**Building a Low Rider Miata: A Step-by-Step Guide**
I'm extremely excited to be running Center locks on this car, something I've been collecting wheels for around the world and finally getting to do this is a dream come true.
Since Center locks have a specific way of breaking, we want to avoid the center lock from undoing itself while braking. To achieve this, we'll use two different colors - white on the left side and red on the right side. This approach reminds me of a GT3, where each side has distinct colors.
Now that we've got our Center locks ready, let's get them mounted up! First, we need to put the little spindle Center lock cap on. Sandro is doing this by tapping it in with a lead hammer. The reason we're using a lead hammer is that when you hit it, it won't damage the metal, allowing us to torque these without any issues.
As we continue mounting the wheels, I notice that our setup is a bit different from the front. We don't need to modify anything for the brake setup in the back, so I'm just going to start throwing these guys on.
Now that we've got our wheels mounted and torqued on, it's time to add the wheel itself. Once this is done, we'll hit it again for safety and make sure everything is secure.
As we lower the car down, oh man, this looks so good! We completed the look, and I'm extremely proud of what we've achieved with our low rider Miata build!
A huge thank you to Sandro for hooking us up with these sick wheels. Now that we're done with the build, it's time to go back to the office and show everyone what we've been working on.
You can get your own gear from Donam media.com - this awesome hoodie is part of our collection, and everything is out now!
That's all for today's video, folks! A huge thank you to Mark and Jacqueline from Color Studios with a K, John for helping with the Hydraulics, Sandro for the wheels, and everyone else who's been involved in making this build possible. Thank you for watching, and we'll catch you in the next one!
Follow us on Donut Media.com, St at Radical, me at Russell, Jimmy, JP, and have a good one!
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: entoday we're taking this 1997 mazata and turning it from this into this we're going to show you guys every step we took to build this legendary car welcome to Donut so we're going to turn a Miata into a low rider and there's only one place to start we got to get this puppy cut AKA install Hydraulics what up John what up man what's good you ready I'm ready do you think you can turn this thing from a zero to a hero Mild to Wild there you go that's what we need on this baby let's make her bounce all right so how exactly are we going to make this puppy bounce well these are the basic components of hydraulic system that we'll be installing now let's get into it first up we got our switches our switches what you be hitting to look fly as hell but most importantly they operate and control the solenoids now what do our solenoids do our solenoids send battery voltage throughout the hydraulic system now typically you have multiple batteries now the battery voltage will then operate and turn on the pumps the pumps will then send hydraulic fluid throughout the lines through the hydraulic system all the way into your cylinders now your cylinders is the most important part these cylinders are what we use instead of struts and they're basically either going to Once filed the hydraulic fluid will go upwards or downwards in order to make that vehicle bounce up and down all right so this is simple in theory however we have two major problems that we've come across one there is no plug-and-play kit for Miata and two me and jimbob have never installed anything of these sorts in a vehicle there's a lot that can go wrong installing any of these components so that's why we need to enlist the help of John John is an OG based out of Long Beach and he works out of his garage so you best believe we're going to get the real low rider experience Pop the trunk yeah see what we got do you have any concerns with the Miata trunk being a little bit smaller than your uh average low rider yeah usually we got a 4X six space to work with here with we got a 3tx 2T space so we're losing a lot of space well we could relocate that battery got it I'm not will you still hook that battery up have it hooked yes that one need to be hooked up to the car so that'll just be for the car and then this one will just be for the Hydraulics wow that's a lot of power so you want it separate from your system you don't want nothing to do with the Hydraulics to the system okay so today we're aiming to get all the stock pieces out of the way we move all the junk in the trunk to make room for our hydraulic pumps as well as removing the stock suspension to make room for our hydraulic cylinders once we're all done with that we'll move on to assembling and hopefully installing the pumps in the trunk before the day is done all right so we're just taking the wheels off got to step on the brake to get the front wheels off obviously John you're already taking the strut out struts are out Jimmy is working on taking off all the re bolts to drop the coilover there we go John what are you tossing on there we try to check out the measurement for The Strokes that we have to Fab up right here on my travel I have no more than 5 in mhm but you got to take in mind mineus your fitting right so you have your fitting at the top of it so we're going to go four so if we go four on the inside we should be good and then we going to still use the stock spring or yes okay I'll modify this to put back in there hold your so what John's up to right now is he's cutting a hole in the top of our strut top so that he can have our cylinder tube for the strut for the new strut give it to go through to the top he's got to make that clearance so we can get higher than we need to we need to be able to hop it's looking pretty good in the backside we can make them go in the trunk more we can we have more space back here we don't have to worry about the hood my plan is so you could turn and do three wheels I would like one wheel to come off the ground that' be actually very sick that's what we want so we've taken out most of the stock stuff what's our next step right now I think we should build those two pumps so we can set them in there to know what we're playing with cool in an age of dulling Wheels some Geniuses in attire shop decided enough was enough and so mother's polish emerged born from a single can of mag and aluminum polish designed to make dual aluminum shinier than a disco ball it quickly dominated car shows and swap Beats by the 8S mothers were rock stars pushing product up and down the SoCal Coast out of the back of a van uh guys we need a bigger van soon they expanded their products becoming the One-Stop shop for every car need Under the Sun by The 9s mothers was a household name but they wanted more by the 2000s mothers had expanded to over 100 different products mothers wanted the whole vehicle to look like a million bucks hey your car that's clean hey that's a pretty clean car you got those are some clean cars today mothers is a leading name in the automotive Care World from humble beginnings in the back of aent to a showstopper at SEMA mothers is synonymous with excellence and Innovation if you want your car to shine like new use something with a trusted history use mothers to learn more click the link below as I'm building You're Building well you got to do this one oh I'm down for shipping reason they come with little nuts on the bottom just to keep them in play cuz they're all spring loed so this is the electric component in there I got it so that's what it looks like oh see these are the screws you're going to take off