Apple Event March 2020 Preview - What To Expect

The Upcoming Apple Event: What to Expect

It looks like this year's Apple event is just around the corner, with expectations building up for some exciting new announcements. As Aaron from ZolloTech explains, this time of year typically sees an Apple event taking place, usually around March every year. Last year's event was less impressive than expected, but this year promises to be more promising.

Recap of 2019 Apple Event

The previous year's event saw the release of several new services and features from Apple. These included Apple News+, Apple TV+, Apple Card, Apple Arcade, a redesigned Apple TV app with channels, iOS 12.2, and subsequent updates for not just iOS but also Apple TV and Mac OS. It was essentially all about showcasing Apple's services, and now that we have those up and running, the focus shifts to new hardware.

New iPhone SE or iPhone 9

One thing that is pretty much guaranteed at this year's event is a new iPhone model. Aaron speculates that it might be either the iPhone SE or the iPhone 9. He believes that it will be based on the iPhone 8 but with newer internals, while still keeping the home button. The result will be a smaller phone that still has the same liquid Retina display and other desirable features. However, the big update here is the price point, which Aaron expects to be around $400 or so.

Budget-Friendly Option

The new iPhone SE or iPhone 9 will likely offer an updated phone for those who need something a bit more budget-friendly. This would provide a home button option at a lower cost compared to the latest iPhones. With a price tag of four to five hundred dollars, this new model is poised to fill the gap in Apple's lineup.

New iPads Pro

A dummy prototype that Aaron had from last year suggests that the new iPad Pro should be arriving this time around. This model would feature a three-camera array with potential depth sensing abilities for 3D modeling and other creative applications. It could also have a more rigid build, less prone to bending, as seen in previous Apple devices where they introduced features before releasing them.

New MacBook Pros

Aaron believes that MacBooks will continue to see some exciting updates at the event. With the current models being on backorder due to high demand, it's possible that new designs might become available. The reason for these backorders isn't directly attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic but is believed to have started before its outbreak when business orders weren't being fulfilled promptly.

Wireless Charger Rumors

There are rumors circulating about a potential wireless charger from Apple. This could be related to their recent iPhone 12 model that might not feature a port. A wireless charger would provide an essential accessory for users of such devices. However, at this point, it's difficult to confirm these claims as speculations.

AirPods Light and AirPods Pro-Lite

Another expected release is the AirPods Lite, which would cater to those who prefer earbuds without the noise cancellation technology seen in current models like AirPods Pro. This product aims to offer a more affordable alternative with similar functionality.

Event Date and Invites

The anticipation for this event grows by the minute. The exact date is set for March 31st, and while we can't be certain about what will be announced, there are signs that both new iPhones and MacBook Pros might make an appearance. For those eagerly waiting to get their hands on new Apple devices or accessories, this event promises to deliver.

Aaron's Conclusion

For Aaron, the upcoming event is a time of great excitement as it promises to bring several new features and products from Apple. With the release of iOS 13.4, there might be some software updates that could further enhance user experiences. It would also offer an opportunity to see new hardware designs and innovations that might change the game for consumers.

