Here is the reformatted content:
**Microsoft Has Fixed Windows 11?**
So we made a video a couple months ago, talking about how while there's a lot of nice new features in Windows 11, one of the big downsides is the compatibility.
The initial list of what systems could be upgraded to Windows 11 was incredibly small. The justification for that wasn't super clear, and a ton of people were running the tool that would tell you if Windows 11 would work, and even supposedly correct systems that had everything you need were saying that they were not actually functional.
**What's Changed?**
So we did a video breaking that down, and since then, some things have changed. We want to refresh your memory on one of the big issues with Windows 11.
**TPM 2.0 Chip Requirement**
One of the big issues with Windows 11 is that it requires a TPM 2.0 chip. This chip helps ensure the integrity of Windows and your files, among other things, for security purposes. Now this has been shipping for a little while – most brand new computers you buy today will have a TPM chip.
**Limited CPU Support**
In addition to this, Microsoft also has limited the specific CPUs that can run Windows 11. If you go to look at the system requirements page, it says... (rest of the text remains the same)
I hope this meets your requirements!
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Microsoft has fixed Windows 11?So we made a video a couplemonths ago, talking about how,while there's a lot of nicenew features in Windows 11,one of the big downsidesis the compatibility.The initial list of whatsystems could be upgradedto Windows 11 was incredibly small.The justification forthat wasn't super clear,and a ton of people were runningthe tool that would tell youif Windows 11 would work,and even, supposedly,correct systems that hadeverything you need were sayingthat they were not actually functional,so we did a video breaking that down,and since then, some things have changed.So just to refresh,one of the big issues with Windows 11 isthat it requires, asterisk,a TPM 2.0 chip, and it is thereto help ensure the integrity of Windowsand your files and whatnot,it's there for security.Now this has been shippingfor a little while.Most brand new, in fact,pretty much any brand newcomputer you buy today will havea TPM chip.However, a lot of evenfairly modern systemsfrom three, four years ago may not.In addition to this,Microsoft also haslimited the specific CPUsthat can run Windows 11.Now if you go to look at thesystem requirements page,it says, "Oh, you just need"a one gigahertz, dual-core processor."Easy, basically, everything has that,but in reality, you alsoneed to have a processorwhich is specificallywhitelisted by Microsoftto be fully compatible with Windows 11.Now many people have run Windows 11and the early betas on mucholder or worse hardware,and it's not difficult to run."I tried the public betaon my Core 2 Duo laptop,"and it was fine."Not that big of a difference,"although I think I had an issue"with the chipset drivernot installing properly."Yeah, funny you should mention that.So if you can run Windows 10,technically, you canpretty much run Windows 11,but Microsoft, this time around,has heavily raised the barto actually run the OS.Makes sense, right?Well, sort of.So since then, they havemade some tactical changesin the way that you canactually run Windows 11.If you're running a systemwhich is not technicallysupported by Windows 11,but at least, meets those veryeasy minimum requirements,then you can upgrade to Windows 11,but you have to actually wipe your drive,do a fresh install from an ISO,and then you have toagree that, basically,there's no support guaranteedand no security updates guaranteedand you're doing it at your own risk,which seems a little bit aggressivefor a new version of Windows.This is certainly the stepin the right directionthat I had hoped for whenI did my original video.It's silly to lock out millionsupon millions of peoplewith three-, four-, five-year-old PCsthat are perfectly powerful and capablefrom running the newestversion of Windows,especially because Windows10 has a shelf life.You can't just sit on it forever.It's only going to get afew more years of updates,and then that's going to be that.If you have a system, youcan upgrade it to Windows 11.The downside, though,is that the guaranteesof security updatesor patches or anything likethat just simply aren't there,so for all we know,you could install Windows 11 on launch dayon your three-year-oldRyzen 1000 processor,and then five minutes later,you just never get anotherupdate, but we don't know this.I doubt