**A Mixed Bag: The Issues with Assassin's Creed**
When it comes to gaming, there's nothing quite like the thrill of playing a highly anticipated title. Assassin's Creed is no exception, and for fans of the series, this latest installment was likely a must-play. However, as we delve into the world of Altaïr, it becomes clear that this game has its fair share of problems.
**A Long List of Bugs**
One of the most glaring issues with Assassin's Creed is the sheer number of bugs that plague the game. According to the player, "basically it's just bug Central and if they released the game a few months later they might have had more time to correct it." This statement highlights the chaos that players face when trying to enjoy the game. From dips in frame rates to unexplained glitches, it seems like Ubisoft has its work cut out for it.
**A Poor Release Strategy**
The release of Assassin's Creed has been met with a mixture of disappointment and frustration from fans. The player notes that "I think they've gone the wrong way about it released it too early." This sentiment is echoed by many players who have expressed their discontent on social media. While some may argue that releasing the game early gives players more time to find bugs, it seems like this approach has had the opposite effect.
**Key Gameplay Issues**
Despite its flaws, Assassin's Crowd and other gameplay mechanics are actually quite enjoyable. The player notes that "crows and things like that are amazing," highlighting one of the game's strong suits. However, these positives are often overshadowed by the numerous bugs and glitches that players encounter.
**Technical Issues on Multiple Platforms**
The technical issues in Assassin's Creed are not limited to PC alone; they also affect PlayStation 4 and Xbox users. The player reports that on PS4, frames drop from 60 to 40, while on Xbox, they can drop as low as 18. This is a significant issue, especially for gamers who value smooth performance.
**Nvidia Users Are Less Affected**
Despite the widespread problems, Nvidia users have reported fewer issues than AMD users. The player notes that "um Nvidia users have reported to not have so many issues um en AMD really apparently has some pretty critical issues." While this may be due to various factors, it's reassuring to know that some gamers are less affected by these technical issues.
**Politicizing the Situation**
In a bizarre turn of events, Ubisoft has somewhat blamed the issues with Assassin's Creed on AMD users. The player notes that "partly blamed them or something either way I'm not getting involved with uh politics." While this may be true for some players, it's clear that these technical issues have been frustrating gamers worldwide.
So, should you play Assassin's Creed? Yes, but at your own risk. The player notes that "I think definitely you should play it but there are so many games out at the moment you don't need this now and if you do buy this now you're going to be disappointed because it doesn't run as well as it should." With its numerous bugs and technical issues, it's clear that players may want to wait for a patch or a sale before investing their time in Assassin's Creed.
**A Final Word**
As the player concludes, "thank you for watching this video let me know in the comments section what you thought of it did you like it did you think it was rubbish did you does it make you want to play the game does it make you want to have Ubisoft patching it straight away whatever you think." It's clear that the player is open to feedback and criticism, and their willingness to engage with their audience is admirable. Whether or not Assassin's Creed will be patched in the future remains to be seen, but for now, gamers are left to deal with these technical issues.
**The End**
"I have to that's another way I can kill this guy isn't it there's L of different ways to do this Mission so I've done that but yeah so don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already for more for more videos like this as well as others on PCS gaming and technology and that is me desynchronized so that's a good time for me to leave it so thank you so much for watching this video and I will see you in the next one"
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enwhat is up guys and welcome to should you play Assassin's Creed Unity I've got a lot of things to say about this game I think the first thing that should be said is just how beautiful this thing is now this video has been well it's been recorded in 60 frames a second and it will drop and I'll talk about more talk about that more in a moment um but unfortunately yeah you will see a bit of stutter I imagine from this recording because this game is incredibly hard to keep keep at 60 frames a second and of course when you're trying to record that you've got to have it even higher so anything really if the game drops below 80 then I would get a bit worried that the recording it might not pick it up so Assassin's Creed Unity this is of course the new Assassin's Creed game that is well actually let's let's jump off here um it's a new Assassin's Creed game that isn't available on Old generation Hardware this is a Next Generation game so how does that translate um in terms of gameplay how does it translate in terms of actual game quality and how does it look and run well as always I think we should probably start with the options menu the thing you're seeing here is a load of different faces in the crowd and you're seeing them pop in and out um again more on all that a bit later I wouldn't normally do this but I'm going to have a section called bugs in this video and go through all the different bugs that I've had in the game but the options menu this is actually one of the best options menu I've seen in a while we've got obviously all our standard Stuff Plus now you can customize your character so like your new skills that you've got I say new skills a lot of them are ones that you've seen in previous games but now you have to actually unlock them with assassin points which I don't mind it's just a bit well it's almost slightly jarring to go from a game well plenty of games where you've got all these things unlocked from the get-go and now you've got to work your way through and actually unlock them so we've got all these different things you see that we can unlock with our different points and we get these points by doing different challenges some of them are pretty easy some of them are not so easy everything you'd expect really we can also customiz our gear like we could before so basically like going into shops I haven't really done too much I've played about 5 hours but haven't done too much story don't worry there won't really be any spoilers in this video yeah so you can see