The Future of iOS: What to Expect from iOS 15
It seems like we'll be able to place widgets wherever we want, arrange them however we'd like. The new homescreen would allow us to have a whole screen just of widgets or just of apps, or maybe more tightly together, maybe larger, or maybe something completely new we haven't thought of. However, it looks like Apple is going to overhaul the homescreen of the iPad to make it more functional. A redesigned control center, similar to what I showed you on the iPhone, would be a great addition. It would just be on the iPad and makes a lot of sense.
Instead of having this control center, it would have something a little bit different, similar to macOS again, bringing that consistency across different platforms. Now, as far as apps pro apps seem to make a lot of sense now, whether or not Apple brings Final Cut Pro to the iPad is hard to say. We've been waiting for it for years, but with the new M1 iPad Pro coming out, it seems like a waste of power without pro apps, final cut pro, logic pro those sorts of things make a lot of sense on this sort of device.
If it's running an M1 and is that powerful, then bringing pro apps to the iPad makes a lot of sense. These are icons off of macOS Big Sur, but whether or not these are final designs or not, I know they're something that people don't like. I grew used to them using macOS Big Sur, but I wouldn't mind them being slightly refined or tweaked a little bit. So maybe we'll see some of that again, to bring consistency.
I also would expect possibly updates to multiple user accounts, and that could look something like this. And now we do have this, if you're an educational institution, but you could have multiple users where you could switch between a family iPad, for example, just by tapping, having a scan your face. If you have a face ID iPad, or your thumbprint or fingerprint, and switching between customized sorts of homescreens and things like that, makes a lot of sense.
We have that on tvOS already, so why not bring it to iPad? So hopefully we see something like that. It seems to make a lot of sense that bringing the consistency across different devices, as well as stability, and maybe even a new settings pane as well. That's another thing that's sort of rumored that we would have an all-new settings pane with more helpful sorts of settings and easier to reach settings.
I would actually like to see settings brought into apps consistently, maybe under one button, but right now this is what we have. It's also said that we'll get some new apps, some new app redesigns as well. We've got some of that with iOS 14, I think we'll see more of it this year. But most people want split view, I would like to redesign control center and much more.
When Can We Expect iOS 15?
One should be out usually the same day as WWDC. They'll announce new features show them off, and then they'll release the developer beta. Usually a couple of weeks after that, they'll release public beta one along with developer beta two. Sometimes they wait for beta three as well with the developer betas, depending on its stability.
Generally, it's pretty unstable right away. So we'll see that. And then we'll see a final release in September, usually around late September when the iPhone releases. The third week of September is usually likely around the Friday, the 24th, for example, that's probably around the time Apple will release iOS 15 to the public.
What Do We Want to See in iOS 15?
Let me know what you want to see most in iOS 15 in the comments below. If you'd like to get your hands on this wallpaper, I'll link it in the description like I normally do. If you haven't subscribed already though, please subscribe, and if you enjoyed the video, please give it a like as always.
Thanks for watching. This is Aaron. I'll see you next time.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enHi, everyone.Aaron here for Zollotech and iOS 15 isjust a month away from being shown to thepublic for the first time.And on June 7th, 2021.Today is may 7th, 2021. On June 7th.Apple will start off the worldwidedeveloper conference with a keynote wherethey'll have a presentationshowing iOS 15, iPad,iOS 15 most likely watchOS 8, tvOS 15,homepod OS 15, and macOS 12 orwhatever they decided to call that.At 1:00 PM Eastern, 10:00 AM Pacific.They'll have that keynote go through allof the features or the major featuresand changes. And lately there's beensome information about those features.Some are some leaks from reliablesources, such as Mark Gurman for example.And I wanted to talk about those aswell as current supported devices,at least that's expected at this point.And then when you can expect the betasand the final release as well. Now,the first thing is thesupportived devices.A lot of people are messaging mesaying, well, my device support iOS 15,and we won't know that a hundredpercent until June 7th. However,current information says that Apple willdrop support for the iPhone six S andsuccess, plus as well as possibly these. But we don't know that for sure.That would mean that anything from theiPhone seven or newer will be supported.Now this could change. They coulddrop support for the iPhone seven.They could drop support for other phonesas well, but it looks like that's,what's going to take place.Also on the iPad side,they could drop support for the