Unlocking Voltage on a GTX680 - How to flash custom BIOS

We've got our backup ROM here and we've got our flash tools and we have modified the ROM and we've applied it to our graphics card using Envy Flash, guys. Before you ask this is an Nvidia card with an Nvidia process I don't know how to do this on AMD, you're going to have to do research on that if you are using an AMD graphics card. Now, to make sure that our apply actually worked, we can bring up MSI afterburner and the first thing we want to do is slide the power limit all the way to the right and as you can see we now have control all the way up to 150% of our power limit. You can bring the voltage all the way to the right as well, and if you look down here where the voltage is on the monitoring it's currently 1.98 volts or excuse me 0.987 volts. If we hit apply, you can see you've got 1.87 now. The reason for that is because we are still in a non-boost mode and uh we can play with our core clock here in a moment.

Now if we open up a program like say Valley Benchmark and we load this in a windowed mode just so that we don't cut off our recording, we can take a look at our core clock right here. And you guys are probably hearing that music, sorry about that. You can see our core clock right now is is at uh 94 it jumps up and down based on load. Right now it's not oh I'm sorry here here we go that was memory, guys. It's late don't judge me okay. As you can see right here we have a core clock of 1333 MHz that is because I am currently running a overclock of 140 MHz. Now one thing you have to keep in mind is that uh and if you're wondering how I got that overclock again, you have to go watch that other video it explains all of this.

Now one thing that's different though in this video, uh, and how the overclocking works from the other video is that the 140 doesn't necessarily equal 140 MHz anymore it's a nonlinear slide where it's affected the mult it's affected the multiplier a little bit. And so it's you're going to have to play with it like re adding one megahertz right now actually adds about eight megahertz to the overclock, so it does change that in that aspect but that's okay because as you saw we had a 1333 MHz overclock now because the Boost was 1050 and we're at 1333 we were just under 300 megahertz overclock, nearly 30% overclock on a graphics card. Guys that is almost unheard of. And so unlocking your voltage as you can see is just free power as long as you have the uh the cooling capacity to handle that.

Real quick before we move on to the next item, you saw earlier there's this Kepler bios editor version 1.1 now what this is It's a program that will open up any bios that you've pulled off and as you see right here we have gk104 unlocked. We can open that and this gives you the details about that. You can change what the Boost frequency goes to, you can change what the in fact here is that chart with the uh multiplier right here so you can see we were at 1050 which is a 34 multiplier not much you need to really worry about there power you can see what our new power limit is which is 255 watt or 150% power limit low high and you can see your fan control now goes up to 100%. If you had loaded the stock ROM in here, you'd see it said 855. We'll leave that at 100 even though I don't have uh fan in here now in the voltage it says 1.87 but as you can see down here when we loaded up for a moment there, we did go as high as if you look at my cursor, we did go up to 1.212 which is exactly what we wanted in the bios so if you wanted to use this program here, you could modify the BIOS and save it and then load that so you could play with what the Boost clocks are so you don't have to have MSI After Burner or EVGA Precision or any of those programs running to get your Boost clock. It could just be automatic in the Bios.

Now I want to see if I can get a 250 megahertz overclock on top of the Boost let's see if we can't get 1400 MHz out of this bad boy I mean honestly what is the worst that can happen, oh\\n

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enHey guys you're watching J2 cense and you've opened up this video because you are interested in seeing what it takes to unlock the voltage and load a custom bios on your Kepler based graphics card now first things first there's going to be some things that we talk about in this video that referenced a previous video of mine called how to overclock your video card and that video is right here and I recommend that you watch that video before doing this that way you have a total understanding of what it is we are about to do if you haven't seen that video go ahead and click it now it's going to pop up on the screen click it and watch it and then come back I can wait I've got all night seriously I have like absolutely no life I'm waiting okay so now that you've gone and watch that video there's a couple of programs that we're going to need in order to unlock our graphics card and uh those programs are GPU Z EnV Flash and KGB we have an optional program in here called Kepler bios editor we'll touch on that a little bit later now the result that we're looking for here is we want to be able to up the power percentage of our Kepler base graphics card and by doing so it tells the Boost clock that you're looking to add more power and more megahertz and more stuff to make your games awesome so if you open up your MSI After Burner or EVGA Precision or whatever program you use to over overclock your graphics card you can see the power limit is stuck at 132% that's the max can't go any farther and the maximum voltage is 1.1 volts as you can see right here we're idling at 0.9 if I hit a we will pop up to 1.08 7 volts and uh there that's it that's all we got and because of that it really limits the amount of overclocking that we can do right now the maximum stable