we can buy different swords and things like that so if we want to upgrade to a better sword then we do that I've got enough money I think there we go job done and now I own the foil not K not kitchen fil that wouldn't do much damage just the standard stuff but we can customize pretty much everything we've got as well as the way we look and so you can actually choose different colors which I think is very neat and that's something I don't think we've seen before so that actually looks pretty good I'm going to equip that that looks better there we go not entirely sure how you unlock them I would imagine it's just like XP or challenges or things I haven't really noticed um but we also got out outfits like we had before and I think that's probably just because I'd played Assassin's Creed 3 I've got the Assassin well no no black flag of course I've got um Kenway stuff so that's probably cuz I've played Black Flag so we' got all of that stuff um we also got boosts and skills and things not entirely sure what they do they aren't unlocked yet so we've got a lot more customization than we had before anyway uh play together I've tried and I have not been able to play together Ubisoft service has either been unavailable or it's just tried connecting for 10 minutes and it hasn't done it so unfortunately I will not be discussing the co-op I might do that in a later video once that gets working but for now you know another bug that will go into a different video uh there's quite the database is your standard stuff with your encyclopedia stuff like that wouldn't normally bring this up but there was actually one quite funny thing um somewhere vents maybe I don't know anyway basically there was someone saying that this is not set in the same same time as lay M so do not expect to see any of the characters from lay Miz walking around which I thought was quite funny but of course the menus that we're actually all about are the options menu game options I love this time of day we can change the time of day from morning afternoon Dusk to night I think more games should have this obviously it makes more sense in Assassin's Creed because you're playing a video game of someone playing a video game and there's not really that much that you do outside the Animus I don't think you can leave the Animus but you've got someone telling you what to do and we can turn blood and stuff like that companion app haven't tried that but there are a lot of chests throughout the game that you can't access unless you do do that sound options are pretty straightforward um I'll touch on it a bit later but I prefer to leave the language on French and then put the subtitles on English but like I said I discuss that discussed that more in a moment but it's good that you can have it in completely French with whatever language subtitles you want if you want a more authentic experience uh heads up display we can actually tweak all of that get loads of stuff off it so we can customize the UI and I'm not really that much of a fan of the current UI I think it's a little bit too big but we can customize it and remove it if we want but I've left it here for the purposes of this um you can actually change your keys which is good if you want to use mouse and keyboard for something like this I will always use a controller Graphics menu for the purposes of this obviously we're running at 1920 by 1080 if it was down to me I would have this video at 1440p but that wouldn't just that just wouldn't record very well so we're doing on 120 HZ monitor um we've got presets but obviously you can choose custom if you want to do that brightness you might want to tone that down stretching not entirely sure what that does doesn't sound very good but I imagine if you want to run at a lower resolution and uh scale it up I imagine that's what it does but um I did have a little play and I couldn't get it to work properly environment quality we've got an high it goes all the way up to ultra high these two are very similar and but again for the purposes of frames per second I've left this on high texture is ultra high that won't make uh that will make more difference to your vram than anything else so make sure you've got the vram if you want to have it on the ultra settings Shadow quality this is the best setting if I apply it you all right you can't really tell from there um but that it stands for something something soft shadows and it really does make a big difference I believe it is NVIDIA exclusive but it does make a big difference but it does also tack your frames I've left a well AO off ambient occlusion off just in the purposes again of frames a second and anding I've left on FXAA and then Bloom is on so those are your options you've got quite a few different things to play about with you'll find that this this and this are the things that will mainly affect your frames antialising I just would recommend everyone leave it on FXAA just because all the others seem to tax your frames a lot more than they should especially the really good Nvidia txaa that one just doesn't work at all so that's the options menu everything you'd expect to find there now the game itself does look brilliant there's my different outfit now now I look a bit like ulti a and we've also changed the game play so I've talked about the graphics talked about how actually really they are pretty amazing some of the things I just look at and literally will go wow I think this is probably the best looking game that I've ever played and you might some people might not entirely agree with that there are a couple of cutcenes where well the cut scenes in general are absolutely amazing they look so real like the animations everything is amazing Ubisoft or well it's not the developers have done a brilliant job to actually get this game looking as good well as well as it does the problem comes in the form of the fact that the game is so taxing on your system now here's the thing A lot of people are going out and saying Ubisoft you know it's incredibly unoptimized how dare they do this and obviously that is right to a certain extent but if you just look around right I'll try and do this very slowly pan around you look around look how much stuff this game is trying to render this is why it is going to destroy lower-end systems CU there is literally so much stuff about now the same goes for the AI there are stupid amount of NPCs on screen at the same time you tell me a game that has got this many NPCs in it at once and well I'm yeah I'm genuinely interested I've never seen this many NPCs in the same game in the same area at the same time I think this is pretty phenomenal really that they can do this the problems of course come in the that they can't really do it they've done a very good job