The Author's Passion and Frustration with Publishing
It's just there oh wouldn't that be magical i wish so i find that i get very impatient because i want to move on to the next story and that's just the nature of who i am but i just think of the fact that i want this to happen so so so so so badly like i've never wanted anything more in my life than to be a published author and to make writing my career that has been my lifelong dream there's never been anything that i've always wanted to do but since i was in grade four as i've said many times i've always wanted to be a writer so i just think of like the obligation i feel like i have to like i don't know how old you are in grade four like eight-year-old me and i need to at least try and do it because if i don't try i'll never know if it will work out and obviously i'll be really devastated if it doesn't but it really helps me to push through when i think of the fact that this is something that i want so so badly.
The Author's Goals and Ambitions
Next question is are you looking into publishing it soon and will it be available in the states i actually think i'm going to pursue publication in the states its just there's more opportunities than in canada so i would like it to be available everywhere and i kind of answered this question earlier but i think i'm going to start querying agents in november it is a really long process of getting published so i can see myself like the book not being out until like 2020 2021 like it takes a really long time from when you sign with an agent when you get your publisher and like the whole publication process so it could be a really long time before you guys see either of these books
The Search for a Title
i think i'm going to answer a couple more so this one is does book of sisters have a title it doesn't yet i have been racking my brain trying to figure out a title for this damn book and i still have nothing so i've been working really hard on trying to get a title and i know that the title isn't like said and done once i give it to a publisher they might retitle it but like i literally can't even think of a temporary title so it's just book of sisters right now
The Genre of Writing
quite a few people ask me this but this question is which genre are you finding it the easiest to write in 100 contemporary is so much easier for me to write in because i like like metaphors like referencing things in pop culture as i'm writing and i can't do that with fantasy because those things don't exist in that world because its entirely like it's not an urban fantasy there's no earth in the story so i have so many times when i'm like this is just like this and like this would be the perfect metaphor but i cant write which is part of the reason why i really started thinking about my contemporary project was because i wanted somewhere where i could write those different metaphors that i really enjoy and do those different pop culture references so contemporary is definitely a lot easier for me to write in
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enhey everyone it's haley and today i'm going to be doing another writing update so first of all where my writing desk is located you're going to see the cats going up and down the stairs here like you're going to hear the bells of the cats chiming it's gonna be a problem i'm sorry but i can't really kick them out but today i do have a lot of things that i want to talk to you guys about so i don't want to really waste any time so we're going to be talking about book of sisters which still doesn't have a title and we're going to be talking about my contemporary project which i'll actually start with that because i want to tell you guys what my contemporary project is about now with book of sisters i've kept things really secretive i haven't told you guys a lot and i'm going to keep it that way i would like to keep a lot of things secret about that one but for my contemporary project i want to have you guys really follow along on the journey with me so i'm going to tell you guys the big premise for it so i've talked a little bit about my contemporary project i haven't really been able to delve into it because i've been so focused on revisions for book of sisters which i will also be talking about in this video but my contemporary project is the book that i had initially wanted to write i've always written in contemporary i've never done fantasy before and i've always pictured myself as being a contemporary writer so i knew the bulk of the story i just didn't know what would happen in the story if that makes any sense so my contemporary project is about a backpacking trip all around europe you guys know i love european travel novels and i have been on a trip to europe myself so i wanted to write a trip to europe and i didn't know what the story was going to be but it occurred to me this past summer exactly what i wanted it to be i got the characters i got everything down and i actually did start writing it i'm a couple chapters into it but i want to outline it because i think i'm going to be trying nanowrimo again because apparently i need something to further fuel my self-loathing i did nanowrimo last year got 30 000 words into something and realized i didn't really have a story so i'm trying to prevent that this year i think a contemporary will be a lot easier because the other one i was doing was an urban fantasy but i still had to build this fantasy world and i don't think i was prepared for that i wasn't ready to just go into it so now in between