$120 Fake iPhone XS Max - How Bad Is It

**TechSmartt's iPhone XS Max Giveaway**

One day, the creator of TechSmartt decided to test out his brand new iPhone XS Max by playing around with it while watching YouTube videos. He started by opening up the YouTube app on his phone and trying to watch a video to see how it would load. To his surprise, the app took a long time to load, and he was able to tell that it was not the real deal.

The creator decided to test out two different versions of the iPhone XS Max - one that was actually real and one that was fake. He plugged the real phone into a computer to verify its authenticity, but the fake version refused to connect. Instead, it gave him an option to "trust" or "mistrust" the computer, which would have been displayed on the real iPhone if he had plugged it in.

The creator also downloaded a Fortnite game on both phones, including one that was a bootleg version of the popular battle royale game. The fake phone's Fortnite app looked like it was made from low-resolution graphics to make it look less authentic, but the real phone's app looked much better and had high-quality graphics.

Once the creator started playing Fortnite on his real iPhone XS Max, he was able to see that the game played smoothly and looked great on the device. The fake phone's version of the game, on the other hand, took forever to load and didn't look as good.

**Testing the Real vs Fake iPhone XS Max**

The creator decided to test out both phones further by plugging in the fake one to a computer to see if it would recognize its authenticity. To his surprise, the fake phone asked him if he wanted to "trust" or "mistrust" the computer, which was a clear indication that it was not a genuine iPhone XS Max.

Meanwhile, the real phone plugged into the same computer displayed the correct settings and did not ask for verification. The creator also noticed that the fake phone's battery life was extremely short, and it started to overheat while he was using it.


The creator of TechSmartt came to a clear conclusion after testing out both phones - one was definitely a real iPhone XS Max, while the other was clearly a fake. He shared his findings with his audience, including two other videos that showcased the brand new iPhone XS Max and XS Max in different drop tests and water tests.

The creator also encouraged his viewers to be cautious when purchasing iPhones from third-party sellers or websites, as many of them may be selling counterfeit products. By testing out both phones and verifying their authenticity, anyone can ensure that they are buying a genuine Apple product.

