Greetings, my beautiful lovelies. It's Emmy. How are you? It's great to see you and welcome back. Today I'm going to betransforming this russet potatointo CHEESE. Balle Hurns from TikTok is theinspiration for today's video, and I had the great pleasure of goingto the Rhode IslandHistorical Society where I metPhoebe and Connor, and theyshowed me a great selectionof books that included avintage historical recipefor potato cheese.
So this concept of taking potatoand converting it tocheese is not a new one. The historical recipe -- letme know down in the commentsif you want me to tackle that-- actually is more relatedto cheese than the fact thatjust simply takes a potatoand adds sour milk to it, kneads it into a cheese and then you ferment itand let it age for a couple of weeks. And apparently you can keepit for a very, very long time. And I imagine that one would taste morelike cheese because itactually contains milk.
The version I'm going to bemaking today is a plant-based -- no milk or dairy in this whatsoever. Basically, we're taking the potato starchand adding more starch to it, some flavoring to make apuck that is cheese-looking. It's supposed to be gratable and meltable as well. But does it taste good? I don't imagine that this isgonna taste like cheese at all, like many of these look-alikerecipes that I've attempted. I've attempted a lot of recipesthat take something elseand transform it into something else but it doesn't taste like it. And that's fine. Maybe that's not what you're looking for. Perhaps you're looking forjust that experience of a kindof chewy chicken-like feel or something that is cheese-like and is meltable, which thisis supposedly going to do.
Let's go ahead and get started. First thing we're gonna need is a large russet potato. When I say large, it's about the size of my hand, if not bigger. I've already cooked this. I boiled this for quite a long time whole, until when I poked it with a toothpick all the way in the center it went in easily and it's nice and tender. Next we're gonna need a blender. So I've got my blender here and we are first going to peel our potato, so peel our potato, move the peeland my potato is just slightly warm bit above room temperature.
The problem I have with really short format recipes is that there's not a lot of information. For example, in the TikTok video, it doesn't tell you the temperature at which the potato should be at, in other recipes I've read that it should be cool or at room temperature. So that's what this is at. So I'm gonna cut this up and put it into my blender. Next we're going to add some ingredients. Now we're just gonna blend this up until it makes a homogeneous paste. Here we go. Make sure it's on low.
Ooh, nice orange color, huh? Wow. This is forming it into it like a dough. Potatoes get really elastic when you whip them, so maybe this'll work. I don't know, it smells like pickles. Smells like dill. All right, keep going. It's very thick. Alright, now we're going to cook this. Actually, let me taste it first. Huh, doesn't taste half bad. Just tastes a bit like pickle juice.
I'm gonna add quarter teaspoon more salt. Actually make that a half teaspoon. I think it needs more salt. Not too bad. Alright, turn the heat back on. We're going to cook this over medium heat for five to eight minutes so that it'll cook up the starch and get it nice and thick. Look, it's pretty cheesy in color, right? All right. I think this recipe's gonna be... oh, I was supposed to add two tablespoons of oil too.
