"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enBut now I put it on, dear friendsBut now I put it on, dear friendsBut now I put it on, dear friendswatching in the recording. I slightly missed thewatching in the recording. I slightly missed thewatching in the recording. I slightly missed thebeginning of about 5-10 minutes, but there are more lyrics,beginning of about 5-10 minutes, but there are more lyrics,beginning of about 5-10 minutes, but there are more lyrics,we have such awe have such awe have such aPrelude, soPrelude, soPrelude, soyou won’t miss some fundamentally valuable information, that’syou won’t miss some fundamentally valuable information, that’syou won’t miss some fundamentally valuable information, that’swhy we continue. Overall, this is not verywhy we continue. Overall, this is not verywhy we continue. Overall, this is not veryhealthy for life. there is withhealthy for life. there is withhealthy for life. there is withevery disease with every cold, inevery disease with every cold, inevery disease with every cold, infact, as iffact, as iffact, as ifwe have our own resource, again, it’s not infinite,we have our own resource, again, it’s not infinite,we have our own resource, again, it’s not infinite,alsoalsoalsoadditionally, that’s why Let’s alladditionally, that’s why Let’s alladditionally, that’s why Let’s allcome to the unanimous conclusion that being sickcome to the unanimous conclusion that being sickcome to the unanimous conclusion that being sickis uncool, but a cold is a schmuck, and weis uncool, but a cold is a schmuck, and weis uncool, but a cold is a schmuck, and weshould try to do something right about itshould try to do something right about itshould try to do something right about itagain,again,again,you know, I didn’t pay attention to this before.you know, I didn’t pay attention to this before.you know, I didn’t pay attention to this before.I don’t know what you all areI don’t know what you all areI don’t know what you all aredoing. That is, for some, maybe, Well,doing. That is, for some, maybe, Well,doing. That is, for some, maybe, Well,probably some kind ofprobably some kind ofprobably some kind ofintellectual work, mental, predominates; forintellectual work, mental, predominates; forintellectual work, mental, predominates; forothers, physical work predominates, but whenothers, physical work predominates, but whenothers, physical work predominates, but whenI started working more in life, it wasI started working more in life, it wasI started working more in life, it wasintellectual work more work with my head,intellectual work more work with my head,intellectual work more work with my head,that is, for me,that is, for me,that is, for me,cognitive mental resources came first, thatcognitive mental resources came first, thatcognitive mental resources came first, thatis, concentration of attention, how well my headis, concentration of attention, how well my headis, concentration of attention, how well my headworks, how well I think well,works, how well I think well,works, how well I think well,andandandhow my creative componenthow my creative componenthow my creative componentworks, and when you are sick, that is, ifworks, and when you are sick, that is, ifworks, and when you are sick, that is, ifyou are really Well, at least mediocre like thatyou are really Well, at least mediocre like thatyou are really Well, at least mediocre like thatyou have a cold, all this actuallyyou have a cold, all this actuallyyou have a cold, all this actuallyflies away because I don’t know, you didflies away because I don’t know, you didflies away because I don’t know, you didn’t pay attention, you didn’t pay attention there, of course,n’t pay attention, you didn’t pay attention there, of course,n’t pay attention, you didn’t pay attention there, of course,when you are sick, you have a cold, you can somehowwhen you are sick, you have a cold, you can somehowwhen you are sick, you have a cold, you can somehowtry to do something, you can trytry to do something, you can trytry to do something, you can tryAnd from volitional efforts, do some work,And from volitional efforts, do some work,And from volitional efforts, do some work,but complex work thatbut complex work thatbut complex work thatrequires concentration of attention andrequires concentration of attention andrequires concentration of attention andyou won’t be able to do a diveyou won’t be able to do a diveyou won’t be able to do a divebecause you basically feel like abecause you basically feel like abecause you basically feel like adrunk with a hangover. Well, in reality thedrunk with a hangover. Well, in reality thedrunk with a hangover. Well, in reality thestate is very similar. That is, yourstate is very similar. That is, yourstate is very similar. That is, yourattention span is enough forattention span is enough forattention span is enough for5-10 seconds, then it flies away, you sit down,5-10 seconds, then it flies away, you sit down,5-10 seconds, then it flies away, you sit down,start doing something, you get out ofstart doing something, you get out ofstart doing something, you get out ofbed, you it seems that you are normal,bed, you it seems that you are normal,bed, you it seems that you are normal,but after 10 seconds you have the feelingbut after 10 seconds you have the feelingbut after 10 seconds you have the feelingthat you have unloaded the car of somethingphysically; in fact, it is even easier tophysically; in fact, it is even easier tophysically; in fact, it is even easier todo something thando something thando something thanintellectually. That’s because inintellectually. That’s because inintellectually. That’s because infact, intellectual processes are thefact, intellectual processes are thefact, intellectual processes are themostenergy-consuming, andenergy-consuming, andenergy-consuming, andthis may be for someone - this is a controversialthis may be for someone - this is a controversialthis may be for someone - this is a controversialopinion.opinion.opinion.I watch this, it’s a fact, that is, forI watch this, it’s a fact, that is, forI watch this, it’s a fact, that is, forintellectual mental processes,intellectual mental processes,intellectual mental processes,you need more energy and all the energyyou need more energy and all the energyyou need more energy and all the energyfrom your headfrom your headfrom your headgoes into the body so that accordinglygoes into the body so that accordinglygoes into the body so that accordinglyyou canyou canyou canovercome the infection. So we are not talking aboutovercome the infection. So we are not talking aboutovercome the infection. So we are not talking aboutanyanyanycreative intellectual work,creative intellectual work,creative intellectual work,mental worklook, let’s kind oflook, let’s kind oflook, let’s kind ofstart with the basics Let’s slowlystart with the basics Let’s slowlystart with the basics Let’s slowlymove on to practice, the most importantmove on to practice, the most importantmove on to practice, the most importantblock of information we have today is ablock of information we have today is ablock of information we have today is astack. That is, by stack I mean,stack. That is, by stack I mean,stack. That is, by stack I mean,well, firstly, we will talk about awell, firstly, we will talk about awell, firstly, we will talk about acertain list of things that can becertain list of things that can becertain list of things that can beused, that is, I’m talking about variousused, that is, I’m talking about variousused, that is, I’m talking about variousdietary supplementsimmunos thatimmunos thatimmunos thatwe better neigh to the immune system, but everything doeswe better neigh to the immune system, but everything doeswe better neigh to the immune system, but everything doesn’t start with this, in fact, everything startsn’t start with this, in fact, everything startsn’t start with this, in fact, everything startswith the base, again, and the base in this casewith the base, again, and the base in this casewith the base, again, and the base in this casewillwillwillbe such a thing as don’t substitutebe such a thing as don’t substitutebe such a thing as don’t substituteguys, don’tguys, don’tguys, don’tsubstitute when I started studying this whole topic.substitute when I started studying this whole topic.substitute when I started studying this whole topic.I first of all know what II first of all know what II first of all know what Ipaid attention to attention all these ra when Iwas in a row some obviouswas in a row some obviouswas in a row some obviousFactor in one case I was blown by and IFactor in one case I was blown by and IFactor in one case I was blown by and Iremembered exactly how I was blown because there wasremembered exactly how I was blown because there wasremembered exactly how I was blown because there wasa draft, this wind wasa draft, this wind wasa draft, this wind wasdirected pointwise anddirected pointwise anddirected pointwise andcold on you, in another case I was there, incold on you, in another case I was there, incold on you, in another case I was there, inmy opinion, I got hypothermic, I also walked theremy opinion, I got hypothermic, I also walked theremy opinion, I got hypothermic, I also walked therewith with an open throat in the icy cold,with with an open throat in the icy cold,with with an open throat in the icy cold,some kind of IUD, butright away it immediately begins to make itright away it immediately begins to make itright away it immediately begins to make itclear that you areclear that you areclear that you arecatching a cold. Well,catching a cold. Well,catching a cold. Well,maybe some Factor I don’t remember right now,maybe some Factor I don’t remember right now,maybe some Factor I don’t remember right now,plus Well, let’s not forget that theplus Well, let’s not forget that theplus Well, let’s not forget that thevirus constantly lives around, especially sincevirus constantly lives around, especially sincevirus constantly lives around, especially sincenow we have such a lot of timenow we have such a lot of timenow we have such a lot of timesick people constantly epidemicssick people constantly epidemicssick people constantly epidemicsconstantly Againconstantly Againconstantly Againsome strain of Covid again some kind ofsome strain of Covid again some kind ofsome strain of Covid again some kind offlies in the air everywhere more and moreflies in the air everywhere more and moreflies in the air everywhere more and moreflies in. So you can justflies in. So you can justflies in. So you can justwalk down the street andcatch this virus Yes, if you have acatch this virus Yes, if you have acatch this virus Yes, if you have aweakened immune system, how will the virus find aweakened immune system, how will the virus find aweakened immune system, how will the virus find abreak in your immunity and it will eventuallybreak in your immunity and it will eventuallybreak in your immunity and it will eventuallyend up in you and begin its dirtyend up in you and begin its dirtyend up in you and begin its dirtywork, that’s why Let’s actually startwork, that’s why Let’s actually startwork, that’s why Let’s actually startwith grandmother’swith grandmother’swith grandmother’sadvice. With those tips that we hearadvice. With those tips that we hearadvice. With those tips that we hearfrom childhood and often don’t attachfrom childhood and often don’t attachfrom childhood and often don’t attachimportance to them, butimportance to them, butimportance to them, butlook at the first, as it were, the most obviouslook at the first, as it were, the most obviouslook at the first, as it were, the most obviousfactor why we get sick - this isfactor why we get sick - this isfactor why we get sick - this ishypothermia That is, I alwayshypothermia That is, I alwayshypothermia That is, I alwaysdidn’t give a damn about it. In general, youdidn’t give a damn about it. In general, youdidn’t give a damn about it. In general, youknow, I’m quite heat-resistant.know, I’m quite heat-resistant.know, I’m quite heat-resistant.And I can tolerate heat quite well in terms ofAnd I can tolerate heat quite well in terms ofAnd I can tolerate heat quite well in terms ofcold, too. I generally considered myself acold, too. I generally considered myself acold, too. I generally considered myself aViking of Nordic blood because I hadViking of Nordic blood because I hadViking of Nordic blood because I hadsuch a joke that I could be there in November insuch a joke that I could be there in November insuch a joke that I could be there in November inOctober, to go out in T-shirts to go forOctober, to go out in T-shirts to go forOctober, to go out in T-shirts to go fora walk somewhere I wasa walk somewhere I wasa walk somewhere I wasflattered, I not only survived, howflattered, I not only survived, howflattered, I not only survived, howwarm could I really be, so I’mwarm could I really be, so I’mwarm could I really be, so I’mhot, steamy, hot blood and I didn’t get sick, thathot, steamy, hot blood and I didn’t get sick, thathot, steamy, hot blood and I didn’t get sick, thatis, I might not get sick And I could get sick Butis, I might not get sick And I could get sick Butis, I might not get sick And I could get sick Butbasically I didn’t getbasically I didn’t getbasically I didn’t getsick in generalsick in generalsick in generalyou know some recommendations there, well, it’s starting to get colder outside,you know some recommendations there, well, it’s starting to get colder outside,you know some recommendations there, well, it’s starting to get colder outside,there’s a scarf. Put on a hat. Dress up there. Dress warmly, but I don’tthere’s a scarf. Put on a hat. Dress up there. Dress warmly, but I don’tthere’s a scarf. Put on a hat. Dress up there. Dress warmly, but I don’tcare.If you, as I already said, valueIf you, as I already said, valueIf you, as I already said, valueyour time a little bit.your time a little bit.your time a little bit.Value your opportunities, then the question of whetherValue your opportunities, then the question of whetherValue your opportunities, then the question of whetherto get sick or not to get sick is for you, into get sick or not to get sick is for you, into get sick or not to get sick is for you, inour case, in our time is already a question ofour case, in our time is already a question ofour case, in our time is already a question ofpersonal responsibility, becausepersonal responsibility, becausepersonal responsibility, becauseif you yourself once again substitute andif you yourself once again substitute andif you yourself once again substitute anddo thingsdo thingsdo thingsthat will lead to negligencethat will lead to negligencethat will lead to negligencethenthat viruses arethat viruses arethat viruses aresome kind of something else, that is, well, thesome kind of something else, that is, well, thesome kind of something else, that is, well, thefool himself became interested infool himself became interested infool himself became interested inwhy a person gets sick fromwhy a person gets sick fromwhy a person gets sick fromhypothermia yes, that is, the numberhypothermia yes, that is, the numberhypothermia yes, that is, the numberone factor is always hypothermia,one factor is always hypothermia,one factor is always hypothermia,see Why guys Immunity issee Why guys Immunity issee Why guys Immunity isgenerally a very large machinegenerally a very large machinegenerally a very large machineconsisting of so many levels Thatconsisting of so many levels Thatconsisting of so many levels Thatis, it has a lot of links inis, it has a lot of links inis, it has a lot of links ingeneral, as if today we aregeneral, as if today we aregeneral, as if today we aretalking to you about colds and orv intalking to you about colds and orv intalking to you about colds and orv inprinciple yes, I’m talking about immunity,principle yes, I’m talking about immunity,principle yes, I’m talking about immunity,I mean more. That’s what I mean in general,I mean more. That’s what I mean in general,I mean more. That’s what I mean in general,our immunity is just global,our immunity is just global,our immunity is just global,there’s a colossalthere’s a colossalthere’s a colossallist of some things in the body andlist of some things in the body andlist of some things in the body andimmunity protects us from everything and fromimmunity protects us from everything and fromimmunity protects us from everything and fromcancer cells, that is, from autoimmunecancer cells, that is, from autoimmunecancer cells, that is, from autoimmunediseases, that is,diseases, that is,diseases, that is,autoimmunity,autoimmunity,autoimmunity,but in short, here everything that is connected with ourbut in short, here everything that is connected with ourbut in short, here everything that is connected with ourhealth is practically connected withhealth is practically connected withhealth is practically connected withimmunity,immunity,immunity,and what we will analyze todayand what we will analyze todayand what we will analyze todaywillwillwillstrengthen, in principle, somestrengthen, in principle, somestrengthen, in principle, somedeeper aspects ofdeeper aspects ofdeeper aspects ofimmunity, first of all, we are talkingimmunity, first of all, we are talkingimmunity, first of all, we are talkingabout prostitutes, soabout prostitutes, soabout prostitutes, soto describe in general our entireto describe in general our entireto describe in general our entireimmunity, its structureimmunity, its structureimmunity, its structureWe don’thave enough time for all its links. I don’t even understand, even if all the scientistsn’t even understand, even if all the scientistsn’t even understand, even if all the scientistsput their heads together,put their heads together,put their heads together,but there are several specificbut there are several specificbut there are several specificlevels, first of all, immunity islevels, first of all, immunity islevels, first of all, immunity isvery strongly based onvery strongly based onvery strongly based onour endocrine gland like the thymus.our endocrine gland like the thymus.our endocrine gland like the thymus.It’s also the thymus gland, it’s locatedIt’s also the thymus gland, it’s locatedIt’s also the thymus gland, it’s locatedhere. and itproduces essentially produceproduces essentially produceproduces essentially producelymphocytes Andlymphocytes Andlymphocytes Andproduce the bulk of immuneproduce the bulk of immuneproduce the bulk of immunecells immune agentscells immune agentscells immune agentsand which, in fact,and which, in fact,and which, in fact,largely form the basis of ourlargely form the basis of ourlargely form the basis of ourimmunityimmunityimmunityand the thymus is an endocrine gland which isand the thymus is an endocrine gland which isand the thymus is an endocrine gland which islargelylargelylargelyinfluenced by ainfluenced by ainfluenced by avariety of factors, including emotional ones. Thatvariety of factors, including emotional ones. Thatvariety of factors, including emotional ones. Thatis, our thymus is located next to theis, our thymus is located next to theis, our thymus is located next to theheart, in principle, and various stresses,heart, in principle, and various stresses,heart, in principle, and various stresses,emotional upheavals, emotionalemotional upheavals, emotionalemotional upheavals, emotionalnegativity, various emotional neurosesnegativity, various emotional neurosesnegativity, various emotional neuroseswill lead to the fact that the thymuswill lead to the fact that the thymuswill lead to the fact that the thymuswill deteriorate, it will look like a mustache andwill deteriorate, it will look like a mustache andwill deteriorate, it will look like a mustache andits condition will be very deplorable,its condition will be very deplorable,its condition will be very deplorable,that is, in fact. Currentlythat is, in fact. Currentlythat is, in fact. Currentlyin medicine it is believed that the thymus is in anin medicine it is believed that the thymus is in anin medicine it is believed that the thymus is in anadult a person, well, such a matureadult a person, well, such a matureadult a person, well, such a matureperson Yes, a mature dash old, that is,person Yes, a mature dash old, that is,person Yes, a mature dash old, that is,there, from 4 to 60 years old, the thymus glandthere, from 4 to 60 years old, the thymus glandthere, from 4 to 60 years old, the thymus glandactually loses its function in many ways,actually loses its function in many ways,actually loses its function in many ways,that is, it is believed that this is such athat is, it is believed that this is such athat is, it is believed that this is such atemporary gland, you know, which is verytemporary gland, you know, which is verytemporary gland, you know, which is veryactive in a child, a teenager, a youngactive in a child, a teenager, a youngactive in a child, a teenager, a youngperson, but here over the years, it dries up andperson, but here over the years, it dries up andperson, but here over the years, it dries up anddries out.dries out.dries out.Why is such a conclusion drawn? BecauseWhy is such a conclusion drawn? BecauseWhy is such a conclusion drawn? Becauseduring the autopsies of many older people itduring the autopsies of many older people itduring the autopsies of many older people itwas discovered that this thymus is alreadywas discovered that this thymus is alreadywas discovered that this thymus is alreadyreally like such a dried up flower,really like such a dried up flower,really like such a dried up flower,most often, and during the autopsies ofmost often, and during the autopsies ofmost often, and during the autopsies ofyounger people, children, theyounger people, children, theyounger people, children, theoppositeoppositeoppositepicture seems to be observed, but there is a very highpicture seems to be observed, but there is a very highpicture seems to be observed, but there is a very highprobability that the state of the thymus gland it does notprobability that the state of the thymus gland it does notprobability that the state of the thymus gland it does notdepend ondepend ondepend onage it dependsage it dependsage it dependson the emotional health of a person iton the emotional health of a person iton the emotional health of a person itdepends on the general state of the bodydepends on the general state of the bodydepends on the general state of the bodythere is the biological age of the bodyonym of a seven-year old man andonym of a seven-year old man andonym of a seven-year old man andtherefore I can’t give exact statisticstherefore I can’t give exact statisticstherefore I can’t give exact statisticsYes, according to the autopsy and assessment ofYes, according to the autopsy and assessment ofYes, according to the autopsy and assessment ofthe state of the thymus gland of people who are somehow spirituallythe state of the thymus gland of people who are somehow spirituallythe state of the thymus gland of people who are somehow spirituallyemotionally physically developed but there is aemotionally physically developed but there is aemotionally physically developed but there is avery high probability that this is exactly thevery high probability that this is exactly thevery high probability that this is exactly thecase, so that’s why I’m telling you about the thymus,case, so that’s why I’m telling you about the thymus,case, so that’s why I’m telling you about the thymus,we all have acold in our souls. Yes, why thecold in our souls. Yes, why thecold in our souls. Yes, why thesoul? It’s not that from the point ofsoul? It’s not that from the point ofsoul? It’s not that from the point ofview of some esoteric concepts, theview of some esoteric concepts, theview of some esoteric concepts, theseat of our soul isseat of our soul isseat of our soul ishere in the chest at the level ofhere in the chest at the level ofhere in the chest at the level ofour hearts this is where the thymus is located And inour hearts this is where the thymus is located And inour hearts this is where the thymus is located And ingeneral how cold affects our immunitygeneral how cold affects our immunitygeneral how cold affects our immunityLet’s look at it, it’s all veryLet’s look at it, it’s all veryLet’s look at it, it’s all verysimpleand it’s funny how amazingly cold can affect aand it’s funny how amazingly cold can affect aand it’s funny how amazingly cold can affect aperson’s illness, that is, I directlyperson’s illness, that is, I directlyperson’s illness, that is, I directlyentered such queries, you know, there isentered such queries, you know, there isentered such queries, you know, there ishypothermia and immunity and I washypothermia and immunity and I washypothermia and immunity and I