on the bottom that's going to pop off so where the oil is and this is where you want towards the tops just so you know the way it goes and you don't want them tight just put them hand tight and then you snug them with the got wrench and you're in the game you just set it down there you the pins in there there we go oh just find find the hes right there's your pump's built oil squirting out it'll go into whatever dumps are set up here the return will always be closest to the edge so you see this is three fingers this is two fingers this will be your your slow Dum valve mhm it will be posted here with the fitting we'll set it in there it will look just like that and then we'll put the T on it so we build everything up so we'll start tling we'll put all the fittings together hand tight with teon on them the returns have to go on first because they turn and they interfere if you have that fitting on first they won't go should we start with the return then if we don't put enough tlon or you don't put it on right or you do it backwards then you'll have a leak put that onto your return inside oh yeah this is what I'm talking about this pump is pretty much built but this will work for us to do our fabrication now this is a whole new world of car stuff that I've never learned about yeah I'm I'm into it all right so me and John have come up with a plan of how we're going to set up our trunk we're going to have our hydraulic pumps here on side and then we're going to have our three batteries here in the middle low riding is all about having a uniform setup you want the trunk to look super clean so when you pull up to the show people are like yo let's see the setup Pop the trunk looks super nice and uniform the only problem is we got to move this OEM battery up to the front GE shouldn't be too hard don't need that anymore now that Jimmy's got that battery and the old tray out of the way so John kind of showed us what he was doing with the tops of the struts now he's finishing out the rest for the rears so you're going to drill straight into the body for this I'm going to avert my eyes I can't look all right so John's about to finish up drilling out our locations for our hydraulic pumps and he's going to put in our battery tray and then we just got to start throwing stuff in there all right so we got our last hydraulic pump ready to go all right you want me to go down there yeah here it's already set up can you push it upwards a little bit more like or yeah right there yep you got this steps it's so it's in and you should have wiggle room with that they look pretty identical it looks really nice just looking at it right now we completed our task list for the day all the stock parts we don't need have been removed our pumps have been installed in the trunk and John started on fabricating the cylinders using our stock coilovers things are looking pretty good all right so we're back today John went ahead and fabbed up the rest of these cylinders he actually already has one in and next thing that we're going to do is going to go ahead and drop it just to check out where the ride height is sitting at a great day today would honestly be getting all the cylinders in the lines hooked up and pressure in the tanks let's get cooking look at how low we dropped it and we still have a lot of room still available up here I think that's the most important part like John was saying he's seen dudes that they will not leave a good amount of space up here and then boom right through the hood definitely don't want that so this is great this is looking great I'm super stok and very content with this so that cylinder should be going through that hole if it's all measur right oh nice there we go W this is crazy for you up yeah this is great oh man I don't think you could get no lower than that yeah that's that's good and it's going to only going to look better once we get the wheels on there absolutely with the wheels on that bad boy o I feel like every time something gets done it like I get more excited to like see the Finish result I'm so ready I can't wait I think this is the perfect embodiment of me going through my low rider path I love that for you so we got the fronts on John's already starting on getting the oil lines mocked up now we're going to give him a hand with that all right so right now I'm just taking off these Fender guards in our wheel well because we need to find a way how we're going to run our oil lines from the trunk all the way to the front now a Miata we really don't have that much space to work with so we got to use every part of the car all right so we got our 38 hose right here right up at the front we're about to hook it up just got to lead it back to the rear John's already done that so we're pretty close to hooking this up and actually putting some oil into the lines we're having an issue with our oil line right here hooking up to our cylinder we got this intake tube in the way which is causing some clearance issues but I have a trick you can actually get rid of this intake pipe and the Miata should run just fine John might know Hydraulics but I know Miatas all right so getting the oil line on all right so John's just cutting up more of our springs for the rear we're going to be having this thing on the floor by dinner time can't even tell where the hoses are you really can't it'll look cleaner if I just hide the hose behind M this hose will tuck it tuck it a little bit further in the back like you saying roam it like this and it's all tucked in we'll drill this to the frame okay to the car uh-huh and then we'll weld it to the rack here okay that's sick if for whatever reason at some point in the future we want to remove this we could just remove it all in one piece then I'm so stoked for you cuz like this is something that I grew up with and I love low rider culture and it's like I love sharing things that I love with others I can't wait to just be cruising yeah hell yeah I'm going to see you making that turn a little turn in three I'm like oh my God jimy go all right so me and John are just finishing up the first part of our bracket system that will house our three big ass batteries this is B basically going to power our whole suspension we just have to test mount it then we're going to take it off paint it real quick so it looks really nice and then we're going to be jumping in no time all right I'm on here spin it you ready yep more Yep how's it look in there it looks good and sturdy who oh John's nephew Mark is so gracious enough that he's going to give us a nice little ride along we're going to get to feel what having Rose swag looks like what a real low rider looks like mhm oh man I feel like we're kids in a candy shop dude that's so sick dude mark thank you so much for taking us around the block now I'm inspired to put that much more effort into my Miata all right so John's finished up welding our battery tray now we just got to paint it again low rid's all about the presentation so I hope I do a very good job with this paint luckily John's getting some cardboard right now hopefully we don't have any overspray all right this is looking good now we're going to dump it down and we're going to check our suspension if we need to adjust anything thing make any slight tweaks can I look at it damn and then I could still take a little more off of it but I need you to with the rim then we'll know so I don't want to overcut them cuz you can't back on so John just went ahead ran all the wiring pumps are back in all hands are on deck and we're going to pressurize the system make sure it holds we don't got no oil leaks and that's where we're at you're good right there buddy oh hell yeah that is not going anywhere so I think our next step now is we're