Here is a table with all the ingredients needed for this plant-based potato cheese. The ingredients include russet potatoes, starch, plant-based milk, salt, white pepper, pickles, dill, and oil.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en(upbeat music)- Greetings, my beautiful lovelies.It's Emmy. How are you?It's great to see you and welcome back.Today I'm going to betransforming this russet potatointo CHEESE.Balle Hurns from TikTok is theinspiration for today's videoand I had the great pleasure of goingto the Rhode IslandHistorical Society where I metPhoebe and Connor, and theyshowed me a great selectionof books that included avintage historical recipefor potato cheese.So this concept of taking potatoand converting it tocheese is not a new one.The historical recipe -- letme know down in the commentsif you want me to tackle that-- actually is more relatedto cheese than the fact thatjust simply takes a potatoand adds sour milk to it,kneads it into a cheeseand then you ferment itand let it age for a couple of weeks.And apparently you can keepit for a very, very long time.And I imagine that one would taste morelike cheese because itactually contains milk.The version I'm going to bemaking today is a plant-based --no milk or dairy in this whatsoever.Basically, we're taking the potato starchand adding more starch to it,some flavoring to make apuck that is cheese-looking.It's supposed to be gratableand meltable as well.But does it taste good?I don't imagine that this isgonna taste like cheese at all,like many of these look-alikerecipes that I've attempted.I've attempted a lot of recipesthat take something elseand transform it into something elsebut it doesn't taste like it.And that's fine. Maybe that'snot what you're looking for.Perhaps you're looking forjust that experience of a kindof chewy chicken-like feel orsomething that is cheese-likeand is meltable, which thisis supposedly going to do.So let's go ahead and get started.First thing we're gonna needis a large russet potato.When I say large, it'sabout the size of my hand,if not bigger.I've already cooked this.I boiled this for quite a long time whole,until when I poked itwith a toothpick all the way in the centerit went in easily andit's nice and tender.So next we're gonna need a blender.So I've got my blenderhere and we are firstgoing to peel our potato, sopeel our potato, move the peeland my potato is just slightly warma bit above room temperature.The problem I have withreally short formatrecipes is that there'snot a lot of information.For example, in the TikTok video,it doesn't tell you the temperatureat which the potato shouldbe at, in other recipesI've read that it should becool or at room temperature.So that's what this is at.So I'm gonna cut this upand put it into my blender.Next we're going to add some seasonings.So in that vein, the TikTok video does notinclude complete amountsfor the ingredients.Now, sometimes I do thismyself in my own videosbut that's because I amusing someone else's recipeand I'm replicating it, testing it to seewhether or not it tastes good orwhether it does what itsays it's going to do.And in that case, I put a linkin the description boxto the original authorand the original recipe soyou too can make it yourself.I want the original creatorto get credit for the recipe.That's my logic. But in this case,no credit is given and theamounts are not complete.So I'm gonna kind of bewhiffing some of these amounts.It says salt and pepper.And for this amount I'm gonnago with half teaspoon of saltand pepper.I'm gonna go with whitepepper since I don't wantblack flecks of pepper inmy cheese, I'm gonna gowith a quarter teaspoon.Ooh, that was so itchy.Okay, now same thing with these spices.It says garlic powder --I'm gonna put a quarterteaspoon. Onion powder --no amount given,so I'll go with a quarter teaspoon too.So I really like nutritional yeast.It has a kind of cheesy, light quality.I was introduced to it when Iwas a vegan as a young person.And I'm gonna add some to this recipe.I'm gonna add two teaspoons,so that's good for you as well.Oh geez. Next I have smoked paprika --this is for flavor andcolor; quarter teaspoon.That's gonna give it a bit ofan orange color when I mix itwith the turmeric.And it's gonna give itsome smokey flavor as well.Turmeric also for color andyumminess: quarter teaspoon.It does have a flavor, not too pronounced.Next we're gonna add somepickle juice, acidity,and dilly flavor.Recipe says fourtablespoons, so here we go.Next we're gonna add aslurry. That's two tablespoonsof