washonestly surprised because on somehonestly surprised because on somehonestly surprised because on somesites it’s simply written as Alya from the series.sites it’s simply written as Alya from the series.sites it’s simply written as Alya from the series.To date, scientists have not proven theTo date, scientists have not proven theTo date, scientists have not proven thefact thatfact thatfact thathypothermia affects the immune system. Well,hypothermia affects the immune system. Well,hypothermia affects the immune system. Well,damn now, that is, look,damn now, that is, look,damn now, that is, look,there is a scientific picture of the world, there’sthere is a scientific picture of the world, there’sthere is a scientific picture of the world, there’ssome kind of practical picture of the world. Thatsome kind of practical picture of the world. Thatsome kind of practical picture of the world. Thatis, in principle, people have been around for a long time tracedis, in principle, people have been around for a long time tracedis, in principle, people have been around for a long time tracedthe cause-and-effect relationships through whichthe cause-and-effect relationships through whichthe cause-and-effect relationships through whichwe get sick, that is,we get sick, that is,we get sick, that is,drafts, long-term hypothermiadrafts, long-term hypothermiadrafts, long-term hypothermiaae hypothermic Yes, there theyae hypothermic Yes, there theyae hypothermic Yes, there theystepped into a cold puddle and others with a puddle in theirstepped into a cold puddle and others with a puddle in theirstepped into a cold puddle and others with a puddle in theirboots for an hour inboots for an hour inboots for an hour inthe cold So and so on That is, they sort of traced this a long time ago,the cold So and so on That is, they sort of traced this a long time ago,the cold So and so on That is, they sort of traced this a long time ago,but scientists still haven’tbut scientists still haven’tbut scientists still haven’ttraced it Well cool Here But I foundtraced it Well cool Here But I foundtraced it Well cool Here But I foundenough information, also scientific,enough information, also scientific,enough information, also scientific,that hypothermia has been proven to reduce thethat hypothermia has been proven to reduce thethat hypothermia has been proven to reduce theimmune function of guys in a simple way Howimmune function of guys in a simple way Howimmune function of guys in a simple way Howit works, look, there are two factors,it works, look, there are two factors,it works, look, there are two factors,firstAnd when we arelike immune cells that are normally in thelike immune cells that are normally in thelike immune cells that are normally in thewarmth of body temperature, they movewarmth of body temperature, they movewarmth of body temperature, they movevery quickly roarly then they arevery quickly roarly then they arevery quickly roarly then they aresososoactive when we arehypothermic, I know that is, they workhypothermic, I know that is, they workhypothermic, I know that is, they workmore slowly, respectively, they are lessmore slowly, respectively, they are lessmore slowly, respectively, they are lessactive and lessactive and lessactive and lessable to resist the virus. That is,able to resist the virus. That is,able to resist the virus. That is,how to capture it and dispose of it.how to capture it and dispose of it.how to capture it and dispose of it.This is the first Factor. And the second factor is thatThis is the first Factor. And the second factor is thatThis is the first Factor. And the second factor is thatthere are a huge number of viruses,there are a huge number of viruses,there are a huge number of viruses,not all of them, but there are a lot of them for of whichnot all of them, but there are a lot of them for of whichnot all of them, but there are a lot of them for of whichcold is a nutrient medium, thatcold is a nutrient medium, thatcold is a nutrient medium, thatis, when it gets into theis, when it gets into theis, when it gets into thecold, this virus essentially receivescold, this virus essentially receivescold, this virus essentially receivesnutrition, that is, just like for manynutrition, that is, just like for manynutrition, that is, just like for manyelements of the negative microflora of ourelements of the negative microflora of ourelements of the negative microflora of ourintestines of our gastrointestinal tract, the acidic environmentintestines of our gastrointestinal tract, the acidic environmentintestines of our gastrointestinal tract, the acidic environmentis a favorable environment, andis a favorable environment, andis a favorable environment, andfor viruses, such a positive environmentfor viruses, such a positive environmentfor viruses, such a positive environmentis cold, that’s all really inis cold, that’s all really inis cold, that’s all really infact, how we got hypothermicit’svery important that a draft is a directedvery important that a draft is a directedvery important that a draft is a directedflow of air, that is, what is worse than a draftflow of air, that is, what is worse than a draftflow of air, that is, what is worse than a draftthan just cold, that is, we wentthan just cold, that is, we wentthan just cold, that is, we wentoutsideand becameand becameand becamehypothermic in the cold And there it’s just,hypothermic in the cold And there it’s just,hypothermic in the cold And there it’s just,as a rule, a kind of uniform cold, ifas a rule, a kind of uniform cold, ifas a rule, a kind of uniform cold, ifagain there’s no wind Because ifagain there’s no wind Because ifagain there’s no wind Because ifstrong wind Essentially, it’s like the samestrong wind Essentially, it’s like the samestrong wind Essentially, it’s like the samedraft, and a draft is essentially adraft, and a draft is essentially adraft, and a draft is essentially adirected stream of air that hitsyou, well, including the area ofyou, well, including the area ofyou, well, including the area ofourourourthymus, thethymus, thethymus, thethroat area and leads to a weakening of the immunethroat area and leads to a weakening of the immunethroat area and leads to a weakening of the immunefunction, which is why it is veryfunction, which is why it is veryfunction, which is why it is veryimportant to monitor drafts, especially in coldimportant to monitor drafts, especially in coldimportant to monitor drafts, especially in coldweather years now You need to monitorweather years now You need to monitorweather years now You need to monitoryour body temperature You need to monitor theyour body temperature You need to monitor theyour body temperature You need to monitor thecooler because coolers are essentially thecooler because coolers are essentially thecooler because coolers are essentially thesame kind of draft andsame kind of draft andsame kind of draft andthere are certain conditions under whichthere are certain conditions under whichthere are certain conditions under whichcoolers can be even more dangerous,coolers can be even more dangerous,coolers can be even more dangerous,basically this is a situation, again, of verybasically this is a situation, again, of verybasically this is a situation, again, of verysudden hypothermia When you, well, alsosudden hypothermia When you, well, alsosudden hypothermia When you, well, alsoheard since childhood, don’t goheard since childhood, don’t goheard since childhood, don’t gooutside, yes, because if we, for example, well,outside, yes, because if we, for example, well,outside, yes, because if we, for example, well,we are hot, that is, we are there after sportswe are hot, that is, we are there after sportswe are hot, that is, we are there after sportsor after I don’t know, after aor after I don’t know, after aor after I don’t know, after abath,bath,bath,after some other events, there is asharper temperature drop andsharper temperature drop andsharper temperature drop andthen the question is simply the duration ofthen the question is simply the duration ofthen the question is simply the duration ofthe exposure underwhich youwhich youwhich youwill wake up if this is something verywill wake up if this is something verywill wake up if this is something veryshort-term, maybe it’s something else, if it’sshort-term, maybe it’s something else, if it’sshort-term, maybe it’s something else, if it’ssomething more ahead of time, we sat at asomething more ahead of time, we sat at asomething more ahead of time, we sat at afriend’s house under the air conditioner there, again, you can fly away for half an hour,friend’s house under the air conditioner there, again, you can fly away for half an hour,so let’s be for what’sso let’s be for what’sso let’s be for what’sright, don’t survive, it’sright, don’t survive, it’sright, don’t survive, it’sstill better to dress warmer,still better to dress warmer,still better to dress warmer,or even better somewhere, to overdo it a little.or even better somewhere, to overdo it a little.or even better somewhere, to overdo it a little.not wearing enough clothesnot wearing enough clothesnot wearing enough clothesand keeping an eye on drafts, it’sand keeping an eye on drafts, it’sand keeping an eye on drafts, it’sespecially important to keep an eye on your feet because, as theespecially important to keep an eye on your feet because, as theespecially important to keep an eye on your feet because, as thewell-known saying goes, keep yourfeet warm and you can keep your headfeet warm and you can keep your headfeet warm and you can keep your headcold. Yes, because in many respects thecold. Yes, because in many respects thecold. Yes, because in many respects themovement of lymph begins from our feet,movement of lymph begins from our feet,movement of lymph begins from our feet,as if from the bottom up, and hypothermia of the feet isas if from the bottom up, and hypothermia of the feet isas if from the bottom up, and hypothermia of the feet isveryveryveryfraught this is the first thing you need to keep an eye on,fraught this is the first thing you need to keep an eye on,fraught this is the first thing you need to keep an eye on,that is, where you need to direct yourthat is, where you need to direct yourthat is, where you need to direct yourattention. If I can say that ifattention. If I can say that ifattention. If I can say that ifmost people simply domost people simply domost people simply don’t expose themselves once again and don’t get inton’t expose themselves once again and don’t get inton’t expose themselves once again and don’t get intosuch situations, that your likelihood ofsuch situations, that your likelihood ofsuch situations, that your likelihood ofgetting sick will increase simply because of yourgetting sick will increase simply because of yourgetting sick will increase simply because of yournegligence,negligence,negligence,then we’ll start getting sick in the future. times lessthen we’ll start getting sick in the future. times lessthen we’ll start getting sick in the future. times lessbecause I’m saying when thisbecause I’m saying when thisbecause I’m saying when thisall happened a couple of years ago I’mall happened a couple of years ago I’mall happened a couple of years ago I’mso you know, I analyzed some situations in my life andso you know, I analyzed some situations in my life andso you know, I analyzed some situations in my life andrealized that most often I actually get sickrealized that most often I actually get sickwhen I showed some kind of negligence inhypothermia. What about hardening?hypothermia. What about hardening?hypothermia. What about hardening?But these are all cold procedures,But these are all cold procedures,But these are all cold procedures,they work a little differently. Becausethey work a little differently. Becausethey work a little differently. Becausefirstly, this is not a long-termfirstly, this is not a long-termfirstly, this is not a long-termeffect, it is usually a shockeffect, it is usually a shockeffect, it is usually a shockeffect, because well, we use very coldeffect, because well, we use very coldeffect, because well, we use very coldwater and there is afactor, as it were, well, it’s also like that, you know,factor, as it were, well, it’s also like that, you know,factor, as it were, well, it’s also like that, you know,a little esoteric, but when wea little esoteric, but when wea little esoteric, but when wedo it we know what we are doing and we, asdo it we know what we are doing and we, asdo it we know what we are doing and we, asit were, internallymobilize not a couple of seconds and not a minute and a half, wemobilize not a couple of seconds and not a minute and a half, wemobilize not a couple of seconds and not a minute and a half, weare as we can in coldare as we can in coldare as we can in coldwater, but we are therewater, but we are therewater, but we are therelonger and we, as it were, well, do not attachlonger and we, as it were, well, do not attachlonger and we, as it were, well, do not attachany significance to it. That is, it is as if theany significance to it. That is, it is as if theany significance to it. That is, it is as if thefactor is missing in our heads the factfactor is missing in our heads the factfactor is missing in our heads the factthat we do this consciouslythat we do this consciouslythat we do this consciouslyand how we internally gather ourselves,and how we internally gather ourselves,and how we internally gather ourselves,we go through this speciallywe go through this speciallywe go through this speciallycreated controlled stresscreated controlled stresscreated controlled stressand then, as a rule, there is aand then, as a rule, there is aand then, as a rule, there is aheating stage. Yes, because mostheating stage. Yes, because mostheating stage. Yes, because mostoften cold products Well, the sameoften cold products Well, the sameoften cold products Well, the samecontrast shower or a bathhouse with a plunge pool,contrast shower or a bathhouse with a plunge pool,contrast shower or a bathhouse with a plunge pool,but they can end with warmth. Althoughbut they can end with warmth. Althoughbut they can end with warmth. Althoughit could be cold. That is, they justit could be cold. That is, they justit could be cold. That is, they justdoused it or just a cold shower or, as itdoused it or just a cold shower or, as itdoused it or just a cold shower or, as itwere, they finished the bathhouse with a font with a fontwere, they finished the bathhouse with a font with a fontwere, they finished the bathhouse with a font with a fontwith this, it’swith this, it’swith this, it’sclear with that, it’s clear, let’s go andmove on. Actually, we’re starting tomove on. Actually, we’re starting tomove on. Actually, we’re starting tomove on to theimmunity level. Now I’ll justimmunity level. Now I’ll justimmunity level. Now I’ll justlet myself think for a couple of seconds. Is it okay? I didn’tlet myself think for a couple of seconds. Is it okay? I didn’tlet myself think for a couple of seconds. Is it okay? I didn’tmiss any preliminary things from the point of view.miss any preliminary things from the point of view.miss any preliminary things from the point of view.Yes, no, probably, I probablyYes, no, probably, I probablyYes, no, probably, I probablysaid all the main things, I just needed tosaid all the main things, I just needed torepeat these obvious things that are often overlooked,repeat these obvious things that are often overlooked,repeat these obvious things that are often overlooked,look guys, therelook guys, therelook guys, therewill be nowill be nowill be nosummary. There will be no summing up. Therefore, nowsummary. There will be no summing up. Therefore, nowsummary. There will be no summing up. Therefore, nowwe listen to me carefully, take out ourwe listen to me carefully, take out ourwe listen to me carefully, take out ourpens,pens,pens,pieces of paper, phone notes and so on,pieces of paper, phone notes and so on,pieces of paper, phone notes and so on,I’m making a note and I’ll post it, but it’sI’m making a note and I’ll post it, but it’sI’m making a note and I’ll post it, but it’sbetter to write it down now, better starting frombetter to write it down now, better starting frombetter to write it down now, better starting fromthese points that Ithese points that Ithese points that Isaid, which means look, I spent asaid, which means look, I spent asaid, which means look, I spent alot of time looking for thingslot of time looking for thingslot of time looking for thingsthat contribute to our immunity,that contribute to our immunity,that contribute to our immunity,and we’ll understand now, according to the scheme,and we’ll understand now, according to the scheme,and we’ll understand now, according to the scheme,now there will be a diagram, a diagram consistingnow there will be a diagram, a diagram consistingnow there will be a diagram, a diagram consistingfrom dietary supplements, once from the natural components offrom dietary supplements, once from the natural components offrom dietary supplements, once from the natural components ofthings, two from a useful pharmacy, how athings, two from a useful pharmacy, how athings, two from a useful pharmacy, how auseful pharmacy differs from anuseful pharmacy differs from anuseful pharmacy differs from anunhealthy one, I will explainunhealthy one, I will explainunhealthy one, I will explainthreethreethreefrom the psychosomatic aspectfrom the physiological aspect, but not from thefrom the physiological aspect, but not from thefrom the physiological aspect, but not from thepoint of view of Prima, whichpoint of view of Prima, whichpoint of view of Prima, whichtablets, capsules, powders, from the point of view of thetablets, capsules, powders, from the point of view of thetablets, capsules, powders, from the point of view of thenatural laws of ournatural laws of ournatural laws of ourimmunity and from the point of view ofimmunity and from the point of view ofimmunity and from the point of view ofsome Practitioners Well, literally say one thing.some Practitioners Well, literally say one thing.some Practitioners Well, literally say one thing.Maybe a couple, that’s why it’s likeMaybe a couple, that’s why it’s likeMaybe a couple, that’s why it’s likeall this in a complex, all this in a complexall this in a complex, all this in a complexall this in a complex, all this in a complexand you need to understand that immunity, of course,and you need to understand that immunity, of course,and you need to understand that immunity, of course,it exists in many ways, if anyone hasit exists in many ways, if anyone hasit exists in many ways, if anyone hasany understanding ofany understanding ofany understanding ofpsychosomatics, theoretical theoriespsychosomatics, theoretical theoriespsychosomatics, theoretical theoriesregarding immunity VS this isregarding immunity VS this isregarding immunity VS this iscertainly also plays a big role, Icertainly also plays a big role, Icertainly also plays a big role, Idon’t deny it in fact. Yes, someonedon’t deny it in fact. Yes, someonedon’t deny it in fact. Yes, someoneis of the opinion that diseases,is of the opinion that diseases,is of the opinion that diseases,you know, are generally given to a personyou know, are generally given to a personyou know, are generally given to a personwhen a person goes somewhere in the wrong direction. Nowwhen a person goes somewhere in the wrong direction. Nowwhen a person goes somewhere in the wrong direction. Nowwe’re not even talking about some seriouswe’re not even talking about some seriouswe’re not even talking about some seriousdiseases,diseases,diseases,but here again aboutcolds,because of his more positivebecause of his more positivebecause of his more positiveinternal state of resourcefulinternal state of resourcefulinternal state of resourcefulenergy, he gets sick again. Thatenergy, he gets sick again. Thatenergy, he gets sick again. Thatis, it’s like some kind of signal, oris, it’s like some kind of signal, oris, it’s like some kind of signal, oryou know, when a person works there for a very long time,you know, when a person works there for a very long time,you know, when a person works there for a very long time,overworks and does not rest, asoverworks and does not rest, asoverworks and does not rest, asif it were believed that illness is aif it were believed that illness is aif it were believed that illness is aperson’s way of slowing down a littleperson’s way of slowing down a littleperson’s way of slowing down a littlesince he is so stubborn and not listening to yoursince he is so stubborn and not listening to yoursince he is so stubborn and not listening to yourbody so that there is time tobody so that there is time tobody so that there is time torest accordingly, that is, such a forcedrest accordingly, that is, such a forcedrest accordingly, that is, such a forcedrest, a forced reboot of therest, a forced reboot of therest, a forced reboot of thebody, or so that a personbody, or so that a personbody, or so that a personthinks a little about whether he isthinks a little about whether he isthinks a little about whether he isdoing what he is doing and sometimes during illness.doing what he is doing and sometimes during illness.doing what he is doing and sometimes during illness.Let's be honest,Let's be honest,Let's be honest,some wise thoughts may still come to us when we aresome wise thoughts may still come to us when we aresome wise thoughts may still come to us when we areconstantly in a flow in some kind of bustleconstantly in a flow in some kind of bustleconstantly in a flow in some kind of bustleAnd here we kind of stopped,And here we kind of stopped,And here we kind of stopped,we thought everything was in a hurry, there’s nowhere to go, lie down forwe thought everything was in a hurry, there’s nowhere to go, lie down forwe thought everything was in a hurry, there’s nowhere to go, lie down fora couple of days Alone with yourself Maybe somethinga couple of days Alone with yourself Maybe somethinga couple of days Alone with yourself Maybe somethingwise will come But it’s better not towise will come But it’s better not towise will come But it’s better not tolet it come to that because, again, anylet it come to that because, again, anylet it come to that because, again, anyillness, any cold wears out theillness, any cold wears out theillness, any cold wears out theresource of our bodyresource of our bodyresource of our bodySo the scheme that I will nowSo the scheme that I will nowSo the scheme that I will nowgive you Let me explain to you howgive you Let me explain to you howgive you Let me explain to you howit generally works and how toit generally works and how toit generally works and how touse it because it hasuse it because it hasuse it because it hasseveral areas of application, which means,several areas of application, which means,several areas of application, which means,firstly, it is prevention guys The best Thefirstly, it is prevention guys The best Thefirstly, it is prevention guys The best Thebest treatment is prevention,best treatment is prevention,best treatment is prevention,that is, it is better In principle, don’t let it get to the point wherethat is, it is better In principle, don’t let it get to the point wherethat is, it is better In principle, don’t let it get to the point whereyou developyou developyou developa disease and act in advance. Thata disease and act in advance. Thata disease and act in advance. Thatis, if you constantly take preventive measures, you, inis, if you constantly take preventive measures, you, inis, if you constantly take preventive measures, you, inprinciple, most likely will not reachprinciple, most likely will not reachprinciple, most likely will not reachthe stage that you will need to be treated,the stage that you will need to be treated,the stage that you will need to be treated,this is like the first moment, butthis is like the first moment, butthis is like the first moment, butunfortunately this does not always work out. By the way, here’sunfortunately this does not always work out. By the way, here’sunfortunately this does not always work out. By the way, here’swhat else I wanted to say aboutwhat else I wanted to say aboutwhat else I wanted to say aboutexposing yourself to not exposing yourself to communicating withexposing yourself to not exposing yourself to communicating withexposing yourself to not exposing yourself to communicating withsicksicksickpeople. Well, you know thatyou know that there is some kind of virus going around thereyou know that there is some kind of virus going around thereyou know that there is some kind of virus going around therevery strongly, very much, or your friends,very strongly, very much, or your friends,very strongly, very much, or your friends,your loved ones are sick, again at