The ULTIMATE Mini ITX Case Streacom DA2 Review

Working with Any ITX Case Introduces Its Own Set of Challenges and Data

When it comes to building an ITX system, one would think that everything would be straightforward and easy to work with. However, as I can attest to from my own experience with this particular case, there are indeed some challenges and data to consider when working with these compact systems. One of the main issues I faced was trying to route cables through the enclosure, especially since it has its own hub which is great for ATX enclosures but not ideal for ITX builds like mine. The 24-pin cable from the Leonie streamer kit, which I wanted to use to add RGB lighting to my system, was just too close to my power supply and couldn't be routed without causing more trouble.

Another challenge I encountered was mounting the SSDs on a drive bracket. The bracket is attached to the other bracket that holds the power supply, and removing one of the SSDs requires you to remove both brackets altogether. This can be a lot of work for simple swaps like replacing drives, and it's something that needs to be planned for when building your system. A potential solution would be using universal brackets instead of the drive bracket attached to the power supply bracket, but this requires some additional planning and consideration.

Despite these challenges, I have to say that the case itself is absolutely gorgeous. The sleek design and elegant features make it look amazing inside my space, even though it's not too big. It still manages to pack in a 8600K CPU with a nice cooler, lots of RAM, and plenty of SSD storage. However, I do miss having regular USB ports on the front of the case, as you can't just plug in any old device without using a dongle.

One feature that does work well is the radiator exhausting air from the left side, which is perfect for winter when you want to feel the warm air coming out of your case. It's also nice to see that the inverted motherboard layout has been abandoned in favor of having the exhaust on one side, which can be beneficial for cooling.

Looking back at my build procedure, I wish that the interior frame was able to just come off from the aluminum shell outside. Having access points from both sides would have been much more convenient than what we had, and it's still a bit claustrophobic feeling when you're trying to work inside this tiny shell. Accessing components from the top and bottom would also make things much easier.

The New Mk2 Corsair Strafe and K70 Keyboards are Fully Loaded with Custom Illumination

If you're in the market for a new keyboard, I highly recommend checking out these fully loaded keyboards from Corsair. Both the Strafe and K70 models come equipped with custom illumination, convenient media buttons, USB pass-through, extra sets of keycaps, and more. One of the standout features of these keyboards is the variety of MX switches available, so you can choose the switch that suits your typing style best.

Whether you're a gamer or just looking for a keyboard to type comfortably, these Corsair keyboards are definitely worth considering. With their advanced features and customizable options, they offer something for everyone. Be sure to check out the description below for more information on how to get your hands on one of these amazing keyboards.

Building a Dual System Soon - Stay Tuned!

As I mentioned earlier, I'm actually planning to build a dual system soon, so stay tuned for that upcoming video. I'll be sharing my experience building two ITX systems, and it should be an exciting project to watch. If you're interested in building your own dual system or have any questions about the process, let me know in the comments below.

Overall, I'm really happy with how this build turned out, even with all the challenges we faced. The flexibility of mounting hardware is definitely a priority for ITX builds, and it's something that requires some planning and consideration up front. However, with the right components and knowledge, you can create an amazing system like mine that looks great inside and performs well.

The Streak X Case - An Expensive but Challenging Build

One thing I want to emphasize is that building a case like this from scratch can be expensive and challenging. It requires a lot of planning, research, and experimentation before getting everything just right. However, if you're willing to put in the time and effort, the end result can be truly amazing.

The Streak X Case is definitely not for everyone, but if you're looking for a flexible build that can accommodate your favorite components, it's worth considering. The main challenge I faced was routing cables and mounting SSDs on a drive bracket, but with some creative problem-solving and planning, those issues were able to be overcome.

One thing that does make this case stand out is its beautiful design. The sleek lines and elegant features make it look amazing inside my space, even though it's not too big. It still manages to pack in a 8600K CPU with a nice cooler, lots of RAM, and plenty of SSD storage. If you're looking for a challenge and are willing to put in the time, this case may be worth considering.

