Marty's Mira Build [Part 9]

The Art of Disassembly: A Step-by-Step Guide to Extracting the Engine from a Car

I've pulled the thing off the end of the rubber and squeezed the end of it. I can feel it quivering in my hand, you're shaking with the end of it yeah yeah. I'm kind of like just sort of vibrating it to make it obvious where it is. That's just a two in there at the same time which is why it feels like it's stuff so forth oh really do you see my fingers? Yeah, just can't actually see them there's a little bit of sort of like just fluid or something in the way feel that fur where the end of my finger is. Yeah yeah yeah.

As I continue to manipulate the part, I realize that I'm going to need both hands to pull it apart. Hang on then oh, I've got one finger in prying at a part of mine and now I'm just gonna Ramit with the other hand. Yeah go go go gogo yeah, I've got it ah, it's coming out man, it's kind of got a bit of a flange yep is it? I've got to gone a bit of a weird angle though yeah if you just ripping down on my fingers just pump it like back and forth in that bit ah here we go there yeah that's it that's it that's is it over the lip?

There, I've managed to extract the part from its housing. It's been a challenging process, but with patience and persistence, I've finally succeeded. Now, let me see how it looks in my hand. Ah, yes, it's exactly as I expected. The part has come out easily, and I can inspect it more closely.

As I examine the extracted part, I notice that there's a bit of a chunk missing from its surface. It sounds like something went through that hole. Still going yeah it's still going it's about to pop they're gonna go see yeah the wall dogs yes awesome that was just as difficult as last time yeah alright weed that done now we can undo the top of these drop drop yeah yeah you can do this 12 if you go and then throw it all in a bin I guess hey sister, it's been abused by time on who really has the sands of time have dribbled over at SAC beaten and elongated its scan the big time and ruptured its many orifices so that's the thing like as humans get older they get more saggy and as these things get older they get more rusty yaknow we're all just rusting and sagging away my friend you know our own little place at our own pace every sometimes you have a good owner to make sure that you are kept inside undercover right nihilist Martin women particularly gooey isn't it yeah just you know everything sharks and you can't get much do you want anything yep is it coming out yeah but I think because it's weight on it it's it pierced the engine the transmission the transfer case and the K-frame are now out of the half cart which is doing a pretty man wheelie at the moment it is now.

The process of disassembling the car has revealed some interesting details about its mechanical components. As we've discussed earlier, the car has undergone significant wear and tear over time, with many parts showing signs of rust and degradation. Despite this, the engine still manages to function albeit imperfectly. The transmission, transfer case, and K-frame have all been affected by the corrosion process, making it essential to repair or replace these components.

The issue at hand is that the transfer case's special K frame, which is different from the one on the old car, has rust in it as well. This means we can't just bolt it straight into that, which is what I was hoping to do. The engine will need to be removed from the K-frame and repaired or replaced before being put back together. While this may seem like a daunting task, we're committed to seeing it through.

As we continue with the disassembly process, we've also managed to extract some useful parts from the car's bay. It's not much, but every little bit counts when you're working on a project like this. With limited space available, we need to be strategic about what we remove and what we keep. This means that some parts will have to go to the tip, while others can be repurposed or salvaged.

The process of disassembling the car has also revealed some interesting facts about its design and engineering. The electric power steering system, for instance, is quite complex and relies on several components working in harmony. This explains why it's been so difficult to extract the parts from their housing.

Despite the challenges we've faced, we're determined to see this project through to the end. With every part we remove, we get closer to understanding how the car works and what makes it tick. It's not always easy, but that's all part of the process. Now, let's take a look at the next stage of the disassembly process and see what other surprises await us.

As I continue to examine the extracted parts, I notice that some of them are in better condition than others. The rust and corrosion have had a significant impact on many of the components, making it essential to inspect each part carefully before proceeding. With patience and attention to detail, we can begin to rebuild the car from its constituent parts.