my revisions for book of sisters i am trying to map out this trip to europe and figuring out the places that i want the characters to go and all of that stuff my contemporary is once again a story that involves sisters but it's very different from book of sisters because it is twin sisters but not both of them are actually in the story it's just there's a lot of things going on i'm really excited to write it because i have a lot of good ideas it's honestly just figuring out the in between because i think i have the ending although that has kind of changed now so i really just need to take a couple of days before november and just map out the whole thing so i will be ready for nanowrimo now i'm going to be doing a very relaxed version of nanowrimo i won't be really sad if i don't hit 50 000 words i'll be happy if i write at least every weekday like i'm not that concerned about weekends because i find that november is a really really busy time of year for me no matter what work gets really busy because the holiday season is coming up i am preparing for bookmas so i do a lot of my bookmas filming almost all of it in november and it's just always been a really bad time of year for doing nanowrimo but i do still want to give it my best shot see if i can get a pretty good chunk of this contemporary novel done because it shouldn't be that hard and i say that now and this is like i feel like i'm just dooming myself for it to be a really awful writing experience but i honestly i'm so excited to write this story i think you guys will really enjoy following the main character as it is in my head right now it's a love story but not about like two characters and i've said this before but it's not about like two characters falling in love it's about the main character falling in love with herself so i think if i can achieve that goal will be golden i actually took a picture of a quote that i think encompasses it really well which i would like to read to you now so this is a quote from james joyce and it says i wanted real adventures to happen to myself but real adventures i reflected do not happen to people who remain at home they must be sought abroad so yeah i'm just really excited to start writing this novel so november will be really fun and also awful but mostly really fun now regarding book of sisters not a ton of news on that front i do have an agent in mind that i would like to assign to so i have some people that i'm thinking about querying all of that stuff but i still need to finish my revisions at least the first round which is going to take the longest so right now i'm on chapter 13 and i had initially started my goal of doing a chapter a day but that wasn't working i wasn't really dedicating myself or pushing myself so i decided to go to at least two chapters a day and i have been like a couple of days running behind but so far i've been doing really well so i have 36 chapters total i'm on chapter 13 right now and i should be hopefully my goal right now is to be at chapter 25 by the end of the week but i'll honestly be happy if i'm anywhere in the 20s like if i'm at 22 whatever i'll be really really happy about that i have gotten through the bulk of the chapters that needed a lot of work i just did a couple that needed quite a bit of work and i don't really know if i'm happy with where they ended up that's something that i'm going to look into in my next round of edits and then i'll do more of like grammar edits and then i will go to querying agents so i will be there hopefully in november that's honestly the goal is while i'm writing my contemporary project i will be querying and stuff for book of sisters i just really need to kick my butt into gear and get it done i just find revisions to be a very tedious process i don't enjoy it at all but i need to do it so i need to suck it up and stop whining about it now before i get to a few q a questions i actually wanted to reveal a couple of excerpts to you guys so i've actually been revealing quite a few lines from book of sisters on twitter and you guys have been really responding very positively to that so that is very exciting i'm super happy about that but i just wanted to reveal a couple of my favorite parts of it for you guys so i feel like i'm kind of setting up the expectation really high by revealing these lines because obviously i'm picking and choosing my favorites but like i'm still gonna do it because you guys seem to like it also if you don't know what book of sisters is about or anything like that i will link the playlist for all of my writing videos down below where i tell you guys a little bit more about the project and everything but it's basically a book about a sister who makes a mistake and she ends up in a situation and yeah i told you i was keeping things vague also keep in mind as i'm reading these excerpts that the wording and everything could change these could be completely gone in the finished product like i don't really know okay so this first one i have actually revealed on twitter before but i wanted to do it in a video as well so it says the words that came spilling from my mouth became a sort of damnation a life sentence from that moment on i would be sheltered cultivated like a delicate rose as i blossomed into a young woman but i was a rare rose one that needed fierce protection a dramatic reading for you all and then this next one i need to find i haven't actually posted this one on twitter yet but i wrote it the other day and i completely ended up like changing it and everything and i'm