Friday the day I was like good I wassick so I we had a build schedule thatday and I cancelled it so I could restbecause I was sick and then you didn'trest and I didn't rested like sevenhours here making that gun and then I Igot it home only to discover that itdidn't fit in my suitcase so I had tocut five inches off of it and then Icalled Tom sacks whose studio is in NewYork and I was like dude can you get mea three inch PVC schedule 40 pipe capplushe's like I'm on it so when I landed onSunday I went to his shop and he's theremaking some pottery with some friendsand he's got his bodega going and it wasit was awesome
it's like an Avengers of yeah we spent afew hours putting my gun together andthen he shot me with it he said does ithurt nothing it's just hurts enough tobe funny we're good to goand then I brought that over to to theLate Show they shipped it back to me Ithink it actually should be at my housenow okay dude did anybody else want toget shot while you were there to thewriters room guys here this is networktelevision man they were they were itchyabout me being shot with the thing thatI had built so it required a lot ofsafety discussions it's you know youmake when you make something that shootssomething now you are dealing with thelaw in very some very specific ways
because it things can get dangerous in ahurry and you know you don't justluckily I have a lot of expertise so Ican talk deeply to exactly how fast it'sgoing how much pressure is involved whatare the what are the margins of safetyetc yeah and they should do an episodelike the South Park guys did aboutmaking of an episodeBrian document that I mean I know it'sbeen on TV like Larry Sanders show thatkind of give you an impression but it'sit's an it's good
Oh Jim Fife theproducer that I was working with was solike everyone was amazing but you knowjust like willing to try stuff okay doyou want to get shot in the ass do youwant your pants up I was thinking abouthaving my pencil okay what if you wouldyou be willing if we got you some likepink Spanx or something you willing andthen on the day of he's like so we'retalking about it and if we can getpermission how do you feel about justdropping trou for real and I'm like I'lldo it
they worked you have to work me Ididn't need to be clear I'm ready I'vealready been I've never done any moredamn yeah but that's their operatingprocedure I can imagine that they warmyou up to the idea and then they um do Imean it's much less humiliating toactually just take your pants off thanto wear the pink Spanx I think I feellike it would be and then yes we postedthe the we they blurred it on televisionbut I got the shot onwe posted that nice nice but it soundedlike a lot of fun and the bit was reallyfunny
it was great stephen is such a fanand such a deep fan he's watched theshow for years with his family and supercomplementary about the achievement youknow he he's they just finished theirhundredth episode of The Late Show so Imean he had the he had to deal with andI we didn't even get to talking aboutthis but we had the thing to deal withhim ending The Colbert Report and notime to kind of acclimatize cuz we'realready into the Late Show that would bevery intense well in and on top of thatlike he had the whole is this theperformance or is this not theperformance and all that's like youridentity yeah it's a you know again itcouldn't happen to a nicer team I youknow I'll go on and do that show as manytimes as they want it was it was greatawesomewell then you gotta find more of Adam
one tested shooting things in Norman andAdam okay I was someone last night whowas like wait a minute he put a penny inyour anus and I'm like okay no you'reway over extrapolating it 30 degrees tothe right guys for kids this show forkids graduation item thank you onsuccess you finale a cute ritalin andyou know send Adam tweets and andwell-wishes and we have a lot more stuffgoing on again check wait for that videowould you go to go behind the scenes ofa the chase car that saws built sothat's gonna be it's really cool
welland that'll do it for us we'll see youguys next week thanks for watchingthanks for watching thank you
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: eneverybody welcome to this week's episodeof still untitled I want to thank oursponsor this week who is 3d robotics 3dR is America's largest drone maker theirsolo smart drone is the first droneoptimized for your GoPro get live HDvideo straight to your mobile screen asyou're flying the quadcopter soloscomputers also guide it smoothly andautomatically so you get cinematic shotsyou want push play and the solo does itall came and follow you3-yard gives a solo away every month toone of their email subscribers so signup for that today and learn more aboutdrones at 3d status slash stillentitled silly name is podcast that'sthree slash still entitled now onwith the showwelcome to still entitled the AdamSavage project I'm well I'm Adam and I'mnorm gentlemen how we roll him rightinto it we did I just I just