Ghetto Studio Ep. 1 - MCLOVIN'S LAIR

**The Making of a Gaming Studio**

In this article, we take a look at the creation of a gaming studio, specifically Jacob's setup. From the graphics to the audio equipment, we explore what makes his space unique and functional for gaming.

As Jacob begins setting up his studio, he starts by applying some graphics in advance. He notes that the result is okay and decides to go back and adjust some settings. Noticing a difference, he changes the resolution to 100% and applies more settings. However, he still finds himself locked at 60fps, which he attributes to his GTX 950 not being able to handle the increased settings.

Undeterred, Jacob continues to tweak his setup, trying to get the best out of his equipment. He talks about how the graphics are looking better now, but still wonders if there's more to be done. This is where he begins to discuss the importance of having a good quality audio setup in gaming.

**The Importance of Audio**

As Jacob works on setting up his studio, he emphasizes the importance of having good quality audio equipment. He talks about how it's crucial for an immersive gaming experience and sets the tone for what will be discussed next. The article takes a moment to highlight the significance of this aspect, ensuring that readers understand its importance in creating a seamless gaming experience.

**Brutal Constructive Criticism**

Jacob then invites his audience to leave comments below with their honest opinion on his studio setup. He asks them to rate it out of 10, from one being "well, kind of just average" to ten being "ultra-uber ghetto." The tone is light-hearted and playful, making the reader feel comfortable sharing their thoughts.

**The Importance of Sponsors**

As Jacob continues talking about his studio, he expresses his desire for sponsors. He wants a shirt with all his sponsors' logos on it, hoping that people will see him as a cool gamer who has partnerships with well-known brands. This aspect adds a humorous touch to the article, making readers laugh at the absurdity of having a sponsor-filled shirt.

**A Glimpse into Jacob's World**

As we delve deeper into Jacob's world, we catch a glimpse of his mom and her hints about vacuuming. He jokes about taking out the vacuum cleaner, implying that it might not be necessary in his studio. This light-hearted moment provides a brief respite from the technical aspects of setting up a gaming studio.

**The End of an Era**

As Jacob wraps up the video, he acknowledges that his setup is pretty good and doesn't want to lie about it. He invites viewers to share their own ghetto studio setups, encouraging them to email him with pictures of their spaces. This ends the article on a note of camaraderie, inviting readers to join in on the fun.

**A Final Word**

As we conclude this article, Jacob sends a final message to his audience: thank you for watching, and don't forget to subscribe to his channel. He also invites viewers to leave comments, either with praise or criticism, ensuring that the conversation continues. This parting shot wraps up the article in a friendly and approachable tone.

**A Shoutout to Jacob's Friends**

Finally, we take a moment to thank Jacob for inviting us into his world. We acknowledge the unexpected surprise of him receiving a monitor, which was a gift from a mysterious friend. This adds a touch of mystery to the article, leaving readers wondering who might be behind such a thoughtful gesture.

**A Welcome to the Neighborhood**

As we wrap up this article, we welcome our readers to Jacob's neighborhood in Florida. We acknowledge that this is not just a gaming studio but also a place where people come together to share their passions and creativity. This final thought leaves us with a sense of community and belonging, emphasizing the importance of sharing experiences with others.

**A Final Message**

As we conclude this article, we'd like to say thank you for joining us on this journey into Jacob's world. We hope that our readers have enjoyed the ride, learning about the process of creating a gaming studio and the importance of good quality audio equipment. Until next time, stay creative and keep gaming!

