**Discovering Madeira Concepts: Expert Wood Restoration Specialists**
As I continued to explore my passion for classic cars and their restoration, I stumbled upon an exceptional company called Madeira Concepts. Located near Santa Barbara, California, this expert wood restoration service is a must-visit for anyone seeking to revive the original charm of vintage Mercedes-Benz vehicles. With a keen eye for detail, the team at Madeira Concepts brings new life to worn-out wooden components, transforming them into works of art that accurately match the car's original design.
Upon inspecting my own vehicle, I realized that the wood restoration work was indeed exceptional. Initially, I thought the restored wood looked nice, but after sending it out for evaluation, I was impressed by the level of detail and craftsmanship involved in the process. Madeira Concepts' attention to authenticity is evident in their work, ensuring that every component is meticulously replicated to match the original design. Whether you own an old Jaguar or one of the classic coupes with extensive woodwork, sending your vehicle to Madeira Concepts can make all the difference.
One of the standout aspects of Madeira Concepts is their dedication to using authentic parts and materials. Unlike generic, off-the-shelf components that may not fit properly, they offer bespoke solutions tailored specifically for each car's unique needs. This commitment to excellence ensures a seamless integration with the rest of the vehicle, creating a cohesive and authentic appearance. As a testament to their expertise, I paid for their services, which included reconditioning an old Mercedes-Benz classic center. While not a plug for their services, I wanted to share my positive experience with fellow enthusiasts.
The significance of using genuine parts from Mercedes-Benz cannot be overstated. The company's vast network and resources enable them to source components from the manufacturer themselves, rather than generic alternatives. This attention to detail and commitment to authenticity is evident in every aspect of the restoration process. From replacing rubber seals to reconditioning windshields, their dedication to accuracy is unparalleled.
A lesser-known aspect of Madeira Concepts' expertise lies in their extensive knowledge of classic car parts and machinery. Their team, led by George Swift, boasts an impressive array of skills, including expertise in rebuilding rare machines like the Ford Superiors and White Steam Cars. With a passion for restoration that borders on obsession, they're always eager to share their knowledge with fellow enthusiasts.
The Burbank Fire Department's 1914 Christi is another remarkable story that showcases Madeira Concepts' capabilities. Originally rebuilt by local craftsmen in Wayne, New Jersey, the fire department brought it to California for use in a TV show. Impressed by its quality, I suggested that George Swift and his team take on the restoration project. With precision and care, they restored the Christi to its former glory, utilizing bespoke components like Mesabi's all-brass radiator tubes.
In addition to their impressive work on the Christi, Madeira Concepts' efforts on my own vehicle have been nothing short of remarkable. From replacing worn-out water pumps to sourcing original Bosch starter switches, every aspect of the restoration process has been meticulously executed. The team's attention to detail and commitment to authenticity are evident in every component, ensuring that the final result is a testament to their exceptional craftsmanship.
As I reflect on my experience with Madeira Concepts, I'm reminded of the importance of preserving classic cars' original charm. By utilizing expert wood restoration services like theirs, enthusiasts can revive their vehicles to their former glory, maintaining the integrity and authenticity that makes them so beloved. Whether you're a seasoned restorer or just beginning your journey, I highly recommend exploring Madeira Concepts for your next project. With their expertise and dedication to excellence, you'll be impressed by the results they achieve.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enwelcome to the episode of Jay Leno's Garage it's another one of our restoration blogs where we show you what project we're working on we're reporting basically to you the stockholders to show you what we're doing and projects that have been put set aside for a while then we come back to later but we got a lot of good stuff this month and you know technology is moving so quickly since the last time we did a restoration blog in August this is Andrew McEwan from Farrow technologies he does this Star Wars looking 3d arm here you know 3d printing is really this is the future of the old car hobby you all know Jim Hall he's our chief fabricator here and I just want to show you some of the amazing pieces we've been able to make and then we'll explain how it's done this is a valve cover for 1916 Owens magnetic it's one of the first hybrid cars but if you look inside you can see well it's all eaten away it's been patched it's just become completely porous the coolant and everything was just leaking through and it was just useless we scanned it made a new one well this one's kind of hot off the press thought of literally up yeah Monday much thicker much stronger this one should easily last this one only less than 100 years luckily the company's not in business or be down there knocking on the door but this one will easily last another hundred how do we do it Jim well explain one of the exciting things here is we get to partner with some great people and so 3d systems helped us with this see cast in Seattle Washington actually did the casting Faro we've got a Faro