like Ithink we should skip the preamble thisweek okay something big happen somethingtwo things big happening last week whatdo you got well the series finale forMythbusters after what like 14 season 514 and a half seasons well I've beenfilming Mythbusters since the summer of2002 so for me it's 14 years and thelast ever episode the last ever newepisode of Mythbusters aired Saturdaynight until Netflix comes in in likethree years puts the whole team togetherand you do to another six episodes andthey release them all on a site neversay never but that would strike me asunlike okay and it was like over theweekend there were three new episodesthere was a reunion special and thenalso a never-before-seen duct-tapespecial so the finale aired at 8 p.m.and that was the last episode then Karigrant and Tory came back so that thefive of us could sit at a round tableand talk about some of our favoritememories that entered at nine o'clock onSaturday and then Sunday on the new homeof Mythbusters the Science Channel theyaired a duct-tape special which werecorded this year specifically forscience Channel because that's whereMythbusters is going to livehere on in and it's a it's very coolit's a great episode we decided to Jamieand I basically decided there's nothingwe can build out of duct tape that wehaven't build nothing that we'reinterested in building and then I wasdriving and I was thinking what if wemade a trebuchet out of duct tape andusing only duct tape and wood trebuchetthese are always fun but specificallyengineering so that there was noattachment method but wood and duct tapeso you're like doing lashings and allthat stuff on sand longer than BoyScouts until lashing I think we used 70or 80 rolls I can't quite remember thenumber less than I would expectit's what Marco Polo introduced theKubik on the trebuchetno no basis on reality it was everyonewas the number of wonderful and combsand sweet well wishes from fans andfriends alike all weekend long wasreally moving I thought that just thestuff he showed the clips that youshowed during the during the the showthat reunion was incredible right I meanit was astronauts presidents and NeildeGrasse Tyson and yeah I was it wasCameron yeah so there seems to beTuesday Lala's I want to talk about forthis one little behind the scenes on thebig things that you guys pulled off inthe finale okay and then also yourexperience of watching the finale cuz Iknow you guys had a big party and gottogether when go in either order so yeahthe watching we had a party at a at abar in San Francisco like it wrote iscalled fromage or a cheese bar jeopardyor something but I can't remember someguy really is someplace they could getfancy toast oh I'm terrible that I can'tremember the name of this bar it's okayanyway we had a lovely party and itparty was mostly for fans and forfriends of Mythbusters Carrie and Jamieand I were in residence but it was for alot of the people we've worked with overthe year as people who manage the sitesthat we've worked on cops and bombtechnicians and people that have beencritical to Mythbusters success over theyears as well as a lot of old staffmembers so it was there like a reunionand that was awesomeone of the things that amazed me when wefirst started working with you is thatbasically when Norman I would have adumb idea to do something we'd be likehey do you know anybody who knows how todo this X weird random esoteric thingyou like oh yeah surecall somebody over at m5 and they'llgive you two names you can call and oneof them will be able to help you okayand and like that it's like it's unusualto have access to that kind of door it'sknowledge that we've built over theyears that's incredible and I hadalready watched the finale because Ilive-tweeted the East Coast feed yeahfrom here from here yeah and it was umI've never had this on Twitter oftenwhen we're doing this I'm sitting nextto Christian my social person and I'mfinding tweets and responding them she'sfinding tweets and giving them to me torespond towe were trending so much that I would goto reload just every five seconds it waslike hundreds of tweets every fewseconds it was astounding the deluge andI mean people were making cakesmythbuster last episode explode well Ihave no idea but I really the fansturned out to celebrate it in their wayand it was it was amazing I'vepersonally gone through what we'vetalked about this in the podcast beforethe catharsis of ending something solong I've personally already passedthrough a lot of that so I didn't find Iwasn't feeling very elegiac this weekendyou know it was mostly just really gladto be able to to tweet it to the fansand talk to talk to my old friends andold staff members and really sort of getto feel how what that wonderful thingthat we built so almost like a reunionmore than a funeral exactly you talkabout those feelings in the episodeitself in the the stunts where you drovethrough all the props over the 14 yearsyeah that when I get choked up that'sdeaths genuine if I that was the