"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en>> Hey Siri, what's the fastestway to Steve Jobs Theater?>> Take a right.Then in a quarter mile, take a-->> Kevin? Shouldn't you be atthe event?>> That's a serious upgrade.>> Is that it?Tim, it's here.>> The clicker.>> The clicker.>> The clicker?>> Thank you, thank you, thankyou, thank you.Good morning.Thank you.Welcome to the Steve JobsTheater.Wasn't that a fun video?Things certainly do get hecticaround here leading up to dayslike this, but they're alsomagical days because we get toshare our latest innovationswith you.As you know, Apple was foundedto make the computer morepersonal.Of course, first with the Apple2 and then later with the Mac.Over the years, we've taken thismission further than anyonecould have imagined.We've created several categoriesof technology that have had aprofound impact on people'slives.From the iPod to the iPhone tothe iPad to the Apple watch, andwe've completely reinvented theretail experience, making itmore personal and engaging.Our stores have become part ofthe community.They're open, beautiful,inspiring places to learn andgather.Like this gorgeous store, theApple Piazza Liberty, it'srevitalizing a plaza in theheart of Milan.The store opened to thousands ofcustomers who came to experiencea weekend full of events, and weknow it's going to be popularfor years to come.In fact, our Apple stores arenow welcoming over 500 hundredmillion visitors per year.Thank you.We love that so many customershad the chance to experience ourproducts first hand and get thepersonal help that they need toget the most out of them.Of course, we aim to put thecustomer at the center ofeverything that we do.That's why iOS is not just theworld's most advanced mobileoperating system, it's the mostpersonal.We're about to hit a majormilestone.We are about to ship our 2billionth iOS device.This is astonishing, iOS haschanged the way we live, fromthe way we learn, to the way wework.To how we're entertained, to howwe shop, order our food, get ourtransportation, and stay intouch with one another.And of course, how we capturethe moments of our lives andshare them with those we love.It's amazing how our missionstarted with personalizingtechnology for the desktop tonow seeing the many ways thatwe've made it more personal inso many aspects of our lives.So it's only fitting that todaywe're going to tell you abouttwo of our most personalproducts, the ones that are withyou everywhere that you go, andhow we're going to take themeven further.So let's get started with theApple Watch.Yeah.We're thrilled by how much theApple Watch has grown in such ashort period of time.I mean to think this categorydidn't even exist just a fewyears ago, and now Apple Watchis being embraced by so manypeople around the world.Apple Watch is not only thenumber one smart watch in theworld, it's the number one watchperiod.Apple Watch has redefined what awatch can do for you.It's the integration ofbreakthrough technology andpowerful software andworld-class services that bringit to life.For millions of people aroundthe world, Apple Watch hasbecome an indispensable part oftheir daily lives by helpingthem stay connected, to be moreactive, and to live a healthierday.To tell you how we're going totake Apple Watch to the nextlevel, I'd like to invite Jeff.Jeff.>> Wow, thank you, thank you.We're humbled and inspired byhow Apple Watch has become suchan important and even essentialpart of people's lives, and it'sbecoming more indispensable inthree areas in particular.It keeps you connected to thepeople and information you careabout with phone calls andmessages and notifications righton your wrist, and cellular letsyou stay connected with justyour Apple Watch, even if youleave your phone behind.Fitness is at the core of AppleWatch, encouraging you to bemore active by closing yourrings and tracking yourworkouts, and now you havebuilt-in GPS.It's swim proof, and it evenautomatically detects whenyou're working out.And health.Health has been at the core ofApple Watch as well.Apple Watch put heart ratemonitoring right on the wrist,and while you could always checkyour heart rate, Apple Watch nowlooks in the background andnotifies you if it detects anelevated heart rate.This may seem like a simplechange, but we see this in ourcustomer letters.It's a profound change.Apple Watch has become anintelligent guardian for yourhealth.Today, in each of these areas,staying connected, living anactive life, and managing yourhealth we're taking Apple Watchto the next level.And now, I'd like to introducethe next generation of AppleWatch.Apple Watch Series 4.Everything about it has beenredesigned and reengineered.Every detail has beenthoughtfully considered and it'sjust beautiful.It all starts with a stunningnew display.We pushed the screens right tothe edges, and we curved thecorners to perfectly match theshape of the watch.And the screens aresignificantly larger.In fact, they're over 30 percentlarger.Thank you.And we've done this with minimalchanges to the case size.Series 4 is thinner, so there'sactually less total volume thanin Series 3.And to take advantage of the newdisplay, every part of the UIhas been redesigned.You'll see more in maps andphoto and calendar, and we'vecreated new complications.They look beautiful, and theyshow even more information anddetail.And we've also designed abrand-new watch face with up toeight complications that reallybrings them to life.And you can customize it withthe things you care about.Now, you can add loved ones toyour watch face and simply tapto connect with them.Or if you're traveling, you cancustomize the watch face totrack the different time zones.Or maybe you want to create theultimate health and fitnesswatch.We also redesigned the modularface with more detailed andgraphical information from appslike stocks and heart rate andactivity and even apps from ourdevelopers, so now you can trackthe live score of your favoriteteam with MLB at Bat.Your boarding information willappear right on your watch facewith the Quantas app.Or you can glance at nutritionalintake with the Lifesum app.Next, the Breathe app has been apopular way for people to take amoment to be more mindful, andnow, the app is available as awatch face, so with a simpleraise of the wrist, the watchface will guide you through adeep breath, and there are threebeautiful variations to choosefrom.It's a little hypnotic.It's kind of wonderful.In addition, we've created somedynamic new watch faces thatuniquely interact with the shapeof the display.With the fire face, see how theflames subtly illuminate theticks of the dial?And the new water face, noticehow the bubbles splash off theedges.And the vapor face, looksamazing with the rich, vibrantcolors.We think you're going to loveeverything about the newdisplays on Series 4.Next, let's turn to the digitalcrown.The digital crown's beencompletely reengineered, and itnow includes haptic feedback,giving you a more responsive andmechanical feel.It's especially great in appslike Podcast and Calendar whereyou precisely flip through eachitem.The speaker has also beencompletely redesigned.It's 50 percent louder, which isgreat for phone calls and walkietalkie or Siri requests.You ask Siri something on Series4, and she comes back withvolume.You just won't believe the soundyou get out of such a smalldevice.We moved the microphone onSeries 4 to the opposite side,as far away from the speaker aspossible to reduce echo, makingphone calls even clearer.And the back of Series 4 isabsolutely beautiful.It's made entirely of blackceramic and sapphire crystal,and it's not only beautiful,it's highly functional.Radio waves can now pass throughboth the front and the back,resulting in improved cellularreception.So this, along with a newspeaker and microphone, makesSeries 4 even better for stayingconnected.Series 4 is just as impressiveon the inside.The brain of Series 4 is ourfourth-generation silicon inpackage, or SIP, and we call itS4, and it allows us to build inso many capabilities in such asmall device.S4 contains a powerful newdual-core 64-bit processor and anew GPO both custom designed byour Apple silicon team todeliver up to two times fasterperformance.On Apple Watch, theaccelerometer and gyroscope,they power important experienceslike all-day activity trackingor even identifying your swimstroke.Well Series 4 has a nextgeneration accelerometer andgyroscope with twice the dynamicrange measuring up to 32 Gforces and can sample motiondata eight times faster.You probably have no idea whatany of that means, but that'sokay because we do, and it'sallowed us to do something new.One of the leading causes ofinjuries worldwide is falls.So whether your slip off a stepladder or you trip on a curb, ahard fall can be serious, and itcan be difficult to getimmediate help.Well now Apple Watch Series 4can detect a fall.It's interesting, identifying afall may sound like astraightforward problem, but itrequires a tremendous amount