RB vs. VG: Why Nissan Discontinued Their Best idea

**The Battle of the RB26DETT: A Legendary Engine**

In the world of high-performance engines, few names evoke as much excitement and admiration as the RB26DETT. This inline-6 powerhouse has been at the heart of some of Japan's most iconic sports cars, including the Nissan Skyline GT-R. With its impressive power output and advanced technology, the RB26DETT is a true legend in the world of engines.

**A Brief History**

The RB26DETT was first introduced in 1989 as part of the Skyline GT-R's engine lineup. It was designed to be a high-performance powerhouse, with features like multi-port fuel injection, twin turbos, and variable valve timing. The result was an impressive 316 horsepower and 289 pound-feet of torque. This level of performance was unmatched in its time, and the RB26DETT quickly became a tuner's darling.

**Tuning Potential**

One of the key factors that contributed to the RB26DETT's legendary status is its incredible tuning potential. With bolt-ons like air filters, exhaust systems, and engine management units, it was possible to extract over 400 horsepower from this engine. With more serious modifications, such as big turbos and intercoolers, the RB26DETT could produce over 650 horsepower. This level of performance is still unmatched by many modern engines.

**Unique Features**

So what sets the RB26DETT apart from other high-performance engines? One key feature is its use of sodium-filled exhaust valves. These valves are designed to dissipate heat more efficiently than traditional solid metal valves, allowing the engine to produce more power while maintaining a safe operating temperature. Another unique feature is the individual throttle bodies (ITBs) used on the RB26DETT. These ITBs allow for nearly instantaneous delivery of air to each cylinder, resulting in improved throttle response and increased performance.

**A Winning Engine**

So why is the RB26DETT considered a legendary engine? In part, it's due to its impressive power output and advanced technology. But it's also because of the cars that it came in - the Skyline GT-R, with its reputation as one of Japan's most iconic sports cars. This combination of performance and heritage has cemented the RB26DETT's place in the hearts of many car enthusiasts.


The battle between the VG30DE and the RB26DETT may have been close, but in the end, the RB26DETT emerges as the winner. Its impressive power output, advanced technology, and unique features make it a true legend in the world of engines. Whether you're a car enthusiast or just someone who appreciates high-performance machinery, the RB26DETT is an engine that's sure to inspire awe and admiration.

WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- In the eighties and nineties,Nissan was known for some fun-ass cars.There was the NX2000 SX, 200SX,the Sentra SE-R, the 240SX,and those are just a coupleof ones that we got in the US.For outright performance, though,the best of Nissan's best were the 300 ZX,powered by the VG engine,and the Skyline GT-R, powered by the RB.These two engines are moresimilar than you might think,but the RB became a JDM legend,while the VG, not so much.So today, we're going tofigure out why that is.Does the engineering of the RBreally justify its significanceor did we all get Grand Turismo-edinto thinking it's betterwhen it's not?B2B today.We're going to figure it out.(mellow hip hop music)- Thank you to Dr. Squatchfor sponsoring today's video.I don't put much thoughtinto my deodorant.Sure, it leaves me stinkythroughout the day.It has me rubbing harsh chemicalsand unnatural ingredientsinto my body, but hey,the big buff shirtless mansaid it's good for meand that's good enough.(wall crashing)- Looks like someone needsanother lesson in hygiene.- All natural, Jerry, you're back.- Nolan, your armpitsdon't deserve good enough.They're sweaty, stinky sublime kingsthat deserve the high performancehygiene of Dr. Squatch.(audience gasping)(Nolan sniffing)(Nolan delightedly exclaiming)- Birchwood Breeze.- Your deodorant may claim to be healthy,but let me show youwhat that really means.(Nolan screaming)- Is this really my armpit?- You bet it is.Dry and smelly, no thanksthat old stink stick of yours.But look what happens when youuse Dr. Squatch's deodorant.Its high performance hygienenourishes and freshens withall natural ingredients,keeping your pits healthywith plants, minerals,and the best that mothernature has to offer.- Jerry, aluminum!(ground crashing)- It's okay, Nolan, use this.That's it.Blasts those unnatural ingredientsright out of your body.Let them know aluminum is for leftovers.- Jerry, what's that?(odor smoke growling)- Body odor.Nothing a smooth glide ofAlpine Sage can't handle.Nolan, together.(lasers beeping)Unlike the generic barof synthetic chemicals you've been using,Dr. Squatch actually packshigh performance powerinto their deodorant to fight BO.I'm talking about natural deodorizers,like charcoal powder and even probioticsthat'll prevent the growthof odor-causing bacteria.(odor smoke screaming)- You know what, all-natural, Jerry?You're right.My awesome armpits do deserve the best.- Start feeling andsmelling your best todayby going to Drsquatch.comor click the link below.Plus, new customers can save 20% offwhen you use code DSCDONUT at checkout.(Jerry sniffing)Do you smell that?- No.- Smells like another armpit in distress.Let's fly, Nolan!- Oh no.I just fixed that wall!(playful music)- If you didn't know,Nissan's RB and VG enginesdebuted all the way back in the eighties.And 40 years later, the RBhas gained quite a followingamong enthusiasts,so much so that Nissanrestarted production in 2019.Meanwhile, its VG brotherfaded away like Patrick Swayzein the movie, Man Makes a Vase.(gentle music)But us here at Donut love the VG.I'm not willing to stand byand watch a once great enginego quietly into the night.We're giving the VG one last shot,a winner take all grudge matchagainst its brother, the RB.It's three rounds, comparingtheir design differences,performance potential,and their influence onthe cultural zeitgeist.Yeah, we broke out thedictionary for that word.Look it up.It means-(speaking gibberish)- Round one.Fight!- The VG and RB were bornaround the same time,and because of that, theyhave a lot in common.That similarity could make adifference in later rounds.But first we got to look atthe biggest difference of all,their layout.The RB is an inline-6 orI6 and the VG is a V6.Is that difference enoughto explain the dominance of the RB?Well, let's find out.One of the most obviousadvantages of an inline-6,like the RB, is that it's simpler.Because the cylinders are all in a row,you only have one cylinderhead containing all the valves,camshafts, and timing gearfor all six cylinders.That simplicity makes inline-6s cheaperand easier to work on.Because they're longand strong and narrow,there's a lot of space onthe intake and exhaust sidesfor things like turbos.A V6, on the other hand, like the VG,has two cylinder heads,meaning more top endparts, like camshafts,and a more complicatedvalve timing system.All that complexity makes aV6 more expensive to buildand harder for an amateurmechanic to modify,repair or maintain.V6s are also wider than I6sso there's less space forthings like turbochargers,and they're a bit morecomplicated to install because V6shave dos exhaust headers, that's two.But the other side ofthat two exhaust headersis you get two spinny boys.I just took my spinny boy shirt off.But you're just going to be a boost creep,a double boost creep.So the RB can land the first blowfor being less complicated.And it's not just thetop end of an inline-6that's simpler and lighter.The bottom is too.That's because inline-6sare naturally balanced,while V6s often require extra mass,such as counterweightsto eliminate vibration.