thingthat's that was one of those days afterthat we we saw you immediately after youdid that him andyou were you were legitimately like Imean and Norman I both worked places fora really long time left but it's notquite the same I think as a small youknow crazy tight team that made theamount of TV and stuff that you didyou'd yeah I mean it was really neat Ithought was it really I thought Ithought actually all three parts of thatbecause yeah basically the hugeexplosion with its four parts we rightwe blew up a we blew up an RV at 50,000feet per second then we destroyed busterwe sent Buster to a better place I'vegot some chunks of him around heresomewhereit looked like he hit so hard he caughton fire that was a major all thosestunts were incredible I wanna go yeahokay yeah and then so just to recap thenwe we drove through miles worth ofmythbuster props and then we blew up acement truck with more explosive thanwe've ever used before Wow so the firstone which was blowing up the RV yeah youexplain why use an RV and kind of you'realso demonstrating recording anexplosion at 50,000 frames per second sothe digital camera high-speed digitalcameras have have come of age alongsideof Mythbusters and phantom thepreeminent maker of them and supply ofMythbusters cameras now has a camerathat can do HD at 50,000 frames best inlike even three years ago that wouldhave been insane and that's an importantpoint because there were cameras there'salso a you know older cameras could dolower resolution and very high framesper second scientific equipment oh yeahif all you need are to measure a fewpixels wide and that's the thing is whenthey say oh it's got a maximum of 500thousand frames per second that meansit's like 12 by 30 pixels it meansbasically you need something that'sgonna flash the entire field of view inorder to see what which is fine forscience for reception because it youjust need to study the distance betweensomething for television it's differentand in filming high-speed you find thatthere's like a perfect speed todemonstrate different things that youdon't needoh no thousand FPS for for a lot ofthings oh so it smacked in the kisseryou don't need more than 250 frames dothat on your iPhone iPhone can do thatabsolutelybut explosions you absolutely andthere's so we've filmed thousands ofexplosions we filmed hundreds thousandsof them on the high-speed camera andmostly between 1000 and about 6,000framesI think 5500 is the max HD in sunlightthat we can get out of our the mainphantom we've been using the last fewyears at 50,000 frames per second therewas a couple of things that were supernotable one was that you got to watchthe impetus of the explosion for manyframes you got to watch the inside ofthis RV light up yeah now the reason wechose the RV is because we didn't wantto choose a giant substantial truck likethe cement truck because that was alwaysgoing to be our finale yeahso we decided lightweight RV and we'lluse that but you got to watch it lightup from the inside and just as a notethat was the same amount of explosiveswe used to dispose of the first cementtruck 850 pounds of ANFO the secondthing that was really notable at 50,000frames per second was we had 10 timesthe amount of frames and you got towatch the blast wave bubble assembleitself it was like triangular at firstand then it became spherical that wasthe incredible like that and the lensingthat you got it was like my wife who isa fan of things that explode but not atthe same level that I think all thethree of us are yeah it was like okay II'm usually unimpressed that is gorgeouslike the shot of that the white with awide shot of that with the with thespherical lensing like it wasunbelievable so the best way to describewhat that lensing really is is in thesame way that light moves differentlythrough a fish tank that it movesthrough water it moves differentlythrough dense or mediums that thatbubble moving outward from the explosionis a denser medium of air compressed bythe explosion and so you're watchingthat denser air moved the light inslightly different fashion and thuslensing it it's fun no I've never seenthere's a distinct barrier no yeah therewas a line yeah and that line if itmoves through you it was bad youwouldn't feel you'd feel it reallyquickly you'd be there goodness thenthen you're ace you're jelly becausewhat it will do is it will accelerateall the cells in your body at about20,000 feet per second but just a tinyfraction of an inch but it'll tear apartall the connective whatever inside ofyou and just turn you to a bag full ofjelly which arguably we already are butmore so more so what why do you guys useANFO for that kind of stuff because it'swe use impose cheap and it's a nice slowexplosive nice and slow I'm sorry Ithink Mpho is know people will correctmehigh explosives like plastic explosivesor cast boosters those move at like 22to 25,000 frame feet per second the ANFOit's slower I think like 16,000 feet persecond again I'm trying to rememberthese numbers I just know it's