I'm behind the cop, he's got his lights on now, something terrible has happened, there are so many there right now. I just didn't really want to step up and yell "Holy Cow!" they probably did all that, yes, holy yeah, wonderful everybody did a great job, you know, all the police, firemen, EMTs, um, they got her out pretty quick, she looked bad, but more so, I think she was probably just upset and shocked and didn't know what was going on as opposed to being like severely injured, but so I'm sure she's going to be fine at the hospital later on. But everybody did a great job, accident got cleaned up pretty quick, and there you can kind of see how the whole process works, that's the first time I ever saw um an accident happen believe it or not, I do a lot of driving and I mean I've seen minor things but never something like that, and I was literally right there with this car on its roof. So that's it.
Well, seeing as though it is 6:30 right now, and I have to edit and upload this video, I don't think I'm going to have time to do what I wanted to do with the Little Red Corvette over here, um it's not, it would probably take me like 2 hours, but then it will be nighttime, shitty lighting, and I think we'll just do it tomorrow. However, I will however end the video with a little Mail Time segment because we have not done one in a while, and we have some interesting looking packages right here. So, let's see what we have.
Street speed 717, that's me, and this is from decant minimalist, decent minimalist designs Eric Moon. It says hi Mike, I make these cool metal wallets custom made out of metal, and it says Street speed 717 Harrisburg, PA. If you guys want to check them out, I will put their website up on the screen, it's oh an American flag or leave it, I think. That was a good guess, love it or leave it, damn now this is awesome, this is an American flag made out of guns, very appropriate.
I did not see a note in these bags at least I don't think so, nope, so thank you to whoever sent these uh from Teespring, from the Drone guy oh, it is in fact a Z06 Hot Wheels, a red one now, I have yellow ones now, I have a red one to match this car. Mike, sure you have one of these anyway, I don't know what his company does says drone guy ariel.com, I don't know what his company does, check them out.
That's about it for this uh video, sorry that we didn't get to the C4 project, it's a really fun project, you guys will love it coming tomorrow but I did not plan on that accident happening and it made me really late took a lot longer than I thought it was going to take too so I hope that you enjoyed if you did give it a big thumbs up if you are stopping in for the first time please subscribe, take care, have a great day. I'm here in my garage with all my knowledge.
I already made this shirt into a cut off but um, I just wanted to say I got an update from somebody who I knew that I ran into at the accident which is kind of funny and I'll link the news article down below but I got an update from the person saying she was of course taken to the hospital um she has some severe injuries but nothing life-threatening she's okay in stable conditions so that's good, um the people that she hit they're okay three people were taken to the hospital in that car the little Honda up there that I don't even know if it's shown in the video but um her dog was okay too she was traveling with the dog and the dog is totally fine.
So um but I did hear that she was texting and driving, distracted driving, um you know her car started to go off the side of the road rather than correcting the right way, she overcorrected, you know probably not the best driver didn't know how to handle the situation, ended up causing a terrible accident from something that wasn't that big of a deal. So, uh the lesson here is don't text and drive, don't drive distracted um pay attention to what you're doing because you could hurt yourself or hurt somebody else. I mean this was a little thing that turned into her Crossing the median crossing the grass area and flipping over hitting another car sending other people to the hospital, I mean it's just a total mess.
So you driving it's not a joke so just that's the lesson for today.