The World of Fidget Spinners: A Look at Some of the Most Dangerous and Illegal Models on the Market
Guys, I think these out and see ifthese likethrowing star spinners are that deadlybecause if they are, your boy's becomingan American ninja spinner, warrior. Guys I think these work a little differentlythey're so big they're supposed to fiton your fingers which makes sensebecause, can't even do it right. When youspin it, it fits it just spins. It's supposed tolook cool, but your boy wants to know isit sharp enough to pierce throughsomething, so this is my first time everthrowing a star I don't actually knowhow this is going to go I don't know howto do it, I'm just going to go for it. Ohbaby that work, all right I'm gonna tryto hit me now. How, wait, wait, why doI feel like it went through the wall Ireally feel like all right we got thisone we're gonna try. How, how do you miss your face I'm trying to hit my face. Thisis why they're dangerous and illegal.
Next up is me calling maintenance to fixthe hole in the wall, but while we dothat I got one that's a little differentand a little safer. It's kind of the samestyle as these throwing stars right here. Thisis for Batman. So you guys can tell this is the Batman logo, this is the Batman batsome days you just can't get get ridof a bomb. I think this one's better Idon't know if it's gonna go through mywall I don't think it's that sharp. Butwhat's cool is when you spin it Batman. It just spins itself intoaction like this is what Batman woulduse if Batman was here hopefully there'sa new movie coming out soon I'm reallyexcited.
Again it's the same thing if Itried to just spin it. I don't haveShaquille O'Neal hands I really wish Idid so, kind of the same thing just put it on your finger and, okay that's how youdo these you got to really get it goin.It's gonna just come off my fingertipit's gonna hurt someone in the eye andit's probably going to be me so, illegallastly, the one you guys have allbeen waiting forit's the lighter spinner. So I don't knowhow this just showed up honestly this isprobably my favorite want on the list, that I'd go out and buy like multiples of, tolike hook you guys up with.
So how itworks is you know it's yournormal spinner even got a nice eagle onhere because when your lighting stuff onfire you want to remember the bird. Idon't really know what they're going forhere so it has some LEDs you can getyour LED spinner on you know tell peoplehey you know just a normal spinner got some lights but when you come on to theback and to charge this you can just use a micro USB port here. When you come on tothe back you push up here and then hold down this button to get the lightergoing and it gets red hot. It's exactly like this lighter phone thatI checked you guys probably already saw the video. Same kind of thing just no phonebuilt inside.
So since I couldn't hit myface with the spinning stars we're justgonna light it on fire and see if itworks. I love this spinner like before Ieven do it, this is a spinner it works, solet's just get this lit, and on fire Iguess. Alright we are on fire we are legit litright now, I'm on fire. I just, I just, it's not burning. So yeah guys these right here aresome of the most illegal and dangerousfidgets spinners. Please make sure youdon't fly with these and if you pick them up just know your boy didn't tell you. Don'trat me out, don't call on me here.
Thisphoto's indestructible so I want to give itaway to you guys. Just hit me up on Twitter saying I want the photo and I'll pick one of you guysand maybe you'll become indestructible? Itried I legit tried to aim for my face Ieven tried to burn it too and it's justnot happening. So yeah guys, that's pretty much itfor this video. Thank you so muchElizabeth and Noah for having my notificationson. If you guys want a notificationshout out turn on my YouTubenotifications and let me know in thecomments. Subscribe if you're new andtweet me at techsmartt if you guys find any other dangerous illegal fidget spinnersbye! Are you okay? Are you alright?Can you breathe? He's in pain
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhow, how do you miss your face? I'm trying to hit my face. Hey what's up guys Keatonhere so by now everyone knows what thesefidget spinners are these things arehappy they're safe everyone really hasone. But your boy he likes to get alittle weird I found some of the mostdangerous banned and possibly illegalfidget spinners the craziest ones outthere even this knife one so who wantsto go to jail? Oh, ow. This is going to go sowrongso yeah guys, these right here are someof the most dangerous and illegal fidgetspinner out there, if you want to check themout links down below. What I'm about toshow you gets insane I got a knife I gota lighter and some other really sharpones so let's check it out. Matt get the band-aids, we're gonna need themso the first illegal dangerous fidgetspinner is this knife thing and rememberguys I fly a lot, I love my fidget spinner,so that's why I'm calling them illegalyou want to pick these up and be safewith them do it just please beresponsible so this thing right here iscalled a fidget knife it's actually apre-order right now but they sent me one early, and this is a prototype thisis one of the only ones that existsright now but it is insane. So it lookslike this really really really nicefidget spinner it's got metal it feelsgood and if you were just looking at itright off the bat you wouldn't know ithas a knife built in you got your niceceramic bearing here apparently it spinsfor like two minutes, oh that's real nice. Oh that is real nice. Like it feels reallygood and with all spinners if you startto move your hands with it you can startto feel it I love the metal spinners, youguys know that but here's where it getsinteresting.Just like that guys, there's a knife. Idon't know if you can see why this isgetting kind of scary it's alsospring-loaded in case you want to know.But if you don't have hands likeShaquille O'Neal like I think I havepretty big hands you can kind of see theissue. Let's just try to spin it with theknife and hereI'm not saying something but I'm sayingsomethingthese spinners they're so awesome andfun and illegal and dangerous they'regoing to hurt you if you try to spin itlike me. I honestly think it's just oneof those nice to have features and use just use the spinner