going to fill these pumps with oil and we're going to see if all this Teflon tape really paid off now we're just going to Prime the system check for leaks more oil in there a little more in there no you're good because we have pressure in the Hol now we just measured what the suspension is going to look like it looks like it'll clear since the sheet metal of the hood sits a little bit higher but John was saying that because when you hit your switches it will bounce it leaves a little bit of risk um that it will hit the hood so to mitigate that John is going to need a bit of more spring if there's more spring then the body of the vehicle sits a little bit higher and gives us some more play up top all right so we accomplished our goal of the day off for cylinders are in and that thing is to the flow now we did run into a little issue with the front cylinders but that's cool John's going to go ahead and rework those Springs just so we're not busting through no hoods so we're going to leave them to it we replac the coils in the front so it won't La so low so cylinders won't go through the hood and then now we're just hooking up all the electrical and wires from under the seat wire up the solenoids finish up the trunks install the batteries here 31 series Gray put all the trunk will be all complete and just install the switches on the panel and it under the dash and you'll be good right now I'm getting ready to wire up the switches just four switches and then these will be the control for the Miata everything will be mounted under the dash be ready to play with it in a couple hours just prepping them in the final little touchup that's a fullblown switch panel right there we're good the car is hitting good we'll test it a couple more times when we take you to that street and show you how to do three wheels cuz it's got it see how it's all the way up like that you just drop this whole side and then I'm going to hit the front up as I turn and it's going to go three I think that this would bring Jimmy into this is something he could pull up to any crowd and they're going to trip out on them that's it for the Hydraulics now for the most timeconsuming part of the process the pain today we're here in the city of Industry at the color studio and that's with the K yeah this is Mark and jacn Studio they've been doing this for a long time they're a husband and wife Duo Mark does all the work in paint and Jaclyn does all the little fine details that you see on a low rider kind of like on this Cadillac right here have you ever seen anything like that on a car I have never seen that but that is literally my favorite thing ever it's pretty sick now work like this it takes some time it's going to take us about 2 weeks to get our Miata painted and I don't think there's a lot we can really do do you know anything about paint yeah so I think we better let the artist get to work just prep day sand it all wash the car down take whatever is easiest to take off and whatever we get in the way of kind of paint and wash it again and today we're just you know we're going to try to tape up all the patterns right now we have just some kind of like raw measuring going down we're just going to see what the mine comes up with today I really pride myself on this part if this is what sets me aside from every other painter or most of them at least good like this is the kind of foreground of everything it'll make everything else that I do a little bit easier I think we have about uh 6 hours into masking I want to say where we've hit the halfway mark there's not too many hours of spraying it's a lot of hours of tape and tape and more tape right now I I'm working on transferring all the the shapes and designs that are happening onto the top making them translate onto the the sides of the car there's not too much left to tape but um hopefully by midnight we'll be ready to actually put some kind of color on it all right so it's been 2 days since the miata's last dropped off it's obviously been getting taken care of really well yeah if everything goes well today we'll be done with the colors I love the look of it already it's not even completed and I'm already so excited about this tell me where this style and the inspiration came from for this dude everything '90s there was a couple painters still in the 9s that were using older techniques that I like to use textures kind of more like abstract painting but everything was very simplified it was monochromatic I'm trying to keep it eror correct I want you guys to hit every single part of the ' 9s low riding aspect the colors are going to be real subtle but they're still going to pop just to have you guys roll in a style I'm keep saying you guys are going to get asked like what garage did you pull this out of remember like the color Studio that's I love the idea of keeping it a correct all right Mark so you're about to start spraying tell us what the process is like so we're going to start from the centers usually I like to work from the inside out it's kind of how we mask everything up we try to mask it as easy as possible that way you can just peel back tape spray the next fade and we'll just work out this way and then we'll end off with the sides tonight do you let it dry a little and then you want okay we want to let it dry a little bit just so that it doesn't peel any paint with it we don't get no smudge over it or anything like that this is where patience is kind of like keep roughly how long do you think it would take to like dry a little until you're ready to peel off the next layer this paint dries super fast it'll be Dy to the touch within like probably 5 minutes wao what the hell okay I thought we were going to literally watch paint dry here no no no it's uh it's so chemical based that it's it'll evaporate real real fast and then we're going to be going back and forth too I'm going to go from the front to the back from the front to the back so by the time I hit the back this will be dry and vice versa you're really out here working smarter not harder yeah I'm going to let you get to it cuz yeah what the hell are we doing just standing here and not actually being productive all right Jacqueline we see you got some real nice flowers going on over here so what is it that you're doing right now I'm basically like tracing over what I'm going to do on either side of it typically what I do is I'll figure out where I want to put it on a car and I transfer it to this paper when I size it up to the actual physical surface and since this is just like going to be based on symmetry I have to line it up on both sides of the car handles but yeah that's basically the step the hardest part is actually painting like this is the easy work once you start getting it on the car like how much do you roughly estimate this will take you we're looking at maybe like 12 hours of painting damn but automotive paint especially the type that I'm using is very like thin so I have to do a ton of layers but I have to also do it nice enough that when Mark clears over it there's not going to be like an obvious lift in the paint so that's why it like takes so long cuz I literally I have to like lay it on there let it dry for a little bit and then do another layer I'm excited about this cuz I've never painted these flowers before so there's going to be cherry blossoms on the car that is actually so cute cuz it's JDM I love that so thank you so much jacine explaining this process cuz you made it sound very simple but looking at it I'm like I don't think it is I'll let you get back to it you're obviously working hard all right y'all so Mark has done an absolutely phenomenal job thus far I mean this thing looks sick and if this is what it looks like now I cannot wait to