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: envacuuming vacuuming give it back in this month's months thank the chairs coming apart so like these like big black pieces we're like spread out all over my room this is my glove it's layer um it's not yet literally it's what we're calling it a layer because it looks like a monster lives in here Jacob want to give us like the full tour you guys know Jacob from these videos over here yeah those videos you can check those out I'll keep having them pop up here and there but a Jacob has his own YouTube channel Jacob tell us about your YouTube channel then we'll go yeah we'll get through all of this good stuff bunch of stuff yeah it was like years of collection in this room yeah oh yeah this is a collector's paradise let me tell you yeah so a little bit about my background to ride motorcycles um maybe YouTube channel called McLaughlin the Panhandle so as most of y'all may or may not know me and Greg started a channel called entertainment studio check that out right here ha don't really care about my room because I'm never here oh that's the excuse for going low oh yeah we're definitely going the back I mean if you look around you'll see some things that you probably haven't seen since middle school I'm gonna give you the camera you go ahead and give them before ok this is gonna be embarrassing alright so I'm in order to start with really I will just pretend like we're coming in through the door alright so every day get off class I roll up to this trashy joint I call my bedroom I kid I can't keep a straight face you got samurai swords we use that arrow for the CPU box check that video out yeah the super duper ranger pooper I've had that for like six years since middle school my parents love when I get home it doesn't seem structurally sound yeah well neither does this whole room so what is that it's just like the corner I don't really walk around some luggage something some fan sent me a long time ago actually really man yeah back when I'll sponsor them black eyes she does sponsored by Cheetos um that's me Bailey some users are clean actually those just got sponsored by tascam I don't even know what that is so I recently bought um I went with what Gregg had so I went with thank you I went with a blue Yeti you be such crap okay are they fair warning I'm a bunch of sub boxes because like everybody in high school you had to have subwoofers and I got rid of the subs but not the box I know so we'll do this is a computer that Greg built me well you built that we built that little bit more than that when is Pixar gonna freakin sponsor me to I don't know pixie Oh give you my monitor pick co-sponsor me because this is getting ridiculous as my TV / computer monitor it's getting ridiculous here's my skeleton that holds all of my headsets all except the tascam shoutout to tascam look at that look at that body work I always have a nerf gun ready so if my mom thinks that she's gonna joke around with dinner I can like popper in the face you know whenever I'm really confused which state I'm in I look up on my map so is this like the one place you've ever been a long time ago I used to have like a radio and that's where it held up the antenna they do visit just south east of st. Francis no I don't even know where that is inside Kansas yes Kansas oh no um there's where I keep all my video games Phillies are really dumb and I feel T people are gonna watch us that's where I charge my phone what is this can you explain to people what this is that's an exhaust off my motorcycle well I hammer next year's in case of my next-door neighbors giving me trash get the Xbox one 360 all of that got my new microphone for whoever keeps commenting on how crappy I sound thanks I actually went out and bought this how much did you spin Jake it's like a hundred and forty dollars hunter okay never makes like that you got a said hey oh look at those tascam throwing it down bro th Oh - should get your wrong impressions of what they sound like just like straight up I have any literally just took them out of the box like we literally like we haven't even untangled some did like try them out will be like Breaking Benjamin Jacob I can hear that out here feel like I'm listening to something through a box oh I also have the Hank Aaron signature shout out to Hank Aaron shout out to my mom she doesn't know I have this I stole her from her you stole her dinner stand close next door to bed and she did she Rosa you think you're they call these TV stands dinner stands Donna you get the point you put your food on it when you're watching TV in the living room no you just blew dust everywhere and this keyboard looks like you stole it from our high school yeah look at the mouse you stole that from high school dude I really like how you've uh how you've got everything just kind of stacked up here let's slide this out of the I want to break this it feels very fragile it feels like it feels like it's gonna collapse Walmart special right that 999 okay if it was gonna collapse at any moment I need this by the way I can't forget this hold this I still need that though but if you had done what I told you to do two days ago I like the fact that you have this stack the way that you do so you kind of move this section over off of your bike off of your base which