I went into this feeling pretty confident. I was like okay, you know what, I've got my skills, I've got my knowledge, and I know what I'm looking for. But this is me knowing that I'm in a room full of cameras, and that's the best I could do. I get plays, I find half of them, maybe not even so that was totally crazy.
So something I'm curious about – you have a mixture of cameras here. Some of these record two SD cards, but some of them actually stream to an app, right? Yeah, most of these streamed in and stream very well, to be honest. But they did all through a single app, so the clock, the Bluetooth speaker, the smoke detector, and the alarm clock were all capable of streaming.
Also, this is a real battery bank rate. Yeah, so all of these devices actually do something like they actually function – the UM, the smoke detector, you know what really tricked me out? It was the pen. Yeah, this looks like a real pen, I mean you can actually take it off and you'll see it's essentially like a fountain pen.
Right, and in fact, you were trying to show me earlier that actually you can put those little ink cartridges in, it will write... when you put it in say like a little thing full of pens. You're never ever ever going to notice it. The only reason even when you point it out, I was able to spot it was the fact that it was warm.
Right, and that's one of the things that is a giveaway with all these things – a lot of them are warm. Like a normal clock is not warm and normal like an alarm clock or a battery bank; they don't ever get warm. But because they're constantly recording, they do tend to heat up a little bit.
So I guess if we were going to do this again, I would probably want to employ a thermal camera because you would be able to steal a little bit more of like, hey why is that thing warm? But you're getting into really paranoid territory if you're walking around with one of these things in a thermal camera and flashlights and stuff.
So this here really didn't work at all for us. The RF detection really doesn't work anymore; it used to work when there was no smart devices, but what we were hoping that would work is the laser detection. So if you look through here, you know what? You're doing your flashlight – this red light should have shined on these lenses.
But it really didn't. We try it ourselves, and the only one that really worked on was the actual camera. This is meant to be seen; I mean it's the thing where technology just come so far right? The fact that you've got cameras which are this small or that... this small, that can be easily hidden in these items means that it's pretty much open game.
And especially given that this stuff is not hard to find. Right? And it's one Amazon search away and like you know one day prime shipping – and you have a whole host of super sketchy things. It's easy to be paranoid; it's easy to look at the stuff in odd Oh, everyone's gonna be recording you all the time.
But I mean if you are even slightly suspicious, there's a lot of things that you can do. I would say walk around like really thoroughly check things out. I mean a lot of this stuff is very very concealed. And the thing is – a lot of these things work right? Like these are proper spy gear and this is a real wireless charger, this is a real battery bank.
And yet they do have that camera, and it is recording. And especially like... especially when you look at the app stuff right? Like it's one thing if like someone has to break into your apartment to plant a battery bank or something or try to get the SD card back. But it's a completely other thing when there's a wireless right there which is constantly streaming video.
There is some consolation – most of these failed on us; they're not recording. There's a lot of them that just stopped working and work the stream stopped. You mean like I have great internet so that's like not the issue; they just... they're cheap, cheap, cheaply made. You spend a bit more money, I'm sure you're getting stuff yeah it is of higher quality.
Yeah and even more dangerous right? So sleep easy at night friends because big brother is certainly watching if not Ken will be yeah yikes