The Verge Cast: A Week of Chaos and Laughter
We got to the theater and uh the EA logo splashed up on the screen as if you were playing a video game and everybody just started cracking up. Wait what happened, you're in the theater, you know how like it shows all the studios no science that's it. That was the week of March 10th from our family to yours. Don't use natural gas no, you're not ending this. You don't get to say when it ends, just you got a cowboy hat on, you're in control. You're not in control, do you feel in control, a little bit? No, you're not that's the Verge cast for this week.
I'd like to thank Katie and TC for being on it, it was great always a great time. Sorry guys, you know what it's all you guys want to talk about Gary, real quick before we start off, what's going on with my hair right now? It's not good, it's doing some really funky stuff. It's not good sweating I think we're upsetting Billy and John are producers. Oh yeah, they thought this was such a hot thing before we started, they're like "it's so great, we love the Verge cast." What do you think about the Verge cast now guys? How you feeling about it huh? That's what I thought. Can we talk about hat technology? No, we got to wrap up that's the First cast for this week.
Very sorry by the way, very sorry about what it seemed like to you. Uh, I assure you that there is some audience for this, you just weren't into it. Probably um if you want to reach out to us and send us a message about how much you disliked what we did today, you can email us at You can uh you can leave a comment on the post when it goes up or the one that has gone up. Can drop something into the forums in the forums on The Verge um please don't do this. You're doing this, I hope you don't have lice that's all I have to say and uh sweaty so sweaty it's so sweaty in here, this is so disgusting.
And yet, I do actually think this is kind of a good, that's the best you've ever looked, it's kind of a fresh look. I've known you for three years, that's the best you've ever looked, I'm not going to lie to you but this may become my thing, I'm going to be like the guy oh the like Josh Tulsky the guy who wears the cowboy hat like yep that's me uh anyhow by the way this solves my hair problem completely. I guess like bald dudes are super into hats right they're like hey check it out I got a thing going on up here, it's not hair but it's a thing.
That's the Verge cast you can email us at You can uh uh leave a comment you can throw someone to forums uh you can find us on Twitter The Verge is The Verge. I'm Joshua Tulsky, TC is laughing stoic don't say it totally garbage garbage, Twitter name Katie Drummond is Katie drum with two M because she doesn't know how to spell drum properly um because she can't spelled drum in Canada that's how they spell it with two M's uh and uh and uh.
That's it. That's it for this Verge cast and uh could be it for every Verge cast ever frankly somebody just said best Verge cast ever yeah so he just tweeted that at me it was probably my dad it wasn't oh really is your dad named um Henrik Jansson no well then I guess it wasn't your dad. Let's that's that's that's it for this Verge cast and uh really we're not going to talk about Gary okay what would you like to say next week we'll talk about it because by then there will be no Trish Neer just did a new image can we get can we get this image up I don't know how she's turning these around so quickly can we just get the new image that she did for us up, it's of me it's very good very good stuff and it looks a lot like what you're looking at right now.
You guys are too slow yeah look at my feed there it is it's disturbing isn't it it's like a fedora though people really are liking the Hat all right.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhey and welcome to the vergecast for the week of March 10th 2014 I'm Josh chulski I'm TC sodic and this is my third week in captivity please help and I'm Katie yeah Katie good old TC and Katie my two favorite people to do The Verge cast with I look like uh there's an oil an oil uh spill on my head with this hair with my hair it's getting really long it is getting long here's the question how long will it get pigtails long I'm thinking mini Pony yeah I'm saying like like Jared Leto I want to have like a Jared Leto style hair situation his hair is very long I'll never be as beautiful as Jared Leto but I can have long hair like him I want to be like he looks like a beautiful horse running through the fields of like no like a tiny little pony like a pony like a beautiful like a beautiful Pony yeah I think oh we're drinking again look look at him he's a beautiful man with a beautiful head of hair I need to get some highlights he really nice bone struck he looks like gas Baltar from long hair he really does let's have a let's have a little clink of the old cheers yeah cheers Che what do they say Canada when you cheers cheers sorry yeah sorry sorry our glasses touched sorry this is such an aggressive action I didn't mean to please please forgive this please forgive this intrusion on your personal space someone asked me to wear this hat today who's someone who's that someone special lady in your life a special someone in your life special lady maybe special dude special Broham I mean I'm not judging I'm you know whatever is I'm cool with whatever I think it's baruman baruman he just tweeted oh so glad you're a cowboy I'm an urban cowboy Oh yeah check it out should wear my boots today tried to bring my bolo tie but I couldn't this is The Verge cast this is The Verge cast man that's it it is what did you guys want to talk about today um well there's a lot to talk about I think right yeah what were we talking about just before we started rolling I was talking about I was talking about how I wanted to murder TC and I was saying he was like please kill me that's what I mean he wasn't like and I don't think he was joking it was like I'm ready to be done with life I've had it why and then um and I was saying how amazing it would be if I killed him live for real on the vergecast like that would be one that'd be a podcast you'd never forget we have a spear in that would be really easy to convict too we have a giant spear unless it could be there was some that's like on The Good Wife you know do you watch The Good Wife that's like on The Good Wife there would be a scene there's like you killed him on the ver on The Verge cast and there's like there's video 20,000 people a million people watch it it's 20,000 by the way don't worry it's not a ion but it would be like the wedge cast or something something like that right and then it be live but then like The Good Wife would be like wait a second that knife wasn't even his and like his hand is like look they' been edited or something and then and then she'd make out with her with Will hey spoiler alert okay maybe no they make out they do oh I haven't seen that and heavy I haven't seen it yet they do everything spoiler and they show it on CBS which I thought was shocking I need to catch up I'm still watching scandals W full full frontal nudity really what what are we looking at here what is this a clip just a random clip from the a trailer for The Good Wife John show the nudity it's such a good show though every one the it's incredible it's unbelievable it's on CBS a network known for several horrible horrible programs I hear it's better than house of cards I actually think look House of Cards is very good I think some of it Strays into a level of um incredulous you know n yeah that is pretty I find it a little bit sort of meander Meander is I think well that's not my main issue with it when he kills the president it just goes way over the top spoiler alert spoiler alert no but but that's the thing about House of Cards like that could happen on that show and they'd be like yeah that's a totally reasonable plot Point Frank Underwood puts ryson in his stev It's Kind like it's kind of like Homeland multiple shows alert I I hope by the way I hope you're not watching this vergecast for any information about anything or any real conversation important opinions though so Katie we were talking about your haircut you said you get your haircut by a woman named Laticia yes at uh in Brooklyn Heights and and I was like oh you're wearing a Brooklyn you go to like you're like showing off your Brooklyn street cred yeah um and Brooklyn Nets I went to one game a year and a half ago how was it it I love the Nets yeah me too I'm a big fan I have their t-shirts you see Jay-Z no Jay-Z was not there he's at every every every game it was for Carl's birthday does he like the Nets no we just decided together that we were going to like