scanner right now and it's older technology so we've had it for about nine years and and what's especially exciting to me that just has recently come out is Faro now has a scanner so in the old technology I had to paint things white done around today this happens to be a white primer because our red laser it only liked white it wasn't happy with dark colors wasn't happy with shiny stuff and the new one which is a blue laser is that right is able to pick up it will pick up shiny objects you could scan a window you can scan paint well at and even black black was always a real problem because black absorbs the light from the laser and then you don't get a high quality scan I'm stepping on your territory but isn't this new one a lot faster than you a lot faster reach out from 30 frames a second what you have now to 280 frames a second at a larger stripe or depth of field and like you mentioned we don't have to coat the parts anymore so the challenge is always needs to be with red laser technologies you have to use some sort of powder or white paint as you have here some other technology to put little targets on as well here we can scan and it doesn't matter if it's white black white and black at the same time or something reflective I click the green button to start taking points and you can see just how fast it is so we're capturing the shiny metal there and the black shiny paint at the same time that's because of our blue laser and also our HDR mode lets show the Luddites what we're talking about here if you're if you're like me and this kind of all goes over your head this is a water pump from the from our Fraser Nash 1934 over there as you can see all eating away by corrosion Jim scanned this built it up and made a brand new water pump what you can do and and the cool thing is you can use it to build up medal let's say this is an area for corrosion where rust comes through water comes where you can build that up you can make it thicker on the replacement part you could put the original numbers back in it if you want I mean that's the amazing thing about it this there's no reason to go to a junkyard start looking through parts you'll never find anymore when you can just when you can just make them I mean this is a American technology you know where you come up with new ideas fast and in other countries can steal them I mean that's that's the great thing about it and this and what you saw how quickly it scanned it yeah and I I mean I've been working now for nine years with this stuff and it I have to be very careful I have to go back look at all my day to go I have to go back and rescan that and you can see from this that it's like that was just a really fast scan yeah I mean what an idiot you weren't even being carefully just like that and what's out accurate it is and and the other thing about all of this technology is we can send it over the Internet you know so we scan it here if we need help I've got people in North Carolina that help us I you know if the casting house isn't available in the United States a file can get shipped to Oh unknown South Korea or something and well that's what they did that's been doing on the space shuttle now they send a program to the Space Shuttle they've got a 3d printer on the shuttle and it makes up the part I mean that's yeah it's you know bring spare parts you just bring spare material and then you make the part when you I mean it's it's a whole new world it's pretty amazing anyway I'm excited to be involved with all these people and this is we didn't just restore the own magnetic it was an older restoration but you know older restorations fail and have to be maintained that's what happened I was driving this and then the porosity just got to it and as you can see somebody had used various jb weld and every other kind of thing to fix it and it just got to be unfixable after points so you just had to make make another one and that's what makes all this technology well we've got shelves full of parts that we've made using this it's if people how available is this to an automotive shop it's easy enough to do what does that go for so this system here goes for about 82 grand and over hardware plus software but we actually just launched another design product that looks almost identical we took away some of the bells and whistles like the Wi-Fi and touchscreen same blue laser technology we cut the price in half so that's really targeting more of the automotive designers in the aftermarket clients who say hey we're not going to use this to measure parts every single day but it'd be really useful that we could go up to a car find mounting locations so I can design around that scan what's there make sure our design is not going to intersect anything there and that way we can go back to our office and design from there without I think as you mentioned earlier having to go back to the vehicle take more measurements if you miss any we just scan the whole thing for example this is a feed water heater for a 1909 white steam car you're not going to find this part anywhere it doesn't exist anymore most were melted down to the high-quality aluminum for the war effort it just doesn't exist but now this car can run for another 100 years because we can make every single part make the Pistons we made connecting rods that's for the steam part would do it for Gaston but it's unbelievable I mean it is an awful lot of money for that but when you realize you can base your business around making any part I think it pays for itself pretty quickly yeah it's we're all about trying to make things easier right and trying to accelerate that at time to market that product design cycle time the inspection time it's all about trying to save time work smarter right now what