ofdata and analysis.We conducted studies withthousands of people over a longperiod of time, and we captureddata on real-world falls, and welearned something.We learned that with fallsthere's this repeatable motionpattern that happens.For example, when you trip, yourbody will naturally pitchforward, and your arms will goout involuntarily to braceyourself.However, if you slip, there's anatural upward motion of thearms.Well these are motions Series 4is ideally suited to recognize.With the new accelerometer andgyroscope, the watch analyzeswrist trajectory and impactacceleration to determine when afall occurs, and after detectinga fall, Series 4 delivers analert, and from that alert, youcan initiate an emergency call.However, if the watch senses youare immobile for one minute, itwill start the callautomatically.And it also sends a message withyour location to your emergencycontacts using the SOS featurethat is already built into AppleWatch.Fall detection is a feature thatwe hope you never need, but it'sreally nice to know it's there.The optical heart sensor hasbeen essential to Apple Watchfrom the beginning, and itallows us to calculate thecalorie burned during yourworkouts.It allows to determine yourresting heart rate, and it alsopowers the high heart ratenotification that's helped AppleWatch become an intelligentguardian for your health.We wanted to do even more inthis space, and so we'reannouncing three new heartfeatures.First, a notification if yourheart rate appears to be toolow.Now generally a low heart rateis thought to be a good thing,but if it's too low, it mightmean that your heart's notpumping enough blood to thebody, and that can be a sign ofsomething serious, and now AppleWatch can detect it.The second feature is related toheart rhythm, and this is a bigdeal.Apple Watch can now screen yourheart rhythm in the background,and it sends you a notificationif it detects an irregularrhythm that appears to be atrialfibrillation.Now, it won't catch everyinstance of AFib, but we believethis is going to help a lot ofpeople who didn't otherwise knowthey had an issue.The first two features, they'repowered by the optical sensor.The third feature is madepossible by a new electricalheart sensor on Series 4.We've added electrodes into theback sapphire crystal and thedigital crown allowing you takean electrocardiogram.It's otherwise known as an ECG,and this is the first ECGproduct offered over the counterdirectly to consumers.An ECG measures the electricalactivity of the heartbeat, andit's used by physicians to helpdiagnosis certain heart diseasesand other conditions.And so now you can take an ECGanytime, anywhere, right fromyour wrist.You just open the app, and youput your finger on the digitalcrown.To show you how this works,let's take a closer look.The built-in electrodes in theback crystal and the digitalcrown, they detect electricalimpulses from the heartbeat.They route them to the S4 chip,which converts them to signalfor our algorithms.The entire process takes just 30seconds, and at the completionof the ECG recording, you willreceive a heart rhythmclassification.If your heart is beating in anormal rhythm, the app willclassify the measurement assinus rhythm, and the app willalso classify atrialfibrillation.All ECG recordings, theirclassifications, the notedsymptoms, they're all storedright in the health app in a PDFyou can share with your doctor.So now your doctor has adetailed picture of your heartrhythm, similar to a lead oneECG that is usually onlyobtained in the clinic.And to give you his thoughts onthis, I'd like to invite to thestage the president of theAmerican Heart Association, andalso a practicing cardiologist,Dr. Ivor Benjamin.>> Thank you, Jeff.I'm inspired by the life-savingpotential of technology andapplaud Apple's innovation andcommitment to health.Capturing meaningful data abouta person's heart in real time ischanging the way we practicemedicine.In my experience, people oftenreport symptoms that are absentduring their medical visits.That is why information isvital, information about aperson's daily lifestyle choicesand their specific health data.The ability to access healthdata on on-demandelectrocardiogram or ECG is gamechanging.Especially when evaluatingatrial fibrillation andirregular and often rapid heartrate that can increase aperson's risk of stroke, heartfailure, and otherhealth-related complications.At the American HeartAssociation, we are committed toeducate and empower people, tobe proactive in all areas oftheir health and generalwell-being.The American Heart Associationis a relentless force for aworld of longer, healthierlives.Products that seek to providedeeper health insights like theApple Watch Series 4 offer greatpotential in getting us there.Thank you.Back to you Jeff.>> Thanks Dr. Benjamin.It's great to have the supportof the American HeartAssociation, and I'm alsopleased to say, we've receivedclearance from the FDA.And this is a de novo clearance,which means it's the first ofits kind.Also, the irregular heart rhythmalert has also received FDAclearance.Both of these features will beavailable to U.S. customerslater this year, and we'reworking hard to bring them tocustomers around the world.I just have to show you when youopen the app, this is what yousee on the watch face.It's really beautiful.People in general don't likethings that are medical.This kind of makes you want totake an ECG.It's amazing to think that thesame watch you wear every day tomake phone calls and respond tomessages, track your activity,like even run a marathon can nowtake an ECG.Apple Watch Series 4 is theultimate guardian for yourhealth, the best fitnesscompanion, and the mostconvenient way to stayconnected.And with all these amazingfeatures, of course, your datais still protected.At Apple we believe yourpersonal information belongs toyou, you should decide who youshare it with, and who gets tosee it, period.All your health and fitnessdata, it's encrypted on deviceand in cloud.So Apple Watch Series 4, largerdisplay, brand new UI, digitalcrown with haptics, up to twotimes faster performance, alouder speaker, fall detection,and an industry first built-inelectrical heart sensor capableof taking an ECG and of coursecellular, GPS, altimeter, swimproof, and I probably missedsome things.We also have the most advancedwearable operating system watchOS5.So with all of these features ina slimmer design, you'reprobably wondering about batterylife.Well, I'm pleased to tell youthat Series 4 has the same18-hour, all-day battery lifethat our customers enjoy onApple Watch.And we've increased the outdoorworkout time to six hours, soyou can have full GPS tracking,which is perfect for thosemarathons or long bike rides.And of course, Apple Watch hasbeen designed and manufacturedin an environmentally friendlyway.We created a video about Series4, and I'd like to show that toyou now.>> Apple Watch Series 4 is morethan an evolution.It represents a fundamentalredesign and reengineering ofApple Watch.>> While retaining the iconicdesign, we've developed andrefined the form, also managingto make it thinner.The new display is now over 30percent larger and is seamlesslyintegrated into the product.The interface has beenredesigned for our new display,providing more information withricher detail.The hardware and the softwarecombine to define a very new andtruly integrated singulardesign.Navigating with the digitalcrown, already one of the mostintricate mechanisms we've evercreated, has been entirelyreengineered with hapticfeedback delivering a precisemechanical feel as you scroll.In addition to an optical heartsensor, there is a newApple-designed electrical heartsensor that allows you to takean electrocardiogram or ECG toshare with your doctor, amomentous achievement for awearable device.Placing a finger on the digitalcrown creates a closed circuitwith electrodes on the back,providing data the ECG app usesto analyze your heart rhythm.While understanding heart healthis essential to our well-being,additional features andenhancements encourage us tolive an overall healthier, moreactive life.The accelerometer, gyroscope,and altimeter allow you torecord new types of workouts,measure runs with increasedprecision, and track yourall-day activity with greataccuracy.Enhanced cellular connectivityenables something trulyliberating, the ability to stayconnected with just your watch.Phone calls, music streaming,and even emergency assistanceare all immediately availablefrom your wrist.Apple Watch Series 4 is a deviceso powerful, so personal, soliberating, it can change theway you live each day.