and I admire them for trying to do it and push the boundaries of new tech and obviously Next Generation Hardware but sadly enough it just doesn't quite work as well as it should because there are too many bugs now I've heard various different people explain why this is the main one being that direct X11 can only accept something like 10,000 draw calls um in the code whereas this is apparently calling 50,000 so it takes five times as long to actually draw the things as it should or something along those lines you know I'm not a game developer I know a fair amount of coding skills but I am not a game developer and I did not develop this game so I'm not going to tell them how they should have done this game however it is a shame that it doesn't work as well as it should and that we've got a stupid amount of popping um of various things we get popping of actually things in the distance when we're running along mainly people but we also get the pop in from low res textures to high textures of people as we get near them so it's a big shame and you're going to need a big CPU and a big graphics card to actually run this this is running off of GTX 780 and 4K you can forget it I got 12 frames a second and 1440p you better off capping out at 30 frames a second if you want to play it with a single card Max settings it's just not really going to work I will show you now A Story Mission the graphics are literally phenomenal in the cut scenes um there are a couple of lowrisk textures that I see but I think you can agree from watching this that it looks pretty amazing maybe the hair you know could have a little bit more work done to it but it's definitely some of the best cut scene quality things I've ever seen I've heard that AMD cards can suffer from issues but other than that there's not that much wrong with the cut scenes other than they tank your frame rate you lose about 30 frames a second and the other thing I don't really understand is why everyone is talking in a really strong English accent make one really don't understand that at all where is she good tell C I'll meet him inside opportunities everywhere it's only need to take you get back here with my keys I don't think he's very happy and if all other plans fail why not sacrifice yourself for the caruse your life for his before alter that was the leev approach you mean a dagger in broad daylight as I'm cut down where I stand sends a powerful message I'll do it my way whatever you think best assassin and that is the cut scene quality which I think you'll agree is pretty fantastic obviously you've got the classic YouTube compression so you won't obviously get the full um well not just the YouTube compression just generally the compression you get the uh you won't get such a high quality video but trust me like if you once you see it running on your own system you will be very impressed uh so yeah this is a mission we have got various different ways we can get in you can see that there is an opportunity here so if I steal the keys from him I can get in oh dear that's not how we do let's let's flee that was bad that was no don't kill him okay is anyone who watches this channel regularly knows I am not good all right it's my piece of advice to myself would be get good unfortunately uh I haven't haven't done that yet but we're trying we're trying to do this so there's this new system where oh no that was stupid wasn't it I yeah there you go you can just steal his keys not really sure that is how it should have gone down but yeah I I'll take it so now I've got the keys to the uh massive Cathedral that you would have no doubt seen before once again the graphical Fidelity there is absolutely fantastic uh the actual free running you did you see that you can float now bugs all to be listed but tell me that the gravity doesn't apparently exist there we go we do you believe me now when I say there's a lot of bugs there you go that looked more reasonable yeah so graphical Fidelity is pretty fantastic inside and out but the game play you can now actually free run up or down which is by far the biggest Improvement they've made in the game so if you want to go up you hold down a while you're holding down right trigger and what is that that is too floaty but if you want to go down then yeah you just hold down B and then you actually will now start to scale stuff but in reverse and you you actually kind of you do use gravity and it's not just the case of you're climbing down you go down with a lot of pace and it is a lot more satisfying and that is definitely the best way uh well the best Improvement that they've made with the game other than that the game play you can tell that it's different but unfortunately what I can kind of tell that they've done is they've kind of gone back to the drawing board but then they've tried to recreate what they had and of course what they had while it was good um it did have some fatal flaws and unfortunately every one will know that if you try and imitate something so you know if you try and make something um of some you know well I think you understand what imitate something is clearly I don't cuz I can't get my words out I don't know where I'm going I don't know where I'm going I've got to get in somewhere and then it doesn't work work out as well as it should and unfortunately the actual like combat mechanics and things like that aren't as good as they were before it just just doesn't it just feels a bit buggy to be honest it doesn't actually flow as nicely as it did before and you might say well it's not you know it's not meant to flow why can't I back eject brilliant wall eject there we go finally done it bugs um and the climbing mechanics while they're better they're still not quite what they should be I can't go anywhere now no I'm pressing every button every way nope no I'm going to okay we gone that way right well this is this is uh a bit awkward now isn't it I can we go down yes we can go down you know what let's just drop no can't even drop brilliant W eject okay well let's try that all again let's try and get into the building with the keys we've acquired rather than just prating about like a bit of a pratt those blue chests that you see there those are one of the ones that um I talked about earlier that you need to use the companion app to actually get in I'm not sure about that there we go right door I made it in the end interact got the keys in we go this is actually the mission they were showing off at their games convention so they took it to hold on a minute let's knock him out we don't need to kill him okay I can't knock him out I don't get why it says to me I can knock him out but I've not been able to knock anyone out yet look how much detail there are there are look how much detail there is