Let me know in the comments below if you have any questions about building an ITX system or if you'd like more information on the Streak X Case.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: engood people you know I love me a smallcompact enclosure that is spaceefficient because I'm not running in SLII'm not using mechanical spinning discsI just want a nice efficient coolersingle GPU bunch of SSDs and the powersupply that fits it's this nice compactpackage but it's also about spaceefficiency because I moved away fromhaving mid towers and full towers besidemy you know my desk and stuff becausehaving this tiny little enclosure herethat is super powerful without anycompromises is awesome and today thatcase changes looks like customs havegracefully opened the package for methank you for ruining the unboxingexperience and ripping this whole boxopen come on this my friends is theStreamcom thatand so this case is all about a stylethis is what's three cameras known forwith their aluminum designs nice compactform factor - I think it's slightlysmaller than my eighth one from in windand also having a modular interiordesign it's not necessarily needed foran ITX form factor because you have solittle room to work with but it is thereregardless so you do have theflexibility of mounting your motherboardand mounting all your other componentsin a non-traditional way that is apossibilityall right so let's check it out rightthis it's time to join the RGB Club withteam group delta SSD with gorgeousaddressable or standard RGB illuminationwith simple connectivity in the hugelighting area to spice up your systemwith some color check out the team groupdelta SSD down below man what anexperience for the system is nowassembled I have successfully replacedthe in with a one with the Streamcom DA2 and the experience wassatisfactory obviously when it's overbecause ITX is always challengingespecially when you're dealing withsomething that you know with thecomponents that you normally would notput in such a confined space but onceit's all finished and it looks beautifulin my space you do appreciate andthere's a nice sense of accomplishmentwhen the whole thing is complete andpretty much all ITX enclosures have someform of challenges for assembly processand hardware compatibility and Streacom DA2 is not an exception and before Iproceed check out the description belowfor all the links for parts andalternatives for awesome ITX systems sothis case is coming from streak um acompany that brought us the DB for afantastic fanless cube aluminum gorgeousart piece of an enclosure while the twois more targeted towards a little bitmore towards mainstream but still kindof like confined to that niche targetbecause of the price point at over $200so it is competing with the likes of Dancase and many other you know a similarsize and approach in terms of thisbeautiful aluminumelegance that you would normally not beable to get with a standard ITXenclosure and that's okay becausevariety is awesome and so if you're justthinking of building an ITX system thisis most likely not for you but if you'rethinking of doing something special thatis kind of part of your space it's notjust there to house components then youkind of you know you have many optionsand the Steacom is one of them nowdesign wise it is simple and elegantnice symmetrical approach to perforationand the curves top and bottom left andright side so it's quite awesome butputting it beside like a gaming routeryou can see the striking differencewhile putting it on a shelf as ashowcase piece makes more sense the onething that is kind of a double-edgedsword for me is the front IO Iappreciate the simplicity of it with asimple power button and a type C porthowever the type C is not gen - it'sstill gen one speeds and I actuallydon't have any type C accessories toplug into that so that's kind of anunfortunate thing where I cannot use theIO over here and have to resort to mystandard USB ports on a motherboard forany connection there and so while we allwant the type C implementation to reallyspread when it's just type C you knowconnection that is a compromise whereyou cannot plug any of you USBaccessories unless you have a dongle soit looks like we approach the donglelife for the desktop looking at the backthis is the only place where you canfind the actual model name we have twoPCI slots and a 92 millimeter fan mountokay so the side panel mount is prettyneat because as you can see they don'tuse any thumb screws for design purposesinstead these side panels are almostpressure mounted so you push on one ofthe corners at the top and pull one inthe corners at the bottom one at a timeand then this the side panel simplycomes off they have rubber pegs on allfour corners to help with that pressurepoint and to absorb any vibrations ifthere are any so this mount is awesomebecause it's functional and it's supereasy to do and it also helps with thewhole design thing but also I appreciatethat the panels are totally refinedyou're handling like almost you knowreally hard edges on the aluminum buteverything is nice and smoothit's not sharp so I'm not worried aboutcutting myself open reinstallation bythe way is just going in Reverse put thetop ones in first and then nicenow moving inside you can reallyappreciate Streacom totallydifferent approach to mounting yourhardware using universal brackets andthey've taken this from their previousenclosures and really refined it here sowe have two Universal bracketshorizontal and vertical and they can beused to attach anything like up to 180millimeter fans single hard drive ormultiple hard drives SSD or multipleSSDs again and that gives you like a lotof flexibility in terms of what you canpopulate inside there without needingadditional like specifically tailoredSSD caddies or hard drive caddiesbecause