The journey ahead will be long and arduous, but with every step we take, we're one step closer to completing our project. The art of disassembly is a delicate balance between precision and patience, and it's this very balance that has allowed us to succeed thus far. As I look around the workshop, I'm reminded that even in the midst of chaos, there's always beauty to be found.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enMarty: In this episode of Mighty Car Mods, we are working on the Mira.Mighty Car ModsMarty: Welcome to another episode of Mighty Car Mods, a slightly different and slightly awesome episode.Moog: We are getting sashimi on your arses.Moog: Aren't we Martin?Marty: What?Moog: Raw.Moog:We're getting raw, like raw fish.Moog:We're getting, come with us to the garage.Moog: It's a, it's a bit of a raw day on the Mira, normally we're kind of, you know, spending a bit of time, we edit it up, we do all this stuff.Moog: Just come with us and just have a look at the, the full explosion.Moog: It's gonna be sashimi, Mira special.Moog: As we pull bits of engine out.pooMarty: Pull bits of engine out, we're gonna progress this thing, we're gonna get it, get it happening, get the half cut gone and start to get things into this car.Moog: So that we can do some all-wheel drive skids.In a controlled and safe off-road, environment.Marty voiceover: We've got our mad JDM all-wheel-drive Mira half cutMarty voiceover: and our strippedAustralian Daihatsu. it's got a freshlypainted engine bay ready to receive itsnew turbocharged engine our first job isto get everything out of the half cutand then get the half cut out of the way.Marty: That's one way to get it off.Do you remember how empty the Aussie one was?Moog: So crammedMarty: This one's full of rust too which I guess weshouldn't be surprised about at allturbo yes look at that so rusty there'ssalt and bit of snow for ya this is rusteverywhere it's the aircon which ispretty cool a very very rusty so itappears that a lot of this car isactually being held together with rustwe haven't actually taken anything outof here yet there's nothing in thereexcept for rusts holding it on so seethis side over here that is just that'sjust rust well in fact Martin looks likesomeone's actually put a tech screwthrough there just to hold this to holdit on I mean I'm starting to get a bitof a sense as to why this thing onlycost 300 bucks and it was in this crappypile look at the time I mean from theoutside all the bust I mean plasticdoesn't rust does it and the plasticbumper bar look fine look at that butthat is that's bad this is besides beinghere as well it's got a massive smackhere so it's actually runto something you just had a new bumperbar put on it the headlight and that'sactually okay but yeah everything underhere is just bit how you going that'ssnow salt years of abuse and the littleheat shield on the turbo is totallyrusted out too but the turbo itself isfine as one underneath there somewherethat's totally but importantly there's aturbo there and this should just boltstraight into our one all going well Ithink what we'll do now because we stillhave to do some fuel lines and brakelines and stuff in that before we canput the engine in will change to theother side of the half cut and we'll dothe dash and the seats and the steeringwheel and all that stuff which we canthen put straight in that car so that'sready to receive it including a bit ofwiring and some other stuff like thatbut for now we'll leave the engine aloneas much as I want to get it in there I'mgonna leave this and change onto thatback there derice super Slim'sdisgusting grossarcheology on our own car mountainsexcellent in Japan cargo Tulleycorporationoh so many dairy butts look were they inthere from before we owned it they musthave been and know of it I think peoplehave been smoking in there since weowned ityeah so fast Eman look you can see it'sfull of like fatty stuff all Benham theAustralian one wasn't black Dada holywhole interior the Japanese ones blackpeople wow so many Hoff smoke Diaries henever finished him maybe she had a veryshort drive to work Martin smoked half adurian left didn't he maybe she likesburies a lot didn't himthat's girl girl it shows that just howquickly we had to get this car finishedon the day that we didn't even cleanthat because we had 24 hours in Japan tobuy the car you know fix the car yep ininverted commas drift the car ininverted commas and then go back homeagain probably the best three hundreddollars of scrap who we ever boughtI reckon that does that yeah all thoseheater boxes and stuff to come innicemight take that outside yes we nice whatis that all their lives a little readingcommon light things Babar there's amassive collection of 90s memorabilia inthis car there is one and the more Ilook at it the more I think this wasprobably owned by someone who was quiteinto modifying their car because we'dhave a digital signal