Upgrading to iPadOS 13.4: A Game Changer
There have been several updates and fixes in the latest version of iPadOS, specifically iPadOS 13.4. The update addresses some minor issues that users may not be aware of, but are important nonetheless. For instance, web pages may not be inverted when both Dark Mode and Smart Invert are active. This issue has been fixed, and it's a good reminder to upgrade to the latest version. Additionally, there have been fixes for Safari issues in the Home application, Apple Music or music videos may not stream in high-quality, and iCloud Drive appears to be available but doesn't work as expected in Pages, Numbers, and Keynote.
The update also includes several minor improvements that make a significant difference in user experience. Typing and selecting text is now more convenient and fluid, thanks to the new features introduced in iPadOS 13.4. The ability to double-tap to select a word or drag and drop text makes it easy to edit and format text. These changes are especially noticeable when paired with a Magic Trackpad, making it feel like using a MacBook.
Performance-wise, iPadOS 13.4 is the most stable version of iOS yet. It's likely that this update will be considered one of the best versions of iOS in terms of stability, given the numerous new features introduced. Everything runs smoothly and fast, whether you're using an iPad Pro or a budget-friendly option like the iPad 10.2. Games, web browsing, video watching, and other activities perform well on this update.
Battery Life: A Comparative Analysis
When it comes to battery life, there's been some debate about whether iPadOS 13.4 improves upon its predecessor. The verdict is still out, but early signs suggest that the new version may not offer a significant increase in battery life. However, it's worth noting that the latest iPad Pro model will come with a new Magic Keyboard, which might affect the overall user experience and, potentially, the battery life.
The final decision on whether to upgrade to iPadOS 13.4 depends on individual needs and preferences. For those who want to take advantage of the new gestures, true Mouse support, and other features introduced in this update, it's a no-brainer. The iPad is now closer than ever to being a laptop replacement, making it an attractive option for users who need a device that can handle more demanding tasks.
In conclusion, upgrading to iPadOS 13.4 is a good idea, especially if you're interested in trying out the new features and improvements introduced in this update. The true Mouse support and trackpad functionality make a significant difference in user experience, while the performance and stability of the device are top-notch. If you're due for an upgrade or want to try out the latest version before the new iPad Pro with Magic Keyboard is released, now is the time to do it.
The Future of iPadOS
As we look forward to future updates, it's exciting to think about what's in store for iPadOS. The release of iOS 14 is expected to bring some significant changes and improvements, which will further enhance the user experience. With the new iPad Pro model coming out soon, paired with a Magic Keyboard, it's clear that Apple is committed to making the iPad a more laptop-like device.
Stay tuned for our upcoming follow-up video, where we'll dive deeper into the battery life of iPadOS 13.4 and explore other notable features and improvements. We'll also be unboxing the new 2022 iPad Pro and comparing it to its predecessor, the 2018 model, to see how they stack up against each other.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enwhat's up guys my name is Brandon andtoday, Apple released iPadOS 13.4 forall iPads compatible with iOS or iPadOS13 and while we were not expecting toomuch from this update at first, it turnsout that this is actually a massiveupdate! And in this video I'm gonnaexplain why. So we're gonna be coveringwhat's new in iPad OS 13.4 including theall new Mouse and trackpad support,custom keyboard shortcuts, theperformance and battery life, and muchmuch, more. And taking a look at thesesize of this update you can see here onmy 2019 iPad 10.2 it came in at justabout one Giga by 1.05 gigs and that wascoming from thirteen point three pointone so the size will hover around onegigabyte but of course it will depend onyour device and what firm where you camefrom now as far as the build number wego to Settings General about you can seethere the building number is the same asiOS we have 17 e25 5 so let's go aheadand talk about what's new here in iPadOS a thirteen point four because this isabsolutely game-changing for the iPadand it's going to change the way you useyour iPad from here on outand the reason for that is because nowMouse support is no longer just anaccessibility feature iPad OS 13.4introduces true Mouse and trackpadsupport so I have a Magic Trackpad 2here and I will be showing you all thenew gestures that come with the trackpadan iPad OS 13.4 but for now I'm gonna beshowing you with an actual Mouse and forthis I'm going to be using the Logitechperformance mouse but of course thiswill work for any Bluetooth or USB mousethis one's actually USB so I have a USBC to USB a connector right here that I'mjust gonna plug in to the bottom of myiPad so once you hook up your USB or ifyou connect via bluetooth once you dothat you will see the mouse comes upright away right here you can instantlytell that it's a little bit different soyou can see when you go over top ofapplications it changes dynamically itbasically