the Nets and so we both bought t-shirts well they're awesome they're they're all like have all black uniforms they're in Brooklyn they just seem really cool they all listen to um I'm trying to Deer Huff or whatever I don't know what excuse me they're all I'm trying to think of a band they're all really into um interpole like I don't know what's a cool I don't know my references are all off I I have not been sleeping a lot what's a cool band now that everybody's like it's like Indie but they're cool the national no doubt now the National's like really popular yeah they're too popular but they actually I think they played at the at the bar oh they did but I didn't go cuz I was like I'm not going to see them at barlay I got to say something about the national I I really have a new well it's too big a venue I have a agree not intimate enough for because you're into that intimate Indie Vibe here's what I want to say about um the national uh oh I didn't realize this number one number one they're from Cincinnati oh I didn't know that which is a tough place for anybody to be from and I think people in cincinnat will back me up on this uh they've been at this for a long time 99 is when they formed wow so just nothing but respect for the national also the lead singer if you saw him on Saturday Night Live they were just on with Lena Dunham he is a dead ringer for Randy Quaid in Independence Day the a particular Randy Quaid in Independence Day here he is can we get a closeup on him I mean he looks so much like Randy Quaid from Independence Day can we get a can we get a shot of Rand yes side by side wow just get in there can we get a side by side of Randy Quaid from Independence Day please I'm just going to wait like they're like live I love that they're doing this live aliens I like I like R I don't even remember what that's what he sounds like exactly I'm supposed to be the person keeping us on topic today and I'm just going to let everyone know I'm not going to do my job let do what's the top first topic what's the topic we're supposed to talk about worst vir ever am I right stuff that happened in Austin Texas they're so South by Southwest South other otherwise know as brand hellworld hell brand hellor where's my side by side this is nonsense what's worse watching this or listening to it being in it wow oh John you don't like I'm sorry John the in the control Booth I was just told being in that room is the worst you know what you don't okay have to be in there the Perpetual bondage forcing I mean it is your job but uh you're getting paid right now to drink wine and just like talk about whatever you want yeah it's amazing you guys don't see what happens off camera somebody just asked have I completely have we completely given up on the illusion of discussing Tech on The Verge cast um you guys want to discuss some te let's discuss some tech I think I think think you want to talk about tech I think that I'm like not going to talk about a smartphone for don't talk to me about it like it's got to be a really interesting development in smartphones to talk about it um yeah I don't know I'm just not interested in talking I mean I certain technology like like I would talk about this the the well I mean it's not really a text story but I would talk about what Casey wrote at South by Southwest which about about how South by Southwest interactive which is supposed to be this place where like you know beautiful amazing new ideas about like the future of our world our born is actually has actually become this like really weird brand like he you know it's like called it an orgy yeah and um a riking corporate brand orgy yeah which I think is like totally valid who's this guy Mark little wants us to talk about tech doesn't use capitalization when spelling his name who is he Dana Boyd yeah here we go look at this unbel well oh man that's not all not good picture were you drinking Saturday no I'm telling you he looks like him you just it's the wrong angle yeah I'm a little disappointed can we get him in the in a plane or something flying into the Ali I got I got what you need John SPO you got the right image I got it he really does look like him anyhow um so what we talking about oh South by Southwest so yeah the thing is I mean it's not a surprise I think this has been this way for a long time but it's just a it's just like a u it's just like a a brand it's just a cluster of Brands and it's all really nasty lame it's like this guy shingy from AOL do you know this dude this digital profet this guy's like my least fair and by the way I'm sure he's a really nice guy and I feel bad saying this cuz I'm sure he's a lovely man um but he's like he calls himself a digital Prophet or that's what AOL calls him or something can we get a picture of shingi up on the screen view screen here can we just get shingi just do a Google search for shingi it's really great if you could just get an image of him up I'm not going to talk till there's an image of shingi on the screen I don't like to put people on blast but he kind of looks like what Sonic the Hedgehog would look like if he was a human being I imagine super excited about everything I feel like well he's Prof he's he's profiting off of the digital fourth gby digital here here shingi speaking it's a better image of shingi this is too dark I need to see Shing CL wow there he is can we get audio on this is this him profiting right being a prophet profiteering look at those Nails be cool to put your brand in the middle of those or even deliver one of those experiences is he largest contributor to stress today is medeor overload what we know that there's a challenge in terms of attention but if you do get it right mind share equals market share and that's where consumers are going to pass your brand on nice W here thinking aming lady which I love it's Catherine hurn and this is it if you obey all the rules you miss all the fun I think what we need to do is get into a fast experimentation mode the platforms allow us to do that because you fundamentally have between 6 seconds and 13 hours to tell your brand story today you're not limited window to 30 you telling your brand story you have these different brand Expressions today these different engines to tell your story so I would love enough that's enough of shy just to clarify he is employed by he's employed by AOL as far as I know and he's the's his title is digital profit of course it is and he's talking about how you can get your brand just jam on your brand get it jammed up into somebody's area anyhow but like that's South by Southwest here's the the most striking image actually valleywag s I think uh posted this it was a it was like a picture of shingi on mashable's like wrecking ball there it is South that's what South by Southwest is it's like a it's like a sandwich of garbage it's a gar I'm sorry shiky I'm sorry I know you're a nice guy but you're a human being and I don't want to diss you like you're I'm sure you're a lovely man to hang out with but like your stuff that you say it sounds really horrible and you're and you're I'm not going to you know what teaches own your look is your look like whatever but you know being caught a digital insane like brand message or whatever is the worst so uh I mean is that Tech is that a tech conversation I don't know hey wait a second buddy hold on huh don't forget don't forget shingy junr over here I tell you I'm changing my title too new trend will be befriending unfollowing shingy um anyhow so that may be a text story I'm just I think you know that's the kind of text story I'm interested in is like how South by Southwest went from like a really cool interesting um uh uh a group of people telling each other very interesting stories and sharing knowledge to um you know an Oreo 3D printed Oreo like marketing machine and and in Casey Newton one of our writers wrote a really cool story about by the way I'm not like bitter this sounds like bit I'm bitter or whatever like that's just one that's just no but that's just like one small part of like what's going on in the world that to me is and I think some of like you know why I don't want to talk about like the new smartphone or like you know I I don't want to talk about like iOS 8 leaks except I will say there's this like Mark Gman from 95 Mac had these like n had these uh iOS 8 leaks and they're like they're gonna um they're going to have like text edit or something or it's you know some really sad stuff they're going walking uh public transit directions yeah public transit directions and maps like it's just the saddest update you can think of to because all this stuff is incremental like and that's why like you don't hear us talking a lot