Overclocked MAX FPS Flight Simulator Gaming PC with Geforce RTX

**Microsoft's Flight Simulator 2020: A Game Changer**

The latest installment in Microsoft's Flight Simulator series, Flight Simulator 2020, has finally arrived, and it's massive. The game's sheer scale is impressive, allowing players to create their own custom flight routes and fly over different areas of the world. This level of freedom and customization is a significant improvement over its predecessors and sets a new standard for simulation games.

However, while the gameplay itself is undoubtedly impressive, there are some issues with optimization. In our testing, we found that the game struggled to run smoothly on lower-end hardware, requiring high-end components to achieve optimal performance. This may be a concern for players who don't have the latest and greatest gear. Nevertheless, for those willing to invest in top-notch hardware, Flight Simulator 2020 offers an unparalleled level of realism and immersion.

**A Comparison to Crisis on the Internet**

Fans of simulation games will likely notice that Flight Simulator 2020 bears some similarities to another popular title, Crisis on the Internet. Both games require high-end hardware to run smoothly, with players needing powerful processors and graphics cards to achieve optimal performance. However, while Crisis on the Internet was a groundbreaking game in its own right, it struggled with optimization issues. Microsoft's latest installment has clearly learned from these mistakes, but there is still room for improvement.

**Overclocking: The Key to Unlocking Performance**

One area where Flight Simulator 2020 falls short is optimization on the CPU side. Our testing showed that the game struggled to maintain frame rates at high settings, particularly when overclocked processors are used. In fact, we found that our overclocked Core i9-10900K processor only reached a maximum of 99% utilization, with some frames displaying as low as 50% fill. This suggests that there is still significant room for improvement in terms of CPU optimization.

For players who want to unlock the game's full potential, however, overclocking is essential. By using a fast processor and high-speed memory, players can significantly boost their frame rates and enjoy a smoother gaming experience. Microsoft's Flight Simulator 2020 may not be perfect, but with the right hardware, it's certainly possible to get the most out of this game.

**The Mech3015: A Challenging and Rewarding Experience**

After delving into the world of Flight Simulator 2020, we decided to try our hand at the mech3015. This was a challenging experience, but one that ultimately proved rewarding. The game's difficulty level is steep, with players needing to navigate complex environments and manage limited resources. However, the sense of accomplishment when overcoming obstacles is unparalleled.

The inclusion of ray tracing in this game adds an extra layer of realism, making the gameplay even more immersive. With its impressive graphics and smooth performance, the Mech3015 is a must-try for fans of simulation games. Our only criticism is that the game's difficulty level may deter some players, but for those willing to take on the challenge, it's well worth the effort.

**Game Pass: A Great Way to Experience Flight Simulator 2020**

As part of Microsoft's Game Pass subscription service, Flight Simulator 2020 offers an excellent value proposition. For just $9.99 per month, subscribers can access a vast library of games, including this latest installment. While not every game on the platform is as polished as Flight Simulator 2020, there are plenty of other great titles to explore.

In our opinion, Game Pass is an excellent way to experience Flight Simulator 2020 without breaking the bank. With its low monthly subscription fee and access to a vast library of games, it's hard to argue against giving this service a try. Even for those who don't plan on keeping their subscription long-term, Game Pass offers an excellent value proposition.

**A Question from Mario Stabik**

We recently received a question from reader Mario Stabik, who asked about the worthiness of upgrading from an NVIDIA GeForce 750 TI to an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti. According to our testing, the GTX 1050 Ti is indeed a significant upgrade over the 750 TI, offering improved performance and a more seamless gaming experience.

However, we would caution against paying market-rate prices for the GTX 1050 Ti, as many players in Mario's region are taking advantage of the GPU shortage. If you can snag the card at a discounted price locally, then by all means, go for it! But if you're looking to pay market rate, we'd recommend considering alternative options, such as an RX 470 or an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Super.


Microsoft's Flight Simulator 2020 is a game-changer in the world of simulation games. Its massive scale and customization options are unparalleled, offering players a level of freedom and realism that's hard to find elsewhere. While there are some issues with optimization, particularly on the CPU side, these can be addressed with the right hardware.