though even though this is not running at Max settings remember and you're seeing it with compression oh just kill him right it just yeah it just doesn't quite feel as good really to be perf honest right there we go we've done that now we got to assassinate him but there's not an easy this is getting ridiculous there's no easy way to actually drop down and kill the person I wanted to that was literally just by chance well that was pretty simple now I've got could to run away wait here see that we're not Disturbed flashback there mou I'm here to see the king of Beggars come with me the intrigues of rats pous fool if I could lay my hands on him well what's so important you had to pull me away from my daughters you're all right M too much of the king champag Come Away behind oh I seem to be in somebody that is right let's flee let's flee I'll show you the combat no I won't cuz I'm dead to be fair you do die better in the game you actually fall over like you've died now you didn't used to but you do do that now so the question is is it going to load my checkpoint from is it going to be completely outside or is it going to be after killing that guy H H okay we're going to be outside well oh that's St based let's let's show you the map um the map is now this pretty cool looking 3D thing there's a lot of icons on there cuz there's a lot of stuff to do and find if I just change it to missions you'll see that there's still an awful lot of stuff to do and I haven't really done very much of it at all these are the co-op missions you've got here so like I say haven't been able to connect to one yet uh the well the map is so big and the thing that's incredible about it is that it's so dense it's like this is it takes a long time to get from there to there and just look how big the city is you tell me that's not pretty impressive because I think it's very impressive uh there's the standard quite a large amount of Assassin's Creed actual story missions to do um but then you've also they've brought back the system where you can upgrade your house and get uh money so in this case it's a cafe that was somewhere over here anyway yeah there's a cafe that you upgrade and then you get money like per hour of game time so that's how you make your money in this game those are just like underground things and then there's loads of chests and things to collect like you had before and that's pretty much all there is to it really um it's Assassin's Creed like it was before except with an absolutely stupid amount of graphical Fidelity that I applaud the Developers for putting in just it's almost well here's the thing here's this thing I would probably say about the game if they come out and said right we're going to delay this game we're going to bring it out in March next year um sorry about that U obviously we've got Far Cry 4 coming out in a week's time so that is a bit of a constellation we're sorry to the Assassin's Creed fans but we just need a bit more time to actually perfect it and make sure that it's going to be be good for launch that's what I think they should have done unfortunately what they've done here is posted a game just with bugs everywhere we've got bugs in the sense the graphics don't seem to work as well as they should we get loads of different pop different bits of popping we get different graphical settings using up well I think anyway way too many resources than there should be but then we also have the sort of bugs where things just don't work properly so like things will float through other people you'll have guards not detecting you you'll can to have people like twirling on the spot and it's just between all of the bugs it just makes a game that it's by no means unplayable um the most recent example of a game that had a load of bugs I would say is Lords of the fallen and that kept crashing that was beyond annoying that was annoying to the point where I I just haven't played it since I've done the review just haven't done it um I think I booted it up once and it crashed that is the sort of thing you can't play these are the sort of bugs that are just incredibly infuriating because it just doesn't work properly and it's just such a shame because actually I think the game is pretty good the graphics are phenomenal while I'm not entirely sure about the sides the sides the what where did I get signs from um the actual sounds of the game so some of the sounds some of them sound a little bit tiny but it's mainly the fact oh dear oh dear smoke bomb do him do him it says must be performed with the ear how am I going to kill him I don't know what's going on here there we go he's dead I think okay let me kill him then wow just let me kill him no I'm going near him what I don't know what they want maybe I have to kill everyone right anyway continuing with the long list of bugs basically it's just bug Central and if they' released the game a few months later they might have had more time to correct it but maybe these are bugs they don't think they're going to be able to fix I'm not entirely sure they've apologized and of course you had I'm dead all right brilliant and you had that embargo that was listed after the game's release which is kind of upset everyone and rather than you know upsetting someone a little bit and then delivering on a absolutely fantastic product I think they've gone the wrong way about it released it too early and it's just kind of left Gamers with a sour taste in their mouth and so my recommendation for should you play is actually quite a simple one I think definitely you should play it but there are so many games out at the moment you don't need this now and if you do buy this now you're going to be disappointed because it doesn't run as well as it should and this isn't just on the PC this is reported to be on PlayStation 4 and Xbox as well and of course on PC if your frames drop and you're trying trying to aim for 60 frames a second worst case scenario drops to 40 if you're on 30 frames a second worst case scenario drops to 18 and there's you know 18 is playable and 40 no yeah 18 is certainly not playable and of course 40 is but no matter what platform you're playing it on you're going to get some key bugs and while Nvidia users have reported to not have so many issues um en AMD really apparently has some pretty critical issues and apparently Ubisoft had come out and partly blamed them or something either way I'm not getting involved with uh politics but it's a shame because actually it probably could have been the best assassin's sced thus far you know stuff like the crowds and things like that are amazing um but it's just a mixture of the game play is kind of Hit and Miss um it's you know nothing's bad about it it's just some of it's better than before some of