At Overclock Media, we strive for excellence, but in order to achieve this excellence, you'll watch through a 101-step process on how we make our videos - Using stock footage. We have revolutionized the ability to use AI generation to create content. The people are not necessary when you have the AI.
Super 481, activate. Yeah. Keep in mind that this poor image quality is purely because we're using RF because it's the only cable we've got. If we had a higher quality setup we would, but it does actually seem like it's a thing. So we've got 480 games for the Genesis. What do I do?
Wait, how'd you start? This is riveting! Yeah, if you really want a bunch of ROMs for your Genesis, you could buy this fake cartridge from TEMU, which I'm now going to open up and see what's inside after I turn off the horrible static. Because it says it's got four gigabytes, which obviously would be a tremendous amount for a Genesis cart, which had probably.
So we've got a button cell battery on the back and then we've got a bit of flash memory, an Alterra max little chip. So I guess I do kind of understand why this is $30, because I mean, good luck trying to get your hands on one of these, like trying to manufacture a new one today. Like this is probably all like super, super old stock or whatever.
I mean these chips probably made 15, 20 years ago. Ah, TEMU, what would we do with you when we wanna find elicit back market ROMs at kind of expensive pricing. - This isn't Back Market. - Nope. If it was Back Market, they probably would not be selling me fake ROMs.
Hey. Oh okay. This is the one that I saw on TEMU and didn't understand. This is the AR Game Console. This was not massively expensive, right? - It was kind of expensive. It's $53. - Oh, okay. The reason why this really stands out to me is that when you go on TEMU and you're looking for things, typically it falls into one of two categories. Either accessories or stuff for real consoles or fake versions of games or you know, knockoffs or emulators or whatever.
This actually seems like, at least on the surface, like an actual legitimate real standalone device, which is really strange. So I'm curious to play with it and see like, is this just based on something? Are we playing NES games in AR? Is this something that's completely unique? Like, I'm just really curious.
Okay, well we've already got some stuff. So HDMI, it's a good start. USB A to A cable. Very strange. This is an LED ball. It has a USB port on it. Is it? What the hell am I looking at here?
So confused. I'm so confused. Okay, so (laughs) it's got a face, of course it's got a face. Alright, we got a lot stuff going on here. So we've got a little projector of some sort, I think here. Maybe that's the camera. I'm not sure.
We have a USB port on the top, which I'm gonna guess is for the LED. We have a little switch on the back. HDMI, another USB-A and a microSD card, which is already installed, which is four gigabytes. So that's just, I'm guessing our gameslash OS or something.
It's telling me to plugin my wireless dance map that just equipped with batteries. - (laughs) - Huh? - Maybe it projects it on the ground. Well, I guess there's one way to find out. Ah, shouldn't have looked at that. Boy. That's an LED doing my eyeballs. I can't see anymore.
Here at Overclock Media, we strive for excellence, but in order to achieve this excellence, you'll watch through a 101-step process on how we make our videos - Using stock footage. We have revolutionized the ability to use AI generation to create content. The people are not necessary when you have the AI.
So I've got motion sport games, puzzle casual games, AR games, which apparently has a camera and classic games. Let's start with classic games. A boy and his blob, I'm going to play a boy and his blob. That's the game I'm playing now.
Oh, - It's just an (laughter) - I think I know what this, okay. Oh yeah, that's my, is that my blob? So this just has NES games. Oh, I'm supposed to throw 'em jelly beans. What?
Note: I have not removed any words from the original text and have reorganized them into a more readable format for web page while maintaining their original structure.
WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- This video is sponsored by Acronis.Today we are going to beputting TEMU to the test.I'm gonna be buying nothingbut gaming gear, games,game consoles, you name it from TEMU.We're gonna see is itreal or is it...fake?All right, let's justlook up Nintendo, right?Surely we're gonna seenothing but legit stuff here.Super Mario Odyssey for Nintendo Switch,which is a $41 copy of the game.Apparently it's 68%off. Normally it's $133!So this is one of those itemsthat seems pretty legit, right?Like surely they're not gonna gimme a fakeSuper Mario Odyssey, right?I feel like I've seen this before.It's a like PS Vita knockoffthat they just colored like a Switch.It apparently will play free gamesand it is for Christmas, Halloween,and a Thanksgiving Day gift.You know, I love to celebratethe Thanksgiving seasonby giving my loved onesin life a knockoff PS Vitathat is skinned to look like a Switch.But for 28 bucks, what could go wrong?Oh wait, no, this is actuallycool. Hold up, hold up.So it's just a little plugthat you put in the backof an N64 and it gives you a 1080p outwith a 3.5 mil audio jack.For 12 bucks, that's actuallylegitimately kind of cool.So these are like weird knockoff JoyConsthat are transparent,which I'm always a big fanof transparency, but it comeswith this like m sort of shape.So it's rotated around andit comes with both a highand a short 3D joystick for 18 bucks.Dude, I feel like I can do a whole videojust on Switch stuff.This is actually great. (laughs)Everyone ready to add RGB to your PS5?Well, with this uglyUSB powered extension,you can load it up inside yourPS5 and have beautiful RGB.Wow. Let's look up Razer.So, okay, there's a lot ofRazer stuff here. Is it real?So this is the Razer wiredergonomic universal game mouse.Boy, that font does notfill me with confidence.This is $17 mouse. Uh, sure.Oh, this is gonna bebad. A Switch VR headset.Now there are a couple ofSwitch games that do support VR.I'll give it a try. This is not going to be good.So with that, my friends, it is timeto push the big orange checkout buttonand I'll see you on the other side.I'm very excited for today's videobecause we got some reallylegitimately cool things.- Not legitimately.- Really, who needs a firstparty like Nintendo Sealof Quality?When I've got the TEMUseal of quality? What? No.All right. Oh, well I seea game right off the top.So what's different is, sothis is the Hong Kong versionof Super Mario Odyssey in Chinese,which hopefully there's anEnglish language option.Over on this side, we've gota Japanese model Switch Lite.Okay, so this seems totally legitimate.That's, I mean, that'sdefinitely a real Switch Lite.I mean, obviously you couldspend a little bit more moneyand get a US model Switch, which does comewith a proper warranty.But if you compare thatwith a used Switch, Imean, this seems fine.Thank you very much. Let'sthough, see how the game is.All right, inside, we've gota...a game.Of course, there's only one real true testto see if this is alegitimate Switch cartridge.- Don't doit. No, I'll, I'll, I'll- You mean put put it in the, the Switch.- It's real. That's very bitter.We'll see what we got. Yeah, it's just,this is just straightup Super Mario Odyssey.I love Bowser in his pimp arc.Yeah, I mean, look, Idon't know what there isto say negative about this.I mean, it is certainly anauthentic, legitimate Switch.The game is real.Everything works just fine.We can't say that we got scammed by TEMU.I mean, we got exactlywhat they promised atrelatively decent pricing.So, two thumbs up. Goodstart. Yeah, you know what?Here Ken, let's do this old school.Why don't you just throw me items?Yeah, we'll spice it up a little bit.- (laughs) Look, it's Ditto.- Ditto, Ditto, Ditto, Ditto.- You said like the good old days.- It is like the good old days.Snorlax.- Stop blocking the road.- How much did I pay for these Pokemonaccessories and accoutrement?- The Snorlax costume is $21and the Ditto plush is $9.- You know what? Good dealacross the board, I'm goingto use Ditto to transformback into Austin.Whoa, look it worked. Ha man!My little buddy knowshow to use Transform.To bad he didn't transforminto a better YouTuber.- Or a million dollars.- Yeah, I'd take a million dollars.A huge thank you to the sponsorof today's video, Acronis.Acronis Cyber Protect Home Office providescomplete protection foryour data and digital life.It's the only personal solutionWith a unique integration of cybersecurityand backup technologies.Safeguard your sensitive dataagainst all modern threatslike cutting edge cyberattacks, accidental deletion,disc failure or device loss.Gone are the days whereyou need several servicesto keep your data safe.Acronis saves you time, money,and it's super simple to manage everythingfrom a single interface.Bad actors are gettingsmarter and harder to stop.Acronis has your back withaward-winning backup softwarethat neutralizes cyber threatslike ransomware attacks.And you've also got comprehensivecoverage protecting youagainst malware and even identity theftwith features