shows you that you're hoveringover something that you can change whichis really really nice and if you'reinside your settings or inside anapplication if you just take the mousedown to the bottom you can see it pullsup the dock just like so and you pull itup it goes away it's very veryresponsive and if you want to get backto the home screen very easily you justclick on the home bar right there and ittakes you right back home now you canalsoclick on other things like the batteryso when you click on the battery you cansee it pulls up the control center justclick off of it to get off and if you'rein portrait mode and you have the timeand the left hand the upper left-handcorner of the status bar if you click onthat it will bring down NotificationCenter but if you're in landscape modeyou just simply drag from the far leftand will pull up your notificationcenter like so and then you can just tapon the home bar down here and that willgo away and take you back to the homescreen now I mentioned that you canclick on the home bar to go back homebut there's actually multiple other waysto go home so you can also take thecursor right here and just bring it allthe way down once it pulls up the dockeep dragging down and it will take youto the home screen and if you drag alittle bit further and we'll pull up themultitasking view so there are multiplelike gestures hidden inside of othergestures with not only the MagicTrackpad but also with the mouse herenow you can also click to wake the iPadas well so you click and we'll go aheadand wake the iPad and of course it willlook for your face for face ID and thatcan make that whole process a little biteasier so you don't actually have totouch your iPad if you don't want to andthe cool thing about this too and you'llnotice that the cursor will disappearhere if you don't use it for a littlewhile it will disappear and then you canjust use your fingers to control youriPad like you do when you don't have acursor so there goes that disappearedand you just use it of course you canuse it when it's still on there as wellbut it's nice that it disappearsactually if we go into our settingsright here and then you will see we havea new section here called trackpad andmouse if you go and click on that youcan see you can change your trackingspeed right here you can choose naturalor not natural scrolling so if you likeit to be you know when you go down itgoes down you can have that selected Idon't like natural scrolling on so Iturn that off you also have yoursecondary click right here so you canright click and pull up things like the3d touch menu so if we go back here andright click you can see it brings up our3d touch menu like so the right-clickalso really helps when you're doing textediting and just typing and things likethat it just makes life so much easierso now let's bring in the Magic Trackpadtoo and I'm gonna show you guys some ofthe cool new gestures available with13.4 so let's go ahead and turn this onand it should connect right away to myiPad since I already had it pairedbefore but if not let's go into oursettings and then go to bluetooth andthen you can see right here MagicTrackpad 2 and it will connect just likeso and so the Magic Trackpad acts justlike the mouse did except we haveother gestures that we could do with theMagic Trackpad and only the MagicTrackpad so the first gesture I'm goingto show you guys is yet another way togo home and that's a three finger swipeup just like so and you can see it takesyou home just like that now just likewhen you took the cursor and brought itdown if you do the three fingers up andkeep going up it will bring up themultitasking view like that now if youuse those fingers and swipe left orright you will jump in betweenapplications just like so it makesmultitasking very very easy and going inand out of applications a lot moreconvenient than if you just use yourfinger or a mouse now also if we go intoour Safari right here we do also havesome gestures that we could use insideof Safari so if we take two fingers youcan go back and forward like so so backand forward to the previous or the pageyou went to before that it's reallyconvenient for just getting around andgoing back to the webpage you were justalso found it much easier to justnavigate around websites with the navbar so with dropdowns like this thenusing your finger it's just so much moreconvenient and so much more like anactual desktop or laptop experience whenyou can actually go through the menusvery easily like I'm doing here with thetrackpad another huge benefit to havingsomething like the Magic Trackpad too iswith something like lumen or GarageBandor wherever you have like a timelinewhere you're editing audio or editingvideo or even editing photos this couldcome in handy as well so if we go aheadand do this right here I'm just gonnaadd in a blank clip right here and bythe way I love just being able to use myfinger when I want and my mouse when Iwant but anyways the thing I like about13.4 is that you can actually now skimback and forth throughout the clip likeso or you could use two fingers to pinchand zoom or zoom out just like so it'svery much like the touch bar on themacbook you can really control projectsreally easily with 13.4 and the truemouse and trackpad supports now since wehave the trackpad connected we can alsogo into settings and see some newoptions in there as well so if we go toour settings go to general and then goto trackpad you can see we do have acouple of different ones right here wehave tap to click and