see what it's going to look like later so we're reaching the last fade of this paint job loving the way it's coming out after this we're going to take off all the tape we'll just we'll throw a light coat of flake over the whole car just so it has a little bit more of a pop then it's off to murals tomorrow all right y we're back here today and it is Jackie's day and she's gone ahead laid it all out in the fashion that she thinks it look best I trust her and her artistic opinion I think it's time for me to shut up and let you do what you got to do man all right so first layer is done on this side and the other side what's the next step from here Jackie so now I'm going to get very detailed I'm going to start quote unquote rendering so the flowers will look more realistic the leaves will look more realistic I'm going to do a couple of layers I'm thinking maybe like five to six layers to cover everything and we should be good after that honestly what the hell that looks really good like the little stems give it so much more like Dimension and like depth these look legit real bro I feel like the colors go really well with everything too so no it looks super dope dude y'all have freaking crushed it I think it's safe to say that we're all kind of tired so why don't we take a break for the weekend hit this back up on Monday so I can pick it up yep how do that sound and that sounds good so because Mark is such a beast he went ahead and applied the first goat of clear over this weekend now let's get back to the shop and see what's next so we got uh the first coat of clear on I really really love the way that this thing is coming out those colors popped all those kind of little subtle details that we put in there they popped out so today what we're going to do is we're just going to sand it all down again keep on masking and throw another coat of clear on it and it'll be ready to go I'm sending out the one run that I got in the clear coat so when you put on clear coat a little too heavy it's a really heavy material it wants to it runs it'll start dripping so right now I'm just uh trying to flatten them out as much as possible so I just finished sanding this thing all over again and now that we've knocked down all these patterns kind of nice and flat gave it a little bird bath and it'll be ready for masking up and clear again that's why we clean it so intensively the first time the second time it's almost in a old environment so we don't have to get crazy with the wash like I said I could wash it but then I'd just be waiting for water to evaporate so any kind of hand smudges that I get that I've had on it from sanding or the Windex will take take care of it you have to wait use Windex with ammonia otherwise it won't take off any of the uh any of your hand grease we're going to sign this car we're going to do it and hopefully I can get a first try just finished massing up the car for the next round of clear in between coats we wait for it to tack up this car is small so doesn't take a really long time so we just threw the the last coat of clear on the car this thing looks like glass all those colors really popped out we'll let it sit for a couple days so after the thing all uh slapped together detailed out you'll be ready for Jimmy and Steph on Friday all right so it's been about 2 weeks since we dropped the Miata off I got to be honest I have no idea what this thing's going to look like Steph's been dropping hints of information here and there but today finally going to see what this thing looks like after 2 weeks of being in the Paint Shop we're pulling into the paint shop right now Bill do you see this this looks incredible this is awesome oh my I didn't even notice this up hereo everything is so well thought out the gold what that's so sick it's on the badges too we even signed it in Gold that's really cool I love that oh my gosh I'm in love with it this thing's so sick Phil it's so sick these cherry blossoms are so sick thank you Jackie what was the inspiration for that so typically when I paint neurals on low riders the customers always ask for Roses oh like maybe can do something with a floral element that's more like Asian based as opposed to typical roses Cho culture yeah that's such a cool thought to it the detailing is so cool too have you ever seen cherry blossoms on another low rider no I haven't so you guys may be the first we're the first right here so once again big thank you to Mark and Jacqueline over at Color Studio with a K I'm stoked this thing is so unique looking I can't wait to take it cruising but there's one thing that we're missing some Wheels all right so we're here at Sandro shop Miranda he's pulled some strings and he's got us the quintessential low rider wheels these are some gold Dayton 100 spoke they're pretty sweet looking me being a big wheel guy I'm very stoked to throw these on what's the size on the wheel itself 13 in I think I'm very excited for how we actually have to mount these you got to fabricate some stuff nothing's going to Bol right on this is a oneof one car so we got to think of some different solutions of how to mount stuff and with low riders it's kind of like a r passage to do a little bit of here that's what I've noticed so one thing I've noticed about these is they do not have a 4x1 100 bolt pattern like a Miata so how are we mounting these we're using the knockoffs first the the back red piece goes on then the wheel and then the Chrome knock that's a center lock adapter you got it you got it do you know how excited I am to be running Center loocks on a car finally after all these years of collecting centerlock wheels from around the world I finally get to do this I'm so excited onam Miata yeah onam Miata I mean this is this is a dream come true let's get going let's get them mounted up let do this let's do this I'm I'm ready I'm ready all right so while they're getting things set up let's talk about these why we got two different colors Steph all right we got two different colors because the way Center locks go on when you break we don't want the center lock to start undoing itself while we're breaking so in this circumstance the white ones will go on the left side and the Reds will go on the right side it's kind of like a GT3 too you know they got different colors on each side I feel very fancy as if we're in a GT3 actually it's pretty much a GT3 pretty way better than actually all right let's get him on putting on a spacer cuz it's hitting the caliper just so it could clear it a little bit I all right so right now Sandro is mounting the wheel next he's going to put the little spindle Center lock cap see next to him he actually has a lead Hammer to tap that in and why is it a lead hammer or a lead Mallet that's because lead when you hit it it's actually supposed to not damage the metal so it'll still do what you want from a hammer or Mallet without damaging the stuff and that's how you torque these all right that looks reallying good popping the backs off going so fast all right so unlike the front we got a little a little bit of a different brake setup back here so we don't have to really modify anything so I'm just going to start throwing these guys on all right so we got these torqued on now it's time for the wheel there we go oh this is so cool I wonder how much radiation poisoning I can get from this look it maybe we can find out that's okay it's okay you're good that's that's what they're for that's what they're all right that looks like it's on there pretty tight it's on there pretty tight for now but once we drop it we'll hit it again for safety we should do a double check all right time to drop it down I'm very excited to see if the fitment is going to be on this oh damn oh this looks so good