on the vergecast anymore about these like weird little incremental like hey there's a new 6.5 in smartphone like we're very you know I'm sure there's set of people that's interested we'll cover those when when appropriate we review them when appropriate but like on when it comes to The Verge cast like you know I don't want to sit here and talk about a 6.5 inch screen on a smartphone unless there's like a really good reason to talk about it I kind of do look and you know what this is the this is the Sleep Sleepless Mind of a baby daddy what is happening anyhow so are we talking about tech Mark little we should we should wear appropriate my man although wait Mark little also points out that he came up with drum roll as a replacement for Verge cast it's pretty good Mar was Mark little I thought you were not on our you were not on our side but now you maybe are on our side yeah that's pretty awesome anyhow but so what's in the news what do we have on our list Tech is dead Tech is is Tech dead is Tech dead there's no more technology it's all been done I don't think I don't think that's true there we go there we go yes that's more like I still feel like you got the wrong image on the right now look he looks like Randy Quaid okay he looks he looks good there okay Katie that's enough maybe you got to back off that wine a little bit we don't want we don't want anything embarrassing to happen here like the entire thing we wouldn't want that to happen okay so what's on our list yeah she's the f word pretty early today she's in repeatedly okay so hey you no Cosmos Cosmo I was going to say we had Katie did an amazing interview with Neil degrass Tyson he came to uh uh our office our student and and sat down with us and uh obviously super fascinating guy brilliant dude we interviewed him um I interviewed him a couple years ago on the on the verge the first season up on the verge and uh he was so were you there yeah I was there AB he was like so engrossing I don't know if he did this with you I don't because I don't know the whole thing but he would like and I was like oh we got to wrap up it's like 45 minutes I was like we got to wrap up he's like no and we talked for like another 15 or 20 minutes cuz he just wanted to say more stuff he he's so smart and interesting that it just makes you feel like it made me feel like the dumbest guy in the world oh I didn't feel dumb okay okay well I guess you're I guess you're SM it felt like talking to a peer yeah um no but that's the thing that's the thing about he's like super in go what he go but it's it's an awesome kind of like super inyour face like he yeah yeah no it's like it's like you want him in your face yeah some people you're like dude get out just stop yeah he's like he's like an Evangelical scientist he's extremely intelligent but I also find him extremely kind and thoughtful no he's yes yeah totally and like very easy to talk to like I was nervous this was the first one-on-one like sit down video interview I've ever done um and I was very nervous but we made eye contact the whole time it was that's good we drank wine you did have wine with him which just proves my theory that you have a drinking problem no I mean so I'll drink to that all right one of these right here we don't have to do this every time yes we do sorry why why shouldn't we do it every time huh let's talk about more Tech no but so Neil okay here we go Dr Tyson oh all of a sudden Neil doctor is a huge wine buff um which I found out when I interviewed him uh for the Verge 50 and he hated he hat your wine he did hate the wine um just think about the kind of wine he's drinking cuz let me tell you something I know right so I he has the money to buy good wine he has a wine seller at his house oh God I'm so envious and so I I said to the the the guys buying the wine I was like get something nice they got a $32 bottle of wine I'm like okay fair like that's a nice bottle of wine by my standards um and he took one Sip and was like yeah this could use another eight years another eight years he and he would know and he would know you can tell is somewhat disgusted by the wine he's drink but he drank a full glass he drank a full glass and I did not because I was trying to like and it was like 1 in the afternoon professional yeah that's I was going to my week would be shot dude I mean he's going to get in he gets into some sick limo and just goes to his next awesome and I saw him outside leaving and he got into a a big like a not a Hummer but like a like a like a Suburban yeah I nascal he's a total player I mean I mean that's I only like Suburban is apparently like that's the car like I now get Uber once in a while I'll get an Uber black car and a lot of times they send um because they have like uber T Uber X Uber black car and then Uber whatever's above that it's like something it's like uber Uber ultimate I don't know it's like a Bentley anyhow but but they send Suburbans all the time that's nice which are like huge maybe he got an Uber I don't know anyhow he was getting into a car yeah and then what he had an interview with People magazine probably very different interview I bet right but he talked a lot about wine that was probably most of the interview off camera gave us lots of good wine advice um but you know and also said some really interesting St I wish you use some of that advice today with this bottle of wine that we're drinking God knows I don't have a wine sell but I can tell you this is crap I like it okay shout out to Justin yeah um the wine brand by the way Barrow B just said he would he's gonna fight somebody when I was going wait Alice hamburgers is he trolling us on Twitter this is the worst Ro cast ever can I just say we started can I just say before we started we were having like a really great exciting conversation and then something happened during the intro that just threw us off it was tz's stupid hat yeah probably anyhow no let's talk about Odyssey though Spacetime Odyssey Cosmo okay have you seen ITW we all watched it right I've only I only started watching I didn't I'm I have a baby all right well I'm going to talk to you you understand you yeah go ahead you guys talk what you think I'm going enjoy my I thought it was fantastic I thought it was really great too um I was surprised at how closely he stuck with the Carl Sean like I mean like the cosmic calendar yeah the spaceship of the imagination it was all like I I'm not going to say ripped off he used the word borrowed sort of like as an homage it was a reboot in like a very literal sense yeah he said it's a continuation it's like the second season of Cosmos but it's 30 years later um which I did not know was was what they were going to do um I think the most controversial part of that first episode though was the the religion yeah segment I mean he's he's clearly a hardcore atheist definitely and he's made very strong statements to that effect before and he's unabashed in his um in his sort of uh you know science as religion Viewpoint and I mean I don't think religion in the sense of like worship it but just you know I really appreciate the the fact that they included that thread though because I think one and it was very clear at the end when he talked about about Sean and what Sean's mission was and how this is a very practical thing it's not just like oh look at these cool NASA photos it's like science is a real thing that it improves Our Lives half yeah it's a real thing uh it's like Absol necessary not only to improve our lives but you know uh from a nationalistic standpoint like you know America and and no that's that that's one of his huge trips and one of the things he talked about when he was on on the verge and I know that he's he speaks about often is this concept of of the love and appreciation and need for science as like an underlying driver of like who like in America who we are and what we do and what we'll build and how like we will you know it's not about just about like hey it's like cool to experiment and find something out it's like hey this stuff actually leads to um legitimate uh new uh areas of exploration of business of of of intellect and it's not and that drives like a nation or a world you know forward yeah and I think that's true you know I think science underlies you know so many of the advances of of civilization you know I think about like longevity and I mean Health in general just full stop like anything related to health is like that is science in action that is you know um uh that is like really insane progress we've expanded expanded and extended like the human lifespan by 40 years or something in the last 100 years or you know 150 years or whatever it is is just because like we