like 24 hoursupport, up to $1 millionin identity fraud protection,and real time monitoring and alerts,you can rest easy knowing that the thievescan't easily scam you.Just use the code toAustinEvans2023 for a 40% discount,which can be used forall home office products.And thank you again for Acronisfor sponsoring today's video.PS5. Okay, so we've got ourselves,we've got ourselves LEDstrip lights for PS5for both disc and digital,which looks just lovely.So after putting the little tiny bitsof adhesive on, let's give it a try.So I'm gonna start out with this fan.Now, I think I need to justroute them with the cablesthis way.Actually, you know what?That fits pretty well.Okay, before we actually testthis, let's get rid of this.A regular shell. What isthis? A Sony commercial?Oh, no, no. Oh, no, no, no.Let's take a look at these face plates.So this is the HonCamConsole Faceplate for PS5.If this looks a littledbrand-y to you, it'sbecause it's very dbrand-y.And if it looks like theyripped the Legion logo,they also did that too.Well, let's do it, my friends.And we've gotthe shell?You know what? That'sactually kind of nice.And here's the other side,which is the exact same kind of thing.So honestly, like fairlyhigh quality plastic.I mean, 34 bucks is notunreasonable, honestly.I mean, certainly cheaper thanany other options out there.And it is, it's nice.Like I thought this wasgonna be like super cheapy,but it's actually likepretty high quality plastic.Nope, that's not going on there. Uh-oh.I wonder, is this too thick?Is this causing a problem?Hey, just shove it really hard.Can we dim the lightsand see how this looks?So I'm gonna start cycling through.So I turn it green, for example.You can see what it's doing.It looks cool from the top.It looks, yeah. Like yeah,from the top. I agree.But boy that you know what?This is just not meant to beused with a shell like this.- I would argue it'salso not meant to be usedwith a black shell.Like I would say throwthe white shell back on,or...whoa!Okay. That looks kind of cool.- Wait, that chase actuallylooks surprisingly nice.Like it is fluid animation.- But you can see, look,if you watch the chase,you can see it doesn't quite line upwith the holes in this shell,which I guess is fair enough.You can see it kind ofgoes like up here. Okay.You know what? I had the perfect answerbecause we have another set of shells.Oh wow. That's a, well, thank you indeed.That is quite the shade of r-orange.Orange. Wow. So for context,this is a good shade of red.This is not,I think they forgot toturn the saturation up.Add a little extra red pigment in the dye'cause this is, ugh.Now I will say thatthis was also around $30and it's not even close.Those other plates are so much better.But let's put it on, let'smaybe fire up these LEDs againand see if it looks any better.(laughter)So, remember that thing I wastelling you about the qualityof these plates being a little subpar?Oh my gosh. Is that a super miniSN-01 Home Entertainment System?How much was this Cheapo McCheapo face?- It was $25.- Too expensive. Too expensive.So this is meant tolook like the SNES mini,except it's just look at, look, lookqualitysmells like,like nail polish remover.Let's fire up thisdisappointment of a console.- Give it a chance.- Wait, it's already on.- Maybe I spoke too soon.- Yeah, I think you did what the. Hey.Alright. It works. And it isa generic NES clone machine.Whoa. Can't believe it. UFO race.Nah. I actually do wanna playUFO race. That sounds fun.We're never gonna get toEarth at this rate. This is the audio.Listen to that beautiful audio.- What? It's just one lap.(laughter)- This is the, oh, this isour Genesis cart, right?- Yeah.- Wouldn't be buying fake stuff from TEMUwithout some sus ROMs and carts.So this is for the Genesisand this is the super 480 In 1Classic Collection Hot 4G bitwhich is probably enough forevery single Genesis game ever.You know what I'm kind of curious about?I'm gonna actually tryit. I'm gonna open it upand see what's inside this thing.- Beforeyou should try it first.- Hmm? Try, try it. Yeah.Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.I'll open it up in aminute after I try it.Can you remind me how much this one was?- This was a whopping $35.- This was $35? Yes.Okay, well, you know I gotnothing. Super 481, activate.Yeah. Keep in mind that thispoor image quality is purelybecause we're using RF becauseit's the only cable we've got.If we had a higher quality setup we would,but it does actuallyseem like it's a thing.So we've got 480 games for the Genesis.What do I do?Wait,how'd you start?This is riveting!Yeah, if you really want abunch of ROMs for your Genesis,you could buy this fakecartridge from TEMU,which I'm now going to openup and see what's insideafter I turn off the horrible static.Because it says it's got four gigabytes,which obviously wouldbe a tremendous amountfor a Genesis cart,which had probably, oh,so we've got a buttoncell battery on the backand then we've got a bit of flash memory,an Alterra max little chip.So I guess I do kind ofunderstand why this is $30,because I mean, good lucktrying to get your hands on oneof these, like trying tomanufacture a new one today.Like this is probably all like super,super old stock or whatever.I mean these chips probablymade 15, 20 years ago.Ah, TEMU, what would we dowith you when we wanna findelicit back market ROMsat kind of expensive pricing.