is the website and how do people get in touch with you it's WWF ericom Farr comm and it's American company it is we're we're proud to be an American company our global headquarters is right outside Orlando and Lake Mary Florida and we pride ourselves on support some your local Account Manager we don't charge ever for support doesn't matter if you've got an arm from nine ten years ago you want to make sure you're successful cool yeah thank you very much and you thank you thanks Erin come on let's show you some of the other stuff we're doing here now this is our 1953 Cunningham it's just about finished if you saw the previous restoration blogs you've seen now what a job was to put this thing together it's almost finished now just got a little bit of fine-tuning but we'll have a full road test or report on this car in the weeks ahead and we'll show you all that went into it and we've been taking pictures but right now you saw the new-school technology over there right now I'm going to show you some old-school technology let's go and see Jimmy see how it's making out well this is all the old-school technology Jimmy Jimmy how you doing kiddo Julia how's it going did Jimmy 3d printing that's what you do with a crayon and a pad you try that would be 3d printing it's pretty much but as you know Jimmy's been working on these cylinders doing a beautiful job making the water jackets for our old Mercedes Graf Zeppelin engine but every now and then we got to keep taking them off that project do other stuff I'm restoring a 1925 brough superior our original muffler well there you go look at that that's look that was the original what was inside the original muffler what was happening was I was riding the bike he's all came loose and what happened they'd slide down they they'd literally cut off the exhaust and shut the engine out so you just because the back pressure couldn't get through so he's made brand-new exhaust pipes yeah this is the new ones this is the new one this is a copy of the original it's a copy of you I mean you Jimmy just does amazing amazing work I want to show you a piece he did on the on our Fraser Nash this is just sort of the old school and this is the same file you use to break out of prison it's the same one the same one my favorite of ours just saw in those bars just to get free now he's doing it here come on let's show him what you did on the freakin - now the great thing about handmade stuff is hands haven't changed so they can make it again Bernard and Jimmy his cap was missing and the guys did a beautiful job recreating I mean you can't tell it from the original because all the dimensions are they match the original yeah Bernard took all the machining and did all the original cab machining the fine part here that this threaded pieces and then the rest is all handmade and between both of us and silver knit together get it finished up and had it chrome plated yeah you know you'll never tell us it isn't exactly the same exactly the same except with a brand-new severus to do it it's a little tighter is probably the original yeah that's good that's what we want yeah nice job come on I'll show you the Mercedes coupe of them building well this is the 280 SE 3.5 coupe we've been working on for quite a while as you see it's all painted Chrome has been redone we did everything here window frames everything doing the upholstery now and I found a fabulous company called Madeira concept they're up near Santa Barbara maybe on Goleta but it's Madeira concepts they redo wood on these old Mercedes and when I got it I thought hey the wood look pretty good until I sent it out to them and got it back and I realized oh man I'm so glad I did it now because it really really looks fantastic take a look and that's what they specialize in whether you have an old jag or any these old hand-built coupes that have a lot of wood parts and wood inserts in different places send it up to them they did a nice job and again this is not a plug they didn't do it for free and an exchange for a plug III paid for about so pleased with the work they did I just want to share with you guys so that's the name Madeira concepts and really nice work and the Mercedes classic Center you know the great thing about Mercedes Benz is they make parts for every single car they've ever produced and you can still buy them brand-new and they say Mercedes and the built by Mercedes they're not made in some foreign country somewhere and it doesn't fit I mean stuff is not inexpensive but it's exactly the rut with all these pieces all the rubber all the yeah you know you buy some generic one size fits all rubber and it bulges it doesn't fit you got to cut it whereas the windshield seal I mean everything we ordered from Mercedes and it fits perfectly this seal here all this is new new glass all the way around I mean they do a wonderful job so if you've got an old Mercedes you need apart I mean a replica part might cost you two-thirds as much and it's not going to fit so that's why I'm really really happy with them now we have a couple of projects we won't put in this restoration brach blog our electric car 1914 that's been on hold for a little while while we finish this and the Frasier Nash over there oh and something really cool this fire engine take a look this is George Swift one of our mechanics he's rebuilt the rough superiors the white steam cars he's probably versed on more machinery in here than just about anybody and it's a it's been kind of fun you learned all the different kind of things on-the-job training I do anything every day yeah well a couple years ago we got a call from the Burbank fire department they had a 19-13 Christi and they brought it here and we used it in our TV show and we blew it up and we're