whatever that I guess there's two more subs on those look like ten inch holes and yeah another I got your computer over there I thought it looked good but apparently according to Greg it looks like crap no I mean it's innovative I like how you managed to kind of squeeze your your computer underneath your TV that's cool oh if people think I'm joking I haven't gone through any of this stuff dude University oh this is when I was went this when we were in high school yeah this is when I got like there which are like four years ago kind of recruit me bro March 30th 2009 it has an expiration that's seven year old coke you should ditch xxx oh nine you should definitely not drink the chug it give I spent $130 on a microphone I'm not really going to use you're gonna use that on entertainment studio well yeah but I think this mouth you know whatever it doesn't matter it works I can get you another gaming mouse yeah shout-out to whoever sponsored is Greg for game stuff because I want a couple sponsors like luggage e-skills sending one maybe awesome love I'll see what J school can do for you so over here you have your FX 8350 gtx 950 how's that holding up for you gtx 950 blues someone says i need to update to like it 1060 mmm that would be good I'd recommend that actually how much are those I think you can get a 60 good bite GTX 1060 for about two hundred and sixty dollars yeah us know so how about that I honestly would have recommended that over that I know what is this no I mean that's it's it's a great mic especially if you know how to tweak it in audacity and stuff which I've already taught you how to do and you're very good at that so that your audio games definitely stepped up but in terms of your actual gameplay right now you're kind of limited I mean you have to down some settings like that's straight up to compromise all of my settings below everything's on low like really oh my gosh you want to show us kind of what your settings are in game I'm kind of curious now all of those haters I freaking common who is uses the Xbox controller yeah I freaking do is this at least you have a Bose sub nothing freaking has hard bro it's hard bro like is it like a four inch sub if I was joking but okay um yet you go pro here four here so 4k 30fps that's not bad here is this mine yeah I still haven't downloaded any of this stuff I gave this to you two days ago so you could download stuff on I started working on it though it looks pretty good yeah it's the thought that counts right my section looks great I'm sure it does look how sick that looks bro cause that's like trash channel to Comcast and it's really crappy service by the way my mom's probably downstairs downloading a movie oh really is that your excuse to be surprised so when do you ever use the keyboard Jake you ever use a keyboard play games with whenever I'm like trolling people and having to type as fast as I can oh so you just like swap hot-swap alright so after about 20 minutes of waiting for uh my initial downloads oh I was pitiful so another thing to add to the most ghetto gaming setup slash office tour slash bedroom ever shout-out to cx-9 50 shout out to the gtx 950 whoa oh my lo lo yell see how long this takes oh my look at those graphics such trash oh that is worse than a console let me the graphic look at that have a jig of your pegged is 60fps you could probably increase your with your your in game settings a bit dude these graphics are pitiful man look at me arriving already you are lagging but that's not a result of your computer that's a result to your network connection what what alright now up some of those graphics in advance that should be okay alright and then ya go and apply go back to video click on it again no go back click on graphics again okay that right there no no render resolution go down yeah change that to a hundred percent there you go oh yeah I'm sorry difference Wow so much better it is a bit better Jacob do you see a framerate Jacob you're still pegged at 60fps you can up more settings gtx 950 sucks bro to help your setting some more keep going you're locked to a medium texture quality surprise greg whatever 950 sucks I'll say it again watches great watches 720p nature oh dang it we needed to take the Audi out so I can make more videos for my channel Oh for your channel yeah I haven't even shown that core in my channel yet I know that's why would you like a surprise giveaway of what how dra go ahead okay so folks I want you all to leave I don't know I guess our rating out of 10 in the comments below of what you think this setup is in terms of get honest so a tenant what what it's like super ghetto have you check out the blinds it doesn't even go up right what is this really needs to pay me a visit no god this windows I want you to tell me in the comments until Jacob - he needs he needs some brutal constructive criticism here awesome you don't have water crap well what'd you think of his setup here so on a scale from one to ten one being well kind of just average and then ten being ultra uber ghetto with like pitbulls just chained a random wall super-strong seven a strong seven that's what you're getting I want like a shirt with nothing but like sponsors on it so I go into Walmart people are like look how cool you know like the people that go to Game Stop everybody thinks