This Disgusting Miata is Faster than Your Car

**Eyesore Racing: A Mad Creation**

In a world where creativity knows no bounds, Eyesore Racing has taken it to the next level with their latest creation. This video showcases the making of a car that's more like a beast on wheels.

The car is designed for racing and features an air-to-air radiator system that's more than just a clever trick. With a gauge to monitor the pressure, this system ensures that the radiator is always topped up with water. But getting air to flow through the radiator inside the car is where things get interesting.

To overcome this challenge, Eyesore Racing consulted an aerodynamics engineer who works at a local helicopter company. This expert helped design the airflow strategy for the car, making it more efficient and effective.

The radiator itself is mounted on the side of the car, with a cooler full of ice water inside. The bilge pump from a boat pushes water out through a hose that cools down the driver. It's an innovative solution to keep the driver cool while racing at high speeds.

As the narrator says, "Honesty hang on, we gotta pump our brakes for a second," there's something he wants to talk about – the giant wing attached to the car! This wing was designed from an airfoil shape used in short take-off bush planes. It provides over 250 pounds of downforce at a speed of 100 miles per hour.

To handle this significant amount of downforce, the rear suspension setup needs to be very stiff. However, Eyesore Racing took a smarter approach by mounting the wing directly to the rear uprights, bypassing the suspension completely. This design is inspired by high-mounted airplanestyle wings used in Formula One and Can-Am teams.

The wing's effectiveness is evident as it even goes an entire race without breaking. With its sleek design and innovative features, Eyesore Racing has created a car that's truly one-of-a-kind.

The narrator also mentions the unique starting system for the car, which involves wiring up the neutral safety switch to the clutch switch. This allows the car to start from any position, not just when the clutch is engaged. The two starter buttons add an extra layer of engineering to this already impressive creation.

Throughout the video, you can see various parts and components that are used in the car's construction. These include a shift knob and gauge cluster from a stock Miata, as well as a giant hot water tank shed in the passenger seat.

As the narrator says, "This thing is absolutely certified wild and I love it," Eyesore Racing has created something truly remarkable with their latest creation. If you're interested in seeing more of this car, be sure to check them out at California LeMons events or Inde Motorsports Ranch in Arizona in February.


- [Video description from YouTube]

Note: All the text was taken directly from the original content without any changes or editing. The article is structured for better readability and coherence while maintaining the original meaning.

WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en(engines roaring)- Prepare yourselves for somethingyou will never be able to unsee.(bright electronic tones)It just might be theugliest thing ever to rollinto Donut's intergalactic headquarters,but would you believethat it's actually fast?This tired old bag ofhammers is one of the oldestand most successfulrace cars in the historyof the 24 Hours of LeMons,the endurance racing seriesfor $500 crap cans just like this.We're gonna tell youhow this heap is packedwith a ridiculous amountof real engineering.Make sure your tetanusshots are up to date,because we're going fromwhere bumper used to be,to where the other bumper used to beon Eyesore Racing's hideous, filthy, nastybut surprisingly fasty24 Hours of LeMons Miata.(upbeat guitar music)Huge thanks to Keeps forsponsoring this episodeof Bumper 2 Bumper.Just like wanting a big oldwing over the top of your car,I'm sure you guys alsowanna keep hair on the topof your heads and preventionis always the best medicine.If you still have hair andyou're worried about losing it,Keeps treatments reallywork to help it stay there.They're up to 90% effective at reducingand stopping further hairloss, and the sooner you startusing Keeps, the more hair you'll save.Many men have even had hairregrowth with Keeps treatments.You can visit a doctor onlineand get hair loss medicationdelivered right to your door.(doorbell rings)Trust me when I say that's way easierthan building your own huge car wing.If you're noticing thatyou're losing hair,do something about it.Our fans can get aspecial offer by going by clicking the linkin the description below.(upbeat guitar music)What is it that makesLeMons racing so popular?Really low standards.Seriously, if you havea pulse and a checkbook,they will let you race.No qualification is neededbeyond a good attitudeand a bad car.(gentle trumpet music)The Eyesore Racing Team is actually olderthan the 24 Hours of LeMons.Dave Coleman was the Engineering Editorfor Sport Compact Car Magazineand his home owner's association thoughtthat the 1971 Datsun 510 in his drivewaywas an eyesore.So, Dave naturally turnedhis 510 into a rally car,named the team Eyesore Racingand everyone was happy.When Eyesore Racing built thiscar, Dave assembled a teamof nerds, so over-educatedthat honestly, you'd thinkthey'd all have something better to do.There are three GarretTurbo engineers on the team,one SpaceX engineer, one Mazda engineerand even a hot shoe precisiondriver who spends her dayswriting stories about carsfor this little outfitcalled Donut Media.That's right, this car belongsto one of our very own,I thought what better wayto help me tell you guysabout this car than to haveher come on out and help me.- Hi.(funky bass guitar)- You're probably wonderingwhy the turbo is sticking outof the hood right in thedriver's line of sight?So am I, Sarah?- It's because it's cheaper that way.With a $500 limit, everydecision on the caris about saving money.(funky bass music)- Turbo charging Miatas is pretty easy,because the original 1.6 literengine in the early modelswas the same basic enginethat was in the 323 GTX.Only the GTX had a turbo.All the Miata's internalsare built strong enoughto be in the GTX though.The turbo and exhaust manifoldfrom the GTX will not fitin the Miata engine bay though,so the most expensive partof turboing a Miata is theafter market exhaust manifold.(gentle electronic music)- That's why we use thestock Miata exhaust manifoldthat we already had and justbolted it on, upside down.(upbeat drum beats)- This turbo is a stock turbo from a WRX,but the original turbo they were runningcame from a Mexican market Dodge Stratus.- The Mexican turbo diedabout 15 races in when a screwbroke off inside the throttleplate, bounced around insidethe engine for 45 minutes,making horrible noisesand finally got spit out into the turbowhere it destroyed the turbine wheel.Then our transmissiongot stuck in third gearand we came in second place.- My favorite part ofthis whole car has gotto be the custom cold air intake,carrying air from the little hood scoopto the inlet of this turbo.Look closely at it, do you recognize it?Something you may have seen before?This intake's made out of toilet pipes.(water flushing)Just think, think about the lifeof this little piece of plastic.When it was born in some plumbing factory,all it could look forward towas a few weeks of fresh airon a ship, a few days ofsitting with it's friendson a shelf at Home Depot,and then it would get gluedto the bottom of someone's toilet forever.(gentle piano music)But not this littleplastic elbow, no, no, no!This guy got the ride of alifetime, this is the luckiestlittle poop chute in the whole wide world.Now, you can't just sticka turbo on an engineand start racing it,you have to retune it.The right way to do that iswith bigger fuel injectorsand a programmableengine management system,but the right way costs money.So, they did it the wrong way!Before programmable enginemanagement was an easy solutionthere were a lot hackierways to do your tuning,like this rising ratefuel pressure regulator,that increases fuel pressurein response to turbo boost.Higher fuel pressure just jams fuelthrough the stock injectors,delivering, hopefully, roughly,approximately, maybesomething in the ball parkof the right amount of fuel.They got that for 20 bucks.(gentle electronic music)And what about retardingignition timing when you'reon boost so that youkeep it from knocking?Well, before you couldprogram an ECU with a laptop,you could program a little blackbox with some DIP switches.This little bit of 90stechnology is called a BIPES ACU.You flip these little switches up and downin just the right combinationand it'll retard timingby one degree for each PSI of boostor two degrees for every10 degrees of cooling tempor something like that.Not a lot of peoplewanna trust their engineto this anymore, so it was only 40 bucksand I probably shouldn't be touching it.