it's notlike half the speed but fo is meant forpushing it's used in in mining for likepushing giant chunks of a mountain offof it okay whereas the high-speedexplosives are used for cracking andsplitting and all these considerationsfrom the camera it's the type ofexplosives of what you're blowing up allwork toward the video all it's whatyou're demonstrating and we were showingfor the television yeah which is awesomeif there's an incredible cinematographyaspect to it absolutely and yeah thatwas really really key was I mean thattook most of the negotiating on the dayand I don't mean negotiating with NewMexico Tech but really just sort ofmaking sure that all of the departmentsthat we're dealing with and it wasdozens of people and New Mexico TechUniversity was amazing with us but theyhave a protocol they have to make sureeveryone's safe and we've got camerasthey can only roll for a certain amountof time there's they're like spread outover about a mile die a road mild indiameter of cameras plus there's dronesin the air so people need to be outsidethere's lockdowns it was an incredibleamount of infrastructure just to pushthe button okay so did you mention thedrones yeah it was the drone shot onthat when I was at the cement mixer wasit both we had both we had drones in theair for every the one that was a reallyreally high shot shooting straight downon it yeah I looked like it was whatfive thousand ten thousand feet orsomething there's a really high thousandfeet we got some I don't think it wasmore than a thousand feet if I remembercorrectly but honestly you'd have to askDuncan okay quite remember wide-anglelenses yeah it was it was and that wasalso you know that was really trickybecause we had 22 minutes out of theNspire yeah20 minutes out of the Nspire it's likewe got a that is the last thing thatgoes up this is the cool behind thisinto logistics of it and I know you guyshad an episode about how an episode ismade yes the pre-planning sudden day ofthe pressing of all the cameras thesetting go well and there's lots ofdecisions to be made so they'll say youcan't put a camera there and thenmeeting New Mexico New Mexico Tech willsay we can't put a camera there it's notsafe we have to have you over here weonly have two miles of cord to go overthere and so then all of this has to beworked out by all of usright so narrative lis what's importantto me to see out of this what are thethree key shots I want they can get allthese other shots that they want butI've got a couple I want on my list okayso we can't get one of mine how are yougonna get something similar to it etcetc services all of this back and forthokay turns out we can't get this upuntil then what do we do about this andthat I have a mechanic's question aboutthe dice when you shoot a high speedprobably people don't know this is notlike shooting a normal camera usuallyyou either have a Priya post or a midtrigger site for it and that means thatsomebody literally needs to hit thebutton with an X number of seconds yesafter the thing goes I assume on a 50thousand frame per second camera youhave what maybe 20 seconds 30 seconds aminute if it's 20 seconds I think it'slike 12 14 yeah so it's it's not verymany it's not very many you got to getit yeah if you miss it oh you're sure ifyou've missed the whole thingyou can have it be sound trigger MexicoTech has their own triggers forexplosive for high speed cameras as welland so we were using some of theirtechnology again we should probablybring Duncan on to talk about thisbecause Duncan and saws managed all ofthis stuff and it's it's a tremendousamount I mean I saw zan well you had areally other dip not me it's nice to beclear we'll nail yeah Duncan Clarke andScott Sorenson or the three cameramanfor Mythbusters for the last few years Iassume they had a really long cord so hewas saying they were the finger manymany many many long cords and theyactually had ways to route them underthe ground New Mexico Tech is very wellset up so what's your you got you guyswere in an actual bunker for this wewere underground yes um can you describethat a little bit or not so muchit's basically under a mountain of dirtit's a concrete bunker it feels like TheLast Stand from the zombie apocalypseokayhilarious the explosion was far enoughaway I think we're about two kilometersfrom the explosion in that bunker so wedidn't feel we didn't feel it verysignificantly a couple of days beforethat final explosion we had filmed theJaime flattening the car explosion andthat one we felt that one cleared allthe air out of I mean it moved all theair inside about just because it wasonly a few hundred feet away okay thatsame explosion the flattening of the cardestroyed three of our rental cars inone shot oh that was the one that shoulddo so you guys get the full coveragewhen you get rental cars I guess youknow I just love the idea of the guidethe shop looking at this dent from aboveand going what didn't you do insurancethe back half of the van that got rippedoff was the one that