really happy with how it ended up being or that was words yep i wrote a book i promise it's better than that but here is this next one as i wandered through the castle i felt like i was stuck in between the covers of an old book flipping the pages with each step that i took the halls of the castle were made up of the sentences of the fairy tales that i read punctuation marks forming each stone tile while letters curved up the walls and created the ornate stonework design it was practically written in the very framework of the space that worry in distress a dashing young man would come and valiantly save me falling in love the second our eyes met i just hoped there wouldn't be any evil queens or tyrannical kings to contend with so yeah those are a couple of excerpts from booker's sisters and now i'm going to be answering a couple of questions that you guys asked so the first question is would you say the contemporary project will be more morgan matson or more adam silvera i will begin stockpiling kleenex if i need to and i feel like it's going to be a good mix of the both it definitely has some sad and emotional elements to it but it is also a really fun story so i think it's going to be a good middle ground there would you like to have your book translated into different languages and absolutely i would love to have my book translated into every single language possible because i want as many people as possible to read it so i think it would be amazing to be able to see my book and like the different covers that different publishers would give it in a different country i think that intrigues me a lot so seeing it translated into a different language would be amazing next is what part was the hardest to write did you know everything about it when you started writing so i'll answer this question for book of sisters obviously because i haven't actually written the contemporary yet but the hardest part to write for book of sisters i feel like it was really easy but at the same time it was really hard that would be the ending the ending is like my next big thing that i know in revisions is going to take me a long time the last couple of chapters i definitely need to bulk it up because i was just so excited to be at the end that i kind of rushed through it which i feel like is like inevitable so i would really like to re-examine that and kind of drag things out a little bit more because the ending like there's a lot that happens at the end so i think i could definitely make it a little bit longer and actually when i initially finished my first draft it was like 82 000 words and now my second draft is at 95 000 words so i feel like i'm gonna pass the hundred thousand mark which is crazy and i'm really excited about it but i definitely think that the ending is really hard the beginning was really hard too because i was so hesitant to start because i didn't really know where to start but once i got started it was fine it's just the ending i definitely rushed through a lot when did i know everything about it when i started writing so i knew little bits and pieces of what i wanted to happen i had to sit down one day and just kind of write a point form list of everything that was gonna happen in order and i ended up getting to the end and having to do that again because i had so many ideas for the ending but i didn't know how everything was going to happen so i found myself doing that point form list a lot and it really helped out can you give any advice for people who just started writing i would say keep on writing keep on reading because reading will really help your writing but don't let anyone say that you can't because i had a professor when i was in university who told me that i would never be able to write a book guess what i did do you ever worry that the idea for a story you have written about already exists without you knowing i think that's a really hard thing to contend with i know book of sisters i've never seen anything in the y a genre like that so i'm not really worried about book of sisters there's definitely different european travel books out there in terms of my contemporary project but it's more unique because of the whole concept of it which i don't know how much i want to tell you about that like i want you guys to be alongside the journey but i also want to i don't know keep something secretive i guess like let me know how much you want to know about the contemporary project and maybe i'll do a whole video kind of telling you more about it but i think it's only natural to worry about that but honestly there's so many texts out there so many like different pieces of media so many stories out there that it's kind of impossible to have an entirely unique idea but just try and make it your idea i guess like obviously don't plagiarize but i think as long as you're writing from like your point of view you're gonna be fine how do you stay motivated inspired during the long process of writing your draft it's really difficult especially when things get hard and it's a really tedious process even writing is a tedious process because i know what the story is in my head and i just want it to be on the page because i know so like i just want it to like i can lay my head down on the page or on the computer really because i type and then just like through osmosis it's just there oh wouldn't that be magical i wish so i find that i get very impatient because i want to move on to the next story and that's just the nature of who i am but i just think of the fact that i want this