**Optimizing Windows 10: A Comprehensive Guide**
The first step in optimizing Windows 10 is to turn off notifications. As the narrator says, "No we don't want you to get to know me cuz you're a computer and the last time you got to know Windows you uh did some like Nazi thing wasn't it so uh let apps access my contacts turn that off as well." This ensures that your computer is not bombarded with unnecessary notifications and distractions.
Next, the narrator navigates to the "Feedback and Diagnosing" settings. They enable this setting to send minimal information to Microsoft, while also freeing up resources by turning off background apps. The narrator explains that they want to send as little data as possible, while still allowing Microsoft to understand how their computer is performing.
The next step is to turn off unnecessary features in the "Background Apps" section. The narrator advises viewers to turn off all background apps except for Microsoft Edge, which is necessary for certain tasks like playing YouTube music through the browser. By disabling these apps, users can free up resources and improve their computer's performance.
Moving on, the narrator suggests a few additional tweaks to optimize Windows 10. They recommend right-clicking on the clock in the bottom right corner and adjusting the date and time settings to "Set Time Automatically." This ensures that your computer is synchronized with the correct time zone. Next, the narrator opens the "msconfig" utility and navigates to the "Boot" section, where they disable the GUI boot option. They also open the "Startup" section and enable Task Manager, allowing them to manage which programs are loaded at startup.
Finally, the narrator suggests visiting a website called nite.com, which offers a package of essential apps that can be downloaded and installed on a fresh Windows 10 installation. The narrator uses this service to download a selection of popular apps, including Firefox, Skype, VLC, and Steam. By using this service, users can easily install the necessary apps for their needs.
**Tips and Tricks**
In addition to these settings and tweaks, there are several other tips and tricks that can be used to optimize Windows 10. One bonus tip is to disable the Nvidia capture server, which can cause freezing issues if left enabled. To do this, the narrator right-clicks on the Nvidia service and stops it.
Another useful trick is to unpin unnecessary files and folders from the desktop. The narrator right-clicks on a series of icons, including "Films and TV," "People," and "Photoshop," and pinches them back down to remove them from the desktop.
By following these steps and tips, users can optimize their Windows 10 installation for better performance, efficiency, and functionality. Remember to turn off unnecessary notifications, disable background apps, and use tools like msconfig to manage your computer's settings. Additionally, consider visiting nite.com to download essential apps and tweak your desktop with useful shortcuts.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enso you've got to restart your computer even shut it down and then you boot it up again and there's this Windows 10 anniversary update you install it and all of a sudden everything is crap again things are sluggish games are crashing you don't know what to do but that's all right because this guide is going to make Windows 10 great again welcome back to Tech City this is Brian coming to you guys today with a full optimization guide for Windows 10 and aniversary update now we'll get straight on into it and I'll be on the bottom right hand corner here guiding you guys through the whole process but the first things first left left click on that search bar type in services and then open that desktop app and we're going to go through here and make sure it's organized by name so that way you guys can follow me and exactly disable the services that I'm disabling and remember as well this is how I uh optimize my Windows 10 for me so other people will do it differently but it seems to be a very popular thing when I update it and and people want to copy my settings so be sure to just go through here copy it all and then enjoy a fast and snappy windows so right click on the first one here Auto time zone updator we just want to disable that um unless you're traveling internationally with your PC which I doubt you are with your desktop then you want to probably disable this just one of those Services you don't need go down to Connected devices platform servers right click that and then click stop and disable get rid of that one too and then right beneath that is connected user experiences and Telemetry so right click that again disabled and stop and we'll just apply so and then underneath that we want to go down to I believe it's called distributed link tracking client right click that properties same old Jazz here disabled stop bang see you later no more data that I don't need to give out unnecessarily uh this one here as well this is on manual now so it shouldn't be starting up but it used to be have some controversy surrounding it being a key logger that is the DM WAP push SCV so just click apply and click okay and then I want you guys to go down to now radio Management Service so this one I like to disable this as well as it has no bearing for what I do and don't need so that's it for services let's move on now to the next step so the next step we're going to do here is go down this left bar here and type in