**Understanding Capacitors: A Beginner's Guide**
If you've ever had the problem of your monitor or TV suddenly stopping work at some points, there's a big chance that you can repair it by replacing the dodgy capacitors on the circuit board. In fact, almost every circuit of consumer electronics has such capacitors in one form or another.
In this article, we'll talk about what a capacitor is, what the ratings on it mean, and what function it fulfils in our circuits. We'll also explore how to build a simple capacitor ourselves and delve into its behavior in DC and AC circuits.
**What is a Capacitor?**
To understand some fundamentals of capacitors, it would be best to build one yourself. I used an aluminum sheet and made one line in the middle of the material, another line at 1/3 of the length of the other side. Then, I used my saw to cut out four pieces and used my clamps to position the two smaller pieces parallel to each other with a very small distance. This is basically a capacitor.
The wiring symbol looks like this: if you hook it up to a 30-volt power source by connecting plus to one side and minus to the other, you can see that just for a fraction of a second, a very small amount of current flows. This current is also known as electron flow, which charges up the plates by creating an electrostatic field between them.
**How Does a Capacitor Work?**
When we measure the capacitance of our homemade capacitor, we see that it's around 50-60 picofarads. That's nothing, and in fact, the capacitor cannot even hold a charge when I disconnected from the power source. Normally, capacitors do this and can supply stored energy from the electrostatic field just like a battery can supply power.
However, the more capacitance and maximum voltage rating it has, the more power it can deliver. Now, let's get back to our plate capacitor. We can actually improve the capacitance by increasing the surface of the plates. This way, there are smaller spaces for electrons, and thus, a bigger electrostatic field is created.
If we get the plates even closer to each other so they're touching, we can also increase the capacitance. Since the force on the electrons to the positive plate increases, there's more space for other electrons. However, we're still only at 110 picofarads with the big plates. To improve this even further, we can add a dielectric material like distilled water in the middle of the plates.
**Adding Dielectric Material**
The H2O dipoles line up with the electrodes static fields and increase the force on the electrons, which again creates more space for others. I was even capable of creating a 2.5 microfarad capacitance like this, which is not bad!
This is basically how all capacitors work in one way or another. If we take apart a real-life example like this electrolytic capacitor, we can see it also just contains metal films with a dielectric material in the middle.
**Behavior in DC and AC Circuits**
Now that we've explored what capacitors are and how they work, let's move on to how they behave in DC and AC circuits. For this, you might want to watch my inductor coils video before hand since there are many relations between those two.
First of all, let's take a look at switching operations. This time, the voltage of a capacitor cannot change instantly because it needs to build up its electrostatic fields or turn it into another kind of energy. However, the current will change immediately and slowly decrease while the capacitor reaches its maximum voltage.
This is used to keep voltages at a stable level at the output of your power supply or to decouple an IC in your circuit. We can also use them in combination with a resistor to charge them up in a specific time. This way, they can be used to create different signals like a square wave with this Pi 5 timer.
**Capacitor and Frequency**
If we move over to AC signals with the sine wave, we can also find out that a capacitor just like a coil creates another form of resistance called capacitive reactance. However, in contrast to coils, the capacitive reactance decreases as frequency increases.
To be more precise, the formula for capacitive reactance is 1/(2πfC), where f is the frequency and C is the capacitance. This means that the higher the frequency, the lower the capacitive reactance will be.
**Capacitor in Parallel**
Now, let's talk about how to compensate our inductive load with a capacitor in parallel. When we add a capacitor in parallel to an inductive load, it also creates a phase shift but in the opposite direction. This compensates our inductive load and relieves the power grid from the reactive power.
And with that being said, you already know quite a lot about capacitors. I hope you like this video! If so, don't forget to share and subscribe. That would be awesome!
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