to happen so so so so so badly like i've never wanted anything more in my life than to be a published author and to make writing my career that has been my lifelong dream there's never been anything that i've always wanted to do but since i was in grade four as i've said many times i've always wanted to be a writer so i just think of like the obligation i feel like i have to like i don't know how old you are in grade four like eight-year-old me and i need to at least try and do it because if i don't try i'll never know if it will work out and obviously i'll be really devastated if it doesn't but it really helps me to push through when i think of the fact that this is something that i want so so badly next question is are you looking into publishing it soon and will it be available in the states i actually think i'm going to pursue publication in the states it's just there's more opportunities than in canada so i would like it to be available everywhere and i kind of answered this question earlier but i think i'm going to start querying agents in november it is a really long process of getting published so i can see myself like the book not being out until like 2020 2021 like it takes a really long time from when you sign with an agent when you get your publisher and like the whole publication process so it could be a really long time before you guys see either of these books i'm going to skip over some of these questions because i have answered them in previous q a's that i've done but i think i'm going to answer a couple more so this one is does book of sisters have a title it doesn't yet i have been racking my brain trying to figure out a title for this damn book and i still have nothing so i've been working really hard on trying to get a title and i know that the title isn't like said and done once i give it to a publisher they might retitle it but like i literally can't even think of a temporary title so it's just book of sisters right now i do have a name for the series but no name for the actual book itself which is so annoying quite a few people ask me this but this question is which genre are you finding it the easiest to write in and 100 contemporary is so much easier for me to write in because i like like metaphors like referencing things in pop culture as i'm writing and i can't do that with fantasy because those things don't exist in that world because it's entirely like it's not an urban fantasy there's no earth in the story so i have so many times when i'm like this is just like this and like this would be the perfect metaphor but i can't write it which is part of the reason why i really started thinking about my contemporary project was because i wanted somewhere where i could write those different metaphors that i really enjoy and do those different pop culture references so contemporary is definitely a lot easier for me to write in i really want to answer all of these but this video is already like super super long and i hope when i edit it it won't be very long but i'm sorry i just i kind of went off on a tangent and my writing videos just get very rambly because i want to talk about all of it but i hope you guys enjoyed this book writing update i hope you guys are excited for book of sisters it literally like makes me emotional every time i see you guys getting so excited whenever i post an excerpt on twitter or anything by the way follow me on twitter if you want to like keep up with everything because i post different like what are they called aesthetic things i post like lines from it all that stuff you can follow me on twitter because i talk a lot about that stuff there also instagram i put in my story like all that stuff but i hope you guys are excited for my contemporary project i'll probably do my next writing update at the end of november seeing as that will be the end of nanowrimo and i will also fingers crossed be querying agents by then but i'm really nervous to post this because i told you guys exactly what the contemporary project is about but i hope you guys are excited for it so thank you guys so much for watching today's video if you enjoyed it don't forget to subscribe i put up new videos every wednesday and friday and i already told you guys all about my social media so i will see you guys in the next video bye youhey everyone it's haley and today i'm going to be doing another writing update so first of all where my writing desk is located you're going to see the cats going up and down the stairs here like you're going to hear the bells of the cats chiming it's gonna be a problem i'm sorry but i can't really kick them out but today i do have a lot of things that i want to talk to you guys about so i don't want to really waste any time so we're going to be talking about book of sisters which still doesn't have a title and we're going to be talking about my contemporary project which i'll actually start with that because i want to tell you guys what my contemporary project is about now with book of sisters i've kept things really secretive i haven't told you guys a lot and i'm going to keep it that way i would like to keep a lot of things secret about that one but for my contemporary project i want to have you guys really follow along on the journey with me so i'm going to tell you guys the big premise for it so i've talked a little bit about my contemporary project i haven't really been able to delve into it because i've been so focused on revisions for book of sisters which i will also be talking about in this video but my contemporary