regularly so I want toshow you guys that this knife's actually pretty sharp. It's a decent sized bladelike, you could do some damage with this, you heard it from your boy. So we got an applewe're going to do some real-life fruitninja. That cut, that definitely cut throughoh yeah that cut, that cut through.Pretty well it's sharpwe got I don't know what this looks likeI think uh yellow cucumber kind of thingI want to pay papaya I'm not too sure Idon't need a lot of fruit okay okaywe'll try to we're gonna actually cutone. Is there, oh that's a mango that is definitelya mango. You guys can see it actuallycuts through things oh look at the mangoI've made a mess -o. Next up is somethingeven scarier than the fidgets knife thefidget knife has a use, like this makes sense. It's almost like a pocketknife withthe spinner built-in. That, I think somemango went flying there, hey mister mangonice nice seeing ya. But this is kind oflike a new pocket knife that's how yougot to look at it. That'd be so sweet iflike Swiss Army made a spinner likeeight and one. Yo that's a good idea. So if you didn't think that was crazyenough what about these spinner throwingstars. They spin you guys can see theyall spin here.They don't spin as, oh how that hurts somuch. They don't spin as well as like thefidget knife obviously because I thinkthese are legit throwing stars they puta spinner inside. You can kind of see whythese are scary and why these kind ofhurt I don't know if I'd ever pick theseup or ever recommend you guys to becausethese are sharp they're not like goingto cut you but since they're so sharpwhen you spin it unless you haveShaquille O'Neal hands it's going to endup coming and clipping your nice hands, you know you don't want to do that. Thisone here is a little better because it'sa little more rounded and less pointedlike this one so, like that actually just... You're getting a little spinner action thereand it's a two-for-one you're gettingyour spinner and then I think you canthrow these. I got like this actual throwingstar one here. Ow, it's like usually withspinners, at least this one. When they're three-sided like this or I guessfour cuz' hi, I can count. It's easy tospin because I can put like my fingerand I can snap it around and it's good.This since there's no real way to spinit you have to put your finger on thepoint, like, it's just not good. So I'm going togo ahead and test these out and see ifthese likethrowing star spinners are that deadlybecause if they are, your boy's becomingan American ninja spinner, warrior . Guys I think these work a little differentlythey're so big they're supposed to fiton your fingers which makes sensebecause, can't even do it right. When youspin it, it fits it just spins. It's supposed tolook cool, but your boy wants to know isit sharp enough to pierce throughsomething, so this is my first time everthrowing a star I don't actually knowhow this is going to go I don't know howto do it, I'm just going to go for it. Ohbaby that work, all right I'm gonna tryto hit me now. How, wait, wait, why do Ifeel like it went through the wall Ireally feel like all right we got thisone we're gonna try. How, how do you miss your face I'm trying to hit my face. Thisis why they're dangerous and illegal. Next up is me calling maintenance to fixthe hole in the wall, but while we dothat I got one that's a little differentand a little safer. It's kind of the samestyle as these throwing stars right here. Thisis for Batman. So you guys can tell this is the Batman logo, this is the Batman batsome days you just can't get get ridof a bomb. I think this one's better Idon't know if it's gonna go through mywall I don't think it's that sharp. Butwhat's cool is when you spin it Batman. It just spins itself intoaction like this is what Batman woulduse if Batman was here hopefully there'sa new movie coming out soon I'm reallyexcited. Again it's the same thing if Itried to just spin it. I don't haveShaquille O'Neal hands I really wish Idid so, kind of the same thing just put it on your finger and, okay that's how youdo these you got to really get it goin.It's gonna just come off my fingertipit's gonna hurt someone in the eye andit's probably going to be me so, illegallastly, the one you guys have allbeen waiting forit's the lighter spinner. So I don't knowhow this just showed up honestly this isprobably my favorite want on the list, that I'd go out and buy like multiples of, tolike hook you guys up with. So how itworks is you know it's yournormal spinner even got a nice eagle onhere because when your lighting stuff onfire you want to remember the bird. Idon't really know what they're going forhere so it has some LEDs you can getyour LED spinner on you know tell peoplehey you know just a normal spinner got some lights but when you come on to theback and to charge this you can just use a micro USB port here. When you come on tothe back you push up here and then hold down this button to get the lightergoing and it gets red hot. It's exactly like this lighter phone thatI checked you guys probably already saw the video. Same kind of thing just no phonebuilt inside. So since I couldn't hit myface with the spinning stars we're justgonna light it on fire and see if itworks. I love this spinner like before Ieven do it, this is a spinner it works, solet's just get this lit, and on fire Iguess. Alright we are on fire we are legit litright now, I'm on fire. I just, I just, it's not burning. So yeah guys these right here aresome of the most illegal and dangerousfidgets spinners. Please make sure youdon't fly with these and if you pick them up just know your boy didn't tell you. Don'trat me out, don't call on me here. Thisphoto's indestructible so I want to give itaway to you guys. Just hit me up on Twitter saying I want the photo and I'll pick one of you guysand maybe you'll become indestructible? Itried I legit tried to aim for my face Ieven tried to burn it too and it's justnot happening. So yeah guys, that's pretty much itfor this video. Thank you so muchElizabeth and Noah for having my notificationson. If you guys want a notificationshout out turn on my YouTubenotifications and let me know in thecomments. Subscribe if you're new andtweet me at techsmartt if you guys find any other dangerous illegal fidget spinnersbye! Are you okay? Are you alright?Can you breathe? He's in pain\n"