>> Series 4 will be available inthree aluminum finishes, silver,gold, and space gray, and thestainless collection isabsolutely beautiful withpolished and space black.We've shipped stainless before,but there's something aboutSeries 4 that is even moregorgeous, and there's abrand-new finish, goldstainless, which is wonderfulpaired with this Milanese loop.All band colors and band stylesfit any generation of AppleWatch, so all those Series 4customers, all the bands thatyou already own will work justfine on the Series 4.For customers who love NikePlus, especially runners, it'sbeen optimized for Series 4 withfull-screen watch faces thatlook great, and they've donesomething really cool with theNike sport loop.They've added reflective yarnfor night-time visibility.Apple Watch Hermes continuesthis Fall with some bold newlooks.There's these gorgeous colorblocks on the watch face, andthey change with the passage oftime, and they look reallywonderful paired with the newDouble Tour bands.Apple Watch Series 4 with GPSstarts at $399.Series 4 with cellular starts at$499, and we're keeping Series 3in the line at more affordableprices, starting at just $279.Series 4 GPS will be availablein 26 markets at launch.Series 4 with cellular willstart in 16 markets with 34carriers, that's more than twicethe number of carriers we hadlast year.You can order Series 4 startingFriday, and it will be availablethe following Friday, September21st.Series 3 at the new prices isavailable right after the show,and watchOS 5, the most advancedwearable operating system willbe available on September 17.That's Apple Watch, and now backto Tim.>> Thanks Jeff.Thank you.I could not be more excitedabout the Apple Watch Series 4.Apple Watch is really redefiningwhat a watch can do for you.Now we made a video about howthe Apple Watch is inspiringpeople all around the world tobe more active, and I'd love torun it for you now.I think you're going to get akick out of it.>> You put your right arm in,you put your right arm out, youput your right arm in, and youshake it all about.You do the hokey pokey and youturn yourself around,that's what it's all about.Left foot.You put your left foot in, youput your left foot out, you putyour left foot in, and you shakeit all about.>> Hey honey, let's go running.>> You do the hokey pokey andyou turn yourself around,that's what it's all about.You put your left arm in, youput your left arm out,you put your left arm in,and you shake it all about.You do the hokey pokey and youturn yourself around,that's what it's all about.>> Whole self.>> You put your whole self in,you put your whole self out,you put your whole self in,and you shake it all about.You do the hokey pokey and youturn yourself around,that's what it's all about.>> That's what it's all about.>> That's what it's all about.>> We really love what the AppleWatch is doing to get the worldmoving.So that is Apple Watch.Now let's talk about iPhone.iPhone X defined the future ofthe smartphone.It introduced new technologiesthat is at the cutting edge ofwhat's possible.With a stunning, all-streamdesign and intuitive gestures,with technologies like theTrueDepth camera system and FaceID, where your phone knows whatyou look like, and your facebecomes your password.iPhone X has an incrediblecamera system that usesintelligent software to make themost stunning portraits.This was only previouslypossible with pro-levelequipment.And there are so many otherinnovative technologies that arebuilt right in, and of courseall of them are powered by theworld's most advance mobileoperating system, iOS.iPhone X has changed theindustry, and along the way, itbecame the number one smartphonein the world.But what's most important to usis that it's the most lovedsmartphone with an amazing 98percent customer satisfaction.Now, today, we're going to takeiPhone X to the next level.I'm excited to show you what isby far the most advanced iPhonewe have ever created.This is iPhone XS.It is the most advance iPhonewe've ever created, and I'd liketo invite Phillip to tell youall about it.Phil.>> Good morning everyone.I am so excited to tell you allabout iPhone XS.It is made of a surgical-gradestainless steel.It has a gorgeous new goldfinish on the front and on theglass.It is the most beautiful iPhonewe have ever made.The screen goes top to bottom,edge to edge, rounded into thecorners.And it's covered on the frontand the back with a newformulation of glass that is themost durable glass ever in asmartphone.iPhone XS comes in threefinishes, gold, silver, andspace gray.They are beautiful, and they'reprotected from dust and liquidsto an even higher level now.IP68, that means it's protectedto two meters for up to 30minutes.So if you happen to be hangingby the pool, drop your phone inthe water, don't worry.Dive down, grab it, rinse it,let it dry, you'll be fine.And the team tested it in mydifferent liquids, inchlorinated water, salt water,orange juice, tea, wine, evenbeer.This is some of the most fun,intense testing we get to do atApple.The screen on iPhone XS is aSuper Retina display, the bestwe've made yet.It's an OLED display, 5.8 incheson the diagonal, and it's 2.7million pixels, 458 pixels perinch, the highest qualitydisplay on an iOS device.Now let's put it side by sidewith our plus size phone, aniPhone 8 Plus, and as you cansee, it's as big a display asthe plus size phone but in asmaller design, and so manycustomers love that about that,big display, easy, comfortableto hold in your hand.And it looks incredible.Watching movies on it, thelatest HDR movies like LegoBatman, using the latestformats, Dolby Vision, HDR10.Your photos look stunning oniPhone XS.You shoot them with beautiful,wide color, and they displaybetter than ever on the newSuper Retina display because ithas a 60 percent greater dynamicrange for colors in your photosthan the iPhone X's display.It is gorgeous.Well the iPhone XS is not justone but two sizes of display,the 5.8 inch and a new 6.5 inchSuper Retina display.This is the biggest display everon an iPhone.It is an OLED display as well,3.3 million pixels, 458 pixelsper inch again.Now a lot of our customers haveloved the plus size iPhone.So let's put that side by side.You can see, it's about the samesize phone with a much largerdisplay.We think there are a lot ofcustomers who are going to lovethis larger display.Now, the 5.8 inch, we alreadysaid was as big as a plus sizedisplay, so what do you call aphone that's bigger than plussize?Well, we call it the iPhone XSMax.And the Max is an incredibleexperience.Watching videos on it iscinematic.Looking at your photos biggerthan ever is incredible.Surfing the web, looking at flyovers in Map, even when you'reusing some of the built-in apps,the team's taken advantage ofthe wider display when it's inhorizontal mode to give you asplit view like here incontacts.It's awesome for editing videosin iMovie for creating songswith Garage Band and evenplaying immersive killer gamesis so much fun on the iPhone XSMax.So, there are two Super Retinadisplays now, 5.8 inch, 6.5inch, both OLED displays, both amillion to one contrast ratio,they're HDR displays.They have fast 120 Hertztouch-sensitive layer, that'show it gets its smooth scrollingreally fast typing and gamingresponse.They both have 3D touch forpressure sensitivity.They have tap to wake.They have incredible colormanagement.They're true tone display, sothe paper white looks just rightin all the different lightingthat you use it, and they havewide color.These are amazing displays.And we've matched them toincredible sound systems aswell.Stereo sound, better than in anyiPhone today.Now, with the 10S, you get awider stereo field.The team has matched powerfulspeakers with great software todeliver an even richer soundexperience.So watching movies soundsincredible.And playing games, like AltoOdyssey, which previously youput on headphones.Now you just want to listenthrough the speakers because ofthat beautiful wide stereosound.Of course, listening to musicand watching music videos likethe Foo Fighters sounds betterthan ever.All right.Let's talk about Face ID.Face ID is a huge step forwardin biometric protection for allof our personal data on ourdevices, and customers love it.It is powered by our TrueDepthcamera system.And there's so much technologyin that little space rightthere.An infrared camera, floodilluminator, proximity sensor,ambient light sensor, dotprojector, front camera, speakerand microphone, all workingtogether to give protection tothe data on our devices.And they're designed withmultiple neural networks, soit's secure and seamless in theiPhone experience.With iPhone XS, you just pick upyour iPhone, look at it, itrecognizes your face and unlocksyour notifications andinformation.And it does it faster than everbefore because the XS now hasfaster algorithms and runs on afaster version of the secureenclave, so it's gotten evenbetter.Face ID works remarkably well.In fact, we're proud to say itis the most secure facialauthentication ever in asmartphone.Powering Face ID in everythingwe do on the iPhone is our Aseries chip, and the team hasworked so hard to make everygeneration of the A series chipbetter than any and ever in asmartphone, and this year is noexception.What the team has done is truly,truly, breakthrough.It's called the A12 Bionic.And the A12 Bionic is theindustry's first seven