**Hype is About What All the F is**

It's about what all the f is abouthype is about what all the f is abouthype is about what all the f is aboutabout Stephen King because everyone thatabout Stephen King because everyone thatabout Stephen King because everyone thatI know that likes horror books love stepI know that likes horror books love stepI know that likes horror books love stepKing I know he's like the King of horrorKing I know he's like the King of horrorKing I know he's like the King of horrorbooks ha this also was his first book Ibooks ha this also was his first book Ibooks ha this also was his first book Ibelieve and it has been adapted twobelieve and it has been adapted twobelieve and it has been adapted twoseparate times since It's been adaptedseparate times since It's been adaptedseparate times since It's been adaptedtwice I have quite High Hopes for it ittwice I have quite High Hopes for it ittwice I have quite High Hopes for it italso is short with large font which myalso is short with large font which myalso is short with large font which myfavorite combination This is about afavorite combination This is about afavorite combination This is about ateenage girl named carry Who is bullied ateenage girl named carry Who is bullied ateenage girl named carry Who is bullied alot in School and she discovers Shelot in School and she discovers Shelot in School and she discovers Shecan move things with her mind so It's acan move things with her mind so It's acan move things with her mind so It's ahorror book I'm expecting that she'll dohorror book I'm expecting that she'll dohorror book I'm expecting that she'll dothings to the people who Were picking onthings to the people who Were picking onthings to the people who Were picking onhere then I want to read mini shopaholichere then I want to read mini shopaholichere then I want to read mini shopaholicby Sophie kella It's been a while sinceby Sophie kella It's been a while sinceby Sophie kella It's been a while sincei've read a Sophie canella book a couplei've read a Sophie canella book a couplei've read a Sophie canella book a coupleof months and I am ready to get back toof months and I am ready to get back toof months and I am ready to get back toher humorous and witty and just girlyher humorous and witty and just girlyher humorous and witty and just girlywriting i always read these books reallywriting i always read these books reallywriting i always read these books reallyquickly and I will be traveling a lot inquickly and I will be traveling a lot inquickly and I will be traveling a lot inSeptember so I think maybe when I'm on aSeptember so I think maybe when I'm on aSeptember so I think maybe when I'm on abus or after a day of School orbus or after a day of School orbus or after a day of School orsomething like that I can Just sit downsomething like that I can Just sit downsomething like that I can Just sit downand read this book and have a great Timeand read this book and have a great Timeand read this book and have a great Timeand the last book on my tbr is theand the last book on my tbr is theIndigo spell By rochelle Me the thirdIndigo spell By rochelle Me the thirdIndigo spell By rochelle Me the thirdbook in the bloodline Series i read thebook in the bloodline Series i read thebook in the bloodline Series i read thefirst two books so quickly and I lovedfirst two books so quickly and I lovedfirst two books so quickly and I lovedthem so much Sydney and adrien I lovethem so much Sydney and adrien I lovethem so much Sydney and adrien I loveand I need some more I need my next doseand I need some more I need my next doseand I need some more I need my next doseof cyri i cannot wait to delve Into thisof cyri i cannot wait to delve Into thisBook so those are the books on myBook so those are the books on myBook so those are the books on mySeptember tbr I hope you all enjoyedSeptember tbr I hope you all enjoyedSeptember tbr I hope you all enjoyedleave down below What your September tbrleave down below What your September tbris and I'll talk to you later bye

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enHey YouTube It's Zoe or read by Zoe andHey YouTube It's Zoe or read by Zoe andHey YouTube It's Zoe or read by Zoe andtoday I'm going to Share with you all mytoday I'm going to Share with you all mytoday I'm going to Share with you all mySeptember tbr September is going to beSeptember tbr September is going to beSeptember tbr September is going to bethe first full month that I'm going tothe first full month that I'm going tothe first full month that I'm going tobe studying abroad in London so I didn'tbe studying abroad in London so I didn'tbe studying abroad in London so I didn'twant to set my tbr too High because I'mwant to set my tbr too High because I'mwant to set my tbr too High because I'mgoing to be getting used to London andgoing to be getting used to London andgoing to be getting used to London andI'm going to be traveling a lot with myI'm going to be traveling a lot with myI'm going to be traveling a lot with myGroup and Just a lot of things are goingGroup and Just a lot of things are goingGroup and Just a lot of things are goingto happen so I