In the end, the creator thanked his audience for watching and encouraged them to subscribe to his channel for more tech-related content and reviews.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Hey, what's good guys?Welcome back to TechSmartt,and this is a super crazyand special video, kindof like all videos,and the reason is forone of them we got Ben,so Ben's on the camera right now.- What's up guys?- And right now he's actuallygonna be the overhead camerato give you guys more details.This is a special video because this isa $121 fake iPhone XS Max how bad is it?The series you guys all know and love.Last year I made a $125fake iPhone X how bad is it.If you missed that, it'sright up there in the eye cardor link down below if youwanna check it out and getall caught up to speed.But in front of me, we havea real iPhone XS Max in goldthat just came out.We're in Australia, we picked that up.Definitely check out thatplaylist right up thereif you guys wanna seemore content on that.And then a fake iPhoneXS Max that I picked uponline for $121.So let's get down to it and see whatthe key differences are.You guys know what thisseries is about, so sit back,relax, we're gonna have some fun.So this particular fake iPhoneX has a few similar specsand different specs andwe'll just get started.So on the box, definitely makesure to check out the back.This is always gonna be a key differencethat you need to look for.The stickers are out ofline, or if things don't seemto be even, so iPhone X Plus?There's no plus, itshould be called the Max.The image on the box isalso something to note.On the real XS Max, it'skinda got this new earthy,trippy kind of color look.It's more purple, it's moreyellow, but checking outthe fake one because thisis the one that you guysreally want to see and the one thatI'm super excited to check out.See how good it really is.You know, every year they do get better.So opening this up, we havesome info, kind of like normal.What do we get inside?Just a faded tips guideand a sim card tool.Then the fake iPhone XS Maxand I actually got it in white.Not even the gold one, butthe gold one is availableif you guys wanna check out.You know where the link is.Let's see what accessories we get.We get some EarPods in a tin.Whoa, I thought it had a headphone jack.It actually has a lightning connector, so.Kinda interesting, thefakes are getting better.And then a super sketchy,doesn't look very trustworthy or good.So now to check outthe real iPhone XS Max,the one in gold.The one thing to really payattention to is the front image.Make sure it's kind of this globe.You won't be able to seethe notch on the screen.That's what Apple's trying to hide.It still exists, just youwon't see it on the front box.So when you look at theback of it, you're gonna seeeverything pretty much makes sense.iPhone XS Max, EarPodswith lightning connector,and then obviously XS Max gold,and then the gigabyte capacity.All the stickers look to bein line, pretty much proper.This is the real phone.So let's open it up.You got designed by Apple in California.So you get a hello guide,this actually should pull outand you should be gettingthree separate tabs.So good to note.Then we got a sim card tool,love when they include these,and then the Apple stickers.Always good to know when thesecome in, although I thinkI have just way too many.So this is what I'vebeen really excited for.The iPhone XS Max, so this is it in gold.We'll check this out, we'llcompare it to the fake one,see what's up.So here's what else we get in the box.Basically, I'm in Australia right now.If you're in the U.S. you'regonna get one that looksa little different.Then we have this new style of EarPods.It kinda wraps around.It's not that plastic thing like before,so keep that in mind, andthen a cable at the bottom.Now it's kind of the fun part.Let's turn on both of these phones at onceand see if they look alike.So actually, vote up inthe eye card real quickwhich phone you guys thinkis real and which phoneyou guys think is fake,number one or number two,and let me know in the commentsif you guys guessed right.This is what both phoneslook like, and honestly,they both kind of feel pretty similar.I thought when I firstpicked up the fake phone,and it of course is thewhite one, so if you guysgot a sneak peek at that,you did guess right.Fake, and the gold one is the real one.Now there are threecolors to keep in mind.You have the silver, the spacegray, and the new gold onethis year so that's justfor the XS and XS Max,and they basically feel the same.They look the same on the back.There's no new markings oranything in particular sayingit's a 10 S or XS.Both say iPhone on the back,so that's one thing you'regonna definitely have to be careful of.Cameras look pretty much thesame, nothing new to note.On the sides here, volumebuttons, mute switch,test out the buttons.If they clicky, that's a good sign.Both feel pretty clicky, sonot that easy to distinguish.Both kind of weigh the same,which I'm really shocked with.Last year's iPhone X in the$125 fake iPhone X video,it was really light and cheapand you could kinda tell,but this year it basicallyfeels the exact same in weight.So let's turn these things onand see what looks different.So the fake phone shouldbe running Android 7.Kind of powers on with aninteresting boot screen.There shouldn't be abezel on any fake phone.It should just be all screen.That's kind of what you're paying for.Both of these have a 6.5inch screen, or so they say.The real one obviously does.The fake one has this kindof interesting black borderthat goes around it, soweird that there's kind ofthis shadow on the corners of the screen.Guess that's what you get.Fake one is finally booted up.It says open wi-fi andnetworks available, iOS system,so swipe up to unlock.It's kind of laggy and slow.Keep that in mind whenyou are checking this out,before you hand them yourmoney or you go aheadand leave the deal.Obviously on the real one,absolutely butter whenyou go ahead and swipe up.So we can just go right intoI guess taking a selfie.We'll see how good these cameras are.So on the real one first.Then on the fake one.Not bad.