project is the book that i had initially wanted to write i've always written in contemporary i've never done fantasy before and i've always pictured myself as being a contemporary writer so i knew the bulk of the story i just didn't know what would happen in the story if that makes any sense so my contemporary project is about a backpacking trip all around europe you guys know i love european travel novels and i have been on a trip to europe myself so i wanted to write a trip to europe and i didn't know what the story was going to be but it occurred to me this past summer exactly what i wanted it to be i got the characters i got everything down and i actually did start writing it i'm a couple chapters into it but i want to outline it because i think i'm going to be trying nanowrimo again because apparently i need something to further fuel my self-loathing i did nanowrimo last year got 30 000 words into something and realized i didn't really have a story so i'm trying to prevent that this year i think a contemporary will be a lot easier because the other one i was doing was an urban fantasy but i still had to build this fantasy world and i don't think i was prepared for that i wasn't ready to just go into it so now in between my revisions for book of sisters i am trying to map out this trip to europe and figuring out the places that i want the characters to go and all of that stuff my contemporary is once again a story that involves sisters but it's very different from book of sisters because it is twin sisters but not both of them are actually in the story it's just there's a lot of things going on i'm really excited to write it because i have a lot of good ideas it's honestly just figuring out the in between because i think i have the ending although that has kind of changed now so i really just need to take a couple of days before november and just map out the whole thing so i will be ready for nanowrimo now i'm going to be doing a very relaxed version of nanowrimo i won't be really sad if i don't hit 50 000 words i'll be happy if i write at least every weekday like i'm not that concerned about weekends because i find that november is a really really busy time of year for me no matter what work gets really busy because the holiday season is coming up i am preparing for bookmas so i do a lot of my bookmas filming almost all of it in november and it's just always been a really bad time of year for doing nanowrimo but i do still want to give it my best shot see if i can get a pretty good chunk of this contemporary novel done because it shouldn't be that hard and i say that now and this is like i feel like i'm just dooming myself for it to be a really awful writing experience but i honestly i'm so excited to write this story i think you guys will really enjoy following the main character as it is in my head right now it's a love story but not about like two characters and i've said this before but it's not about like two characters falling in love it's about the main character falling in love with herself so i think if i can achieve that goal will be golden i actually took a picture of a quote that i think encompasses it really well which i would like to read to you now so this is a quote from james joyce and it says i wanted real adventures to happen to myself but real adventures i reflected do not happen to people who remain at home they must be sought abroad so yeah i'm just really excited to start writing this novel so november will be really fun and also awful but mostly really fun now regarding book of sisters not a ton of news on that front i do have an agent in mind that i would like to assign to so i have some people that i'm thinking about querying all of that stuff but i still need to finish my revisions at least the first round which is going to take the longest so right now i'm on chapter 13 and i had initially started my goal of doing a chapter a day but that wasn't working i wasn't really dedicating myself or pushing myself so i decided to go to at least two chapters a day and i have been like a couple of days running behind but so far i've been doing really well so i have 36 chapters total i'm on chapter 13 right now and i should be hopefully my goal right now is to be at chapter 25 by the end of the week but i'll honestly be happy if i'm anywhere in the 20s like if i'm at 22 whatever i'll be really really happy about that i have gotten through the bulk of the chapters that needed a lot of work i just did a couple that needed quite a bit of work and i don't really know if i'm happy with where they ended up that's something that i'm going to look into in my next round of edits and then i'll do more of like grammar edits and then i will go to querying agents so i will be there hopefully in november that's honestly the goal is while i'm writing my contemporary project i will be querying and stuff for book of sisters i just really need to kick my butt into gear and get it done i just find revisions to be a very tedious process i don't enjoy it at all but i need to do it so i need to suck it up and stop whining about it now before i get to a few q a questions i actually wanted to reveal a couple of excerpts to you guys so i've actually been revealing quite a few lines from book of sisters on twitter and you guys have been really responding very positively to that so that is very exciting i'm super happy about that but i just wanted to reveal a couple of my favorite parts of it for you guys so i feel like i'm kind of setting up the expectation really high by revealing