know we've learned things about how stuff works and like you know learning about how things work and and taking that apart and utilizing it is uh there's you can't put a price on it you know it's the most valuable thing I'm really glad they uh you know opened with the cosmic calendar concept because it's like one of you know just putting the historical perspective in there is is so important you know the just the idea that in 500 years we went from like inventing the first telescope to putting someone on the moon yeah is absolutely insane no it's crazy I mean it's crazy the things that that even in the last 100 the things that have occurred in terms of Discovery are um astounding well and also that when put in in perspective that that's what it was what like five minutes at the end of an hour right or something like all of meaningful modern history was like 6 seconds or something in the final minute of the final hour right it's just it really is a I mean I hope I don't know if it's happening or not I do hope things like this spark a new appreciation for I feel like we went through a period and I'll just say like the bush era was the was the you know Pinnacle of just utter ignorance and stupidity amongst like the populace of America where it was like just denial of facts you know and like our up from from our government down to like just and the average citizen we were like denying truth and facts and replacing it with I don't know what greed or you know like just forced ignorance if purposeful ignorance I don't really understand it because to me you know like it's the most disturbing thing in the world to imagine that like the president of the United States lied about um weapons of mass destruction in Iraq to like spark a war which we know basically happened for real like definitely happened and um you know I think that if I were a part of the the the populace that voted for that guy and like was like yeah creationism and all this other stuff that was happening during that time I would feel like this wine is definitely having fact I just want to say cuz I'm way down a rabbit hole in this I think still a very like progress is not it is real it is real and and we're and we're still coming out of this like period of just like like sustained and unbelievable ignorance that like it's like either you're not paying attention or you don't care or like you're you're just doing it to be an like you're being ignorant to be an like I think that we're still coming out of that and I really hope that um things like Cosmos start to help to shake more people out of this weird trance they've been in about um you know what I think the internet is like one of those tools where it's so easy to convince yourself of that you're right and that the things you believe are true because there's a bunch of people on the internet who are like yeah you're right those things you believe are true and finding truth and finding an real answers to real problems is like um the basis of science you know and I think it's so important that we actually um put value in that like consider that to be a highly valued thing I mean I don't know I don't know what the solution to that problem is I mean a TV show um like it's a great show I enjoyed it a lot from what I've read the ratings had not been what they were expected to be um which is disappointing but yeah I don't I don't know how you solve that problem right like NASA's budget this year is is flat again it's yeah the same culture a huge deal especially like a network like Fox like that's one of the things that I was most excited about like this was Far and Away the biggest of any television show in history weird like Fox put so much money so we on Fox it's like they have to pay back all the damage they've done yeah Network that's known for American Idol and Family Guy and also for Fox News it's known for like the most destructive force in journalism since I don't know like Hitler controlled newspapers is a lot different than Fox News but it's all the same except for the daily which was an amazing Beacon of light and otherwise gloomy uh uh Place yeah but um you know rip yeah rip daily rip daily it good year but uh yeah no Fox definitely has to pay it back and that's what they're doing now um I just think I just think it's so crazy to me that that uh we have this um almost like a real I don't know I don't know if this isn't true in other countries I can't I don't want to speak for other countries I live in America and I've grew up in America but it does seem like and I don't know if this happened during the Reagan years and then the it sort of got solidified in the bush years but this like appreciation for it's like a willful ignorance that is almost like it's not cool to be smart it's not cool to know things like it sucks like you're a terrible person if you read books and I think that that like that really has cemented itself in some part of the firmament some part of the the uh the layers of of uh dirt that we stand on I don't know what I'm talking about right now I don't I mean I don't think I don't think I honestly don't think it's a modern phenomenon you no I mean at all probably not I mean you know knowledge is is like scary you know like the thing about atheism and religion is that you know it's it's speaking as an atheist yes it's scary to go like oh yeah like there are no easy answers like there isn't a simple like God's got it why do you think I have a drinking problem no tell me about it like actually I know sure you know because you recognize you still believe in the heaven that exists above above the planet where there's lots of philadel cream cheese fully spreadable cream cheese just so soft ready to go on any bagel that you choose no matter what no matter what type of bagel I have a gluten Toler that was racist you know everything bagel onion Bagel raisin bagel you want put cream cheese on that no one's going to stop you anyhow continue Bagel up in your bagel Heaven uh what was I talking about uh atheism oh yeah yeah it's just scary you know to go like hey I don't there's God doesn't have it cuz he doesn't exist cuz it's a made up idea because like you know anyhow I don't I'm getting right now I'm getting so many death threats and hate mail I can't even I can't keep up I can't even keep up with it but here's what I'll say about can I just say I'm talking about atheism and I'm sure people will be up in arms but the most controversial thing that I've ever said in public is about being a vegetarian that's like far and way like right now if I was like mediators are terrible way more controversial than like God is dead or whatever I me among certain audiences I'm sure here it is is this a real thing what is this is this Bagel Heaven that's Heaven this is real that's how I learned what heaven was as a child my parents in front TV and I watch those this an ad is it a print ad what is that it's an ad it's insane well here's the thing like not everybody that I'm I'm probably within this group as an agnostic atheist but I you know not I'm writer than you are uh what was I saying I don't know I don't know we should have start saying you know like so early believes in God is like completely disavow science like that's a completely no I agree I agree idiotic no totally true you know connection it's just that it's just that the Bible contradicts all scientific discovery so well yeah but not everybody believes the Bible literally know but then what's then what is religion I'm sorry like I have to ask that question like if you don't believe the okay literally like what is the Bible's purpose but like if you're if you're if you there practice and Community involved and all kinds of other but you know that things that are unrelated to the scientific method tot and there's like obviously some good rules for living but like you know not to murder people without the Bible right yeah it's called morality yeah yeah like you don't need the Bible to tell you not to steal from people I'm I do maybe you do oh boy I should not be going down this path where's Paul Miller when you need him this would be a great conversation for him to join in is this the commercial this is real that's my lady what that's my lady yeah did you have this in mind when you were talking about cream cheese heaven looks like Sandra bernhard's sibling disturbing I grew up this beef cake this beautiful beef cake there kind of watching her like growing up that's actually what I thought heaven was the virt brought to you by just like Philadelphia brought to you by Philadelphia cream cheese yeah it's creamy that CH it's Heavenly Philadelphia Cream Cheese's tagline I need to know right now a little taste of heaven I'm I'm