it's not quite as good the graphics are amazing but there are just too many bugs for me to recommend it now so yeah pick it up just pick it up a bit later you can get it in the Steam Sale then it might have been fixed by then or even leave it a little bit later and pick it up even cheaper I can't really recommend this to anyone at the moment at full price just because it's going to be better in a you know about a month's time and it's going to be cheaper in a month's time so why would you buy it now so that is pretty much the end of this video um I have not obviously watched this back yet because I'm filming it while recording it so I don't know how badly the frames were dropping but I kind of needed to do that to show you how bad the dips and frame rates actually are so rather than saying oh you know you know you put out this video and it's got loads of STS on it that's kind of the game not me and if you know you want these videos at 60 frames a second I can't drop the settings to the point where I'm running it on low so maybe I should have done in 30 frames a second but I wanted to show you what the frame variant is like so what do you think at this video was it a little bit too rambly maybe it probably was but hopefully it showed you some of the key problems with Assassin's Creed but also showed you how the key gameplay is actually better in some ways than it was before it's just coated in bugs yeah so thank you for watching this video let me know in the comments section what you thought of it did you like it did you think it was rubbish did you does it make you want to play the game does it make you want to have Ubisoft patching it straight away whatever you think let me know oh I have to that's another way I can kill this guy isn't it there's L of different ways to do this Mission so I've done that but yeah so don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already for more for more videos like this as well as others on PCS gaming and technology and that is me desynchronized so that's a good time for me to leave it so thank you so much for watching this video and I will see you in the next onewhat is up guys and welcome to should you play Assassin's Creed Unity I've got a lot of things to say about this game I think the first thing that should be said is just how beautiful this thing is now this video has been well it's been recorded in 60 frames a second and it will drop and I'll talk about more talk about that more in a moment um but unfortunately yeah you will see a bit of stutter I imagine from this recording because this game is incredibly hard to keep keep at 60 frames a second and of course when you're trying to record that you've got to have it even higher so anything really if the game drops below 80 then I would get a bit worried that the recording it might not pick it up so Assassin's Creed Unity this is of course the new Assassin's Creed game that is well actually let's let's jump off here um it's a new Assassin's Creed game that isn't available on Old generation Hardware this is a Next Generation game so how does that translate um in terms of gameplay how does it translate in terms of actual game quality and how does it look and run well as always I think we should probably start with the options menu the thing you're seeing here is a load of different faces in the crowd and you're seeing them pop in and out um again more on all that a bit later I wouldn't normally do this but I'm going to have a section called bugs in this video and go through all the different bugs that I've had in the game but the options menu this is actually one of the best options menu I've seen in a while we've got obviously all our standard Stuff Plus now you can customize your character so like your new skills that you've got I say new skills a lot of them are ones that you've seen in previous games but now you have to actually unlock them with assassin points which I don't mind it's just a bit well it's almost slightly jarring to go from a game well plenty of games where you've got all these things unlocked from the get-go and now you've got to work your way through and actually unlock them so we've got all these different things you see that we can unlock with our different points and we get these points by doing different challenges some of them are pretty easy some of them are not so easy everything you'd expect really we can also customiz our gear like we could before so basically like going into shops I haven't really done too much I've played about 5 hours but haven't done too much story don't worry there won't really be any spoilers in this video yeah so you can see we can buy different swords and things like that so if we want to upgrade to a better sword then we do that I've got enough money I think there we go job done and now I own the foil not K not kitchen fil that wouldn't do much damage just the standard stuff but we can customize pretty much everything we've got as well as the way we look and so you can actually choose different colors which I think is very neat and that's something I don't think we've seen before so that actually looks pretty good I'm going to equip that that looks better there we go not entirely sure how you unlock them I would imagine it's just like XP or challenges or things I haven't really noticed um but we also got out outfits like we had before and I think that's probably just because I'd played Assassin's Creed 3 I've got the Assassin well no no black flag of course I've got um Kenway stuff so that's probably cuz I've played Black Flag so we' got all of that stuff um we also got boosts and skills and things not entirely sure what they do they aren't unlocked yet so we've got a lot more customization than we had before anyway uh play together I've tried and I have not been able to play together Ubisoft service has either been unavailable or it's just tried connecting for 10 minutes and it hasn't done it so unfortunately I will not be discussing the co-op I might do that in a later video once that gets working but for now you know another bug that will go into a different video uh there's quite the database is your standard stuff with your encyclopedia stuff like that wouldn't normally bring this up but there was actually one quite funny thing um somewhere vents maybe I don't know anyway basically there was someone saying that this is not set in the same same time as lay M so do not expect to see any of the characters from lay Miz walking around which I thought was quite funny but of course the menus that we're actually all about are the options menu game options I love this time of day we can change the time of day from morning afternoon Dusk to night I think more games should have this obviously it makes more sense in Assassin's Creed