dude we completed the look y'all we did it we built a low rider Miata like this is so cool Sandro thank you for the hook up on the wheels thank you so so much sir all we need to do now is go back to the office and show everyone what we've been up to now you got to say let's go Vos hop on let's go Vos hop on drop it the car's too light all right what do you guys think dude you proud of me way to go Su y'all I'm Steph and as y'all know we went ahead and built this glow Rider Miata now we came out with the shirt but the second part of our collection AKA this hoodie and this sick chain are all out now go ahead and get yours at donam media.com all right so we finished our low rider Miata build we uh just want to say thank you to everyone who's involved Mark and Jacqueline from color Studios with a K John for helping with the Hydraulics Sandro helping with the wheels this was such an awesome build thank you for watching the video and everything else on donut if you want to follow St follow her at radical follow me at Russell jimmy. JP thank you have a good onetoday we're taking this 1997 mazata and turning it from this into this we're going to show you guys every step we took to build this legendary car welcome to Donut so we're going to turn a Miata into a low rider and there's only one place to start we got to get this puppy cut AKA install Hydraulics what up John what up man what's good you ready I'm ready do you think you can turn this thing from a zero to a hero Mild to Wild there you go that's what we need on this baby let's make her bounce all right so how exactly are we going to make this puppy bounce well these are the basic components of hydraulic system that we'll be installing now let's get into it first up we got our switches our switches what you be hitting to look fly as hell but most importantly they operate and control the solenoids now what do our solenoids do our solenoids send battery voltage throughout the hydraulic system now typically you have multiple batteries now the battery voltage will then operate and turn on the pumps the pumps will then send hydraulic fluid throughout the lines through the hydraulic system all the way into your cylinders now your cylinders is the most important part these cylinders are what we use instead of struts and they're basically either going to Once filed the hydraulic fluid will go upwards or downwards in order to make that vehicle bounce up and down all right so this is simple in theory however we have two major problems that we've come across one there is no plug-and-play kit for Miata and two me and jimbob have never installed anything of these sorts in a vehicle there's a lot that can go wrong installing any of these components so that's why we need to enlist the help of John John is an OG based out of Long Beach and he works out of his garage so you best believe we're going to get the real low rider experience Pop the trunk yeah see what we got do you have any concerns with the Miata trunk being a little bit smaller than your uh average low rider yeah usually we got a 4X six space to work with here with we got a 3tx 2T space so we're losing a lot of space well we could relocate that battery got it I'm not will you still hook that battery up have it hooked yes that one need to be hooked up to the car so that'll just be for the car and then this one will just be for the Hydraulics wow that's a lot of power so you want it separate from your system you don't want nothing to do with the Hydraulics to the system okay so today we're aiming to get all the stock pieces out of the way we move all the junk in the trunk to make room for our hydraulic pumps as well as removing the stock suspension to make room for our hydraulic cylinders once we're all done with that we'll move on to assembling and hopefully installing the pumps in the trunk before the day is done all right so we're just taking the wheels off got to step on the brake to get the front wheels off obviously John you're already taking the strut out struts are out Jimmy is working on taking off all the re bolts to drop the coilover there we go John what are you tossing on there we try to check out the measurement for The Strokes that we have to Fab up right here on my travel I have no more than 5 in mhm but you got to take in mind mineus your fitting right so you have your fitting at the top of it so we're going to go four so if we go four on the inside we should be good and then we going to still use the stock spring or yes okay I'll modify this to put back in there hold your so what John's up to right now is he's cutting a hole in the top of our strut top so that he can have our cylinder tube for the strut for the new strut give it to go through to the top he's got to make that clearance so we can get higher than we need to we need to be able to hop it's looking pretty good in the backside we can make them go in the trunk more we can we have more space back here we don't have to worry about the hood my plan is so you could turn and do three wheels I would like one wheel to come off the ground that' be actually very sick that's what we want so we've taken out most of the stock stuff what's our next step right now I think we should build those two pumps so we can set them in there to know what we're playing with cool in an age of dulling Wheels some Geniuses in attire shop decided enough was enough and so mother's polish emerged born from a single can of mag and aluminum polish designed to make dual aluminum shinier than a disco ball it quickly dominated car shows and swap Beats by the 8S mothers were rock stars pushing product up and down the SoCal Coast out of the back of a van uh guys we need a bigger van soon they expanded their products becoming the One-Stop shop for every car need Under the Sun by The 9s mothers was a household name but they wanted more by the 2000s mothers had expanded to over 100 different products mothers wanted the whole vehicle to look like a million bucks hey your car that's clean hey that's a pretty clean car you got those are some clean cars today mothers is a leading name in the automotive Care World from humble beginnings in the back of aent to a showstopper at SEMA mothers is synonymous with excellence and Innovation if you want your car to shine like new use something with a trusted history use mothers to learn more click the link below as I'm building You're Building well you got to do this one oh I'm down for shipping reason they come with little nuts on the bottom just to keep them in play cuz they're all spring loed so this is the electric component in there I got it so that's what it looks like oh see these are the screws you're going to take off on the bottom that's going to pop off so where the oil is and this is where you want towards the tops just so you know the way it goes and you don't want them tight just put them hand tight and then you snug them with the got wrench and you're in the game you just set it down there you the pins in there there we go oh just find find the hes right there's your pump's built oil squirting out it'll go into whatever dumps are set up here the return will always be closest to the edge so you see this is three fingers this is two fingers this will be your your slow Dum valve mhm it will be posted here with the fitting we'll set it in there it will look just like that and then we'll put the T on it so we build everything up so we'll start tling we'll put all the fittings together hand tight with teon on them the returns have to go on first because they turn and they interfere if you have that fitting on first they won't go should we start with the return then if we don't put enough tlon or you don't put it on right or you do it backwards then you'll have a leak