accessibility and then we go to other easte of access settings and there should be one here play animations in Windows I want you to turn this off and if you are on a real sluggish computer you can also turn off show Windows background uh that's if you're on like a real old computer and you just made it to Windows 10 but that's up to you go up to narrator here make sure they're both turned off magnifier I like to turn everything off here as well and that's about it for this setting so the next setting we're going to go through here is just simply right click on the desktop and go to display settings here here and once you've clicked on that it should open up a heap of tabs here and we want to go down to apps and features and now within this tab there is going to be a lot of apps that we just don't really don't need I mean 3D Builder okay I don't need it so I'm just going to get rid of that uh we can also keep moving down and we can go down to alarms and clocks app installer don't need it and you just going through you guys can feel free to uninstall the exact programs that I'm uninstalling here these are just programs I just don't see myself so moving down along apps and features now I'll put a list in the description below of all the apps and features that I actually uninstalled from here as my screen went black when I was doing this but moving on now to default apps just make sure that you've got the music player that you want selected Win app is the one of choice I use and also for video player I use VLC media player but the main one you want to make sure is Windows photo viewer is default on your photo viewer app I don't know why it's saying choose default there but it should be Windows Photo view but moving down into notifications and and uh actions here we can actually take off these here and make sure that you can turn off the ones that you don't need so for me I like to get notifications from apps for instance Creative Cloud I like to know when the actual program is updated or not uh and so the next one we can go down to now is power and sleep you guys can copy me if you want screen I like to turn the screen off after 20 minutes and also the plugged in PC I like to never put it to sleep I also like to uh another thing I like to do here is I like to have my hard drive so in advanced power settings I like to have it that my hard drives never turn off and I found so you just type in zero there I find that that actually has never had a hard drive fail on me so that's maybe something that you guys want to copy as well for your power and sleep settings moving down to storage now you don't really have to touch anything there offline maps uh pretty important if you guys want to sort of free up a little bit of room I like to delete all maps here and then I also like to turn off automatically update Maps moving down into tablet mode I like to click off and I also like to change that to use desktop mode and uh also just leave that on that because it should always be using desktop mode now multitasking we can click onto this tab here and arrange windows we can leave all those on generally I haven't had a problem with those multitasking settings they not such a big deal that you can change it as you like it projecting to this PC I don't want to project to my PC and vice versa I don't want to project my PC to other people cuz I've already got streaming apps to do that so the next part of this guide we're just going to right click on the desktop here and click on personalize and then we're going to move into here and then go to Colors now you can turn this off here make start taskbar and action center transparent I like to turn it off better for performance uh minuscule amount and also I like to change it to Orange here that's just the way my theme is uh the Dark theme I generally don't like that at all I like to leave it on light though your mileage may vary and then we move on to lock screen here I don't like to get those fun facts and I don't like to show the lock screen background picture also go down to uh Cortana lock screen settings just make sure those are turned off you turn all those off and um you know and you can turn that off as well history view so make sure all those settings are turned off and then we can move down to uh start here as well and you want to make sure show occasionally show suggestions on start is off and then as well as uh Show recently opened items in Jump list so that's how I like to have it and then moving down to taskbar this is pretty important as well so uh another thing you can do here is have it on the bottom and never combine the taskbar as well and then if we go down here to the notifications area then we can go to turn system icons on or off and now I generally like to turn the action center off cuz that was updated in the anniversary update and it sort of comes on there and it's pretty annoying in that bottom right corner I'm kind of not used to it and I'll show you guys exactly what I mean so here it is here and we just uh turn that instead of having it on we can just turn it off and it'll disappear here from the bottom right so I'll get back to the bottom right there for you guys and we'll move on to the next setting now another thing on multiple displays I like to do is instead of having show taskbar buttons I like to have it on all taskbars and also I like to have never selected so our second taskbar on our second monitor will also display our applications and stuff so it's very easy it's an