that's actuallythe only other one we have to fingersecondary click there as well so you canenable these if you want to you can alsoof course change the tracking speed andof course you have natural scrollingwhich I have disabled now also if we goto our settings and go to accessibilityand then go downto point our control you can see we havesome new options in here as well so wehave the automatically hide pointer youcan change the setting the duration onthis in terms of secondsI like the two-second default setting wealso have color so if you want it to beeasier to see you can change it tosomething like blue or green or yellowto be a little bit easier to see on thescreen especially for you guys watchingthis video you can also change thepointer size if you want it bigger orsmaller you could do so I like minebeing as small as possible you can alsochange the animation so if we go aheadand hover over accessibility you see howhas that animation there do you want toturn that off you can and then it justhas this really subtle gray backgroundover top of it instead but I like tohave the animations on I think it looksbetter it makes it look a lot moredynamic and like it's actually meant tobe used this way you also have trackpadinertia right here which allows thepointer to continue moving after youlift your finger I would highlyrecommend having this enabled you alsohave your scrolling speed right hereI'll probably up this just a little bitbut you can change all these settingsnow inside of your accessibilitysettings and I just think that thesupport for this is going to get just somuch better as third-party applicationsyou know pick up on this and you knowadjust their applications to work betterwith trackpad and mice now that they areactually truly supported in iPad OS andit's not just you know an accessibilityfeature that you have dig through thesettings to get to now iPad OS 13.4 alsointroduces full keyboard access if youhave a smart keyboard so if you go intoour settings and go to accessibility andthen down to keyboards you can see youhave this option right here fullkeyboard access if you turn that on youcan go ahead and have full keyboardaccess where you can basically controlyour entire iPad from the keyboard aloneyou won't need to touch it you won'tneed a mouse or a trackpad you cancontrol everything from the tab keysarrow keys and things like that nowwhat's really cool is this section righthere called command so this will allowyou to have custom keyboard shortcuts onyour iPad so once again this is becomingeven more and more like a Mac this islike literally Mac OS now so you canhave custom keyboard shortcuts forpretty much everything as you can seehere tons of different commands you getset up and the fact that you can controlyour whole iPad with the keyboard I meanthis is just nuts so I don't have amagic keyboard right now but I will begetting one and I may show this in afuture video as well but if you do havea keyboard definitely go ahead and checktheout and set up some custom commands youwill absolutely love it so these arejust absolutely huge features especiallyfor a point for release this issomething you would expect to see andlike iOS 14 or something like that oriOS 13 but no it's in thirteen pointfour so this makes me even more excitedfor iOS 14 honestly but anyways let'smove on to some of the other smallerchanges in iPad OS thirteen point fournow if you watched my iOS thirteen pointfour video you've probably already seenmost of these features but I am stillgoing to quickly cover them because theyare also in iPad OS thirteen point fourso the first thing of course is going tobe iCloud folder sharing so if we go tothis folder right here and right clickor two finger click to pull up thecontextual menu right here you can seewe have share and we have share you alsohave add people so this is where you canadd people as like collaborators if youwant people to add things to a folder orbe able to edit them or you can alsohave permissions so that that person canmaybe only view only and you can seethese different settings you have righthere that you could change which arereally nice and this is really makingfiles the files application more of acompetitor to things like Dropbox andGoogle Drive now also inside of the mailapplication we not only get a lot of bugfixes so there were a lot of bugs andthirteen point three and thirteen pointthree point one we got a lot of bugfixes but we also as you can see fromthe toolbars right here we haveeverything available to us to see atonce we have our reply our compose ourdelete our folders everything is justavailable at once instead of beinghidden and having to go into these menusto get to certain things it's all righthere right now and you can see here flagis a lot easier to flag an unflaggingnow than it was an iPad OS thirteenpoint three point one just a lot ofimprovements to the mail applicationthat may seem small on the outside butonce you continue using it you will seethat mail is just a lot more stable andeasier to use than it was in previousversions now also if we go into the TVapplication we have some changes in hereso over on the left hand side you cansee we have a whole new section now forgenres instead of just having to go toTV shows and sort by the genre up in thetop right that's all available to youright there and that sub menu on theleft hand side and if we go into oursettings and go to TV down here you cansee we have some new changes here aswell so we have the Wi-Fi streamingoptions you could change that from