I thought wasentertaining okay let's go to bus yes soBuster necks and that was at the rocketsled that was the rocket sled that wasso you know it seems so obvious now itseems so right right strap Buster to arocket sled sent him into a wall butthere was a lot of back-and-forth aboutdifferent things we could do to todestroy Buster to send him away and etcand in the end the superhero suit whichwas designed by my producer Eric Havenwho's a comic book author he's got agraphic novel coming out soon we shouldcover it on table covered ah yes it'sgonna be greatEric designed that suit we had to madeone for Buster one for me for that pieceto camera with the phone booth I waspretty magical okay and then you'vereally booked up since your uh since youuh I will tell you that I missed thisgreat opportunity so you know that Ilove putting on Mythbusters and I'lltell you easily half of my puns and mostof the good ones came from my sound manMatt Jepsen Matt Maddie's been with ashow for forever and Maddie's just gotthe worst punning brain ever and byworst I mean best sad people so Maddie'smaddie often has these jokes at the lastminute that she's freaking fantastic andthe one he gave me which I totallyforgot which was - fist bump busterhangin bro total time - banging poorBuster um we really didn't ever find themain chunks of Buster we found lotslittle pieces which became crew gifts sodo you know what happened like he did heget fast enough that the energy justconvertedlit him on fire I that's what it lookslike it looks like looks like the metalof Buster's body hit the concrete sohard that there was fire and sparksinvolved which is astounding Wowthe shot I love the most is also thedrone shot for that one when you see theother side of the wall yeah how muchgoes into the hill and then I hadpainted the target with 2002 2016 and heleft a hole for a year on either side Iwas like if you had told me one of thatI'd have been like I don't think that'sgonna happenyeah the only way the only way you couldhave improved that is if you left theBugs Bunny shaped hole in the wall whichand I know yeah I mean which of myfriend Ben was saying the other day Ican't believe you never tested that mythand I'm like yeah it's right up therewith does a frying pan adhere to theshape of your head when someone hits youI have often thought a Looney Tunesepisode would have been amazing so okayso Buster Buster meets his mortal demiseyeah then there is the drive down memorylane oh boy and the mile long the milelong it was amazing is this the sameplace where they yell me to swap meetyeah now it's Alameda runway okay sothat's where Tesla's been testing theirautonomous car it's where the our casein the Matrix was right that's where allthe car change freeway and all that yeahyeahand so we've filmed there hundreds oftimes over the years on Mythbusters andthat was the that was the last few itwon't be beautiful I didn't know thatwas the last one that was that good thatwas the last time we filmed there and Ican barely describe to you how much workthe crew put into assembling all thatstuff but as kids it's not like theywere just in like ready in an m5 to digout no no no no no in fact most of thetime they were making a lot of thatstuff from scratch in in Wowbulk and so it was we hired extra peopleold friends of mine from ILM came downand worked for us and it was just weeksand weeks of poor Tory Fink our mainshop guy and his team just assemblingthis stuff and putting it togetherpainting cutting out mannequinsduct-tape boats asking for solutions soI was on tour during some of that was Ihad tour I can't remember where I was Iwas on I was somewhere at where I waslike literally dipping in constantly toput out fires and give them simplesolutions for putting stuff together butit was the most monumental effort onbehalf of the crew because for some havea whole series of things 200 objects orso right they all get a fraction of thetime on camera yeah the car is gonna geta lot of camera time yeah little thingsall that matters how many how did howdid you get that stuff over there was itjust a couple of trucks and trucks andtrucks yeah constant ferrying back andforth yeah there was like a full weekand a half of moving stuff and it took alotta much at least a couple of days toset it all up oh god yeah days and daysso you had to hope for no rain and yeahall about all that and you say it oncamera but the drive was you it wasdifficult to stay straight I couldn'tsee 20 seconds in I stopped being ableto see out the front of the car and it'snot about a minute about 55 second yesso most of the drive I can't see what'sworth you getting radio directions alittle bit right a little bit right no Icould see my camera I can see one of mycamera cars okay and I can extrapolatemy space from the fact that I'm stillhitting things yeah I'm airing towardsthe camera car that I can see becausethat means I could avoid it yeah I don'twant to err towards the camera car Ican't see on my right because I don'twant to I don't want to