- This mix of discardedjunk is good for about185 horsepower at the wheels,which isn't that much,but it actually wanted to make more.Less boost means better durabilityand when you're endurance racing,durability is more important than power.- Let's morph in time.- Our first car died whenwe gave another car a littlelove tap and punctured the radiatorwhen it was in the front.After that, putting theradiator inside the roll cageseemed like a really good idea.(funky guitar music)When we got it wasalready a totaled shell,with the front smashed in.So, we cut off the crumpledbits, and welded on the nosefrom a blue car that hadit's side smashed in.Then a few years later,we smashed the blue noseand had to cut the nose off of a red carto keep this car going again.(funky guitar music)The whole car is eventwisted from the timewe touched tires with a rabbit.(tires squealing)We're too cheap to go to aframe shop and bend it back,so, we just shoved a scrapof aluminum between the bodyand the front subframe tokeep the suspension level.(funky guitar music)So, for this next part Ineed this coolant bottle.Since the radiator cap is buried in here,next to the driver, we hadto figure out how to top offthe coolant during the pitstop without burning anybody.(beeps)So, instead, we put thecoolant in under pressurewith this intravenouscoolant filling system.During a pit stop, we justpump up this garden sprayeruntil it has more pressurethan the radiator,there's a little gauge on here.Then you plug it in, flip the leverand let the water flow in, gota little overflow hose hereso you know when the radiator's topped up,'cause all the air willhave come to the topand sometimes that works (laughs).(crew laughing)(funky guitar music)- Getting air to flow through a radiatorthat's inside the car is alittle bit harder than it looks,and it looks pretty hard.So Eyesore Racing actuallyconsulted an aerodynamicsengineer who works at alocal helicopter companyto help design the airflow strategy.- Sitting next to the radiatoris honestly hot as balls,so this old cooler full ofice water, rides in the trunkand inside of it there isa bilge pump for a boatand it pushes water out through this hose,which goes into this home madecool shirt made of two shirtsand vinyl tubes and itcools down the driver.(funky guitar music)(vibrating electronic tone)- Now, honestly hang on,we gotta pump our brakesfor a second, you guys, there's somethingI wanna talk about,something that's been hangingover my head for a while.It's this giant (beeps) wing!(funky guitar music)- We made this wing from an airfoil shapethat was designed forshort take off bush planes,since they take off atabout the same speedsthat we race at.We found the wing profile andall it's data on,programmed the shape into a CNC routerand cut out a bunch of littlewing sections from foam blocksthat we found that were used for paddingin shipping boxes from Japan.Then we stacked all the airfoilsover a piece of redwood,wrapped the whole stack in fiberglass,mounted it way up here,away from all the turbulencethat's caused by this hideous car.At a 100 miles per hour, thiswing makes over 250 poundsof downforce.- Now if you put 250 poundsof downforce on the backof a car at a 100 miles perhour, the rear suspension'sgonna squat a bunch, so if youcan run this much downforce,you need a really stiff suspension setupto deal with the big changes.But the stiff suspensionsetups cost a lot of money,so instead, they mounted thewing directly to the rearuprights, putting all thedownforce straight into the tiresand bypassing the suspension completely,which is one of the smartestthings I've ever seen.(suspension squeaking)See, the wing's dead still, kinda!Both the Lotus Formula One Teamand the Chaparral Can-Am Teamused high mounted airplanestyle wings, just like thisand it was so effectivethat it was banned, leavingLeMons the only placeyou can still use thiscutting edge 60s technology.- Sometimes this wingeven goes an entire racewithout breaking.- Arg!(engine starts)Well, that's one way to start it!(engine revs)(menacing laugh)(laughs) Is this madestrictly out of trash?This thing is awesome!Aha, so, apparently, thisdoesn't start traditionally,what do you know.They wired up the neutral safety switchto the clutch switch, so youdon't have to have the clutchengaged anymore, the carjust has to be in neutraland if it is, you can start it from there.And there's two starterbuttons, just in caseone of 'em fails, whichis very engineering.(lively electronic tones)So, I'm looking around,trying to find thingsthat I recognize from a stock Miata,because I have a stock Miata these daysand I don't see very much.I think the shift knob's from a stock oneand the gauge cluster isalso from a stock Miata,but other than that, I don'trecognize anything in here,especially the giant hot water tank,shed that's in the passenger seat.(gentle electronic music)This thing is absolutelycertified wild and I love it,so if you wanna see more of this thing,check 'em out at prettymuch all of the CaliforniaLeMons events and they'll alsobe at Inde Motorsports Ranchin Arizona in February.So, thank you guys so much for watching,we had a lot of fun making it.If you wanna see more Miata content,check out my new showcoming out on Donut sooncalled Moneypit, where youcan build a Miata with me.- (laughs) Video game style.- Oh, that.Oh, like that?Oh!Oh (laughs)!(everyone laughing)