The RX 6800 is around 8.5% faster in terms of average FPS when compared to the RTX 3070 Ti in these 17 games at the lower 1080p resolution. Nvidia card was faster in 4 of the 17 titles, while many more only had very minor differences between the two, but for most part the 6800 was coming out on top.
Stepping up to 1440p and the 6800 is still ahead with a little less than an 8% lead. The 3070 Ti is doing a little better on a small selection of games, but for most part the 6800 is still ahead, however some of its gains are reduced which is why the average difference has dropped back a little.
The 3070 Ti starts making a comeback at 4K, now 7 games of the 17 tested are reaching higher average FPS with the 3070 Ti. The 6800 still has the lead in most games, on average it's 3% ahead, so a small difference on average, but some of the games that seem to favor AMD are still able to get some nice gains on the 6800.
If we assume MSRP, the RX 6800 is offering better value in terms of cost per frame, because it’s meant to cost less and generally performs better, however this doesn’t reflect the real world. The actual price of the 6800 is much higher due to supply issues, as you can see with the links in the description, and although I’m making this video before the end of the 3070 Ti embargo, I’m sure those will cost way more too, making this comparison basically useless, hopefully it will be useful in future if things ever settle down, but for now let’s ignore this and move on.
Now let’s check out the differences in content creator workloads, it’s not all just about gaming! I’ve tested DaVinci Resolve with the Puget Systems benchmark, and the 3070 Ti is scoring 5% above the 6800, so not that big of a difference, but as you’ll see, unlike gaming, generally Nvidia is ahead for content creation. The gap was much bigger in Adobe Premiere, again the 3070 Ti was ahead but with almost an 18% higher score.
In terms of power draw the 3070 Ti system was drawing 13% more power from the wall in Control at 4K, and although the 3070 Ti was winning here by reaching a 5% higher average frame rate, it’s only around a 2 FPS lead, so the 3070 Ti appears to be using more power just to do a little better, at least in this particular game.
Speaking of Control, that is also a game that supports DLSS, a feature that’s currently only available on Nvidia's RTX graphics cards. Although AMD does have FSR coming on the 22nd of June, it’s not yet clear which games will support that, so although finally AMD are going to have an interesting DLSS competitor, the fact is today DLSS does have the lead in terms of adoption simple because it’s been around longer, and that’s really the only saving feature of the 3070 Ti compared to the 6800, because otherwise in most games the 6800 is performing better, all while meant to be coming in at a lower price, though as discussed that may not end up being the case.
In reality you might be happy just to get your hands on either one of these graphics cards, which is just the depressing state of the market at the moment. If you are after an Nvidia option, perhaps for ray tracing or DLSS support, personally I’d suggest looking into the 3080 over the 3070 Ti. As I showed in yesterday’s video over here, the performance increase on offer from the 3080 definitely seems worthwhile, so come over and check out that video next if you want to see how well the 3070 Ti stacks up against Nvidia’s own lineup, and of course if you’re new to the channel then don’t forget to subscribe for future GPU comparisons like this one.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enNvidia’s new RTX 3070 Ti graphics card ishere, but how does it compare against thecheaper RX 6800 from AMD?I’ve compared both graphics cards in 17different games at 3 different resolutionsto show you what the differences are.Let’s start with the differences in specs,the first obvious difference is that the 6800has double the VRAM capacity compared to the3070 Ti, though the GDDR6X memory in the Nvidiaoption is faster.I’ve chosen to do this comparison becausein terms of MSRP at least, the 3070 Ti ismeant to be just $20 more than the 6800, butas we all know availability is scarce andprices are useless at the moment.I’ve just used this as a guide as a similarMSRP means both Nvidia and AMD see these ascompeting options.This is the system that I’m using to testall three GPUs in, so AMD Ryzen 9 5900X CPUand 32 gigs of