thisyour loved ones are sick, again at thisyour loved ones are sick, again at thismoment you need tomoment you need tomoment you need toplay it safe with us people for this theyplay it safe with us people for this theyplay it safe with us people for this theyalways treat me differently,always treat me differently,always treat me differently,to be honest it was justto be honest it was justto be honest it was justa shame to give a until thisa shame to give a until thisa shame to give a until thisstory because after that I generallystory because after that I generallystory because after that I generallyreconsidered all my relationships withreconsidered all my relationships withreconsidered all my relationships withviruses and contacts with sick peopleviruses and contacts with sick peopleviruses and contacts with sick peoplerayrayrayminimize a very close person he isminimize a very close person he isminimize a very close person he issick You can either live together or howsick You can either live together or howsick You can either live together or howto visit him Yes, don’t leave him,to visit him Yes, don’t leave him,to visit him Yes, don’t leave him,in general, run there completely, die, I woin general, run there completely, die, I woin general, run there completely, die, I won’t come, I won’t come, Yes, I want ton’t come, I won’t come, Yes, I want ton’t come, I won’t come, Yes, I want tosupport him or stay a little bit orsupport him or stay a little bit orsupport him or stay a little bit orbring him something useful,bring him something useful,bring him something useful,tasty healing Here But at such moments,tasty healing Here But at such moments,tasty healing Here But at such moments,there are alsothere are alsothere are alsoways toways toways toreducereducereducethe likelihood is that youthe likelihood is that youthe likelihood is that youwill catch this virus, so I’ll also tell you about these methods.will catch this virus, so I’ll also tell you about these methods.will catch this virus, so I’ll also tell you about these methods.Well, the main way isWell, the main way isWell, the main way isif it is possible to reduceif it is possible to reduceif it is possible to reducecontact. That is, if you don’t live together,contact. That is, if you don’t live together,contact. That is, if you don’t live together,if this is not your super close person, yourif this is not your super close person, yourif this is not your super close person, yourwife is a girl, or there If you are a girl,wife is a girl, or there If you are a girl,wife is a girl, or there If you are a girl,your there's a guy there,your there's a guy there,your there's a guy there,husband, cut down, try tohusband, cut down, try tohusband, cut down, try tostay less, if not somehow, well,stay less, if not somehow, well,stay less, if not somehow, well,there are methods in thisthere are methods in thisthere are methods in thisregard, again, this is the diagram that Iregard, again, this is the diagram that Iregard, again, this is the diagram that Iwill now give, see how much Iwill now give, see how much Iwill now give, see how much Icancancangenerally evaluate it ingenerally evaluate it ingenerally evaluate it inworking order, look in life there are noworking order, look in life there are noworking order, look in life there are noone hundred percent guarantees, but there isone hundred percent guarantees, but there isone hundred percent guarantees, but there ismathematics, there are probabilitiesmathematics, there are probabilitiesmathematics, there are probabilitiesand using That's all I'm talking about today,and using That's all I'm talking about today,and using That's all I'm talking about today,you maximizeyou maximizeyou maximizethe likelihood that you will notthe likelihood that you will notthe likelihood that you will notget sick, you maximizeget sick, you maximizeget sick, you maximizethe likelihood that if you get sick, you willthe likelihood that if you get sick, you willthe likelihood that if you get sick, you willbe cured very quickly, that is, or rather, you willbe cured very quickly, that is, or rather, you willbe cured very quickly, that is, or rather, you willnot If you start to get sick, you will notnot If you start to get sick, you will notnot If you start to get sick, you will notget sick, but if you do get sick, then you willget sick, but if you do get sick, then you willget sick, but if you do get sick, then you willvery easy and very You will endure it very easilyvery easy and very You will endure it very easilyvery easy and very You will endure it very easilyand will cure it very quicklyand will cure it very quicklyand will cure it very quicklycompared to If you didn’tcompared to If you didn’tcompared to If you didn’tdo this, that is,do this, that is,do this, that is,uh, maybe 100%, ituh, maybe 100%, ituh, maybe 100%, itwon’t completely protect you from colds, butwon’t completely protect you from colds, butwon’t completely protect you from colds, butyou will do it Much less often,you will do it Much less often,you will do it Much less often,much easier. And for someone it will givemuch easier. And for someone it will givemuch easier. And for someone it will givealmost one hundred percent immunity, Ialmost one hundred percent immunity, Ialmost one hundred percent immunity, Ican say about myself, I developed this scheme,can say about myself, I developed this scheme,can say about myself, I developed this scheme,let’s say, andlet’s say, andlet’s say, andstarted it. And as I alreadystarted it. And as I alreadystarted it. And as I alreadywrote to you, I haven’t been sick for 2 years. Inwrote to you, I haven’t been sick for 2 years. Inwrote to you, I haven’t been sick for 2 years. Ingeneral, I’ve never been sick, the onlygeneral, I’ve never been sick, the onlygeneral, I’ve never been sick, the onlytime was when I had a slightcold, it was relativelycold, it was relativelycold, it was relativelyI recently ran out of allI recently ran out of allI recently ran out of allthese things. Honestly, I was athese things. Honestly, I was athese things. Honestly, I was abastard just to go urgently and buy all this,bastard just to go urgently and buy all this,bastard just to go urgently and buy all this,as if I hadn’t been sick for 2 years, itas if I hadn’t been sick for 2 years, itas if I hadn’t been sick for 2 years, itwasn’t even like that, look, Iwasn’t even like that, look, Iwasn’t even like that, look, Ihad a little bit left, I had a little bithad a little bit left, I had a little bithad a little bit left, I had a little bitleft, I started to get sick, that’s all Ileft, I started to get sick, that’s all Igot into myself, it ended, in theory I had togot into myself, it ended, in theory I had togot into myself, it ended, in theory I had togo update it all and drink some more, Igo update it all and drink some more, Igo update it all and drink some more, Igave up on it and after 2 days it finallygave up on it and after 2 days it finallygave up on it and after 2 days it finallycaught up with me because there is one nuance,caught up with me because there is one nuance,caught up with me because there is one nuance,also very important, which I willsay about this was the only time and itsay about this was the only time and itsay about this was the only time and itwas connected with the fact that, in essence, I gave upwas connected with the fact that, in essence, I gave upwas connected with the fact that, in essence, I gave upon all these recommendations, and I haven’t been sickon all these recommendations, and I haven’t been sickon all these recommendations, and I haven’t been sickeven once in 2 years. And what’s most valuable, what’seven once in 2 years. And what’s most valuable, what’seven once in 2 years. And what’s most valuable, what’smost valuable, I started to get sick, thatmost valuable, I started to get sick, thatmost valuable, I started to get sick, thatis, the attacks began. When my throatis, the attacks began. When my throatis, the attacks began. When my throatbegan to snot, I started to feel weak, some kind ofbegan to snot, I started to feel weak, some kind ofbegan to snot, I started to feel weak, some kind ofchills. I startedchills. I startedchills. I startedusing it very strongly and the next day I’m healthy,using it very strongly and the next day I’m healthy,using it very strongly and the next day I’m healthy,well, that is, I didn’t even have time to get sick, I was already healthy onwell, that is, I didn’t even have time to get sick, I was already healthy onwell, that is, I didn’t even have time to get sick, I was already healthy onthe same day. The next daythe same day. The next daythe same day. The next dayI’m healthy and after a day ofI’m healthy and after a day ofI’m healthy and after a day ofpoisons about you you’re stillhealthy. That’s cool because ithealthy. That’s cool because ithealthy. That’s cool because itmeans that it reallymeans that it reallymeans that it reallyworks. It really gets you out of theworks. It really gets you out of theworks. It really gets you out of thestate of a cold, a state ofstate of a cold, a state ofstate of a cold, a state ofillness, so the first is prevention, theillness, so the first is prevention, theillness, so the first is prevention, thesecond, guys, when this schemesecond, guys, when this schemesecond, guys, when this schemeis used during periods of increasedis used during periods of increasedis used during periods of increasedmorbidity, that is, it is clear, autumn,morbidity, that is, it is clear, autumn,morbidity, that is, it is clear, autumn,winter, you need control over all this,winter, you need control over all this,winter, you need control over all this,strengthen the periods when the virus is spreading,strengthen the periods when the virus is spreading,strengthen the periods when the virus is spreading,strengthen when there are sick loved ones next to youstrengthen when there are sick loved ones next to youstrengthen when there are sick loved ones next to youand so on, crowds ofpeople and all that, and the third moment ispeople and all that, and the third moment ispeople and all that, and the third moment iswhen you feel that you are stillwhen you feel that you are stillwhen you feel that you are stillgetting sick, that is, well, somethinggetting sick, that is, well, somethinggetting sick, that is, well, somethinghas gone wrongand you feel, as I already said, the bodyand you feel, as I already said, the bodyand you feel, as I already said, the bodyalways immediately begins to let you knowalways immediately begins to let you knowalways immediately begins to let you knowthat you are sick, that you If you get sick, yourthat you are sick, that you If you get sick, yourthat you are sick, that you If you get sick, yourimmune system always gives signals immediately, ourimmune system always gives signals immediately, ourimmune system always gives signals immediately, ournose starts to run in our throat. Thisnose starts to run in our throat. Thisnose starts to run in our throat. Thisfeeling arises, you know, as if you arefeeling arises, you know, as if you arefeeling arises, you know, as if you areswallowing and it’s already so light, itswallowing and it’s already so light, itswallowing and it’s already so light, itfeels like it’s a little difficult tofeels like it’s a little difficult tofeels like it’s a little difficult toswallow, you sneeze,swallow, you sneeze,swallow, you sneeze,chills, that is, there is always an immediatechills, that is, there is always an immediatechills, that is, there is always an immediatesignal. You haven’t gotten sick yet, but you’resignal. You haven’t gotten sick yet, but you’resignal. You haven’t gotten sick yet, but you’rejust getting started. it immediately begins tojust getting started. it immediately begins tojust getting started. it immediately begins tomake you aware of this, you need to bemake you aware of this, you need to bemake you aware of this, you need to besuper attentivesuper attentivesuper attentiveand the most combat use of thisand the most combat use of thisand the most combat use of thisscheme is that it needs to bescheme is that it needs to bescheme is that it needs to beused. That is, you take all thisused. That is, you take all thisused. That is, you take all thisthat I’ll tell you now, buy it,that I’ll tell you now, buy it,that I’ll tell you now, buy it,spend 5,000 rubles on it, put itspend 5,000 rubles on it, put itspend 5,000 rubles on it, put itall in firstall in firstall in firstaid kit You have a drawer for colds Andaid kit You have a drawer for colds Andaid kit You have a drawer for colds Andas soon as you feel that youras soon as you feel that youras soon as you feel that yourass is coming, you go and justass is coming, you go and justass is coming, you go and justarrange a massive artilleryarrange a massive artilleryarrange a massive artilleryattack on your Viru, you just putattack on your Viru, you just putattack on your Viru, you just putall your gunsall your gunsall your gunsand all volleys there because the virus isand all volleys there because the virus isand all volleys there because the virus isvery easy to defeat when it has not yetvery easy to defeat when it has not yetvery easy to defeat when it has not yetgained strength when it has just enteredgained strength when it has just enteredgained strength when it has just enteredyour body and it is just beginning itsyour body and it is just beginning itsyour body and it is just beginning itsNasty activity if it has alreadyNasty activity if it has alreadyNasty activity if it has alreadygained strength and you are already lying in snot in theheat in weakness, inshort, you can’t do anything about it,short, you can’t do anything about it,short, you can’t do anything about it,that is, the maximum that can be done is tothat is, the maximum that can be done is tothat is, the maximum that can be done is toalleviate the symptoms, speed upalleviate the symptoms, speed upalleviate the symptoms, speed uprecovery, make it easier well, how will yourecovery, make it easier well, how will yourecovery, make it easier well, how will yousurvive this you already feelsurvive this you already feelsurvive this you already feellike you are already weak and you are already sick And thelike you are already weak and you are already sick And thelike you are already weak and you are already sick And thecoronavirus has just hit you and hascoronavirus has just hit you and hascoronavirus has just hit you and hasnot yet had time to multiply and gain strengthnot yet had time to multiply and gain strengthnot yet had time to multiply and gain strengthit can be shorter it must be wetted wettedit can be shorter it must be wetted wettedit can be shorter it must be wetted wettedhard mercilessly and uncompromisinglyhard mercilessly and uncompromisinglyhard mercilessly and uncompromisinglyvery high the likelihood is that youvery high the likelihood is that youvery high the likelihood is that youwill defeat it because the bodywill defeat it because the bodywill defeat it because the bodyjust needs help, just kind of givejust needs help, just kind of givejust needs help, just kind of giveit help and everything will work out, andit help and everything will work out, andit help and everything will work out, andactually the last least desirableactually the last least desirableactually the last least desirableapplication of this scheme If, after all, youapplication of this scheme If, after all, youapplication of this scheme If, after all, youare sick, it’s easier to bear it all, thenare sick, it’s easier to bear it all, thenare sick, it’s easier to bear it all, thenlook Let’slook Let’slook Let’sstart there is a bigstart there is a bigstart there is a biglist of what -then I will say thelist of what -then I will say thelist of what -then I will say thevery first ones I will speak in order ofvery first ones I will speak in order ofvery first ones I will speak in order ofimportanceimportanceimportancethey go simply that is,they go simply that is,they go simply that is,everything here is important Everything here is important there is no something first thereeverything here is important Everything here is important there is no something first thereeverything here is important Everything here is important there is no something first thereis no something second well it seems tois no something second well it seems tois no something second well it seems toactually exist but it is not soactually exist but it is not soactually exist but it is not soexpressed that is let me nowexpressed that is let me nowexpressed that is let me nowtalk about the most important thing, then thetalk about the most important thing, then thetalk about the most important thing, then theless important will come, but this is all less important,less important will come, but this is all less important,less important will come, but this is all less important,it’s just a little less important thanit’s just a little less important thanit’s just a little less important thanthis most important thing, and everything withinthis most important thing, and everything withinthis most important thing, and everything withinthis slightly less important thing is allthis slightly less important thing is allthis slightly less important thing is allequally important, that is, it’s not just thatequally important, that is, it’s not just thatequally important, that is, it’s not just thatthis is it in general, you can give up on this Butthis is it in general, you can give up on this Butthis is it in general, you can give up on this Butthis is what you need to do No, you need to do everything, letthis is what you need to do No, you need to do everything, letthis is what you need to do No, you need to do everything, let’s start. So the first most valuable’s start. So the first most valuable’s start. So the first most valuableremedy forremedy forremedy forimmunity isimmunity isimmunity isan amino acid, just an ordinaryan amino acid, just an ordinaryan amino acid, just an ordinaryamino acid that is sold inamino acid that is sold inamino acid that is sold insports nutrition stores, which issports nutrition stores, which issports nutrition stores, which issold everywhere, most oftensold everywhere, most oftensold everywhere, most oftenpositioned as an amino acid thatpositioned as an amino acid thatpositioned as an amino acid thatsignificantly enhancessignificantly enhancessignificantly enhancesmuscle recovery and secondly turn, as a meansmuscle recovery and secondly turn, as a meansmuscle recovery and secondly turn, as a meansfor immunity, recently they began tofor immunity, recently they began tofor immunity, recently they began towrite more often even on packages that Immunowrite more often even on packages that Immunowrite more often even on packages that ImmunoSupport is supposed to help the immune system, theseSupport is supposed to help the immune system, theseSupport is supposed to help the immune system, theseguys areguys areguys areglutamine, so I buy it in suchglutamine, so I buy it in suchglutamine, so I buy it in suchhuge bags in powder, here ithuge bags in powder, here ithuge bags in powder, here itactually says Yes, what isthisthisthisamino acid from which ouramino acid from which ouramino acid from which ourimmune cells are made? our lymphocytes are made.immune cells are made? our lymphocytes are made.immune cells are made? our lymphocytes are made.That is, this is the main raw material, this isThat is, this is the main raw material, this isThat is, this is the main raw material, this isthe main cofactor for our for ourthe main cofactor for our for ourthe main cofactor for our for ourimmune cells, everything, that is, they are madeimmune cells, everything, that is, they are madeimmune cells, everything, that is, they are madefrom glutamine, just just hear this,from glutamine, just just hear this,from glutamine, just just hear this,all of our practically immune cellsall of our practically immune cellsall of our practically immune cellsare made from glutamine and this is soare made from glutamine and this is soare made from glutamine and this is sofundamentally thefundamentally thefundamentally thepoint that the use of just this onepoint that the use of just this onepoint that the use of just this oneamino acid in sufficient quantities at theamino acid in sufficient quantities at theamino acid in sufficient quantities at theright time, it will have the mostright time, it will have the mostright time, it will have the mostpowerful immunomodulatorypowerful immunomodulatorypowerful immunomodulatoryeffect on you, superior ineffect on you, superior ineffect on you, superior instrength to the effect of many other things, manystrength to the effect of many other things, manystrength to the effect of many other things, manyother immunomodulatory agents, andother immunomodulatory agents, andother immunomodulatory agents, andso on. That is, this is how it can beso on. That is, this is how it can beso on. That is, this is how it can becompared with how our serotonin andcompared with how our serotonin andcompared with how our serotonin andmelatonin are produced from tryptophan withmelatonin are produced from tryptophan withmelatonin are produced from tryptophan withhow our testosterone is producedhow our testosterone is producedhow our testosterone is producedfrom cholesterol and from zinc, you understand.from cholesterol and from zinc, you understand.from cholesterol and from zinc, you understand.That is, it’s just a fattyThat is, it’s just a fattyThat is, it’s just a fattybase, you need to drink glutaminebase, you need to drink glutaminebase, you need to drink glutaminein larger quantities than what isin larger quantities than what isin larger quantities than what iswritten there, that is, a gram - this is forwritten there, that is, a gram - this is forwritten there, that is, a gram - this is forprevention, you can drink two grams ifprevention, you can drink two grams ifprevention, you can drink two grams ifyou feel that let’s immediately seeyou feel that let’s immediately seeyou feel that let’s immediately seethere are standard dosages everything I’mthere are standard dosages everything I’mthere are standard dosages everything I’mtalking about is that there are dosages that seem to be emergency.talking about is that there are dosages that seem to be emergency.talking about is that there are dosages that seem to be emergency.That is, if it’s just prevention andThat is, if it’s just prevention andThat is, if it’s just prevention andyou support it, you drink glutamine andyou support it, you drink glutamine andyou support it, you drink glutamine andother things. You’re not just getting sick.other things. You’re not just getting sick.other things. You’re not just getting sick.Autumn has come or there are sick people around you,Autumn has come or there are sick people around you,Autumn has come or there are sick people around you,you drink it, you drink it in lightyou drink it, you drink it in lightyou drink it, you drink it in lightmode, that is, grams of d glutamine there is threemode, that is, grams of d glutamine there is threemode, that is, grams of d glutamine there is threemaximum there are all other means too,maximum there are all other means too,maximum there are all other means too,plus or minus according to the instructions But if youplus or minus according to the instructions But if youplus or minus according to the instructions But if youneed enhanced help with the immune system or youneed enhanced help with the immune system or youneed enhanced help with the immune system or youjust get sick and youjust get sick and youjust get sick and youjust need to launch an array attack on thejust need to launch an array attack on thejust need to launch an array attack on thevirus, Ivirus, Ivirus, Idon’t either have glutamine, drink 51don’t either have glutamine, drink 51don’t either have glutamine, drink 51g I drink 1015 sometimes two times a dayg I drink 1015 sometimes two times a dayg I drink 1015 sometimes two times a dayMore than 15, I think there is no point, this is already aMore than 15, I think there is no point, this is already aMore than 15, I think there is no point, this is already avery large amount, again itvery large amount, again itvery large amount, again itdepends on your body weight, if you are adepends on your body weight, if you are adepends on your body weight, if you are akilogram muscular man, this probably won’tkilogram muscular man, this probably won’tkilogram muscular man, this probably won’tbebebeenough for you. This is theenough for you. This is theenough for you. This is thefirst WTO AminoLysine, here is the second amino acid forLysine, here is the second amino acid forLysine, here is the second amino acid forimmunity, I also buy hydrochloride in such largeimmunity, I also buy hydrochloride in such