put that onto your return inside oh yeah this is what I'm talking about this pump is pretty much built but this will work for us to do our fabrication now this is a whole new world of car stuff that I've never learned about yeah I'm I'm into it all right so me and John have come up with a plan of how we're going to set up our trunk we're going to have our hydraulic pumps here on side and then we're going to have our three batteries here in the middle low riding is all about having a uniform setup you want the trunk to look super clean so when you pull up to the show people are like yo let's see the setup Pop the trunk looks super nice and uniform the only problem is we got to move this OEM battery up to the front GE shouldn't be too hard don't need that anymore now that Jimmy's got that battery and the old tray out of the way so John kind of showed us what he was doing with the tops of the struts now he's finishing out the rest for the rears so you're going to drill straight into the body for this I'm going to avert my eyes I can't look all right so John's about to finish up drilling out our locations for our hydraulic pumps and he's going to put in our battery tray and then we just got to start throwing stuff in there all right so we got our last hydraulic pump ready to go all right you want me to go down there yeah here it's already set up can you push it upwards a little bit more like or yeah right there yep you got this steps it's so it's in and you should have wiggle room with that they look pretty identical it looks really nice just looking at it right now we completed our task list for the day all the stock parts we don't need have been removed our pumps have been installed in the trunk and John started on fabricating the cylinders using our stock coilovers things are looking pretty good all right so we're back today John went ahead and fabbed up the rest of these cylinders he actually already has one in and next thing that we're going to do is going to go ahead and drop it just to check out where the ride height is sitting at a great day today would honestly be getting all the cylinders in the lines hooked up and pressure in the tanks let's get cooking look at how low we dropped it and we still have a lot of room still available up here I think that's the most important part like John was saying he's seen dudes that they will not leave a good amount of space up here and then boom right through the hood definitely don't want that so this is great this is looking great I'm super stok and very content with this so that cylinder should be going through that hole if it's all measur right oh nice there we go W this is crazy for you up yeah this is great oh man I don't think you could get no lower than that yeah that's that's good and it's going to only going to look better once we get the wheels on there absolutely with the wheels on that bad boy o I feel like every time something gets done it like I get more excited to like see the Finish result I'm so ready I can't wait I think this is the perfect embodiment of me going through my low rider path I love that for you so we got the fronts on John's already starting on getting the oil lines mocked up now we're going to give him a hand with that all right so right now I'm just taking off these Fender guards in our wheel well because we need to find a way how we're going to run our oil lines from the trunk all the way to the front now a Miata we really don't have that much space to work with so we got to use every part of the car all right so we got our 38 hose right here right up at the front we're about to hook it up just got to lead it back to the rear John's already done that so we're pretty close to hooking this up and actually putting some oil into the lines we're having an issue with our oil line right here hooking up to our cylinder we got this intake tube in the way which is causing some clearance issues but I have a trick you can actually get rid of this intake pipe and the Miata should run just fine John might know Hydraulics but I know Miatas all right so getting the oil line on all right so John's just cutting up more of our springs for the rear we're going to be having this thing on the floor by dinner time can't even tell where the hoses are you really can't it'll look cleaner if I just hide the hose behind M this hose will tuck it tuck it a little bit further in the back like you saying roam it like this and it's all tucked in we'll drill this to the frame okay to the car uh-huh and then we'll weld it to the rack here okay that's sick if for whatever reason at some point in the future we want to remove this we could just remove it all in one piece then I'm so stoked for you cuz like this is something that I grew up with and I love low rider culture and it's like I love sharing things that I love with others I can't wait to just be cruising yeah hell yeah I'm going to see you making that turn a little turn in three I'm like oh my God jimy go all right so me and John are just finishing up the first part of our bracket system that will house our three big ass batteries this is B basically going to power our whole suspension we just have to test mount it then we're going to take it off paint it real quick so it looks really nice and then we're going to be jumping in no time all right I'm on here spin it you ready yep more Yep how's it look in there it looks good and sturdy who oh John's nephew Mark is so gracious enough that he's going to give us a nice little ride along we're going to get to feel what having Rose swag looks like what a real low rider looks like mhm oh man I feel like we're kids in a candy shop dude that's so sick dude mark thank you so much for taking us around the block now I'm inspired to put that much more effort into my Miata all right so John's finished up welding our battery tray now we just got to paint it again low rid's all about the presentation so I hope I do a very good job with this paint luckily John's getting some cardboard right now hopefully we don't have any overspray all right this is looking good now we're going to dump it down and we're going to check our suspension if we need to adjust anything thing make any slight tweaks can I look at it damn and then I could still take a little more off of it but I need you to with the rim then we'll know so I don't want to overcut them cuz you can't back on so John just went ahead ran all the wiring pumps are back in all hands are on deck and we're going to pressurize the system make sure it holds we don't got no oil leaks and that's where we're at you're good right there buddy oh hell yeah that is not going anywhere so I think our next step now is we're going to fill these pumps with oil and we're going to see if all this Teflon tape really paid off now we're just going to Prime the system check for leaks more oil in there a little more in there no you're good because we have pressure in the Hol now we just measured what the suspension is going to look like it looks like it'll clear since the sheet metal of the hood sits a little bit higher but John was saying that because when you hit your switches it will bounce it leaves a little bit of risk um that it will hit the hood so to mitigate that John is going to need a bit of more spring if there's more spring then the body of the vehicle sits a little bit higher and gives us some more play up top all right so we accomplished our goal of the day off for cylinders are in and that thing is to the flow now we did run into a little issue with the front cylinders but that's cool John's going to go ahead and rework those Springs just so we're not busting through no hoods so we're going to leave them to it we replac the coils in the front so it won't La so low so