didn't want to set my tbrto happen so I didn't want to set my tbrto happen so I didn't want to set my tbrat like 20 books and only read Two andat like 20 books and only read Two andat like 20 books and only read Two andbe disappointed in Myself so I pickedbe disappointed in Myself so I pickedbe disappointed in Myself so I pickedsix books from the books that I'm going to besix books from the books that I'm going to besix books from the books that I'm going to bebringing abroad I'll leave thatbringing abroad I'll leave thatbringing abroad I'll leave thatvideo down below i Share with you allvideo down below i Share with you allvideo down below i Share with you allall the books that I'm going to beall the books that I'm going to beall the books that I'm going to bebringing from my room my bookshelf tobringing from my room my bookshelf tobringing from my room my bookshelf toLondon If you want to check that out theLondon If you want to check that out theLondon If you want to check that out thefirst book on my tbr Is The Night circusfirst book on my tbr Is The Night circusfirst book on my tbr Is The Night circusby Aaron Morgan stern i mentioned thisby Aaron Morgan stern i mentioned thisby Aaron Morgan stern i mentioned thisin my august wrap up Just because notin my august wrap up Just because notin my august wrap up Just because notsure when I'm going to Finish it I amsure when I'm going to Finish it I amsure when I'm going to Finish it I amOnly like 78 pages Into the book so I'mOnly like 78 pages Into the book so I'mOnly like 78 pages Into the book so I'mnot sure if I'm going to Finish it at thenot sure if I'm going to Finish it at thenot sure if I'm going to Finish it at theend of August or early Septemberend of August or early Septemberend of August or early SeptemberThere's Magic there Mystery There's ROMThere's Magic there Mystery There's ROMThere's Magic there Mystery There's ROMThere's the early not early the lateThere's the early not early the lateThere's the early not early the late1800s and the early 1900s That's When1800s and the early 1900s That's When1800s and the early 1900s That's Whenthe time is in this book so It's All ofthe time is in this book so It's All ofthe time is in this book so It's All ofmy favorite things and the writing ismy favorite things and the writing ismy favorite things and the writing isbeautiful It's very descriptive so ifbeautiful It's very descriptive so ifbeautiful It's very descriptive so ifYou're not Into that then you Might notYou're not Into that then you Might notYou're not Into that then you Might notlike the writing Style of this book butlike the writing Style of this book butlike the writing Style of this book butI love all the description it reallyI love all the description it reallyI love all the description it reallythrows you Into the book the next bookthrows you Into the book the next bookthrows you Into the book the next bookon my tbr is the son of neptune by Rickon my tbr is the son of neptune by Rickon my tbr is the son of neptune by Rickry which has been on my tbr Forever It'sry which has been on my tbr Forever It'sry which has been on my tbr Forever It'sthe second book in the Heroes of Olympusthe second book in the Heroes of Olympusthe second book in the Heroes of Olympusseries I really like it so far I don'tseries I really like it so far I don'tseries I really like it so far I don'teven know what page on Anymore becauseeven know what page on Anymore becauseeven know what page on Anymore becauseyou know I don't have the bookmark inyou know I don't have the bookmark inyou know I don't have the bookmark inhere Anymore I just need to Finish it Ihere Anymore I just need to Finish it Ihere Anymore I just need to Finish it Iknow that in my last tbr video I wasknow that in my last tbr video I wasknow that in my last tbr video I waslike I will Finish it this month did notlike I will Finish it this month did notlike I will Finish it this month did nothappen didn't even pick It Up Oncehappen didn't even pick It Up Oncehappen didn't even pick It Up Oncedidn't read One page of it one Word ofdidn't read One page of it one Word ofdidn't read One page of it one Word ofit the third book on my tbr is Just oneit the third book on my tbr is Just oneit the third book on my tbr is Just oneyear by gil Forman This is a sequel toyear by gil Forman This is a sequel toyear by gil Forman This is a sequel toJust One day and It's supposed to answerJust One day and It's supposed to answerJust One day and It's supposed to answera lot of the questions that Were lefta lot of the questions that Were lefta lot of the questions that Were leftunanswered at the end of Just One day Theunanswered at the end of Just One day Theunanswered at the end of Just One day TheEnd Of Just One day was reallyEnd Of Just One day was reallyEnd Of Just One day was reallyabrupt and I was really confused This isabrupt and I was really confused This isabrupt and I was really confused This isfrom Williams perspective and he was afrom Williams perspective and he was afrom Williams perspective and he was aLove interest in Just One day I thinkLove interest in Just One day I thinkLove interest in Just One day I thinkthis