The Portable Xbox One S Setup: A Quick Look
Hey guys, this is Austin, and I'm here to show you my portable Xbox One S setup. So, I have to admit, it's not perfect yet. (sighs) Hold on a second while I adjust this.
Ah, that's better. Now, let me start again. This is the Xbox One S, which is what I've been using for my portable gaming experience.
You might be wondering how someone can take an Xbox console and make it portable. That's exactly what I'm here to show you today. My goal is to create a compact setup that allows me to play my favorite games on the go.
This is the final result of my setup, which includes all the necessary components for a seamless gaming experience. As you can see from this video, everything fits neatly into this portable case.
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Hey guys, this is Austin, and this isthe portable Xbox One S setup.So ... (sighs)Hang on a second.This is not right.Now this is a little bit more like it.This is the Xbox One S.Now you might be asking,"Why are we using theOne S as opposed to the newerand more powerful One X?"First of all, it's going tobe easier to power the One S.Because it's going to bea fully portable setuprunning on battery, thisguy's gonna last a lot longer.But the second reason is the screen.While the One S willtechnically output 4K,pretty much all the gamesare going to be running at1080p or below, whichis where this comes in.This is the G-Storydisplay for the Xbox One S.The idea here is that thisis actually going to mountonto our Xbox, sort of like a laptop.And because it's going to be full 1080p,it actually shouldn't look too bad.Take a look at the box,and not only will you seethis monitor, but you'llalso see the PS4 Pro option,which is very similarto what we did when webuilt the ultimate PS4 Pro.There's some key upgradeswith this one, though.Not only does it supportHDR, which we'll seehow good that actuallyis, but impressively,also is going to support AMD's FreeSync.This is not available on the Xbox One yet.However, an upcoming patchwill allow FreeSync monitorsto work with the One Sas well as the One X.Once that's available,that actually might make apretty big difference to actual gameplay.As you can see, we'regetting an 11.6" displaywith a 1080p resolution.What's kind of cool with thisis, not only does it havedual HDMI ports, but it's also going tohave the speakers built-in.Pop open the box, andthe first thing we'regoing to see are the accessories.And here, we have ouractual display itself.You can see it matches theXbox One S pretty well.I think it's a touchbrighter, but this is also anXbox that might be alittle bit dirty right now.That's actually gonna be pretty close.The next question is, "Howdo I actually mount it?"Doesn't seem like there's anobvious way to mount this.Two clips on the sides later,we have what looks to bean Xbox One S laptop.You can open up thescreen, close it, and itdoesn't look crazy, althoughI will say that there'snothing holding the screen down like this,so you might wanna be alittle bit careful withputting this in a bag.However, that's actuallya fair bit of the way ofgetting our Xbox One portable.However, that is not anywhere near ready.It's okay.It's not a real videountil I've drawn bloodor hurt my funny bone.Next up, we have the iPRIGENTsolar portable battery generator thing.The idea here is thatthis is a pretty powerfulbattery bank that you can chargeeither via solar or ...What's gonna be a lot more practical is tojust plug it into the wall.But importantly for us, it'sgoing to have a full outletso we can power not only our monitor,but also our Xbox One S.Or at least, that's what Ihope we'll be able to do.We haven't tried it yet.Whether you're climbing in the Himalaya,living in your village whileyou travel in the world,or camping on the beach,we will keep you powered.I feel so safe and powered thanks tothis generator, I guess.All right.So it's metal.It feels like a car battery.But importantly for us, inaddition to our USB ports,which actually might comein handy for the monitor,but importantly, we dohave that full outlet.So if we plug it in, intheory, this should becapable of delivering enough power torun everything we need.You know what?This actually doesn't lookall that ridiculous right now.However ...Actually, no, there's not a however.We're not gonna go crazy with this one.We're actually going to make somethingthat is remotely practical.For the rest of this setup,we're going fairly basic.This is going to be an XboxOne Design Lab controller,although obviously, you can use anyXbox One controller you want.It's important to have atleast a slightly newer onewith the headphone jackbecause we have a headset.This is the Astro A10.It's, of course, not goingto be super necessary tohave a headset, butbecause this is going to bea portable setup and wemight not always wannaactually rely on the speakershere, it's going to benice to have this guy we canplug into the controller.So to make this fullyportable, we have thePeak Design Everyday bag.This is actually Ken'sEveryday bag, right?