pissing so many people off right now that's actually what their tagline is I'm sorry I've just seen tweets from people who are like i' I've I've a listen I just want to say if I offended you at all that was not my intention if you are a Christian and you believe in science that's wonderful I think that's great I do think there's a I do think at some point you get to a what what is religion if you are a believer in science well you're not I mean like here's the thing there's a difference between the Christian who is you know on board of science totally comforting I agree I wish I I wish I could be comforted by religion the way that other people are me too I mean I'm sure that like look when the when I feel like bad turbulence on a plane I get really religious really fast cuz like you're like well you never know I'm go the plan's going down so I better just be like this is why I need like to get the only time I'm religious the only time I feel even the slightest hand of religion is the plane terrible turbulence on the plane it's like White Knuckle turbulence and I'm like I'm like all right God I know you don't exist but if you do I don't want to die you're like the worst kind of atheist I am terrible I can't believe I admitted that to the world atheist and foxholes I don't know what that means I you don't know what that means it means when you're on an airplane that's going down you're not an athe yeah you're like God help me out cuz you he just grasping you're like I'll take anything you know somebody threw me a parachute I'd be like cool I'm out of here I mean I'd be I'd be calm and I'm by the way the jumping down the the jump cream cheese you're like I would welcome death because I want it so badly the idea of jumping out of a the idea of jumping out of a of a plane is terrifying to me but I would happily take a parachute if I felt my plane was going down yeah think about that let that do for a minute I try not to fly are you finishing oh it's the worst okay fine I hate it yeah all right can we talk about something that isn't atheism or religion this one's this is the worst virtue I mean when I say it's the worst I think this is great we come back we're going to come back to this every week let's talk about tech what's going on with tech tech I are there any cool are there any cool what kind of smartphone do you think God would use a huge one could he wouldn't have to he to worry about he prob much bigger than a 6.3 screen yeah curved though curved to keep the glare of Heaven out he just want to see cream cheese Reflections while he's while he's checking his Google Calendar on the eth day God created oh yeah by way God uses an Android phone did I mention that okay there we go Jay Wayne finally M Jun wants us to move on what about uh we could do speaking of airplanes we could do the Malaysian uh tragedy J Wayne Jay Wayne does not like this conversation not surprised by the way this is not the wor I I'll tell this is not the worst Verge cast has ever happened I've I've been on worse I think this is great I'm having a great time whatever doesn't matter it matters to me so there's this airplane that was in the sky and then it didn't land Malaysia Airlines so this is I mean this story is fascinating there's um let's talk about this this is not this actually is a bit of a tech Story I mean you want to talk about tech I mean here's the thing about tech like let me just say this so I can just get it out in the open like the way the Verge thinks about technology is that it is um deeply connected intrinsically connected to so much of like what is going on in our world that like we're not this isn't about tech and it's like hey there's this gadget over here it's like this stuff is all strewn in in together it's all connected and um so this Malaysia Airlines uh this Malaysia Airlines story is really interesting because there is a there is a a you know news aspect to it like oh my God this plane's missing and did it go down and what happened but the actual story is like how did it go missing where where did it go um what do we know about it how do we track it but it actually reminds me of the movie contact where jod Foster is falling you know and at the end falling through that ball spoiler alert and they're like yeah spoiler alert for a movie from the '90s it's a good movie it's a great movie based on a Carl say you were only falling for 15 seconds and then they were like oh wait the in ball recorder had like 24 hours of time chilling it actually reminded me of Scandal okay spoilt Scandal cuz I've never seen a single episode and and I know Carl's like Scandal is the best it's terrible that's how Carl talks about that's his voice is it terrible it looks terrible it's amazing it looks like the wor if you like The Good Wife like you'll love yeah oh really yeah all right I'll watch it don't listen to Katie seriously you think it's bad I think it's terrible shut up sorry I just caught this headline on our site can we talk about this for a second Disney is releasing an EDM album with it remixes from Michi and Cascade sorry who dis Disney Disney W the Walt Disney Company Disney the Walt Disney Corporation I know them if you like The Little Mermaid you'll like SRX w w hey what's the name of the crowd The Little Mermaid Sebastian Sebastian it's like the Sebastian like the like snippy snip remix it's like samples of Sebastian and it's like well I guess Disney did Tron well they they they funded and released Tron yeah yeah go this is come on let's talk about something Malaysia Airlines yeah so um where the that plane where wow where is the plane so we were talking to Chris Ziggler about this he's actually Chris is our like an airplane buff he is an airplane nerd like he knows stuff about airplanes that you that you can't even begin to imagine that's true he's actually working on something right now like a story about something about what's there's new discovery that that this there are Electronics trans that were transmitting on this plane or from this plane for 5 hours after it kind of dropped off a radar interesting fact like it drops off a radar 100 miles outside of Malaysia right I had no idea that yeah when they're when they're over the ocean they're flying blind they're just like terrifying like hey just check it out I mean I assume that they're they can see other planes but in terms of never leaving the continent yeah you don't want to do that you don't want to fly over the ocean that's insane but um but so so the stories got a little bit more interesting because there's this now they're saying like hey the plane it was like Hey the plane went into the ocean it dropped from radar and it probably crashed and they just can't find it right um now they're saying well there's 5 hours of transmitting data past the point where it dropped off a radar and what Chris was saying to me which I find fascinating is that it might have landed somewhere they're like what are you doing what's happening can you stop that we're on we're on we're on a national uh International broadcast right now I mean she's Whispering Trash Talk are you trash talking him no this is outrageous Katie what did you say he's just like threatening me for no reason he's threatening are you threatening her this is the worst the worst thing i' ever done did you threaten her be honest absolutely not it's the same accusation she leveled last week it's a she she's uh it's a blast listen people's lives are at stake here and we're having a pett they're not at stake I'm pretty sure like okay all right we don't know what I was saying is Chris was like we don't know what happened to this plane it's possible could have landed somewhere yeah that's just he said that's a possibility isn't that creepy no but he's actually on the Lost Islands lost no or somewhere else they may something you know might not be identified yet it we don't know it could yeah it's not on the Lost Island cuz that doesn't exist well this really insens you know why because it was from a TV show yeah I mean I didn't watch the show on ABC it was interrupted by commercials so like this whole thing from the stolen passports go on to now like wasn't anyone else just like how the hell yeah apparently that happens all the time though people now you're going to edit yourself on a hell how the heck how the heck you keep keep clean Katie that's great cream cheese Heaven how yeah keep your language nice and clean on The Verge cast we won't you to say anything that was off coloror uh go on I was just like really taken aback by the fact that you can steal a passport and then fly take an international flight somewhere well I mean it's probably not that simple but like apparently it happens all the