largeimmunity, I also buy hydrochloride in such largepackages this is thepackages this is thepackages this is thefastestfastestfastestform a little less Keyform a little less Keyform a little less Keythan glutaminethan glutaminethan glutaminebut very useful in combination with it verybut very useful in combination with it verybut very useful in combination with it veryuseful in itself and especially Rett is theuseful in itself and especially Rett is theuseful in itself and especially Rett is thebest remedy aboutThat is, wehave such a sore Yes, like Gers thathave such a sore Yes, like Gers thathave such a sore Yes, like Gers thatpops up on our lip sometimes notpops up on our lip sometimes notpops up on our lip sometimes notonly on the lip If you understand what I mean,only on the lip If you understand what I mean,only on the lip If you understand what I mean,if you managed to grabif you managed to grabif you managed to grabthis and if Arginine, for example,this and if Arginine, for example,this and if Arginine, for example,is a raw material for herpes If you didn’tis a raw material for herpes If you didn’tis a raw material for herpes If you didn’tknow, that is, if you useknow, that is, if you useknow, that is, if you usearm, the frequency of herpes and the strength of herpesarm, the frequency of herpes and the strength of herpesarm, the frequency of herpes and the strength of herpesincreases because herpes feeds onincreases because herpes feeds onincreases because herpes feeds onarginine lysine, on the contrary, it extinguishesarginine lysine, on the contrary, it extinguishesarginine lysine, on the contrary, it extinguishesherpes simply by so on, that is,herpes simply by so on, that is,herpes simply by so on, that is,accordingly, you are starting to experienceaccordingly, you are starting to experienceaccordingly, you are starting to experiencethis, by the way, another syndrome, that is, athis, by the way, another syndrome, that is, athis, by the way, another syndrome, that is, aharbinger of the disease again, that is,harbinger of the disease again, that is,harbinger of the disease again, that is,herpes pops up, you feel that itherpes pops up, you feel that itherpes pops up, you feel that ithas begun. This is Lezina, just immediatelyhas begun. This is Lezina, just immediatelyinject 5-10 grams a day. You most likelyinject 5-10 grams a day. You most likelyinject 5-10 grams a day. You most likelyhave nothing better; they haven’t come up with differenthave nothing better; they haven’t come up with differenthave nothing better; they haven’t come up with differentremedies. there are all sorts of Malki peptides, well,remedies. there are all sorts of Malki peptides, well,remedies. there are all sorts of Malki peptides, well,peptides in ointments inpeptides in ointments inpeptides in ointments ingels, everything is garbagegels, everything is garbagegels, everything is garbageLezin Let's go further guys, the goldenLezin Let's go further guys, the goldenLezin Let's go further guys, the goldenfour for immunity And of whichfour for immunity And of whichfour for immunity And of whichtwo is generally the most simplytwo is generally the most simplytwo is generally the most simplyfatty Central forming and twofatty Central forming and twofatty Central forming and twois rather additional this isis rather additional this isis rather additional this isvitamin C zinc Selenium D3 Here are thevitamin C zinc Selenium D3 Here are thevitamin C zinc Selenium D3 Here are thefour andfour andfour andthere are complexes bythere are complexes bythere are complexes bytype I don’t remember what company it’s different from,type I don’t remember what company it’s different from,type I don’t remember what company it’s different from,right there these Fantasticright there these Fantasticright there these FantasticFourFourFourare there, but again the dosage is there,are there, but again the dosage is there,are there, but again the dosage is there,as far as I remember. It’s a little like that foras far as I remember. It’s a little like that foras far as I remember. It’s a little like that forgirls for children,girls for children,girls for children,but I still recommend using these thingsbut I still recommend using these thingsbut I still recommend using these thingsseparately, so look,separately, so look,separately, so look,let’s givelet’s givelet’s giveyou the dosage I’ll scatter everything We’llyou the dosage I’ll scatter everything We’llyou the dosage I’ll scatter everything We’llgo through it in general now If there’s anything,go through it in general now If there’s anything,go through it in general now If there’s anything,I try to talk about dosages ButI try to talk about dosages ButI try to talk about dosages Butif I miss something somewhere orif I miss something somewhere orif I miss something somewhere orneed clarification, you ask questions At theneed clarification, you ask questions At theneed clarification, you ask questions At theend, I’ll remind you again about theend, I’ll remind you again about theend, I’ll remind you again about thedosage And if we’re talking about an emergencydosage And if we’re talking about an emergencydosage And if we’re talking about an emergencyto increase immunity, we add 3to increase immunity, we add 3to increase immunity, we add 3g of zinc. Oh my God, 3 g of vitamin C. That is,g of zinc. Oh my God, 3 g of vitamin C. That is,g of zinc. Oh my God, 3 g of vitamin C. That is,this is 2000-3000 mg of vitamin C and wethis is 2000-3000 mg of vitamin C and wethis is 2000-3000 mg of vitamin C and weadd 50 dashes of 100 mg of zinc, thisadd 50 dashes of 100 mg of zinc, thisadd 50 dashes of 100 mg of zinc, thisvery much disinfects thevery much disinfects thevery much disinfects thebody and suffocates the virus, if thisbody and suffocates the virus, if thisbody and suffocates the virus, if thisis again prevention, then we drink a gram ofis again prevention, then we drink a gram ofis again prevention, then we drink a gram ofvitamin C Well, there’s 25 mg of zinc there. Yes,vitamin C Well, there’s 25 mg of zinc there. Yes,vitamin C Well, there’s 25 mg of zinc there. Yes,California Gold. That’s vitamin C. Well,California Gold. That’s vitamin C. Well,California Gold. That’s vitamin C. Well,1000 mg is often sold there.1000 mg is often sold there.1000 mg is often sold there.By the way, I don’t have the best one right now;By the way, I don’t have the best one right now;By the way, I don’t have the best one right now;there’s a highly absorbable form ofthere’s a highly absorbable form ofthere’s a highly absorbable form ofvitamin C, that is, firstly,vitamin C, that is, firstly,vitamin C, that is, firstly,buffered vitamin C, and secondly.buffered vitamin C, and secondly.buffered vitamin C, and secondly.vitamin C with additionalvitamin C with additionalvitamin C with additionalcomponents that improve absorption,components that improve absorption,components that improve absorption,I had a very cool vitamin CI had a very cool vitamin CI had a very cool vitamin Cwith dihydroquercetin, whichwith dihydroquercetin, whichwith dihydroquercetin, whichsignificantly improves and enhances thesignificantly improves and enhances thesignificantly improves and enhances theabsorption of vitamin C, well, zinc, asabsorption of vitamin C, well, zinc, asabsorption of vitamin C, well, zinc, asalways, you know zinc hit zinc gluconate,always, you know zinc hit zinc gluconate,always, you know zinc hit zinc gluconate,that is, such forms are morethat is, such forms are morethat is, such forms are moredigestible, I’llsay just take it and drink according to the instructionssay just take it and drink according to the instructionssay just take it and drink according to the instructionsthere are dosages If I’m not mistaken, thethere are dosages If I’m not mistaken, thethere are dosages If I’m not mistaken, thestandard is about 200standard is about 200standard is about 200microgramsmicrogramsmicrogramsof microel, I often sin, I need to get it by the way,of microel, I often sin, I need to get it by the way,of microel, I often sin, I need to get it by the way,often I don’t have it, I wouldoften I don’t have it, I wouldoften I don’t have it, I wouldprobably call it less significant in thisprobably call it less significant in thisprobably call it less significant in thiscase, so the dosage is wrong,case, so the dosage is wrong,case, so the dosage is wrong,so it’s usuallyso it’s usuallyso it’s usuallydrunk and just goes to the cash registerdrunk and just goes to the cash registerdrunk and just goes to the cash registerin addition and the guys’ vitaminin addition and the guys’ vitaminin addition and the guys’ vitaminvitamin for you advanced informationvitamin for you advanced informationvitamin for you advanced informationmeansmeansmeanslook vitamin this is a verylook vitamin this is a verylook vitamin this is a verypowerful vitamin with a very wide range of propertiespowerful vitamin with a very wide range of propertiespowerful vitamin with a very wide range of propertieswhich is in almost all of uswhich is in almost all of uswhich is in almost all of usin deficiency you know this isin deficiency you know this isin deficiency you know this isspecialeven if the climate is suitable not so often weeven if the climate is suitable not so often weeven if the climate is suitable not so often weare in the sun at least with a nakedare in the sun at least with a nakedare in the sun at least with a nakedtorso we sunbathe Yes, not all of us oftentorso we sunbathe Yes, not all of us oftentorso we sunbathe Yes, not all of us oftensunbathe, I don’t know, walk down the street without asunbathe, I don’t know, walk down the street without asunbathe, I don’t know, walk down the street without aT-shirt or hang out there for halfT-shirt or hang out there for halfT-shirt or hang out there for halfa day in thea day in thea day in thesun, getting asun, getting asun, getting amulatto tan, so vitamin Pis cholesterol plus Ultraviolet, that is,is cholesterol plus Ultraviolet, that is,is cholesterol plus Ultraviolet, that is,we must have enough cholesterolwe must have enough cholesterolwe must have enough cholesterolenough We must have enoughenough We must have enoughenough We must have enoughcholesterol consumption saturated fatscholesterol consumption saturated fatscholesterol consumption saturated fatsfrom food this will be react withfrom food this will be react withfrom food this will be react withthe ultraviolet radiation that we receive andthe ultraviolet radiation that we receive andthe ultraviolet radiation that we receive andthen vitamin Dthen vitamin Dthen vitamin Dis produced with this too. Someis produced with this too. Someis produced with this too. Somehave problems and as a result, deficiencies,have problems and as a result, deficiencies,have problems and as a result, deficiencies,as in the modern world, most often solve theas in the modern world, most often solve theas in the modern world, most often solve theproblem of vitamin Well, in addition to the sun, these areproblem of vitamin Well, in addition to the sun, these areproblem of vitamin Well, in addition to the sun, these arecapsules of capsules,capsules of capsules,capsules of capsules,but you know that these are all the capsulesbut you know that these are all the capsulesbut you know that these are all the capsulesthat They are used They have verythat They are used They have verythat They are used They have verylowbioavailability There is a difference from personbioavailability There is a difference from personbioavailability There is a difference from personto person because ourto person because ourto person because ourgastrointestinal tract works differentlygastrointestinal tract works differentlygastrointestinal tract works differentlyOurOurOurflora Some people absorb it from capsulesflora Some people absorb it from capsulesflora Some people absorb it from capsulesbetter, Some people absorb it from capsulesbetter, Some people absorb it from capsulesbetter, Some people absorb it from capsulesworse But basically the absorption of the vitaminworse But basically the absorption of the vitaminworse But basically the absorption of the vitaminis 51 in the simplest bestis 51 in the simplest bestis 51 in the simplest bestcases, it’s 20-30 about if 20-30 iscases, it’s 20-30 about if 20-30 iscases, it’s 20-30 about if 20-30 isjust fierce digestibility, you have a fiercejust fierce digestibility, you have a fiercejust fierce digestibility, you have a fiercebody, a fierce gastrointestinal tract, and well, in a good way,body, a fierce gastrointestinal tract, and well, in a good way,body, a fierce gastrointestinal tract, and well, in a good way,and you are practically a superman becauseand you are practically a superman becauseand you are practically a superman becausemost oftenmost oftenmost oftenAnd how would doctors prescribe vitamin D WithAnd how would doctors prescribe vitamin D WithAnd how would doctors prescribe vitamin D Withsuch caution, you know there here are 5,000such caution, you know there here are 5,000such caution, you know there here are 5,000units, don’t take that’s a lot,units, don’t take that’s a lot,units, don’t take that’s a lot,10 is that, what are you talking about, that’s a10 is that, what are you talking about, that’s a10 is that, what are you talking about, that’s alot of overdose, yes, you will have alot of overdose, yes, you will have alot of overdose, yes, you will have asurplus of vitamin D. But in fact, itsurplus of vitamin D. But in fact, itsurplus of vitamin D. But in fact, itdoesn’t grow at all. That is, the person haddoesn’t grow at all. That is, the person haddoesn’t grow at all. That is, the person hadvitamin D in his ass, in general it was completely at thevitamin D in his ass, in general it was completely at thevitamin D in his ass, in general it was completely at thebottom below the norm And after abottom below the norm And after abottom below the norm And after aperson has beenperson has beenperson has beendrinking vitamin D in capsules for 3-4 months or six months, even at adrinking vitamin D in capsules for 3-4 months or six months, even at adrinking vitamin D in capsules for 3-4 months or six months, even at adosage of 5 10,000 units, its leveldosage of 5 10,000 units, its leveldosage of 5 10,000 units, its levelincreases. That is, it stillincreases. That is, it stillincreases. That is, it stillremains in the ass, but in a smaller ass somewhereremains in the ass, but in a smaller ass somewhereremains in the ass, but in a smaller ass somewhereat the bottom of the reference, that is, there up toat the bottom of the reference, that is, there up toat the bottom of the reference, that is, there up tothe middle of the reference is out of the question,if you drink capsules, drink at leastif you drink capsules, drink at leastif you drink capsules, drink at leastfat-soluble ones, that is,fat-soluble ones, that is,fat-soluble ones, that is,which are like omega-3, that is, omega-3which are like omega-3, that is, omega-3which are like omega-3, that is, omega-3is there. Well, in fact, it’s fat oil,is there. Well, in fact, it’s fat oil,is there. Well, in fact, it’s fat oil,as it’s correctly called, and vitamin Das it’s correctly called, and vitamin Das it’s correctly called, and vitamin Dbecause the vitamin is fat-soluble, itbecause the vitamin is fat-soluble, itbecause the vitamin is fat-soluble, itimproves absorption, but I want you guys,improves absorption, but I want you guys,improves absorption, but I want you guys,advise very sincerely, this is of courseadvise very sincerely, this is of courseadvise very sincerely, this is of courseinformation for Well, there are a few daredevils,information for Well, there are a few daredevils,information for Well, there are a few daredevils,but vitamin D is used bybut vitamin D is used bybut vitamin D is used byadvancedadvancedadvancedathletes; vitamin D, which reallyathletes; vitamin D, which reallyathletes; vitamin D, which reallyworks. This is if you are ready for it; this isworks. This is if you are ready for it; this isworks. This is if you are ready for it; this isinjectable vitamin D.injectable vitamin D.injectable vitamin D.In principle, there isIn principle, there isIn principle, there isnothing wrong with the injection itself; we have ionicnothing wrong with the injection itself; we have ionicnothing wrong with the injection itself; we have ionicvitamins of thevitamins of thevitamins of thegroup there for example, Gama,group there for example, Gama,group there for example, Gama,which we inject and we absolutely treat it normally,which we inject and we absolutely treat it normally,which we inject and we absolutely treat it normally,there is also an injectable vitamin.there is also an injectable vitamin.there is also an injectable vitamin.Well, by the way, if you are sick, you can alsoWell, by the way, if you are sick, you can alsoWell, by the way, if you are sick, you can alsopractice it; it’s just clear that injectionspractice it; it’s just clear that injectionspractice it; it’s just clear that injectionsare not very pleasant for not everyone.are not very pleasant for not everyone.are not very pleasant for not everyone.Nobody likes them;Nobody likes them;Nobody likes them;no one likes them;no one likes them;no one likes them;less, in principle, I have a normal attitude towards them,less, in principle, I have a normal attitude towards them,less, in principle, I have a normal attitude towards them,as if from childhood, teach themin a capsule or as if in an injection. Well, ifin a capsule or as if in an injection. Well, ifin a capsule or as if in an injection. Well, ifthe difference in absorption there is colossal,the difference in absorption there is colossal,the difference in absorption there is colossal,10 times there, then Well, damn it, I’d better10 times there, then Well, damn it, I’d better10 times there, then Well, damn it, I’d bettergive an injection. What’s the thrill of the guys, look, I’ll explaingive an injection. What’s the thrill of the guys, look, I’ll explaingive an injection. What’s the thrill of the guys, look, I’ll explainYes, you need to do it an injection,Yes, you need to do it an injection,Yes, you need to do it an injection,but you buy a box like this, itbut you buy a box like this, itbut you buy a box like this, it’s already empty because I’s already empty because I’s already empty because Ipierced it, it’s vitaminpierced it, it’s vitaminpierced it, it’s vitaminD as much as possible I have one maximum ID as much as possible I have one maximum ID as much as possible I have one maximum Ihave one several ampoules, in my opinion fivehave one several ampoules, in my opinion fivehave one several ampoules, in my opinion fiveI’ll explain what’s theI’ll explain what’s theI’ll explain what’s thethrill of one injection of thisthrill of one injection of thisthrill of one injection of thisvitamin in your assvitamin in your assvitamin in your assone and vitamin D you and in the middle at theone and vitamin D you and in the middle at theone and vitamin D you and in the middle at thetop oftop oftop ofthe reference forthe reference forthe reference forsix months for six months you don’t need to drink anysix months for six months you don’t need to drink anysix months for six months you don’t need to drink anyadditional capsules you don’t need tothink about it anymore, that is, you justthink about it anymore, that is, you justthink about it anymore, that is, you justinjected and forgot everything, your immunity isinjected and forgot everything, your immunity isinjected and forgot everything, your immunity iscrazy and yourcrazy and yourcrazy and yourtestosterone level with all that it impliestestosterone level with all that it impliestestosterone level with all that it impliesincreases your sexual functionincreases your sexual functionincreases your sexual functionpotency vitamin D has a connection withpotency vitamin D has a connection withpotency vitamin D has a connection withmood and an antidepressant effectmood and an antidepressant effectmood and an antidepressant effecton serotonin Yes, after all, the solaron serotonin Yes, after all, the solaron serotonin Yes, after all, the solarhormone. I personally amhormone. I personally amhormone. I personally amvery pleased. That is, I immediately made myselfvery pleased. That is, I immediately made myselfvery pleased. That is, I immediately made myselfsuch an elephant dosage of 30,000such an elephant dosage of 30,000such an elephant dosage of 30,000units, this is just right for such largeunits, this is just right for such largeunits, this is just right for such largemen or people with a very strongmen or people with a very strongmen or people with a very strongdeficiency. But I did it carefullydeficiency. But I did it carefullydeficiency. But I did it carefullyIt is necessary to control the tests, control theIt is necessary to control the tests, control theIt is necessary to control the tests, control thetests A and as if youtests A and as if youtests A and as if youdon’t inject more than this amount, that is, it is injecteddon’t inject more than this amount, that is, it is injecteddon’t inject more than this amount, that is, it is injectedonce. Well, either once every six months youonce. Well, either once every six months youonce. Well, either once every six months youinject these 300,000 units. Or you injectinject these 300,000 units. Or you injectinject these 300,000 units. Or you injectthere, you can inject once and then after 3there, you can inject once and then after 3there, you can inject once and then after 3months againmonths againmonths againand Or you colitis not 300 That is, if you give itand Or you colitis not 300 That is, if you give itand Or you colitis not 300 That is, if you give ita little boost,a little boost,a little boost,you colitis 100 look, go getyou colitis 100 look, go getyou colitis 100 look, go gettested,tested,tested,look, it’s like it’s not reallylook, it’s like it’s not reallylook, it’s like it’s not reallya toy, becausea toy, becausea toy, becauseif you have too much colitisif you have too much colitisif you have too much colitisand well, too often you do it,and well, too often you do it,and well, too often you do it,you can catch an overdose, as it were. Yes,you can catch an overdose, as it were. Yes,you can catch an overdose, as it were. Yes,vitamin D - that’s also not very goodvitamin D - that’s also not very goodvitamin D - that’s also not very goodTherefore, you need to take tests, you need toTherefore, you need to take tests, you need toTherefore, you need to take tests, you need tolook a little at least once, that is,look a little at least once, that is,look a little at least once, that is,give an injection, look atgive an injection, look atgive an injection, look atthe dynamics, just how it works for you, butthe dynamics, just how it works for you, butthe dynamics, just how it works for you, butjust so that I follow the principle of Do nojust so that I follow the principle of Do nojust so that I follow the principle of Do noharm, but if you are afraid, it’s better toharm, but if you are afraid, it’s better toharm, but if you are afraid, it’s better togive yourself less. Yougive yourself less. Youcan inject an ampoule, that is, you can put 50,000 units for yourself, youcan inject an ampoule, that is, you can put 50,000 units for yourself, youcan inject an ampoule, that is, you can put 50,000 units for yourself, youcan put 100, lookcan put 100, lookcan put 100, lookat the tests, butat the tests, butat the tests, butfrom the point of view of vitamin D - This is absolutely the bestfrom the point of view of vitamin D - This is absolutely the bestfrom the point of view of vitamin D - This is absolutely the bestthat isthat isthat isavailable today, and this is a way toavailable today, and this is a way toavailable today, and this is a way toreally raise your vitamin to the middle of thereally raise your vitamin to the middle of thereally raise your vitamin to the middle of theline at the top of the reference, which is almostline at the top of the reference, which is almostline at the top of the reference, which is almostimpossibleimpossibleimpossibleto do with capsules yes Again, someoneto do with capsules yes Again, someoneto do with capsules yes Again, someonemay be scared by this dosage there ofmay be scared by this dosage there ofmay be scared by this dosage there of300,000 units, which I300,000 units, which I300,000 units, which Igave myself twice, I feelgave myself twice, I feelgave myself twice, I feelgreat, just great, again,great, just great, again,great, just great, again,I’m saying it again for 2 years, I haven’t been sickI’m saying it again for 2 years, I haven’t been sickI’m saying it again for 2 years, I haven’t been sickwith rubbish, everything is fine, tests arewith rubbish, everything