starch mixed with twotablespoons of a plant-based milk.So we're gonna mix it inthe milk to dissolve it.And that is called a slurry.Oh, I still smell thatwhite pepper in the air.I wanna sneeze.Mix that well and pour it in.That's gonna help thicken everything.Okay, so I do believe that'sall of our ingredients.Now we're just gonna blend thisup until it makes a homogeneous paste.Here we go. Make sure it's on low.Ooh, nice orange color, huh?Wow. This is forming itinto it like a dough.Now potatoes get really elasticky --look at that! -- when you whip them,so maybe this'll work.I don't know, it smells like pickles.Smells like dill. All right, keep going.It's very thick.All right, now we're going to cook this.Actually, let me taste it first.Huh, doesn't taste half bad.Just tastes a bit like pickle juice.I'm gonna add quarter teaspoon more salt.Actually make that a half teaspoon.I think it needs more salt. Not too bad.All right, turn the heat back on.We're gonna cook this over medium heatfor five to eight minutesso that it'll cookup the starch and get it nice and thick.Look, it's pretty cheesy in color, right?All right. I think this recipe's gonna be,oh, I was supposed to addtwo tablespoons of oil too.This is one big scooper.This is a tablespoon measure,two tablespoon measure.So don't forget that, we need some fat.So here's another thing.It says \"cook this forfive to eight minutes,\"but it doesn't say untilwhat kind of consistency.It just says \"five to eight minutes.\"It did show a bubble.Like it went \"bloop.\"So once it starts todo that, I don't know.I'm gonna set my timer for five minutes.I'm going to place my cheesein this six-inch cake pan.In the video, it doesn't sayhow to prepare the pan at all.I'm gonna line it with some plastic wrapso that I can get the cheese out easily.Again, no instructions.In my experience of unmolding things,unmolding is notoftentimes easy or smooth.So I'm going to use alittle bit of plastic wrap.So we're gonna make surethat we have enough so that it overhangsso we can use that topull up the cheese out.This may mar the outside of the cheese.It might not look as smooth,but I'm willing to give thatup for an unmolded cheese.Okay, this is getting thick.Now we're gonna take this hot mixtureand pour it into our prepared pan.Super thick, nice. Shmear this around.Kinda level it out.Now pull the plastic wrap a bitso I can remove as much ofthe wrinkling as possible.And then I'm gonna allow this to cool.And then I'm gonna placeit in the refrigeratorand allow it to chill for a few hours.So it's nice and solid.So then we can cut itand grate it and giveit a taste as cheese.Alrighty, I'll see you in a little bit.Alrighty, my lovelies.It has been a full 24 hourssince I made the potato cheese.It's said to let it sitovernight in the refrigerator.Other recipes I found said justchill it until it firms up.But, here we are, 24 hourslater to taste the cheese.And look at the puck of potato cheese!It has indeed firmed up.I think the diameterof this could have beena little bit smallerso that the cheese looksa little bit taller,as shown in the video.That cheese looked about \"this thick,\"but this is a six-inch panso maybe a four-inchdiameter pan would've beenbetter to get us that tall cheese look.But here we are, first time trying this.So let's give it a cutand see how it tastes.Ooh, I also want to experimentin grating it as well.'Cause the recipe saysit grates and it melts.So we'll be testing that as well.So because it's wrapped in plastic wrapthis came out very, very easily.And here it is.Hmm. It did take on theimpression of the plastic wrap.So I imagine the surfacewould be a little bitsmoother had I not wrappedit in plastic wrap.And it has the kind of markingsof the plastic wrap as wellbut it was very easy to unmold.Let's cut a nice little wedge out of it.It slices just fine.It feels a little bit rubbery.Boop. And there's the cheese.It looks like a Pac-Man.Just need some ghosts for it to chomp up.Okay, so here's the cheese.I've got some crackers.So let's just try itas cheese and crackers.Here is a slice of it,And you know, from appearances,it does look like a slice of cheddar.Little bit more rubbery, kind of bouncy.It smells like pickle juice.Mhm, I smell the pickle juice.All righty, there it is.All righty. Potato cheese and a cracker.Here we go. Itadakimasu.Wow. It doesn't taste like cheese.It tastes savory, umami,a little bit pickly juicybut it tastes pretty good.Let me try it straight up.Texture's definitely different.This has kind of got amore mealier