- This isn't Back Market.- Nope.If it was Back Market, they probably wouldnot be selling me fake ROMs. (laughter)Hey. Oh okay.This is the one that I saw onTEMU and didn't understand.This is the AR Game Console.This was not massively expensive, right?- It was kindof expensive. It's $53.- Oh, okay. The reason whythis really stands out to me isthat when you go on TEMU andyou're looking for things,typically it falls intoone of two categories.Either accessories orstuff for real consolesor fake versions of gamesor you know, knockoffsor emulators or whateverthis is neither of those.This actually seems like,at least on the surface,like an actual legitimatereal standalone device,which is really strange.So I'm curious to playwith it and see like,is this just based on something?Are we playing NES games in AR?Is this something that'scompletely unique?Like, I'm just really curious.Okay, well we've already got some stuff.So HDMI, it's a good start.USB A to A cable.Very strange. This is an LEDball. It has a USB port on it.Is it? What the hell am I looking at here?So confused. I'm so confused.Okay, so(laughs) it's got a face,of course it's got a face.Alright, we got a lot stuff going on here.So we've got a little projectorof some sort, I think here.Maybe that's the camera. I'm not sure.We have a USB port on thetop, which I'm gonna guess isfor the LED.We have a little switch on the back.HDMI, another USB-Aand a microSD card, whichis already installed,which is four gigabytes.So that's just, I'm guessing our gameslash OS or something.It's telling me to plugin my wireless dance mapthat just equipped with batteries.- (laughs)- Huh?- It doesn't, the listingdoesn't say anything about a mat.- Maybe itprojects it on the ground.- Well, I guess there'sone way to find out.Ah, shouldn't have looked at that. Boy.That's an LED doing myeyeballs. I can't see anymore.Oh, there we go. Dude, it is so bright.That is not somethingyou should be looking at with your eyes.That hurt me.(upbeat stock music playing)- Here at Overclock Media,we strive for excellence,but in order to achieve thisexcellence, you'll watchthrough a 101 step processon how we make our videos- Using stock footage.We have revolutionized the abilityto use AI generation to create content.The people are not necessarywhen you have the AI.(beep)So I've got motion sportgames, puzzle casual games,AR games, which apparently hasa camera and classic games.Let's start with classic games.A boy and his blob, I'm gonnaplay a boy and his blob.That's the game I'm playing now.(theme music)- Oh,- It's just an(laughter)- I think I know what this, okay.Oh yeah, that's my, is that my blob?So this just has NES games.Oh, I'm supposed to throw 'em jelly beans.What?I don't know how to play"A boy and his blob."Okay, so it's got a bunchof NES games on itbecause of course it does.Let's try AR games next. Cut the fruit.Grazy Ping pong. HappyRope Skipping, Header Boy.Let's do cut the fruit.So, oh my god, it's an actual camera!What is this thing man? Thisis actually kind of cool.All right, I'm gonna moveit down a little bit.Ha ha. I'm a real person.I'm a fruit ninja. Ah, nope, nope.Let me do that dude,this is actually legit.Who would've thought thatI could find somethingthat's on TEMU?This is actually cool.Yeah, this thing is trulyone of the most bizarre itemsI've ever found on TEMUbecause it kind of worksand works pretty well.I mean the motion gamessuck, but the AR stuffand like the fact that they've got a bunchof NES games randomly like,this is actually kind of cool.And importantly it hassome great stock musicso you can just vibe.Razer DeathAdderEssential and Logitech G102.So these are mice that are maybeor maybe not legitimate,authentic and real.How much was this? 'Cause these areboth like way too cheap, right?- Yeah. So theRazer mouse is $17 andthe Logitech mouse is $23.- Both of the real versionsof these mice should be agood chunk more expensivethan that I would say.Even if they're some weird,like gray market something.Let's just take a lookat 'em one at a time.This Razer, I mean likethat looks like a dead giveawaythat that's a fake box.Like it's kind of similar,but I mean literally like the textalmost goes over the edge.Okay, well yeah, that'sokay, that's not real.Razer master guide.Pretty sure that thatis not the Razer font.Look at the way it was typed.It's like in the world'stiniest little font. No, there's no shot.I mean I think the real tell for bothof these things is gonna bewhen I actually plug them intothe laptop to see if they'rerecognized as generic miceor if they actually show up and work withLogitech or Razer software.It does say setting up RazerDeathadder Essential. Okay.And oh, Razer stuff ispopping up. It's legit.Yep. Look, I'll be honest, ifSynapse believes