3D Squirrel Cake _ How To Cook That Ann Reardon _ The Nut Job 2 - Nutty by Nature

Creating a Cartoon Character Doll Cake

To start off with creating your cartoon character doll cake you're going to need some materials and tools. First things first, you'll need a plain round cake that's been baked and cooled. Make sure it's not too big because you'll need to carve out the details later on.

Once you've got your cake all set up now it's time for decorating. Mark where the top of his nose sits and dampen that area with a little bit of water, then add the piece of white fondant over the top and down the front of the cake. Now straight away while that white fondant is still soft use your skewer to drag down the edge of the fondant so that it isn't a flat sort of hard line going from white to purple but instead it looks a bit more like a different colored fur blending in.

And do some more lines all the way under the chin and in the direction of the fur on all the white areas. Put some water along the lower lip there and then add a strip of deep pink along that lip line just for his bottom lip. Add your teeth into place making sure you put the bottom teeth in before the top ones because the top ones will sit in front of them.

Cut the nose out of black fondant then dampen the top of the nose area and add it into place. Once it's there just use your fingers to push it to make sure it isn't stretched out of shape just make it symmetrical and make sure it's sitting straight in the middle there. Cut out the lighter eye area and gently press that on the side there just like we did with the white piece you want to use a skewer again to give a fur texture all the way around the eye and sort of make that blend in a bit there.

Add the white of the eye and then because he is a cartoon character roll a thin snake of black and wrap it around the eye. Brush on a tiny bit of water and then put a thin snake of pink ... I'm not sure why but that just sits around the top of his eye... I can see that in the pictures so that's what we're doing.

Roll out some light brown and cut out two circles for the colored part of the eye and then make a mini ball of black and squash it right in the center of the eye for the pupil. Then using some dark brown food coloring paint some on one side going from the center of the eye to the edge. Then use some water on your brush to water it down and keep going around the eye until you've covered about three-quarters of it.

I wasteaching Matthew how to draw eyes this week and one of the things that if you don't get it right the eye won't look good is that you have to have exact circles... so if you haven't got that black pupil exactly right if it's not right in the center or if it's not a circle it's not going to look right... so just do it again before you start painting it and get the shape right first. Once you get to the last quarter of the eye just do the edge and not the center so you've got a bit of a lighter highlight in the eye there.

And now add an even tinier ball of white for the reflection in his eye because if you look at someone's eyeball if there's a light on in the room you'll see that reflecting. Cut a little bit off the bottom edge and then add that into place.

Just a loveable little dolly... okay, that's a little creepy! Roll over some pointy snakes and attach a few of them onto the cheeks just so that you've got a few hairs that are sort of sticking out and then that gives your eye just sort of the perception that the whole thing is that sort of texture.

Mix some black fondant with a little bit of water to make a paste and then use that to add some black eyebrows. If you also roll some little pointy snakes of black and purple and just curve some of them, leave some of them straight and leave them to dry at this point we can add them in later to make it look a bit more 3D but having this black underneath will make it look a bit fuller.

Use some purple food-grade dusting powder to shade the top part of the eye area and you can also use some grey to define the chin and neck area a little bit too if you want to. And use a little bit of grey on the nose just to highlight it on one side careful that you don't make him sneeze.

Add a line of white food coloring to his lip for the highlight and then just put some clean water on your brush and brush it across the white line just to soften it and do it in the direction that the lines on your lips go. Poke a hole into the top of the head and add some of the dried pointy snakes of fondant... they dry out really quickly because they're so little.

Okay, on to the ears... this is a bit I've been putting off for ages but now it's time to do them. You'll need two small circles of fondant, one slightly smaller than the other, these will be the top and bottom ears. Place them onto the head of your cake, positioning them where you think they should go.

Using a little bit of pressure push the edges of the fondant downwards into the sides of the head, this will help to give the ears some depth. You can then use a skewer or a toothpick to add in details such as ridges and bumps.