texture,kind of crumbles, a little bit pasty.It's not as waxy andfirm as regular cheese.Granted, this is made out of potatoso it's got a slightlymashed potato texturewith a little bit of a bounce to it,to kind of hold it all together.That must be from the corn starch.Having said that, I'm reallysurprised by the flavor.The flavor's actuallypretty good for what it is.This is potato with someseasonings and it's pretty good.Doesn't taste like cheese.Cheese has a reallygreat aged milk flavor.A little bit funky.Well, depending on the type of cheese,I'm thinking of a cheddar cheese.So it's got that aged dairy flavor;a little bit of nuttiness;definitely some salt;and it has a kind of waxy mouth feel.The mouth feel is completelydifferent of this.But for what it is, it's not bad.Actually a lot tastier than I expected.And I'm going to even go this far,better than a lot of vegancheeses I've tasted --or plant-based cheeses --whatever you wanna call them.Most of them just tastekind of like a rubberysalted block of starch.Next, let's take our wedgeof cheese and see how well it grates.Hey, not bad, look at that. I got shaves.The color is a little bit differentbecause I used a combinationof turmeric, paprikaand nutritional yeast.If you didn't want it this yellowyou could just certainlypull back on the turmeric.But I didn't have recipe amounts.So I have to say without recipe amounts,I have to say that's pretty stinking good.Alrighty, let's see if it's meltable.I'm gonna put some on.I'm gonna do a couple experiments.So I put some shredded cheese on a crackerand let's try microwavingit and see what happens.Just for like ten seconds.Let's also try flambéingit, not flambéing itbut you know, burning it.Whoa, that was fifteen seconds.And indeed it kind of melts.It's definitely hot.It sort of just collapses more than melts.Let's try it like this.Wow, warmed up, the picklejuice flavor is really enhanced.You can taste it. It's very, very strong.Almost overpowering in my opinionbut it does kind of settle.It doesn't melt, and itdefinitely doesn't have the pullof any cheese pull whatsoever.But not bad. I prefer it cooled.Next, let's try torching it to simulatekind of a broiled effect.If you were to put this onpizza, would it, you know,get that nice crusty,bubbly caramelization.Let's see. So we're gonnatake some more... oh geez.Drop a cracker, take some cheese.Now we're gonna try brûléeing it.Okay, so I'm just usingthis torch to kind ofsimulate some kind of browning.Oh, it is kind of burningso it's more burning thanmelting or caramelizing at all.Let's taste it.It just tastes pretty much likeit did when I microwaved it.I don't know if it's in my mindbut I taste like a slightly butane flavor.I don't know if that's imagined or realbut that's what I taste.It doesn't behave entirely like cheesebut this isn't cheese.This is potato with somestarch and some flavoring.And for that, it's not bad.If you were to use this to make a sandwichI think that would be pretty tasty.This with a bunch ofother crunchy vegetablesmaybe some hummus, or even on topof a taco or something like that,shredded, I think it'sactually pretty good.But yeah, this was actuallybetter than I expected.It does not taste like cheese.It is cheese-like, and it isa cheese kind of substitute.But I find often when it comesto eating vegan, plant-basedjust avoiding dairy andmeats, I find that I'mmore satisfied when I justhave something delicious.Rather than having somethingthat's supposed to bea facsimile of somethingelse, you're ultimately,I feel, going to be disappointed.I understand you're jonesingfor maybe a crispy chicken-likesandwich, and that's great.You can make something like that.But you can eat wonderful,wonderful, good, great foodthat doesn't have to be something else.It's just delicious food.A delicious stir fry.A delicious bowl, a delicious meal,without it having to tryto be something else.Because ultimately, ifyou're trying to make cheeseit will never be cheesebecause it can't be.But having said that,as a cheese alternative,this one is not half bad.Alrighty my loves. Thanksso much for watching.I hope you enjoyed that one.I hope you learned something.Please share this video with your friends.Follow me on social media.I love hearing from you.Let me know in the commentsif there are any othersuggestions, recipes,things you'd like me to taste or try.And I will see you in the next video.Toodaloo, take care. Bye!(upbeat music)Now I think it's an opportunetime to work in my garden,I think.Alrighty. See why?Why, what? Where did that come from?\n"