processor likesome kind of each use box think it's itsown like one din unit yeah what just haslike a stereo in a stereo out so you canprocess the signal it just modifieswhatever the RTA it input and outputthat's it that's all it does CD playerof course and a lot of time in Japan yousee many displays as well still becausethat was a thing used to be able to go Iwent to Japan in probably the mid-90sand you could go to the local shop andyou could hire a CD player / mini discrecorder and buy blank many discs andover there when you buy blank media likeme there's some tapes they add on thecost of the piracy already into theblank media so if something if acassette or a mini just normally cost 5bucks they just make it 7 bucks and justgo call copiers Martin of course the JDMspecial here we've got the Fett turbotimer the TB 307 and that logo isexactly the same as the roland tb-303which of course is the mad analog basemachine do you think this cars havesurvives because someone had modified itwas really into it or do you think it'sjust luck a little bit a a little bit ofB this turbo time it's not plugged ineven so easilyyou bet I mean this button thatsomeone's put in like look at look atthis man they've just cut them kind ofsquare and it's actually a circular sothere's a bit of a no F's given therethere's some holes here so somethingelse was obviously plugged in there butand I don't think anyone loved it do younot I mean I think they liked it but Idon't think I loved it this rubbishanyway look cuz I mean we've been inJapan a couple of times like we went toget us 15 I years ago that was years andyears ago and you would still might seeone of these and you definitely see themat the records yeah but the last time wewent none yeah like if this isn't thisthese are goneMartin this switch which is like a bigswitch is going to they're going outinto the engine bay that worries mechuckles maybe for a fan maybe or somekind of kill switch I started lookingbit needed now we've got rid of all thejunk it's starting to look a bit morefactory is that that is that it thereMartin am i pulling it shit where'd itgo it's going hang on hang on hang onhang onit's sorted oh it's going to it's goingdown into a relay down here Marty ahigh-performance what's that relay whatand wait the turbo timer was a is that afit hyper it's a bit turbo timer andthat button activates the fithigh-performance compact relay cool ifsomeone out there knows what that doesplease tell us someone on that I reallyreally want to know what thehigh-performance fit really does knowand even if they don't know that stilltell us the back of that look sonineties doesn't it just wise coming outof the thing that you can't even checkout this a see you man oh lookheywhat KYB made the ECU same people tomake the shock absorbers should I beworried is that the same logo is itactually it's a KY d wow that's like heyguys we're just gonna take a break frommaking shock absorbers for a week andmake Daihatsu ECU's do you want to justchop this one yeahit disappears off into the Wizardry it'sonly a problem if it's interceptingsomething that means the car won't workwhen we chop it out which would be a bitannoying well actually maybe I'll justleave it hanging for nowleave it leave it doing the dangle a lotof things down here does not plugged inat all man just random wires yeah onetwo three four and then wires just notOgden I broke something on that you seeyou are we using that easier yeah Iguess we need to finish I know meit's alright gonna be fine hey robeastI've never seen any so you like it itlooks nothing like the Aussie one is theAussie one still around some ah I don'tknow I might've gone on the beam eitherway we're using everything from half-cutsecond rule of half-cut don't useanything not from half-cut wasn't thatthe first roll of half disordered it'stime to get a little bit of movementover here mo like plastic plug in therethat is so strong that it bends metallike it bends metal before the plugcomes outokay so if it's this thing I think Ifound that ECU which means this thingthat I thought was you see was not theECU what's that then I don't know butit's massive and it's the same size asan ECU the size of a man so this ismaybe KYB are not making ECU's after allthis thing doesn't have abs or anythinglike I don't know what it would whatelse what else you'd need to computewe're gonna have to look at the partnumber them understand that's there yousee you I think but I could this is acomputer of some kind yes we just don'tknow what its computerizing with amassive relaying big why's gonna get outof it there you go someone will in facttell us they always will Martin a bigone so a big plug on it they will beyeah it's gonna get to it firstChuck it's that red thing I might beable to leave it up um she's screen heckis thatthere it is everyone - is coming outlike it or not oh it's got the it's gotthose little creepy things that they puton there's it all