To finish off your cartoon character doll cake simply add any final touches you like. This could be something as simple as adding a few more lines here and there, or something a bit more elaborate like adding some candy eyes or a little hat.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enWelcome to how to cook that I'm AnnReardon and today we're making Surly theSquirrel thanks to Nut Job 2 Nutty byNature for sponsoring this video we werein the middle of school holidays hereand I just had a few weeks off myself Ididn't have filming or anything for afew weeks which is the first time in sixand a half years which is a bit crazy!we've done lots of fun stuff includingtaking Jedd to the zoo and I took him tosee Nut Job 2 which was lots of fun.Cute little guy. Boop! Don't call me cute! Got it.To make Surly the squirrel, first we need to make some peanut butter cake and for that you needmargarine sugar sour cream eggs bakingpowder flour vanilla milk brown sugarpeanut butter and oil. Add the bakingpowder in with the flour and whisk thosetogether until they're well combinedthere are no lumps and the flour isaerated then add the sour cream to themilk and whisk those together too. Now ifyou're new around here all the recipequantities for this are on thehowtocookthat.net website and it's therefor you in grams and ounces and cups andthere's a link to that below in thedescription. Add the white sugar and thebrown sugar into the bowl with thebutter and then whisk them togetheruntil the mixture changes from looking abit like wet sand to looking pale andfluffy like this. Add in the peanutbutter the oil vanilla and the eggs andmix that on high speed until it's smooththat's looking yummy already. Now all weneed to do is add in the flour and themilk and you can add that in in batchesa third at a time but don't be too slowabout it because you don't want to overmix it once you've added the flour. Splitthat mixture evenly between two linedbaking trays and spread it out all theway to the edges then bake those in theoven for around 25 minutes. Then we alsoneed to bake two trays of my richchocolate cake and the recipe and thevideo explaining how to make that is onthe website too. Once your cakes are bakedand cooled we need to make some frosting ...I'm gonna use some peanut butterfrosting and some vanilla buttercream.Making the frosting is easy just putall the ingredients in the bowl and mixit for a few minutes together until it'slight and fluffy. Print and cut out yourtemplate so that you know the size ofeverything and how big your layers ofcake need to be and this template is onthe how to cook that website too for you. Cut around each of the cake layertemplates just using a serrated knifeand once you've cut those all out it'stime to stack the cake. Put a littlefrosting onto the cake board to stop itslipping and then put layer one intoplace on the board. Brush that cake withsome simple syrup this just keeps thecake moist and how to make it as justequal parts of sugar and water just heatit up in the microwave until the sugaris dissolved. Spread on the first layerof frosting and if you like you can evensprinkle on some nuts to make it evenmore nutty. Add layer two I'm usingpeanut butter cake for the second layerand then add some simple syrup and thensome peanut butter frosting and ofcourse some nuts. And after you've donethat with layer three look at where yourcake board will sit and mark out one, two,three, four spots for supports. Poke onecake pop stick into the cake and thenmark where the cake comes up to and pullit out again. Cut the stick at that leveland then cut three more so that you havefour sticks exactly the same length. Pokeeach of those into the cake in the spotthat you marked and then add the cakeboard on top and now see when I pushdown the weight of the layers on top ofthis won't be able to squash the cake atthe bottom so it will keep its shape. Nowstack up layers four through to eight ontop of that. Look at that beautiful stackof cake. Put this side template in frontof it and make sure that this tallestbit for his nose is in line with the toplayer of cake. So layer cake needs to beover one side slightly so that it's intheplace. Now using a serrated knife cutalong the edge of the template to getthe right shape and remember to cut outthe mouth section too. Now turn your cake90 degrees so you're looking at the topof the head and cut around the top shapetemplate. Say hi to Jeddy there, he's justchecking in on the cake progress 💕.Alright so now we have the mouth here the nosehere and now we need to carve this topshape out of the cake. So put thistemplate over the top and carve off justtiny bits to form the shape of his face.Now you need to carve the top of hisnose a little bit skinnier just like youcan see in the picture and make hismouth come up a little bit on the edgestoo to make him smile. Cover the wholeoutside of your cake in buttercream andthen roll out a nice big piece of purplefondant and then carefully lift it up onyour arms and place it over the top ofthe head. Now the chin is going to bewhite so I'm more focusing on the topand the sides of the head and notworrying about the bit that's right infront of me. Lift and lower that fondantto get rid of any ruffles and then usethe palms of your hands just to press itinto the shape of the cake. Now I knowthis cake looks really tall and that'sbecause the squirrel's ears sit so farback on their head ... you kind of need itto be tall to get everything in theright place. Use your thumbs to gentlymark where that mouth is and then takesome scissors and cut off the extrafondant that's under the chin becausewe're going to cover that area in whitein a minute.It looks a bit like a purple dinosaur (Barney) atthe moment. Trim off all around the baseleaving a little more than you think youneed and then you can just tuck thatunder so that it looks nice and neat. Nowcut a slit where the mouth is and pushthat fondant down flat. While the fondantis still soft take a skewer or atoothpick and make lines in thedirection that his fur goes ... down hisnose andaround his cheeks ... just little limes thereto give it a bit of texture. Fold a pieceof black fondant