Frozen Cake Olaf HOW TO COOK THAT Ann Reardon Disney Frozen Cake

**How to Make Olaf Cake**

Making Olaf cake is a fun and creative project that requires some planning and attention to detail. The first step is to choose the best ones for your cake, making sure you have enough chocolate for decoration. This involves piping long lines of chocolate, one longer than needed so they can be stuck into the top of the head and arms without collapsing at room temperature.

To make the coal for our buttons, take out the middle part of some Oreos and then crush the biscuit part up using a rolling pin. Bring the crumbs together into a pile and use your finger to make a coal-sized little hole in the center. Then fill that with melted chocolate and repeat two more times. If you are new to working with chocolate, it's essential to watch videos on tempering chocolate and what chocolate to use for decorations.

**Tempering Chocolate**

Before starting to decorate, make sure you understand how to work with chocolate regularly. Tempering chocolate is crucial for creating a stable crystal structure that gives the chocolate its glossy finish. To temper chocolate, bring it to around 82°F (28°C) by heating it in short intervals until it reaches this temperature. Then, cool it down to around 70°F (21°C) before using it for decoration.

**Decorating the Head and Arms**

Once you have your coal buttons, start decorating the head and arms of Olaf. Place a piece of baking paper over your printout and pipe some eyebrows, doing more than one so that you can choose the best ones afterwards. Then do the same thing for his arms. If using tempered chocolate, leave it at room temperature to set; if using compound or fake chocolate, put it in the fridge or freezer to set.

To make the nose, take 6 orange starburst lollies, unwrap them, and put them in the microwave for about 10 seconds. This will make them soft so you can squash them all together. Roll it between the palms of your hand to make a carrot shape and then pull one end to extend a piece that you can poke into the head.

**Adding Indented Lines**

On some non-stick paper, run a knife around the carrot making those indented lines that they have. Leave that to cool and firm up. If you can't get starburst lollies where you live, you could use fondant for that step instead.

**Making Eyeballs**

To make the eyes take 10 marshmallows and heat them in the microwave in 10-second bursts until they are melted like this. Keep adding icing sugar and mixing it in until it forms a ball. This will make more than you need, and you can color it and then use it for the nose if you don't have starbursts.

To make the eyeballs exactly the same size, roll a ball, then cut it in half and roll each half into an eyeball. For the center of the eye, I am using store-bought black fondant; you can use licorice or chocolate here if you prefer.

**Adding Eyes to Olaf**

Back to our cake, using your knife make room for the carrot and poke it into the head. Then add your eyeballs nice and close to the nose. Mix some of the black and white fondant together to make grey, roll it out flat, and cut it into a mouth shape, and then place that in top place on the cake.

**Adding Extra Details**

Now add extra Italian meringue around the eyes at the top, just between the eyes and the sides, smooth that off, and then add your eyebrows. Add the twigs to the top of his head; when you're doing that look at the picture of Olaf and try to get them in a similar position so that it looks just like the character.

**Adding Coal Buttons**

Now poke in his arms. Then brush the excess Oreo crumbs off the coal and add your lumps to the front of the cake. Then make a rectangle of white fondant and push it into place for his teeth.

**Supports for Standing Cakes**

Click on the link here to go to the channel and watch the Minion Cake for how to add supports on a standing up cake, as well as you can watch the chocolate videos if you're new to working with chocolate or you can check out all the other videos that we have there.