sort of oh you getfrom accountings yeah that justgenerally don't end well and it's got anadapter here that means it was made fora mirror that means someone made aharness for this car that was yeah itwas worth it - is the idea of doing allof this again daunting in the other cara little bit but the trick I think thethird rule of 1/2 cart is you shouldn'thave too much time between somethingfiddly is this cuz you're gonna rememberwhat those screws look like today but inthree weeks if you tried to do it youjust be guessing yeah so yeah as much asit's like pretty full-on to pull allthis out and put in another car todaythe benefit will be that we'll probablyremember whereveryeah the - is about to come out anywaythis is cool keep on screwing down herewonder where that z1 is this mightactually come off man yeah one more wireup here as well that's that one thereyou see free know that this is that dudeoh it's one more there's gonna be so funto put back together man is it freedomnever these plugs are on the back ofthis thing another was that cigarettelighter yep that's when they used a lotyeah there it is he's out amazing andit's got air conditioning that's gonnabe nice needs such a good plane doesn'tit that's so great awesome we're at thepoint now where the - skin is gone allthe ECU's and random stuff that we don'tknow what it does all the 90s CD playersand stuff is gone now we're left withthe wiring loom heater boxes and acouple of little bits and pieces if welook at that firewall and then come thisway and have a look at the firewall ofthe Australian mirror you'll see that itis it's the same shape and everything'sthere and ready to put in so what wehave to do is grab all the bits from theJapanese one and we're just going tograb them straightaway and plonk them indirectly the longer we leave it inbetween removing and then reinstallationand more likely forget where stuff goesforget what bolts you've got so we'regonna try and do it just in one go I'mgonna use a sound ending from theJapanese one because it will also fitand fit all the other accessories andthen we can put our wiring loom in putour heater boxes in put all that rubbishback in and hopefully even get the - canback in and that bit is just done andshould never have to come out againelectrical wires on cable ties to theradiator overflow this is fair to saythis has been messed with just a littlebit just a little worries me is thatthis this has that all go back in likethis isn't like with the other car itwas coming out forever so it didn'tmatter but now it's like ah actually weactually have to know that this red wirethat goes to our performance relaysshould be cable tied to the radiatorperformance really when in doubt yank itoutwhy why have you done this die had seewhat are you thinking well they're notexactly like a known for their hey carefor mints or for their DIY nurse momthat's just a fact not known for the -yeahoutside of Malaysia and Japan inAustralia not so much it's a true mumwill you be able to remember that numbereight goes to the intercooler yes do youknow why why I don't know okay why'd Ihave to this is obviously not meant toever really come apart I think you knowthis reminds me of this reminds a bit ofthe super turbo like it's sort of a noneof it particularly makes sense it lookslike it's just been all added afterit's alright you'll get a front mountsoon enoughwell I hope so yes yes was that dude letgo spaghetti cooler is what this is hasthat caught wires gas type to itI know jeez yours yeah oh that'sgenerally a bad thing I don't even knowthis engine is gonna run it ran lasttime we drifted it why do you useinverted commas that was a legit skidwasn't it so much conversation on theinter balls about what's a power slidewhat's a drift everyone faffingthemselves stupid so just reallydrifting is sliding under power right Idon't know Martin look at that oh yourcan it sounds like cuz it's low it'sreally little and it's not a front it'sgonna be really high Martin so hard ifyou play it differentlyOh hurts the ear off that high so thereyou go Martin you can have it backokay radiator under bottom highs comeand say hello you can undo it up here onthough I had to use which is pretty coolah so much rust that's never to boostits going though we waitwell oh wait did we put a bleed valve onthis was that the other crappy kei carthat we drove in your head I think thatwas the other one was it because thatlooks like cruise control to me whichmeans this car doesn't have it allchecks that probably why it's so fast ahwell mr. Bose is the smallest thing I'veever seen is it the smallest you've everseen Martin is it really one off it'sprobably the equivalent size to a turboI saw recently that I'm pretty excitedabout I'm also pretty excited about thata little turbo that's probably evensmaller than that yes you're this HKSmanyes meaning we need to use that againeven that looks a bit beat up there'sjust so much more stuff in