nanometerchip, and that's a hugebreakthrough, yes.The A12 Bionic is packed with6.9 billion transistors, andwhat the team has done with allthat is remarkable.So let's go through some of thethings in this chip.We're going to talk about theCPU, the GUP, and the neuralengine.Let's start with the CPU.It's an Apple designed 6-coreCPU, this is a fusion system.It has two high-performancecores, four high-efficiencycores.The two high-performance coresrun up to 15 percent faster thanthe cores in the A11 Bionicwhile also being 40 percent moreenergy efficient.And the high efficiency coresare up to 50 percent more energyefficient, and all six cores canrun at once.The GPU, well this is an Appledesigned GPU.It is so powerful.Now the A11 GPU was alreadyahead of anything else in theindustry.The A12 GPU is now up to 50percent faster than the A11, soa huge jump in graphicsperformance.But the real advancement, thereal blow-away thing is thisneural engine.Now you know we introduced thefirst neural engine last yearwith the A11 Bionic.With the A12 Bionic, we take itmuch further.The A11 was a 2-core design.This is an 8-core dedicatedmachine-learning engine to powerall that great machine learningsoftware on our systems, and ithas a smart compute system.What that means, it's able toanalyze the neural network dataand figure out on the flywhether to run it on the CPU,the GPU, or the neural engine.I mean this is breakthrough, andthe performance is unmatched.We told you last year that A11Bionic could process an insane600 billion operations persecond.Well the A12 Bionic is able toprocess 5 trillion operationsper second.Unbelievable.Now the A12 Bionic is a completesystem on a chip, so there's somuch more.And the team works very hard tobe just as innovative at everyone of these things in the A12Bionic.It has a next generation imagesingle processor, incrediblevideo coders and decoders.There's our display engine, ouraudio system.Of course, it has a secureenclave.It has memory controllers,storage controllers.The Apple designed storagecontroller and the A12 Bioniccan now address twice as muchinternal storage as previously.So now you can have up to 512gigabytes of internal storage ifyou want.That's a half a terabyte on youriPhone in your pocket.That's enough for over 200,000photos stored on your iPhone.It is incredible.This A12 Bionic is withoutquestion the smartest and mostpowerful chip ever in asmartphone.So much of the experience wehave with iPhone is driven bythis chip, and it's going toenable us to have so many greatnew experiences not possiblebefore.So I'm very excited to bring outKaiann Drance to show you justwhat we can do with iPhone andKaiann is our senior director ofiPhone product marketing.Kaiann.>> Thank you, Phil, thank you.A12 Bionic was designed foriPhone, not any othersmartphone.This is one smartphone.This is one of the reasons whyour team can deliver a chipdesign for incredibleperformance, great battery lifefor everything iPhone needs,from our everyday tasks to ourmost advanced technologies, suchas every time you look at yourphone and unlock it with FaceID, or playing an immersive gameon our edge-to-edge Super Retinadisplay and each time you take aremarkable photo.Every single thing you dotouches the chip, the CPU, theGPU, or any other powerfulcomponent all throughout, bestin class, and designed foriPhone for the very bestperformance.So, next time you unlock yourphone, perhaps launch photos,searching through the thousandsof photos you have to find justthe one you're looking for,deciding how to share it amongstdifferent apps such as messages,and then moving onto the nextthing, with multitasking,perhaps landing in Maps to finddirection.A12 Bionic makes these everydaytasks feel fast and effortless.And, A12 Bionic with theperformance updates in iOS 12helps apps launch up to 30percent faster.So we're focused on theseeveryday experiences, but evenbeyond that, such as those thatmake use of machine learning.Now, we've used machine learningfor a number of years now tomake our features even better,such as quick type suggestionsin messages, in memories, how wecurate your photos and videos,getting real-time suggestions inMaps when you need them, ourtrue-tone adaptive display, andof course finding the very bestphoto of your cat or other pet.But what's really remarkablethis year is that our nextgeneration neural engine unlocksthe power of real-time machinelearning.This is incredibly important forapps like camera, and we usethat depth information forportrait mode and portraitlighting.In Animoji, mapping those 50different facial muscles overyour face in a live Facetimecall.That is computationally reallyintense.And of course our immersive ARexperiences, our fun new Memoji,and the new Clicks app launchingthis fall will make use ofportrait segmentation on theneural engine for even betterselfie scenes, like the one yousee here in Incredibles 2.At iOS 12 we're also announcingand launching Siri shortcuts, soyou can get even more done withjust a tap or by asking Siri tohelp.You can easily create a shortcutwith multiple steps, like theone I used this morning.Let's take a look.I just press and hold or askSiri to run my keynote dayshortcut.Now the first you'll do, it'llkick off my HomeKit enabledaccessories, then it'll order mymorning coffee.And it'll tell me how long ittakes for me to go pick it up.And then it will kick off thereminder I set to not forget mybadge, get me drivingdirections, and start my musicplaylist, and here we go.And this is just one of manythings that you can do with Sirishortcuts.We're really excited this yearto be opening up our neuralengine to Core ML, and Core MLis going to get a lot faster.It's going to get up to ninetimes faster.But it's going to run with aslittle as one-tenth the energy.This is tremendous.It means developers can runtheir most complex, mostadvanced neural networks intheir apps and do so even moreoften.Then freeing up the power of aGPU for more immersive graphicslike never before, which by theway is really useful foraugmented reality, and this isanother area that we're focusedon.That camera view finder hasturned into a wonderful windowto these new AR experiences,such as this app here calledFishing Go, that lets you turnyour surroundings into thisimmersive marine aquarium whereyou can discover more than 200species of sea life.iPhone XS is the best platformfor AR.We custom calibrate our camerasand sensors for the best ARexperience.In A12 Bionic, the GPU helps usrender realistic graphics, theISP for real-world lighting, andthe neural engine for objectreflections and more.And it joins the best ARsoftware with ARKit 2, whereapps can access enhanced surfaceand object detection, persistentexperiences, multiple users, andwe've even included a newMeasure app built-in.And with AR Quick Look, you canlook at a 3D object like thisone here in Safari and with justa tap bring it out into the realworld.Isn't that amazing?So you've heard some examplestoday of how A12 Bionic isaccelerating real-world everydayscenarios but also enabling newexperiences, but it doesn't endwith us.It also extends out to ourtalented pool of developers andthat wonderful ecosystem wherethey have access to the bestsoftware with iOS 12 and the A12Bionic.This takes us to the nextgeneration of apps, and we'rethrilled to have threedevelopers here today to showyou what's possible in just ashort amount of time.Now, our first developer ismaking use of the CPU and GPU totake their game to the nextlevel of impact.Please welcome Todd Howard, gamedirector of Bethesda GameStudios.>> Thanks Kianne.Thank you.You know, I wrote my first gamewhen I was 12 on an Apple 2, andI got to tell you, I took fulladvantage of every single one ofthose low res 40 x 40 pixels.And it's amazing how far we'vecome.With the technology that ispacked into our phones, we cannow start reaching for gamesthat are more than simplediversions but experiences thatcan truly transport you.And with the new iPhone, we'vebeen able to do just that.Let's take a look at our newElder Scrolls game, Blades.Like series is known for, it isa massive, first-personrole-playing game full ofstories, quests, and anincredible world to explore.You play one of the blades, theempire's elite warriors, andyou'll define your own characterand how you want to engage incombat.You can use defense, melee, ormagic.And on the iPhone's OLED screen,we can pull out all of thedetail that you'd usually missin the bright and the darkareas.You can see the lighting fromthese crystals bloom, reflectoff of the water.We can have that lighting bounceoff of the walls.And we can even have it reflectoff of your sword.Additionally, we can use the newstereo widening on the iPhone soyou can hear the forest aroundyou, all without headphones.And scenes like this used toonly be possible in your livingroom on a high-end gamingconsole.We can do them now on your phonewhile doing full-screenpost-processing, all whilerendering 40 percent faster thanbefore.You'll see the sword followsCraig's specific movements andtimings.It feels incredible, and thatnew depth of field camera effectreally lets you focus youractions during combat.And spiders are just terrifying.We've been able to pull off someincredible environments thatjust weren't possible before.Twelve-year-old me would not beable to comprehend all of thesepixels, all 2.7 million of them.As we we can use thepower of the phone to bring allthose parts together, thevisuals, the sound, and evenhaptic feedback on your attacks.It's not just immersive.It transports you.You may have fought dragons inSkyrim, but you've neverexperienced the Elder Scrollslike this and on your phone.Blades is coming to iOS thisFall.It's available for preorderright now.We'll see you out there.Thank you, Todd.Now our next developer is goingto enable an entirely new usecase for the iPhone camera usingCore ML.Here's David Lee, CEO ofNexTeam, and Steve Nash,two-time NBA MVP and a newmember of the Basketball Hall ofFame.