these lines because obviously i'm picking and choosing my favorites but like i'm still gonna do it because you guys seem to like it also if you don't know what book of sisters is about or anything like that i will link the playlist for all of my writing videos down below where i tell you guys a little bit more about the project and everything but it's basically a book about a sister who makes a mistake and she ends up in a situation and yeah i told you i was keeping things vague also keep in mind as i'm reading these excerpts that the wording and everything could change these could be completely gone in the finished product like i don't really know okay so this first one i have actually revealed on twitter before but i wanted to do it in a video as well so it says the words that came spilling from my mouth became a sort of damnation a life sentence from that moment on i would be sheltered cultivated like a delicate rose as i blossomed into a young woman but i was a rare rose one that needed fierce protection a dramatic reading for you all and then this next one i need to find i haven't actually posted this one on twitter yet but i wrote it the other day and i completely ended up like changing it and everything and i'm really happy with how it ended up being or that was words yep i wrote a book i promise it's better than that but here is this next one as i wandered through the castle i felt like i was stuck in between the covers of an old book flipping the pages with each step that i took the halls of the castle were made up of the sentences of the fairy tales that i read punctuation marks forming each stone tile while letters curved up the walls and created the ornate stonework design it was practically written in the very framework of the space that worry in distress a dashing young man would come and valiantly save me falling in love the second our eyes met i just hoped there wouldn't be any evil queens or tyrannical kings to contend with so yeah those are a couple of excerpts from booker's sisters and now i'm going to be answering a couple of questions that you guys asked so the first question is would you say the contemporary project will be more morgan matson or more adam silvera i will begin stockpiling kleenex if i need to and i feel like it's going to be a good mix of the both it definitely has some sad and emotional elements to it but it is also a really fun story so i think it's going to be a good middle ground there would you like to have your book translated into different languages and absolutely i would love to have my book translated into every single language possible because i want as many people as possible to read it so i think it would be amazing to be able to see my book and like the different covers that different publishers would give it in a different country i think that intrigues me a lot so seeing it translated into a different language would be amazing next is what part was the hardest to write did you know everything about it when you started writing so i'll answer this question for book of sisters obviously because i haven't actually written the contemporary yet but the hardest part to write for book of sisters i feel like it was really easy but at the same time it was really hard that would be the ending the ending is like my next big thing that i know in revisions is going to take me a long time the last couple of chapters i definitely need to bulk it up because i was just so excited to be at the end that i kind of rushed through it which i feel like is like inevitable so i would really like to re-examine that and kind of drag things out a little bit more because the ending like there's a lot that happens at the end so i think i could definitely make it a little bit longer and actually when i initially finished my first draft it was like 82 000 words and now my second draft is at 95 000 words so i feel like i'm gonna pass the hundred thousand mark which is crazy and i'm really excited about it but i definitely think that the ending is really hard the beginning was really hard too because i was so hesitant to start because i didn't really know where to start but once i got started it was fine it's just the ending i definitely rushed through a lot when did i know everything about it when i started writing so i knew little bits and pieces of what i wanted to happen i had to sit down one day and just kind of write a point form list of everything that was gonna happen in order and i ended up getting to the end and having to do that again because i had so many ideas for the ending but i didn't know how everything was going to happen so i found myself doing that point form list a lot and it really helped out can you give any advice for people who just started writing i would say keep on writing keep on reading because reading will really help your writing but don't let anyone say that you can't because i had a professor when i was in university who told me that i would never be able to write a book guess what i did do you ever worry that the idea for a story you have written about already exists without you knowing i think that's a really hard thing to contend with i know book of sisters i've never seen anything in the y a genre like that so i'm not really worried about book of sisters there's definitely different european travel books out there in terms of my contemporary project but it's more unique because of the whole concept of it which i don't know how much i want to tell you about that like i want you guys to be alongside the journey but