easier multitaskers tweak so now moving along with the guide we go down here type in Windows update and we can go to Windows update settings left click that and also we can move down here and go to Advanced options in Windows update Advanced options and you can make sure just that's checked uh if you want to defer updates as well that's something you can do if you don't like want say for instance Windows 10 anniversary update but another important thing here is to go to uh privacy settings sorry uh choose how updates are delivered and make sure this one is not on this tab here so you don't want it on PCS on my local network and PCS on the internet you don't want to be having your computer as like a hub for sending updates to other people that'll just kill your network especially if you got uh sluggish upload speeds like I do at the moment so check that make sure that's just checked on or you can just turn it off all together and then back here on the main tab we can go to Windows Defender and just make sure that I like to turn this notifications uh area off uh if you want to turn off realtime protection you can but it'll just turn itself back on anyway and that's about it for that tab there so now's an actually very important setting with Windows anniversary update they enabled a thing called game DVR digital video recording by default and this is causing a lot of games to crash I've had csgo crash on me I've had Dota 2 crash on me and essentially we want to disable this or just turn it off now if you've got the Xbox app and you really need that then you can just type in here Xbox open it up and then disable it from the settings tab though if you're like me and you just want to completely disable it all together you can just type in here Powershell and then right click on that and click run as administrator and then what you want to do after this is then type in here and I'll put this in the description below you just Control Paste this so I'll put it in the description below for you guys just copy that drop it in here it's get hyphen app X package star Xbox app star slash remove hyphen appex package and hit enter and your Xbox app should be gone game DVR with it should be gone as well so the next thing we want to do is Cortana now we actually can't disable Cortana from the start bar like we used to where we could just turn it off we actually have to go into a thing called Group Policy editor and now if you guys are on Windows 10 home you will actually have to do this via the registry edit and if you guys want that I'll put a setting in the description below just a quick R hack file you can download that double click it and it'll disable it for you home users but if you're on Windows Pro or Enterprise for instance you can then just open up that group policy editor like I've got here open it up uh and then we can just go to administrative templates so we go to administrative templates here move along now to I think it's Windows components so we go to Windows components click on that Tab and go all the way down to search and then we going to go to double click allow C double click that and then click disabled and click apply click okay allow C above lock screen I like to disable that as well so those two files disabled we can then move on now to the next setting so you like optimizing drives I like optimizing drives except the problem is I don't like it when Windows chooses it for me so what we want to do here is go back down to start menu click on optimize there and we want to um optimize hard drive I think this should be like that should be the one defragment and optimize your hard drive and left click on that open that up and then we go to change settings so see schedule optimization is on on and it's usually on weekly but I don't like this so I'm going to go Click Change settings here and I'm going to uh uncheck that run on a schedule click okay and then I'm click going to click close And that's done glowing to click okay for this next part we're going to go down here and type Advanced system settings and once that comes up you should be able to open up the advanced system settings tab so just left click on that and then move on here to Performance type in their settings or left click that that and then just go to and just change it to how you want it I like to take all these settings off here the Fades and the animations and also to show uh Shadows under the windows and under the mouse pointers so I like to take those off and then also here in the startup and recoveries I like to time to display list of operating systems I like to take that off as well and then click okay we can then move on to system protection I actually like to turn this off you guys your mileage may vary but I find I never really need it if I'm going to do a fresh install the windows I'll just reinstall the whole damn OS so uh moving on now to remote make sure those settings are taken off as well okay so moving along here now we can go back to this search bar here and type in privacy and then click that privacy settings there and just going along and make suring all this stuff is kind of turned off I like to have it all turned off so we're moving through off off off and I'm pretty sure this will bring it over from your previous uh installation of window so if you followed my previous windows 10 optimization guide there should be some other little ones though that pop up like notifications turn that off and no we don't want you to get to know me cuz you're