**A Day of Racing with Yanny**
I didn't go before you, I went when I said go, it's just so instant, it's nothing to do with me cheating. I didn't like pressing the pedal, going, I wouldn't have caught you, but you went before me. Whatever Mark, how was it for you? You did better than the Ferrari. I got a good start in this kick down, was good, trouble is, I couldn't hear on the radio. Mess yeah, but it doesn't help, the mats holding the radio over here when he's saying "right, you ready?" That's the problem.
So we didn't actually replay the race, did I? Hold the radio over here, let's have a quick action replay, three two one go, he's right. Me, Yanny, Mark, let's do it again, but it's a bit more balanced in your favor, guys. This time and I want a sorry Yanny on the screen because your hand was in front of the steering wheel, so trust me, you lost that one.
Now our recorder, sorry Yanny, really sorry. I'm gonna give you all my best stories honestly, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry. Can't turn back time, can't do anything about it, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I don't know why I did it, just don't know. I'm just sorry, please don't kill me this time.
We're gonna do a rolling race once again from 50 miles an hour but you two can be in your sportiest settings, second gear, they're the Raiders, right by my mouse. Can you hear me? Okay, just about. Second thing that Lamborghini is bloody slow isn't it. I know and it breaks my heart.
I don't even lie, which is best, Ferrari or Lamborghini? You know I'm not saying Lamborghini all day every day on this occasion, Ferrari is definitely better right. Don't know why you get so offended, it's just a car brand, just because you like the wrong car brand okay?
Anyway, should we move on oh so quickly, Mark how was that for you? There was a bit of rice that I met but like I'm here just as a camera car for you too. It's true anyway. One last challenge however if you'd like to watch another drag race where I race the old model X against Yanny's own Lamborghini SV click on the pullback up there for the link in the description below.
If not, this is this brake test now we have a break test from 100 miles an hour when we reach a line for emergency stop whichever car stops before hitting the hair wins gone here here we go. Though here comes the line, this is not stopping God the brakes on this are rubbish I have no idea what happened there, Janet can you give some insight mate. I can't even see you you're that far away and the lambo lost so I won.
And I'll be honest this was easy this really broke well braked well, I think is what you meant to say or stopped well hopefully it hasn't broken Mark, what did you think about that mate? Um looks like I Lost You Again by looks of it. I don't think I've been feeling myself today to be honest yeah that Lambo just doesn't perform really when you put it up against six feet electric SUV oh wait a minute, I badly lost the brake test so okay, I'll shut up.
I'm pretty sure I look the best though surely I don't know that you do I think the Ferrari looks a bit better than the lambo anyway we don't need to debate that you can debate in the comments which looks the best the Ferrari or the Lamborghini or maybe the Tesla.
**Thanks and Conclusion**
Thank you everyone who sorted out the cars for us today, really, really appreciate it. Once again, the links are all in the description, and I found a really good deal on a fast car that's a lot less expensive than these through Car Wire right if you want to find out what the car is in the deal click on The Bob app.
And up there for the link in the description below. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the video if you did give it a like let me know some of the drag races I'd like to see in the comments if you click on the windows, I think they might be there, they could be there.