iPad air,to the iPad mini for an iPad fifthgeneration that just gives us the iPad,iPad mini fifth generationall the way up to the iPad.Pro 12.9 from 2021, that'sset to launch pretty soon.So all of those devices could gainsupport and continue to use iOS15 or whatever featuresit might have. Now,as far as features that we expect,I have some great concepts.I'm going to show you from Angela libero.He'll he allowed me toshare these with you.So I'll link those in the description,but all the concepts I'll show of thedevice features and things they're fromhim. Now, the first thing is that'sexpected to change is notifications.Now notifications, some people lovenotifications in iOS. Some people don't,but notifications has said to get alittle bit of an overhaul with settings.So currently you have the option fornotifications to send an auto reply.If you're driving a car, do not disturbwhile driving a car, for example.So you can have it auto turned on whenyou're actually driving a car and thenreply with a message saying I'm drivingwith do not disturb I'll message.You later, something like that.The upcoming iOS 15 version is said tohave a new menu that allows users toselect if maybe they'redriving, sleeping, working,or even having custom categoriesof their choosing. Now,this is according toMark Gurman of Bloomberg.The menu will also be shown on anupdated lock screen and control center,according to him. So that's possible.He's been pretty accuratewith these in the past.So we can have all sorts of customizablenotifications as they come in withauto, which would be great. Maybeyou're working on something.You could have a work notification.You could have a home notification.Those sorts of customizations would begreat to see. Now, the next thing is,I message. Now this may ormay not be coming to iOS 15,but apparently the eventual goalis to actually act more likeWhatsApp or Facebook, social medianetwork, but within iMessage,and it would sort of have autoreplies, more customization.And if we go into iMessage, we'd beable to better customize how it looks,maybe have better group conversationsthan we do now. And much more.I can't wait to see whatApple has in mind with this,but this may come a little bitlater, maybe not with iOS 15,but maybe a later update, 15.1,but we'll have to wait and see.Also Apple is known obviously for privacyand they're continuing to work on thiswith iOS 15. It said thatprivacy will get more options.So right now we have app trackingtransparency where we can block apps fromtracking and getting information andsharing it with another app such asInstagram or Facebook or more.But Apple is apparently going to givemore privacy protections that wouldfeature a new menu to show users,which apps are silently collectingdata as well. So not only tracking you,but collecting your data, maybe to harvestthat and sell within their own app.So it would give more informationwith that. I think that's great.Data is yours. It should be allowed tobe controlled by you and nobody else.So I think that's a great move from Apple.So I think we'll seesomething like that. Now,multiple sources keep saying we'regoing to have an always on display on atleast iPhone 13.Now the first concept shows kind ofwhat this could look like with differentnotifications or what a home screenaltogether could look like with differentnotifications.So maybe some widgets like this withsome different notifications across thetop. It's just an idea,but it could look something like thisand maybe fade to black and white with analways on display,giving you time and date.So we'll have to wait and see if theyactually do that. I would love to see it.It's very helpful on thingslike Android, for example,and it doesn't really usea lot of battery life,especially because it just sort of goesinto a low power mode and sort of goesdown to one Hertz, which makesa lot of sense for an iPhone 13,where it could control theactual speed of the display,just like they do with thewatch and the always on display.So it kind of fades and allowsit to use very minimal battery,but still give you information.So that makes a lot of sense.Also it said that the control centeris going to get an overhaul. Now,this concept looks exactly what I wouldthink it would be like being that thislooks more like Mac OS. So last year,Apple updated Mac OS with macOS BigSur redesigned the control center.And it said that the iPhone and iPadwill get an updated control center.This sort of design makes a lot of senseif Apple continues sort of to bringthem together and make them moreconsistent across all devices.So this seems to be what I would thinkthey would do something along theselines. I don't think we'll seea turn off button as Apple.Doesn't really like to havethe phone shut down. So,but we could see things like wifilooking like this. For example,also we could have aredesigned home app. Now,some people have hinted at thiswhere it would be more functional.It would be easier to use. Iwould welcome something like this,where it would show me the differentdevices. I have their state of battery,such as air pods, Macbook, pro Apple, watch.All of those things would be really niceto see so we could see something likethis, but it's hard to say if Apple willactually do that. And then of course,most people want splitscreen multitasking.Now this concept seems tomake the most amount of sense.We have