a computer and the last time you got to know Windows you uh did some like Nazi thing wasn't it so uh let apps access my contacts turn that off as well in contacts and then moving down into calendar leave that off call history off email off just everything off off off off we just turn tur this whole thing off now another important one down here in feedback and diagnosing settings is to have this on never and make sure that's on basic so we're sending Microsoft a little bit of information we just want to send as least amount as possible as well as as uh freeing up things so background apps another important tab here so we go to background apps and I want you guys to you guys can turn off the ones that I'm turning off as well uh so I pretty much leave them all off except for Microsoft Edge because if I'm playing YouTube music through my brain browser I want to leave that on uh so now another one we can so all these are off except for Microsoft Edge so let's move on now to the next tab so some last minute tweaks that I'll go through with you guys is to right click on the clock on the bottom right corner here and adjust date and time and then make sure that this is set to off set time automatically now after you've done that you can go to the bottom left corner here type in Ms config and open that up and then we go to boot here and make sure no GUI boot is selected Ed and then go to Startup and we can open Task Manager here and make sure those programs that you don't want loaded up for instance uh realtech HD audio manager I like to disable that and also the um Windows Defender notification item I like to disable that as well so like to have those two disabled and then I click apply okay and we'll exit without a restart cuz we're still doing the guide and now the final thing you may wish to go to is a website called nite.com ni n tecom and I'll put the link in the description below for you guys but this site allows you to get all those little apps that you would need on a fresh install allinone package for you to download for your own personal use so we'll go to this website and we'll try and bring up say for instance all the ones that I usually use so for web browsers Firefox that's one that I actually use because it's got some great add-ons messaging Skype I use that and then for medor I use VLC and also I use a Winamp as well so I'd like to click on those two and then over here you can go to um for instance uh file sharing Cubit torr really good as well and avas is also a good antivirus although Windows Defender I find is doing a pretty good job and then lastly you can get Steam from here as well and you can just pick all the ones that you uh otherwise would need I like winra as well so if I wanted to get that whole package I would then click all those and then I'd get your 9ite and that'll get me an installer with all those select programs that I need anyway that's about it for me today guys if you like this video be sure to hit that like button if you haven't already subscribe to the channel for more Tech news and reviews and also if there's other settings or very popular tweaks that you like to do then be sure to drop a comment in the comment section below and I'll and if they're popular enough then I'll add them to the description and I'll catch you guys in another tech video very soon peace out for now bye so you guys want a bloopers didn't you so for this one we're just going to Nvidia this is the Nvidia service you have to stop it otherwise it just causes you to freeze so now that we've disabled those settings we can then click on us needing in the future so I'm just getting rid of them as well so being provided search get rid of that now we're moving on now to uh okay so we disabled those settings and now look at this we got a little twirly bird on the desktop here but it was was the Nvidia capture server so for this bonus one we're just going to right click on these and unpin all this stuff that we just don't need from here films and TV people settings camera Maps Photoshop I like that I like Photoshop so we just get all that and then we just bring it down here and then it should be pretty clean our start menu should be pretty clean look at that now it's time to edit the video look at all these files that I made wooso you've got to restart your computer even shut it down and then you boot it up again and there's this Windows 10 anniversary update you install it and all of a sudden everything is crap again things are sluggish games are crashing you don't know what to do but that's all right because this guide is going to make Windows 10 great again welcome back to Tech City this is Brian coming to you guys today with a full optimization guide for Windows 10 and aniversary update now we'll get straight on into it and I'll be on the bottom right hand corner here guiding you guys through the whole process but the first things first left left click on that search bar type in services and then open that desktop app and we're going to go through here and make sure it's organized by name so that way you guys can follow me and exactly disable the services that I'm disabling and remember as well this is how I uh optimize my Windows 10 for me so other people will do it differently but it seems to be a very popular thing when I update it and and people want to copy my settings so be sure to just go through here copy it all and then enjoy a fast and snappy windows so right click on the first one here Auto time zone updator we just