rebuilding that one but I was so impressed by it I said I got a fine work we found this one in Wayne New Jersey when we do the finished video on this particular vehicle we'll we'll explain the story behind it and the great guys in Wayne New Jersey who originally rebuilt it but it's been sitting for a long time so first thing we did was made a new radiator get a look at this all brass what's the name of that company judge I think it's Mesabi it says right here um mes Abia Mesabi not aware I don't know where they are but but they make all the mostly heat exchangers from a big big heavy equipment and boy each one of these tubes in the old age you'd have to either block off a tube or take it out with this each one of these tubes is replaceable so if you break one so thanks to them that worked out really well what else are we doing to this the water pump was bad water pump when our dad made all the pieces largest brother up in with what town in Maine is the main hope Maine found us an original Bosch starter switch the way these work is you press it halfway down the Bendix gear engages flywheel so all the way down spins the flywheel and starts it and they had electric starts that electric starting vehicle is that far back this is a 20 liter four-cylinder angela meets each piston is as big as a 302 Chevy or Ford so it's it's pretty fascinating we're getting it all together it'll be running in probably a month or so yeah you see got a few things to do to it you know there are places where water corrosion is eaten through some of the pipes and other things but basically it's a it's a beautiful machine and the guys at the volunteer fire department down there in Wayne New Jersey did a great job taking care of because it originally came from Los Angeles but we'll show you the story on this when it's done we'll we'll take you from beginning to end and you'll see the pictures of the original guys in New Jersey that rebuilt it before we rebuilt it again and it's a great story and it's got a great great history and you'll find that out next time you see it see you guys next weekwelcome to the episode of Jay Leno's Garage it's another one of our restoration blogs where we show you what project we're working on we're reporting basically to you the stockholders to show you what we're doing and projects that have been put set aside for a while then we come back to later but we got a lot of good stuff this month and you know technology is moving so quickly since the last time we did a restoration blog in August this is Andrew McEwan from Farrow technologies he does this Star Wars looking 3d arm here you know 3d printing is really this is the future of the old car hobby you all know Jim Hall he's our chief fabricator here and I just want to show you some of the amazing pieces we've been able to make and then we'll explain how it's done this is a valve cover for 1916 Owens magnetic it's one of the first hybrid cars but if you look inside you can see well it's all eaten away it's been patched it's just become completely porous the coolant and everything was just leaking through and it was just useless we scanned it made a new one well this one's kind of hot off the press thought of literally up yeah Monday much thicker much stronger this one should easily last this one only less than 100 years luckily the company's not in business or be down there knocking on the door but this one will easily last another hundred how do we do it Jim well explain one of the exciting things here is we get to partner with some great people and so 3d systems helped us with this see cast in Seattle Washington actually did the casting Faro we've got a Faro scanner right now and it's older technology so we've had it for about nine years and and what's especially exciting to me that just has recently come out is Faro now has a scanner so in the old technology I had to paint things white done around today this happens to be a white primer because our red laser it only liked white it wasn't happy with dark colors wasn't happy with shiny stuff and the new one which is a blue laser is that right is able to pick up it will pick up shiny objects you could scan a window you can scan paint well at and even black black was always a real problem because black absorbs the light from the laser and then you don't get a high quality scan I'm stepping on your territory but isn't this new one a lot faster than you a lot faster reach out from 30 frames a second what you have now to 280 frames a second at a larger stripe or depth of field and like you mentioned we don't have to coat the parts anymore so the challenge is always needs to be with red laser technologies you have to use some sort of powder or white paint as you have here some other technology to put little targets on as well here we can scan and it doesn't matter if it's white black white and black at the same time or something reflective I click the green button to start taking points and you can see just how fast it is so we're capturing the shiny metal there and the black shiny paint at the same time that's because of our blue laser and also our HDR mode lets show the Luddites what we're talking about here if you're if you're like me and this kind of all goes over your head this is a water pump from the from our Fraser Nash 1934 over there as you can see all eating away by corrosion Jim scanned this built it up and made a brand new water pump what you can do and and the cool thing is you can use it to build up medal let's say this is an area for corrosion where rust comes through water comes where you can build that up you can make it thicker on the replacement part you could put the original numbers back in it if you want I mean that's the amazing thing about it this there's