time no I don't know you have to you have to somebody just twe somebody just tweeted that somebody was standing behind standing behind me you just uh that was a made you look moment no was like who's the person here's what they said just got trolled why has that same guy been standing behind the Glass near Josh the entire podcast TI tired of seeing his ass literally oh it's Evan is it Evan he's got a nice ass though yeah he does pretty good that's technically a violation of you know he said you're were going to murder me earlier we have this this ass comment on record for HR now wow just you're you just self doxed yourself um believe me there's plenty of plenty of bad plenty of bad stuff on record for me okay who is doing this um this woman Trisha Neer is doing drawings of of people members of The Verge have you seen these on creep creepiest thing I've ever seen so she just did one can we get this up can some me just look at who just tweeted at me in this image first off it's a great drawing it's disturbing uh It's upsetting but I like it there it is can we zoom in on that is that you I don't know you tell me yeah that's definitely is it me or is it Randy Quaid I think that's you or the lead singer of The National uh we got to do this one well Deer uh it's at the top what did derer do it's at the top here would you just tweet it John no you Dr you Dro it's coming up it's coming up okay great deer bone bone Zone he was almost on this uh wait what is this Ariel is hold on do I follow her by the way I need to I didn't I can't believe I wasn't so Ariel our new writer just dissed me on Twitter she did Josh's lack of cream cheese ad knowledge makes me wonder if the quote cream cheese taught me about heaven thing is Canadian specific I think it might be wasel like yeah cream cheese Heaven it sounds oh you know you probably didn't run this ad in America you know why we know what real Heaven's like we don't call you ride on a gold on a gold bus do you remember this article that was written in like the Atlanta Journal the hey guys hey you know what you saw that saw that you saw that I did see that in It's upsetting Katie don't don't don't do an ass bomb to him quietly on The Verge cast that's not right who taught you it's Canadian manners I guess is what we're seeing here I don't think she's a real Canadian really please elaborate on that she doesn't say sorry enough I say sorry constantly why don't you say like sorry say sorry L you say the f bomb sorry said the f bomb a lot that's not sorry Dad that you have to watch this he's watch is he watching this watch every oh he's like well that Josh he talks a lot yeah well I'm sorry you know what I'm the host and that TC is I me we're we're we're traditionally I am the host of The Verge cast well you're very talkative I am talkative it's probably because I'm Jewish I thought you were an atheist well I was raised Jewish oh socially socially culturally Jewish religiously atheist which means I'm just very nervous MH right yeah so apologies to your dad if you're watching hi Katie's dad I guess I'll let Katie talk more your daughter's normally very nice Kati why don't you run why don't you run the rest of this thing okay great thank God take a break drink some of this Phenix right Cheers Cheers huh bilateral cheers do we want to talk about gas leaks yes oh my God yeah I'm terrified I'm super freak so I was listening to NPR today and NPR it's funny um WNYC which is the NPR of course I was listening to NPR right so it's a stereotype but um cliche New Yorker Jewish New Yorker listen to NPR like okay um there were like they had a they had a a show on a couple days ago about the the infrastructure of New York right and today they're like yeah this could be evidence of the failing infrastructure of New York I live in a house that was built in 1860 you do I live in I live in a very kiding yeah for real pry old it's super duper old I think my and now I'm just like every day I'm like my family is going to blow up 1860 yeah that's like Civil War era yeah it's really old are you like are you kidding that's when it was built we have like records yeah it's a it's actually what's interesting about my house is that Thomas Ricker who lives in Amsterdam has a a very similar tiny house I have a very tiny house and Thomas Rickers that's so upsetting can we get that on screen please the deer image totally unrelated to my house and to explosions please get the D graphic on screen immediately I won't say another word until it happens there we go there we go that by the way that was the longest moment of silence ever in the history of The Verge cast in the history of Josh in the history of actually yeah my uncle used to pay me money to be quiet like how long can you be quiet I'll give you a dollar if you me quiet I was I'm not a terrible kid terrible adult what are you gonna do um anyhow so yeah so there was this terrible huge explosion in Harlem East Harlem um apparently a gas leak two buildings seven people are dead uh I mean just look at this I mean just it is breathtaking that that that something like this could happen it's not it wasn't it didn't happen on purpose it wasn't planned there were no explosives in this building as far as we know at this point and I think probably for real um Ariel our new writer did a great piece about how this happens and why this happens which is really interesting um but it it just made me feel just in constant fear now about my house exploding yeah what's especially insane is that apparently they've been like reporting the smell of gas or a gas leak for like two weeks well before this happened so what I read which was very very sad was a woman talking to the New York Times and her husband was unaccounted for and they lived in one of these buildings so super sad um but she said to them something along the lines of we thought we smelled gas before we went to bed then it went away so we just went to bed and then the next morning there was this explosion um and I think in terms of Ariel's piece what was most disturbing to me was I think it was something like 35 or 38% of gas Mees in Manhattan are uh made of chrome what is the makeup some some whatever the material is that makes them more vulnerable to these cracks and predate 1960 in other words they're outdated and they are vulnerable to cracks uh that's terrifying no it's it's that's terrifying that no I mean the the uh uh on NPR they were saying that the average um age of the mains in New York is 56 years old yeah which is really old and they're made of you know this uh what is it um uh cast iron cast iron that's what it is not Chrome no not Chrome I'm thinking about Chrome is what you put on your wheels um Chrome is is a browser yeah it's an internet thing it's weird that my my reference point was about wheels and yours was about of tou tech tech tech talk Tech talk right there um but uh so anyhow it's just terrifying and since my house is super duper old I'm just imagining everything in it is ready to explode at any given moment and you know today we had our heat on and it's making some weird screeching noise it's hot water heat it's not gas or anything but it's making some weird high pitch screeching noise and it's like oh here we go yeah we're going to blow up so it's a terrible it's a terrible tragedy and a shocking story and also like I think not to get all political on you yet again but is a demonstration of the need for us to be concerned about the infrastructure in America not just you know this is a this is a privately owned company that is responsible for these um gas lines but you know they're responsible to the citizens of this city it's a public utility though no it's it is a public utility but I mean like conison has the privilege of being not it's National Grid National I think no it's ConEd ConEd ConEd doesn't do gas yeah they do do they they're my gas they do gas mhm I thought they only did electricity very confused at any rate also I've been drinking at any rate this wine is really affecting me I have to say it's Justin high in alcohol content I don't think so I just didn't have lunch messing me up um so the thing is a little high the point is it's like infrastructure is a real issue I mean there have been Frontline AC I think I think actually did a great um piece on infrastructure if I'm not mistaken a couple years ago I could be totally making that up but uh there's definitely you know our roadways Bridges they colling we're literally like like America is like falling apart think about how much money the federal government spent on public projects in years National Park uh building International look at look at there's a great chart of the of the um spending um our budget