overclock I've been able to achieve with my 680 is 1,36 MHz which is a great overclock in fact that's much higher than many many 680s out there and very few people have been able to reach that overclock on stock volts like I have but because I want free Power I want to overclock this farther and so here we are today now as always before you continue you have to realize that there's a certain level of risk involved when you do this because you are going to be flashing a custom bios onto your graphics card it's unlikely something's going to go wrong but there is always the slight chance that something could so you're doing this at your own risk I'm not responsible if you break your graphics card because somehow power got shut off to your computer in the middle of the flashing process which will leave it a very expensive door stop and if you need to send it back to get it serviced they'll see that the ram ROM was messed with and it's half flashed and they won't RMA it for you unless they're amazing and which case maybe they will but we don't want that to happen so remember this is at your own risk you are also going to want to make sure that you have adequate Cooling in your case and your graphics card you want to make sure that you have uh plenty of airf flow because air flow is very important now you can do this on a reference cooler however I do recommend that you be doing this on on a uh custom after or custom or aftermarket water cooling I am water cooled as you can see right here my graphics card is currently running at 24° and my CPU is at 27 and my cores are all low 20s so yeah my water cooling is more than adequate but so is your uh EVGA dual fans or your direct cu2 from Asus all of those are more than adequate for this as well the blower style fans you can do it it's just going to be a lot louder CU you're going to have to run the fans uh a lot faster in order to make sure that you have adequate cooling so you're going to sacrifice a lot of noise level for this okay getting back to the whole reason why you're here I'll go and delete that file we pretend it wasn't there okay so GPU z n Envy Flash and KGB are the main programs we're going to use Kepler bios editor is an optional program we'll talk about briefly a little bit later first thing you want to do is open up GPU now I am not putting links to these programs in this video because the links are constantly changing and eventually the links will be broken and I don't want that so you're going to have to go to Google and do a search for these programs they're easy to find and there's plenty of tech forms of people talking about these programs won't be hard for you to find it at all now with GPU Z open you can see all kinds of numbers and things on here but the only thing you care about is the BIOS version right here and all the way to the right you'll see this little download link it says save bios click that click save bios it's going to extract the BIOS from your graphics card and it's it's going to turn it into a ROM file here that you can now save save it to the location of these files and I highly recommend that you make a folder with all three of these programs uh inside that folder that way they're easily accessible in one place so go ahead and save it and you can see now we've saved our gk104 ROM you can close GPU and here's our ROM right here the next thing I recommend you do is that you make a copy of it and you save it to your desktop and then rename this uh gk104 backup with no spaces there you go there's a backup of our ROM we're now good to go in case we have to revert this ROM back for whatever reason second thing you're going to do now is you're going to take a copy of this ROM the one you downloaded to your flash tools folder which is what I called my folder on the desktop I called it flash tools and I put the programs in there we're going to open up the folder called KGB and we we going to save a copy of our ROM right there so now you have three files in here GK 104 or whatever yours is named a KGB config file and an application file now if you open the KGB config file you're going to see a bunch of stuff in here all the stuff with the hashtags is uh items that can be modified basically or they're commented out like this warning right here telling you don't go with a voltage higher than 1.2.12 so your fan minimum is still 30 but if you recall in the overclocking video The Fan profile wasn't allowed to go any higher than 85 but now with this ROM or the addition to the ROM that we are adding and by the way what we're doing here is we're adding these perimeters to the stock ROM so we're not replacing it entirely we're modifying it now the fan Max is set to 100 so now you have control of your fans all the way up to 100% up from 85 that's pretty cool huh your max power Target as you can see now is at 150 up from 132 I recommend leaving this at 150 I wouldn't go any higher than that now down here your uh settings down here is probably going to look more like this where the voltage has no hashtag next to it for the value of 1.18 volts that's because this ROM by default says okay 1.18 is probably a pretty good place uh to assume that all graphics cards can handle that voltage if you have adequate cooling like I do you can add the hash tag back to that and back out the hashtag next to the 1. 