here muddylike it's yeah it's crowded it'sactually way more challenging it feelsyou know we're talking the other day youare asking me you're saying is this likeworking on a mini and I said no yeah nowit is again yeah tell cuz your fingersare getting all cut off and stuff yes somuch more in here there's so many morevacuum lines I mean but even theaftermarket stuff like this the harnessjust for that horn is like this hugemassive spaghetti of stuff goessomewhere into another loon that's beencut up the headlight looms being cut uplike that's what's gonna be challengingabout putting it back together actuallyis getting stuff like that to work andthey're not gonna move manuals that arein English I mean why is there so muchmore stuff like I understand there'slike turbo bits and I understand thisaircon but is it really that much extrastuff or is like what is all like whatis this stuff yeah that's what are theseI mean well that the other thing is alot of the time the aircon is donesometimes as a extra and the aircon roomwill actually be set for it toeverything that got put in at thefactory originally yeah but see thatpart identical yeah he's a same coil andthis macca different engine but theaircon is also because it's old it'slike big old a constabie I'm gonna flipit up really hard and you're gonna catchit are you ready everybody you know allthose stunt shows you see on YouTubethis is the new stunt show this will goup in the air it'll flip three times andmighty will catch it are you ready yeahwhere's that invigorating hit my hand ehit's really sharp I'll show you anotherone watch this am I still supposed to becutting see this one's the can in thebin shotit feels like there's a lot of stuffthat we've got to get rid of snow notreally because the aircon stays in therethe icons in there first so even thoughthat looks like a lot it all stays yeahand then this it's the stew just thosefew bits and pieces that are in the wayso this can stay so again we can we canJack that up the problem is see I can'tget the heater box stuff out properlyuntil I can get this out I can't getthis out until the engines out it is agame of Tetris Martin we were justreversing exactly what they did thefactory which is a bit annoying butwe're gonna get thereyes ok frames so grody why'd you don'tyou ever see I do no I know you did allthat for a turbo timer and some otherstuff it's actually not that far offcoming out most of its wrong so muchstuff for this aircon just think of a 45degree summer day and how glad I bet itis aircon is on here cuz right now I'mnot glad about it at all nice madso I'm disconnecting the clutch cablebecause that's what we forgot about lasttime and the entire K frame was hangingoff it so this time it's disconnectednext we've got to do the gear shiftlinkage we do the shock towers movesdown the brakes and it's almost time forthis to come out of the half cut II gotit went fishingyes oh yeah dude there's a littletransfer case hanging off the back withthem us some all drive gearI am excite yeah this is not good man ohwell like it's it's just dust holdoutsengineer that's meant to be solid thereright yeah oh wow the subframe is in myhand yeahoh it smells can you smell that I cansmells like a fish's butt holeman that sucks oh well this this thatmeans that this engine has to come offthis subframe and we need to either fixthis subframe but the problem is thissubframe is specific because it's gotthis transfer KCOH all drive possible Martin I know Iknow but it's not that bad we went on isthe rest of the subframe the same exceptfor this part here I don't know I don'tknow we could fabricate or getfabricated that we could we take it offyeah we can remake it we can remakethat's just so annoying because that'slike isn't everything about this carannoy a man like thatno it is come on whoa look it's a littlebit frustrating but if it was easy theneveryone would do itor maybe everyone would do it if theyliked mirrors but I like mirrors andthat's all the medicine cuz this haslike a little special engine mount thinghere and like this is all different buteither way we need to drop this I reckonwe should drop it like it's hot and getAnd that needs to come out tooWhich is 12mm bolts I thinkbecause we need that shifterFar out man, this isthis car's the never ending storyjustso I stood farm and I wish that wasn'tthere that's annoyinglooks like freeze dried squid you knowthat stuff that we yeah I do I dowhy don't we just sell this mutton andgo buy a Yaris why would you even saythat whole internet knows that that'snot the way to do thingsitself buying going selling your mirrorand buying a Yaris is not the way forthe internet might no that's not the wayto do it but the actual real world knowsthat's what to do because right nowthey're all out playing golf and munchinon falafel would you like to be upplaying government and we're spendingour weekend lying in automotive urineand looking at squiddy rust it see