you know with simple touniversal brackets you can do a lot withthem and the cool thing about theuniversal brackets is how they'remounted to the frame so there's a railsystem on both the top and the bottomthat attaches to the universal bracketswith a nut and a screw so that's howit's being held in there's also a littlecutout here so you can remove one of thenutsso it's pretty cool because it gives youthat total flexibility on exactly wherethe universal bracket is attached it'snot necessarily locked to a certainposition because of that entire railsystem both on both sides actually thatworks with both the vertical ones andhorizontal two furthermore we have thisadditional power supply and drive cagebracket that is further attached on moreof these Universal brackets so you thereagain modular so with the drive cage forexample you can install multiple SSDs onthere without occupying any of the otherUniversal brackets and that's for thepower supply here you can mount an SFXor NSF X L power supply withoutinterfering with that drive bracket oryou can go full out with an ATX powersupply I would definitely recommendsticking with a smaller power supplyunit so you can have more room forradiators beside the motherboard moreroom for those SSDs because with the ATXpower supply mountain in there itbasically occupies that entire chunk ofthe front section which means noradiators that are larger than 140it means no SSDs and it also limits yourGPU compatibility depending on the powersupply length and the cables exiting atthe bottom so you have about 8 inchesfor GPU clearance with this type ofpower supply unless you're going withsomething really short that would allowfor the GPU to span across so recommendthe power supply length is 140millimeters that would allow you to spana GPU at the bottom now I'm sure manypeople will be interesting doing customloops and here especially because youcan mount a 280 millimeter radiator onthe side which is awesome and havingthose Universal brackets and having thathigh flexibility allows you to positionthe braid either slightly higher so itdoes not interfere with your GPU orselect a lower depending on where yourpower supply and SSD sit so flexibilityis definitely there especially whenyou're dealing with something of socompact size that any additionalmillimeter or centimeter of clearance ineither direction is definitely going tobe helpful and with a 280 rad installedit does block the rear fan mount whichis unfortunate but it's kind of cool tosee this type of hardware support insuch a tight compact enclosure the onething that threw me off completely Itoare the screws which are not magnetic sothey completely fall out and they don'tattach to your screwdriver so just keepthat in mind as for those filtrationthere's one large filter on the sidethat can be moved to the other sidebecause it is magnetic so that woulddepend on your hardware configurationand also top and the bottom are alsocovered the earth sandwich between twoacrylic pieces one thinner at the topthat can bend easier so you have to kindof press it from the inside so it bendsand the clips pop out but as I was doingit I guess I was not doing it the rightway but the little low beam on both thefront and the backsnapped now my initial idea for thesystem swap was to keep all mycomponents the same but unfortunatelythe dot 2 is thinner so the CPU heightour clearance is lower so in this case Ican you know fit the dark rock 3 noproblem or s with the dot - it's notgonna fit I can only fit 145 millimetersfor the CPU tower clearance so my nextchoice was to go with this knocked or9l it's pretty beefy but I'm oralclocking my 8600K which is why I'vedecided to just go all-in in terms ofcoolant compatibility inside of that tooand just stick without maximum 280million radiator support with the X62from NZXT and it's definitely going tobe tighten them especially my tight neckspeed but because I'm using an XFXL power supply it is thinner so there'splenty of space inside the casehopefully for all the components as theyadvertise and I think right now weshould start with the assembly processand during the assembly I noticed thatone of the motherboard standoffs wasmisaligned to the motherboard itself andthat kind of highlights the nature ofthe modularity of these Universalbrackets because using a hex screw whichis not included by the way I was able toloosen it up a bit and realign theUniversal bracket to the motherboard andI was on my way the cool thing aboutthis enclosure as well is that you caninvert the motherboard layout soremoving the screws in the back androtating that plate and also relocatingthe universal brackets to the other sidefor motherboard mounting so you can havean inverted motherboard layout and sohere is my system installed without theradiator for now so you can see the gutsof the build everything is fine it isvery tight near the power supply area Iam using an SFX L power supply there's140 millimeters in length but because ofthe modular cables add like additionaltwo centimeters in there and it doespress on the GPU at the backside whichis you know it's it's fine but you cansee the GPU is slightly angled becauseof it the one thing to keep in mind isthat power cord extension right in thecenter of the motherboard the good thingis it does not interfere with the GPUbut it might interfere with like a widerCPU tower so just keep that in mind it'snot an ITX case if it's not achallenging build so I was almostfinished everything is routed my GPUsinstalled my drives are in there as if Ipower supply but as I was about to mountmy 280 rather than there I realized thatI have to diverge from that originalplan not because the actual radiatordoesn't fit everything is fine but thetubing interferes with the SSDs becausethis is exactly where the tubing exitsnow the thing is I