212 so this would now become the active voltage if you had left the hashtag there and you commented out this hashtag next to the 1.20 then 1.20 would be the max so what you're telling this is how far up you'll allow it to go and that is whichever one you take the hashtag off so once you're done with that file save you now have a saved version of that ROM in the KGB folder the next thing you want to do now is you want to apply these changes to the stock ROM so go to your start menu hit command if you're on Windows 8 I don't know how you bring up a command prompt you have to figure that one out on your own and you want to navigate to wherever you saved your flash tools folder which is what I recommend calling it so it's nice and simple I saved mine on the desktop so for that this is a command prompt it looks a lot like dos if you don't know how to use this this is you're going to be a little out of your element but it's easy you're going to do CD for change directory space the name of your hard drive which is in my case the C drive colon backs slash users back slash the name of your computer back SL desktop now this is only a good path if you saved it to your desktop if you put it in your C drive you'll have to navigate to it that way back SL flash tools because that's the name of the folder back SL KGB now we're in the KGB folder what we want to do now is we want to run a simple command to to tell KGB to apply this config to this ROM and from inside the KGB folder in the command prompt that is KGB doe for execute the name of the ROM gk104 ROM space unlock hit enter and there you go you saw some stuff happened now you can see the new max power Target is 150% and now you can see we've got a voltage table that's been applied congratulations you've now modified this ROM but you're not done yet because now you have to copy this ROM or cut I like to cut I don't like copies of it everywhere and paste it inside your Envy flash folder and as you can see I had a backup folder file in there because we were already playing around with this so now we have a copy of gk104 and if you want to make this a little bit simpler to keep track of this you could rename that to unlocked doesn't matter what you name it and now we have gk104 unlocked. ROM so now we need to flash our graphics card and that is the most important point of this entire video is getting this ROM on your graphics card so move over here to your command prompt and navigate to your flash tools drive and if you were still had it open from inside the KGB you could do CD do dot for change directory and go back dot dot is go back and you're now in your flash tools and you can do uh actually you can up arrow and instead of the uh KGB you can put an Envy Flash and now you're in the MV flash folder now we're going to run another simple command to apply this ROM to your graphics card and that command from inside the Envy flash folder in the command command prompt is Envy flash space the name of the ROM gk104 unlocked because we renamed it ROM don't forget the ROM and there you go now it's going to say okay here's the current version of the ROM and here is the replace with version of the ROM they pretty much look identical because remember we took the stock ROM and modified it and it says update the display driver firmware yes to confirm or any other key to abort press Y and off it goes it now warns you that it may Flash the screen a few times it may uh go black for a little bit that's normal and as you can see here it's cleared the original firmware image if you're reading it and it says now it's storing the updated firmware this is the most detrimental part of the entire process this is also the part where under no circumstances should you reboot should you do anything on your computer until this is complete and says successful which it does right here verifying update update successful congratulations you've now unlocked and loaded a modified ROM on your Kepler based graphics card and this works on anything GTX 660 and newer I'm not positive it works on the 650 or the TI boost or not you're going to have to do some research on that before you try that now apply to apply the ROM you simply restart your computer and we will come back as soon as we're Rebooted okay we're back my desktop's loading up and uh we've got our backup ROM here we've got our flash tools and we have modified the ROM and we've applied it to our graphics card using Envy Flash and guys before you ask this is an Nvidia card with an Nvidia process I don't know how to do this on AMD you're going to have to do research on that if you are using an AMD graphics card now to make sure that our apply actually worked you can bring up MSI afterburner and the first first thing you want to do is Slide the power limit all the way to the right and as you can see we now have control all the way up to 150% of our power limit you can bring the voltage all the way to the right as well and if you look down here where the voltage is on the monitoring it's currently 1.98 7 volts or excuse me 0.987 volts if we hit apply you can see you've got 1.87 now the reason for that is because we are still in a non boost mode and uh we can play with our core clock here in a moment now if we open up a program like say Valley Benchmark and we load this in a windowed mode just so that we don't cut off our recording here we can take a look at our cord clock right here and you guys are probably hearing that music sorry about that you can see our core clock right now is is at uh 94 it jumps up and down based on load right now it's not oh I'm sorry here here we go that was memory guys it's late don't judge me okay as you can see right here we have a cork lock of 1333 MHz that is because I am currently running a overclock of 140 MHz now one thing you have to keep in mind is that uh and if you're wondering how I got that overclock again you have to go watch that other video it explains all of this now one thing that's different though in this video uh and how the overclocking works from the other video is that the 140 doesn't necessarily equal 140 MHz anymore it's a it's a nonlinear slide where it's affect the mult it's affected the multiplier a little bit and so it's you're going to have to play with it like re adding one megahert right now actually adds about eight megahertz to the overclock so it does