is fine, tests arewith rubbish, everything is fine, tests arefine, everything is great, but think about it guysfine, everything is great, but think about it guysfine, everything is great, but think about it guysSo you drink a jar of vitamin D inSo you drink a jar of vitamin D inSo you drink a jar of vitamin D ina dosage of what? 5000 units. Youa dosage of what? 5000 units. Youa dosage of what? 5000 units. Youdrink this jar there as a rule.drink this jar there as a rule.drink this jar there as a rule.How many tablets are 6010? Yes, two tabletsHow many tablets are 6010? Yes, two tabletsHow many tablets are 6010? Yes, two tabletsare 10,000are 10,000are 10,000units. In general, from this jar that youunits. In general, from this jar that youunits. In general, from this jar that youdrink, it turns out that you willconsume up to 500,000 units. Well, that is,consume up to 500,000 units. Well, that is,consume up to 500,000 units. Well, that is,if these are capsules of 5,000 units, there areif these are capsules of 5,000 units, there areif these are capsules of 5,000 units, there are100 of them, that’s100 of them, that’s100 of them, that’s500,000, someone drinks 10,000 units,500,000, someone drinks 10,000 units,500,000, someone drinks 10,000 units,again there are 3060 capsules, these are the sameagain there are 3060 capsules, these are the sameagain there are 3060 capsules, these are the samedosages, even more You will use it from a jar,dosages, even more You will use it from a jar,dosages, even more You will use it from a jar,but the difference is that from thisbut the difference is that from thisbut the difference is that from thisjar you most likely have a UVR of20 30 units from here it comes down almost BC and20 30 units from here it comes down almost BC and20 30 units from here it comes down almost BC andfrom the can you will feel practically nothing,from the can you will feel practically nothing,from the can you will feel practically nothing,but from the injection you will feel the BC verybut from the injection you will feel the BC verybut from the injection you will feel the BC verywell and you will see it in the analysis,well and you will see it in the analysis,well and you will see it in the analysis,that is, in fact, if you are sitting inthat is, in fact, if you are sitting inthat is, in fact, if you are sitting insome kind of tics there, biokefirthere is 10-20 vitamin D there, vitamin D canthere is 10-20 vitamin D there, vitamin D canthere is 10-20 vitamin D there, vitamin D canactually increase there to the middle of the referenceactually increase there to the middle of the referenceactually increase there to the middle of the referencebasically everyone is sitting in the assbasically everyone is sitting in the assbasically everyone is sitting in the assand this is corrected like this,and this is corrected like this,and this is corrected like this,at least it makes sense to tryat least it makes sense to tryat least it makes sense to tryit, it makes sense to monitor with tests, it makesit, it makes sense to monitor with tests, it makesit, it makes sense to monitor with tests, it makessense to monitor yoursense to monitor yoursense to monitor yourwell-being, again, completely underwell-being, again, completely underwell-being, again, completely underyour responsibility That is, as if you areyour responsibility That is, as if you areyour responsibility That is, as if you areafraid, don’t be afraid, I’m just talking about it,afraid, don’t be afraid, I’m just talking about it,afraid, don’t be afraid, I’m just talking about it,that is that I have it myself, I’mthat is that I have it myself, I’mthat is that I have it myself, I’musing it Now I’llusing it Now I’llusing it Now I’llorder it again Well, I’ll probably take a hundred and I’llorder it again Well, I’ll probably take a hundred and I’llorder it again Well, I’ll probably take a hundred and I’llalso go again and the analysis willalso go again and the analysis willalso go again and the analysis willwork for the ladies Very coolwork for the ladies Very coolwork for the ladies Very coolandandandthere’s nothing better Let’s go further with the vitamin,there’s nothing better Let’s go further with the vitamin,there’s nothing better Let’s go further with the vitamin,we figured it out, so look at the guys inwe figured it out, so look at the guys inwe figured it out, so look at the guys ingeneral on vitamins, vitamins and minerals,general on vitamins, vitamins and minerals,general on vitamins, vitamins and minerals,that is, ours is very important in general in general, thethat is, ours is very important in general in general, thethat is, ours is very important in general in general, thevitamin profile is why we canvitamin profile is why we canvitamin profile is why we canrecommend vitaminrecommend vitaminrecommend vitamincomp, again keep in mind that you knowcomp, again keep in mind that you knowcomp, again keep in mind that you knowthat the general vitamin and mineral complexes arethat the general vitamin and mineral complexes arethat the general vitamin and mineral complexes arefrom there 5-10 vitamins are absorbed,from there 5-10 vitamins are absorbed,from there 5-10 vitamins are absorbed,so your urine is nuclear orangeso your urine is nuclear orangeso your urine is nuclear orangeyellow, there aremany components there, the circuit ismany components there, the circuit ismany components there, the circuit isabsorbable, that is, well, in nature it’sabsorbable, that is, well, in nature it’sabsorbable, that is, well, in nature it’sall balanced, that is, someall balanced, that is, someall balanced, that is, somenatural products Where do we getnatural products Where do we getnatural products Where do we getvitamins from? There are no components that are avitamins from? There are no components that are avitamins from? There are no components that are a-a Contra-digestible, that is, we will not-a Contra-digestible, that is, we will not-a Contra-digestible, that is, we will notfind a product almost anywhere thatfind a product almost anywhere thatfind a product almost anywhere thatcontains both zinc and copper, it’s either zinc orcontains both zinc and copper, it’s either zinc orcontains both zinc and copper, it’s either zinc orcopper because they seem to not becopper because they seem to not becopper because they seem to not beabsorbed together. wash away eachabsorbed together. wash away eachabsorbed together. wash away eachother and vitamin complexesother and vitamin complexesother and vitamin complexesplease Yes, that’s why E aboutplease Yes, that’s why E aboutplease Yes, that’s why E aboutvitamin and mineral complexes asvitamin and mineral complexes asvitamin and mineral complexes asadditional , this is useful inadditional , this is useful inadditional , this is useful inprinciple Well, at least it won’t hurt,principle Well, at least it won’t hurt,principle Well, at least it won’t hurt,but the best vitaminsbut the best vitaminsbut the best vitaminsfromfromfromfood are fresh andfood are fresh andfood are fresh andseasonal vegetables, these are greens, that is, grass,seasonal vegetables, these are greens, that is, grass,seasonal vegetables, these are greens, that is, grass,grass,grass,grass,various parsley, cilantrovarious parsley, cilantrovarious parsley, cilantrodill, basil, spinach is very valuable, and sodill, basil, spinach is very valuable, and sodill, basil, spinach is very valuable, and soon. And the moston. And the moston. And the mostvaluable thing is the most valuable herb in terms ofvaluable thing is the most valuable herb in terms ofvaluable thing is the most valuable herb in terms ofvitamins. It’s simply the quintessence ofvitamins. It’s simply the quintessence ofvitamins. It’s simply the quintessence ofall vitamins and minerals, just inall vitamins and minerals, just inall vitamins and minerals, just inhuge quantities. These are microgreens, these arehuge quantities. These are microgreens, these arehuge quantities. These are microgreens, these arevarious sprouts, which are now oftenvarious sprouts, which are now oftenvarious sprouts, which are now oftensold in many placessold in many placessold in many placesin supermarkets and are very easyin supermarkets and are very easyin supermarkets and are very easyto grow on your own. That is, these are theto grow on your own. That is, these are theto grow on your own. That is, these are thesprouts that they contain,sprouts that they contain,sprouts that they contain,justfor marijuana, you put them onfor marijuana, you put them onfor marijuana, you put them onand they grow on you, that is, well, youand they grow on you, that is, well, youand they grow on you, that is, well, youcan find instructions on thecan find instructions on thecan find instructions on theInternet, everything is better, nothing is better,Internet, everything is better, nothing is better,Internet, everything is better, nothing is better,balanced nutrition, again, asbalanced nutrition, again, asbalanced nutrition, again, asfew empty foods as possible, that is,few empty foods as possible, that is,few empty foods as possible, that is,burgers do not contain vitamins and hot dogsburgers do not contain vitamins and hot dogsburgers do not contain vitamins and hot dogsdo not contain vitamins shawarma vitaminsdo not contain vitamins shawarma vitaminsdo not contain vitamins shawarma vitaminsWell, okay, minimally contain vegetables,Well, okay, minimally contain vegetables,Well, okay, minimally contain vegetables,a little bit. Therefore, complex carbohydrates, cereals,a little bit. Therefore, complex carbohydrates, cereals,a little bit. Therefore, complex carbohydrates, cereals,cereals that contain vitamins, mineralscereals that contain vitamins, mineralscereals that contain vitamins, mineralsandandandprotein, of course, fats. Well, that’s aprotein, of course, fats. Well, that’s aprotein, of course, fats. Well, that’s adifferent story, and as muchdifferent story, and as muchdifferent story, and as muchlive food as possible and as many superfoods as possible, thatlive food as possible and as many superfoods as possible, thatlive food as possible and as many superfoods as possible, thatis, superfoods are some kind ofis, superfoods are some kind ofis, superfoods are some kind ofproducts, again data to us by nature,products, again data to us by nature,products, again data to us by nature,which contain a cosmicwhich contain a cosmicwhich contain a cosmicconcentration of useful substances,concentration of useful substances,concentration of useful substances,these are,these are,these are,say, chi seeds, these are varioussay, chi seeds, these are varioussay, chi seeds, these are variousurchi from various nuts,these are the same berries, in their time,these are the same berries, in their time,these are the same berries, in their time,drinking a remedy for everything and for everything,drinking a remedy for everything and for everything,drinking a remedy for everything and for everything,but in fact this is such a superfoodbut in fact this is such a superfoodbut in fact this is such a superfoodthat contains a lot of vitamins andminerals Spirulina chlorella That is, these areminerals Spirulina chlorella That is, these areminerals Spirulina chlorella That is, these areall examples of superfoods, but again,all examples of superfoods, but again,all examples of superfoods, but again,just type in superfoods, go to thejust type in superfoods, go to thejust type in superfoods, go to thesupermarket and buy all this, butsupermarket and buy all this, butsupermarket and buy all this, butsuperfoods are superfoods, and the top most important thingsuperfoods are superfoods, and the top most important thingsuperfoods are superfoods, and the top most important thingis OVO greens, and as if weis OVO greens, and as if weis OVO greens, and as if weinclude microgreens in greens, microgreens - it’sinclude microgreens in greens, microgreens - it’sinclude microgreens in greens, microgreens - it’sgenerally simplegenerally simplegenerally simpleThis is aThis is aThis is asuper remedy superfood supersuper remedy superfood supersuper remedy superfood supercomponentcomponentcomponentsuperweapon for our immunity forsuperweapon for our immunity forsuperweapon for our immunity forours for our vitaminours for our vitaminours for our vitaminprofile plus we won’t forget aboutprofile plus we won’t forget aboutprofile plus we won’t forget aboutsuch a thing as the acid-base balancesuch a thing as the acid-base balancesuch a thing as the acid-base balancethat we have in the body and I don’tthat we have in the body and I don’tthat we have in the body and I don’tknow how much you know about it How much youknow how much you know about it How much youknow how much you know about it How much youknow about it but in general there is such a theoryknow about it but in general there is such a theoryknow about it but in general there is such a theoryacid-alkaline balance is in fact not aacid-alkaline balance is in fact not aacid-alkaline balance is in fact not atheory but a practice The more we acidify ourtheory but a practice The more we acidify ourtheory but a practice The more we acidify ourbody Thebody Thebody Themore we acidify it there are10 times more of them and in microgreens there are10 times more of them and in microgreens there are10 times more of them and in microgreens there aregenerally 30 5060 times more of them just togenerally 30 5060 times more of them just togenerally 30 5060 times more of them just tocorrelate a little but Fruits are tastycorrelate a little but Fruits are tastycorrelate a little but Fruits are tastyand improve yourand improve yourand improve yourmood This is all the basis ofmood This is all the basis ofmood This is all the basis ofalkalization that is, webecause after going through a certainbecause after going through a certainbecause after going through a certaindigestive reaction in ourdigestive reaction in ourdigestive reaction in ourbody, it becomes asbody, it becomes asbody, it becomes asalkaline as possible. So, secondly, we removealkaline as possible. So, secondly, we removealkaline as possible. So, secondly, we removeall acidifying foods, that is,all acidifying foods, that is,all acidifying foods, that is,again, this is empty food, these are fast foods,again, this is empty food, these are fast foods,again, this is empty food, these are fast foods,these are almost all types of bread, that is, simplethese are almost all types of bread, that is, simplethese are almost all types of bread, that is, simplecarbohydrates, these are sweets these are confectionerycarbohydrates, these are sweets these are confectionerycarbohydrates, these are sweets these are confectioneryproducts, this is white sugar, of course, in theproducts, this is white sugar, of course, in theproducts, this is white sugar, of course, in thefirst place, andfirst place, andfirst place, andraffinate is everything, relatively speaking, allraffinate is everything, relatively speaking, allraffinate is everything, relatively speaking, allunhealthy nutrition,unhealthy nutrition,unhealthy nutrition,let's move onlet's move onlet's move onguys.guys.guys.Look, this was the main part, I’llLook, this was the main part, I’llLook, this was the main part, I’lljust add it here, so look atjust add it here, so look atjust add it here, so look atthe B vitamins,the B vitamins,the B vitamins,again as a separate list of vitamins, hereagain as a separate list of vitamins, hereagain as a separate list of vitamins, hereI am, here they are right now, at the moment,I am, here they are right now, at the moment,I am, here they are right now, at the moment,Prova is in the form of such a jar of aProva is in the form of such a jar of aProva is in the form of such a jar of acomplex. Well, again, for those who likecomplex. Well, again, for those who likecomplex. Well, again, for those who likebroad, it can be compen, well, there’sbroad, it can be compen, well, there’sbroad, it can be compen, well, there’snot the whole complex with vitamins,not the whole complex with vitamins,not the whole complex with vitamins,and again, it’s better to get all this fromand again, it’s better to get all this fromand again, it’s better to get all this fromfood. But now, by the way, I took the additional Prova for thefood. But now, by the way, I took the additional Prova for thefood. But now, by the way, I took the additional Prova for thefirst time for myself and Anotherfirst time for myself and Anotherfirst time for myself and Anotherherbal remedy, weherbal remedy, weherbal remedy, wewill now talk aboutwill now talk aboutwill now talk aboutvarious adaptogens, but I want to highlightvarious adaptogens, but I want to highlightvarious adaptogens, but I want to highlightone thatone thatone thatworks with the immune system in the most targeted way.works with the immune system in the most targeted way.works with the immune system in the most targeted way.Because adaptogens are not only aboutBecause adaptogens are not only aboutBecause adaptogens are not only aboutImmunity, they are a plant thatImmunity, they are a plant thatImmunity, they are a plant thatpeople have been using for centuries for drinking,people have been using for centuries for drinking,people have been using for centuries for drinking,which is now very easy to find inwhich is now very easy to find inwhich is now very easy to find incapsules.capsules.capsules.Echinacea, that is, undeservedlyEchinacea, that is, undeservedlyEchinacea, that is, undeservedlyforgotten by many, is downtrodden. So, hiaforgotten by many, is downtrodden. So, hiaforgotten by many, is downtrodden. So, hiaactually strengthens theactually strengthens theactually strengthens theimmune system very much. This guys was the base,immune system very much. This guys was the base,immune system very much. This guys was the base,that is, this was the basis. Now wethat is, this was the basis. Now wethat is, this was the basis. Now weare moving on to that very second part,are moving on to that very second part,are moving on to that very second part,which seems to be less than Vano, infact, now that’s it in a variety of ways,fact, now that’s it in a variety of ways,fact, now that’s it in a variety of ways,but as if everything is equally important, it meansbut as if everything is equally important, it meansbut as if everything is equally important, it meanslook at the lemon, as already said, the lemon islook at the lemon, as already said, the lemon islook at the lemon, as already said, the lemon isveryalkalizing with lemon, we drink infusions withalkalizing with lemon, we drink infusions withalkalizing with lemon, we drink infusions withlemon, we eat lemon, we uselemon, we eat lemon, we uselemon, we eat lemon, we uselemon about hot drinking,lemon about hot drinking,lemon about hot drinking,it means veryit means veryit means veryuseful, least useful, it’s justuseful, least useful, it’s justuseful, least useful, it’s justhot tea with lemon further Onhot tea with lemon further Onhot tea with lemon further Onproducts that are naturalproducts that are naturalproducts that are naturalantibioticsantibioticsantibioticsthis is raspberry this is ginger this is MD this isthis is raspberry this is ginger this is MD this isthis is raspberry this is ginger this is MD this issea buckthorn Well and so on, this listsea buckthorn Well and so on, this listsea buckthorn Well and so on, this listcan be continued, in fact, I’llcan be continued, in fact, I’lltalk about some of the main points and there are also guys a very goodtalk about some of the main points and there are also guys a very goodtalk about some of the main points and there are also guys a very goodcomplex of herbs that are sold Well,complex of herbs that are sold Well,complex of herbs that are sold Well,now they sell azn everywhere, I sellnow they sell azn everywhere, I sellnow they sell azn everywhere, I sellall sorts of money anywhereall sorts of money anywhereall sorts of money anywhereYou saw the chest SBO SBO for theYou saw the chest SBO SBO for theYou saw the chest SBO SBO for thecollection for the liver, the collection is there for that And there is acollection for the liver, the collection is there for that And there is acollection for the liver, the collection is there for that And there is acollection for immunity. That is, it is essentially acollection for immunity. That is, it is essentially acollection for immunity. That is, it is essentially abag of herbsbag of herbsbag of herbscontaining 30 herbs,containing 30 herbs,containing 30 herbs,each of which somehow affects theeach of which somehow affects theeach of which somehow affects theimmune system and we will actuallyimmune system and we will actuallyimmune system and we will actuallymake a decoction from them. it’s just that wemake a decoction from them. it’s just that wemake a decoction from them. it’s just that webuy it, I went to Elbrus with the guys, it wasbuy it, I went to Elbrus with the guys, it wasbuy it, I went to Elbrus with the guys, it wasjust for sale there.just for sale there.just for sale there.Holy , this package is real,Holy , this package is real,Holy , this package is real,just likejust likejust likethis, like athis, like athis, like asmall pillow and a medium one for immunity, so Ismall pillow and a medium one for immunity, so Ismall pillow and a medium one for immunity, so Itook it, I still drink it, that is, it’stook it, I still drink it, that is, it’stook it, I still drink it, that is, it’sbrewed just in a kettle,brewed just in a kettle,brewed just in a kettle,add more lemon or some kind ofadd more lemon or some kind ofadd more lemon or some kind ofraspberry for taste, honey or the sameraspberry for taste, honey or the sameraspberry for taste, honey or the sameginger, sea buckthorn and everything is just a blast toginger, sea buckthorn and everything is just a blast toginger, sea buckthorn and everything is just a blast todrink with honey, they are usually a littledrink with honey, they are usually a littledrink with honey, they are usually a littlebitter, but with honey and lemon,bitter, but with honey and lemon,bitter, but with honey and lemon,in principle, it will pass for tea anyway.in principle, it will pass for tea anyway.in principle, it will pass for tea anyway.Of course there will be a little bit of thatOf course there will be a little bit of thatOf course there will be a little bit of thatspecific herbal taste, but Ispecific herbal taste, but Ispecific herbal taste, but Ipersonally have nothing against it, thenpersonally have nothing against it, thenpersonally have nothing against it, thenguys, garlic, everyone knows that garlic hasguys, garlic, everyone knows that garlic hasguys, garlic, everyone knows that garlic hasalso been recommended to us since childhood, italso been recommended to us since childhood, italso been recommended to us since childhood, itdisinfects very strongly. Anddisinfects very strongly. Anddisinfects very strongly. Andwe eat and sniff a little. First of all,we eat soda. Soda is an emergency remedywe eat soda. Soda is an emergency remedywe eat soda. Soda is an emergency remedythat helps to quickly alkali andthat helps to quickly alkali andthat helps to quickly alkali andkill the virus if it is present. you have already been hitkill the virus if it is present. you have already been hitkill the virus if it is present. you have already been hitas a preventive measure during particularly acuteas a preventive measure during particularly acuteas a preventive measure during particularly acuteperiods, you can drink it,periods, you can drink it,periods, you can drink it,but I personally use it like such heavybut I personally use it like such heavybut I personally use it like such heavyartillery in cases whereartillery in cases whereartillery in cases wheresomething goes wrong, if you feel that your throatsomething goes wrong, if you feel that your throatsomething goes wrong, if you feel that your throator some kind ofor some kind ofor some kind ofmalaise is drunk with milk or withmalaise is drunk with milk or withmalaise is drunk with milk or withwater, preferably with milk, a teaspoon of sodawater, preferably with milk, a teaspoon of sodawater, preferably with milk, a teaspoon of sodaregular table soda here in white andregular table soda here in white andregular table soda here in white andorange packages, if you can find aorange packages, if you can find aorange packages, if you can find acool American expensive one from abroad,cool American expensive one from abroad,cool American expensive one from abroad,take it, it’s even better quality, it’stake it, it’s even better quality, it’stake it, it’s even better quality, it’seven better Working, that is, diluted in aeven better Working, that is, diluted in aeven better Working, that is, diluted in aglass of milk, drink a teaspoon of sodaglass of milk, drink a teaspoon