could remove the SSDsbut because they are kind of in the samebracket as the power supply I have toredo my entire wiring remove thisbracket via you know these clips overhere and that's just not convenient soinstead of redoing that entire thinglet's just populate a slightly smaller240 rad on the side and that should fitbecause I have a bit more high clearanceso I can maneuver those tubing where itexits in this section over here insteadof to being like really high up on tophere and after swapping out the 280 radfor 240 rad I still was not able tomount the tubing exiting from the frontnear the SSDs because they justinterfered over there unless I removethe SSDs but I was still able to mountit with the radiator and tubing near thebackside and because the tubes here aremuch shorter versus what I had on the X60 tube they they can bend no problem aslong as you rotate the block accordinglyso the tubes are exiting in theappropriate position now just to be thebiggest troll I was going to populate abunch of RGB hardware inside because inthe manual which is awesome by the waythey say RGB lighting seriously No so Iwas going to install these twoThermaltake ring fans because their RGBis absolutely gorgeous on both sides andbecause this perforation panel you'lldefinitely be able to see some thatshine right through but the problemhowever are the cables and the cablehere so long that I was worried that youknow it would just cause me a lot moretrouble in terms of routing everythingand especially because these fans havetheir own hub which is awesome for anATX enclosure or something bigger butwhen we're dealing with something thiscompact these really didn't fit I wasalso going to mount the leonie streamercables which is that 24 RGB cable whichlooks fantastic and also would deliverthat beautiful RGB spill on the interiorbut the 24 pin cable is just so close tomy power supply that there's absolutelyno way I was able to route that RGBcable and so the only RGB component I'vesettled with was the team groupExcalibur Ram because it is absolutelygorgeous with that RGB stuff I cancontrol it with my Asus software andit's running it super fast3,600 megahertz and streak ohm is goingto be releasing an additional TG panelso if you are after that beautificationelement of your interior components theTG panel will suit that type of RGBdirection nicely now as for coolingperformance of course having that raidleader inside the enclosure and allthose components being in closeproximity of each other and not havingthat much airflow to breathe is asignificant hit on cooling over 10degrees Celsius versus when the radiatoris outside the case but still I'mgetting better temperatures versus whatI was getting on the a1 with an aircooler so I'm pretty happy and so whenit's all said and done you know I'mgonna tie back to my original point ofthat working with any ITX caseintroduces its own set of challenges anddata to my main sort of critique is withthe mounting of the SSDs on a drivebracket because that bracket is attachedto the other bracket for the powersupply and then let's say removing oneof the SSDs requires you to remove thatentire thing and that's just a lot ofwork for simple swap of drives and thatcould be mitigated by using one of theuniversal brackets potentially for yourdrives instead of using the drivebracket that is attached to the powersupply bracket and you kind of have toplan your build accordingly in case likeif you have to replace one of thecomponents what is gonna be needed to beremoved first as well but you know manypeople prioritize on one the case lookslike inside your space and it looksabsolutely gorgeousit's a elegant system and it looksawesome in my space it's not too big itstill packs in the 8600K a nice coolerTitan XP you know lots of ram in therelots of SSD storage and that is exactlywhat you would expectfrom an ITX system that is targeted forthese like enthusiast builds I stillmiss my regular USB ports in the frontyou know it looks awesome here but I amnever going to use it because actually Iprobably will have to buy a dongle and Iwill say that having the radiatorexhausting air from this left side isawesome for winter because I can feelthe warm air but that is one goodalternative to having the invertedmotherboard layout if you want to havethe exhaust on the other side andlooking back in the entire assemblyprocedure I wish that that interiorframe was able to just come off from thealuminum shell that is outside givingyou so many more access points forcables and working that isn't soclaustrophobic feeling when you'relooking at tiny little shell and accessyou know from both sides but havingaccess from the top and bottom as wellwould be so much more convenient theNew Mk2 Corsair strafe and k70keyboards are fully loaded with customillumination convenient media buttonsUSB pass-through extra set of key campsand economic rest rest for each keyboardso you can type or game comfortably witha variety of MX switches available soyou can check out which keyboard suitsyou best in the description belowand so that is it for my system for nowI am doing a dual build very soon sostay tuned for that but for now let meknow what you think of the streak of thetwo if it's something that you guys areinterested in and yes it is an expensiveenclosure that's challenging to buildbut the priority here I'm guessing wouldbe that flexibility of mounting yourhardware as long as you know how toapproach it and what type of you knowcomponents you'll be using most likelyjust avoid any SSDs just stick with andthe two drives SFX or SFX L powersupplies but yeah let me know what youthink of this entire building experienceI'm Dimitri thanks so much for watchingmake sure to check out this otherrelevant content subscribe to our newboot sequence channel you will see youin the next video\n"