change that in that aspect but that's okay because as you saw we had a 1333 meaher uh overclock now because the Boost was 1050 and we're at 1333 we were just under 300 meaher overclock nearly 30% overclock on a graphics card guys that is almost unheard of and so unlocking your voltage as you can see is just free power as long as you have the uh the cooling capacity to handle that now real quick before we move on to the next item you saw earlier there's this Kepler bios editor version 1.1 now what this is It's a program that will open up any bios that you've pulled off and as you see right here we have gk104 unlocked we can open that and this gives you the details about that you can change what the Boost frequency goes to you can change what the in fact here is that chart with the uh multiplier right here so you can see we were at 1050 uh which is a 34 multiplier uh not much you need to really worry about there power you can see what our new power limit is which is 255 watt or 150% power limit low high and you can see your fan control now goes up to 100% if you had loaded the stock ROM in here you'd see it said 855 we'll leave that at 100 even though I don't have uh fan in here now in the voltage it says 1.87 but as you can see down here when we loaded up for a moment there we did go as high as if you look at my cursor we did go up to 1. 212 which is exactly what we wanted in the bios so if you wanted to use this program here you could modify the BIOS and save it and then load that so you could play with what the Boost clocks are so you don't have to have MSI After Burner or EVGA Precision or any of those programs running to get your Boost clock it could just be automatic in the Bios now you guys knowing me the way I am trying to get as much power and performance as I can out of my stuff I want to push this to the Limit all right now I want to see if I can get a 250 megahert overclock on top of the Boost let's see if we can't get 1,400 mahz out of this bad boy I mean honestly what is the worst that can happen ohHey guys you're watching J2 cense and you've opened up this video because you are interested in seeing what it takes to unlock the voltage and load a custom bios on your Kepler based graphics card now first things first there's going to be some things that we talk about in this video that referenced a previous video of mine called how to overclock your video card and that video is right here and I recommend that you watch that video before doing this that way you have a total understanding of what it is we are about to do if you haven't seen that video go ahead and click it now it's going to pop up on the screen click it and watch it and then come back I can wait I've got all night seriously I have like absolutely no life I'm waiting okay so now that you've gone and watch that video there's a couple of programs that we're going to need in order to unlock our graphics card and uh those programs are GPU Z EnV Flash and KGB we have an optional program in here called Kepler bios editor we'll touch on that a little bit later now the result that we're looking for here is we want to be able to up the power percentage of our Kepler base graphics card and by doing so it tells the Boost clock that you're looking to add more power and more megahertz and more stuff to make your games awesome so if you open up your MSI After Burner or EVGA Precision or whatever program you use to over overclock your graphics card you can see the power limit is stuck at 132% that's the max can't go any farther and the maximum voltage is 1.1 volts as you can see right here we're idling at 0.9 if I hit a we will pop up to 1.08 7 volts and uh there that's it that's all we got and because of that it really limits the amount of overclocking that we can do right now the maximum stable overclock I've been able to achieve with my 680 is 1,36 MHz which is a great overclock in fact that's much higher than many many 680s out there and very few people have been able to reach that overclock on stock volts like I have but because I want free Power I want to overclock this farther and so here we are today now as always before you continue you have to realize that there's a certain level of risk involved when you do this because you are going to be flashing a custom bios onto your graphics card it's unlikely something's going to go wrong but there is always the slight chance that something could so you're doing this at your own risk I'm not responsible if you break your graphics card because somehow power got shut off to your computer in the middle of the flashing process which will leave it a very expensive door stop and if you need to send it back to get it serviced they'll see that the ram ROM was messed with and it's half flashed and they won't RMA it for you unless they're amazing and which case maybe they will but we don't want that to happen so remember this is at your own risk you are also going to want to make sure that you have adequate Cooling in your case and your graphics card you want to make sure that you have uh plenty of airf flow because air flow is very important now you can do this on a reference cooler however I do recommend that you be doing this on on a uh custom after or custom or aftermarket water cooling I am water cooled as you can see right here my graphics card is currently running at 24° and my CPU is at 27 and my cores are all low 20s so yeah my water cooling is more than adequate but so is your uh EVGA dual fans or your direct cu2 from Asus all of those are more than adequate for this as well the blower style fans you can do it it's just going to be a lot louder CU you're going to have to run the fans uh a lot faster in order to make sure that you have adequate cooling so you're going to sacrifice a lot of noise level for this okay getting back to the whole reason why you're