(upbeat jazz music)(Jeremiah scatting)♪ Vibration ♪Occur because a piston, likeany moving object, has inertia.That's resistance to changein speed and direction.But because pistons are reciprocating,they're constantly changingspeed and direction.When that happens,all the energy from a piston'smomentum has to go somewhere.And if the engine isn't properly balanced,that energy dissipates throughoutit, producing vibration.Those aren't justuncomfortable for passengers.They can also cause seriousdamage to the engine.So balance is a crucialpart of engine design.And to see how it can be achieved,let's start with a single piston.The unchecked movement of a single pistonas it changes direction,produces vertical vibration in an engine.So to counteract that,the piston's movement needs to be balancedby another object or mass movingin the opposite direction.In a single cylinder engine,the crank will have counterweightsitting opposite thepiston's connecting rod.That way, when the pistonis at top dead centerand begins moving downward,the counterweight atthe bottom of the crankwill rotate upwards, balancingthe piston's movementand reducing vibration.But there's another way tocounteract the vibrationcaused by a single piston,just by adding another piston.In a two cylinder enginewith pistons moving opposite directions,the pistons themselves act ascounterweights for each other,so that eliminates the source of imbalanceand the vertical vibration it causes,but it introduces anotherkind of vibration, rocking.♪ I wanna rock ♪♪ I want to rock ♪♪ I wanna rock ♪When one piston is beingpropelled downward by combustion,that piston is travelingwith greater forcethan the one traveling upward.This causes the entireengine to rock back and forthtowards whichever cylinderis on its combustion stroke.So can you solve this problemby adding another piston though?Unfortunately, no.No.An inline-3 does retain thebalance of a two cylinderthat prevents vertical vibrationbecause the force producesby each piston's movementis counteracted by the movementsof the other two pistons.But the rocking occurs wheneverthere's an unequal forcebetween two halves of an engine.You probably see whereI'm going with this.So during any part of its movement,if you slice an inline-3 down the middle,you'll find unequal up and down forcesbetween the two halves,and that produces rocking.But there is a solution to both verticaland rocking vibration, an inline-6.An inline-6 is like twoinline-3s, placed end to end.So just like an inline-3,the force of any one pistonis always counteracted by themovement of two other pistons.But the pistons in aninline-6, like the RB,also move as mirrored pairs,and that mirroring eliminates rockingby ensuring equal up and down forcesin the two halves of an engine.That balance means thecrankshaft on an inline-6doesn't need extra massto counteract vibrations from the pistons,making it simpler, lighter,and it can spin more easily.Because of their natural balance,inline-6s, like the RB,run incredibly smooth.A V6, on the other hand,is like two inline-3s,but joined at the crank,and that creates a problem.V6s inherit the inline-3's balancewhen it comes to resistingvertical vibration,but they also inheritthe inline-3's imbalanceand tendency towards rocking.That means V6s, they'rerarely as smooth as inline-6s,and they often need anaddition of balance shafts.There's a rotating rodsthat act as additional counterweights.That adds bulk and complexity,and that's why the VGengineers, they didn't use them.Instead, to minimize thecharacteristic V6 vibration,they eliminated as manyother sources of imbalanceas they could.They improved the tolerancesand manufacturing engine partsto ensure individual partsthemselves were balanced.They used lightweightpistons and connecting rodsto minimize the forces those create.They even implemented a systemto weigh internal engine partsand match them with complimentary partsbefore engine assembly,to ensure that each VGcould be as balanced asit possibly could be.So if you compare an inline-6to V6 in terms of balance,there's really no contest.The inline-6 wins.And that's probably still the casebetween the RB and the VG.So second hit. now goesstraight to the RB,but it's more of a jab than a haymaker.But so far,V6 isn't looking good.He's got a little dink,his eye is puffing up.He's got a little puffed eye.So at this point you mightbe thinking that, okay,there's simplicity and smoothness,I6s are just clearly betterand the RB has this in