of sodaglass of milk, drink a teaspoon of sodaand go tobed, I also rinse the nasopharynx with soda,bed, I also rinse the nasopharynx with soda,bed, I also rinse the nasopharynx with soda,it’s very disgusting but if there isit’s very disgusting but if there isit’s very disgusting but if there issome kind of bacillus there, I'm sorry, simplysome kind of bacillus there, I'm sorry, simplysome kind of bacillus there, I'm sorry, simplybecause itbecause itbecause itwon't survive there at all, so wewon't survive there at all, so wewon't survive there at all, so wecan just kind of put it in our mouth. Again,can just kind of put it in our mouth. Again,can just kind of put it in our mouth. Again,do this there and you can rinse yourdo this there and you can rinse yourdo this there and you can rinse yournose, that is, as if through the nose therenose, that is, as if through the nose therenose, that is, as if through the nose theredirectly it went into the nasopharynx verydirectly it went into the nasopharynx verydirectly it went into the nasopharynx verydisgustinglydisgustinglydisgustinglyBut this will give a very high probabilityBut this will give a very high probabilityBut this will give a very high probabilitythat if there is something there you willthat if there is something there you willthat if there is something there you willnownownowarrive. Next, as much water as possiblearrive. Next, as much water as possiblearrive. Next, as much water as possibleBecause there isBecause there isBecause there istoo much because guys watertoo much because guys watertoo much because guys water- This is the basis of nutrition, that is, with- This is the basis of nutrition, that is, with- This is the basis of nutrition, that is, withit the body is cleansed water - This is the basis ofit the body is cleansed water - This is the basis ofit the body is cleansed water - This is the basis ofcell energy, all processes are enhanced by water -cell energy, all processes are enhanced by water -cell energy, all processes are enhanced by water -it is an energy drink and a nootropic and anit is an energy drink and a nootropic and anit is an energy drink and a nootropic and animmunomodulator and an immunostimulant, this isimmunomodulator and an immunostimulant, this isimmunomodulator and an immunostimulant, this iseverything in the world, that is, water - This is importanteverything in the world, that is, water - This is importanteverything in the world, that is, water - This is importantif you drink alkaline water and water with aif you drink alkaline water and water with aif you drink alkaline water and water with anegative ORP it will be even morenegative ORP it will be even morenegative ORP it will be even moreuseful That is, it will be water thatuseful That is, it will be water thatuseful That is, it will be water thatas a medicine Well, again, this is like aas a medicine Well, again, this is like aas a medicine Well, again, this is like aremedy that you constantly need to drink andremedy that you constantly need to drink andremedy that you constantly need to drink andnot just when you aresick, then we go furthersick, then we go furthersick, then we go furtherSteelSteelSteelstn is in our pharmacies as excellentstn is in our pharmacies as excellentstn is in our pharmacies as excellentsalicylicsalicylicsalicylicacid there is also such an additive for ACL Thatacid there is also such an additive for ACL Thatacid there is also such an additive for ACL Thatis, it’s just excellent salicylic acidis, it’s just excellent salicylic acidis, it’s just excellent salicylic acidACL is obtained And there is n excellent salicylicACL is obtained And there is n excellent salicylicACL is obtained And there is n excellent salicylicacid That is, it is also a little moreacid That is, it is also a little moreacid That is, it is also a little moreactive, it is sold as knuckleactive, it is sold as knuckleactive, it is sold as knuckleand it also greatly strengthens theimmune system When you feel that your throat isimmune system When you feel that your throat isimmune system When you feel that your throat isstarting This swallowing makes it harder Itstarting This swallowing makes it harder Itstarting This swallowing makes it harder Itcan start from the nose It can startcan start from the nose It can startcan start from the nose It can startwith a cough When you cough and itwith a cough When you cough and itwith a cough When you cough and itstarts You can start without it at all itstarts You can start without it at all itstarts You can start without it at all itjust starts there with cancer, chills,just starts there with cancer, chills,just starts there with cancer, chills,and weakness, but then, as a rule, somethingand weakness, but then, as a rule, somethingand weakness, but then, as a rule, somethingcomes either to the nose or throat. That is,comes either to the nose or throat. That is,comes either to the nose or throat. That is,this one from Steel Cyst, it works very wellthis one from Steel Cyst, it works very wellthis one from Steel Cyst, it works very wellwith everything above the throat andwith everything above the throat andwith everything above the throat andin the complex at all. Next, about the throatin the complex at all. Next, about the throatin the complex at all. Next, about the throatas soon as you felt the slightestas soon as you felt the slightestas soon as you felt the slightestdiscomfort in your throat, which means you have difficultydiscomfort in your throat, which means you have difficultydiscomfort in your throat, which means you have difficultyswallowing, it startsswallowing, it startsswallowing, it startsto hurt slightly, go straight away, you should have ato hurt slightly, go straight away, you should have ato hurt slightly, go straight away, you should have aregular spray from the pharmacy, anregular spray from the pharmacy, anregular spray from the pharmacy, ananti-inflammatory sprayanti-inflammatory sprayanti-inflammatory spraywithwithwithsome kind of anti-inflammatorysome kind of anti-inflammatorysome kind of anti-inflammatorycomponent, that is, these are all thecomponent, that is, these are all thecomponent, that is, these are all thenasty ones that are inserted into the throat,nasty ones that are inserted into the throat,nasty ones that are inserted into the throat,the spray is important right away, that is, right away don’tthe spray is important right away, that is, right away don’tthe spray is important right away, that is, right away don’tlet it get to the point where your throat starts tolet it get to the point where your throat starts tolet it get to the point where your throat starts tohurt, don’t let it get to the point where it alreadyhurt, don’t let it get to the point where it alreadyhurt, don’t let it get to the point where it alreadyhurts, but only when, even if youhurts, but only when, even if youhurts, but only when, even if youimagined, that is, it seems to youimagined, that is, it seems to youimagined, that is, it seems to youthat something is wrong there again, while it’sthat something is wrong there again, while it’sthat something is wrong there again, while it’sall just beginning, it’s all veryall just beginning, it’s all veryall just beginning, it’s all veryweak, that’s why we’re going there a littleweak, that’s why we’re going there a littleweak, that’s why we’re going there a littleanti-inflammatory and how would it be for himanti-inflammatory and how would it be for himanti-inflammatory and how would it be for himthen it will be toolate to answer your questions, I will answer you withlate to answer your questions, I will answer you withlate to answer your questions, I will answer you withinformation in a text message, see theinformation in a text message, see theinformation in a text message, see thesun, fix the recording yourself, it will besun, fix the recording yourself, it will besun, fix the recording yourself, it will bebroadcast, and it’s betterbroadcast, and it’s betterbroadcast, and it’s betterto use natural soda. Yes, that’s what I’m saying. That is,to use natural soda. Yes, that’s what I’m saying. That is,to use natural soda. Yes, that’s what I’m saying. That is,this is expensive American soda, this isthis is expensive American soda, this isthis is expensive American soda, this isnatural Let’s see If I have therenatural Let’s see If I have therenatural Let’s see If I have therewill be a good mood Maybe there will bewill be a good mood Maybe there will bewill be a good mood Maybe there will besomething in the text versionsomething in the text versionsomething in the text versiondepends on how active you aredepends on how active you aredepends on how active you areand on how much the feedback will please meand on how much the feedback will please meLet's move on,such a thing assuch a thing assuch a thing asoxalis is an old Soviet remedyoxalis is an old Soviet remedyoxalis is an old Soviet remedySold in pharmacies it costs a penny thereSold in pharmacies it costs a penny thereSold in pharmacies it costs a penny thereor 43 rubles means that this is oxolinicor 43 rubles means that this is oxolinicor 43 rubles means that this is oxolinicMAZ does this, it’s an ordinary MAZ that isMAZ does this, it’s an ordinary MAZ that isMAZ does this, it’s an ordinary MAZ that issmeared in the sinus. That is, you put it in your nose like this, itsmeared in the sinus. That is, you put it in your nose like this, itdoesn’t cure, but it gives almostdoesn’t cure, but it gives almostdoesn’t cure, but it gives almostone hundred percent protection against the possibility ofone hundred percent protection against the possibility ofone hundred percent protection against the possibility ofinhaling the virus through the nose. And we most ofteninhaling the virus through the nose. And we most ofteninhaling the virus through the nose. And we most ofteninhale it that way, that is, well,inhale it that way, that is, well,inhale it that way, that is, well,we have different ways to get it virus Yes,we have different ways to get it virus Yes,we have different ways to get it virus Yes,there,there,there,kiss a person who carriesthe virus, dothe virus, dothe virus, dosome kind of pro-contact there, insome kind of pro-contact there, insome kind of pro-contact there, intheory with food. Of course, you can grab it withtheory with food. Of course, you can grab it withtheory with food. Of course, you can grab it withwater, but most often we justwater, but most often we justwater, but most often we justinhale it, we just inhale it,inhale it, we just inhale it,inhale it, we just inhale it,and from this point of view, this is likeand from this point of view, this is likeand from this point of view, this is likeadvice from the series ifadvice from the series ifadvice from the series ifwe go to some place to see a viralwe go to some place to see a viralwe go to some place to see a viralperson or he lives at your home,we apply wedge ointment And if e and a mask wewe apply wedge ointment And if e and a mask wewe apply wedge ointment And if e and a mask weput on a Covid mask a little VL masks input on a Covid mask a little VL masks input on a Covid mask a little VL masks inour comfort zone yes Previously, itour comfort zone yes Previously, itour comfort zone yes Previously, itwas generally somehow scary and everyone looked at youwas generally somehow scary and everyone looked at youwas generally somehow scary and everyone looked at youlike you were zombie infected foollike you were zombie infected foollike you were zombie infected foolmas walking around now this is already the norm, ofmas walking around now this is already the norm, ofmas walking around now this is already the norm, ofcourse it won’t give 100% protection,course it won’t give 100% protection,course it won’t give 100% protection,but in combination it’sbut in combination it’sreally bad the person is sick, noreally bad the person is sick, noreally bad the person is sick, nobig deal, they put on a mask with Alika, they called them all,big deal, they put on a mask with Alika, they called them all,big deal, they put on a mask with Alika, they called them all,they threw it in and in general youthey threw it in and in general youthey threw it in and in general youwill be sidelined by thiswill be sidelined by thiswill be sidelined by thisvirus of water, just don’t drink With onevirus of water, just don’t drink With onevirus of water, just don’t drink With onemugs Let's go further about themugs Let's go further about themugs Let's go further about thethroat lollipops, by the way, that is,throat lollipops, by the way, that is,throat lollipops, by the way, that is,if it's not a lollipop, it could beif it's not a lollipop, it could beif it's not a lollipop, it could belollipops, you can also suck themlollipops, you can also suck themlollipops, you can also suck themand it will have the same effect, that is, the sameand it will have the same effect, that is, the sameand it will have the same effect, that is, the sameanti-inflammatory agent gets intoanti-inflammatory agent gets intoanti-inflammatory agent gets intothe throatwith the first category, let's finish with the first category.with the first category, let's finish with the first category.with the first category, let's finish with the first category.What else is worthWhat else is worthWhat else is worthmentioning here? look, if you still have a coughmentioning here? look, if you still have a coughmentioning here? look, if you still have a coughand you need it as strongly as possible,and you need it as strongly as possible,and you need it as strongly as possible,it means phlegm,expectorant tablets for porridge alsoexpectorant tablets for porridge alsoexpectorant tablets for porridge alsocost 5cost 5cost 5rubles, what else would you like to saywarm up, this is probably more aboutwarm up, this is probably more aboutwarm up, this is probably more aboutthe moment If you start to get sick,the moment If you start to get sick,the moment If you start to get sick,warm up more clothes, sweat more,warm up more clothes, sweat more,warm up more clothes, sweat more,bathhouse If you are not yet at the deep stage of abathhouse If you are not yet at the deep stage of abathhouse If you are not yet at the deep stage of acold that is, your temperature is nocold that is, your temperature is nocold that is, your temperature is nohigher than 37, the bathhouse will be very usefulhigher than 37, the bathhouse will be very usefulhigher than 37, the bathhouse will be very usefulin general, why do we have a cold, thein general, why do we have a cold, thein general, why do we have a cold, thetemperature rises with a cold, everyonetemperature rises with a cold, everyonetemperature rises with a cold, everyoneknows thermogenesis is activated,knows thermogenesis is activated,knows thermogenesis is activated,in fact, therein fact, therein fact, thereis a very enhancedis a very enhancedis a very enhancedacceleration of metabolism, precisely in theacceleration of metabolism, precisely in theacceleration of metabolism, precisely in theaspect of what helps fight aaspect of what helps fight aaspect of what helps fight acold with a virus, and then there iscold with a virus, and then there iscold with a virus, and then there isan increase in the activity of the excretoryan increase in the activity of the excretoryan increase in the activity of the excretorysystemssystemssystemsand, in fact, the amount of so to speak the element ofand, in fact, the amount of so to speak the element ofand, in fact, the amount of so to speak the element offire in us increases, yes, that is, in general,fire in us increases, yes, that is, in general,fire in us increases, yes, that is, in general,firefirefirehas a disinfecting effect. Yes, we are there withhas a disinfecting effect. Yes, we are there withhas a disinfecting effect. Yes, we are there withfire, something is heat treatment,fire, something is heat treatment,fire, something is heat treatment,heat treatment of food, yes, that is,heat treatment of food, yes, that is,heat treatment of food, yes, that is,everything dies in fire, in fact, we haveeverything dies in fire, in fact, we haveeverything dies in fire, in fact, we havethis the fire increases and it disinfects everything with itself,this the fire increases and it disinfects everything with itself,this the fire increases and it disinfects everything with itself,such an analogy is asuch an analogy is asuch an analogy is ametaphor. But from the point of view of the body,metaphor. But from the point of view of the body,metaphor. But from the point of view of the body,all processes growall processes growall processes growand, as it were, we really need temperature.and, as it were, we really need temperature.and, as it were, we really need temperature.Therefore, if at the initial stageTherefore, if at the initial stageTherefore, if at the initial stageWhen it’s still not clear. That’s how IWhen it’s still not clear. That’s how IWhen it’s still not clear. That’s how Iwrote a story on telegra yesterday; I actually went to the bathhousewrote a story on telegra yesterday; I actually went to the bathhousewrote a story on telegra yesterday; I actually went to the bathhousethe body has warmed up first and thethe body has warmed up first and thethe body has warmed up first and theimmune cells work muchimmune cells work muchimmune cells work mucheasier and essentially Well, also all theeasier and essentially Well, also all theeasier and essentially Well, also all theexcretory systemsexcretory systemsexcretory systemsbegin to work very well and at the initialbegin to work very well and at the initialbegin to work very well and at the initialstage you can give the virus a very hard, you can give it, you can give it, you can give ita lot in this way, so use it But if youa lot in this way, so use it But if youa lot in this way, so use it But if youalready have a temperature of 38 ba, this there won’talready have a temperature of 38 ba, this there won’talready have a temperature of 38 ba, this there won’tbe any harm, onlybe any harm, onlybe any harm, onlyworse temperature is high I tried it’s notnecessary if you have a throat and you have annecessary if you have a throat and you have annecessary if you have a throat and you have aninfrared lamp, I forgot to get it, damn it,infrared lamp, I forgot to get it, damn it,infrared lamp, I forgot to get it, damn it,but it’s not difficult, where to buy it, you putbut it’s not difficult, where to buy it, you putbut it’s not difficult, where to buy it, you putsuch an infrared lamp just on the tablesuch an infrared lamp just on the tablesuch an infrared lamp just on the tableon a stand, direct your throat,on a stand, direct your throat,on a stand, direct your throat,warm your chest, but this is a bit for fanatics alreadywarm your chest, but this is a bit for fanatics alreadywarm your chest, but this is a bit for fanatics alreadyyou know people like that If you really really don’tyou know people like that If you really really don’tyou know people like that If you really really don’twant to getwant to getwant to getsick, so I didn’t do it Although I wassick, so I didn’t do it Although I wassick, so I didn’t do it Although I wasthinking Well, for some reason, this intuitivethinking Well, for some reason, this intuitivethinking Well, for some reason, this intuitivefeeling arose that I could manage without itfeeling arose that I could manage without itfeeling arose that I could manage without itWell, in fact, I managed itWell, in fact, I managed itWell, in fact, I managed itnow, I’ll finish the broadcast just in case, just in case,now, I’ll finish the broadcast just in case, just in case,now, I’ll finish the broadcast just in case, just in case,aboutaboutaboutpolishing this one the whole scheme thatpolishing this one the whole scheme thatpolishing this one the whole scheme thatI’m talking about now is very important ifI’m talking about now is very important ifI’m talking about now is very important ifyou started doing everything on time, if youyou started doing everything on time, if youyou started doing everything on time, if youapplied it all on timeapplied it all on timeapplied it all on timeand it worked, don’t stop becauseand it worked, don’t stop becauseand it worked, don’t stop becausekeep in mind if youkeep in mind if youkeep in mind if yougot sick yesterday and today you feel goodgot sick yesterday and today you feel goodgot sick yesterday and today you feel goodbecause you drank it all,because you drank it all,because you drank it all,you gave your body theyou gave your body theyou gave your body theopportunity withdraw but your Immunity isopportunity withdraw but your Immunity isopportunity withdraw but your Immunity isstill very weakened, that is, he isstill very weakened, that is, he isstill very weakened, that is, he ison the verge, he is fighting If you give himon the verge, he is fighting If you give himon the verge, he is fighting If you give himsome more In short, some kind of dirty tricksome more In short, some kind of dirty tricksome more In short, some kind of dirty trickwill be thrown in by some other virus, there is some kind ofwill be thrown in by some other virus, there is some kind ofwill be thrown in by some other virus, there is some kind ofoverwork, that some kind of emotionaloverwork, that some kind of emotionaloverwork, that some kind of emotionalfactor he is there is a very highfactor he is there is a very highfactor he is there is a very highprobability that you will get sick again,probability that you will get sick again,probability that you will get sick again,so here are the guys with whom I personallyso here are the guys with whom I personallyso here are the guys with whom I personallywork now in variouswork now in variouswork now in variousareas in terms of work there, evenareas in terms of work there, evenareas in terms of work there, evenI often share this with them in advance,I often share this with them in advance,I often share this with them in advance,we conditionally work there for three monthswe conditionally work there for three monthswe conditionally work there for three monthsor six months. I say there, if you want,or six months. I say there, if you want,or six months. I say there, if you want,2 weeks not get rid of all this,2 weeks not get rid of all this,2 weeks not get rid of all this,look at the diagram Then don’t say that I didlook at the diagram Then don’t say that I didlook at the diagram Then don’t say that I didn’t tell you, and it often happens that an’t tell you, and it often happens that an’t tell you, and it often happens that aperson drank it all and was cured, likeperson drank it all and was cured, likeperson drank it all and was cured, likeI’m healthy, the next day again Khan, thatI’m healthy, the next day again Khan, thatI’m healthy, the next day again Khan, thatis, you need to drink it the next day,is, you need to drink it the next day,is, you need to drink it the next day,drink it the next day and thendrink it the next day and thendrink it the next day and thendrink it again so that we can certainlydrink it again so that we can certainlydrink it again so that we can certainlygo to the pharmacy guys,go to the pharmacy guys,go to the pharmacy guys,look, I’ll explain very briefly, here’slook, I’ll explain very briefly, here’slook, I’ll explain very briefly, here’smost of what’s in the pharmacyagainst viruses versus not against virusesagainst viruses versus not against virusesagainst viruses versus not against virusesin general, here’s how people are treated, it’s all buin general, here’s how people are treated, it’s all buin general, here’s how people are treated, it’s all bubecause thebecause thebecause thesymptoms are treated,essentially the virus is driven into the chronicleessentially the virus is driven into the chronicleessentially the virus is driven into the chronicleand seems to let us go, it seems easier for usand seems to let us go, it seems easier for usand seems to let us go, it seems easier for uswe recover more easily,we recover more easily,we recover more easily,but as a matter of fact, the treatment there is not muchbut as a matter of fact, the treatment there is not muchbut as a matter of fact, the treatment there is not muchaccelerated and maybe evenaccelerated and maybe evenaccelerated and maybe evenchronically, how it sticks a little in ourchronically, how it sticks a little in ourchronically, how it sticks a little in ourbody about antibiotics, it’s sobadbadbadthat you have a temperature of 40 there, I don’t knowthat you have a temperature of 40 there, I don’t knowthat you have a temperature of 40 there, I don’t know41 Well, you can probably think about it, but it’s41 Well, you can probably think about it, but it’s41 Well, you can probably think about it, but it’sdefinitely necessary after that use adefinitely necessary after that use