in half and add it intothe slot for his mouth and then open itup again. Now I sprayed my black fondantwith vegetable cooking oil beforefolding it and that's what stopped itfrom sticking together if you don'tspray it you're not gonna be able toopen it up again. Cut along the top edgeof where the mouth is so that you haveblack just inside the mouth.Now cut some fondant in the shape of yourteeth I'm making them a bit longer sothat I can poke them into the gum andI'll add the exact shape that I madethem to the template for you. And youwant to leave those teeth to one side todry out a bit. Using the template cut outthe white section of his face butinstead of cutting around the base of itlet it go down so you've got a strip forhis neck. Mark where the top of his nosesits and dampen that area with a littlebit of water and then add the piece ofwhite fondant over the top and down thefront of the cake. Now straight awaywhile that white fondant is still softuse your skewer to drag down the edge ofthe fondant so that it isn't a flat sortof hard line going from white to purplebut instead it looks a bit more like adifferent colored fur blending in. And dosome more lines all the way under thechin and in the direction of the fur onall the white areas. Put some water alongthe lower lip there and then add a stripof deep pink along that lip line justfor his bottom lip. Add your teeth intoplace making sure you put the bottomteeth in before the top ones because thetop ones will sit in front of them. Cutthe nose out of black fondant thendampen the top of the nose area and addit into place. Once it's there just useyour fingers to push it to make sure itisn't stretched out of shape just makeit symmetrical and make sure it'ssitting straight in the middle there. Cutout the lighter eye area and gentlypress that on the side there just likewe did with the white piece you want touse a skewer again to give a fur textureall the wayaround the eye and sort of make thatblend in a bit there. Add the white of theeye and then because he is a cartooncharacter roll a thin snake of black andwrap it around the eye. Brush on a tinybit of water and then put a thin snakeof pink ... I'm not sure why but that justsits around the top of his eye ... I can seethat in the pictures so that's whatwe're doing.Roll out some light brown and cut outtwo circles for the colored part of theeye and then make a mini ball of blackand squash it right in the center of theeye for the pupil. Then using some darkbrown food coloring paint some on oneside going from the center of the eye tothe edge. Then use some water on yourbrush to water it down and keep goingaround the eye until you've coveredabout three-quarters of it. I wasteaching Matthew how to draw eyes thisweek and one of the things that if youdon't get it right the eye won't lookgood is that you have to have exactcircles ... so if you haven't got that blackpupil exactly right if it's not right inthe center or if it's not a circle it'snot going to look right ... so just do itagainbefore you start painting it and get theshape right first. Once you get to thelast quarter of the eye just do the edgeand not the center so you've got a bitof a lighter highlight in the eye there.And now add an even tinier ball of white for the reflection in his eyebecause if you look at someone's eyeballif there's a light on in the room you'llsee that reflecting. Cut a little bit offthe bottom edge and then add that into place.Just a loveable little dolly ... okaythat's a little creepy!Roll over some pointy snakes and attacha few of them onto the cheeks just sothat you've got a few hairs that aresort of sticking out and then that givesyour eye just sort of the perceptionthat the whole thing is that sort oftexture. Mix some black fondant with alittle bit of water to make a paste andthen use that to add some black eyebrows.If you also roll some little pointysnakes of black and purple and justcurve some of them, leave some of themstraight and leave them to dry at thispoint we can add them in later to makeit look a bit more 3d but having thisblack underneath will make it look a bitfuller. Use some purple food-gradedusting powder to shade the top part ofthe eye area and you can also use somegrey to define the chin and neck area alittle bit too if you want to. And use a little bit of grey on the nose just tohighlight it on one side careful thatyou don't make him sneeze and add a lineof white food colouring to his lip forthe highlight and then just put someclean water on your brush and brush itacross the white line just to soften itand do it in the direction that thelines on your lips go. Poke a hole intothe top of the head and add some of thedried pointy snakes of fondant ... they dryout really quickly because they're solittle. Okay on to the ears ... this is a bitI've been dreading! \"Don't tell me you're scared?!\"Cut them out of purple fondant and thenyou want to cut a smaller version of thesame shape out of pink and add it on top.Use your knife to roughen the edges soit looks like fur and then add the earsusing a little bit of water and then tokeep them in the shape you want them putsome baking paper underneath and somefoil scrunched up to hold them where youwant them. Poke some more holes aroundthe eyebrows and add your black pointysnakes ... now see how that black underneathmakes it look more full and the oneswe're adding now make it look more 3D. Afew hours later you can remove thesupports from under the ears and Surlythe squirrel is ready! YAYAnd now ... it's time to cut the cake!Lots ofpeople ask me how to cut cakes that havesupport boards in them. All you need todo is cut down until you feel the boardand then stop and then cut down againand then just put your knife in justabove the board and take your piece ofyummy chocolate peanut butter cake out.So you'd cut all of that top layer downto the board then remove the board andyour cake pop supports and slice thebottom half of your cake. Thanks again toNut Job 2 Nutty by Nature forsponsoring this video ... click here for thetrailer, here for more 3D cakes, here formy chocolate creations and here to go tomy channel. Make it a great week and I'llsee you on Friday 💕\n"