>> Thanks Kianne.HomeCourt is an app that usedCore ML to track basketballshots by simply pointing youriPhone at a court.>> When I was young and learningthe game, I never really knew ifI was doing the right things toimprove my game.I would spend hours and hoursshooting by myself, just hopingI was refining the techniquesthat would take me to the nextlevel.I've been working closely withthe HomeCourt team on a toolthat will revolutionizebasketball training, and I can'twait to show you what we can dowith the new iPhone.>> We couldn't bring abasketball court here, so wewent out last week and saw Stevetraining an athlete.We now have a screen recordingof our app on a new iPhone.Let's take a look.The app recognizes the hoop andthe court automatically.Tap start, it will starttracking real-time shotattempts, the makes indicated bythe dot on the floor and missesby the red X's drawn as anoverlay right on the court.With the new iPhone and Core ML2 we see a massive performancegame that allows us to do a lotmore.The powerful A12 Bionicmodels run up tonine times faster, and thatunlocks new features that werenot possible before.Let's take a look at what'sgoing on under the hood.Only on a new iPhone we can runreal-time player tracking,real-time post estimation,real-time ball detection, andtrajectory estimation all at thesame time.We call this real-time shotscience, that tracks six metricsfor every single shot the playertakes.These insights are not visibleto the naked eye.>> To become a great shooter,you need to practice every day.You need to shoot at game speedand with the right posture.I focus my students on stayinglow and stable when they shoot.HomeCourt is giving playersimmediate feedback to help themunderstand if they arepracticing with the right form.Release time is also a greatindicator of whether the playeris shooting at game speed whilestaying low.These meaningful insights andfeedback just weren't possiblebefore.>> Where you see that releasetime from the set, it will bedisplayed on screen, and app canalso give audio feedback for thestereo speaker oryour earbuds.>> As players train withreal-time feedback, they buildmuscle memory.I really wish that when I wasyounger we had these tools.HomeCourt is great for everybasketball player who wants toget better, whether you're abeginner or a pro.>> The most amazing part is thisis all done with just your newiPhone.There are no sensors on theplayer, no sensor on the ball,and no sensor on the court, andthat's HomeCourt real-time shotscience, shipping as an updatethis Fall.Thank you.>> Thank you Dave and Steve.Wow, that was something.Okay. So our third app makes useof AR to do even more in a game.Here is Atli Mar, CEO ofDirective Games.>> Thanks Kianne.Playing with friends at thearcades has always been a lot offun.Generations of gamers haveenjoyed countless hours playingsome of the world's best titles.And now in AR, we are able tohave our own arcade cabinetwherever and whenever we want.And with ARKit 2, multipleplayers are able to share thesame AR experiences.Joining me here are my friends,and they are eager to climb theleader boards.Andrea, Shai-Hi, Alessandra.Are you guys ready?>> We're ready to battle, Atli.>> This is Galaga AR.Just like the classic, youeliminate your enemies, youavoid being attacked, and yougrab power ups.With the digital GPU Core, weare able to render scenes likethe sun effect.This is something that we couldnot do before.And the new iPhone stereowidening makes things soundreally immersive.Just listen to this epicbattle.Last year, we shipped our firstAR game, and now, with newfeatures of ARKit 2 and thepower of the new iPhone, we areable to craft experiences at amuch higher fidelity as well asconnect players both digitallyand in the physical world.Look for the first game in ourAR arcade series on the AppStore later this year.Thank you.>> Wow. Wow.We can't wait for you guys toexperience those apps and games.This is really just thebeginning.We're scratching the surface ofwhat's going to be possible onthe iPhone XS and the A12Bionic.No other chip in the world wouldallow us to do this.Thank you and now back to Phil.>> Thank you, Kianne.The A12 Bionic just powers somany incredible new experiences,and that includes the camera.We all love the cameras in ouriPhone.No doubt, you all know it is theworld's most popular camera andfor great reason.Over ten years customers havebeen taking incrediblephotographs with their iPhonecameras like this and sharingthem with us around the worldand telling us stories withthem.And we're so proud of all thepeople who use the iPhone camerafrom consumers to evenincreasingly professionals areusing them for photos like this.This is a beautiful portraitphoto, but what makes us soproud of it is that it appearedon the cover of Time Magazine.And this is their issue forwomen who are changing theworld, and we couldn't beprouder to be a part of thatstory.Well, you are going to be blownaway with the pictures you cantake with the iPhone XS'scamera.It is a remarkable newdual-camera system.It has a 12-megapixel widecamera, a 12-megapixel telephonecamera, and an even moreimproved true-tone flash.The 12-megapixel wide camera hasa new sensor, a larger sensorwith bigger, deeper pixels.It has optical imagestabilization and our fast 1.8aperture lens.It's Apple's six-element lens.The telephoto camera is also a12-megapixel camera, alsooptical image stabilization,F2.4, Apple design lens.On the front side, we have thetrue-depth camera system, andthat's a new sensor as well.A 7-megapixel sensor that'stwice as fast, and it workstogether with the IR camera andthe dot projector, so it cancreate depth in yourportrait-mode photos.And as we talk about cameras, ofcourse everyone talks about thesensors and the lens and rightlyso.They're an important part of thecamera system.But increasingly what makesincredible photos possiblearen't just the sensor and thelens, but it's the chip andsoftware that runs on it.And this is so true with iPhonephotography.So, for example, in the A12Bionic is the image signalprocessor, working together withthe CPU.And it does so many things everytime we take a picture.It automatically sets exposure,white balance, sets the focus,does noise reduction and lowlight photography.It brings out highlights anddetails, and it can fusemultiple images together likewhen you do an HDR photo orcreate a beautiful panorama.And the ISP and the A12 Bionicdoes all of this better thanever before, but what it doesthat is entirely new is connecttogether the ISP with thatneural engine to use themtogether to make our photosincredible.So, for example, the CPU, andthe neural engine can worktogether to do detection ofpeople's faces and bodies, tounderstand the scene that you'reshooting, and can do faciallandmarking.So it recognizes exactly wherethe eyes are and does instantred eye reduction that looksperfect.And it creates bettersegmentation masks so even withportrait mode the hair and theglasses are better than everbefore.This is an amazing amount ofpower for our camera team.In fact, when you take a photo,it's capable of doing a trillionoperations on every photo youtake.And what the team is doing withthat power is truly remarkable.We have a brand-new feature wecall Smart HDR.And we all know what HDR is,right.You can take a couple photos andmerge them together to bring outhighlight and shadows and keepyour subject looking great.Well, Smart HDR takes this ideaso much further.So let's say you're taking apicture, and the camerarecognizes you're shooting asubject and the subject ismoving, you go to press down onthe shutter and you get apicture instantly.It's called zero shutter lag.What the A12 Bionic is actuallydoing is shooting a four-framebuffer so it can capture thatcritical moment.The A12 Bionic is doing evenmore than that.It's also capturing secondaryinterframes at the same time,and those interframes are shotat a different exposure level tobring out highlight details.And it's doing more than that.It's shooting a