Samsung Galaxy S8+ ... Over Hyped or Awesome

Hello Everyone: Eber Here with Hardware Canucks and Welcome Back to Another Video

Hello everyone, I'm here with Hardware Canucks and welcome back to another video. Today we're going to be talking about this, the Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus. Before we move on, I need to quickly mention that this is by no means a full dedicated review video because I'm sure you've watched countless of them online. I'll be focusing this video on the things I liked about this device and the things I didn't like.

First and foremost, I want to give a shoutout to our sponsor, The Graham Spectrum Keyboard Bike. This soil comes with a new mechanical agile switch with low profile keys, caps, with super fast response, and a shorter actuation distance. Plus, all the customization included with RGB lighting and macros for a premium user.

Now, let's address something that anyone would think of when taking a glance at the S8; it’s just beautiful. Samsung has definitely brought their A-game to the table after the Note 7 recall and they played it safe this time yet again. The design is sleek, modern, and looks incredibly premium. The device feels solid in your hands, and the build quality is top-notch.

Moving on, I want to talk about the display. The S8 Plus has a beautiful 6-inch QHD+ AMOLED screen that’s perfect for watching videos, browsing the web, or just looking at pictures. It’s one of the best displays I’ve seen on any Android device, and it looks even better in person.

Another feature that I want to mention is the camera. The S8 Plus has a 12-megapixel sensor with an aperture stop of F1.7, which makes for some incredibly sharp images. But what really sets this camera apart is its auto mode; it's ridiculously fast, and one of the fastest I’ve come across on an Android device.

Now, let’s talk about some of the features that didn’t quite live up to my expectations. One thing that really frustrated me was the fingerprint reader. It's located at an odd angle, which makes it difficult to use, especially when you're trying to place your finger in a specific position.

Another feature that I didn’t get along with is the curved screen. While it looks beautiful and sleek, it can get a little distracting when you’re watching content, as you have to constantly adjust your viewing angle to make sure everything is centered.

The speakers on this device are also missing front-facing speakers, which makes for a less-than-ideal audio experience. The bottom-facing speakers do work, but they're not very good, and it's clear that Samsung didn’t prioritize the speaker design on this device.

Now, let’s move on to some of the features that I did enjoy about the S8 Plus. One thing that really stood out to me was its water resistance. It's certified with the IP68 rating, which means it can withstand being submerged in water for up to 30 minutes without any issues.

Another feature that I liked is the Always-On Display option. When you enable this feature, the screen will stay on even when the device is in sleep mode, but it will reduce the screen time by about 20%. It’s a great feature if you like to keep an eye on your notifications and messages without having to constantly check the display.

The S8 Plus also supports QuickCharge 2.0, which means that charging times are significantly reduced. I found myself getting around 6 hours of screen-on time with this device, which is impressive considering its battery size.

In conclusion, my thoughts on the Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus are mixed. On one hand, it’s the best Android smartphone that Samsung has ever created; it's beautiful, especially with these curved edges and the design is a testament to modern smartphone engineering. The camera is outstanding, and the device feels solid in your hands.

On the other hand, there are some features that didn’t quite live up to my expectations. The fingerprint reader can be frustrating at times, and the speakers could use some improvement. Additionally, the curved screen can get distracting when watching content, and the software experience is nothing special. Nevertheless, if you’re looking for a top-notch Android smartphone with a beautiful design and an outstanding camera, then the S8 Plus might just be the device for you.

So, what do you guys think about this device? Is this the genius smartphone that you’ve been looking forward to? For those of you who are interested or S8+ owners, how are you liking it so far? Let us know in the comments down below. I'm Eber with Hardware Canucks, thank you so much for watching, and we'll see you in the next one!