are like the best gamer in there I literally want to have a shirt with all of my sponsors like all over it like Cheetos just just Cheetos right now I want skittles too because you know everybody likes skittles and then I don't want Coke or Pepsi I want dr. pepper to sponsor me so many sponsors you have no Jacob as my mom is my mommy yeah at least a vacuum cleaner I mean that would double do you a lot of good my mom hinted at it and she put a vacuum cleaner in here but I just took it out so you didn't get the memo was vacuuming I'm not gonna do it okay okay um well on that bombshell I think we're gonna just go ahead and call it a day his setup is pretty good I'm not gonna lie if you think you've got a more ghetto setup than the glove and does be sure to email me I have my email like my business email in this video's description be sure to send me an email show me a couple pictures of your room and we'll do a couple videos on just ghetto studios because well you know dollars on budgets can't really can't really afford to make things look beautiful as long as they do the job that's really all that matters right Jacob borderline bat I'm calling you a studio because you got this you got this whole set up here and thanks to tasks and a good quality audio so yeah no quality audio so yeah I think we're gonna call it call it a day Jacob thanks for showing me around your studio here and uh we'll let you get back to cleaning cuz that's definitely what you need to do right now is clean if you liked the video give it a thumbs up if you hate everything about life or the complete opposite knock dang it if you feel the complete opposite hate everything about life then dislike don't just don't even collect this like what uh don't forget to subscribe to my channel I'm not desperate but no be nice it really doesn't really nice to make new friends I've been loving the Panhandle and then hopefully we're gonna get this whole rig set it up for set it up set it up it's English this is Florida we're in the south ah set it up for us you still said it set it up for set up whatever for entertainment studio um as always subscribe to Greg's channel sign studio okay brother that's not what this video shoutout to science to do pixie oh good God Almighty sent me a freaking monitor already I'm like emailed like president lady's freaking McLovin thanks for learning with us is that where you normally say this is kind of sketchy so I don't think I should end up like that thanks for coming to the hood mystery we live in like a residential neighborhood welcome to the south east side of Florida south west side of Florida welcome to the this is a northwest side of Fort whatever same thingvacuuming vacuuming give it back in this month's months thank the chairs coming apart so like these like big black pieces we're like spread out all over my room this is my glove it's layer um it's not yet literally it's what we're calling it a layer because it looks like a monster lives in here Jacob want to give us like the full tour you guys know Jacob from these videos over here yeah those videos you can check those out I'll keep having them pop up here and there but a Jacob has his own YouTube channel Jacob tell us about your YouTube channel then we'll go yeah we'll get through all of this good stuff bunch of stuff yeah it was like years of collection in this room yeah oh yeah this is a collector's paradise let me tell you yeah so a little bit about my background to ride motorcycles um maybe YouTube channel called McLaughlin the Panhandle so as most of y'all may or may not know me and Greg started a channel called entertainment studio check that out right here ha don't really care about my room because I'm never here oh that's the excuse for going low oh yeah we're definitely going the back I mean if you look around you'll see some things that you probably haven't seen since middle school I'm gonna give you the camera you go ahead and give them before ok this is gonna be embarrassing alright so I'm in order to start with really I will just pretend like we're coming in through the door alright so every day get off class I roll up to this trashy joint I call my bedroom I kid I can't keep a straight face you got samurai swords we use that arrow for the CPU box check that video out yeah the super duper ranger pooper I've had that for like six years since middle school my parents love when I get home it doesn't seem structurally sound yeah well neither does this whole room so what is that it's just like the corner I don't really walk around some luggage something some fan sent me a long time ago actually really man yeah back when I'll sponsor them black eyes she does sponsored by Cheetos um that's me Bailey some users are clean actually those just got sponsored by tascam I don't even know what that is so I recently bought um I went with what Gregg had so I went with thank you I went with a blue Yeti you be such crap okay are they fair warning I'm a bunch of sub boxes because like everybody in high school you had to have subwoofers and I got rid of the subs but not the box I know so we'll do this is a computer that Greg built me well you built that we built that little bit more than that when is Pixar gonna freakin sponsor me to I don't know pixie Oh give you my monitor pick co-sponsor me because this