For those willing to invest in top-notch gear, Flight Simulator 2020 offers an unforgettable experience. With its impressive graphics, smooth performance, and challenging gameplay, it's a must-try for fans of simulation games. And with Microsoft's Game Pass subscription service offering an excellent value proposition, there's never been a better time to join the world of Flight Simulator 2020.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enforeigntonight tech yes citizens we're going tobe buildinga pc to play microsoft's new flightsimulator now i've heardthat people are struggling to get thefps in this game they arehaving problems and this has been going on forforever in flight simulators flightsimulators have always had problemsgetting really high fps sodon't be surprised that microsoft's 2020flight simulatorisn't getting you the fps that you wantlike other potato games likesay for instance valeran or fortnitethey're very easy becausethere's not a whole lot going on in thatgame with the engineas opposed to a flight sim with so manydifferent variablesgoing on at the same time though ifyou've got fpsproblems the first thing you can try andthis is a big important part oftonight's buildis that we've got seven rgb fans intotal three at the front we're going tobe putting one at the backand then three on this 360 mil radiatorwhich can be mounting at the topso we all know if you're enthusiast techwe all knowrgb gives you more fps and it's going tobe giving us more fps in this casebecause we're using the i5 10 600 k andthat's because flight simulators atleast the ones from microsoft havetypically beenvery single thread heavy and dependentthough we will check that out once weinstalled the gamebut i have a feeling the 10600k coupledwith the z490aorus pro ax motherboard and 4 400megahertzddr4 memory is going to give us the bestshot at getting the best fpson this game but for the graphics cardwith the rtx 2080 super here for morrisand i'm hoping in this game at least thethis graphics card won't be thebottleneckat least at 1080p but from what i'mhearing the cpu is the bottleneck inthis gameso we're going to give it the best shotit can and another thing as well aurasent over because they knew i was doinga microsoft flight simulator gaming pcthey sent over two nvme drives to put inraid 0 becausethey've heard that these levels they'vegot massive levels and they take a longtimeto load so if you've got raid 0 that'sgoing to speed up your load timesfor all the levels within flightsimulator now with that aside today'svideo is sponsored by gigabyteand nvidia let's get on with this buildand then install flight simand here is the finished product withseven rgbfans ready to go now we've overclockedthe cpu to 5.1 gigahertz and then we'veleft it on overnight stress testingas well as downloading all the games soi decided to download a couple moregamesbecause your first month on the xboxgame pass pc is a dollarso that means you can play microsoftflight simulator 2020for one buck like it's actually a reallygood deal right nowanyhow it's finally time now to startbenchmarking this gameokay we've got to download webum okay so we've got to now downloadanother 91 gigabytes of storageafter we downloaded the initial 150gigabytes this isreally weird uh yes uh helloi've just come to australia and i'veexperienced yourfor aussieinternet so now this game is installedwe can go from a comparison here fromall the way on the low preset to themedium to the high end and then lastlyto the ultra presetwhat we can see here is that straightaway low settingsis so taxing on this game it'sincredible how taxing this game is onnot just your cpu but your gpu toothis is a 2080 super it's being taxed at60 percent and the graphics kind of looklike on low settings at the very leastthey look like something from back in2010 soif you can try to keep the settingson medium or above that's myrecommendation but stillyou will want to have high-end hardwareto get the most out of this gamethough if you've got the hardware andyou've got the ability to turn thegraphics up and get a decent playableexperiencethen this game really does come to lifeeven just flying around in this planeon my beautiful home city of the goldcoast things like reflections off thewindowsand then outside just the lights comingon really are reminiscent offlying at night in a plane like it'sscaryhow sort of realistic this game can gethowever this is for me personally wherethis game sort ofdoes have that initial wow factor butit's really is geared up towards someonewhois so enthusiastic about flying mepersonally isort of just benchmarked it for you guysi've built a pc upbut my passion doesn't lie in flying soi'm probably just gonna maybe jump intothis gamefor a couple more days and then i'mpretty muchdone with it unless there's some reallycool sort of likejet fighter stuff that i can kind of getinto and maybe try and do some top gunstuffand uh pretend like i'm back in the1980s in that tom cruise film but ifsomeone's got like a top gun wingmanpackagei would love to check it out please linkit in the description belowbecause i think that would be the mostfun thing for me in this game or ifyou've gotsome kind of dog fights that you canhave going on that would be really coolor if it's juststrictly flight simulators only becauseyeah i kind of just i get bored and theni start trying to do tricks and i end upjustdoing some really bad crashes likeyou're seeing on the screenhere the next up here is a game thattook me by surprise if you guysremember way back in the day there wasthe original mech warrior and i actuallyplayed this on pcand then i went into a lot of differentother games as time went on andnow i'm coming back to this all theseyears later and there's mech warrior 5aka mechwarrior 3015. now this gamehas rtx and when i was asked by nvidiaand gigabyte to do a pc build thatfeatured rtx i was kind of like well iwant to play something that i actuallyenjoylike the actual game before we even lookat rtxand this game really wasn't so enjoyableand thenif you want you've got the option toturn on the rtx features which of coursewill drop the fpsat 1080p here when we go from highsettings without rtx on to high settingswith rtx onwe do drop a lot of fps roughly 30 butof course we do gain visual fidelityfrom thatand it just makes the game just moreimmersive especially when there's a lotgoing on and believe me in this gamethere is a lot going on it's extremelydifficult to play whereyou've constantly got to be movingstrafing left and rightwatching to make sure you don't overheatand thenmaking sure that you don't getoverheated by the enemies justlaying into