hurt him nowthat's being driven by a professionalcop training driver Brian so I know heknows enough to stay safe but again I'min the sixty thousand pound vehicle andI want to keep it away from everybody soI'm using touch I'm using sight and I'mwe put up street signs that had eachyear on them and I'm using those togauge my my direct contra it was I saidthis to you guys on the podcast rightafterwards it was without a doubt thebest driving I've ever done in myprofessional life did you guys put thelast couple of vans in the funnel onpurpose or yeah that was no it was itwasn't that we we didn't put them inthat orientation to funnel me towardsthe Impala we did that because weweren't sure how much impetus I wouldhave and we didn'tthem to stop me so that was a compromisethat Steve Oh Steve Christensen mydirector and I came up with at the veryend we just we moved them it was reallyfun using a forklift on cars I didn'tcare about oh my god Oh between that andwhen you did the the vacuum lifter andthen just dropped it from 60 feet orwhatever how much how much the best yeahI had a question about this and I'vecompletely spaced on it but the did youadd extra weight to the truck we meanaside from the obviously didJamie designed the front fin and we putin an extra I think like ten thousandpounds on the backside to balance itokay so that even when it hits stuff itwouldn't dig into the ground it wouldhave some counterweight to it and wealso wanted the truck to have a lot ofmomentum yeah so we rented trench platesagain those giant steel plates they usedto cover construction in the road werented a bunch of those and just weldedthem in place in the back this is agreat thing about trench plates as youcan weld them give it a brine the weldsand as long as it's still a piece ofsteel they don't care the center ofgravity and a lot of momentum at 50 moreteen speeds you know I have a during theduring the run down shifting I at onepoint it kicked itself out of gear 70%of the way down shifted back to seventhand back into eighth gear to get thelast the last bit Wow there's alsounderstand that at the same time as I'mdoing this I'm still performing for thecamera I'm still trying to explain thatcamera what's going onI gotta say when you hit the first oneand said fucking aim I do not think thatthat was a performance er no and thatlast bit where I'm in the cart I'm justgoing them screaming completely that isjust that's that is the greatestendorphin rush I've experienced in along time okay so here's my questionthis is another question for my wife shewanted to know what happens like do youguys have to spend then three dayscoming back and cleaning all that stuffwe had but all of the above weight alarge so all the cars that we had hithad had their fluids removed Alameda hasveryparticular requirements for leaving therunway as we found it and we've had agreat relationship with them over theyears so it was picking up the big stuffthen sweeping up the small stuff streetsweepers road cleaners making sure thatno other toxic fluids were letting offon the sides or everything do you knowtrice the same thing for the for theexplosionsyeah and that's actually largely underthe aegis of New Mexico Tech so theyhave their protocols and I wasn't partyto okay that stuff cuz we were alreadyback home by the time we were done nowsome of the stuff you ran through stillexists and you kept a few ways yeah toesyeah I actually have I have a couple ofchunks here of some things the pianoyeah I took the mechanics out of thepiano because I wanted to hear them hmmI wanted I didn't want the mechanics todampen them so yeah I have the mechanicsto the piano here I have the head of theshark mounted over next to the otherhammerhead shark in the main shot nowwhat people also won't notice when theywatch the episode is we have two carsone from either on either side of youand one of the cars is a reallyinteresting car because it's a cameracar chase car oh yeah that Scott thatsaws built and we should do a hat wealready have one that's I think will beup tomorrowOh expending approval from people whoown the footage so so saws is so sawsAustralians give everyone nicknames withZ's in them so if you're Erik and Ozzymight call us ax and Scott Sorensen amisimmediately got the nickname Zaza andbecame Sauzahis own girlfriend calls him Sauza sosaws yeah that's what we say short forsaws if it's on October cast as thefirst year we work with you guys soScott had Scott bought one of the Chevyimpalas yeah sorry Caprice yeah that weused in one of our cop car episodes thisone was in particularly okay shape andhe's been fixing it up and turning itinto a camera platform vehicle with whatyou saw was he was off to my right thislarge metal framework on the back of hiscar this allowed him to Dalia basicallydolly up a remote camera from inside thecar at the same time as he's filming outthe wind and yeah 3 axis gimbal on thatwe could control it and actually likeget some elevation I think up to 8 feetor soit's pretty neat so I also