is getting ridiculous as my TV / computer monitor it's getting ridiculous here's my skeleton that holds all of my headsets all except the tascam shoutout to tascam look at that look at that body work I always have a nerf gun ready so if my mom thinks that she's gonna joke around with dinner I can like popper in the face you know whenever I'm really confused which state I'm in I look up on my map so is this like the one place you've ever been a long time ago I used to have like a radio and that's where it held up the antenna they do visit just south east of st. Francis no I don't even know where that is inside Kansas yes Kansas oh no um there's where I keep all my video games Phillies are really dumb and I feel T people are gonna watch us that's where I charge my phone what is this can you explain to people what this is that's an exhaust off my motorcycle well I hammer next year's in case of my next-door neighbors giving me trash get the Xbox one 360 all of that got my new microphone for whoever keeps commenting on how crappy I sound thanks I actually went out and bought this how much did you spin Jake it's like a hundred and forty dollars hunter okay never makes like that you got a said hey oh look at those tascam throwing it down bro th Oh - should get your wrong impressions of what they sound like just like straight up I have any literally just took them out of the box like we literally like we haven't even untangled some did like try them out will be like Breaking Benjamin Jacob I can hear that out here feel like I'm listening to something through a box oh I also have the Hank Aaron signature shout out to Hank Aaron shout out to my mom she doesn't know I have this I stole her from her you stole her dinner stand close next door to bed and she did she Rosa you think you're they call these TV stands dinner stands Donna you get the point you put your food on it when you're watching TV in the living room no you just blew dust everywhere and this keyboard looks like you stole it from our high school yeah look at the mouse you stole that from high school dude I really like how you've uh how you've got everything just kind of stacked up here let's slide this out of the I want to break this it feels very fragile it feels like it feels like it's gonna collapse Walmart special right that 999 okay if it was gonna collapse at any moment I need this by the way I can't forget this hold this I still need that though but if you had done what I told you to do two days ago I like the fact that you have this stack the way that you do so you kind of move this section over off of your bike off of your base which whatever that I guess there's two more subs on those look like ten inch holes and yeah another I got your computer over there I thought it looked good but apparently according to Greg it looks like crap no I mean it's innovative I like how you managed to kind of squeeze your your computer underneath your TV that's cool oh if people think I'm joking I haven't gone through any of this stuff dude University oh this is when I was went this when we were in high school yeah this is when I got like there which are like four years ago kind of recruit me bro March 30th 2009 it has an expiration that's seven year old coke you should ditch xxx oh nine you should definitely not drink the chug it give I spent $130 on a microphone I'm not really going to use you're gonna use that on entertainment studio well yeah but I think this mouth you know whatever it doesn't matter it works I can get you another gaming mouse yeah shout-out to whoever sponsored is Greg for game stuff because I want a couple sponsors like luggage e-skills sending one maybe awesome love I'll see what J school can do for you so over here you have your FX 8350 gtx 950 how's that holding up for you gtx 950 blues someone says i need to update to like it 1060 mmm that would be good I'd recommend that actually how much are those I think you can get a 60 good bite GTX 1060 for about two hundred and sixty dollars yeah us know so how about that I honestly would have recommended that over that I know what is this no I mean that's it's it's a great mic especially if you know how to tweak it in audacity and stuff which I've already taught you how to do and you're very good at that so that your audio games definitely stepped up but in terms of your actual gameplay right now you're kind of limited I mean you have to down some settings like that's straight up to compromise all of my settings below everything's on low like really oh my gosh you want to show us kind of what your settings are in game I'm kind of curious now all of those haters I freaking common who is uses the Xbox controller yeah I freaking do is this at least you have a Bose sub nothing freaking has hard bro it's hard bro like is it like a four inch sub if I was joking but okay um yet you go pro here four here so 4k 30fps that's not bad here is this mine yeah I still haven't downloaded any of this stuff I gave this to you two days ago so you could download stuff on I started working on it though it looks pretty good yeah it's the thought that counts right my section looks great I'm sure it does look how sick that looks bro cause that's like trash channel to Comcast and it's really crappy service by the way my mom's probably downstairs downloading