Thanks for clicking, like, and sharing this Olaf video. Subscribe to How To Cook That for more cakes, chocolate, and desserts, and add all your requests in the comments below. I'll see you Friday. Have a great week.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enWelcome to How To Cook ThatI am Ann ReardonAfter many many requests today I am makingOlaf the snowman for the movie Frozen.I am making this one quite small, you canenlarge it to any size you like I'll giveyou tips for that as we go.To start with print out Olaf in the size thatyou want your cake to be.This one where he stands on one foot workswell because you can run a cake spike rightdown the centre to keep it stable.The cake spike has to be firmly attached toyour cake board because if it is unstableso will your cake be.I am using a hot glue gun here just to giveit that extra connection so that it doesn'tmove at all.Next take you print out and find three circleobjects in your kitchen that match the widthof each body section.The one you use for the middle you can alsouse for the top of the head as well.Whenever I make a cake people always ask canI use a packet cake, can I use a store boughtcake, so today I am using a store bought caketo answer that qusetion, personally I don'tthink they taste as good but yes you can usethem.For an Olaf that is about 27cm tall you willneed three 20cm round cakes.Take two of your cakes and cut two of yourlarger circles which are for the bottom sectionYou should be able to get the large one andone smaller one out of one of them.And then just cut the one larger one out ofthe other one.Stack up your two bigger ones, tip them onthem their side and check that they are tallenough for that section of the body.Then take another cake and cut out two circlesin the size of the head this will form themain bulky part of the head, but you needto cut another small circle from the leftover cake for the top bit of the head.Then we are going to use the cake scraps tocut out your feet, to do that I didn't havea circle the right size so I used the printoutcut it the right width and turned it and cutit the right width again so that you've gota square.And then cut the corners off the round itout.Repeat that for the other foot.Starting with your head pieces place the printoutover the top of your cake and then lookingat it from directly above cut off the cakethat you can see so that you are left withthe shape of his face.Then stand it up and round off the front wherethe top of his cheeks are when he is smiling.Add you filling of choice, I am using lemonbutter because I think it goes well with thefrosting I am using and then put them backtogether.Now towards the back we need to add the topof the head section.So place the template over the top piece andtrim each side.Then cut a chunk on an angle just like I amdoing here so that there is room for the eyeballs to fit into the head.Add some more lemon butter and place it onthe top of the head at the back of the cake.Now for the middle body section.My piece of cake was from the side of thecake so it is already angled down like thebody is.If yours isn't then just cut a piece off toangle it down.Then place the template over the top and trimit to size.Then use your knife round off all the edgesso it looks like a snowball.For the main part of the body join the twocircles of cake together using lemon butter,tip it on the side and cut around the bodyshape, folding up the foot as you go, turnthe cake ninety degrees and trim the sidesto match what you've just done.If you don't trust yourself doing this freehand then you can just use the template again.Placing it over the top and trimming it off.Then have a look at your shape and shave offtiny bits of cake at a time until it is roundedall the way around and looks like the body.Now for our feet trim around the edges ofthe base section just to round it off.And then place it up against the templatean cut it to the right height.And do that for both of your feet.And now we are ready to assemble our Olaf.Firstly add the foot.Then you really need to add a support in herenext I didn't do that because the cake wasgetting eaten straight after it was made.But even then I probably should of added itin.So do adda support if you don't know how todo that watch the minion cake video and itwill show you how to do that.Place the template in from to see what anglethe body goes on then slide that down intoplace.So the support should sit there just betweenthe body and the foot.Then add a little bit of lemon butter, andthen slide on the middle section.Then finally add the head, I've put mine ona slightly straighter angle than in the printouthad it because that makes it a little bitmore stable.Now we want to cut out some cake where hismouth goes.So just look at your print out to see whereabouts his mouth goes cut a line going acrosson a slight upwards angle and then chunk itup on an angle to take out his mouth section.Now to make the frosting of your choice, Iam using italian meringue because it is whiteand snow like.And the recipe for that is on my video 7 differentfrostings recipe, I'll put a link to thatvideo and the minion cake one in the descriptionbelow for you.Once it is light and fluffy spread a reallythin coat all over the cake, this is justto catch all the crumbs so that when we puton the next coat it doesn't have any cakecrumbs through it which makes it not looklike snow.Add a