yeah I wantto point out that sus did that all onhis own time at the same time as he'sfilming Mythbusters like 60 hours a weekso he's in on weekends welding andmachining and you know he worked withbimba donated a bunch of the technologyand the design work for that rig andhe's machining giant plates of aluminumand steel to to their specs it was a lotof work and it worked magnificent he'sbeen incredibly giving of his time overthe years but we wanted to find outabout blowing stuff up with black powderhe said come into the shop one Saturdaymorning and we came into the shop andand he's sufficiently convinced us thatwe shouldn't dick around with blackpowder that we just right now wherewe'll just do something safe likeexploding airbag yes Oh terrifying okaylast one finale the last last explosionthe big onethese are a 5,001 pounds was the VP sawwas the previous record five thousandpounds five thousand pounds ofhigh-speed explosives that Kari grantand Tory used at New Mexico Tech a fewyears ago to make diamonds okaythe high pressure helping to creatediamonds so we use 5,001 pounds okay weyou know we could have used fivethousand and four but we'd see the suitsright price is right totallywe got a cement truck and I mean whatcan I tell you it was it was just soepic I mean every single shot is arevelation every single shot seems toshow a different explosion itilluminates something different abouthow powerful that last one's and thething that's really hard to communicateis when you head back to the center ofthe former blast it looks like amoonscape because there's no footprintsthere's no vegetation anymore and it'sjust it is just things that have fallenfrom the sky it's like sandy and rightreally looks like another world lookslike another planet everything that'sloose has been blown away yeah exceptfor what fell went straight up and camestraight back down exactly um that oneleft a crater it did about that's anunusual feat deep we've made a bunch ofcraters but none that big this is aboutprobably 15 feet 20 feet in diameter andabout five six feet deep andwhat did you find you found pieces ofthe truck is many many noises of thetrumpet pretty good sized chunks youknow I think that's the biggest chunk wefound was like 50 pounds alright so Ijust pour that thing to absolute red whydo you guys use cement trucks for thosebig for the big onesit's just started because of the firstepisode when we blew up a cement truckwas we were testing to see there was amyth that you can clean out asymmetrical to stick a dynamite Oh usedthat to loosen the cement on the insideif it had hardened inside the cementtruck and then that became a fanfavorite okay even though we didn't havea high-speed shot of itso we thought the fact that we didn'thave a high-speed shot and it's a fanfavorite let's finish with that and giveit an amazing high-speed shot thathigh-speed job was also at fiftythousand frames okay I was gonna sayyeah like we could see the lensing onthat one too yeah totallyamazing it was pretty incredible I was alittle disappointed when the credit youthe explosion went off he showed all thereplay shots of the explosion and thenthe credits rolled as I caught me andthey went out with a bang that's amazingand then you cut back because he had tolook at the crater and the crater wascool but um we saved the coda of theCoda's of the kotas we saved the lastcoda for the end of the reunion episodeI know if you watched oh no my Tivo cutout before yeahyes the it was a Avengers homage oh no Idid cease at eating shawarmas in theexact pose its exact that was Oscarsthat was Oscars well it was OscarsDeLeon Cesar Chavez at Missouri which isright now it looks like he's practicallyamazing that's one of my producers whatif that is the one sweeping up in theback okay and you had Tori with a handover yeah now covering over the beerthere huh really it was really fun andsorry just to finish out this amazingweek the other thing that happened was Iwent and did Colbert just yeah you tookyour pants off on Colbert I did Wowlook when Stephen Colbert asks you totake your pants off you say yes he seemshe seemed way less into it they werethey were phenomenal yeah no it was goodso I flew in on Sunday I rehearsed overat the Ed Sullivan Theater on Mondaythat a big day on Tuesday cuz they'recold open was in conjunction with thefiddler on the roof' caste so Monday Ispend a couple of hours over thereworking with their people nicest crew inthe world and I've some of them weresome of them had been part of the crewwhen Jamie and I first flew balloonsoutside on 53rd Street for Letterman in2004 yeah it was amazingand many of them were there when I didlet him in the last time many of them Iknew from the Late Show many of thewriters so it was great to see everybodyand it is just it's a really lovely setlike everyone loves working there lovesworking on that show Stephen couldn't benicer what's what's the wouldn't youwhat are you going to do a segment likethat do you come in with a bit and thenkind of sit