a movie oh really is that your excuse to be surprised so when do you ever use the keyboard Jake you ever use a keyboard play games with whenever I'm like trolling people and having to type as fast as I can oh so you just like swap hot-swap alright so after about 20 minutes of waiting for uh my initial downloads oh I was pitiful so another thing to add to the most ghetto gaming setup slash office tour slash bedroom ever shout-out to cx-9 50 shout out to the gtx 950 whoa oh my lo lo yell see how long this takes oh my look at those graphics such trash oh that is worse than a console let me the graphic look at that have a jig of your pegged is 60fps you could probably increase your with your your in game settings a bit dude these graphics are pitiful man look at me arriving already you are lagging but that's not a result of your computer that's a result to your network connection what what alright now up some of those graphics in advance that should be okay alright and then ya go and apply go back to video click on it again no go back click on graphics again okay that right there no no render resolution go down yeah change that to a hundred percent there you go oh yeah I'm sorry difference Wow so much better it is a bit better Jacob do you see a framerate Jacob you're still pegged at 60fps you can up more settings gtx 950 sucks bro to help your setting some more keep going you're locked to a medium texture quality surprise greg whatever 950 sucks I'll say it again watches great watches 720p nature oh dang it we needed to take the Audi out so I can make more videos for my channel Oh for your channel yeah I haven't even shown that core in my channel yet I know that's why would you like a surprise giveaway of what how dra go ahead okay so folks I want you all to leave I don't know I guess our rating out of 10 in the comments below of what you think this setup is in terms of get honest so a tenant what what it's like super ghetto have you check out the blinds it doesn't even go up right what is this really needs to pay me a visit no god this windows I want you to tell me in the comments until Jacob - he needs he needs some brutal constructive criticism here awesome you don't have water crap well what'd you think of his setup here so on a scale from one to ten one being well kind of just average and then ten being ultra uber ghetto with like pitbulls just chained a random wall super-strong seven a strong seven that's what you're getting I want like a shirt with nothing but like sponsors on it so I go into Walmart people are like look how cool you know like the people that go to Game Stop everybody thinks are like the best gamer in there I literally want to have a shirt with all of my sponsors like all over it like Cheetos just just Cheetos right now I want skittles too because you know everybody likes skittles and then I don't want Coke or Pepsi I want dr. pepper to sponsor me so many sponsors you have no Jacob as my mom is my mommy yeah at least a vacuum cleaner I mean that would double do you a lot of good my mom hinted at it and she put a vacuum cleaner in here but I just took it out so you didn't get the memo was vacuuming I'm not gonna do it okay okay um well on that bombshell I think we're gonna just go ahead and call it a day his setup is pretty good I'm not gonna lie if you think you've got a more ghetto setup than the glove and does be sure to email me I have my email like my business email in this video's description be sure to send me an email show me a couple pictures of your room and we'll do a couple videos on just ghetto studios because well you know dollars on budgets can't really can't really afford to make things look beautiful as long as they do the job that's really all that matters right Jacob borderline bat I'm calling you a studio because you got this you got this whole set up here and thanks to tasks and a good quality audio so yeah no quality audio so yeah I think we're gonna call it call it a day Jacob thanks for showing me around your studio here and uh we'll let you get back to cleaning cuz that's definitely what you need to do right now is clean if you liked the video give it a thumbs up if you hate everything about life or the complete opposite knock dang it if you feel the complete opposite hate everything about life then dislike don't just don't even collect this like what uh don't forget to subscribe to my channel I'm not desperate but no be nice it really doesn't really nice to make new friends I've been loving the Panhandle and then hopefully we're gonna get this whole rig set it up for set it up set it up it's English this is Florida we're in the south ah set it up for us you still said it set it up for set up whatever for entertainment studio um as always subscribe to Greg's channel sign studio okay brother that's not what this video shoutout to science to do pixie oh good God Almighty sent me a freaking monitor already I'm like emailed like president lady's freaking McLovin thanks for learning with us is that where you normally say this is kind of sketchy so I don't think I should end up like that thanks for coming to the hood mystery we live in like a residential neighborhood welcome to the south east side of Florida south west side of Florida welcome to the this is a northwest side of Fort whatever same thing\n"