here I'll go and delete that file we pretend it wasn't there okay so GPU z n Envy Flash and KGB are the main programs we're going to use Kepler bios editor is an optional program we'll talk about briefly a little bit later first thing you want to do is open up GPU now I am not putting links to these programs in this video because the links are constantly changing and eventually the links will be broken and I don't want that so you're going to have to go to Google and do a search for these programs they're easy to find and there's plenty of tech forms of people talking about these programs won't be hard for you to find it at all now with GPU Z open you can see all kinds of numbers and things on here but the only thing you care about is the BIOS version right here and all the way to the right you'll see this little download link it says save bios click that click save bios it's going to extract the BIOS from your graphics card and it's it's going to turn it into a ROM file here that you can now save save it to the location of these files and I highly recommend that you make a folder with all three of these programs uh inside that folder that way they're easily accessible in one place so go ahead and save it and you can see now we've saved our gk104 ROM you can close GPU and here's our ROM right here the next thing I recommend you do is that you make a copy of it and you save it to your desktop and then rename this uh gk104 backup with no spaces there you go there's a backup of our ROM we're now good to go in case we have to revert this ROM back for whatever reason second thing you're going to do now is you're going to take a copy of this ROM the one you downloaded to your flash tools folder which is what I called my folder on the desktop I called it flash tools and I put the programs in there we're going to open up the folder called KGB and we we going to save a copy of our ROM right there so now you have three files in here GK 104 or whatever yours is named a KGB config file and an application file now if you open the KGB config file you're going to see a bunch of stuff in here all the stuff with the hashtags is uh items that can be modified basically or they're commented out like this warning right here telling you don't go with a voltage higher than 1.2.12 so your fan minimum is still 30 but if you recall in the overclocking video The Fan profile wasn't allowed to go any higher than 85 but now with this ROM or the addition to the ROM that we are adding and by the way what we're doing here is we're adding these perimeters to the stock ROM so we're not replacing it entirely we're modifying it now the fan Max is set to 100 so now you have control of your fans all the way up to 100% up from 85 that's pretty cool huh your max power Target as you can see now is at 150 up from 132 I recommend leaving this at 150 I wouldn't go any higher than that now down here your uh settings down here is probably going to look more like this where the voltage has no hashtag next to it for the value of 1.18 volts that's because this ROM by default says okay 1.18 is probably a pretty good place uh to assume that all graphics cards can handle that voltage if you have adequate cooling like I do you can add the hash tag back to that and back out the hashtag next to the 1. 212 so this would now become the active voltage if you had left the hashtag there and you commented out this hashtag next to the 1.20 then 1.20 would be the max so what you're telling this is how far up you'll allow it to go and that is whichever one you take the hashtag off so once you're done with that file save you now have a saved version of that ROM in the KGB folder the next thing you want to do now is you want to apply these changes to the stock ROM so go to your start menu hit command if you're on Windows 8 I don't know how you bring up a command prompt you have to figure that one out on your own and you want to navigate to wherever you saved your flash tools folder which is what I recommend calling it so it's nice and simple I saved mine on the desktop so for that this is a command prompt it looks a lot like dos if you don't know how to use this this is you're going to be a little out of your element but it's easy you're going to do CD for change directory space the name of your hard drive which is in my case the C drive colon backs slash users back slash the name of your computer back SL desktop now this is only a good path if you saved it to your desktop if you put it in your C drive you'll have to navigate to it that way back SL flash tools because that's the name of the folder back SL KGB now we're in the KGB folder what we want to do now is we want to run a simple command to to tell KGB to apply this config to this ROM and from inside the KGB folder in the command prompt that is KGB doe for execute the name of the ROM gk104 ROM space unlock hit enter and there you go you saw some stuff happened now you can see the new max power Target is 150% and now you can see we've got a voltage table that's been applied congratulations you've now modified this ROM but you're not done yet because now you have to copy this ROM or cut I like to cut I don't like copies of it everywhere and paste it inside your Envy flash folder and as you can see I had a backup folder file in there because we were already playing around with this so now we have a copy of gk104 and if you want to make this a little bit simpler to keep track of this you could rename that to unlocked doesn't matter what you name it and now we have gk104 unlocked. ROM so now we need to flash our graphics card and that is the most important point of this entire video is getting this ROM on your graphics card so move over here to your command prompt and navigate to your flash tools drive and if you were still had it open from inside the KGB you could do CD do