maneveryone who's ever done this knows thatthis is the challenge and then youovercome the child oh I'm just playingthe devil's ballsack yeah it's that'sthat's fair enough I still I still thinkit's gonna be worth it though oh we knowit's gonna be well this thing's hittingboosting fourth gear down the drag way Isaw like sideways I'm hitting like 50photos in it doing like yeah hey awesomeit's just guinness gonna blow him awaymore remember we'll even use this bit offootage of you talking about golfingthat's magic that's weirdall right gooddrop this luck it's hot I don't have theold I don't have the other K frame whereis it it's gone it's actually not a bigdeal because we have a welder it justmeans they're gonna take the motor offthe caper and that's any annoying thingI can see a massive massive rubber it'sjust sitting there and I've pulled thething off the end of the rubber andsqueeze the end of it I can feel itquivering in my hand you're shaking yourend of it yeah yeah I'm kind of likejust sort of vibrating it to make itobvious where it isthat's just a two in there at the sametime which is why it feels like it'sstuff so forth oh really do you see myfingers yeah just can't actually seethem there's a little bit of sort oflike just fluid or something in the wayfeel that fur where the end of my fingeris yeah yeah yeah you use both yourhands to pull it apart yeah hang on thenoh I've got one finger in prying at apart of mine and now I'm just gonna Ramit with the other hand yeah go go go gogo yeah I've got itah it's coming out man it's kind of gota bit of a flange yepis it I've got to gone a bit of a weirdangle though yeah if you just rippingdown on my fingers just pump it likeback and forth in that bit ah here we gothere yeah that's it that's it that's isit over the lip there still I've got toget it now z1 there's a bit of a bigchunk it sounds like em through that hotis still going yeah it's still goingit's about to pop they're gonna go seeyeah the wall dogs yes awesome that wasjust as difficult as last time yeah allright weed that done now we can undo thetop of these drop drop yeah yeah you cando this 12 if you go and then to throwit all in a bin I guess hey sister it'sbeen abused by time on who really hasthe sands of time have dribbled over atSAC beaten and elongated its scan thebig time and ruptured its many orificeso that's the thing like as humans getolder they get more saggy and as thesethings get older they get more rusty yaknow we're all just rusting and saggingaway my friend you know our own littleplace at our own pacevery sometimes you have a good owner tomake sure that you are kept insideundercover right nihilist Martinwomen particularly gooey isn't it yeahjust you know everything sharks and youcan't get much do you want anythingyep is it coming out yeah but I thinkbecause it's weight on it it's itpierced the engine the transmission thetransfer case and the k-frame are nowout of the half cart which is doing apretty man wheelie at the moment it isnow Martin we'd said at the start of theday and many hours ago that we weregoing to put as much from this as wecould into that we're still going to howmany things have gone from this intothat today absolutely zero none the carsis rusty and stuffs broken yeah even thebolts that are holding in like the Kframe like we couldn't get all of themout some of them had to get anglegrinded so at the word and going aroundgrounded out a night angle grounded sothe the issue at the moment is that thetransfer case which is the thing thatmakes all drive possible has its ownspecial a little K frame that'sdifferent to the K frame that's on theold one and that k frames different andthat K frame also has rust in it whichmeans we can't just bolt it straightinto that which is what I was hoping todo so this engines gonna have to comeoff the K frame I'm gonna have to repairand treat the K frame and fix it andthen put the engine back on it and thenput the engine in the car but we're notgonna buy Yaris we're gonna keep goingwith this we've also got a empty somestuff out of this bay a bit more reallynow because we have limited space hereit's just about getting everything offthis we need and that can just go to thetip now just go to the bin this is goneum as of this afternoon I'm gonna getrid of everything else and that's justgoing to be gonethings can be fabricated andand rusted hmm but it's a big job and aswith everything else with this carnothing is as it seems isn't man nopeand I just I only noticed this secondthat this has electric power steeringthis I was wondering where the powersteering reservoir well I just saw it'son that's on the steering rack which ishuge which is gonna be easy to get partsfor too of coursenext time on Mighty Car Mods we'refinished with our half cut starts goingto the scrap heap where it wasoriginally intended and next we've got awire up our Aussie mirror and smash asmuch of the JDM madness in it as we canfit\n"