long exposure sowe can get better shadow detailas well.And when you're taking thatpicture, it's analyzing all ofthose, finding out how to matchup the best parts of each andmerge them into one perfectphoto.That's Smart HDR.It is a breakthrough, and itmakes taking photos easier thanever and to get beautifulresults.So let me show you a few photosshot with iPhone XS, notretouched in any way, noexterior lighting used, anythingelse.It's just straight from thecamera.So here's one.I mean this is stunning.You're subject beautifully litwith natural light, beautifulskin tones, great detail, and anice beautiful soft background.But what's remarkable about thisphoto is it was a windy day bythe water, and her hair wasblowing.Yet you still get thatincredible detail in her hair onthis Smart HDR photo.Here's another example.As you can see, this is whatyou're not supposed to do,right, shooting a photo into thesun, because that's going toblow out the exposure.But Smart HDR makes sure we gota great sky, we got detail onthe shadows of the water, butmost of all, look at the waterdrops coming off of his hair andhow crisp and detailed they are.That's incredible.All your photos come out so muchbetter now with iPhone XS nomatter what your subject matter,people, pets.Look at the skin detail and thehair and the beautiful sky.Like we said, it shoots widecolor photos as well.Look at the color range on thisphoto.Shot straight off iPhone XS.And it looks even better withthe higher dynamic range displayon the iPhone XS when you lookat it there.We introduced portrait mode andportrait lighting photos.Those are better than everbefore, and here's an example.It's incredible the level ofdetail.This is the stage light featureand the portrait lighting.It looks so beautiful.Here's another portrait lightingphoto, excuse me, portrait modephoto.Beautiful soft background.These are better than everbefore, and there's a hugeadvancement here.Remember the area on thebackground of the photo, thequality of that blur is what theindustry calls bokeh.And the team wanted to make abig advancement in what can bedone with bokeh, and they'vedone some amazing work here.They studied some of thehighest-end full-frame camerasand expensive fast lenses tocharacterize the quality ofprofessional bokeh and thenbring that capability to moreand more of us through theportrait mode photos that we cantake with iPhone, and whatthey've achieved is reallybreakthrough.So I'm going to show you a photonow, and I'll just tell youright up front, this was notshot with a high-end expensivecamera.This was shot with an iPhone XS,and it is breakthrough.It is absolutely beautiful.The detail on her face, thegreat skin tones, obviouslyreflecting from the surface ofthe car to light it up, but thatbackground, and the quality ofthat bokeh is remarkable.This is a breakthrough inphotography for a smartphone.But further than that, the teamdiscovered something remarkable.This is so, so exciting.I can't tell if you can tell I'mexcited about this, but thisis-- so when you take thepicture with portrait mode, andthen you go in to the photosapp, and you tap edit, you'regoing to see a new slider on thebottom that says depth.Yeah, someone said no.Get ready for this, because letme blow it up, you're going tohave to watch two things atonce.You're going to watch the depth,and you're going to watch thebackground.You can, after taking thepicture, adjust the depth offield, so that's 1.4, that's 16.And the background is changingwith it.Let's do that again.We're going to slide a depth offield, and watch the backgroundas it changes the depth of fieldof your photo.This is done after you've takenit.This has not been possible inphotography with any kind ofcamera.This is something that iPhonecan now do with the power of theA12 Bionic chip.Let me show you one moreexample.Here's another photo shot withiPhone XS, and we see abeautiful background withincredible higher quality bokeh,and as we looked at it, we slideand we selected f2.0 because wethought it had just the rightdepth of field we want in thephoto.This is a new era ofphotography.Some people call itcomputational photography.With a power of not only thesensor and the lens, but the A12Bionic and incredible softwareand the care the camera team hasput to creating high-qualityphotography is making imagespossible now that weren'tbefore.And the benefits of this, notonly for photography, but forvideo as well, it's a new era ofvideography as well, but thisnew sensor and the power of thatA12 Bionic chip.And it can do many things.It has a twice as fast sensor.It can take advantage of a lotof this technology to givebetter image quality in ourvideos.And there's something else theteam has done too.Taking advantage of the fourmicrophones built into iPhoneXS, you can record stereo soundwith your videos as well.And it plays back with thatbeautiful wide stereo field, andit sounds amazing.So let me show you a quick videothat was shot with iPhone XS,just natively shot on it,nothing done to it other than weedit it for length, and it'sshot in low light, and itcreates images that weren'tpossible before.Here we are.>> Hey, what's up.You made it up here.>> Yeah. Had a little drive in.And that's a beautiful video.You just shoot it, 4K, butthere's a lot going on that thesystem is doing for us.Autofocus, auto exposure,bringing up the highlightdetails, the shadow details withwider dynamic range, amazingcolor rendering and tone mappingand stereo sound being recordedautomatically.So that's photography.That's video.That's our camera.Now I'll talk about batterylife.Increasingly, all smart phoneusers want more performance,bigger screens, but longerbattery life too.The teams really worked hard onthis.iPhone XS is able to compared toiPhone X get you up to 30minutes longer in your day thaniPhone X did, and that's reallygreat.iPhone XS Max has the biggestbattery we've ever put into aniPhone, and it can get you up toan hour and a half longer inyour day.And there's a lot more new withiPhone XS and XS Max.Faster networking, gigabit-classLTE.They have more bands than anyother smartphone, so they havethe best worldwide roaming andspeaking of worldwidecapabilities, one thing we'vehad requests for is dual SIMcapability.Well some of you know what thisis for.For the rest, here are somereasons people want dual SIM.Some people want two phonenumbers on their phone.Maybe a home number and a worknumber.Some want two different plansdepending on the region of theworld they're in and what theyneed.And many of us like to traveland want to keep our local phonenumber but may need to get adata plan in a region we're inso we can have access to fastdata there.To do this, into iPhone XS andXS Max, we built a technologycalled DSDS, or Dual SIM DualStandby.This means that you have bothphone numbers there in yourphone waiting to get call,whichever one gets it becomesthe active line.And to enable that, the we'veadded our eSIM technology.eSIM is a standard that we'vebeen working with carriers topromote around the world.We've actually already beenshipping it in cellular iPads,in cellular watches, and nowwe're bringing it to iPhone.So with eSIM it's built in, easyto set up a second line.You can point your camera at aQR code from a carrier and setit up, and the team has workedto make sure in the softwarethat the fact that you have twodifferent phone numbers isunderstood.And you can name them home andwork, primary and secondary,whatever.And then throughout the userexperience, you'll see that aphone call is coming in on acertain line, and you know howto deal with that.Support for eSIM requiressupport from carriers, and we'vebeen working with many greatcarrier partners, and they'regoing to be rolling out eSIMsupport throughout the fall andmany more into next year.We're really, really happy to beworking with them on this.So that's how we provide dualSIM support around the world.We will have a single physicalSIM and a eSIM in both iPhone XSand XS Max.In China, where we can't bringeSIM into iPhone yet, we'remaking a special model of theiPhone XS Max that has twophysical SIMs, actually one oneach side of the SIM tray.It's a really smartimplementation, and we thinkthey're going to love that.So this is iPhone XS and XS Max.They are packed with so many newadvancements.Better Super Retina displays,5.8 inch and the new 6.5 inchOLED displays.Our next generation 7 nanometerA12 Bionic chip with faster CPU,GPU, neural engine, and helpingus to deliver even longerbattery life.Our new generation dual camerasystem with a bigger sensor,Smart HDR, portrait mode withmore beautiful bokeh, dynamicdepth of field, higher qualityvideos with HD and 4K, newtrue-depth camera system that'sfaster for Face ID,gigabit-class LTE, beautiful newgold finish, protection to IP68and so much more.These are incredible newiPhones.And the team works really hardto make these iPhones in themost environmentally friendlymanner possible.And to tell you a little bitmore about that, I'm reallyexcited to bring out Lisa.