want to disable that um unless you're traveling internationally with your PC which I doubt you are with your desktop then you want to probably disable this just one of those Services you don't need go down to Connected devices platform servers right click that and then click stop and disable get rid of that one too and then right beneath that is connected user experiences and Telemetry so right click that again disabled and stop and we'll just apply so and then underneath that we want to go down to I believe it's called distributed link tracking client right click that properties same old Jazz here disabled stop bang see you later no more data that I don't need to give out unnecessarily uh this one here as well this is on manual now so it shouldn't be starting up but it used to be have some controversy surrounding it being a key logger that is the DM WAP push SCV so just click apply and click okay and then I want you guys to go down to now radio Management Service so this one I like to disable this as well as it has no bearing for what I do and don't need so that's it for services let's move on now to the next step so the next step we're going to do here is go down this left bar here and type in accessibility and then we go to other easte of access settings and there should be one here play animations in Windows I want you to turn this off and if you are on a real sluggish computer you can also turn off show Windows background uh that's if you're on like a real old computer and you just made it to Windows 10 but that's up to you go up to narrator here make sure they're both turned off magnifier I like to turn everything off here as well and that's about it for this setting so the next setting we're going to go through here is just simply right click on the desktop and go to display settings here here and once you've clicked on that it should open up a heap of tabs here and we want to go down to apps and features and now within this tab there is going to be a lot of apps that we just don't really don't need I mean 3D Builder okay I don't need it so I'm just going to get rid of that uh we can also keep moving down and we can go down to alarms and clocks app installer don't need it and you just going through you guys can feel free to uninstall the exact programs that I'm uninstalling here these are just programs I just don't see myself so moving down along apps and features now I'll put a list in the description below of all the apps and features that I actually uninstalled from here as my screen went black when I was doing this but moving on now to default apps just make sure that you've got the music player that you want selected Win app is the one of choice I use and also for video player I use VLC media player but the main one you want to make sure is Windows photo viewer is default on your photo viewer app I don't know why it's saying choose default there but it should be Windows Photo view but moving down into notifications and and uh actions here we can actually take off these here and make sure that you can turn off the ones that you don't need so for me I like to get notifications from apps for instance Creative Cloud I like to know when the actual program is updated or not uh and so the next one we can go down to now is power and sleep you guys can copy me if you want screen I like to turn the screen off after 20 minutes and also the plugged in PC I like to never put it to sleep I also like to uh another thing I like to do here is I like to have my hard drive so in advanced power settings I like to have it that my hard drives never turn off and I found so you just type in zero there I find that that actually has never had a hard drive fail on me so that's maybe something that you guys want to copy as well for your power and sleep settings moving down to storage now you don't really have to touch anything there offline maps uh pretty important if you guys want to sort of free up a little bit of room I like to delete all maps here and then I also like to turn off automatically update Maps moving down into tablet mode I like to click off and I also like to change that to use desktop mode and uh also just leave that on that because it should always be using desktop mode now multitasking we can click onto this tab here and arrange windows we can leave all those on generally I haven't had a problem with those multitasking settings they not such a big deal that you can change it as you like it projecting to this PC I don't want to project to my PC and vice versa I don't want to project my PC to other people cuz I've already got streaming apps to do that so the next part of this guide we're just going to right click on the desktop here and click on personalize and then we're going to move into here and then go to Colors now you can turn this off here make start taskbar and action center transparent I like to turn it off better for performance uh minuscule amount and also I like to change it to Orange here that's just the way my theme is uh the Dark theme I generally don't like that at all I like to leave it on light though your mileage may vary and then we move on to lock screen here I don't like to get those fun facts and I don't like to show the lock screen background picture also go down to uh Cortana lock screen settings just make sure those are turned off you turn all those off and um you know and you can turn that off as well history view so make sure all those settings are turned off and then we can move down to uh start