in the US look at the look at the budget for defense spending versus the kind of thing the spending we're doing on things like infrastructure um it's depressing it's insane it's insane and like look so far you know I don't know I'm not going to get into terrorism and stuff but we've had you know 911 was OB awful but uh it's just such an it's an but this is but this you know it's this is awful too and like a hundred of these is even worse and like if the infrastructure doesn't get if we don't care about it we don't think about it like 100 of these is what is what's in store but it should be such an obvious and like uncontroversial point that like this this public stuff that we spend money on as a society enables us to do things privately the interstate highway system right you know that wasn't a bunch that wasn't like you know a company like Google or Microsoft saying oh we need to build some roads it was all of us together I mean this is this gets to the you know this kind of leads back to Net Neutrality and talking about like what we value here and how we manage it I mean I think net neutrality is a great that's the internet is a great example of the next infrastructure crisis in America where it's where it's um massively needed utility for all citizens of this country and of all countries um we have the ability and the opportunity to make it a um a widespread easily accessible open thing and the direction we're headed is you know the the FCC um In Cahoots with you know uh private companies is managing it into a private expensive service um which will be controlled by people who have interests outside of what citizen the citizens of this country need they're controlled by by monetary interests and in the interest of of making money and getting paid for everything and so it's like it's like one of these things it's like we can't keep up the infrastructure we have that is shared um and we can't build new infrastructure where we need it things like an open and free internet like what is what is the future of America if we don't do something about that's why and also no one gives a about science right this this is why this is why the space program is being taken up by Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos because NASA gets $17 billion a year I'm not saying they're not profit I'm not saying they don't want profits from that stuff but they're going to at least that will drive them to do something yeah you know in America we can't even see I mean the government can't even see the reason why we would want to to work on a space program you know like they can't see the value in it well it's it's a longterm thing and and profit seeking companies are absolutely essential for Innovation and you know driving the economy and everything else but they're also beholding to shareholders in a way that makes them focus on quarterly results right you know you can't you know we have big problems that require really long-term investment and and most companies aren't Apple in the sense that you know Verizon's not Apple Verizon is happy to be relatively complacent with what they have you know um if they weren't the widespread FiOS would be happening right now and it's not you know um Comcast and Time Warner this like you know disgusting merger the probably going to happen where it's going to create this like insane um conglomerate you know it it it's their their their motivation for Innovation doesn't exist and it's like and it sounds like at a very basic level like oh that's some nerdy like what does that matter like I need cable that's not important but it'll matter when like you can't get the things you need on the internet because they have decided that it's more profitable to charge you for them and so it's like it's really a disturbing situation we have in this country what are we supposed to do about it a violent Revolution I said this a couple Verge casts ago the only answer ultimately is a violent overthrow of a corrupt government and you you know actually like that's I'm joking around a little bit but also somewhat like look at other countries like what's happening is violent overthrow of a corrupt government and our government is like we have a great way of like demonstrating that we're not we we we like to act like we're not corrupt and it seems like we're not corrupt we have like a tremendously corrupt diseased government In America which is poisoned by um private interests and people who want to hoard money and like it damages the populace of this country in ways that like we don't even we can't even begin to understand and yet this this wine and yet cheers and yet like we're not there isn't Occupy Wall Street was the closest thing we had to violent revolution it was it was a whiff of it was a babies you know by the way as a new father I'm aware of what babies can do not very much it was like a baby's version of of like a real you know revolutionary sort of movement and I think that I'm not saying we need to overthrow the government I'm not let me just say this clearly do not overthrow the government that would be a bad idea but I do think we need a stronger reaction to this stuff like you guys like you know net neutrality sucks like we'll black out our website for a day or something like that like that can work in small doses we can't overthrow the government every two and four years no but like literally over well but but but it's like you're trading one you're trading like one evil I don't feel like I'm overthrowing the government when I vote every four years but I think I think it requires a a a fear and and knowledge and understanding of what is going on at a level that will make you do something far more meaningful and that's like I that's not like you're saying we should vote for Rand Paul no don't vote for Rand Paul but I do think people getting involved I think people getting I think people getting legitimately involved in what is going on in their local governments uh and and trying to find ways to affect Real Change by displacing by removing people who are cancerous is like a serious is a serious component of it I'm really on a roll here my God I'll probably get shot leaving the building uh don't say that by me oh my God TZ just behind me just Just Clips me and that's it um anyhow I just think you know look we have uh I mean we have what I don't know what do you do we're not going to have a revolution in America until it gets really bad but I will say this we have an growing disparity between the halves and Have Nots everybody knows that and at some point that begins to like really rot and when it rots like you know I don't know you don't know I mean gets gets bad gets funky I am so glad to be a Canadian citizen right now you think you can run up to Canada yeah I'm a dual Citi guess what nuclear configration that wave of nuclear of of nuclear waste will just flow right up to Canada right what are you talking about Judgment day is what I'm talking about universal healthcare you're basically an how's that Universal most Canadians live within 100 miles of the how's that universal healthcare going to help you when a wave of nuclear waste from our what nuclear waste Judgment Day judgment what are you talking about have you never seen Terminator Terminator 2 or Terminator 3 no what about Terminator 4 no you should you've never seen any of the Terminator movies no are you kidding me there's the door please leave just get out of here no how have you never seen a Terminator movie I don't know I watched a lot of like m Place disturbing I had two older sisters like you know we watch like Beverly Hills yeah had admit this is the worst Verge cast ever I think it's great you do really I've been like talking about violent revolution and overthrow I'm going to be arrested as soon as I leave that's your problem man people want people have been tweeting me they wanted me to talk about the news oh let's talk about that that's exciting the new news verticle that is being launched by VOX media our parent company I would love to talk about that if we're allowed I mean we could talk about it all I can say is uh uh all I can say is it's an exciting and interesting new Venture for our company um it is going to be very different than what we do very different than here's a little bit of their they have a a video a wonderful video actually EZ rein may be a bigger nerd than anybody at The Verge EZ rein is a is a big big nerd and I really like him I have to say he seems like a super nice dude he's not only super nice but he's super smart and like everybody who's everybody who's who did you say he's not you say he's not super nice I said he's not only super nice but he's super smart not no he's not