Top 4 Programming Languages to Learn in 2019 to Get a Job Without a College Degree

The Power of Python: Unlocking its Potential as a Programming Language

As I reflect on my recent experience with Python, I am reminded of why it's become one of the most popular programming languages in the world. From being built by Instagram and YouTube to powering Google and Reddit, Python is indeed the language that can do it all. Its simplicity and versatility make it an ideal choice for developers of all levels.

I was at a D-Wave quantum computing event with CS Dojo and Siraj Raval recently, where we were introduced to the world of quantum computing. And guess what? The programming language used in this cutting-edge field is none other than Python. Another thing that's very hot for Python is called data science. With data science, Amazon uses data science to recommend products to customers that they never even thought they needed. Netflix recommends movies based on user preferences, and facial recognition technology uses machine learning algorithms to identify faces. These applications of data science are made possible by Python's heavy involvement in this field.

Python's popularity is evident in its fastest-growing status among programming languages. It has surpassed PHP in terms of growth rate and is now on its way to becoming the most popular programming language in the world. According to the Stack Overflow 2018 survey, Python is the most wanted programming language, and its learning curve is almost non-existent, making it an ideal choice for beginners.

One of the reasons why I think Python should be your first choice as a beginner is that it allows you to start building powerful applications quickly. With Python, you can run code online and start experimenting with different frameworks and libraries. This makes it an excellent language to learn before moving on to more complex languages like C++ or Swift.

If you're interested in developing games for Unity or creating iOS apps using Swift, there's no need to worry because you can still learn Python first. In fact, knowing Python will make it easier to jump into these languages and learn them faster. The salary for Python developers is a staggering $116,000 per year, making it one of the highest-paying programming languages out there.

So, what's most important to understand when choosing a programming language? It's crucial to align your choice with your ultimate vision and plan. Whether you're interested in data science, machine learning, game development, or mobile app development, Python has the potential to help you achieve your goals.

To take your Python skills to the next level, I have created a three-part epic masterclass that covers everything from the basics to advanced topics. This comprehensive training is completely free of charge and includes exclusive access to an online community where you can connect with other developers and get support when you need it. The course also lays out a specific path for you to go from being a beginner to freelancing, landing a full-time job, or even building your own startup.