adefinitely necessary after that use acomplex of probiotics and prebiotics tocomplex of probiotics and prebiotics tocomplex of probiotics and prebiotics torestore the Flora becauserestore the Flora becauserestore the Flora becauseantibiotics kill everythingantibiotics kill everythingantibiotics kill everythinggood along with everything bad. Yes, everything that isgood along with everything bad. Yes, everything that isgood along with everything bad. Yes, everything that isholy also kills, so antibioticsholy also kills, so antibioticsholy also kills, so antibioticsare the very sameSTV, againSTV, againSTV, againthey are usually such a ratherthey are usually such a ratherthey are usually such a ratherpointless cheat. Look atpointless cheat. Look atpointless cheat. Look atthe sachets, many people like to drink sachetsthe sachets, many people like to drink sachetsthe sachets, many people like to drink sachetsbecause it seems like after thembecause it seems like after thembecause it seems like after themMost of the sachets become easier - this isMost of the sachets become easier - this isMost of the sachets become easier - this isagain Bul because the symptoms seem to beagain Bul because the symptoms seem to beagain Bul because the symptoms seem to behidden but the treatment does not occur and inhidden but the treatment does not occur and inhidden but the treatment does not occur and infact we bring down the temperature. Andfact we bring down the temperature. Andfact we bring down the temperature. Andwe need the temperature to improvewe need the temperature to improvewe need the temperature to improveimmunity.I really do not recommendI really do not recommendI really do not recommendusing the only ones. There areusing the only ones. There areusing the only ones. There aremore or less good sachets if youmore or less good sachets if youmore or less good sachets if youreally need it sucks, or you know, it happens. It’sreally need it sucks, or you know, it happens. It’sreally need it sucks, or you know, it happens. It’ssuch a shame when you have to performsuch a shame when you have to performsuch a shame when you have to performsomewhere tomorrow, for example,somewhere tomorrow, for example,somewhere tomorrow, for example,or do something so active, it’sor do something so active, it’sor do something so active, it’sabsolutely obligatory. And you got sick, the dog wasabsolutely obligatory. And you got sick, the dog wasabsolutely obligatory. And you got sick, the dog wasso unhelpful, but this is not one ofso unhelpful, but this is not one ofso unhelpful, but this is not one ofthe few bags in which itwould help to heal a little becausewould help to heal a little becausewould help to heal a little becausemany the sachets, in principle, come there withoutmany the sachets, in principle, come there withoutmany the sachets, in principle, come there withoutany strongany strongany stronganti-inflammatory componentand the symptoms just seem to go away Yes, butand the symptoms just seem to go away Yes, butand the symptoms just seem to go away Yes, butnothing more, but it’s better without it at all,nothing more, but it’s better without it at all,nothing more, but it’s better without it at all,further guys, antiviralfurther guys, antiviralfurther guys, antiviralantiviral in the pharmacy, you can betantiviral in the pharmacy, you can betantiviral in the pharmacy, you can betthatthatthatI support just ask for a generalI support just ask for a generalI support just ask for a generalantiviral, well, some just forantiviral, well, some just forantiviral, well, some just forme orv I need some kind of generalme orv I need some kind of generalme orv I need some kind of generalantiviral But you can, butantiviral But you can, butantiviral But you can, butonly if you are alreadyonly if you are alreadyonly if you are alreadysick, you don’t need to drink this, justsick, you don’t need to drink this, justsick, you don’t need to drink this, justif the ass starts, you have all this plusif the ass starts, you have all this plusif the ass starts, you have all this plusthe antiviral, you threw in thethe antiviral, you threw in thethe antiviral, you threw in thenext onenext onenext onecategory of drugs from the pharmacy thatcategory of drugs from the pharmacy thatcategory of drugs from the pharmacy thatI can recommend these areI can recommend these areI can recommend these areimmunomodulators immunomodulators areimmunomodulators immunomodulators areimmunomodulators immunomodulators aredrugs that strengthen ourdrugs that strengthen ourdrugs that strengthen ourown immunity which, well, how can Iown immunity which, well, how can Iown immunity which, well, how can Isay, strengthen it, complement it, as ifsay, strengthen it, complement it, as ifsay, strengthen it, complement it, as ifimitating it to some extent Well, in fact, this isimitating it to some extent Well, in fact, this isimitating it to some extent Well, in fact, this isinter-Once again,immune molecules are a controversial topic for someone, someoneimmune molecules are a controversial topic for someone, someoneimmune molecules are a controversial topic for someone, someonethinks that it doesn’t work, someone -he thinksthinks that it doesn’t work, someone -he thinksthinks that it doesn’t work, someone -he thinksthat there is not enoughresearch, I’ll tell you this from the experience ofresearch, I’ll tell you this from the experience ofresearch, I’ll tell you this from the experience ofmany people, it works well,many people, it works well,many people, it works well,immunomodulators work and reallyimmunomodulators work and reallyimmunomodulators work and reallyhelp, in particular, I firsthelp, in particular, I firsthelp, in particular, I firstheard about the immunomodulator from myheard about the immunomodulator from myheard about the immunomodulator from mymother, she was sick and said Yala to drink frommother, she was sick and said Yala to drink frommother, she was sick and said Yala to drink fromme, I get better in 2 days instead ofme, I get better in 2 days instead ofme, I get better in 2 days instead ofSefaSefaSefaHere are the people also, as if many people there on theHere are the people also, as if many people there on theHere are the people also, as if many people there on theInternet you can read reviewsInternet you can read reviewsInternet you can read reviewsWell, they seem to react positively in general,Well, they seem to react positively in general,Well, they seem to react positively in general,as if in general they helpas if in general they helpas if in general they helpae there is a very good remedy that Iae there is a very good remedy that Iae there is a very good remedy that Imyself constantly, plus or minus, regularlymyself constantly, plus or minus, regularlymyself constantly, plus or minus, regularlytry this three trekrezan Here trekrezantry this three trekrezan Here trekrezantry this three trekrezan Here trekrezancosts like this Well, it’s relatively inexpensivecosts like this Well, it’s relatively inexpensivecosts like this Well, it’s relatively inexpensivethere from 600 up to 1,000rubles it works itrubles it works itrubles it works itworks after all Maybe, of course, that is,works after all Maybe, of course, that is,works after all Maybe, of course, that is,on its own, it won’t work as iton its own, it won’t work as iton its own, it won’t work as itshould, but in the complex and as a whole it works,should, but in the complex and as a whole it works,should, but in the complex and as a whole it works,that is, it supports your own immunity, itthat is, it supports your own immunity, itdoesn’t hide any symptoms, it actuallydoesn’t hide any symptoms, it actuallydoesn’t hide any symptoms, it actuallyhelps your own immunityhelps your own immunityhelps your own immunitycopecopecopewith a kind of disease There are also suchwith a kind of disease There are also suchwith a kind of disease There are also suchthings as, well, like arbidolin addition. In the generaloutline there are some analogues of Trekrezan.outline there are some analogues of Trekrezan.outline there are some analogues of Trekrezan.Well, I don’t know, but it’s a good provenWell, I don’t know, but it’s a good provenWell, I don’t know, but it’s a good provenremedy there, Polik, again,remedy there, Polik, again,remedy there, Polik, again,there are different ones, well, essentially the same thing,there are different ones, well, essentially the same thing,there are different ones, well, essentially the same thing,here’s one of the most provenhere’s one of the most provenhere’s one of the most provendrugs there Rizanvirus a little, even if not both Yes, it’s anvirus a little, even if not both Yes, it’s anvirus a little, even if not both Yes, it’s anantiviral Dado, it’s an antiviralantiviral Dado, it’s an antiviralantiviral Dado, it’s an antiviralcrisis - it’scrisis - it’scrisis - it’san immunomodulator, it’s something youan immunomodulator, it’s something youan immunomodulator, it’s something youcan take at the pharmacy, but guys,can take at the pharmacy, but guys,can take at the pharmacy, but guys,we have awe have awe have alist of drugslist of drugslist of drugslike adaptogens, adaptogens are eitherlike adaptogens, adaptogens are eitherlike adaptogens, adaptogens are eitherplants or mushroomsplants or mushroomsplants or mushroomsthat have some kind of general strengtheningthat have some kind of general strengtheningthat have some kind of general strengtheningeffect on our the body, that is, an adaptogen,effect on our the body, that is, an adaptogen,effect on our the body, that is, an adaptogen,well, from the word adaptation, it means that ourwell, from the word adaptation, it means that ourwell, from the word adaptation, it means that ourbody, as it were, adapts and thebody, as it were, adapts and thebody, as it were, adapts and theenergy level rises and the immune systemenergy level rises and the immune systemenergy level rises and the immune systemrises and there reproductive functions arerises and there reproductive functions arerises and there reproductive functions areraised. That is, these are just suchraised. That is, these are just suchraised. That is, these are just suchgeneral strengthening, generally useful things, whatgeneral strengthening, generally useful things, whatgeneral strengthening, generally useful things, whatabout them I will sayabout them I will sayabout them I will saydrink drink now there is a large choice indrink drink now there is a large choice indrink drink now there is a large choice inthe capsules there arethe capsules there arethe capsules there areroots that you can infuse to makeroots that you can infuse to makeroots that you can infuse to makedecoctions from them, theredecoctions from them, theredecoctions from them, thereare different forms. What kind ofare different forms. What kind ofare different forms. What kind ofadaptogens do you usually know? Many of them,adaptogens do you usually know? Many of them,adaptogens do you usually know? Many of them,that is, I think it’s ginseng, it’sthat is, I think it’s ginseng, it’sthat is, I think it’s ginseng, it’sradiola, it’s lemongrass, it’s Cordyceps, it’sradiola, it’s lemongrass, it’s Cordyceps, it’sradiola, it’s lemongrass, it’s Cordyceps, it’serak and others. That is, Echinacea, whicherak and others. That is, Echinacea, whicherak and others. That is, Echinacea, whichI mentioned above, Cordyceps is this. flu Gris there is aI mentioned above, Cordyceps is this. flu Gris there is aI mentioned above, Cordyceps is this. flu Gris there is ataco, Ialso forgot to take it with me from thealso forgot to take it with me from thealso forgot to take it with me from thecompany for orange jars they havecompany for orange jars they havecompany for orange jars they havesuch ansuch ansuch animmune complex, it containsimmune complex, it containsimmune complex, it containseither 12 mushrooms that increase immunityeither 12 mushrooms that increase immunityeither 12 mushrooms that increase immunityBy the way, it worked very well for me,By the way, it worked very well for me,By the way, it worked very well for me,that is, such mushroom complexesthat is, such mushroom complexesthat is, such mushroom complexesalso help quite well Thatalso help quite well Thatalso help quite well Thatis, all these other adaptogens,is, all these other adaptogens,is, all these other adaptogens,well, in fact, they also help as a goodwell, in fact, they also help as a goodwell, in fact, they also help as a goodpreventive measure and as a treatment.preventive measure and as a treatment.preventive measure and as a treatment.IIIgenerallypraisepraisepraiseIndian Ayurvedic. That is, this isIndian Ayurvedic. That is, this isIndian Ayurvedic. That is, this issuch a jarsuch a jarsuch a jarand it costs 500 rubles, there is such a jam of aand it costs 500 rubles, there is such a jam of aand it costs 500 rubles, there is such a jam of aspecific taste. It’s so sweetlyspecific taste. It’s so sweetlyspecific taste. It’s so sweetlyspicy, it reminds me personally of some kind of... thenspicy, it reminds me personally of some kind of... thenspicy, it reminds me personally of some kind of... thenkiwi with pepper, I don’t know what it is,kiwi with pepper, I don’t know what it is,kiwi with pepper, I don’t know what it is,someone doesn’t like it, someone thinks it’ssomeone doesn’t like it, someone thinks it’ssomeone doesn’t like it, someone thinks it’stasteless I don’t know, it’s amazing howtasteless I don’t know, it’s amazing howtasteless I don’t know, it’s amazing howdelicious it is and there are 40 or 30 of thesedelicious it is and there are 40 or 30 of thesedelicious it is and there are 40 or 30 of theseherbal components too, a very cool thing, inherbal components too, a very cool thing, inherbal components too, a very cool thing, infact, not only for the immune systemfact, not only for the immune systemfact, not only for the immune systemand Energetik Energetic is naturaland Energetik Energetic is naturaland Energetik Energetic is naturalEnergy is soft Energy thatEnergy is soft Energy thatEnergy is soft Energy thathas no kickback That is, you eat two spoons of ithas no kickback That is, you eat two spoons of ithas no kickback That is, you eat two spoons of itand you are really toned up noticeablyand you are really toned up noticeablyand you are really toned up noticeablyawesomely tonedawesomely tonedawesomely tonedand there is no kickback it’s very soft Thatand there is no kickback it’s very soft Thatand there is no kickback it’s very soft Thatis, it’s not a caffeine rush No big deal, it’sis, it’s not a caffeine rush No big deal, it’sis, it’s not a caffeine rush No big deal, it’sjust ajust ajust agood natural softgood natural softgood natural softenergyenergyenergybooster and a plus everything has a very positivebooster and a plus everything has a very positivebooster and a plus everything has a very positiveeffect on the immune system, I love nsh and Ieffect on the immune system, I love nsh and Ieffect on the immune system, I love nsh and Irecommend everyone to adore howrecommend everyone to adore howrecommend everyone to adore howIIIlook from the point of view of the gastrointestinal tract, it is also important tolook from the point of view of the gastrointestinal tract, it is also important tolook from the point of view of the gastrointestinal tract, it is also important tosay that the gastrointestinal tract plays a very strong rolesay that the gastrointestinal tract plays a very strong rolesay that the gastrointestinal tract plays a very strong rolein immunity, that’s how it is Iin immunity, that’s how it is Iin immunity, that’s how it is ISpeak inSpeak inSpeak inthe broadcast of immunity Yes, there is, as it were, thethe broadcast of immunity Yes, there is, as it were, thethe broadcast of immunity Yes, there is, as it were, theupper level of immunity, this is ourupper level of immunity, this is ourupper level of immunity, this is ourthymusthymusthymusgland, our thymus is lower The lower levelgland, our thymus is lower The lower levelgland, our thymus is lower The lower levelis the level of our gastrointestinal tract and the gastrointestinal tract plays ais the level of our gastrointestinal tract and the gastrointestinal tract plays ais the level of our gastrointestinal tract and the gastrointestinal tract plays aimportant role in thisimportant role in thisimportant role in thisregard, the health of the gastrointestinal tract is a separateregard, the health of the gastrointestinal tract is a separateregard, the health of the gastrointestinal tract is a separateconversation, this is a very big topic inconversation, this is a very big topic inconversation, this is a very big topic inwhich I am not. Dowhich I am not. Doyou understand the World Cup well? No, I would like toyou understand the World Cup well? No, I would like toyou understand the World Cup well? No, I would like tounderstand it someday, but for now the Sununderstand it someday, but for now the Sununderstand it someday, but for now the Sunsomehow doesn’t get to me.somehow doesn’t get to me.somehow doesn’t get to me.I have a lot of things that are influenced by ourI have a lot of things that are influenced by ourI have a lot of things that are influenced by ournutrition throughout ournutrition throughout ournutrition throughout ourlives, a hugelives, a hugelives, a hugenumber of factors, includingnumber of factors, includingnumber of factors, includingemotional ones. Now let’s talk a little aboutemotional ones. Now let’s talk a little aboutemotional ones. Now let’s talk a little aboutpsychosomatics. Let’s talk aboutmodern ones, I read them. recently Yes, ourmodern ones, I read them. recently Yes, ourmodern ones, I read them. recently Yes, ourgastrointestinal tract is generally connected to the brain through thegastrointestinal tract is generally connected to the brain through thegastrointestinal tract is generally connected to the brain through thevagus nerve, this is essentially a nerve.vagus nerve, this is essentially a nerve.vagus nerve, this is essentially a nerve.From the brain to the stomach there is a hormonalFrom the brain to the stomach there is a hormonalFrom the brain to the stomach there is a hormonalconnection between the gastrointestinal tract and the brain of the gastrointestinal tract and in general theconnection between the gastrointestinal tract and the brain of the gastrointestinal tract and in general theconnection between the gastrointestinal tract and the brain of the gastrointestinal tract and in general thewhole body with all the flora,andandandmeditation performed by a professionalmeditation performed by a professionalmeditation performed by a professionalmeditation master significantlymeditation master significantlymeditation master significantlyaffects the flora of the gastrointestinal tract. can youaffects the flora of the gastrointestinal tract. can youaffects the flora of the gastrointestinal tract. can youimagine? This is already a scientific fact, this isimagine? This is already a scientific fact, this isimagine? This is already a scientific fact, this isno longer esotericism, this is already scientificno longer esotericism, this is already scientificno longer esotericism, this is already scientificfacts, relevant research onfacts, relevant research onfacts, relevant research onhoney, thathoney, thathoney, thatis, the state of our consciousness, ouris, the state of our consciousness, ouris, the state of our consciousness, ourmental state, it is reflected inmental state, it is reflected inmental state, it is reflected inour flora,our flora,our flora,microflora, in our microbio, ourmicroflora, in our microbio, ourmicroflora, in our microbio, ourgastrointestinal waste and the body,gastrointestinal waste and the body,gastrointestinal waste and the body,in thein thein theemotional state, it affectsemotional state, it affectsemotional state, it affectsthe work of our gastrointestinal tract and the work of our gastrointestinal tractthe work of our gastrointestinal tract and the work of our gastrointestinal tractthe work of our gastrointestinal tract and the work of our gastrointestinal tractaffects our emotional state, yes.affects our emotional state, yes.affects our emotional state, yes.Again, there is a hormonal connectionAgain, there is a hormonal connectionAgain, there is a hormonal connectionbecause Well, it is clear thatbecause Well, it is clear thatbecause Well, it is clear that90% of serotonin is produced in the gastrointestinal tract. But this is90% of serotonin is produced in the gastrointestinal tract. But this is90% of serotonin is produced in the gastrointestinal tract. But this isserotonin, of which a tiny partserotonin, of which a tiny partserotonin, of which a tiny partcrosses the blood-brain barrier andcrosses the blood-brain barrier andcrosses the blood-brain barrier andalmost never reaches the brain,almost never reaches the brain,almost never reaches the brain,but nevertheless, what - therebut nevertheless, what - therebut nevertheless, what - thereis a relationship andcertain bacteria feed oncertain bacteria feed oncertain bacteria feed onserotonin, certain bacteriaserotonin, certain bacteriaserotonin, certain bacteriaproduce serotonin and even Dopamineproduce serotonin and even Dopamineproduce serotonin and even Dopamineis a hormonal, not a mediator thatis a hormonal, not a mediator thatis a hormonal, not a mediator thatwe have here, but a hormonal one, which iswe have here, but a hormonal one, which iswe have here, but a hormonal one, which ishow hormones differ from neurotransmitters.how hormones differ from neurotransmitters.CTP happens to beCTP happens to beCTP happens to beinterrupted, some kind of stress will be endured, whatinterrupted, some kind of stress will be endured, whatinterrupted, some kind of stress will be endured, whatis going on, a disorder is happening Yes, theis going on, a disorder is happening Yes, theis going on, a disorder is happening Yes, theabsorption is getting worse, the stool is getting worse,absorption is getting worse, the stool is getting worse,absorption is getting worse, the stool is getting worse,that is, there was a normal hard stool there, they werethat is, there was a normal hard stool there, they werethat is, there was a normal hard stool there, they weregetting nervousgetting nervousgetting nervousall the time, as if touse it for the gastrointestinal tract, it’s a couple of times ause it for the gastrointestinal tract, it’s a couple of times ause it for the gastrointestinal tract, it’s a couple of times ayear toyear toyear todrink probiotics, prebiotics, this isdrink probiotics, prebiotics, this isdrink probiotics, prebiotics, this ismy last one Well just for example, it ismy last one Well just for example, it ismy last one Well just for example, it isnot necessary to show that it is like that.not necessary to show that it is like that.not necessary to show that it is like that.Well, filar 10 billion bacteria,Well, filar 10 billion bacteria,Well, filar 10 billion bacteria,probiotic plus prebiotic, stoppingprobiotic plus prebiotic, stoppingprobiotic plus prebiotic, stoppingthe microflora in 5 days, in fact, thatthe microflora in 5 days, in fact, thatthe microflora in 5 days, in fact, thatis, there are bifidobacteria andis, there are bifidobacteria andis, there are bifidobacteria andlactobacilli. That is, as I understand it, there arelactobacilli. That is, as I understand it, there arelactobacilli. That is, as I understand it, there arevarious sour milk productsvarious sour milk productsvarious sour milk productsthat also contain a largethat also contain a largethat also contain a largethe amount of these lactobacilli andthe amount of these lactobacilli andthe amount of these lactobacilli andbifidobacteria, but again, it’s not superbifidobacteria, but again, it’s not superbifidobacteria, but again, it’s not superstrong in the topic of prebiotics today,strong in the topic of prebiotics today,strong in the topic of prebiotics today,but you can actually feel it becausebut you can actually feel it becausebut you can actually feel it becauseyou drink this course, it lasts 5you drink this course, it lasts 5you drink this course, it lasts 5days, that is, you actually drink it for 5 days, well,days, that is, you actually drink it for 5 days, well,days, that is, you actually drink it for 5 days, well,if necessary, you can increase it toif necessary, you can increase it toif necessary, you can increase it totwo or three boxes drink but the gastrointestinal tract reallytwo or three boxes drink but the gastrointestinal tract reallytwo or three boxes drink but the gastrointestinal tract reallygets better That is, even if there aregets better That is, even if there aregets better That is, even if there aresome problems, it is absorbed better.some problems, it is absorbed better.some problems, it is