>> Thanks Phil.You know, we never stop thinkingabout what's best for theplanet.This starts with our products,but it extends to everything wedo at Apple.So, for instance, earlier thisyear we announced somethingpretty amazing.You may have heard about italready, but we can't helprepeating ourselves because wenow run Apple on 100 percentrenewable energy at all of ourfacilities worldwide.Now of course that includes thegorgeous campus that we're onright now.It's powered by our own solarpanels and directed biogas fuelcells.But it's also about thefacilities that you don't oftensee, like our data centers,which use lots of clean energyto support services, likeiMessage.And that means every time yousend an iMessage or make aFacetime video call, we're usinglots of clean energy to makethat happen.Now when we set out to do this,people said it couldn't be done.And if you know Apple, those areexactly the kinds of challengesthat we love.So we've done it, and we'rereally really proud of it.And now, we're on to the nextchallenge.We hope to one day eliminate ourneed to mine new materials fromthe Earth.Now as you can imagine, this isa massive effort.So to reach that goal, we haveto do three things.First, we'll have to find newways to make our products withrecycled or renewable materialsthat are sourced responsibly.Then we'll have to ensure thatour products last as long aspossible.And then finally after a longlife of use, we have to ensurethat they're recycled properly.So let's take a look at some ofthe material innovations withinthe new iPhones that we've justannounced.We've transitioned to usingrecycled tin in the main logicboard of iPhone including thenew iPhone XS, and of coursethis is with no reduction inquality or performance.This one change will prevent themining of over 10,000 tons oftin ore in a single year.And we're doing this with othermaterials as well.We have a better plasticsprogram, and through that we'rereducing our use of traditionalplastics and transitioning torecycled and bio-basedmaterials.For example, the speakerenclosure for iPhone XS is nowmade with 35 percentpost-consumer recycled plastic.And the cover glass frame ismade with 32 percent bio-basedplastic.It's better for the planet, butit's also tougher and itperforms better.Second, we also make sure todesign and build durableproducts that last as long aspossible.That means long-lasting hardwarecoupled with our amazingsoftware.All of these devices, includingthe iPhone 5S run iOS 12 and iOS12 is designed to make youriPhone and iPad experience evenbetter, even more responsive,faster, just better, and becausethey last longer, you can keepusing them, and keeping usingthem is the best thing for theplanet.And finally, when it comes timeto reuse and recycle, we haveApple GiveBack.This is something I'm reallyproud of.With Apple GiveBack, it doesn'tmatter what device you have orwhat condition it's in, bring itin or mail it into us.We'll assess it, and if it canbe used by someone else, we'llgive you the value.If not, we'll recycle itproperly for free.Maybe we'll even use the robot.Who remembers Liam?Well meet his sister, Daisy, whocan disassemble nine differentmodels of iPhone.Using Daisy, we can reuse thoserecycled materials in futureproducts, and the more we dothis, the less we'll have tomine from the Earth.So that iPhone 5S, with AppleGiveBack, it can go on toanother user when you're readyto switch to a new iPhone.And when it comes to the newiPhone XS, you can feelconfident that it too wasdesigned for another long lifeof use.Either way, it's good for you,but it is a huge win for theplanet.Thank you.>> Thank you, Lisa.This work is really important toall the teams at Apple, and it'sa great example of thecollaboration between all theteams to do everything fromreducing the amount of tin inproducts to the GiveBackprogram.Just great work and we're reallyproud of everything they do.So, iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max,they are stunning, the bestiPhones we've ever made by along shot.We are so excited about thetechnologies in here, theexperiences they're going tobring to people, and we hopecustomers love them just as muchas we do.We want to reach as manycustomers as we can with thisincredible technology.So that's why we are veryexcited to show you one moreiPhone.It is incredible, and we are soexcited to introduce you to theiPhone XR.And we hope it reaches even morecustomers with this amazing,incredible technology.It's made from a 7000 seriesaerospace grade aluminum and hasmore durable glass.It is absolutely stunning.It comes in incredible newfinishes, white, black, blue,coral, yellow, each beautifullydesigned with that aluminumfinish, the glass in the back.The screen goes edge to edge andtop to bottom.There's even an incredibleproduct red one as well, and itis beautiful.All of these are protected fromdust and liquids to IP67.They're designed end to end withthe most incredible technology.This display is really whatstrikes you though.It's an LCD display that for thefirst time goes edge to edge.It took advanced new engineeringand technology to do pixelmasking and pixeland to have LEDs that fit into asmaller space than ever before.This is the most advanced LCDever in a smartphone.And it's so cool we had to giveit its own cool new name, it'scalled the Liquid Retinadisplay.The Liquid Retina display is 6.1inches on the diagonal.Now let's bring, well first it's1.4 million pixels, and it's 326pixels per inch.So true retina image quality.Now let's bring that iPhone 8Plus next to is, because it'sreally interesting.It is a bigger display than theiPhone 8 Plus in a smallerdesign.The design actually fitsperfectly between the sides ofan 8 and an 8 Plus, so we thinkit's going to make a lot ofcustomers really happy.So a 6.1 inch Liquid Retinadisplay, an LCD display, 1.4million pixels.It supports tap to wake.It has that 120 Hertztouch-sensitive layer, so itscrolls super-fast.It has great color management,color accuracy.It has a wide color display, andit has true tone support.So the whites look paper whitein all the lights you use them.And it is an iPhone X experienceon an LCD display.So that means you tap it to wakeit up.There's no home button.You swipe up to go to the homescreen, a first for an LCDdisplay.Swipe down to get yournotifications.Swipe down to get to controlcenter from the right corner.It doesn't have 3D touch, buthere again the team came up withsomething really smart.It has a new feature we callhaptic touch.So to get to the camera from thehome screen, we just press onit.You feel a haptic tap, andyou're taken right to thecamera.This is a similar technology towhat we do with the track pad inthe Mac Book Pro that we alllove so much.It is a great experience.And like every iPhone X newexperience, it has Face ID.And there's a TrueDepth camerasystem, the same TrueDepthcamera system in iPhone XS andXS Max.So it's an infrared camera,flood illuminator, proximitysensor, ambient light sensor,dot projector, front camera,speaker and microphone.All the technology to have anincredible Face ID experience.So you look at iPhone XR tounlock it.You look at it to pay with ApplePay.And like iPhone XS and XS Max,it's faster but it's fasteralgorithms, running on a fastersecure enclave.And inside the iPhone XR isnothing but the best chip wemake, our brand new sevennanometer A12 Bionic chip.So this is a powerhouse, fasterCPU, faster GPU, faster neuralengine, and it can do all ofthose experiences that Kianneshowed you earlier, includingreal-time machine learning.It is an incredible new phone.And it has a great new camerasystem as well.It's a single camera system, ourbest single camera system thatwe've ever made.It's a 12 megapixel, wide-anglecamera, the exact samewide-angle camera in the XS andXS Max, so it's our newgeneration sensor that's largerwith bigger pixels, opticalimage stabilization, twice asmany focus pixels, faster f1.8aperture, Apple designed lens,and the new improved true toneflash as well.And it takes beautiful photos.Like this one.So this was taken from an iPhoneXR.It is stunning.Incredible detail, beautifultone mapping.There's probably somethingyou've noticed about this photothough.It's a portrait mode photo withthat beautiful background blur,taken from a single camerasystem.This is remarkable.What the team is able to do iscombine hardware and software tocreate a depth segmentation mapusing the focus pixels andneural net software so that wecan create portrait mode photoson the brand-new iPhone XR.Here's another example.Just incredible, beautiful,beautiful focus on the subject,great lighting, beautifulbackground bokeh.Yes, it gets the same advancedbokeh technology we talked aboutwith iPhone XS and XS Max, andit gets depth controldynamically after you've takenthe picture.So all that breakthroughfeatures and capabilities thatyou want are right here.Here are some other photoexamples taken from iPhone XR.They are absolutely beautiful.It has Smart HDR as