here as well and you want to make sure show occasionally show suggestions on start is off and then as well as uh Show recently opened items in Jump list so that's how I like to have it and then moving down to taskbar this is pretty important as well so uh another thing you can do here is have it on the bottom and never combine the taskbar as well and then if we go down here to the notifications area then we can go to turn system icons on or off and now I generally like to turn the action center off cuz that was updated in the anniversary update and it sort of comes on there and it's pretty annoying in that bottom right corner I'm kind of not used to it and I'll show you guys exactly what I mean so here it is here and we just uh turn that instead of having it on we can just turn it off and it'll disappear here from the bottom right so I'll get back to the bottom right there for you guys and we'll move on to the next setting now another thing on multiple displays I like to do is instead of having show taskbar buttons I like to have it on all taskbars and also I like to have never selected so our second taskbar on our second monitor will also display our applications and stuff so it's very easy it's an easier multitaskers tweak so now moving along with the guide we go down here type in Windows update and we can go to Windows update settings left click that and also we can move down here and go to Advanced options in Windows update Advanced options and you can make sure just that's checked uh if you want to defer updates as well that's something you can do if you don't like want say for instance Windows 10 anniversary update but another important thing here is to go to uh privacy settings sorry uh choose how updates are delivered and make sure this one is not on this tab here so you don't want it on PCS on my local network and PCS on the internet you don't want to be having your computer as like a hub for sending updates to other people that'll just kill your network especially if you got uh sluggish upload speeds like I do at the moment so check that make sure that's just checked on or you can just turn it off all together and then back here on the main tab we can go to Windows Defender and just make sure that I like to turn this notifications uh area off uh if you want to turn off realtime protection you can but it'll just turn itself back on anyway and that's about it for that tab there so now's an actually very important setting with Windows anniversary update they enabled a thing called game DVR digital video recording by default and this is causing a lot of games to crash I've had csgo crash on me I've had Dota 2 crash on me and essentially we want to disable this or just turn it off now if you've got the Xbox app and you really need that then you can just type in here Xbox open it up and then disable it from the settings tab though if you're like me and you just want to completely disable it all together you can just type in here Powershell and then right click on that and click run as administrator and then what you want to do after this is then type in here and I'll put this in the description below you just Control Paste this so I'll put it in the description below for you guys just copy that drop it in here it's get hyphen app X package star Xbox app star slash remove hyphen appex package and hit enter and your Xbox app should be gone game DVR with it should be gone as well so the next thing we want to do is Cortana now we actually can't disable Cortana from the start bar like we used to where we could just turn it off we actually have to go into a thing called Group Policy editor and now if you guys are on Windows 10 home you will actually have to do this via the registry edit and if you guys want that I'll put a setting in the description below just a quick R hack file you can download that double click it and it'll disable it for you home users but if you're on Windows Pro or Enterprise for instance you can then just open up that group policy editor like I've got here open it up uh and then we can just go to administrative templates so we go to administrative templates here move along now to I think it's Windows components so we go to Windows components click on that Tab and go all the way down to search and then we going to go to double click allow C double click that and then click disabled and click apply click okay allow C above lock screen I like to disable that as well so those two files disabled we can then move on now to the next setting so you like optimizing drives I like optimizing drives except the problem is I don't like it when Windows chooses it for me so what we want to do here is go back down to start menu click on optimize there and we want to um optimize hard drive I think this should be like that should be the one defragment and optimize your hard drive and left click on that open that up and then we go to change settings so see schedule optimization is on on and it's usually on weekly but I don't like this so I'm going to go Click Change settings here and I'm going to uh uncheck that run on a schedule click okay and then I'm click going to click close And that's done glowing to click okay for this next part we're going to go down here and type Advanced system settings and once that comes up you should be able to open up the advanced system settings tab so just left click on that and then move on here to Performance type in their settings or left click that that and then just go to and just