the bag.Well, hang on now,inline-6s were incrediblypopular for performance carsthroughout history becauseof their advantages,but their shape creates problemsthat the V has an answer to.Because all the cylinders are in a row,inline-6s, they're narrow,and that makes them easy to work on,but it also makes them long.You know what they sayabout a long engine, right?Long internal components.The length of the crank and camshaftsmean they lack torsional rigiditycompared to shorter versionsyou'd find in an engine,like V6s.Torsional rigidity is what prevents a partor even an entire carfrom flexing or twisting.Lack of torsionalrigidity becomes a problemas engine speeds rise up.At higher RPMs, the internalparts of an engine flex more,subjecting them to more strainand greater wear on parts,which support them,like for example, yourcrank journal bearings.In the case of camshafts,those are only being drivenfrom one end and as speeds rise,they can twist, throwingoff the timing of the valvesfurthest from that driven in.That reduces power andefficiency at high RPMs.Inline-6s, they also aren'tjust long, they're tall,like me, which leadsto packaging problems.I hate packaging.To a car manufacturer,packaging just means howeverything fits togetherin a car's design.So one reason inline-6sare hard to packageis because tall enginesare hard to squeeze intolow, sleek sports cars,like the Z32 300ZX.Long engines are hard to package toobecause they take space awayfrom frontal crash structures,which are meant to crumple in an impact.A long engine, it won't crumple,it'll just get crammed into the firewall.They're also hard to packagein a front-wheel drive car,most of which have theirengines mounted transversely,that's rotated 90 degreesrelative to the car.That becomes an issuewhen an engine is sharedacross a bunch of different platforms,which was one of the goals forthe VG when it was designed.So third hit goes to VG for versatility.(Jeremiah imitating punches)Round two, performance potential.Fight!The RB came out prettystrong in round one,but round two is all aboutperformance potential,and that means we've got to get specific.See, the VG and RB areboth engine familiesand they contain dozensof related designs.We can't pit 130 horsepower single cam RBagainst a twin turbo monsterVG and call it a fair fight.The pinnacle of VGperformance is the VG30DETT,and it came in the Z32 300ZX.We covered the Z32 and itsVG motor in this episode.If you want to watch it, click here.The short version,it was a NASA-grade high-techengine for its time.It featured multi-port fuelinjection, twin turbos,twin intercoolers, andvariable valve timing.It had computer controlsfor ignition time,exhaust gas recirculation,and even idle speed.All that fancy and expensive hardwarewas engineered to optimizeengine performancethroughout a wide rev range.From the factory, thatmeant you got 300 horsepowerand 283 pound-feet of torque.But during its heyday, in the nineties,it was common knowledgethat the VG could get morepower squeezed out of it.You get out 100 horsepowerwith simple bolt-onand break 600 horsepower withbigger turbo, intercoolers,injectors, and a revised ECU.Start adding forged internals,like pistons and rods,and you can get close to 1,000 horsepowerbefore the crank reaches its limit,which isn't too surprisingbecause in a factory race trim,the VG was making over 950 horsepowerin the Nissan NPT-90.The VG was and still is anamazingly capable engine.And what's even more amazing now,is how few people areinterested in the VG today.You can buy a VG30DETTcomplete with turbosand a manual transmissionfor just 1,500 bucks.A big reason why the VG is so cheapis because everybody wants an RB.Those sell for 10 times as much on eBay,and that kind of demand wasa big incentive for Nissanto restart production.But because the RB is10 times more expensive,does it mean it's 10 times more better?Well, let's find out.So the pinnacle of RB performanceis a legendary RB26DETT.They put that in the Skyline GT-R in 1989and continued it intothe R33 and R34 GT-Rs.And like it's VG brother,the RB featured all thelatest engine technology.You got multi-port fuelinjection, you got twin turbos,you got variable valve timing,computer-controlled ignition,et cetera, et cetera,got the works, right?But by the end of itsoriginal production run,the RB was making 316 horsepowerand 289 pound-feet of torque.Similar figures to the VG.And like the VG,the RB became a tunerdarling in the ninetiesand similar paths to morepower we're quickly discovered.400 horsepower bolt-ons,650 horsepower turbosand fuel injection, 900 ormore with beefed up internals.You don't have to be a geniusto see that the performancepotential of the VG and the RBlook pretty similar, at leastwhen it comes to the numbers.So is this round of tie?No.Never.There are no ties in thefight club of Jeremiah.Tying is not allowed.That's the number one rule.Number one rule, no ties.Number two rule, don't talk about ties.Number three rule, never wear a tie.