because you're playing a video game of someone playing a video game and there's not really that much that you do outside the Animus I don't think you can leave the Animus but you've got someone telling you what to do and we can turn blood and stuff like that companion app haven't tried that but there are a lot of chests throughout the game that you can't access unless you do do that sound options are pretty straightforward um I'll touch on it a bit later but I prefer to leave the language on French and then put the subtitles on English but like I said I discuss that discussed that more in a moment but it's good that you can have it in completely French with whatever language subtitles you want if you want a more authentic experience uh heads up display we can actually tweak all of that get loads of stuff off it so we can customize the UI and I'm not really that much of a fan of the current UI I think it's a little bit too big but we can customize it and remove it if we want but I've left it here for the purposes of this um you can actually change your keys which is good if you want to use mouse and keyboard for something like this I will always use a controller Graphics menu for the purposes of this obviously we're running at 1920 by 1080 if it was down to me I would have this video at 1440p but that wouldn't just that just wouldn't record very well so we're doing on 120 HZ monitor um we've got presets but obviously you can choose custom if you want to do that brightness you might want to tone that down stretching not entirely sure what that does doesn't sound very good but I imagine if you want to run at a lower resolution and uh scale it up I imagine that's what it does but um I did have a little play and I couldn't get it to work properly environment quality we've got an high it goes all the way up to ultra high these two are very similar and but again for the purposes of frames per second I've left this on high texture is ultra high that won't make uh that will make more difference to your vram than anything else so make sure you've got the vram if you want to have it on the ultra settings Shadow quality this is the best setting if I apply it you all right you can't really tell from there um but that it stands for something something soft shadows and it really does make a big difference I believe it is NVIDIA exclusive but it does make a big difference but it does also tack your frames I've left a well AO off ambient occlusion off just in the purposes again of frames a second and anding I've left on FXAA and then Bloom is on so those are your options you've got quite a few different things to play about with you'll find that this this and this are the things that will mainly affect your frames antialising I just would recommend everyone leave it on FXAA just because all the others seem to tax your frames a lot more than they should especially the really good Nvidia txaa that one just doesn't work at all so that's the options menu everything you'd expect to find there now the game itself does look brilliant there's my different outfit now now I look a bit like ulti a and we've also changed the game play so I've talked about the graphics talked about how actually really they are pretty amazing some of the things I just look at and literally will go wow I think this is probably the best looking game that I've ever played and you might some people might not entirely agree with that there are a couple of cutcenes where well the cut scenes in general are absolutely amazing they look so real like the animations everything is amazing Ubisoft or well it's not the developers have done a brilliant job to actually get this game looking as good well as well as it does the problem comes in the form of the fact that the game is so taxing on your system now here's the thing A lot of people are going out and saying Ubisoft you know it's incredibly unoptimized how dare they do this and obviously that is right to a certain extent but if you just look around right I'll try and do this very slowly pan around you look around look how much stuff this game is trying to render this is why it is going to destroy lower-end systems CU there is literally so much stuff about now the same goes for the AI there are stupid amount of NPCs on screen at the same time you tell me a game that has got this many NPCs in it at once and well I'm yeah I'm genuinely interested I've never seen this many NPCs in the same game in the same area at the same time I think this is pretty phenomenal really that they can do this the problems of course come in the that they can't really do it they've done a very good job and I admire them for trying to do it and push the boundaries of new tech and obviously Next Generation Hardware but sadly enough it just doesn't quite work as well as it should because there are too many bugs now I've heard various different people explain why this is the main one being that direct X11 can only accept something like 10,000 draw calls um in the code whereas this is apparently calling 50,000 so it takes five times as long to actually draw the things as it should or something along those lines you know I'm not a game developer I know a fair amount of coding skills but I am not a game developer and I did not develop this game so I'm not going to tell them how they should have done this game however it is a shame that it doesn't work as well as it should and that we've got a stupid amount of popping um of various things we get popping of actually things in the distance when we're running along mainly people but we also get the pop in from low res textures to high textures of people as we get near them so it's a big shame and you're going to need a big CPU and a big graphics card to actually run this this is running off of GTX 780 and 4K you can forget it I got 12 frames a second and 1440p you better off capping out at 30 frames a second if you want to play it with a single card Max settings it's just not really going to work I will show you now A Story Mission the graphics are literally phenomenal in the cut scenes um there are a couple of lowrisk textures that I see but I think you can agree from watching this that it looks pretty amazing maybe the hair you know could have a little bit more work done to it but it's definitely some of the best cut scene quality things I've ever seen I've heard that AMD cards can suffer from issues but other than that there's not that much wrong with the cut scenes other than they tank your frame rate you lose about 30 frames a second and the other thing I don't really understand is why everyone is talking in a really strong English accent make one really don't understand that at all where is she good tell C I'll meet him inside opportunities everywhere it's only