split view on theiPad. So on the iPhone,it would look something like this wherewe'd have the option to expand it,close it, or maybe close all. I knowa lot of people want that button.Apple doesn't really want you to closeall the apps because you don't normallyneed to, unless there's a problem,it manages that in the background,except for maybe navigatingapps where you need to close it.So it doesn't work anymore when you'renot using it. But other than that,this looks pretty much what it wouldlook like. And if you expand that it,you could slide up and downjust like you can on the iPad.That makes a lot of sense. So Ithink we'll see something like that.It makes a lot of sense onan iPhone to have split view.So hopefully we'll seethat also now on the iPad,we've had this sort of homescreen layout for quite some time.It seems to limit theamount of space you can use,and it's sort of a waste of space.And we also have widgets as well.According to Mark Gurman iPad is goingto get the biggest overhaul to its homescreen since the launch of the iPad.So it looks like we'll be able to placewidgets wherever we want, arrange them.However we want.It could look something like this wherewe'd be able to rearrange widgets anyway we'd like have a whole screenjust of widgets or just of apps,or maybe more tightlytogether, maybe larger,or maybe something completelynew we haven't thought of,but it looks like Apple isgoing to overhaul the homescreen of the iPad to makeit more functional. Also it wouldhave a redesigned control center,similar to what I showed you on theiPhone. It would just be on the iPad.It makes a lot of sense.Instead of having this control centerto have maybe something a little bitdifferent, similar to macOS again,bringing that consistencyacross different platforms. Now,as far as apps pro apps seemto make a lot of sense now,whether or not Apple brings final cutpro this icon to the iPad is hard to saywe've been waiting for it for years,but with the newM1 iPad pro coming out,it seems like a waste ofpower without pro apps,final cut pro logic pro those sorts ofthings make a lot of sense on this sortof device. If it's runningan M1and is that powerful.And then also new icons,I think making icons consistentacross devices makes a lot of sense.These are icons off of macOS Big Sur.Now whether or not theseare final designs or not.I know these are sort of something,a lot of people don't like,I grew used to them using macOS Big Sur,but I wouldn't mind them being slightlyrefined or tweaked a little bit.So maybe we'll see some of thatagain, to bring consistency.I also would expect possiblyupdates to multiple user accounts,and that could look something likethis. And now we do have this,if you're an educational institution,but you could have multiple user whereyou could switch between a family iPad,for example, just by tapping,having a scan your face.If you have a face ID iPad, or your,or your thumbprint or fingerprint andswitching between customized sort of homescreens and things like that, make a lotof sense. We have that on tvOS already.So why not bring it to iPad? Sohopefully we see something like that.And it seems to make a lot of sensethat bringing the consistency acrossdifferent devices, as well as stability,and maybe even a newsettings pane as well.That's another thing that's sort ofrumored that we would have an all newsettings pane with more helpful sort ofsettings and easier to reach settings.I would actually like to see settingsbrought into apps consistently,maybe under one button, butright now this is what we have.We've had it for years. It's alsosaid that we'll get some new apps,some new app redesigns as well.We've got some of that with iOS 14.I think we'll see more of it this year,but I think most people want split view.I would like to redesigncontrol center and much more.So let me know what you'd likemost in the comments below,but as far as when toexpect iOS 15 iOS 15 betaone should be out usuallythe same day as WWDC.So they'll announce thenew features show them off.And then they'll releasethe developer beta.Usually a couple of weeks after that,they'll release public beta onealong with developer beta two.Usually that's what they do.Sometimes they wait for beta threeas well with the developer betas,depending on its stability, generallyit's pretty unstable right away.So we'll see that. And then we'llsee a final release in September,usually around late Septemberwhen the iPhone releases.So the third week of September is usuallylikely around the Friday, the 24th,for example,that's probably around the time Applewill release iOS 15 to the public.So I can't wait to see what theyhave. This makes a lot of sense.And I can't wait to see all ofthese features, what they do,what they change up. Maybe givemore interactive widgets as well,but those are all justwants at this point.There's no a hundred percent guaranteedanything until we see it released fromApple as they could changethis at any last minute,even the devices they support,they could change. So again,let me know what you want to seemost in iOS 15 in the comments below.And if you'd like to getyour hands on this wallpaper,I'll link it in thedescription like I normally do.If you haven't subscribedalready though, please subscribe.And if you enjoyed the video,please give it a like as always.Thanks for watching. This isAaron. I'll see you next time.\n"