DDR4-3200 memory are the keyspecs.I’ve used MSI’s B550 Tomahawk motherboardand resizable BAR was enabled on both cards.Just before we get into those game benchmarks,I’ve got to thank this video’s sponsorNewegg.Newegg have their 7th annual FantasTech salerunning from the 21st of June, however thepresale event is running from June 14th throughJune 20th, so you can lock in those lowerprices ASAP.This is their biggest sale of the year, withsavings on PC hardware, laptops and more.Newegg ships internationally to 20 differentcountries around the world, and I personallybuy from them all the time, as more oftenthan not, even with international shippingthey end up being cheaper than if I were tobuy locally here in Australia.Check out the sponsored link in the videodescription to get informed when the salegoes live so that you don’t miss out onany of those deals.Alright, back to the graphics card comparison,we’ll start out with gaming, followed bythings like power draw, content creator workloadsand pricing and availability, or lack thereof,afterwards, or you can time travel to whicheverpart you care about with those timestampsbelow.Cyberpunk 2077 was tested in little chinawith the street kid life path.I’ve got the 1080p results down the bottom,1440p results in the middle, and 4K up thetop.The 6800 was reaching higher average FPS regardlessof resolution.I’ve only tested with ray tracing off here,but it’s worth noting that Nvidia also hasDLSS support which AMD currently does nothave in this specific game, though their FSRis meant to launch later this month.Assassin’s Creed Valhalla was tested withthe games benchmark, and this game heavilyfavors Radeon graphics.The 6800 was reaching 38% higher average FPScompared to the 3070 Ti at 1080p, 32% higherat 1440p, then 15% higher at 4K and righton 60 FPS.Red Dead Redemption 2 was also tested usingthe games benchmark.This time the 3070 Ti was ahead of the 6800in all three resolutions, and the gap is largestat 4K, where the 3070 Ti was reaching around9% higher average FPS compared to the 6800.Borderlands 3 was tested with the games benchmark,and this is another title that tends to favorRadeon graphics, so not surprising to seeit taking the lead this time around.Again above 60 FPS was possible at 4K in thistest, putting the 6800 17% ahead of the 3070Ti, the biggest difference at this resolutionout of all 17 titles tested.Even the 1% lows from the 6800 were beatingthe average frame rates from the 3070 Ti regardlessof resolution.Control on the other hand tends to favor Nvidia,and I’ve tested it with and without raytracing, let’s start with ray tracing off.Although the 6800 was just slightly aheadwith a 2% lead in terms of average FPS at1080p, the 3070 Ti had a much larger 16% boostin the 1% low, so a more consistent experience.Otherwise the 3070 Ti was ahead in terms ofboth average FPS and 1% lows at higher resolutions,however it’s just a 1 to 2 FPS differencefor the averages.There’s a much bigger difference when itcomes to ray tracing.The 3070 Ti is now 26% ahead of the 6800 at1080p, 27% ahead at 1440p, but then about10% ahead at 4K, or as we can see here justa 2 FPS difference.Realistically I wouldn’t be playing on eitherof these graphics cards at 4K with ray tracingat 20 FPS so that result doesn’t reallymatter.Nvidia clearly has the lead here as this gamewas basically made with Nvidia’s ray tracingin mind, and of course we also have the optionof DLSS which offers a further speed boostto Nvidia options, as shown in the green bars.Again AMD has FSR coming soon, but you can’targue that Nvidia’s DLSS is more widelyavailable today in mid 2021.Call of Duty Warzone on the other hand hadone of the bigger differences in favor ofthe 6800, reaching 18% higher average FPSwhen compared to the 3070 Ti at 1080p, 7%higher at 1440p, and 9% ahead at 4K, grantedthere may be some inconsistencies in thistest compared to other games tested.It’s a battle royale style game, so it’salways going to be subject to what other playersare actually doing in the game to some degree.Fortnite typically favors Nvidia, and thatwas the case in my testing.Both graphics cards were tested with the exactsame replay file, and the 3070 Ti is winningboth for average FPS and 1% lows.The 1% low in particular at 1080p had a massive40% gain with the 3070 Ti, while average FPSwas 9% ahead, so still a reasonable differencebut that big 1% low difference means morestable gameplay for