Is Scotty Kilmer Wrong About Cars

Don't Buy Those 2007-12 Nissan Altima's with the 2.5 Cylinder Engine

As a mechanic with 51 years of experience, Scotty has seen his fair share of problems with vehicles. However, when it comes to the 2007-12 Nissan Altimas with the 2.5 cylinder engine, he believes that these vehicles are not worth buying due to their high failure rate. According to Scotty, if ten out of a hundred of these vehicles have engines that blow up, then people should think twice before purchasing one. He acknowledges that some owners may get lucky and find a reliable vehicle, but the risk is too great.

Scotty's reasoning for this stance is rooted in his observation of the quality issues that started to occur once Renault took over Nissan in the 90s. Since then, he has seen a significant increase in problems with these vehicles. As a result, Scotty advises potential buyers to avoid purchasing one of these models altogether. While it may be tempting to get a good deal on an older vehicle, Scotty believes that the potential risks far outweigh any savings.

The Importance of Choosing the Right Motorcycle for Your Needs

When it comes to choosing a motorcycle as a daily driver, Scotty emphasizes the importance of selecting a model that is suitable for your needs and riding capability. He advises against purchasing a large or heavy motorcycle with high CC rating (such as 1000-1200cc), as these vehicles are difficult to park and maneuver.

Instead, Scotty recommends opting for a smaller motorcycle with a lower CC rating (such as 125 or 250). These vehicles are lighter, easier to handle, and provide better fuel efficiency. If you want more pep and zing in your ride, Scotty suggests considering a 600cc model. However, it's essential to remember that even the most reliable motorcycles require proper maintenance and riding skills to avoid accidents.

Avoiding Common Motorcycle Mistakes

One of the biggest mistakes that motorcyclists make is overbuying their capabilities. Scotty warns against purchasing a motorcycle that exceeds your riding skill level or experience. He cites examples of young riders in California who bought high-performance motorcycles, only to lose control and crash on the highway.

To avoid making this same mistake, Scotty advises potential buyers to consider the following factors when selecting a motorcycle:

* Riding capability: What is your experience level as a rider?

* Vehicle type: Do you prefer a sport bike, cruiser, or touring bike?

* Terrain: Will you be riding in urban areas, on rural roads, or on long-distance trips?

By carefully considering these factors and choosing the right motorcycle for your needs, you can enjoy a safe and enjoyable ride.

The Benefits of Front-Wheel Drive Cars

When it comes to driving in snowy conditions, Scotty emphasizes the importance of front-wheel drive (FWD) cars. He explains that FWD vehicles are designed to handle snow-covered roads with ease, as they provide more traction and stability on the road.

One example he cites is his mother's Toyota Corolla, which she drives in Buffalo, New York. Despite being a smaller vehicle, her Corolla handles snow and ice without any issues. Scotty attributes this success to the weight distribution of the vehicle, which puts more power on the front wheels.

The Lexus ES350, another FWD car model, is also praised by Scotty for its performance in snowy conditions. He notes that the heavier weight of the vehicle and the placement of the engine and transmission on the drivetrain provide added traction and stability on slippery roads.

Snow Safety Tips

Scotty offers some valuable advice for motorcyclists who may find themselves riding in snowy or icy conditions:

* Always wear protective gear, including a helmet, gloves, and boots.

* Check your motorcycle's maintenance before embarking on a ride.

* Consider investing in snow tires or snow chains to improve traction.

* Practice slow and deliberate movements, using gentle acceleration and braking.

By following these tips and choosing the right vehicle for your needs, you can enjoy a safe and enjoyable ride, even in the most challenging winter conditions.

Spark Plug Boots: A Common Cause of Idling Issues

According to Scotty, spark plug boots are often overlooked as a potential cause of idling issues. When changing spark plugs, it's essential to remove the coil-on-plug assembly from each cylinder to inspect and clean the boots. If these boots have been sitting for years, they can become clogged with debris and damage the coils.

Scotty advises checking the spark plug boots first when troubleshooting an idle issue, especially if you've recently changed the spark plugs. He also recommends inspecting other components, such as wires, sensors, and vacuum lines, to ensure that none of these have been damaged or knocked loose during maintenance work.

Choosing the Right Spark Plug

When selecting a new spark plug, Scotty emphasizes the importance of choosing one that is compatible with your vehicle's specifications. If you accidentally purchase the wrong spark plug, it can cause idling issues and lead to more extensive problems down the road.