(camera shuttering)(camera shuttering)Not bad at all.We actually tried to chargeup the fake iPhone XS Maxand to kind of our surprise,it started to chargeand now it's no longercharging, so the final batteryon this phone is at 20%,so we basically gotta rushthrough this video, no joke.Here we go, let's fully getinto this because it's actuallypretty interesting betweenthe real XS Max, the fake one,and the differences.So at the bottom, you canimmediately tell there isan antenna on the real onecompared to the fake onewhere there is nothing.And then when you goto Maps, this is crazy.What is this?When I go to Maps here, it'sjust regular Apple Maps.If you just click the Mapsapp, it should take youto regular Maps and not something,I think that's in Mandarin?I don't know, let me know in the commentsif you guys know better.Obviously another thing is the App Store.Sometimes it's cloned really well,other times it just sucks,it leads to the Play Store.I gotta give it to it, the AppStore doesn't look that bad.What do you guys think?Just kidding, we got a Facebook popup.I think we know what theanswer is there, am I right?Let's exit out of it.So let's check out FindMy Friends and see whatthis looks like.Powered by amap.com.So that seems to be theGPS and map provider onthe fake phone compared to thereal one, which uses iCloud,so you can obviously sign in there.Just swiping up doesnot feel natural at all.See what we're at for battery percent.14%, we're just fully going here.Gassin' it completely from100 down to zero and empty.This phone probablywill never charge again,so let's enjoy it while it lasts.So normally I would tryto watch a YouTube videoon a fake phone compared to a real phone,see how the screen is.Camera looks pretty good,but I'm just gonna see ifthe YouTube app works on here.This app isn't compatible with your phone.I can't even watch a YouTube video,so I'm just gonna do thaton the XS Max and seehow good it looks, 'cause why not, right?Let's see what the TechSmarttgiveaway video looks like.I'm giving away four iPhone XSMaxes in gold so if you guyswant to check that out forthree million subscribers.Thank you so much, by the way.We're almost there.Definitely do that, link downbelow or up in the eye card.Crazy stuff, here we go.Will YouTube even load?This phone's gettin' so hot.Don't even know what browserthis thing's running.It's lagging ridiculously hard.I got both giveaway videosqueued up right here.No ad on the fake one.Kinda likin' that.I can't full screen it,it's that fake of a phone.It doesn't look all that bad.On the real one obviouslyit looks much more crisp.6.5 inch OLED screen,that's amazing on the XS.I don't think you canlook at colors fully.Just try to see if youcan get the YouTube app.Basically, I think you guyscan fully tell what makesthe phone real and what makes it fake.It's laggin' a whole lothere, and that's kinda whatmakes it a fake phone, andyou can't even charge it.So as long as you can chargeit and download YouTubeand the camera doesn't look that crappy,I think you're in good shape.So this is something kindof interesting to note,and actually, bring yourlaptop to the Craigslistor wherever you're doing this deal,basically plug the phone into a computer,because this is gonna bea dead giveaway if it'sa fake phone or if it's not.When I plug it in, youguys can see it saysdo you want to trust this computer?It says trust or mistrust.It actually should saytrust or don't trust,and that would be shown onthe real XS Max if you wereto plug it in to a computer.So while the regular Fortniteis downloading on the realiPhone XS Max I actuallyfound a Fortnit Battle 3Din whatever app store this is.I don't even think it'sthe Google Play Store.It's some own version andI had to plug it in again.This phone is starting to die.So graphics don't look, yep,they look actually pretty bad.It says Fortnite BattleRoyale and has a prettyhigh res icon at the bottom.What? It looks like a bootleg version.It looks really good.It looks like low res graphicsto make you not believethat it has high res graphics.So it looks like there'sa fake Fortnite game.There's no way to reallycancel out of that,so if Fortnite doesn't really existand take a long time to download,kinda like you see here,it's two gigabytes, that'sdefinitely a good signthat your phone is probably fake.As sad as that is, it's true.It's a fun game, you might seeme on there just TechSmartt,but man, does this gametake forever to download.I guess that's a good thing.So Fortnite finally loaded up.We're gonna hit play.Fortnite just looks toogood on the iPhone XS Max.Time to see if we can get some kills.We're getting ready to drop.We're gonna go whereeveryone else is going,see if we can get a kill.Definitely looks likeit's pretty good quality.I would say it probablylooks as good as pretty muchany other display with good graphics.No way, no way, I got akill with my pickaxe, Ben.Whoa, no, well, I gota kill with my pickaxe.So as you guys can see, Igot one kill on Fortniteon the XS Max.I had a lot of fun,graphics look really good.I definitely think graphicson the new XS and XS Maxare gonna look amazing withthe new A12 Bionic chip.That's definitely newthis year for the iPhones.So between the real versusthe fake, outside of this oneneeding to be plugged in toa computer because it's stillpretty hot and it looksreally ridiculously fake,you're gonna be able to telljust by plugging this thing in,looking at the settings, andhonestly messing around with itfor about five minutes which phone is fakeand which one is real.But that's it for this video.If you guys are new, makesure you hit subscribeby clicking that button rightdown there and check outtwo other videos rightover here of a drop testand water test on thebrand new XS and XS Max.It's crazy, you guys aredefinitely gonna be surprised.That's gonna do it, andI'll see you guys next time.Peace.- Thanks for watching.\n"