it, it looksas legit as it is.It is suspiciously cheap.I don't know what moreyou can say about it.Let's try the Logitech.It's got a little G on the bag.The, it's got that very thin cable,which looks like a real Logitech thing.This is a real mouse. Iam quite confident. G102.Oh yeah, the DPI selector's working.You know what, I think weactually have two legitimatemice from TEMU.Why, hello there it is acouple of weeks in the future,as you can see from theevolution of the set.And I have a different haircut.The main reason for this isthat we were actually missinga couple of items from TEMU,which ended up getting canceled.Now thankfully we actuallydid get refunds for bothof these automatically.It just took a few weeks.Beyond that though, let's takea look at some of the lastof our items including this.It's my JoyPad, not a JoyCon.Nope, that's copyrighted.And it's not for my Nintendo Switch.No, no, that's for my NSW.For world of knockoffJoyCons is quite extensiveand oh, that's nice.That actually is. They needto have a slide down thingso you're not a moron.So we actually have what seemsto be a pretty nicelooking JoyCon for $19.These work wirelessly,they feel better thanthe original Joycons.They have removable sticks,if I can figure out howto put them back on.It has this nice little rotating grip.They charge via USB-C and via the Switch.I literally, and unless maybethe vibration motor sucks,I actually don't have anythingbad to say about these.Oh, you know what? Thatvibration's actually not bad.I mean, it might not be quiteas nice as the full HD rumble,but it doesn't feel terrible, certainlyfor a third party controller.And I will say that thosetaller sticks make quite a bigdifference because withthe standard height sticks,it's fine.But this definitely feelslike I've got a little bitmore range of motion.This is really legit for$19 as my battery runs out.What a perfect segue to......our second set of JoyCons.Look, I couldn't helpmyself. Okay, so 27 bucks.I have slightly higherexpectations, mostly justbecause these are so good.I'm gonna say something I may regret.I think these are the bestJoyCons I've ever used.Like obviously just kindof first impression stuff.But these feel better thanJoyCons in pretty much every way,which means that these are gonna havesome stiff competition.And also I thinkwhat we're learning hereis don't buy real JoyCons.So these are a little bit more similarto the standard size of JoyCons.In fact, they're actuallypretty much the same.So if I put that side byside with an original JoyCon,of course it's gotta have theturbo and the macro button,but largely looks the same I'll say.The party trick withthese though should bethat if we connect it to our Switch oneand two, Hey we got RGB!Eh, you know what?That actually looks kind of cool, right?I mean you can, if youlook closely, you can seethat there's just like four LEDs there.So they bleed a little bit on each side.So it's not quite as diffused,but like honestly,for less than 30 bucks,do you really care?'Cause I don't, you knowwhat I'm missing here?There's no rumble on these JoyCons.A little bit of a ding I mean, again,I use my Switch Lite, whichdoesn't also have any rumble,but that's probably the maindownside here is that there's no rumble.Whereas the cheaper JoyCons doactually have rumble as well.Nah, go go with these. Go with these.Honestly, this is legit.Before the Apple Vision Pro,before the Meta Quest 3,there was the real GOATwhen it comes to virtual reality.We're talking about the Nintendo Switch.Yes, my friends, the NintendoSwitch does support VR.So let's take a look at theheadset, which I'm sure is gonnabe as basic as it gets.Oh yeah, dude, you knowwhat this reminds me of?Of there is an era, you know,in like 2013, 2014, 2015,where everyone's using phone based VR.So things like Gear VR,Google Cardboard, Daydream.Wow, this looks awful. Oh my god.So the problem with this isthat you're looking at a 1280by 720p display, which is split.So you only get half ofthose pixels per eye.And then the only tracking to speakof is really just the gyroscope.So like as I move it isonly vaguely connected.You know, actually, I will say though,that first impression,actually adjusting thesemakes a fairly big difference.It's not good, but atleast it's kind of doable.Unless you are obsessedwith trying all the VRcapabilities of Nintendo Switch,this is probably left in2018 where we found it.So that my friends is everythingwe've gotten from TEMU,we actually got some prettygood stuff this time aroundand some not so good stuff.It's almost like buyingfake gaming gear on TEMU.comis not always a great idea.Who would've guessed?All we need to do issubscribe to the channeland Ring-a-ling that ding-a-ling buttonand happiness will becoming straight to youmy baby birds, just keep on flying.Never stop. You just gottaflap flap, flap away.Flap flap, flap away.So you reach the sky, realizeit's really cold up there.You wanna go back down tothe ground 'cause warmer.Oh, sorry, I - And of course,huge thank you to Acronisfor sponsoring today's video.Flap, flap, flap away.