absorbed better.For example, you ate something heavy Yes And soFor example, you ate something heavy Yes And soFor example, you ate something heavy Yes And soyou have a brick in your stomach for 2 hours and here it takes aboutyou have a brick in your stomach for 2 hours and here it takes aboutyou have a brick in your stomach for 2 hours and here it takes about40 minutes, that is, you40 minutes, that is, you40 minutes, that is, youmaster it much faster if there are some problems with amaster it much faster if there are some problems with amaster it much faster if there are some problems with achair there with some otherchair there with some otherchair there with some otherthings, everything is verythings, everything is verythings, everything is verymuch back to normal, so I canrecommend that it also be added to the generalrecommend that it also be added to the generalrecommend that it also be added to the generalpiggy bank smoothly. We are coming to the end guys,piggy bank smoothly. We are coming to the end guys,piggy bank smoothly. We are coming to the end guys,what you need to understand is what reduces ourwhat you need to understand is what reduces ourwhat you need to understand is what reduces ourimmunity, which means look, if you drinkimmunity, which means look, if you drinkimmunity, which means look, if you drinkalcohol, it reduces your immunity,you use large quantities ofyou use large quantities ofyou use large quantities ofnicotine, that is some kind ofsnus, hookahs, cigarettes in largesnus, hookahs, cigarettes in largesnus, hookahs, cigarettes in largequantities reducesquantities reducesquantities reducesimmunity, abuse ofimmunity, abuse ofimmunity, abuse ofstimulants, everythingstimulants, everythingstimulants, everythingthat depletes the resource of our body, as it were, isthat depletes the resource of our body, as it were, isthat depletes the resource of our body, as it were, isnownownowpre-trained with a large amount of coffee, a largepre-trained with a large amount of coffee, a largepre-trained with a large amount of coffee, a largenumber of very strong stimulatingnumber of very strong stimulatingnumber of very strong stimulatingtropes, andtropes, andtropes, anddrank all this, as it were, takes a little resource from thedrank all this, as it were, takes a little resource from thedrank all this, as it were, takes a little resource from thebody and, accordingly, ourbody and, accordingly, ourbody and, accordingly, ourimmunity weakens overloadsimmunity weakens overloadsimmunity weakens overloadsoverloads physical overloadsoverloads physical overloadsoverloads physical overloadspsycho-emotional intellectualpsycho-emotional intellectualpsycho-emotional intellectualoverloads anyoverloads anyoverloads anyoverloads are essentially like a state ofoverloads are essentially like a state ofoverloads are essentially like a state ofour nervous system. That is, weour nervous system. That is, weour nervous system. That is, wecan havecan havecan havegood ones and we can have overloads, but what isgood ones and we can have overloads, but what isgood ones and we can have overloads, but what isvery important is sleep correctly,very important is sleep correctly,very important is sleep correctly,nutrition is very important, getting macro andnutrition is very important, getting macro andnutrition is very important, getting macro andmicronutrients is justmicronutrients is justmicronutrients is justvitamins andvitamins andvitamins andminerals the emotional state is very importantminerals the emotional state is very importantminerals the emotional state is very importantbecause if youare overloaded in the hall,are overloaded in the hall,are overloaded in the hall,your girlfriend, youryour girlfriend, youryour girlfriend, yourwife there, your parents, somewife there, your parents, somewife there, your parents, someincomprehensible situations, I don’t know, there are some loansincomprehensible situations, I don’t know, there are some loansincomprehensible situations, I don’t know, there are some loansfor you, in general, some arefor you, in general, some arefor you, in general, some arenot convenient, but then yes if you are nervousnot convenient, but then yes if you are nervousnot convenient, but then yes if you are nervousIf you don’t work with stress That is,If you don’t work with stress That is,If you don’t work with stress That is,if you don’t relax,if you don’t relax,if you don’t relax,don’t try to somehow change your attitude towardsdon’t try to somehow change your attitude towardsdon’t try to somehow change your attitude towardsall this Itall this Itall this Itdoesn’t strengthen the entire nervous system, againdoesn’t strengthen the entire nervous system, againdoesn’t strengthen the entire nervous system, againhere you can recommend magnesium, by the way, ahere you can recommend magnesium, by the way, ahere you can recommend magnesium, by the way, avery good remedy for magnesiumvery good remedy for magnesiumvery good remedy for magnesiumRinat isall this, our Immunity is very greatlyall this, our Immunity is very greatlyall this, our Immunity is very greatlyweakens another factor, notweakens another factor, notweakens another factor, notscientifically proven but also a fact,scientifically proven but also a fact,scientifically proven but also a fact,masturbation when you masturbate a lot you getmasturbation when you masturbate a lot you getmasturbation when you masturbate a lot you getsick more. It’s even quite easyto track if there is some kind of borderlineto track if there is some kind of borderlineto track if there is some kind of borderlinestate between a disease and not a disease. Yes, there’sstate between a disease and not a disease. Yes, there’sstate between a disease and not a disease. Yes, there’sa snake to blow andthere, well, you understand,there, well, you understand,there, well, you understand,in short, the strength becomes even less snotin short, the strength becomes even less snotin short, the strength becomes even less snotafterif we talk a little about esotericif we talk a little about esotericif we talk a little about esotericenergy, we have immunity, it is stillenergy, we have immunity, it is stilllocated on the second chakra, the main one, and a lot of losses at this levellocated on the second chakra, the main one, and a lot of losses at this levellocated on the second chakra, the main one, and a lot of losses at this levellead to the fact that our immunitylead to the fact that our immunitylead to the fact that our immunityweakens further already at the level of the abdomen, theweakens further already at the level of the abdomen, theweakens further already at the level of the abdomen, thelevel of the chest, the level of Musa, but somehow thelevel of the chest, the level of Musa, but somehow thelevel of the chest, the level of Musa, but somehow thebody is better It would be better to abstainbody is better It would be better to abstainbody is better It would be better to abstainfrom this in general tofrom this in general tofrom this in general toabstain from this here,especially about you knowespecially about you knowespecially about you knowpsychosomatics and some suchpsychosomatics and some suchpsychosomatics and some suchthings, of course there are many theories that can bethings, of course there are many theories that can bethings, of course there are many theories that can bebuilt. Yes, there really isbuilt. Yes, there really isbuilt. Yes, there really issomewhere in the wrong place, the body issomewhere in the wrong place, the body issomewhere in the wrong place, the body isslowing us downbut forces us to do it. But the mainbut forces us to do it. But the mainbut forces us to do it. But the mainrole of psychosomatics here comes down to It’s justrole of psychosomatics here comes down to It’s justrole of psychosomatics here comes down to It’s justthat our emotional state has athat our emotional state has athat our emotional state has avery strong influence and our emotionalvery strong influence and our emotionalvery strong influence and our emotionalstate affects our body becausestate affects our body becausestate affects our body becauseour emotional state is ourour emotional state is ourour emotional state is ournervous system and the nervous system isnervous system and the nervous system isnervous system and the nervous system isour body,our body,our body,so pessimism in thoughts, lack ofso pessimism in thoughts, lack ofso pessimism in thoughts, lack ofoptimism, negative thoughts, negativeoptimism, negative thoughts, negativeoptimism, negative thoughts, negativeemotions, Anger andemotions, Anger andemotions, Anger andsuchsuchsuchirritability is sadness resentmentirritability is sadness resentmentirritability is sadness resentmentanxiety increased production ofanxiety increased production ofanxiety increased production ofadrenaline, that is, alladrenaline, that is, alladrenaline, that is, allthis does not give energy to our body, all thisthis does not give energy to our body, all thisthis does not give energy to our body, all thisseems to make us weaker, in fact itseems to make us weaker, in fact itseems to make us weaker, in fact itmakes us weaker Our bodymakes us weaker Our bodymakes us weaker Our bodyAndAndAndtherefore, as if you need to work with this withtherefore, as if you need to work with this withtherefore, as if you need to work with this withyour mental state,your mental state,your mental state,psycho-emotional state, I’llpsycho-emotional state, I’llpsycho-emotional state, I’llgenerally tell you this too thatgenerally tell you this too thatgenerally tell you this too thatwhen I want to stay healthy, Iwhen I want to stay healthy, Iwhen I want to stay healthy, Iadditionally connect to this the power ofadditionally connect to this the power ofadditionally connect to this the power ofthought, that is, I kind of begin tothought, that is, I kind of begin tothought, that is, I kind of begin tocultivate the thought of believing in it, thatcultivate the thought of believing in it, thatcultivate the thought of believing in it, thatI have a very healthy strong immune system,I have a very healthy strong immune system,I have a very healthy strong immune system,I have very good health, I seem toI have very good health, I seem toI have very good health, I seem toremain healthy, that my Immunity is anremain healthy, that my Immunity is anremain healthy, that my Immunity is animpenetrable shield that copes withimpenetrable shield that copes withimpenetrable shield that copes withany virus, that is, I create such aany virus, that is, I create such aany virus, that is, I create such agood dense saturatedgood dense saturatedgood dense saturatedcape with thisdest hasn’t been sick for 2 years. So I thinkdest hasn’t been sick for 2 years. So I thinkdest hasn’t been sick for 2 years. So I thinkthat the sun will continue in the same spirit.that the sun will continue in the same spirit.that the sun will continue in the same spirit.I will very rarely catch a cold, maybe II will very rarely catch a cold, maybe II will very rarely catch a cold, maybe Iwon’t get it at all. All this with the help of allwon’t get it at all. All this with the help of allwon’t get it at all. All this with the help of allthese things means. and somethese things means. and somethese things means. and somegenerally fundamental key understandingsgenerally fundamental key understandingsgenerally fundamental key understandingsabout yourabout yourabout yourhealth about hardening the guys,health about hardening the guys,health about hardening the guys,hardening the poet trains the immune system, Iremember there was a period when I didremember there was a period when I didremember there was a period when I didn’t use any crap for hardening, butn’t use any crap for hardening, butn’t use any crap for hardening, butI constantly harden myself and II constantly harden myself and II constantly harden myself and Ipractically didn’t get sick that year. That’s how I rememberpractically didn’t get sick that year. That’s how I rememberpractically didn’t get sick that year. That’s how I rememberbecause I regularly had icebecause I regularly had icebecause I regularly had iceshowers, ice baths, ice baths, there wereshowers, ice baths, ice baths, there wereshowers, ice baths, ice baths, there weresparingly ice douches, I went swimming in the ice hole there,sparingly ice douches, I went swimming in the ice hole there,sparingly ice douches, I went swimming in the ice hole there,it trains ourit trains ourit trains ourimmune system. That is, he gets used toimmune system. That is, he gets used toimmune system. That is, he gets used tocoping with hypothermia and in general,coping with hypothermia and in general,coping with hypothermia and in general,it is very strong for theit is very strong for theit is very strong for thebody, substituting our hormonal systembody, substituting our hormonal systembody, substituting our hormonal systemto harden it, it’s cool,pour it in I think let's finish with this,pour it in I think let's finish with this,pour it in I think let's finish with this,in principle, this is what I wanted toin principle, this is what I wanted toin principle, this is what I wanted toshare today, theshare today, theshare today, themeans that I wanted tomeans that I wanted tomeans that I wanted totalk about are all used in atalk about are all used in atalk about are all used in acomplex, this is all used incomplex, this is all used incomplex, this is all used inaccordance with the instructions that Iaccordance with the instructions that Iaccordance with the instructions that Igave, that is, either prevention orgave, that is, either prevention orgave, that is, either prevention oremergency treatment, or as if you areemergency treatment, or as if you areemergency treatment, or as if you arealready sick so to make it easier to transfer all this, youalready sick so to make it easier to transfer all this, youalready sick so to make it easier to transfer all this, youcan separately there is a lot therecan separately there is a lot therecan separately there is a lot thereand about And by the way, astragalus, theand about And by the way, astragalus, theand about And by the way, astragalus, theimmunomodulator, I also wanted to say, thatimmunomodulator, I also wanted to say, thatimmunomodulator, I also wanted to say, thatis, you can separately cover the topic ofis, you can separately cover the topic ofis, you can separately cover the topic ofpsychosomatics, you can cover some other topicspsychosomatics, you can cover some other topicspsychosomatics, you can cover some other topicsBut today I just wanted toBut today I just wanted toBut today I just wanted tobriefly talk about all these things,briefly talk about all these things,briefly talk about all these things,so we’re singling out the guys from budget for yourselfso we’re singling out the guys from budget for yourselfso we’re singling out the guys from budget for yourselfa couple of thousanda couple of thousanda couple of thousandrubles How much do you have? A sun loanrubles How much do you have? A sun loanrubles How much do you have? A sun loanPyaterochka maybe yes we don’t regret it don’t bePyaterochka maybe yes we don’t regret it don’t bePyaterochka maybe yes we don’t regret it don’t begreedy we really buy it we collect itgreedy we really buy it we collect itgreedy we really buy it we collect itall in one place we just store it andall in one place we just store it andall in one place we just store it andtest it I was glad to share this information with youtest it I was glad to share this information with youtest it I was glad to share this information with youtrytrytrytest it write how much ittest it write how much ittest it write how much ithelps you now is a great time tohelps you now is a great time totest all this and dotoswith which you wouldwith which you wouldwith which you wouldcomplement my today’s broadcast andcomplement my today’s broadcast andcomplement my today’s broadcast andtoday’s information will also be verytoday’s information will also be verytoday’s information will also be veryinteresting. In fact, I myself will be happy tointeresting. In fact, I myself will be happy tointeresting. In fact, I myself will be happy toconstantly gain knowledge andconstantly gain knowledge andconstantly gain knowledge andeducate myself in this regard if youeducate myself in this regard if youeducate myself in this regard if youhave any questions. Now you canhave any questions. Now you canhave any questions. Now you canask them if there are nonethen you can just give feedback onthen you can just give feedback onthen you can just give feedback ontoday’s broadcast. What new things did you learn,today’s broadcast. What new things did you learn,today’s broadcast. What new things did you learn,that is,what did you wrap your head around? Inwhat did you wrap your head around? Inwhat did you wrap your head around? Ingeneral, the broadcast is for yougeneral, the broadcast is for yougeneral, the broadcast is for youand weand we’ll actually say goodbye and end here. I’m now, as I’ll actually say goodbye and end here. I’m now, as I’ll actually say goodbye and end here. I’m now, as Ialreadywrote, I’m returning, so to speak, to thewrote, I’m returning, so to speak, to thewrote, I’m returning, so to speak, to themedia space; I’vemedia space; I’vemedia space; I’vehad certain rearrangements in myhad certain rearrangements in myhad certain rearrangements in myhead here is my idea to make my ownhead here is my idea to make my ownhead here is my idea to make my ownglobal project dedicated to hormones, itglobal project dedicated to hormones, itglobal project dedicated to hormones, itstill exists and will remain and willstill exists and will remain and willstill exists and will remain and willremain and I will do it, but now Iremain and I will do it, but now Iremain and I will do it, but now Iwant to do a little castling I want towant to do a little castling I want towant to do a little castling I want todevelop my blog,develop my blog,develop my blog,pump it up on Telegram in all otherpump it up on Telegram in all otherpump it up on Telegram in all othersocial networks I want to release a lot of contentsocial networks I want to release a lot of contentsocial networks I want to release a lot of contenta lot ofa lot ofa lot ofvideos, avideos, avideos, alot of questions to cover,lot of questions to cover,lot of questions to cover,a lot of different practicesa lot of different practicesa lot of different practicesto give, into give, into give, ingeneral, I plan to do this since, ingeneral, I plan to do this since, ingeneral, I plan to do this since, infact, I have never done it and interrupt myfact, I have never done it and interrupt myfact, I have never done it and interrupt myactivity there, which was inactivity there, which was inactivity there, which was inthe eighteenth in the seventeenth year. That is,the eighteenth in the seventeenth year. That is,the eighteenth in the seventeenth year. That is,the community will grow. I will now bethe community will grow. I will now bethe community will grow. I will now beactively involved inactively involved inactively involved init. That will be it for me your support is very niceit. That will be it for me your support is very niceit. That will be it for me your support is very niceYes, because over the years of inactivityYes, because over the years of inactivityYes, because over the years of inactivityactivity has dropped very much, now itactivity has dropped very much, now itactivity has dropped very much, now itis at ais at ais at aminimum So every one of your likes,minimum So every one of your likes,minimum So every one of your likes,comments, feedback, some kind ofcomments, feedback, some kind ofcomments, feedback, some kind ofsupport, reposts, reposts, all thissupport, reposts, reposts, all thissupport, reposts, reposts, all thiswill help me a lot because Iwill help me a lot because Iwill help me a lot because Iwant to give cool, cool, strongwant to give cool, cool, strongwant to give cool, cool, strongcontent very much I have accumulated a lot ofcontent very much I have accumulated a lot ofcontent very much I have accumulated a lot oflife experience, knowledge and a wide variety oflife experience, knowledge and a wide variety oflife experience, knowledge and a wide variety ofunderstandings, and in general, in terms of the blog andunderstandings, and in general, in terms of the blog andunderstandings, and in general, in terms of the blog andall the things, I understood everything, so Iall the things, I understood everything, so Iall the things, I understood everything, so Inow intend, I now intend to reallynow intend, I now intend to reallynow intend, I now intend to reallyburn itburn itburn itlittle by little, now I will disperse itlittle by little, now I will disperse itlittle by little, now I will disperse itand everything will be very stable andinteresting according to practices according to practices that according tointeresting according to practices according to practices that according tointeresting according to practices according to practices that according topracticesAnd what do you mean by whatAnd what do you mean by whatAnd what do you mean by whatpractices for what words of minepractices for what words of minepractices for what words of minedid you cling todid you cling todid you cling toand practice practice related toand practice practice related toand practice practice related tointeraction with cold waterand practices if any specificallyand practices if any specificallyand practices if any specificallyenergy ones Well, one or two practicesenergy ones Well, one or two practicesenergy ones Well, one or two practicesI wanted to say about hardening inI wanted to say about hardening inI wanted to say about hardening inprinciple about hardening about coldprinciple about hardening about coldprinciple about hardening about coldwater is the topic of some energywater is the topic of some energywater is the topic of some energypractices today I won’t open thepractices today I won’t open thepractices today I won’t open thechakras therechakras therechakras therewe won’t open them to nourish with somewe won’t open them to nourish with somewe won’t open them to nourish with somechannels too work That is, todaychannels too work That is, todaychannels too work That is, todaysuchmore solid information ismore solid information ismore solid information isdown to earth Cola forcolds I don’t know I can’t say anythingcolds I don’t know I can’t say anythingcolds I don’t know I can’t say anythingCola definitely acidifies very muchCola definitely acidifies very muchCola definitely acidifies very muchWhat there about the fact that the throatWhat there about the fact that the throatWhat there about the fact that the throatgoes away after Coke Yes, to be honest, the ficgoes away after Coke Yes, to be honest, the ficgoes away after Coke Yes, to be honest, the ficknows it Maybe just sodaknows it Maybe just sodaknows it Maybe just sodawill suit you and not Coke, maybe it’s not the Cokewill suit you and not Coke, maybe it’s not the Cokewill suit you and not Coke, maybe it’s not the Cokebut the sodaif it helps Use everything guys If theif it helps Use everything guys If theif it helps Use everything guys If thequestionsquestionsquestionsended there I was glad to shareended there I was glad to shareended there I was glad to sharethisthisthisinformation with you here finishing leaveinformation with you here finishing leaveinformation with you here finishing leavecomments I don’t know I’ll post the recording therecomments I don’t know I’ll post the recording therecomments I don’t know I’ll post the recording thereProbably later TodayProbably later TodayProbably later Todayor tomorrow I’ll try nowor tomorrow I’ll try nowor tomorrow I’ll try nowand there will be some other questions that I haveand there will be some other questions that I haveand there will be some other questions that I haven’t answered now writen’t answered now writen’t answered now writethem also in thethem also in thethem also in thecomments I’ll answercomments I’ll answercomments I’ll answerafter the broadcast intext That’s all Bye everyone Happy everyone Don’ttext That’s all Bye everyone Happy everyone Don’ttext That’s all Bye everyone Happy everyone Don’tget sick strengthen your immune system Don’t wasteget sick strengthen your immune system Don’t wasteget sick strengthen your immune system Don’t wastetime on colds are absolutely not worth ittime on colds are absolutely not worth ittime on colds are absolutely not worth itand see you again in newand see you again in newand see you again in newbroadcasts And in new broadcasts inbroadcasts And in new broadcasts inbroadcasts And in new broadcasts innewnewnewvideos Everything Let's but according toSanam N\n"