Thoughts and Predictions

Aaron concludes by inviting viewers to share their thoughts and predictions about what they hope to see at the upcoming event. Whether it's new iPhone models, a wireless charger, or improvements in MacBook Pros, there's something exciting on the horizon from Apple.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhi everyone Aaron here for ZolloTech andit looks like this year around the endof March or March 31stwe should see a new Apple event andusually they do an Apple event aroundMarch every year and last year they didhave an apple event but that one wasless exciting than what we expect thisyear so let me recap the 2019 apple ofthat very quickly and what Applebasically showed off was Apple News plusApple TV plus Apple card Apple arcadeand a redesigned Apple TV app withchannels they also released the same dayiOS 12.2 and subsequent updates for notonly iOS but also Apple TV and Mac OSand so with that event was justbasically their services that werecoming out and now that we have allthose we're looking forward to newhardware with the 2020 Apple event inMarch now the first thing that is prettymuch guaranteed at this event as a newiPhone se or iPhone 9 so an iPhone se orse 2 or iPhone 9 based on basically whatis the iPhone 8 but with newer internalsas well as still keeping the home buttonso it's a little bit of a smaller phonebut it's not the same as we had with saythe se when it was originally announcedso we'll get something like the iPhone 8but with updated specs and basically thesame liquid Retina display and thingslike that so we won't really see anyhuge updates but the big update for thatis a phone around $400 or so so weshould see four to five hundred dollarsyou'll have the less expensive updatedphone for those that need something alittle bit more budget-friendlyand with a home button so expect thatthe next thing we expect to at least seeanyway is the new iPads pro now this isa dummy prototype I had from last yearthat we thought it would come out thenbut it looks like Apple decided to pushit to this year or maybe they neverintended to have it last year but itshould basically have a three cameraarray maybe some depth sensing abilityso you can use it for 3d modeling andthings like thatand of course new internals with maybean a 14 or a 14 X processor in it butApple is in the past done things wherethey've put features in thebefore the iPhone and I would expect itto be maybe a little bit more rigid lessprone to bending and things like thatbut in general it will be an update forthe iPad with newer cameras newerprocessor and that's really what toexpect and then hardware wise I wouldexpect new MacBook Pros along the sizeof the 13-inchand what that means is basically areplacement for the 13-inch MacBook withthe butterfly keyboard so similar towhat they did with the 16 inch MacBookbut will replace this butterfly keyboardthat we have here this is a 2016 13 inchMacBook Pro so replace it with updatedspecs updated keyboards and a largerdisplay I would expect all of those toat least be announced at the event butnot necessarily available right awaymaybe expect those within a few weeks orso but the iPhone I would expect withinmaybe a week now there are other thingsthat I would expect and the first thingis iOS 13.4 so just like last year wherethey released iOS 12.2 on the same day Iwould expect 13.4 on the same day so wehave quite some time between now withthe betas of iOS 13.4 to get to thefinal release of that and then there's acouple other things that people thinkmay be shown off at this event or beavailable around this time or later inthe year and the first one is air tagsand air tags is a way for you to locateobjects using your phone and you have itin the newer iPhones you have a new u1chip when you do airdrop and things likethat you can actually see where thedevices are and point them towards it soif I want to share this wallpaper hereyou'll see that I can share it withairdrop and it's seeing my devices andas I point toward those devices it willactually show up it's a really handyfeature and if you have someone elsethat has a has a phone with the u1 chipyou can point it toward that phone andhit the button and it will send so Iwould expect little air tag beacons thatyou can place in a purse or a backpackor a bag or luggage or something likethat that will allow you to locate itemsthat you might have and those would bepretty interesting because they'llactually communicate with one anotherand then relay back to the phone to letyou know where those items are and thenyouuse the find my app to locate thoseitems so I would expect all of this atleast to be shown but not necessarilyavailable right away now this one ismore of a rumor but there's potentialfor a wireless charger Apple neverreleased air power and unfortunately wenever saw that but they may show a newwireless charger because they do have aneed for all of these charging devicesso especially if the rumor is true ofthe iPhone 12 that will be out inSeptember where it may not have a portyou would need some sort of wirelesscharger I'm not sure that I believe thatat this point but there may be awireless charger shown and then finallyair pods light and air pods pro-litewould be something along the lines ofthe current ear pods Pro but without thenoise cancellation and transparencyoptions so for those of you that wantair pods that go in your ear you wouldhave the option but they wouldn't be asexpensive because they wouldn't have thenoise cancellation technology in them soall of these things are potentiallyexpected at the March event on March31st we won't know for sure until Appleactually sends out invites but there'ssome good information stating that wewill see the next iPhone 9 / se 2 andthat we will see some other things andMacBook Pros are on backorder right nowso if you place an order for a 13-inchMacBook Pro you won't have it availableand some people are saying that'sbecause of the corona virus but it'sactually started before the corona viruswhen people were placing orders and theyweren't being filled so they're beingpushed out and this happens on businessorders sometimes where Apple actuallyfills those later on with the updatedhardware so I would expect those alittle bit later and that's really itfor this particular video I'm lookingforward to this event and hopefullywe'll see some new interesting thingsalong with iOS 13.4 and new hardware aswell let me know your thoughts andpredictions in the comments below and ifyou'd like to get your hands on thiswallpaper of course I'll link it in thedescription as I always do if youhaven't subscribed already pleasesubscribe and if you enjoyed the videoplease give it a like as always thanksfor watching this is Aaron I'll see younext timethanks for sticking around till the endof the video I really appreciate it andso I thought I'd ask you what you thinkabout this sort of update video wouldyou like to see more of these maybe apodcast or I just like to hear yourthoughtsthis style video in general if you'dlike to see more of them let me know inthe comments below or do you think thispace is good thanks again for watchingI'll see you next time\n"