Nvidia in this one, thoughthe 1% low changes get much smaller comparativelyat higher resolutions.Microsoft Flight Simulator was tested in theSydney landing challenge, and generally theresults were quite close but could go oneway or the other depending on resolution.Both are basically the same at 1080p, the6800 is doing better at 1440p, however the3070 Ti was then ahead in average FPS at 4K.I’ll just briefly skip through the resultsfor the other 8 games that I’ve tested,I’ve talked through 9 titles already thatwere either mostly in favor of Nvidia or AMDto illustrate that results can really dependon the game and the resolution.In comparison the rest of these games generallysaw smaller differences for the most part,feel free to pause for a closer look, fornow let’s check out the average differencesat all three resolutions next.On average the RX 6800 is around 8.5% fasterin terms of average FPS when compared to theRTX 3070 Ti in these 17 games at the lower1080p resolution.The Nvidia card was faster in 4 of the 17titles, while many more only had very minordifferences between the two, but for the mostpart the 6800 was coming out on top.Stepping up to 1440p and the 6800 is stillahead with a little less than an 8% lead.The 3070 Ti is doing a little better on asmall selection of games, but for the mostpart the 6800 is still ahead, however someof its gains are reduced which is why theaverage difference has dropped back a little.The 3070 Ti starts making a comeback at 4K,now 7 games of the 17 tested are reachinghigher average FPS with the 3070 Ti.The 6800 still has the lead in most games,on average it's 3% ahead, so a small differenceon average, but some of the games that seemto favor AMD are still able to get some nicegains on the 6800.If we assume MSRP, the RX 6800 is offeringbetter value in terms of cost per frame, becauseit’s meant to cost less and generally performsbetter, however this doesn’t reflect thereal world.The actual price of the 6800 is much higherdue to supply issues, as you can see withthe links in the description, and althoughI’m making this video before the end ofthe 3070 Ti embargo, I’m sure those willcost way more too, making this comparisonbasically useless, hopefully it will be usefulin future if things ever settle down, butfor now let’s ignore this and move on.Now let’s check out the differences in contentcreator workloads, it’s not all just aboutgaming!I’ve tested DaVinci Resolve with the PugetSystems benchmark, and the 3070 Ti is scoring5% above the 6800, so not that big of a difference,but as you’ll see, unlike gaming, generallyNvidia is ahead for content creation.The gap was much bigger in Adobe Premiere,again the 3070 Ti was ahead but with almostan 18% higher score.I’m guessing many of these sorts of softwaresuites have just been better optimized forNvidia over time.In terms of power draw the 3070 Ti systemwas drawing 13% more power from the wall inControl at 4K, and although the 3070 Ti waswinning here by reaching a 5% higher averageframe rate, it’s only around a 2 FPS lead,so the 3070 Ti appears to be using more powerjust to do a little better, at least in thisparticular game.Speaking of Control, that is also a game thatsupports DLSS, a feature that’s currentlyonly available on Nvidia’s RTX graphicscards.Although AMD does have FSR coming on the 22ndof June, it’s not yet clear which gameswill support that, so although finally AMDare going to have an interesting DLSS competitor,the fact is today DLSS does have the leadin terms of adoption simple because it’sbeen around longer, and that’s really theonly saving feature of the 3070 Ti comparedto the 6800, because otherwise in most gamesthe 6800 is performing better, all while meantto be coming in at a lower price, though asdiscussed that may not end up being the case.In reality you might be happy just to getyour hands on either one of these graphicscards, which is just the depressing stateof the market at the moment.If you are after an Nvidia option, perhapsfor ray tracing or DLSS support, personallyI’d suggest looking into the 3080 over the3070 Ti.As I showed in yesterday’s video over here,the performance increase on offer from the3080 definitely seems worthwhile, so comeover and check out that video next if youwant to see how well the 3070 Ti stacks upagainst Nvidia’s own lineup, and of courseif you’re new to the channel then don’tforget to subscribe for future GPU comparisonslike this one.\n"