takes Place over the same timethis takes Place over the same timethis takes Place over the same timeperiod as Just One day You Really Don'tperiod as Just One day You Really Don'tperiod as Just One day You Really Don'tlearn a lot about Willam in the firstlearn a lot about Willam in the firstlearn a lot about Willam in the firstbook so I'm very interested to see morebook so I'm very interested to see morebook so I'm very interested to see moreof his personality And what Went down inof his personality And what Went down inof his personality And what Went down inJust One day the next book on my tbr isJust One day the next book on my tbr isJust One day the next book on my tbr iscarried by Stephen King This is the firstcarried by Stephen King This is the firstcarried by Stephen King This is the firstStephen King book that i've ever pickedStephen King book that i've ever pickedStephen King book that i've ever pickedup and I really want to see What all theup and I really want to see What all theup and I really want to see What all thehype is about what all the f is abouthype is about what all the f is abouthype is about what all the f is aboutabout Stephen King because everyone thatabout Stephen King because everyone thatabout Stephen King because everyone thatI know that likes horror books love stepI know that likes horror books love stepI know that likes horror books love stepKing I know he's like the King of horrorKing I know he's like the King of horrorKing I know he's like the King of horrorbooks ha this also was his first book Ibooks ha this also was his first book Ibooks ha this also was his first book Ibelieve and it has been adapted twobelieve and it has been adapted twobelieve and it has been adapted twoseparate times since It's been adaptedseparate times since It's been adaptedseparate times since It's been adaptedtwice I have quite High Hopes for it ittwice I have quite High Hopes for it ittwice I have quite High Hopes for it italso is short with large font which myalso is short with large font which myalso is short with large font which myfavorite combination This is about afavorite combination This is about afavorite combination This is about ateenage girl named carry Who is bullied ateenage girl named carry Who is bullied ateenage girl named carry Who is bullied alot in School and she discovers Shelot in School and she discovers Shelot in School and she discovers Shecan move things with her mind so It's acan move things with her mind so It's acan move things with her mind so It's ahorror book I'm expecting that she'll dohorror book I'm expecting that she'll dohorror book I'm expecting that she'll dothings to the people who Were picking onthings to the people who Were picking onthings to the people who Were picking onhere then I want to read mini shopaholichere then I want to read mini shopaholichere then I want to read mini shopaholicby Sophie kella It's been a while sinceby Sophie kella It's been a while sinceby Sophie kella It's been a while sincei've read a Sophie canella book a couplei've read a Sophie canella book a couplei've read a Sophie canella book a coupleof months and I am ready to get back toof months and I am ready to get back toof months and I am ready to get back toher humorous and witty and just girlyher humorous and witty and just girlyher humorous and witty and just girlywriting i always read these books reallywriting i always read these books reallywriting i always read these books reallyquickly and I will be traveling a lot inquickly and I will be traveling a lot inquickly and I will be traveling a lot inSeptember so I think maybe when I'm on aSeptember so I think maybe when I'm on aSeptember so I think maybe when I'm on abus or after a day of School orbus or after a day of School orbus or after a day of School orsomething like that I can Just sit downsomething like that I can Just sit downsomething like that I can Just sit downand read this book and have a great Timeand read this book and have a great Timeand read this book and have a great Timeand the last book on my tbr is theand the last book on my tbr is theand the last book on my tbr is theIndigo spell By rochelle Me the thirdIndigo spell By rochelle Me the thirdIndigo spell By rochelle Me the thirdbook in the bloodline Series i read thebook in the bloodline Series i read thebook in the bloodline Series i read thefirst two books so quickly and I lovedfirst two books so quickly and I lovedfirst two books so quickly and I lovedthem so much Sydney and adrien I lovethem so much Sydney and adrien I lovethem so much Sydney and adrien I loveand I need some more I need my next doseand I need some more I need my next doseand I need some more I need my next doseof cyri i cannot wait to delve Into thisof cyri i cannot wait to delve Into thisof cyri i cannot wait to delve Into thisBook so those are the books on myBook so those are the books on myBook so those are the books on mySeptember tbr I hope you all enjoyedSeptember tbr I hope you all enjoyedSeptember tbr I hope you all enjoyedleave down below What your September tbrleave down below What your September tbrleave down below What your September tbris and I'll talk to you later bye\n"