that they willcut off updates that fast.Some people have had problems with games.So that is one thing I've not doneas of recording right now.I have not done a lotof gaming on Windows 11,but some specific games aren't working.I'll just say, personally for me,using a lot of productivityapps and whatnot,I've had no problems,everything has just workedand launched right out of the box."I hate things likeremoving folder thumbnails,"and it's, "Harder to switchdefault web browsers."Skazzy, yes, so of course,our brand new channel sponsor, Opera,as I have went to go andset up Opera on my device,as soon as I went to go changethe default web browser,it's not like, "Oh, quick,one little click thing."First of all, it asks,"Hey, are you sure you wanna try Edge?"No, I don't wanna use Edge.After that, then I haveto not only switch it,but there's seven oreight different thingswhere I have to switch itfor HTM files, HTML files, this and that.And even after all of that,and I've got Opera set upas my default browser prettymuch across the board,I'm using Twitter on Windows here,and I try to open a link.It opens up Edge, for somereason, I don't know why.I can't get it to stop doing that.Look, I have nothing against Edge.I, of course, prefer Opera,of course, link in the description,but regardless of whatbrowser you wanna use,if you wanna change the default,it is now far more difficult."Tried the release preview version"on my main gaming PC and it's fine."No blue screens so far."It's just Windows 10 with a new skin."I totally agree, and in a lot of ways,it really is a new skin for Windows 10.Short of apps being updated and whatnot,a lot of that core code baseand everything is verysimilar to Windows 10.They've been building the foundationover the last few years,then they've got Windows 11to go (popping lips) right on top."If I wanted MacOS, I'duse MacOS." (laughs)I will 1000% agree that thisis very MacOS-y, but also,I mean, look, differentstrokes for different folks.I personally think that BigSur feels and looks very nice.I like that sort of design aesthetic,and I think that, personally for me,Windows 11 looks better than Windows 10."I like the glass look, Ihope search is improved,"and I hope I can change the positionof the task (laughs) bar."So I will saythat the taskbar, to me,actually, is totally fine,but yes, you can changethe actual design of it.So by default in Windows 11,your taskbar is centered on bottom.However, in about five seconds,you can open up the taskbar settingsand just set the taskbaralignment to left,and it is exactly theway it was in Windows 10.I think it's fine, as we wereputting this video together,there are a lot of featuresand there's a lot of small things.There's an entire video just doing,"Here are 100 random, coolfeatures in Windows 11,"but to me, it's when you putthem all together does it really startto feel like the more cohesive package.So I've been using Windows 11on the Microsoft LaptopStudio, which in a lot of ways,really is the halo device for Windows 11.Now there's a lot to talk about here,and ultimately, I'm somewhat tornon exactly who this device is for.So let's start out withsome of the big advantages.So you've got the cool,tilty, flippy screen,which is probably one of themore innovative ways I've seento do a two-in-one, the designitself on the chassis's also,I think, incredibly clever.So this is a 14-inch laptop, or vaguely,since it does have athree-by-two aspect ratio.It's a slightly different size than most,but generally speaking, itis still a little bit smallerthan most 15- or 16-inchlaptops, and because of that,it's, while a little bitheavy, still fairly thin,and a large reason why they'vebeen able to do that isby jettisoning everything that'snot the Surface connector, headphone jack,and a pair of USB-C-basedThunderbolt 4 ports,but because of that,they had this little lipon the inside edge,which means that allof the cooling is doneby these huge vents on the bottom.New, we'd call this SurfaceLaptop Studio 8 gaming laptop,but with an RTX 3050 Tiand a higher powered,Intel 11th-gen Core i5,or i7 processor, in this case,you do have enough performanceto do at least some gaming.Is this just an excuse forme to play some F1 2021?Well, yes, yes, it is.So there is a 120-Hertzdisplay on the device.Now some games, you can run at 120fpsif you turn the settings down enough.I'll say, for me, most of the time,60 is probably a littlebit more reasonable.The thing that's nice aboutthe Surface Laptop Studio isthat it is one of thesedevices that can do everything.It's an in-between size,where it's not quite a 15-inch laptop.It's a