To avoid this mistake, Scotty recommends consulting an owner's manual or checking online resources for compatibility information before making a purchase.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enrev up your engines,poopy things 21, Scotty I'm not tryingto say you're wrong but I've seen many2007-12 Nissan Altimas with the 2.5cylinder running quite some time, howmany have you seen, I've been a mechanicfor 51 yearsI see the problems that vehicles haveand not every single one falls apart, Imean but in my book if let's say ten outof a hundred of them have engines thatblow up I tell people don't buy those doyou want to be one of the 10 out of 100 thathasan engine that blows up, you know nobodywants that to happen, that's notsomething that you want to get involvedin and I just in the past 90spretty good vehicles, could run a longtime, once Renault took over Nissantheir quality went down, and I see too manyproblems to ever advise people to buyone, you know like I said you get luckyyou might have a good one,but there are too many bad ones out forme to tell people to go buy something,cuz me if there's more than just ahandful of them, you don't want to buy it,nez says how tight should you puton an oil filter, hand tight, hand tightenthen a quarter turn with oil, whatshould I do, you want it tight you don'twant it coming off, now realizing thatyou put them on by hand, now you don'twant that to stick, you don't want thatrubber to stick to the metal on theblock, so before you do anything get theold oil filter if it has one of thoselittle plastic covers on it, take it offand throw it away, get some clean oil andput it all the way around a rubber sealthat way it's lubricated, and once it'slubricated then when you turn it on it willseatnice, but won't stick from dry rubber onan engine block, about as tight as youget with your bare hands, because if it'slubricated it's not gonna stick and whenyou take off oil filters you always usea wrench anyway, you don't want to have itthatI don't want it too tight so I can't getit off with my bare hands, get a wrenchthat takes your oil filter off they don'tcost much, you know and a lot of carsthese days you have to because they gotthose stupid paper ones that are insidea plastic canister, and that canister youcan't get it off with your bare handsyou got to have the special socket thatfits on the end and then you put aratchet and pull it off, so do that youdon't have to worry about getting it tootight with your bare hands,unless you're you know Arnoldand even then you'd be able to get itoff with a wrench as long as you putsome oil on the lip, zero 29 says I gotan 09 Chevy Equinox it's kind ofslow when you're accelerating you noticemore when you're going uphill, okay thosearen't the greatest vehicles but own it soso you might as well as takecare of it, don't put a bunch of money init, like if the transmission startsto go I'll get rid of the thing don'tthrow that kind of money into itbut any vehicle that has slow accelerationespecially uphillthat's called a loaded problem, meaningthe vehicle doesn't run right whenit's got a big load and you get a bigload when you're accelerating goinguphill, do the obvious things if it needsa tune-up, change the spark plugs, airfilter, fuel filter that kind of stuff, ifthat doesn't fix it, I got a video how toclean fuel injectors or without removal,you'd want to try, that because ifthey're clogged up that can clean themup, now that's not it, then basically go toa mechanic like me we get on our highlevel scan tool that we have and weanalyze all the live historical data andmode six data, and we can figure outwhich system isn't working right, youmight have a code somewhere too so youget it scanned and not just becauseyou check engine light isn't on itdoesn't mean that there's not going tobe coded information.check engine lightonly comes on when you get generallymore than twenty or twenty five percent offand the vehicle won't run right goinguphill even if it's only ten twelvepercent off, but that won't trip a codeso you always want that information analyzedzash says Scotty any suggestionsfor a motorcycle as a daily driverthanks, well first think, a daily driverwhere do you live, is this going to belogical, I've had guys here in Houstonand said yeah motorcycle I'm gonnahave a daily driver, then they find outhow much it rains here at times and theyfound out what a hellacious drive it wasgoing to work getting soaking wet on amotorcycle and dangerous and slidingaround, and they realized gee I shouldn'thave got a motorcycle in the first place,or up north where it's freezing cold andsnow and you're gonna kill yourself onthe ice driving a motorcycle, but thatsaid any Japanese motorcycle as a dailydriver, it's gonna last you'd have todecide what do you want,what can you handle, if you want a littletoy to go around in get a 125 or a 250that'll get you here and thererun forever and get fantastic gas mileage,if you know how to drive a motorcyclemaybe get a 600 that's got more pep toit and zing it around, if it's a daily drivermy advice is stay away from the big boysdon't get a thousand twelve hundred CCthey're big and heavy, their hard to parkandhard to maneuver, and if you want a dailydriver the Japanese make so manydifferent types of motorcycles, make yourhead spin and they're all extremelyreliable, but go to what you're ridingcapability is, don't be one of these guyslike those kids in California thatthey're baggers at a grocery store andthey buy a one hundred ninety mile anhour motorcycle and then kill themselvesflying off the coast highway, cuz theydidn't know what they were doing youknow don't overbuy your capabilities,francisco hey scotty is a front-wheeldrive car good in washington becauselexus es350 is front wheel drive, frontwheel drive one of the main reasons theywant the front wheel drive is becausethey ride in all terrains, it's mucheasier and efficient and accurate topull something than it is to pushsomething, and that's one of the reasonsthey went the front-wheel drive, mymother is 92 still drives lives inBuffalo New York and she's got a ToyotaCorolla that's front-wheel drive and shehas no problem in the snow and it's alittle light vehicle, the lexus is evenbetter because it's a heavier vehicleand you got the weight on the drivewheels there with an engine andtransmission, no they're great in thesnow there's no problems at all, like Isay that's one of the big reasons theywent front-wheel drive, ernie says heyScotty my truck started idling poorlyevery time I change the spark plug bootsabout a month ago, you say it happen nowafter you change the spark plugs, if it'sbeen happening for the last month youmessed something up, realize that when youchange spark plugs most cars have thecoil on plug you know you got to takethe coil on plug assembly off of eachone, just the fact that they've beensitting there for years they're rubberand plastic, just on plugging them and pullingoff sometimes can damage the coil onplugs, so I would check those first andthen also check where you work see ifany wires have been broken, see if anysensors have come off, see if you knockedany vacuum lines off, if it happened afteryou did that work something you did wentwrong, and of course make sure you usethe right spark plug, take one out at lookatit, looking up on a computer or an autozoneor some place and say is this comparable tomy vehicle sometimes people accidentallyget the wrong spark plugs and they won'trun right then either, so if you never wantto miss another one of my new car repairvideos, remember to ring that Bell\n"