dot for change directory and go back dot dot is go back and you're now in your flash tools and you can do uh actually you can up arrow and instead of the uh KGB you can put an Envy Flash and now you're in the MV flash folder now we're going to run another simple command to apply this ROM to your graphics card and that command from inside the Envy flash folder in the command command prompt is Envy flash space the name of the ROM gk104 unlocked because we renamed it ROM don't forget the ROM and there you go now it's going to say okay here's the current version of the ROM and here is the replace with version of the ROM they pretty much look identical because remember we took the stock ROM and modified it and it says update the display driver firmware yes to confirm or any other key to abort press Y and off it goes it now warns you that it may Flash the screen a few times it may uh go black for a little bit that's normal and as you can see here it's cleared the original firmware image if you're reading it and it says now it's storing the updated firmware this is the most detrimental part of the entire process this is also the part where under no circumstances should you reboot should you do anything on your computer until this is complete and says successful which it does right here verifying update update successful congratulations you've now unlocked and loaded a modified ROM on your Kepler based graphics card and this works on anything GTX 660 and newer I'm not positive it works on the 650 or the TI boost or not you're going to have to do some research on that before you try that now apply to apply the ROM you simply restart your computer and we will come back as soon as we're Rebooted okay we're back my desktop's loading up and uh we've got our backup ROM here we've got our flash tools and we have modified the ROM and we've applied it to our graphics card using Envy Flash and guys before you ask this is an Nvidia card with an Nvidia process I don't know how to do this on AMD you're going to have to do research on that if you are using an AMD graphics card now to make sure that our apply actually worked you can bring up MSI afterburner and the first first thing you want to do is Slide the power limit all the way to the right and as you can see we now have control all the way up to 150% of our power limit you can bring the voltage all the way to the right as well and if you look down here where the voltage is on the monitoring it's currently 1.98 7 volts or excuse me 0.987 volts if we hit apply you can see you've got 1.87 now the reason for that is because we are still in a non boost mode and uh we can play with our core clock here in a moment now if we open up a program like say Valley Benchmark and we load this in a windowed mode just so that we don't cut off our recording here we can take a look at our cord clock right here and you guys are probably hearing that music sorry about that you can see our core clock right now is is at uh 94 it jumps up and down based on load right now it's not oh I'm sorry here here we go that was memory guys it's late don't judge me okay as you can see right here we have a cork lock of 1333 MHz that is because I am currently running a overclock of 140 MHz now one thing you have to keep in mind is that uh and if you're wondering how I got that overclock again you have to go watch that other video it explains all of this now one thing that's different though in this video uh and how the overclocking works from the other video is that the 140 doesn't necessarily equal 140 MHz anymore it's a it's a nonlinear slide where it's affect the mult it's affected the multiplier a little bit and so it's you're going to have to play with it like re adding one megahert right now actually adds about eight megahertz to the overclock so it does change that in that aspect but that's okay because as you saw we had a 1333 meaher uh overclock now because the Boost was 1050 and we're at 1333 we were just under 300 meaher overclock nearly 30% overclock on a graphics card guys that is almost unheard of and so unlocking your voltage as you can see is just free power as long as you have the uh the cooling capacity to handle that now real quick before we move on to the next item you saw earlier there's this Kepler bios editor version 1.1 now what this is It's a program that will open up any bios that you've pulled off and as you see right here we have gk104 unlocked we can open that and this gives you the details about that you can change what the Boost frequency goes to you can change what the in fact here is that chart with the uh multiplier right here so you can see we were at 1050 uh which is a 34 multiplier uh not much you need to really worry about there power you can see what our new power limit is which is 255 watt or 150% power limit low high and you can see your fan control now goes up to 100% if you had loaded the stock ROM in here you'd see it said 855 we'll leave that at 100 even though I don't have uh fan in here now in the voltage it says 1.87 but as you can see down here when we loaded up for a moment there we did go as high as if you look at my cursor we did go up to 1. 212 which is exactly what we wanted in the bios so if you wanted to use this program here you could modify the BIOS and save it and then load that so you could play with what the Boost clocks are so you don't have to have MSI After Burner or EVGA Precision or any of those programs running to get your Boost clock it could just be automatic in the Bios now you guys knowing me the way I am trying to get as much power and performance as I can out of my stuff I want to push this to the Limit all right now I want to see if I can get a 250 megahert overclock on top of the Boost let's see if we can't get 1,400 mahz out of this bad boy I mean honestly what is the worst that can happen oh\n"