- Yeah.- Oh wait, I just said every day.(mocking) It's every day ...No, I almost did it.I almost did it, but I didn't do it.You're welcome.What's nice about this is that it'sgoing to be fully modular.In addition to the awesomelittle clasps you haveto open up to the topsection, if you want,you can just unzip the sideand everything in here can be pulled out.Right now, it's set up as a camera bag,but if I just rip out these sections,we should be able to fit the Xbox.So inside this bag, wehave everything we needfor our portable Xbox setup.Except the headphones,which didn't quite fit,but close enough.If you're crazy enough likeme and you actually wannaplay your Xbox in thepark, hopefully this isactually going to work.Although whether it actually does or not,that's a little bit of a different story.The real question I have hereis whether this battery isactually going to be ableto power not only the Xbox,but you also have to keep in mind thatwe have to power the display.I can't imagine thatthat screen's going totake up all that much power.Probably only 10 watts or so.But we do need a multi-tapto be able to getthis single outlet onthe actual battery bankinto the two outlets we need for boththe Xbox as well as the display.Luckily though, it shouldjust pop in like this,and (laughs) it's good to go.The first thing I wannado is make sure thatour battery can power the display,which shouldn't be a problem,but none of this might work.We'll see.If I hit the power buttontwice, it should turn on.Then I hit the powerbutton here, and okay.So at least we have the monitor up.Now let's plug the Xbox in, and (laughs)I really hope this works.Otherwise, we're gonna have to redothis entire part of the video.All right, plug the Xbox in.And because we broke our home button,I'm gonna hit the disc eject button.But if you give it asecond, it will turn on.Sweet.I still need to plug inthe HDMI, but I thinkwe actually might be okay here.Okay, so we have our fullyportable Xbox One setup.This is actually much less ridiculous thanthe last one we did.So the next step is toget actually online.Normally, that would be a problem.If you're playingsomething that's offline,it's no big deal.However, thanks to the magic of tethering,we actually should be able to play online.All right, the console isconnected to the network.Now the next thing is ...Actually, I'm curious about the display.It does show that we support HDR video,however, it doesn'tsupport HDR10 for gaming.So I guess in theory, we could maybewatch a video or something.However, the display itself isactually surprisingly decent.It is really bright out here, and yet,while it's a little bit reflective,I can totally see the screen no problem.So it's time to putall of this to the testwith a game of Fortnite on my Xboxin the middle of a park, even thoughthe phone version exists.Oh hey, we're up and running.Dude, this totally works.(laughs)I can't really tell if there's latency.Obviously we're playingon LTE, but it feels fine.Hi, little guy.You wanna play some Fortnite?Come here.Come here, play some Fortnite.Yeah, want some Fortnite?I don't have anything for you, sorry.Don't bite me, please.The squirrel approves of Fortnite.I have no idea where I am.(laughs) Dude, he's totallyjust chilling here. (laughs)Really just does not care.I'm actually not totally sure how longthis is going to last on battery.I could tell, but this actually covers upthe battery indicator, so we'll see.Usually when you'reoutside with pretty muchany kind of screen, butespecially something that'sgoing to be gaming related,you're usually gonnahave to deal with a lot of glare.But I'm surprised at howmatte this display is,as well as just how decentit is to play outside,especially the brightness helps.It's really not that hard to see at all.I feel like the headset just pushes meover the edge right now.I can't really notice any serious latency.I'm sure it's there.I haven't really seen a tonof other people just yet.But as far as I'm concerned,I'm playing on Xbox anywhere else.The idea that I'm fullyuntethered running on LTEdoesn't really seem to be an issue,which is kinda cool, actually.So if you'd like to buildyour own portable Xbox One,we'll have links to everythingwe used to build thisin the description of this video.And you also might wanna gocheck out the original videowhere we built a portable PS4.Anyway guys, thank youso much for watchingand I will catch you in the next one.