you too so even on like adifficulty of onequarter this game is extremely difficultso i really impressed with this idefinitely want to play it moreafter i'm finished up with this videobecause it's it's just that excitingand there we have it with the flightsimulator gaming pcthat has rgb it actually ran the gamewell from what i'm comparing it withother videos out thereand the 10600k at 5.1 gigahertzthis is overclocked and the memoryspeeds are clocked quite highso if you guys are serious about playingflight simulator then you're probablygonna have to beserious about the amount of money thatgets extracted from your walletbecause this game is very taxing on thecpu side of things and also on the gpuside too where even on low settings at1080pit's still utilizing a lot of resourcesfrom 2080 superbut one thing i've straight awayrealized from this game is you'll eitherwant to keep the settings between mediumor ultra i find those two presets arethe best in terms of visual experiencebut then if you're in a really heavycity with lots ofcars moving and lots of stuff going onin big buildingsthen it will tax the fps even on one ofthese setupswe had today which is kind of like thebest hardware you can throw at itand we were still going into like 30 fpswhere if we dropped it into mediumsettings we then gained a lot more fpsand then depending on the map sowhen i was flying on the gold coast thefps was a lot betterso depending on the country and theflight route you takeyou will get a lot more fps going downand dropping the settingsbut then dropping down the settings tolow showed us that the graphics betweenlow and mediumthe presets was absolutely huge so myadvice would be if you can stick tomedium preset over lowand if you can also take it up to ultrathen you're going to gain a bit morevisual fidelity over mediumand then high end i found that was veryclose to ultra but ultra didn't tax it awhole lot morethan the high settings though anotherthing i've learned from microsoft flightsimulator is thatyou should never ask me to be your pilotbecause i'm hopeless at flying both inthe pilot seat at least in this gameand when it comes to being a passengerirl i'm not a big avidenthusiast of flying and it's funnybecause neither is dead man he's alwayssort of justnever really wanted to fly too much sothat said if you are getting into flyingor you're a pilot then you can loseyourself in this gamefor most likely days months or evenyears because it is justmassive where you can make your owncustom flight routes fly over differentareas of the worldso it's definitely impressive whatmicrosoft have done here with this gamein terms of the gameplay itself thoughthe optimization of the game itself doesleave a little bit to be desiredi see a lot of people comparing thisgame to crisis on the internetand it definitely is similar in terms ofneedinghigh-end hardware to run it properlyjust like crysis did butif i look back at crisis 3 specificallythat gamewas very well optimized on the cpu sideat least frommy memory where it would max out the gpuat 100 a lot of the timeseven on ultra settings on this game icouldn't seemost the time my gpu sitting at 99percent near 100 percentand so that means that there is a littlebit more to be desiredin terms of optimization on the cpu sideand we've got a 10 600 k hereoverclocked to 5.1 gigahertz with somehigh speed memory too soone thing about this game is if you dowant to get the most fps possiblethen you definitely want to get anoverclockable cpu combowith a good cooler and start gettinginto the world of overclockingespecially if you're going to sinkhours and hours of time into this thingthen it will give you a nice sizableboostso after that i jumped into the mech3015 and that was a lot of funespecially the difficulty i found thisgame very difficult to play like it hada lot going onwhere if you're looking for a i guess ahard to playmech game that's got the ray tracinginvolvedand it's got all the graphics and itlooks really good and plays really wellthen i can recommend this game it'sdefinitely a lot of funand then because i'm on my first monthof game pass i saw the new battle toadsthereand i started to jump into that andstart playing that for a bitso the game's definitely on thisplatform at least if you're going tojoinfor just say a three month stint you'regoing to get a lotof value worth out of that game pass inthe first three months at least anywaysothere's some really good games on theplatform they're not just cheap crappygames that no one's playing anymorethese are games that are really like indemand and have a high price tag soit's good to see microsoft doing somegood with not just flight simulatorbut also the game pass itself anyhow ifyou guys enjoyed today's video then besure to hit that like button also if youwant to build a pc similar to thisthen i will leave some links in thedescription below for you and let usknow in the comment section below haveyou playedmicrosoft's flight simulator 2020 yet ifso what did you think of itare you into flying yourself unlike melove reading your thoughts and opinionsas always just like this question of theday here which comes from mario stabikand they ask hi i have a question is itworthto upgrade from the 750 ti to the gtx1050 tii have a feeling that is not much of adifference and at first i was going tosayno but then i thought about it a bitmore and the temper tiis actually a sizeable upgrade over the750 tithough i wouldn't go out and pay marketrates for a 1050 tibecause they're currently in my opinionquite overpriced wherea lot of people at least where i liveare just going out and buying 1650supersbrand new off the shelf because a lot ofpeople are trying to ask too much for a1050 ti soif you can get one for a really gooddeal locally whether it's off a friendor off someonein the marketplace locally where you arethen you can snap it up and you will geta sizeable boost but if you're lookingfor market rate prices i'd either stickto say an rx 470which can be really cheap on the usedmarket or go with the 1650 superbecause i'm guessing you're going with a750 ti or a 1080 tiyou've probably got a rig that doesn'thave a high powered sue in thereor a leaser in there and you um arelooking tolooking just to get a quick and easyupgrade so hopefully that answers thatquestionand if you guys have stayed this far andyou're enjoying that content you want tosee at the moment it dropsmonitors just run out again that's aweird one that's two videos in a row nowif you want to see the content themoment it drops be sure to hit that subbutton and ring that belland i'll catch you in another tech videovery soon peace out for nowbyeoh\n"