cylinders won't go through the hood and then now we're just hooking up all the electrical and wires from under the seat wire up the solenoids finish up the trunks install the batteries here 31 series Gray put all the trunk will be all complete and just install the switches on the panel and it under the dash and you'll be good right now I'm getting ready to wire up the switches just four switches and then these will be the control for the Miata everything will be mounted under the dash be ready to play with it in a couple hours just prepping them in the final little touchup that's a fullblown switch panel right there we're good the car is hitting good we'll test it a couple more times when we take you to that street and show you how to do three wheels cuz it's got it see how it's all the way up like that you just drop this whole side and then I'm going to hit the front up as I turn and it's going to go three I think that this would bring Jimmy into this is something he could pull up to any crowd and they're going to trip out on them that's it for the Hydraulics now for the most timeconsuming part of the process the pain today we're here in the city of Industry at the color studio and that's with the K yeah this is Mark and jacn Studio they've been doing this for a long time they're a husband and wife Duo Mark does all the work in paint and Jaclyn does all the little fine details that you see on a low rider kind of like on this Cadillac right here have you ever seen anything like that on a car I have never seen that but that is literally my favorite thing ever it's pretty sick now work like this it takes some time it's going to take us about 2 weeks to get our Miata painted and I don't think there's a lot we can really do do you know anything about paint yeah so I think we better let the artist get to work just prep day sand it all wash the car down take whatever is easiest to take off and whatever we get in the way of kind of paint and wash it again and today we're just you know we're going to try to tape up all the patterns right now we have just some kind of like raw measuring going down we're just going to see what the mine comes up with today I really pride myself on this part if this is what sets me aside from every other painter or most of them at least good like this is the kind of foreground of everything it'll make everything else that I do a little bit easier I think we have about uh 6 hours into masking I want to say where we've hit the halfway mark there's not too many hours of spraying it's a lot of hours of tape and tape and more tape right now I I'm working on transferring all the the shapes and designs that are happening onto the top making them translate onto the the sides of the car there's not too much left to tape but um hopefully by midnight we'll be ready to actually put some kind of color on it all right so it's been 2 days since the miata's last dropped off it's obviously been getting taken care of really well yeah if everything goes well today we'll be done with the colors I love the look of it already it's not even completed and I'm already so excited about this tell me where this style and the inspiration came from for this dude everything '90s there was a couple painters still in the 9s that were using older techniques that I like to use textures kind of more like abstract painting but everything was very simplified it was monochromatic I'm trying to keep it eror correct I want you guys to hit every single part of the ' 9s low riding aspect the colors are going to be real subtle but they're still going to pop just to have you guys roll in a style I'm keep saying you guys are going to get asked like what garage did you pull this out of remember like the color Studio that's I love the idea of keeping it a correct all right Mark so you're about to start spraying tell us what the process is like so we're going to start from the centers usually I like to work from the inside out it's kind of how we mask everything up we try to mask it as easy as possible that way you can just peel back tape spray the next fade and we'll just work out this way and then we'll end off with the sides tonight do you let it dry a little and then you want okay we want to let it dry a little bit just so that it doesn't peel any paint with it we don't get no smudge over it or anything like that this is where patience is kind of like keep roughly how long do you think it would take to like dry a little until you're ready to peel off the next layer this paint dries super fast it'll be Dy to the touch within like probably 5 minutes wao what the hell okay I thought we were going to literally watch paint dry here no no no it's uh it's so chemical based that it's it'll evaporate real real fast and then we're going to be going back and forth too I'm going to go from the front to the back from the front to the back so by the time I hit the back this will be dry and vice versa you're really out here working smarter not harder yeah I'm going to let you get to it cuz yeah what the hell are we doing just standing here and not actually being productive all right Jacqueline we see you got some real nice flowers going on over here so what is it that you're doing right now I'm basically like tracing over what I'm going to do on either side of it typically what I do is I'll figure out where I want to put it on a car and I transfer it to this paper when I size it up to the actual physical surface and since this is just like going to be based on symmetry I have to line it up on both sides of the car handles but yeah that's basically the step the hardest part is actually painting like this is the easy work once you start getting it on the car like how much do you roughly estimate this will take you we're looking at maybe like 12 hours of painting damn but automotive paint especially the type that I'm using is very like thin so I have to do a ton of layers but I have to also do it nice enough that when Mark clears over it there's not going to be like an obvious lift in the paint so that's why it like takes so long cuz I literally I have to like lay it on there let it dry for a little bit and then do another layer I'm excited about this cuz I've never painted these flowers before so there's going to be cherry blossoms on the car that is actually so cute cuz it's JDM I love that so thank you so much jacine explaining this process cuz you made it sound very simple but looking at it I'm like I don't think it is I'll let you get back to it you're obviously working hard all right y'all so Mark has done an absolutely phenomenal job thus far I mean this thing looks sick and if this is what it looks like now I cannot wait to see what it's going to look like later so we're reaching the last fade of this paint job loving the way it's coming out after this we're going to take off all the tape we'll just we'll throw a light coat of flake over the whole car just so it has a little bit more of a pop then it's off to murals tomorrow all right y we're back here today and it is Jackie's day and she's gone ahead laid it all out in the fashion that she thinks it look best I trust her and her artistic opinion I think it's time for me to shut up and let you do what you got to do man all right so first layer is done on this side and the other side what's the next step from here Jackie so now I'm going to get very detailed I'm going to start quote unquote rendering so the flowers will look more realistic the leaves will look more realistic I'm going to do a couple of layers I'm thinking maybe like five to six layers to cover everything and we should be good after that honestly what the hell that looks really good like the little stems give it so much more like Dimension and like depth these