change it to how you want it I like to take all these settings off here the Fades and the animations and also to show uh Shadows under the windows and under the mouse pointers so I like to take those off and then also here in the startup and recoveries I like to time to display list of operating systems I like to take that off as well and then click okay we can then move on to system protection I actually like to turn this off you guys your mileage may vary but I find I never really need it if I'm going to do a fresh install the windows I'll just reinstall the whole damn OS so uh moving on now to remote make sure those settings are taken off as well okay so moving along here now we can go back to this search bar here and type in privacy and then click that privacy settings there and just going along and make suring all this stuff is kind of turned off I like to have it all turned off so we're moving through off off off and I'm pretty sure this will bring it over from your previous uh installation of window so if you followed my previous windows 10 optimization guide there should be some other little ones though that pop up like notifications turn that off and no we don't want you to get to know me cuz you're a computer and the last time you got to know Windows you uh did some like Nazi thing wasn't it so uh let apps access my contacts turn that off as well in contacts and then moving down into calendar leave that off call history off email off just everything off off off off we just turn tur this whole thing off now another important one down here in feedback and diagnosing settings is to have this on never and make sure that's on basic so we're sending Microsoft a little bit of information we just want to send as least amount as possible as well as as uh freeing up things so background apps another important tab here so we go to background apps and I want you guys to you guys can turn off the ones that I'm turning off as well uh so I pretty much leave them all off except for Microsoft Edge because if I'm playing YouTube music through my brain browser I want to leave that on uh so now another one we can so all these are off except for Microsoft Edge so let's move on now to the next tab so some last minute tweaks that I'll go through with you guys is to right click on the clock on the bottom right corner here and adjust date and time and then make sure that this is set to off set time automatically now after you've done that you can go to the bottom left corner here type in Ms config and open that up and then we go to boot here and make sure no GUI boot is selected Ed and then go to Startup and we can open Task Manager here and make sure those programs that you don't want loaded up for instance uh realtech HD audio manager I like to disable that and also the um Windows Defender notification item I like to disable that as well so like to have those two disabled and then I click apply okay and we'll exit without a restart cuz we're still doing the guide and now the final thing you may wish to go to is a website called nite.com ni n tecom and I'll put the link in the description below for you guys but this site allows you to get all those little apps that you would need on a fresh install allinone package for you to download for your own personal use so we'll go to this website and we'll try and bring up say for instance all the ones that I usually use so for web browsers Firefox that's one that I actually use because it's got some great add-ons messaging Skype I use that and then for medor I use VLC and also I use a Winamp as well so I'd like to click on those two and then over here you can go to um for instance uh file sharing Cubit torr really good as well and avas is also a good antivirus although Windows Defender I find is doing a pretty good job and then lastly you can get Steam from here as well and you can just pick all the ones that you uh otherwise would need I like winra as well so if I wanted to get that whole package I would then click all those and then I'd get your 9ite and that'll get me an installer with all those select programs that I need anyway that's about it for me today guys if you like this video be sure to hit that like button if you haven't already subscribe to the channel for more Tech news and reviews and also if there's other settings or very popular tweaks that you like to do then be sure to drop a comment in the comment section below and I'll and if they're popular enough then I'll add them to the description and I'll catch you guys in another tech video very soon peace out for now bye so you guys want a bloopers didn't you so for this one we're just going to Nvidia this is the Nvidia service you have to stop it otherwise it just causes you to freeze so now that we've disabled those settings we can then click on us needing in the future so I'm just getting rid of them as well so being provided search get rid of that now we're moving on now to uh okay so we disabled those settings and now look at this we got a little twirly bird on the desktop here but it was was the Nvidia capture server so for this bonus one we're just going to right click on these and unpin all this stuff that we just don't need from here films and TV people settings camera Maps Photoshop I like that I like Photoshop so we just get all that and then we just bring it down here and then it should be pretty clean our start menu should be pretty clean look at that now it's time to edit the video look at all these files that I made woo\n"