In conclusion, Python is an incredibly powerful programming language that offers unparalleled versatility and flexibility. Whether you're just starting out or looking to advance your career, Python has the potential to unlock your full potential as a developer. With its extensive applications in data science, machine learning, game development, and mobile app development, it's no wonder why Python has become one of the most popular programming languages in the world.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- Hey you, in this videoI'm gonna be showing youthe top four programminglanguages to learn in 2019to get a job without a college degree.The way that I've ranked these languages,just like my last video.They're based on three things:Number one.The time it takes evenan absolute beginnerto go from complete zeroand ultimately getting a jobwithout needing a college degree.Number two, the job market.Now this is the mostimportant one you guys,this is what you're here for, the salary,how much money are you making.And number three, productivity.How fast can you go fromconception of an ideato a completely coded applicationthat another person can use.Lastly, I'll be showing youthe Conor McGregor and the Khabibof the programming languages.Oh, by the way, I havea picture with Khabib.And I'll also reveal to youthe programming languagethat has officially been Googledmore than Kim Kardashian.So without any further ado,let's jump right into it.(intense music)This is Rafeh Qazi alsoknown as Papa Pythonfrom Python is officiallymy brand new title.So, now we're going to coverthe top four programming languagesto learn in 2019 to get a jobwithout needing a college degree.Number four, C++.I got a lotta heat fornot putting this onein my last video, so I decidedto put it in this video.Now, this programminglanguage is very powerful,people from software developmentall the way to gamedevelopment are using it.If you've ever heard ofthe engine called Unity,that's using C++, and ifyou can program in C++,you can also use Unityto create awesome games.However, it's a difficultprogramming languageto get started with.It's kinda like if youwanted to learn how to swimand your big brother just takes youand throws you in the ocean,and he's like, go figure it out.So C++, just to recap,great programming language,great salary, not good to start off with.And the salary for C++, a $115,000 a year.Number three, Swift.Swift is a native iOS programming languageused to create things in the App Store.So how freaking cool is that,imagine you are going through your iPhoneand you go to the App Store,and when you download stuffall of that is made using Swift.Swift also comes from theC programming languages,so it came from Objective C,and then C++ happened and all that.So it's similar to C.Now if you know C++you're gonna be able tolearn Swift pretty quickly.Con for this is the same as C++,because it comes from the C family,it's naturally a lotharder to start off with.If I'm using technicalterms, you wanna start offwith the more dynamic programminglanguage, this is static,which makes it harderto learn as a beginner.Now Swift is really goodfor freelancing work,entrepreneurial work, if youwanna build your own startup.And it's really good forgetting a full-time job.The average salary of a Swift developeris $110,000 per year,according to two, JavaScript.Now, who I'm introducing you to,I like to call the ConorMcGregor of programing.How should I describe JavaScript?It's awesome, it's cool, it has style.It's super popular, it's atthe tip of everybody's tongue,it's always trending, it wears a nice suitand it's the most popular whenit comes to web development.Now, I'm gonna talk about,not such good sides of JavaScript.Like Conor McGregor, JavaScriptkeeps changing a lot.So, Conor McGregor going toboxing, coming back to UFC.JavaScript, it always has alotta new things coming outwhich completely changed its language.So if you're a beginner, yesit's an easy language to learn.It's a lot easier to learn than Swift,it's a lot easier to learn than C++.But, there's so many waysof doing the same thingthat it can make you fallinto traps and confuse you.And like Conor McGregor, it has again,many new features and newthings coming into it, right?So for example, oh React is hot,or Node is hot.And new frameworks keep being addedand new features to thelanguage keep being addedand it's hard to becomereally really good at it,especially when you'rejust starting out, okay?So when you're starting out,you wanna do something that's simple,that works every time.And then you can come to the fun stuff,the hot and the exciting stuff.That's how I would describe JavaScript.Great Language, by theway, and really really fun.I love it myself.The average salary fora JavaScript developeris $110,000 per year.Now, moving on to themost powerful and amazingprogramming language.Number one.(drum roll)Erlang.Did I trick you there?Because it's not Erlang, it's Python.Why is this the numberone programming language?Well, let me start my friend.This is the part that gets me excited,this is the part I madethis entire video for,just so I could talk about Python.It's officially been Googledmore than Kim Kardashian in 2018.That should just be reasonenough, go start doing Python,just quit this video.The second reason, is thatit's kinda like Khabib.It's very relaxed, calm,doesn't talk about allthese new modules coming outand new frameworks coming out,but it can do all of theheavy lifting that you need.Instagram is built with Python,YouTube is built with Python,Google is built with Python,Reddit is built with Python,Quora is built with Python,Hipmunk is built on Python,NASA runs on Python.And actually just twodays ago I was in Canadaand I was at a D-Wavequantum computing eventwith CS Dojo and Siraj Raval,and they revealed to us quantum computing.And guess what programming languagethe quantum computing people are using?Okay guys, I'm here with.- Moshino.And he works at D-Wave.What framework are you using?- (foreign language)- Boom!That's right, Python.Another thing that's very hot for Pythonis called data science.With data science,Amazon uses data scienceto recommend to you stuffthat you never eventhought that you needed.Netflix recommends youmovies, you're like,I didn't even know Iwanted to watch this movieand I watched it andit's freaking awesome.When you use your phone andit recognizes your face,whether you're laughing, crying, smiling,you have a weird face,that's using data scienceand machine learning.And Python is very heavyon data science and machine learning.Those salaries go from like $100,000to something crazy liketwo, 300 or even $400,000.Another thing I want youto know about Python is,it's the fastest-growingprogramming language.So it has beat out otherprogramming languages like PHP.It's also the most wantedprogramming languageaccording to the StackOverflow 2018 survey.And it's on its way to becomethe most popular programminglanguage in the world.Oh, and one important thingthat I did not mention,it's the best one to start off with,especially if you're a beginner.The learning curve is almost none,you can run it even online,and you can start building things with itvery very very quickly.So, in my mind, if you couldstart off with something simpleand built things that's really powerful.And it's future-proof,so you can be using it for years to come.Let's say even if you want to learnprogramming languages like C++.Because let's say you wannabecome a Unity game developer,I totally understand.Or let's say you wanna learn Swiftbecause you want to develop iOS apps,or maybe you wanna learn JavaScript'cause it's kind of like Conor McGregorand maybe you like Conor McGregorand you like nice suitsand nice frameworks,that's totally okay too.If you start off with Python,you can very quickly and easilyjump to JavaScript and learn it,jump to C++ and learn itor jump to Swift and learn it.So I want you to start off withPython if you're a beginner.With that said, Pythonaverage salary for developersis a $116,000 a year.Now, I would like to show youthe salary for all of these.So here is the salary forC++ developer,a Swift developer,a JavaScript developerand a Python developer.Everybody makes really good money.What's most important to understand iswhich of these falls in linewith your ultimate visionand your ultimate plan?Look if this video helped youand you want to dive inand go a little bit deeper,I have a three-part epic masterclass,it's un-freaking-believableand it will blow your mind.There's a three-part master classalong with an exclusive training.All of these arecompletely free of charge.So in this, I wanna show youhow you can be on your pathto start becoming a six-figure developer.I also show you thedifferent job opportunitiesthat exist in the market,and I lay down the specificpath for you to go from...Maybe if you're a beginnerright now, all the way to,how can you get freelancing clientsor get a full-time job or maybeeven build your own startup.I lay down the entire foundation,I put down this three epicpart training, completely free.It's in the descriptionbelow in the YouTube video,if you're watching it onYouTube just click the link.I want you to go to that master class,just put in your emailand it will send you all those videos.All right my friend, that is it,that is all I have for you today.Thank you so much for watching this.I love you, I appreciateyour beautiful face.That's it.And I'll see you in the next video.(intense music)\n"