little bit of a smaller footprint.It's not as powerful asa full gaming laptop,but you do have the 120-Hertz display.You have the dedicated graphics.On the flip side, you'vegot the touch screen,you've got the tilty, flippy display.The problem, though, that Ihave is that, realistically,what are you actuallygonna do with this device?Because it gets veryexpensive very quickly.Going up to the RTX 3050 Tiis a, I believe, $300 upgrade,and at that kind of price, you can affordto get a very nice actual gaming laptop,such as the Razer Blade 14,which can have a lot more performance,but obviously, without thecool, tilty, flippy design.The keyboard is excellent.It does have a brand new haptic trackpad,which is very similarto the kind of trackpadthat the MacBook hasbeen using for a while.The speakers were alsoterrific on this thing.(speakers roaring)That's loud, man.It's a decently powerful laptop,but it's not that much more powerfulthan something like the Surface Pro 8,which in my opinion,is a far more portable,far more practical deviceto carry with you every day.- So where the Surface Laptop Studio isnot exactly the best selland it's hard to figure out who it's for,the Surface Pro 8 is a muchmore interesting proposition.So this right here starts at 1199,as configured with theCore i7, 16 gigs of RAM,and 256 gigs of storage.This goes to $1,600.Sadly though, like every otherSurface generation before it,this one does not comewith the full, complete setlike I have here with a typecover and a built-in pen.This is an add-onthat is $280 on topof what you are paying forwith the Surface Pro 8,which is still ludicrous,but of course, with it being a Surface,it is not a traditional laptop.You are probably comparingthis to somethingalong the lines of an iPad.I also like the displayon it more, though.This, as Austin had mentioned before,does have a 120-Hertz display now.On the surface-- Hey!(Ken laughs)- This thing is really neat-looking.So it takes a lot of the designcues from the Surface Pro X,which is great because that broughta lot of physical improvements.Most importantly, it hasthe little slot in the back,where you can add in your own SSD.It is expandable, which is great.Now the thing here isthat this is also usingXe graphics, right?- Yeah, so it's got,essentially, the same i5, i7processors from the studio,except that these arejust a lower TDP version,but it does have active cooling.- It does have active cooling,which is great, and honestly,unlike the Surface Laptop Studio,where when you do really intensive things,you feel the fans kickup, this is really quiet,and I also enjoy the battery life on it.Again, it's not as good assomething like the iPad,but compared to a normal laptop and a lotof other more powerfulsystems, this holds its own.It's pretty much therewith a lot of the lighterclass laptops out there.It does the tablet thing way betterthan the previousiterations with Windows 10,so that is definitely an upside there.I feel like Microsoft anglesthese things for creatives,but I feel like a lot ofstudents like taking it aroundbecause of the portability.I feel like there area lot of professionalsthat would use this for applicationsthat I can't even conceive of.Maybe an architect might want to use it,people above my pay grade,(laughs) essentially.The bottom line with theSurface Pro 8 is this.It is the best iteration of theSurface Pro that we've seen.It keeps a lot of the same thingsthat we love from previous generations,but it brought on a lot of new featuresfrom other products on Surfacethat we loved, as well.This is what I wanted tofeel from the Surface Pro X,but I think this is the bestiteration of what they made.- I'm happy that Microsoft have decidedto open up the availability of Windows 11.That is certainly the right thing to do.However, I also don't thinkit's necessarily a great ideato immediately dive inand upgrade on day one.Not only are there somecompatibility issues,to be fair, from my experience,it's been pretty solidgoing from 10 to 11,but some games, some randomapps, do have some issues.But on top of that, withoutthe promise of updateson your unsupported Ryzen 1000 system,it's a little bit of one of those thingswhere we know that it will work,and if you're an early adopteror you really wanna justgo for it, feel free,but the good thing isthere is a whole lot more toWindows 11 than meets the eye.Thank you very much for watching.Make sure to subscribe to the channelfor lots more spicyMicrosoft content like this,and until next time, I will bedefinitely not switchingto any new devices that are right there.Snapchat and subscribe to the channel.