no reason to go to a junkyard start looking through parts you'll never find anymore when you can just when you can just make them I mean this is a American technology you know where you come up with new ideas fast and in other countries can steal them I mean that's that's the great thing about it and this and what you saw how quickly it scanned it yeah and I I mean I've been working now for nine years with this stuff and it I have to be very careful I have to go back look at all my day to go I have to go back and rescan that and you can see from this that it's like that was just a really fast scan yeah I mean what an idiot you weren't even being carefully just like that and what's out accurate it is and and the other thing about all of this technology is we can send it over the Internet you know so we scan it here if we need help I've got people in North Carolina that help us I you know if the casting house isn't available in the United States a file can get shipped to Oh unknown South Korea or something and well that's what they did that's been doing on the space shuttle now they send a program to the Space Shuttle they've got a 3d printer on the shuttle and it makes up the part I mean that's yeah it's you know bring spare parts you just bring spare material and then you make the part when you I mean it's it's a whole new world it's pretty amazing anyway I'm excited to be involved with all these people and this is we didn't just restore the own magnetic it was an older restoration but you know older restorations fail and have to be maintained that's what happened I was driving this and then the porosity just got to it and as you can see somebody had used various jb weld and every other kind of thing to fix it and it just got to be unfixable after points so you just had to make make another one and that's what makes all this technology well we've got shelves full of parts that we've made using this it's if people how available is this to an automotive shop it's easy enough to do what does that go for so this system here goes for about 82 grand and over hardware plus software but we actually just launched another design product that looks almost identical we took away some of the bells and whistles like the Wi-Fi and touchscreen same blue laser technology we cut the price in half so that's really targeting more of the automotive designers in the aftermarket clients who say hey we're not going to use this to measure parts every single day but it'd be really useful that we could go up to a car find mounting locations so I can design around that scan what's there make sure our design is not going to intersect anything there and that way we can go back to our office and design from there without I think as you mentioned earlier having to go back to the vehicle take more measurements if you miss any we just scan the whole thing for example this is a feed water heater for a 1909 white steam car you're not going to find this part anywhere it doesn't exist anymore most were melted down to the high-quality aluminum for the war effort it just doesn't exist but now this car can run for another 100 years because we can make every single part make the Pistons we made connecting rods that's for the steam part would do it for Gaston but it's unbelievable I mean it is an awful lot of money for that but when you realize you can base your business around making any part I think it pays for itself pretty quickly yeah it's we're all about trying to make things easier right and trying to accelerate that at time to market that product design cycle time the inspection time it's all about trying to save time work smarter right now what is the website and how do people get in touch with you it's WWF ericom Farr comm and it's American company it is we're we're proud to be an American company our global headquarters is right outside Orlando and Lake Mary Florida and we pride ourselves on support some your local Account Manager we don't charge ever for support doesn't matter if you've got an arm from nine ten years ago you want to make sure you're successful cool yeah thank you very much and you thank you thanks Erin come on let's show you some of the other stuff we're doing here now this is our 1953 Cunningham it's just about finished if you saw the previous restoration blogs you've seen now what a job was to put this thing together it's almost finished now just got a little bit of fine-tuning but we'll have a full road test or report on this car in the weeks ahead and we'll show you all that went into it and we've been taking pictures but right now you saw the new-school technology over there right now I'm going to show you some old-school technology let's go and see Jimmy see how it's making out well this is all the old-school technology Jimmy Jimmy how you doing kiddo Julia how's it going did Jimmy 3d printing that's what you do with a crayon and a pad you try that would be 3d printing it's pretty much but as you know Jimmy's been working on these cylinders doing a beautiful job making the water jackets for our old Mercedes Graf Zeppelin engine but every now and then we got to keep taking them off that project do other stuff I'm restoring a 1925 brough superior our original muffler well there you go look at that that's look that was the original what was inside the original muffler what was happening was I was riding the bike he's all came loose and what happened they'd slide down they they'd literally cut off the exhaust and shut the engine out so you just because the back pressure couldn't get through so he's made brand-new exhaust pipes yeah this is the new ones this is the new one this is a copy of the original it's a copy of you I mean you Jimmy just does amazing amazing work I want to show