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhello everyone Eber here with Hardware Canucks and welcome back to another videocopy text is over it's over and I'mslowly recovering from jet lag pluscatching up with some sleep butregardless of that today we're going tobe talking about this the Samsung GalaxyS8 plus now before we move on I needto quickly mention that this is by nomeans a full dedicated review videobecause I'm sure you've watchedcountless of them online I'll befocusing this video on the things Iliked about this device and the things Ididn't like because I've spent nearly amonth using this as my daily driver sohere are my thoughts the first a messagefrom our sponsor the Graham spectrumkeyboard bike this soil comes with a newmechanical agile switch with low profilekey caps with super fast response andshorter actuation distance plus all thecustomization included with RGB lightingand macros for a premium useralright let's address something thatanyone would think of when taking aglance at the S8 it's just beautiful Samsung hasdefinitely brought their a-game to thetable after the note 7 recall and theyplayed it safe this time yet pushing thelimits of a modern smartphone designI've got the midnight black bear in hereand I've got to admit everything fromthe curved edges to the smooth metalbody or unibody construction screensquality it's a marvelous piece ofengineering that one would have dreamedfour years ago that being said one ofthe drawbacks to this design is theimplementation of Gorilla Glass 5 at theback as it quickly picks up grease andfingerprints which makes it almostuncomfortable to use the phone at timesplus it also gets slippery thankfully Ihaven't dropped this yet because thatwould have been quite a disaster andobviously a quick fix to this would beto apply a skin of some sort but like Imentioned in my g6 review video I wouldappreciate if companies move towardsmatte finishes in the future because Ipreferred those over glass backs thescreen covers 80% of the body yieldingthinner bezels at the top and bottomwhile the curved edges on the sides makeit impossible to distinguish it from thebody alone here's a shot of it sittingnext to the 6p yeah I really can't goback to this phone because I'm so usedto Samsung's viewfor infinity-edge display and it has wonme over with resistant bezels in one wayyou have a lot of vertical wheels taketo work with multitasking Plus watchingnative 21 by 9 content looks amazing andthat brings me to my next point thedisplay now remember I'm rocking the S8plus which sports a whopping 6.2 inchqHD plus AMOLED display and given thispanels technology colors are supervibrant with excellent contours ratioand deeper blacks that I'm always a fanof Samsung does include options fordifferent color profiles I ended upusing the basic mode as the colorsseemed more neutral to my eyes and likeI mentioned earlier watching content onthe screen was a pleasing experienceexcept for one annoying factor thecurved edges now I'm completely awarethat I'm contradicting myself herebecause I just mentioned how beautifulthis phone looks like with these curvededges especially when you're swipingthings from left to right it's aseamless transition and works great butwhen you're watching content the edgesget reflective and the content starts todistort a little bit and I didn't likethat the g6 for example has a flatterdisplay without any curves so distortionwas non-existent and I preferred thatover the s8 screen sorry Samsung let'salso not forget to talk about big speedbecause it's Samsung's way of sayinglet's make a ripoff version of Googlenow and that didn't turn out that greatyou see I'm heavily invested into theGoogle ecosystem and I do use Google nowon Android phones to check whether andupdates but Bixby is just so annoying itcertainly needs a lot of work done andit's nowhere close to Google now atleast until the time I'm making thisvideo but you know what's even worseassigning a physical button to activatethe damn thing there is no way toreassign that button to launch anotherapp plus you can't disable it throughthe settings it's also at an oddlocation right beside the volume rockersso you can imagine the amount of timesI'm accidentally triggered this featurethere are third-party paid apps that candisable this feature but implementingthis physical button was a big mistakefrom Samsung in the first place mysecond biggest gripe about the si+ isthe location of the fingerprint readerit's right beside the camera and thatmade it difficult for my fingers toreach and it's also not that accuratecompared to the 6p and the g6 I've raninto a lot of times where the phonewouldn't recognize my finger unless Iplace it at a certain position it wasreally a frustrating experience and I'maware of other biometric authenticationlike face recognition that's a hit ormiss and iris scanner that kind of workswhen I have my glasses on I appreciateSamsung for including these features butI'm not sold on them completely you knowwhat else I do like about the si+ it'swaterproof to be more specific it'scertified with the ip68 water and deathsresistant rating and I've takenadvantage of that feature a lot of timeswhen traveling got to live thatgerm-free life you know what I mean nowI'm not going to go in-depth intosoftware experience because there's alot of Samsung related features that Ihonestly didn't care about you know me Ilove a cleaner and simpler userexperience so just like any otherAndroid phonesI installed Nova my preferred icon packand called it a day that's the beautywith Android because the user has fullcontrol of the software and they cancustomize the UI to fit their stylebattery life on the S8 plus was greatsamsung has packed 830 500 milliamp hourunit inside this that gets me roughlyaround 6 hours of screen on time thephone charges via type C and it supportsquick charge 2.0 my usage normallyconsisted of checking Twitter Instagramtaking photos browsing the web andcatching up on a few TV shows house ofcards season 5 is out by the way and Icompletely binge watch the entire seasonon my flight back to Toronto but what'sinteresting is that I had 50% ofremaining when I landed albeit the phonewas on airplane mode but still veryimpressive remember turning thealways-on display option will shortenthe screen on usage so be aware of thatand the last thing to cover here is thecamera and it's nothing short ofspectacular it's a 12 megapixel sensorwith an aperture stop of F 1.7 pictureslook fabulous on this thing and thesamples you're seeing now was shot inauto mode without any adjustments to ISOwhite balance etc auto focus on theother hand is ridiculously fast in factit is one of the fastest I've comeacross on an Android device after the s7let me know what do you think aboutthese samplesso in conclusion I really have mixedfeelings about the galaxy A+because for one this is the best Androidsmartphone that Samsung has ever createdbecause it's beautiful especially withthese curved edges and the design is atestament to modern smartphoneengineering the camera is outstandingI'm sure you've seen that those samplesbut it's not a perfect device at leastfor me personally because thefingerprint reader is at an odd locationthe curved screen can get a littledistracting when you're watching contentthe speakers are missed front-facingspeakers and the bottom facing ones onthese are not that greatI honestly also don't get the point orthe motive behind Bigsby especiallyassigning a physical button to activatethat feature is pointless in my opinionimagine the R&D that went into creatingityou also can't forget the fact that thisis a Samsung device and the software isknown for slowing down over time I guessI'll have to update you on that later onwell there you have it my thoughts onthe Samsung Galaxy s8 plus what do youguys think about this device is this thegenius smartphone that you've beenlooking forward to and for those of youout there who are interested or S8+owners how are you liking it so far letus know in the comments down below i'm Eber with Hardware Canucks thank you so muchfor watching and we'll see you in thenext one\n"