need to take you get back here with my keys I don't think he's very happy and if all other plans fail why not sacrifice yourself for the caruse your life for his before alter that was the leev approach you mean a dagger in broad daylight as I'm cut down where I stand sends a powerful message I'll do it my way whatever you think best assassin and that is the cut scene quality which I think you'll agree is pretty fantastic obviously you've got the classic YouTube compression so you won't obviously get the full um well not just the YouTube compression just generally the compression you get the uh you won't get such a high quality video but trust me like if you once you see it running on your own system you will be very impressed uh so yeah this is a mission we have got various different ways we can get in you can see that there is an opportunity here so if I steal the keys from him I can get in oh dear that's not how we do let's let's flee that was bad that was no don't kill him okay is anyone who watches this channel regularly knows I am not good all right it's my piece of advice to myself would be get good unfortunately uh I haven't haven't done that yet but we're trying we're trying to do this so there's this new system where oh no that was stupid wasn't it I yeah there you go you can just steal his keys not really sure that is how it should have gone down but yeah I I'll take it so now I've got the keys to the uh massive Cathedral that you would have no doubt seen before once again the graphical Fidelity there is absolutely fantastic uh the actual free running you did you see that you can float now bugs all to be listed but tell me that the gravity doesn't apparently exist there we go we do you believe me now when I say there's a lot of bugs there you go that looked more reasonable yeah so graphical Fidelity is pretty fantastic inside and out but the game play you can now actually free run up or down which is by far the biggest Improvement they've made in the game so if you want to go up you hold down a while you're holding down right trigger and what is that that is too floaty but if you want to go down then yeah you just hold down B and then you actually will now start to scale stuff but in reverse and you you actually kind of you do use gravity and it's not just the case of you're climbing down you go down with a lot of pace and it is a lot more satisfying and that is definitely the best way uh well the best Improvement that they've made with the game other than that the game play you can tell that it's different but unfortunately what I can kind of tell that they've done is they've kind of gone back to the drawing board but then they've tried to recreate what they had and of course what they had while it was good um it did have some fatal flaws and unfortunately every one will know that if you try and imitate something so you know if you try and make something um of some you know well I think you understand what imitate something is clearly I don't cuz I can't get my words out I don't know where I'm going I don't know where I'm going I've got to get in somewhere and then it doesn't work work out as well as it should and unfortunately the actual like combat mechanics and things like that aren't as good as they were before it just just doesn't it just feels a bit buggy to be honest it doesn't actually flow as nicely as it did before and you might say well it's not you know it's not meant to flow why can't I back eject brilliant wall eject there we go finally done it bugs um and the climbing mechanics while they're better they're still not quite what they should be I can't go anywhere now no I'm pressing every button every way nope no I'm going to okay we gone that way right well this is this is uh a bit awkward now isn't it I can we go down yes we can go down you know what let's just drop no can't even drop brilliant W eject okay well let's try that all again let's try and get into the building with the keys we've acquired rather than just prating about like a bit of a pratt those blue chests that you see there those are one of the ones that um I talked about earlier that you need to use the companion app to actually get in I'm not sure about that there we go right door I made it in the end interact got the keys in we go this is actually the mission they were showing off at their games convention so they took it to hold on a minute let's knock him out we don't need to kill him okay I can't knock him out I don't get why it says to me I can knock him out but I've not been able to knock anyone out yet look how much detail there are there are look how much detail there is though even though this is not running at Max settings remember and you're seeing it with compression oh just kill him right it just yeah it just doesn't quite feel as good really to be perf honest right there we go we've done that now we got to assassinate him but there's not an easy this is getting ridiculous there's no easy way to actually drop down and kill the person I wanted to that was literally just by chance well that was pretty simple now I've got could to run away wait here see that we're not Disturbed flashback there mou I'm here to see the king of Beggars come with me the intrigues of rats pous fool if I could lay my hands on him well what's so important you had to pull me away from my daughters you're all right M too much of the king champag Come Away behind oh I seem to be in somebody that is right let's flee let's flee I'll show you the combat no I won't cuz I'm dead to be fair you do die better in the game you actually fall over like you've died now you didn't used to but you do do that now so the question is is it going to load my checkpoint from is it going to be completely outside or is it going to be after killing that guy H H okay we're going to be outside well oh that's St based let's let's show you the map um the map is now this pretty cool looking 3D thing there's a lot of icons on there cuz there's a lot of stuff to do and find if I just change it to missions you'll see that there's still an awful lot of stuff to do and I haven't really done very much of it at all these are the co-op missions you've got here so like I say haven't been able to connect to one yet uh the well the map is so big and the thing that's incredible about it is that it's so dense it's like this is it takes a long time to get from there to there and just look how big the city is you tell me that's not pretty impressive because I think it's very impressive uh there's the standard quite a large amount of Assassin's Creed actual story missions to do um but then you've also they've brought back the system where you can upgrade your house and get uh money so in this case it's a cafe that was somewhere over here anyway