you a piece he did on the on our Fraser Nash this is just sort of the old school and this is the same file you use to break out of prison it's the same one the same one my favorite of ours just saw in those bars just to get free now he's doing it here come on let's show him what you did on the freakin - now the great thing about handmade stuff is hands haven't changed so they can make it again Bernard and Jimmy his cap was missing and the guys did a beautiful job recreating I mean you can't tell it from the original because all the dimensions are they match the original yeah Bernard took all the machining and did all the original cab machining the fine part here that this threaded pieces and then the rest is all handmade and between both of us and silver knit together get it finished up and had it chrome plated yeah you know you'll never tell us it isn't exactly the same exactly the same except with a brand-new severus to do it it's a little tighter is probably the original yeah that's good that's what we want yeah nice job come on I'll show you the Mercedes coupe of them building well this is the 280 SE 3.5 coupe we've been working on for quite a while as you see it's all painted Chrome has been redone we did everything here window frames everything doing the upholstery now and I found a fabulous company called Madeira concept they're up near Santa Barbara maybe on Goleta but it's Madeira concepts they redo wood on these old Mercedes and when I got it I thought hey the wood look pretty good until I sent it out to them and got it back and I realized oh man I'm so glad I did it now because it really really looks fantastic take a look and that's what they specialize in whether you have an old jag or any these old hand-built coupes that have a lot of wood parts and wood inserts in different places send it up to them they did a nice job and again this is not a plug they didn't do it for free and an exchange for a plug III paid for about so pleased with the work they did I just want to share with you guys so that's the name Madeira concepts and really nice work and the Mercedes classic Center you know the great thing about Mercedes Benz is they make parts for every single car they've ever produced and you can still buy them brand-new and they say Mercedes and the built by Mercedes they're not made in some foreign country somewhere and it doesn't fit I mean stuff is not inexpensive but it's exactly the rut with all these pieces all the rubber all the yeah you know you buy some generic one size fits all rubber and it bulges it doesn't fit you got to cut it whereas the windshield seal I mean everything we ordered from Mercedes and it fits perfectly this seal here all this is new new glass all the way around I mean they do a wonderful job so if you've got an old Mercedes you need apart I mean a replica part might cost you two-thirds as much and it's not going to fit so that's why I'm really really happy with them now we have a couple of projects we won't put in this restoration brach blog our electric car 1914 that's been on hold for a little while while we finish this and the Frasier Nash over there oh and something really cool this fire engine take a look this is George Swift one of our mechanics he's rebuilt the rough superiors the white steam cars he's probably versed on more machinery in here than just about anybody and it's a it's been kind of fun you learned all the different kind of things on-the-job training I do anything every day yeah well a couple years ago we got a call from the Burbank fire department they had a 19-13 Christi and they brought it here and we used it in our TV show and we blew it up and we're rebuilding that one but I was so impressed by it I said I got a fine work we found this one in Wayne New Jersey when we do the finished video on this particular vehicle we'll we'll explain the story behind it and the great guys in Wayne New Jersey who originally rebuilt it but it's been sitting for a long time so first thing we did was made a new radiator get a look at this all brass what's the name of that company judge I think it's Mesabi it says right here um mes Abia Mesabi not aware I don't know where they are but but they make all the mostly heat exchangers from a big big heavy equipment and boy each one of these tubes in the old age you'd have to either block off a tube or take it out with this each one of these tubes is replaceable so if you break one so thanks to them that worked out really well what else are we doing to this the water pump was bad water pump when our dad made all the pieces largest brother up in with what town in Maine is the main hope Maine found us an original Bosch starter switch the way these work is you press it halfway down the Bendix gear engages flywheel so all the way down spins the flywheel and starts it and they had electric starts that electric starting vehicle is that far back this is a 20 liter four-cylinder angela meets each piston is as big as a 302 Chevy or Ford so it's it's pretty fascinating we're getting it all together it'll be running in probably a month or so yeah you see got a few things to do to it you know there are places where water corrosion is eaten through some of the pipes and other things but basically it's a it's a beautiful machine and the guys at the volunteer fire department down there in Wayne New Jersey did a great job taking care of because it originally came from Los Angeles but we'll show you the story on this when it's done we'll we'll take you from beginning to end and you'll see the pictures of the original guys in New Jersey that rebuilt it before we rebuilt it again and it's a great story and it's got a great great history and you'll find that out next time you see it see you guys next week\n"