highquality or data saveryou also have your download optionsWi-Fi and cellular if you have acellular version of the iPad as well andthen the device preferences are bundledtogether now instead of being spread outyou also have your video definition foryour purchases there as well so justsome minor improvements to the TVapplication and the TV settings there'salso nine new meme og stickers so if youuse new emojis in iMessage or whereveryou want to use them there are now ninenew ones to express how you're feelingtowards something and that's pretty muchit for the main changes in iPad OSthirteen point four I covered some ofthe smaller ones in my iOS thirteenpoint four video so if you want to watchthat I will leave it linked down in thedescription below but as far as the bugfixes there were also a lot of bug fixesin iPad OS at 13.4I mentioned mail earlier but Apple alsoincluded all of these as bug fixes foriPad OS thirteen point four I'm notgoing to cover every single one of thembut we can read a few of them here justbriefly cover them so this one righthere it says address is an issue inSafari where web pages may not beinverted when both dark mode and smartinvert are active so I had somebodymentioned that to me on social media onthirteen point three on their iPadspecifically so you can see there thathas been fixed and we have all theseother ones right here with iCloud DriveSafari issues in the home applicationApple music or music videos may notstream in high-quality fix is an issuewhere iCloud Drive appears to beavailable and Pages Numbers and Keynoteeven when not signed in fixes an issuein Safari where a CAPTCHA tile maydisplay incorrectly so just a lot ofreally minor things that most peopleprobably have not run into at least notall of these but they are fixes that youshould be aware about and are justanother reason that you shoulddefinitely upgrade to thirteen pointfour as soon as you can just becausethis is a huge update and it's also verystable which I'll talk about here andthe performance section of this videonow I should also mention how much moreconvenient iPad OS 13.4 makes typing andselecting text highlighting textanything to do with text editing is somuch more convenient and fluid just somuch better on 13.4 you get in and outof things you could double tap to selecta word like that and it's just very easyto drag you know things like this youcan pull it over you can put the textsomewhere else just like so it's just soeasy and just really awesome especiallycompared to iPad OS 13 point three pointone it really feels like you're usingMacbook when you have a Magic Trackpadto hear paired with 13.4 now as far asperformance goes iPad OS 13.4 is supersuper solid it's probably the moststable version of iOS I've seen yeah andthat's really saying something given thefact that we got all these new featuresintroduced everything runs super smoothsuper fast of course I am using the iPadpro but I also use the budget iPad 10.2here and everything performs super superwell games web browsing video watchingyou name it performance is very solid onthis update it is definitely more stablethan thirteen point three point one andfour coming from an even earlier versionof iOS 13 or iPad OS 13 they're gonnanotice an even bigger difference interms of performance and as far asbattery life goes battery life isprobably gonna be about the same asthirteen point three point one I've notreally noticed a huge difference so farin iPad OS thirteen point four buthonestly that's a good thing like I saidall the new features added andeverything like that it's a good thingthat the battery life has not decreasedso I think it's increased but we will beable to tell in about a week when Ibring you guys my follow-up video I willlet you guys know how much betterbattery life is and there's a little bithard to gauge on the iPad pro though orthe iPad in general just because I don'thave to charge it every single nightlike I do my iPhone so it's little bitharder to judge but I will give you guysan update next week in my follow-upvideo so now should you update to iPadOS thirteen point four and to that itshould be a no-brainer absolutely youshould definitely upgrade to iPad OSthirteen point four the new true Mouseand trackpad support is quite literallya game changer I mean the iPad is nowcloser than ever to a laptop replacementand makes me even more excited to seewhat iOS 14 brings in a couple of monthsbut the fact that all this came in athirteen point four update is just crazyI mean it's very unexpected it'sprobably because the new iPad pro iscoming out with a new magic keyboardwhich I will be getting in May but thefact that this has also brought to allthe older iPads as well even withoutthat Magic Trackpad is just awesome soyeah if you have not updated to iPad OSthirteen point four yet go ahead and doso ASAP because you will absolutely lovethis update especially if you have aMagic Trackpada keyboard or a mouse in general reallyanything to take advantage of these newgestures and the new true Mouse andtrackpad support but anyways guys if youenjoyed thisI would appreciate it if you give it athumbs up and of course subscribe so youdon't miss my follow-up video on iPad OS13.4 coming next week where I'll touchupon the battery life from performanceand things like that things I've noticedover a week of using it and of coursestay tuned because tomorrow I will beunboxing the brand new 20/20 I pad Proand comparing it to the 2018 here aswell but anyways guys thanks again forwatching and I'll see you soon\n"