yeah there's a cafe that you upgrade and then you get money like per hour of game time so that's how you make your money in this game those are just like underground things and then there's loads of chests and things to collect like you had before and that's pretty much all there is to it really um it's Assassin's Creed like it was before except with an absolutely stupid amount of graphical Fidelity that I applaud the Developers for putting in just it's almost well here's the thing here's this thing I would probably say about the game if they come out and said right we're going to delay this game we're going to bring it out in March next year um sorry about that U obviously we've got Far Cry 4 coming out in a week's time so that is a bit of a constellation we're sorry to the Assassin's Creed fans but we just need a bit more time to actually perfect it and make sure that it's going to be be good for launch that's what I think they should have done unfortunately what they've done here is posted a game just with bugs everywhere we've got bugs in the sense the graphics don't seem to work as well as they should we get loads of different pop different bits of popping we get different graphical settings using up well I think anyway way too many resources than there should be but then we also have the sort of bugs where things just don't work properly so like things will float through other people you'll have guards not detecting you you'll can to have people like twirling on the spot and it's just between all of the bugs it just makes a game that it's by no means unplayable um the most recent example of a game that had a load of bugs I would say is Lords of the fallen and that kept crashing that was beyond annoying that was annoying to the point where I I just haven't played it since I've done the review just haven't done it um I think I booted it up once and it crashed that is the sort of thing you can't play these are the sort of bugs that are just incredibly infuriating because it just doesn't work properly and it's just such a shame because actually I think the game is pretty good the graphics are phenomenal while I'm not entirely sure about the sides the sides the what where did I get signs from um the actual sounds of the game so some of the sounds some of them sound a little bit tiny but it's mainly the fact oh dear oh dear smoke bomb do him do him it says must be performed with the ear how am I going to kill him I don't know what's going on here there we go he's dead I think okay let me kill him then wow just let me kill him no I'm going near him what I don't know what they want maybe I have to kill everyone right anyway continuing with the long list of bugs basically it's just bug Central and if they' released the game a few months later they might have had more time to correct it but maybe these are bugs they don't think they're going to be able to fix I'm not entirely sure they've apologized and of course you had I'm dead all right brilliant and you had that embargo that was listed after the game's release which is kind of upset everyone and rather than you know upsetting someone a little bit and then delivering on a absolutely fantastic product I think they've gone the wrong way about it released it too early and it's just kind of left Gamers with a sour taste in their mouth and so my recommendation for should you play is actually quite a simple one I think definitely you should play it but there are so many games out at the moment you don't need this now and if you do buy this now you're going to be disappointed because it doesn't run as well as it should and this isn't just on the PC this is reported to be on PlayStation 4 and Xbox as well and of course on PC if your frames drop and you're trying trying to aim for 60 frames a second worst case scenario drops to 40 if you're on 30 frames a second worst case scenario drops to 18 and there's you know 18 is playable and 40 no yeah 18 is certainly not playable and of course 40 is but no matter what platform you're playing it on you're going to get some key bugs and while Nvidia users have reported to not have so many issues um en AMD really apparently has some pretty critical issues and apparently Ubisoft had come out and partly blamed them or something either way I'm not getting involved with uh politics but it's a shame because actually it probably could have been the best assassin's sced thus far you know stuff like the crowds and things like that are amazing um but it's just a mixture of the game play is kind of Hit and Miss um it's you know nothing's bad about it it's just some of it's better than before some of it's not quite as good the graphics are amazing but there are just too many bugs for me to recommend it now so yeah pick it up just pick it up a bit later you can get it in the Steam Sale then it might have been fixed by then or even leave it a little bit later and pick it up even cheaper I can't really recommend this to anyone at the moment at full price just because it's going to be better in a you know about a month's time and it's going to be cheaper in a month's time so why would you buy it now so that is pretty much the end of this video um I have not obviously watched this back yet because I'm filming it while recording it so I don't know how badly the frames were dropping but I kind of needed to do that to show you how bad the dips and frame rates actually are so rather than saying oh you know you know you put out this video and it's got loads of STS on it that's kind of the game not me and if you know you want these videos at 60 frames a second I can't drop the settings to the point where I'm running it on low so maybe I should have done in 30 frames a second but I wanted to show you what the frame variant is like so what do you think at this video was it a little bit too rambly maybe it probably was but hopefully it showed you some of the key problems with Assassin's Creed but also showed you how the key gameplay is actually better in some ways than it was before it's just coated in bugs yeah so thank you for watching this video let me know in the comments section what you thought of it did you like it did you think it was rubbish did you does it make you want to play the game does it make you want to have Ubisoft patching it straight away whatever you think let me know oh I have to that's another way I can kill this guy isn't it there's L of different ways to do this Mission so I've done that but yeah so don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already for more for more videos like this as well as others on PCS gaming and technology and that is me desynchronized so that's a good time for me to leave it so thank you so much for watching this video and I will see you in the next one\n"