down with the writers andwork through it and and family not dayoff no there's always there's always alot of back and forth so you know theyasked for a bunch of ideas I threw a fewat them they threw a few back at me wehoned it down we came up with somethingthat got thrown out we came up withsomething else I think that got thrownout and then Friday before so this is aweek ago Friday they decided they wantedto shoot me with the penny going at theterminal velocity of a penny it's a veryNew York kind of kind of segment andit's one of it it also was one of thevery earliest episodes we did and one inwhich I really learned deeply that thatthat one of the things I couldcontribute to this show was figuring outunique ways of showing something ratherthan telling and penny drop is is likeone of those first worms to turn for meso I built that gun here in the shop onFriday the day I was like good I wassick so I we had a build schedule thatday and I cancelled it so I could restbecause I was sick and then you didn'trest and I didn't rested like sevenhours here making that gun and then I Igot it home only to discover that itdidn't fit in my suitcase so I had tocut five inches off of it and then Icalled Tom sacks whose studio is in NewYork and I was like dude can you get mea three inch PVC schedule 40 pipe capplushe's like I'm on it so when I landed onSunday I went to his shop and he's theremaking some pottery with some friendsand he's got his bodega going and it wasit was awesomeit's like an Avengers of yeah we spent afew hours putting my gun together andthen he shot me with it he said does ithurt nothing it's just hurts enough tobe funny we're good to goand then I brought that over to to theLate Show they shipped it back to me Ithink it actually should be at my housenow okay dude did anybody else want toget shot while you were there to thewriters room guys here this is networktelevision man they were they were itchyabout me being shot with the thing thatI had built so it required a lot ofsafety discussions it's you know youmake when you make something that shootssomething now you are dealing with thelaw in very some very specific waysbecause it things can get dangerous in ahurry and you know you don't justluckily I have a lot of expertise so Ican talk deeply to exactly how fast it'sgoing how much pressure is involved whatare the what are the margins of safetyetc yeah and they should do an episodelike the South Park guys did aboutmaking of an episodeBrian document that I mean I know it'sbeen on TV like Larry Sanders show thatkind of give you an impression but it'sit's an it's good Oh Jim Fife theproducer that I was working with was solike everyone was amazing but you knowjust like willing to try stuff okay doyou want to get shot in the ass do youwant your pants up I was thinking abouthaving my pencil okay what if you wouldyou be willing if we got you some likepink Spanx or something you willing andthen on the day of he's like so we'retalking about it and if we can getpermission how do you feel about justdropping trou for real and I'm like I'lldo it they worked you have to work me Ididn't need to be clear I'm ready I'vealready been I've never done any moredamn yeah but that's their operatingprocedure I can imagine that they warmyou up to the idea and then they um do Imean it's much less humiliating toactually just take your pants off thanto wear the pink Spanx I think I feellike it would be and then yes we postedthe the we they blurred it on televisionbut I got the shot onwe posted that nice nice but it soundedlike a lot of fun and the bit was reallyfunny it was great stephen is such a fanand such a deep fan he's watched theshow for years with his family and supercomplementary about the achievement youknow he he's they just finished theirhundredth episode of The Late Show so Imean he had the he had to deal with andI we didn't even get to talking aboutthis but we had the thing to deal withhim ending The Colbert Report and notime to kind of acclimatize cuz we'realready into the Late Show that would bevery intense well in and on top of thatlike he had the whole is this theperformance or is this not theperformance and all that's like youridentity yeah it's a you know again itcouldn't happen to a nicer team I youknow I'll go on and do that show as manytimes as they want it was it was greatawesomewell then you gotta find more of Adamone tested shooting things in Norman andAdam okay I was someone last night whowas like wait a minute he put a penny inyour anus and I'm like okay no you'reway over extrapolating it 30 degrees tothe right guys for kids this show forkids graduation item thank you onsuccess you finale a cute ritalin andyou know send Adam tweets and andwell-wishes and we have a lot more stuffgoing on again check wait for that videowould you go to go behind the scenes ofa the chase car that saws built sothat's gonna be it's really cool welland that'll do it for us we'll see youguys next week thanks for watchingthanks for watching thank you\n"