look legit real bro I feel like the colors go really well with everything too so no it looks super dope dude y'all have freaking crushed it I think it's safe to say that we're all kind of tired so why don't we take a break for the weekend hit this back up on Monday so I can pick it up yep how do that sound and that sounds good so because Mark is such a beast he went ahead and applied the first goat of clear over this weekend now let's get back to the shop and see what's next so we got uh the first coat of clear on I really really love the way that this thing is coming out those colors popped all those kind of little subtle details that we put in there they popped out so today what we're going to do is we're just going to sand it all down again keep on masking and throw another coat of clear on it and it'll be ready to go I'm sending out the one run that I got in the clear coat so when you put on clear coat a little too heavy it's a really heavy material it wants to it runs it'll start dripping so right now I'm just uh trying to flatten them out as much as possible so I just finished sanding this thing all over again and now that we've knocked down all these patterns kind of nice and flat gave it a little bird bath and it'll be ready for masking up and clear again that's why we clean it so intensively the first time the second time it's almost in a old environment so we don't have to get crazy with the wash like I said I could wash it but then I'd just be waiting for water to evaporate so any kind of hand smudges that I get that I've had on it from sanding or the Windex will take take care of it you have to wait use Windex with ammonia otherwise it won't take off any of the uh any of your hand grease we're going to sign this car we're going to do it and hopefully I can get a first try just finished massing up the car for the next round of clear in between coats we wait for it to tack up this car is small so doesn't take a really long time so we just threw the the last coat of clear on the car this thing looks like glass all those colors really popped out we'll let it sit for a couple days so after the thing all uh slapped together detailed out you'll be ready for Jimmy and Steph on Friday all right so it's been about 2 weeks since we dropped the Miata off I got to be honest I have no idea what this thing's going to look like Steph's been dropping hints of information here and there but today finally going to see what this thing looks like after 2 weeks of being in the Paint Shop we're pulling into the paint shop right now Bill do you see this this looks incredible this is awesome oh my I didn't even notice this up hereo everything is so well thought out the gold what that's so sick it's on the badges too we even signed it in Gold that's really cool I love that oh my gosh I'm in love with it this thing's so sick Phil it's so sick these cherry blossoms are so sick thank you Jackie what was the inspiration for that so typically when I paint neurals on low riders the customers always ask for Roses oh like maybe can do something with a floral element that's more like Asian based as opposed to typical roses Cho culture yeah that's such a cool thought to it the detailing is so cool too have you ever seen cherry blossoms on another low rider no I haven't so you guys may be the first we're the first right here so once again big thank you to Mark and Jacqueline over at Color Studio with a K I'm stoked this thing is so unique looking I can't wait to take it cruising but there's one thing that we're missing some Wheels all right so we're here at Sandro shop Miranda he's pulled some strings and he's got us the quintessential low rider wheels these are some gold Dayton 100 spoke they're pretty sweet looking me being a big wheel guy I'm very stoked to throw these on what's the size on the wheel itself 13 in I think I'm very excited for how we actually have to mount these you got to fabricate some stuff nothing's going to Bol right on this is a oneof one car so we got to think of some different solutions of how to mount stuff and with low riders it's kind of like a r passage to do a little bit of here that's what I've noticed so one thing I've noticed about these is they do not have a 4x1 100 bolt pattern like a Miata so how are we mounting these we're using the knockoffs first the the back red piece goes on then the wheel and then the Chrome knock that's a center lock adapter you got it you got it do you know how excited I am to be running Center loocks on a car finally after all these years of collecting centerlock wheels from around the world I finally get to do this I'm so excited onam Miata yeah onam Miata I mean this is this is a dream come true let's get going let's get them mounted up let do this let's do this I'm I'm ready I'm ready all right so while they're getting things set up let's talk about these why we got two different colors Steph all right we got two different colors because the way Center locks go on when you break we don't want the center lock to start undoing itself while we're breaking so in this circumstance the white ones will go on the left side and the Reds will go on the right side it's kind of like a GT3 too you know they got different colors on each side I feel very fancy as if we're in a GT3 actually it's pretty much a GT3 pretty way better than actually all right let's get him on putting on a spacer cuz it's hitting the caliper just so it could clear it a little bit I all right so right now Sandro is mounting the wheel next he's going to put the little spindle Center lock cap see next to him he actually has a lead Hammer to tap that in and why is it a lead hammer or a lead Mallet that's because lead when you hit it it's actually supposed to not damage the metal so it'll still do what you want from a hammer or Mallet without damaging the stuff and that's how you torque these all right that looks reallying good popping the backs off going so fast all right so unlike the front we got a little a little bit of a different brake setup back here so we don't have to really modify anything so I'm just going to start throwing these guys on all right so we got these torqued on now it's time for the wheel there we go oh this is so cool I wonder how much radiation poisoning I can get from this look it maybe we can find out that's okay it's okay you're good that's that's what they're for that's what they're all right that looks like it's on there pretty tight it's on there pretty tight for now but once we drop it we'll hit it again for safety we should do a double check all right time to drop it down I'm very excited to see if the fitment is going to be on this oh damn oh this looks so good dude we completed the look y'all we did it we built a low rider Miata like this is so cool Sandro thank you for the hook up on the wheels thank you so so much sir all we need to do now is go back to the office and show everyone what we've been up to now you got to say let's go Vos hop on let's go Vos hop on drop it the car's too light all right what do you guys think dude you proud of me way to go Su y'all I'm Steph and as y'all know we went ahead and built this glow Rider Miata now we came out with the shirt but the second part of our collection AKA this hoodie and this sick chain are all out now go ahead and get yours at donam media.com all right so we finished our low rider Miata build we uh just want to say thank you to everyone who's involved Mark and Jacqueline from color Studios with a K John for helping with the Hydraulics Sandro helping with the wheels this was such an awesome build thank you for watching the video and everything else on donut if you want to follow St follow her at radical follow me at Russell jimmy. JP thank you have a good one