well.Helps to bring out highlightsand shadows even in low-lightphotos.It has wide color as well, soyou get stunning, beautiful,rich color photographs.On the front side is the sameTrueDepth camera system asiPhone XS and XS Max with itslatest technology so you getfull support for portrait modeand portrait lighting.It can take some of the bestselfies you've ever seen.These are shot off the TrueDepthcamera on iPhone XR.Well what about battery life?Well here the story continues tobe just great becauseperformance in this big screen,the team has worked hard to givegreat battery life.So let's compare it to theiPhone 8 Plus.So many customers love the longbattery life of that.Well iPhone XR gives you up anhour and a half more in your daythan the iPhone 8 Plus.So this is the brand new iPhoneXR.It has a 6.1 inch Liquid Retinadisplay, an LCD display, themost advanced ever in theindustry.It is our latest seven nanometerA12 Bionic chip with its fasterCPU and GPU and thatbreakthrough neural engine andhelping to deliver even longerbattery life.It is the best single camerasystem we've ever made with ournew generation 12 megapixelsensor with support for SmartHDR, portrait modes withbeautiful bokeh, dynamic depthcontrol, incredible video.It has the same TrueDepth camerasystem as iPhone XS and XS Maxwith faster Face ID and on andon.These six beautiful newfinishes, that incredible 7000Series aerospace grade aluminumand IP67 protection from liquidsand dust.IPhone XS, XS Max, and iPhone XRhave arsenic-free display glass,mercury-free displays, BFR-free,PVC-free, beryllium-free.They're designed andmanufactured with a low-carbonprocess, and they're highlyrecyclable.We're so proud of all that workthe team does.This is a huge day for iPhone.We now have iPhone XS, XS Max,and XR, three new models ofiPhone.We have a product video about itto tell you a little bit more,and they're amazing.>> The iPhone X described ourvision for the future of thesmartphone.Today, we're extending thatvision with significant advancesacross three entirely newproducts.iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, andiPhone XR.iPhone XS is completelyuncompromising.The expansive, Super Retinadisplay with OLED delivers vividbrightness, true blacks, andhigh dynamic range content.iPhone XS Max has the largestdisplay ever on an iPhone.Custom developed stainless steelis precisely machined to createstructural bands in threefinishes, including new gold.With even better water and dustresistance, this structure isintegrated with the most durableglass ever developed for asmartphone.Face ID enabled by the TrueDepthcamera system reinvents the wayto securely unlock login and paywith only a glance.Now it's even faster.The A12 Bionic chip is thesmartest and most powerful chipever in a smartphone.It's next generation neuralengine dedicates machinelearning to everything fromaugmented reality tophotography.With a more advanced dual camerasystem and neural engine, iPhoneis again taking us to a new eraof photography where even morecapable sensors are combinedwith lenses, chips, and advancedsoftware delivering Smart HDRacross your photos, creatingimages like never before.Portrait mode on both the backcamera and front TrueDepthcamera now features morenuanced, software enhanced,adjustable depth of field.4K video with better low-lightperformance, and extendeddynamic range now records instereo, and your content playsback in widened stereo sound.iPhone XR integrates the samebreakthrough technologies.It's powered by the same A12Bionic chip, has the sameversatile TrueDepth camera withthe same advanced Face ID.An entirely new range offinishes are enable byprecision-machined, structuralaluminum band, anodized tocomplement an all-glassenclosure.The all-screen Liquid Retinadisplay is the most advanced LCDin a smartphone and the mostcolor accurate in the industry.A new back light design allowsthe display to extend into theradius corners, enabling alarger LCD than ever before.The advanced single camerasystem combined with machinelearning allows iPhone XR torecognize people, map subjects,and add depth.The depth of field isadjustable, so you can take moredramatic portraits.Our utterly uncompromised visionfor the future, iPhone XS andiPhone XS Max, and with a rangeof new finishes offering morechoice to more people, iPhoneXR.>> Thank you.Well iPhone XR will come in sixfinishes and in three sizes, 64gigabytes, 128 gigabytes, and256 gigabytes of storage, and itwill start at $749.So that's less expensive thanthe iPhone 8 Plus.I'm really proud of the work theteam has done on that.You can order it in just over amonth, October 19th, and it willstart to ship a week later thanthat, October 26th.IPhone XS will come in threeconfigurations, 64 gigs, 256gigs, and that new 512-gigabytestorage capacity.It starts at $999.The iPhone XS Max, same threeconfigurations with its largerscreen, larger battery, just$100 more, starting at $1099.The iPhone XS and XS Max, youcan start preordering in Friday,September 14th, and it'll ship aweek later, September 21st.It will start shipping in all ofthese markets, a nice long list.But if you don't see yourfavorite location there, don'tworry, a week later, it'll startshipping in all of theselocations as well.This is-- somebody saw theirfavorite country or location--this is the fastest rolloutgeographically we've ever hadfor new iPhone.That's really great.So this holiday we have anunbelievable lineup of iPhones.iPhone 7 starts now at just$449, and there are models ofiPhone 7 and 7 Plus.iPhone 8 at $599, models of 8and Plus.The brand new iPhone XR startingat $749, XS at $999, and XS Maxat $1099.They're all running iOS 12, theworld's most advanced mobileoperating system, and we can allupgrade to its performance andits great features, AR, Animoji,Memoji, Screen Time and morenext week, September 17th.So that is our news on iPhone.Back to Tim.>> Thank you, Phil.What a fantastic new lineup ofiPhones.It's clearly the best lineupwe've had by far, taking thebreakthroughs of iPhone X evenfurther than before and makingthem available to even morepeople.Now before we close thismorning, I've got a few moreupdates to give you.We've got an update to theHomePod, our breakthrough homespeaker.We recently added stereo pairsand AirPlay 2, so now when youadd a second HomePod to create astereo pair, it creates thisincredible wide, immersive soundstage.You really have to hear this tobelieve it.It's really awesome.And with AirPlay 2, HomePodbecomes the best multiroom audioexperience.We've got some other greatfeatures that we're bringing toHomePod.You'll be able to search foryour favorite songs by lyrics,create multiple timers, make andreceive phone calls right fromyour HomePod, and just like yourApple Watch, you can ping youriPhone or any of your Appledevices to help find them aroundyour house.It's incredibly useful at myhouse.And we couldn't be more excitedabout how Siri shortcuts willopen up a world of apps for theHomePod.Also, we'll be shipping a newupdate to TVOS with support forDolby At Most for Apple TV 4K.It has stunning new 4K aerials,and with access to a wide rangeof live sports and newsprograms, there are now wellover 100 video partnersavailable through the TV app.Both the HomePod and the TVOSupdates will be available onMonday, September 17th.And then the following week,we've got a great new update forthe Mac with MacOS Mohave, allnew Dark Mode and updates todesktop and finder, enhancedprivacy and security in acompletely redesigned Mac AppStore.MacOS Mohave will be availableon September 24th.We're excited about this hugemonth and all of these bigreleases that we've got.So what a great morning.We introduced the Apple WatchSeries 4, newly designed andreengineered to help you stayeven more active, healthy, andconnected.It is the most capable AppleWatch yet.We showed you the new iPhone XS,the most advanced smartphone inthe world, with a Super Retinadisplay, advanced Face ID, abreakthrough dual camera system,and the smartest, most powerfulchip ever in a smartphone.And iPhone XS is not just onephone, it's two, with the iPhoneXS Max, the biggest screen everin an iPhone, the biggestbattery ever in an iPhone, andof course the biggest experienceever in an iPhone.And the iPhone XR with the newLiquid Retina display, it sharesso many of the advanced featuresof iPhone XS, and it is juststunning with six beautiful newfinishes to choose from.iPhone XR will allow us todeliver the future of thesmartphone to even more people.At Apple, we're always pushingour products forward and makingtechnology more personal.We hope that you love these newproducts as much as we do.We've got a hands-on area justupstairs that's going to open ina moment, and we hope thatyou'll take time to get yourhands on them and experiencethem for yourselves.I'd like to thank everyone forjoining us this morning,including those watching usonline, and I especially like tothank all the people at Applewho've made this magical daypossible.Thank you.\n"