super nice but he is super smart no he's he is he nice he's nice and smart but all but that whole team they're very smart people that have very good ideas about how to cover um uh sort of a broader more General news uh scope in a new way and and it'll be different than the Verge like if you read The Verge you'll find it's a very different um publication but I'm excited about it I can't they're hiring incredible people I can't reveal much cuz I know a lot I'm not going to tell you guys what's going on but what I will say is that the the the um the thinking that's going into what they're doing and the stuff that our product team is building with them is really exciting and I'm very excited about it what's going on with you guys are you threatening each other again are you and uh and I have to say oh some want about oh Jay Wayne Mayer wants us to talk I don't how do you pronounce your last name Mah Bill Mah like Bill Mah so Ariel's Ariel is finally guy in my bag here y she's seen the Terminator what a traitor how the hell have you not seen Terminator I haven't seen a lot of things I got to be I haven't seen Terminator either um shut up shut seriously shut up are you serious you never seen Terminator I've seen no I saw the one with Christian Bale dude please get out right now like you need to leave and I've seen both the Blade Runners go upstairs I've seen Blade Runners get your just put up your sh a different generation no it's not a generational thing it's a really is gone with the wi a generational thing is Lawrence of Arabia is is is benur is Citizen Kane is uh uh did you just sit at home and watch Turner Classic Movies with Penny all day TCM nonstop what was that noise was somebody yelling it's that guy that's been behind his ass I just spit over I apologize is is the control is the control booth going crazy what's going on with those guys they look to be under control when do we start this I don't like I don't like Are we almost done it seems like we should be ending pretty soon can we not um should we talk about Need for Speed can we not broadcast is there a way that we can just this will be the live one nobody will ever see this is that oh really are you serious John you're not serious about what about what he just said to me so you're just kidding is what you're saying what you just said to me okay nothing it's about it's about a conversation John and I had earlier yeah okay anyhow you want talk about Need for Speed L of tension I have to say about I didn't see the movie Chris Chris did not like it let's talk about Aaron Paul okay let's talk about Aaron Paul yeah he's Jess no no hold on I want to hear what KY has say about Aaron Paul very good-looking human you have a thing for like boyish Carl is watching this I don't understand Carl Carl no no Carl looks Carl looks a lot like Aaron Paul I disagree strongly disagree well you're wrong Aaron Paul has like a boyish kind of like blonde no Aaron Paul is not blonde is no he's not yeah Aaron Paul has blonde hair basically he like brown hair dirty blonde it's like brown he's got a blonde face and you know it a blonde face you know who you know what else you were saying Brian bonsa you were really into and I think he's got kind of this blondish boyish thing going on I'm worried about you and also Carl Carl does not look anything like Aaron Paul he totally does you need glasses I have I have contact are you wear are you wearing contacts right now they're not working yes they are you need new ones that function I've talked to my sisters about this we all agree well your sisters are just humoring you I think of what's going on not no no way do they look alike they both have facial no they both have facial hair that's it no they look light TC will you please back me up on this I'm not going to get involved oh really now you're not going to get involved here's your chance looks nothing like it that's right thank you I think they're both very handsome I mean I look more like Aaron Paul than Carl does no you do not I don't look anything like him that's my point I don't look anything like him that's what I'm saying I look like Zach G now a little bit a little bit so anyway movie movie looks awful we get that side side it was a really bad movie can you tell us about it a little bit uh there were there was Aaron Paul oh Jesus and um it was basically Jesse Pinkman driving cars I don't understand this is not part of the Fast and Furious franchise is it it's just like it was a video game it was a video game that EA made okay and we thousand of them there thousand like it was unbelievable we got to the theater and uh the EA logo splashed up on the screen as if you were playing a video game and everybody just started cracking up wait what happened you're in the theater you know how like it shows all the studios no science that's it that was the week of March 10th from our family to yours don't use natural gas no you're not ending this you don't get to say when it ends just you got a cowboy hat on you're in control you're not in control do you feel in control a little bit no you're not that's the Verge cast for this week i' like to thank Katie and TC for being on it it was great always a great time I'm sorry guys you know what it's all you guys want to talk about garia real quick before we start off what's going on with my hair right now it's not good it's doing some really funky stuff it's not good sweating I think we're upsetting Billy and John are producers oh yeah they thought this was such hot before we started they're like it's so great we love the Verge cast what do you think about the Verge cast now guys how you feeling about it huh that's what I thought can we talk about I'll see you in hell can we talk about hat technology no we got to wrap up that's the First cast for this week very sorry by the way very sorry about about sorry sorry what's happened drunk I'm not drunk I'm just tired and I am a little maybe a little buzzed um that's the Verge cast for this week we're very sorry about what it seemed like to you uh I assure you that there is some audience for this you just weren't it probably um if you want to reach out to us and send us a message about how much you disliked what we did today you can email us at Verge sorry at vergecast atth you can uh you can leave a comment on the post when it goes up or the one that has gone up can drop something into the uh into the forum into the forums on the verge um please don't don't do this you're doing this I hope you don't have lice that's all I have to say and uh sweaty so sweaty it's so sweaty in here this is so disgusting and yet I do actually think this is kind of a good that's the best you've ever looked it's kind of a fresh look I've known you for three years that's the best you've ever looked I'm not going to lie to you but this may become my thing I'm going to be like the guy oh the like oh Josh tulsky the guy who wears the cowboy hat like yep that's me uh anyhow by the way this solves my hair problem completely I guess like bald dudes are super into hats right they're like hey check it out I got a thing going on up here it's not hair but it's a thing that's the Verge cast you can email us a Verge vergecast the you can uh uh leave a comment you can throw somebody to forums uh you can find us on Twitter The Verge is Verge I'm Joshua tulsky TC is laughing stoic don't say it totally garbage garbage Twitter name Katie Drummond is Katie drum with two M because she doesn't know how to spell drum properly um because she can't spelled drum in Canada that's how they spell it with two M's uh and uh and uh that's it that's it for this Verge cast and uh could be it for every Verge cast ever frankly somebody just said best Verge cast ever yeah so he just tweeted that at me it was probably my dad it wasn't oh really is your dad named uh Henrik jansson no well then I guess it wasn't your dad let's that's that's that's it for this Verge cast and uh really we're not going to talk about garia okay what would you like to say next week we'll talk about it because by then there will be no Trish Neer just did a new image can we get can we get this image up I don't know how she's turning these around so quickly can we just get the new image that she did for us up it's of me it's very good very good stuff and it looks a lot like what you're looking at right now you guys are too slow yeah look at my feed there it is it's disturbing isn't it it's like a fedora though people really are liking the Hat all right any That's The Verge cast for this week uh we'll be back soon with so much more and uh until that happens I have to warn you something bad is coming for you and your family and I can't stop it may God be with you\n"