i also want to i don't know keep something secretive i guess like let me know how much you want to know about the contemporary project and maybe i'll do a whole video kind of telling you more about it but i think it's only natural to worry about that but honestly there's so many texts out there so many like different pieces of media so many stories out there that it's kind of impossible to have an entirely unique idea but just try and make it your idea i guess like obviously don't plagiarize but i think as long as you're writing from like your point of view you're gonna be fine how do you stay motivated inspired during the long process of writing your draft it's really difficult especially when things get hard and it's a really tedious process even writing is a tedious process because i know what the story is in my head and i just want it to be on the page because i know so like i just want it to like i can lay my head down on the page or on the computer really because i type and then just like through osmosis it's just there oh wouldn't that be magical i wish so i find that i get very impatient because i want to move on to the next story and that's just the nature of who i am but i just think of the fact that i want this to happen so so so so so badly like i've never wanted anything more in my life than to be a published author and to make writing my career that has been my lifelong dream there's never been anything that i've always wanted to do but since i was in grade four as i've said many times i've always wanted to be a writer so i just think of like the obligation i feel like i have to like i don't know how old you are in grade four like eight-year-old me and i need to at least try and do it because if i don't try i'll never know if it will work out and obviously i'll be really devastated if it doesn't but it really helps me to push through when i think of the fact that this is something that i want so so badly next question is are you looking into publishing it soon and will it be available in the states i actually think i'm going to pursue publication in the states it's just there's more opportunities than in canada so i would like it to be available everywhere and i kind of answered this question earlier but i think i'm going to start querying agents in november it is a really long process of getting published so i can see myself like the book not being out until like 2020 2021 like it takes a really long time from when you sign with an agent when you get your publisher and like the whole publication process so it could be a really long time before you guys see either of these books i'm going to skip over some of these questions because i have answered them in previous q a's that i've done but i think i'm going to answer a couple more so this one is does book of sisters have a title it doesn't yet i have been racking my brain trying to figure out a title for this damn book and i still have nothing so i've been working really hard on trying to get a title and i know that the title isn't like said and done once i give it to a publisher they might retitle it but like i literally can't even think of a temporary title so it's just book of sisters right now i do have a name for the series but no name for the actual book itself which is so annoying quite a few people ask me this but this question is which genre are you finding it the easiest to write in and 100 contemporary is so much easier for me to write in because i like like metaphors like referencing things in pop culture as i'm writing and i can't do that with fantasy because those things don't exist in that world because it's entirely like it's not an urban fantasy there's no earth in the story so i have so many times when i'm like this is just like this and like this would be the perfect metaphor but i can't write it which is part of the reason why i really started thinking about my contemporary project was because i wanted somewhere where i could write those different metaphors that i really enjoy and do those different pop culture references so contemporary is definitely a lot easier for me to write in i really want to answer all of these but this video is already like super super long and i hope when i edit it it won't be very long but i'm sorry i just i kind of went off on a tangent and my writing videos just get very rambly because i want to talk about all of it but i hope you guys enjoyed this book writing update i hope you guys are excited for book of sisters it literally like makes me emotional every time i see you guys getting so excited whenever i post an excerpt on twitter or anything by the way follow me on twitter if you want to like keep up with everything because i post different like what are they called aesthetic things i post like lines from it all that stuff you can follow me on twitter because i talk a lot about that stuff there also instagram i put in my story like all that stuff but i hope you guys are excited for my contemporary project i'll probably do my next writing update at the end of november seeing as that will be the end of nanowrimo and i will also fingers crossed be querying agents by then but i'm really nervous to post this because i told you guys exactly what the contemporary project is about but i hope you guys are excited for it so thank you guys so much for watching today's video if you enjoyed it don't forget to subscribe i put up new videos every wednesday and friday and i already told you guys all about my social media so i will see you guys in the next video bye you\n"