(Jeremiah laughing)But the RB has a fewsurprise moves up its sleeve.One reason why the RB hasremained popular all this timeis because it incorporates someserious race car technology.The RB26DETT usessodium-filled exhaust valves.Most valves are solid metal,but a valve that's been hollowedout and filled with sodiumdissipates heat better than solid valves.That sodium has a low meltingpoint around 98 degrees Cand a high boiling pointaround 883 degrees C.Gravity causes liquid sodiumto accumulate at the base of the valve,where it's exposed to heat ofthe combustion and it boils.And that sodium gas thenmoves to the top of the valve,carrying heat with it,which dissipates in the cylinderhead, cooling the valve.The sodium condenses as it cools,drops back to the base of thevalve, and the cycle repeats.Cooler valves can withstandmore heat and pressure,meaning the engine cansafely make more power.The RB also features individualthrottle bodies or ITBs.Almost every road car usesa single throttle bodymounted to one end of the intake manifold.A manifold consists of amain chamber called a plenumthat splits off into runnersthat route air to each cylinder.When you press on theaccelerator, the butterfly valveand the throttle body opens,letting in the air theengine needs for combustion.But there's a delaybetween opening that valveand air actually makingit into the cylindersbecause it's got to travelthrough the rest of the intake manifold.A car with individual throttlebodies has one throttle bodyfor each of its cylindersattached directly to the head.That means when thebutterfly valves opens,air is nearly instantaneouslydelivered into the cylindersfor improved throttle response.Features that improve theway an engine gulps down airor dissipates heat shouldincrease tunability.And tunability is an areawhere the RB's reputationseems to beat out the VG,in spite of their similarpotential power figures.As an inline-6, the RB is simplerand easier for tuners to work onso that's definitely a factor.But the power figuresfrom upgraded RBs and VGsare so similar and the VGsmay be harder to work on,but it costs a 10th of the RB.So I think round twois a tie.Rule number four, we can have ties.You just can't wear one.Round three.Fight!Being cheap seemed tosave the VG in round two,but that cheapness might beits undoing in the final round.Now, the winner of round threeis the engine that hasembedded itself in our psycheand our hearts, and it's gotta be the RB.(upbeat rock music)The VG will probably neverattain legendary status,like the RB, simply becauseof the cars they came in.The Z32 300ZX has been criticizedfor being too complicated,having too many computer controlsand not enough space under the hood.The Skyline GT-R does have more spacefor things like bigturbos and intercoolers,but it was still incrediblycomplicated with its ITBs,twin turbo complexity, advancedlimited slip differentials,all-wheel drive systemand four-wheel steering.But nobody cares about thatbecause it's a skyline GT-R.It was the star of "Grand Turismo","The Fast and the Furious"and a million computerdesktops and racetracksaround the world.In spite of its complexity,or maybe because of all that technology,the Skyline ended upwith a racing pedigreethat the Z32 never matched.The GT-R was hugely successful in Japaneseand Australian touring car racing,earning it the Godzilla nicknamefrom the Australian press.The GT-R's success at the trackwas often attributed to its RB engine,and that reputation for performanceled to the RB being usedfor the Australian marketHolden VL Commodore,one of the few non-Skylinesto ever receive the RB.That race pedigreecombined with exclusivityhelps explain the RB'scontinued popularity.The VG was produced by the millionsand fitted into everythingfrom Maximas to minivans.It can be found in everyjunkyard across the USand that's one reason why it's so cheap.The RB was never available here.Its US reputationgrew alongside Americanenthusiasts' increasing interestin JDM cars, which we were exposed toas a result of video gamesand the rise of the internet.The combination of exclusivityand international reputationhas a ton to do with why the RBremains such a big deal today.It's why it wins the round and the fight.I was really pulling for VG.I did not make a bet against you.(mischievous music)(horse neighing)- 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channel.That's the big draw there.It's a lot of fun stuff.Follow us on Instagram, @Donutmedia.Follow me on Instagram, @Jeremiahburton.Follow me at TikTok, @silenceofthelambda.Thank you guys so much for watching.Until next week.Bye for now.(upbeat hip hop music)