Welcome to How To Cook That: Creating a Millennium Falcon Star Wars Cake

Today we're making a millennium falcon star wars cake, it's birthday season in our house and if you remember from last year my husband's favourite cake is carrot cake. So to make this super moist carrot cake, you'll need coconut, walnuts, baking powder, and cinnamon, flour, coarsely grated carrots, crushed pineapple, eggs, sugar, and oil. All the recipe quantities are on the website in grams and ounces and cups. I will put a link to that in the description below this video.

To start making the cake, pour the oil, sugar, and eggs into a bowl and mix them together using a whisk until it is combined. Add the pineapple and the carrots and mix those through as well, carrot cake is really easy to make, it doesn't take long. Place a sieve over the bowl and add the flour, baking powder, and cinnamon and sift through to get rid of any lumps and make it nice and airy.

Fold that flour through until it is just combined and then add in your walnuts and your coconut. Fold those through as well. Now tip all of that into a tray and spread it out and bake it in the oven until it is just golden brown. Once it is cooled, remove it from the tray and cut one piece to the size of your board. Spread a small amount of cream cheese frosting onto the board and add that piece of cake. Then cover the whole thing in a layer of frosting. The recipe and video for making this frosting is on the how to cook that YouTube channel, and you can find it there.

To make the ground uneven, like there are sand dunes in the middle of the dessert, so cut strips of cake from that leftover piece and build them up. Starting with a thick piece and a thin bit over the top. They don't have to be straight, you can curve them around. It is sand dunes, there are no rules put it how you like on your cake. If you are making this cake for more people then you might like to increase this recipe and make two or even three layers of the carrot cake and make your sand dunes bigger. Or you could use chocolate cake or sponge cake, it depends who you're making it for.

Cover the whole thing in frosting. You can just spread it on or if you have a piping bag it is quicker just to pipe it on roughly and then spread it out. Make sure the frosting covers the sides of the cake as well and use the frosting to smooth out roughly the shape of how you want sand dunes to be. Choose the biscuits that you want, I choose ones that are the color of the dessert sand in Star Wars 7. And then blitz them in a blender. If you don't have a blender put them in a plastic bag and just smash them with a rolling pin until you've got really fine crumbs.

Now get your helpers to wash their hands and pretend that they are being dump trucks delivering the sand. Spread it out and smooth it on so that it looks like sand dunes. To make the millennium falcon, I am using a silicon mold today. Some compound white chocolate and then I am going to fill it with some nuts, dried fruit, and Turkish delight to make it a bit CHEWY. These are the things that make the Millennium Falcon look so cool.

The next step is to add color to your cake. No, It's like the greatest spaceship of all time, the millennium falcon. Dad, is that the door? Yeah, well sort of they sort of get in underneath. And there you have it, a super easy Millennium Falcon cake. Share this video with a Star Wars fan, subscribe to How To Cook That for more cakes, chocolates, and desserts. Click here for last week's video, here to go to the channel, and here for the website to get the recipe.

Have a great week and I'll see you all on Friday

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enWelcome to How To Cook ThatI am Ann ReardonToday we are making a millennium falcon StarWars cake. It is birthday season in our houseand if you remember from last year my husbandsfavourite cake is carrot cake. So to makethis super moist carrot cake you'll needcoconutwalnutsbaking powder and cinnamonflourcoarsely grated carrotscrushed pineappleeggs,sugarand oil.All the recipe quantities are on the howtocookthat.netwebsite in grams and ounces and cups. I willput a link to that in the description belowthis video.Pour the oil, sugar and eggs into a bowl andmix them together using a whisk until it iscombined. Add the pineapple and the carrotsand mix those through as well, carrot cakeis really easy to make it doesn't take long.Place a sieve over the bowl and add the flour,baking powder and cinnamon and sift throughto get rid of any lumps and make it nice andairy.Fold that flour through until it is just combinedand then add in you walnutsand your coconut.And fold those through as well.Now tip all of that into a tray and spreadit out and bake it the oven until it is justgolden brown.Once it is cooled remove it from the trayand cut one piece to the size of your board.Spread a small amount of cream cheese frostingonto the board and add that piece of cake.Then cover the whole thing in a layer of frosting.The recipe and video for making this frostingis on the how to cook that youtube channel.And you can to that just by clicking on howto cook that below the video and then clickon the videos tab to see all of my videos.And you can find it there.Now we want to make the ground uneven, likethere are sand dunes in the middle of thedessert. So cut strips of cake from that leftover piece and build them up. Starting witha thick piece and a thin bit over the top.Now they don't have to be straight you cancurve them around. It is sand dunes, thereare no rules put it how you like on your cake.If you are making this cake for more peoplethen you might like to increase this recipeand make two or even three layers of the carrotcake and make your the sand dunes bigger.Or you could use chocolate cake or spongecake it depends who you're making it for.Now cover the whole thing in frosting. Youcan just spread it on or if you have a pipingbag it is quicker just to pipe it on roughlyand then spread it out.Make sure the frosting covers the sides ofthe cake as well and use the frosting to smoothout roughly the shape of how you want sanddunes to be.Choose the biscuits that you want, I chooseones that are the colour of the dessert sandin star wars 7. And then blitz them in a blender.If you don't have a blender put them in aplastic bag and just smash then with a rollingpin until you've got really fine crumbs.Now get your helpers to wash their hands andpretend that they are being dump trucks deliveringthe sand. Spread it out and smooth it on sothat it looks like sand dunes.To make the millennium falcon I am using asilicon mold today. Some compound white chocolateand then I am going to fill it with some nuts,dried fruit and turkish delight to make ita bit CHEWY.These are a few of my husbands favourite thingsyou can choose what you want to put in themiddle depending on who you are making thecake for and what they like.Melt the chocolate in the microwave and thenpour it into the mold to fill it about 3/4of the way to the top.Then add your chosen fillings and push themin then cover the top with more chocolateto seal it.Before it sets hard add in some lollipop will need three and they need to be tiltedto one side if you want your millennium flaconto be flying on an angle.If you want it straight then you can leavethem straight.Leave that to set and then push it out ofthe mold. Just using your thumbs on the bottomto push it through.You can see some of the fillings on the tophere and that is fine because the millenniumfalcon is quite beaten up. And we are goingto brush it over anyway.Take some silver luster dust and a dry paintbrush and just dust it all over. And you'llsee it get stuck in all the cracks and reallydefines and brings out the pattern that wegot from the silicone mold.I have had some subscribers lately that aretelling me they are not getting notified ofnew videos by youtube, or they get notifiedlate when the videos have already been upa day or two. If you want to make sure thatyou don't miss out you can also subscribeby email on my website, then you will definitelyknow when a new one is up because you'll getsent an email. - there is a link to do thatin the description below.Once you've dusted it off use some gel orcandy food colouring add colour in some details.Add some black to the heat exhaust vents tothe back there and then some more at the maintenanceaccess bays at the front.Then add in some rusty red colour and addthat detail to the paint work. And then makeit look a bit older and beaten up just painta little bit round the edges with a littlebit of colour on your brush. You want yourbrush to be nearly dry when you do this.Then just before serving add it to your cake.I made that bit, that bit and that bit.You're amazing, do you know what this is?NoIt's like the greatest spaceship of all timethe millennium falconDad, is that the door?Yeah, well sort of they sort of get in underneath.And there you have it a super easy MillenniumFalcon cake, share this video with a StarWars fan, subscribe to How To Cook That formore cakes, chocolates and desserts Clickhere for last weeks video, here to go to thechannel and here for the website to get therecipe.Have a great week and I'll see you all onFriday.\n"