generous second coat of frosting andthen smooth it out as best as you can.This can be a bit tricky and I like to usea piece of plastic and then just drag it upbecause you can bend it around the body andthen drag it around to smooth it out.Once you've smoothed it them use a knife ora palette knife to Then using a knife or apalette knife to indent around each snowballjoin to make the body sections clear.Cover the other foot in frosting on the topand sides, add it to the cake and then putitalian meringue on the bottom of the footas well.Keep the left over frosting as you'll needsome more of it later so don't get rid ofit just yet.Now place some chocolate melts in the microwaveand on full heat for 30 seconds stir, 20 secondsstir and then bursts of 10 seconds and stirit until it is smooth and melted.Place it into a plastic bag and cut a littlebit off the corner.To make the sticks on top of olafs head Pipethe chocolate onto a bag of frozen veggies.By piping it here and not on a flat surfaceit makes them look more like sticks becausethey are not completely flat obviously they'vegot little twists and turn to them.Pipe plenty of extras ones and that way youcan number one choose the best ones for yourcake but number two when you serve the cakeyou can give everyone some of the chocolate.Make sure when you are piping you make themlonger than you need so you can poke it intothe top of the head and it is still the rightlength sticking up over the top.To make the coal for our buttons, take themiddle out of some oreos and then crush thebiscuit part up using a rolling pin.Bring the crumbs together into a pile andusing your finger make a coal sized littlehole in the centre.Then fill that with your melted chocolateand repeat two more times.If you are new to how to cook that make sureyou watch the videos on tempering chocolateand what chocolate to use for decorations.I'll link to them in the description belowas well.It is important that you watch those if youdon't work with chocolate regularly so thatyou understand how to make sure that yoursticks on top of the head and the arms don'tjust collapse at room temperature.Place a piece of baking paper over your printout and pipe some eyebrows.Again do more than one so that you can choosethe best ones afterwards.Then do the same thing for his arms, if youare using tempered chocolate then leave itat room temperature to set, if you are usingcompound or fake chocolate then you can justput that in the fridge or freezer to set.To make the nose take 6 orange starburst lollies,unwrap them and put them in the microwavefor about 10 seconds.This will make them soft so you can squashthem all together.Roll it between the palms of you hand to makea carrot shape and then pull one end to extenda piece that you can poke that into the head.On some non-stick paper run a knife aroundthe carrot making those indented lines thatthey have.Leave that to cool and firm up.If you can't get starburst lollies where youlive then you could use fondant for that stepinstead.To make the eyes take 10 marshmallows andheat them in the microwave in 10 second burstsuntil they are melted like this.Keep adding icing sugar and mixing it in untilit you can knead it into a ball.This will make more than you need and youcan colour it and then use it for the noseif you don't have starbursts.To make the eyeballs exactly the same sizeroll a ball, then cut it in half and rolleach half into an eyeball.For the centre of the eye I am using storebought black fondant you can use licoriceor chocolate here if you prefer.Roll it out and cut out two circles usinga straw and place them on the centre of eacheye.Then roll the tiniest balls of white thatyou can and add them to the side of each eyeto give it that glisten.Roll out some more black and wrap it aroundthe top half of each eye ball a bit like theeyelid.Back to our cake, using your knife make roomfor the carrot and poke it into the head.Then add your eyeballs nice and close to thenose.Mix some of the black and white fondant togetherto make grey, roll it out flat and cut itinto a mouth shape, and then place that intoplace on the cake.Now add extra italian meringue around theeyes at the top, just between the eyes andthe sides , smooth that off and then add youreye brows.Now add the twigs to the top of his head,when you're doing that look at the pictureof Olaf and try and get them in a similarposition so that it looks just like the character.Now poke in his arms.Then brush the excess oreo crumbs off thecoal and add your lumps to the front of thecake.Then make a rectangle of white fondant andpush it into place for his teeth.You can see here the bottom foot has squashedright down, which is why I said you reallyneed to add support there, if you're makinga Bigger Olaf then you'll need to add in twosupports one between the foot and the bodyand another one between the body and the just before the head too.Click on the link here to go to the channeland watch the minion cake for how to add supportson a standing up cake and also you can watchthe chocolate videos if you're new to workingwith chocolate or you can check out all theother videos that we have there.Thanks for clicking like and sharing thisOlaf video, subscribe to How To Cook Thatfor more cakes chocolate and dessertsand add all your requests in the commentsbelowI'll see you Friday.Have a great week.[music: The Boat Song by Set Sail used withpermssion]\n"