'll be seeing a lot more Cletus we just put up a video from SEMA the guy's hilarious make sure you check him out last but not least one of the know the craziest event we have never filmed one of my biggest bucket list items we flourish Stockholm Sweden with the craziest street race in the world I've been seeing videos of this since 2005 or earlier and I knew I needed to go there one day with the help of some of our friends over in Stockholm we flew over they were awesome house we toured all the shops INSCOM before the big race Stockholm Open and we got a chance to get a preview of what we were gonna see the Stockholm Open is the Superbowl of street racing in Stockholm and Sweden there's three different street racing series with three different races per series and so they're running all year cash days style events the Stockholm open brings all of the craziest racers from those and throws them into the pot we'd like to thank all of our friends over in Sweden for the experience and letting us come over there and welcome us into their world and giving us access to anything that we wanted it was the craziest experience I have ever had in the racing world I was sweating I was shaking I was just had an adrenaline rush for 810 hours during the event it was nothing other experience thank you once again for 1 million subscribers hopefully this video is giving you a cool look into the background of where we've been if you're not a part of those 1 million subscribers click here so you can join us for the rest of our crazy adventures\n"