The World of Audio Post-Production: A Conversation with Scott Hirsch
In this conversation, we sat down with Scott Hirsch to discuss his work in audio post-production and how different software applications can be used to achieve similar goals. Scott has been working in the industry for a while, and has gained a wealth of knowledge about various tools and techniques.
Composers often use logic to write music for movies because it's an easy and flexible platform that can handle complex sound designs. However, there are other software applications that also offer similar features, such as Pro Tools and Ableton Live. Scott noted that he uses primarily Pro Tools for his work on sound design and editing, but also has experience with Logic Pro and Ableton Live.
When it comes to mixing a short film, the choice of software can be just as important as the tools used. Scott mentioned that he's worked on several projects using different software applications, including Logic Pro, Pro Tools, and Audition (an Adobe product). While all three platforms offer similar capabilities, each has its own unique strengths and weaknesses.
One thing that sets Scott apart from other audio engineers is his willingness to learn new skills and adapt to changing technologies. He recently completed a series of courses on film editing for film using Logic Pro, Pro Tools, and Ableton Live. The goal of these courses was not only to teach students how to use each software application, but also to show them the universal principles that apply across different platforms.
One of the key takeaways from Scott's courses is the importance of understanding synthesis and sound design techniques. Synthesizers can be intimidating at first, especially for those who are new to audio engineering. However, with practice and patience, anyone can learn to create unique sounds using virtual instruments like the EsTu, or software plugins like Native Instruments Massive.
Scott also emphasized the need to think beyond application-specific skills and instead focus on learning universal principles that can be applied across different platforms. This is especially true in today's digital audio landscape, where many apps offer similar capabilities and tools.
To take your audio post-production skills to the next level, Scott recommends checking out his courses on (now known as LinkedIn Learning). With a free 10-day trial, you can access a vast library of courses on Logic Pro, Pro Tools, Ableton Live, and more. From programming basics to advanced synthesis techniques, there's something for everyone.
In conclusion, audio post-production is a complex and multifaceted field that requires a deep understanding of software applications and universal principles. By learning from experts like Scott Hirsch, you can unlock new skills and take your work to the next level. Whether you're just starting out or looking to refresh your knowledge, there's never been a better time to explore the world of audio post-production.
As we wrapped up our conversation with Scott, he offered some parting advice: "Don't be afraid to try new things and experiment with different tools and techniques." He also recommended checking out his courses on, which offer a wealth of information on Logic Pro, Pro Tools, Ableton Live, and more. With Scott's guidance and expertise, you'll be well on your way to becoming a skilled audio engineer in no time.
Scott also mentioned that he has another course coming up soon on creating effects using Reason and other software plugins. He encouraged our listeners to check it out and learn more about this exciting world of audio post-production.
Finally, Scott wanted to give our listeners a special offer: with a free 10-day trial on (now LinkedIn Learning), you can access all of his courses and explore the world of audio post-production at your own pace. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, there's never been a better time to learn and grow as an audio engineer.
"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: enCook's final thoughts on a game-changing day that he says would have made his mentor be you told me you began designing and developing this watch after Steve Jobs died do you do you think he'd be smiling at what you announced today I think of him every day and I miss him dearly but today I I think he's smiling and welcome to the low Caskey fast 30 plus minute I'll conversation you're gonna hear all week long I'm you know Stefan Elijah joining me today a band of merry men he's the Little John to my Robin Hood buster Chinese here hey man hey and of course no Sherwood Forest would be complete without the lovely maid marian AKA alex hehe hello that was accurate your man and many voices Alex your female is spot on we got a great show planned for you guys this week so as you probably know we have a big apple event coming up monday the spring forward event such a cheeky name when you guys think so yeah it's so punny so it's so yeah that's right it's a good word I like that so we're doing talking about everything we expect we're of course expecting the Apple watch but if we're gonna see anything else there and then we go through and talk about some of the things that we actually know or think we know about the Apple watch and kind of go through things that we've probably talked about in past shows but sum it up very succinctly well maybe not succinctly but all in one place you guys come to know what to expect on monday also i'm curious i thought it'd be fun to do you like little price guessing game guys so we can guess prices on the three different models and then we'll come Monday we'll see who's actually right I know I've asked you guys just before but i think it's it's a bears repeating are you guys planning on actually buying the Apple watch Alex oh fo sho are you gonna go for the gold cuz it's gonna be like some thousand dollars uh yeah i'm thinking the gold with all the bands so come on I was like for me it was like for me it was like get a new car get Apple wat and I think Apple watches were functional I think you made the way at the right choice there how could a car possibly be more functional than an Apple watch Buster would buy you yeah you know like you know obligated for work to buy one so I will a true apple fan ladies and gentlemen I mean that's just you know the reality of it I don't really you know I mean to do my job I have to i know right Apple watch and actually I feel the exact way I don't know if I'd really recommend people buying it first gen but right now it's gonna be one of those classic first gen apple products like the ayat lik the original iphone that is probably probably going to be pretty limited v1 yeah but we all kind of have to happen it's going to be about it yeah and you're gonna be able to say like oh I own the first Apple watch ya know is when everybody has one uh-huh I remember how sunny it was see but I don't ever say that with like the first iphone yashka say i don't know like try you that has even know like i bought the first iphone on day one like yeah the people are like who cares it doesn't make you any cooler to anyone don't think like I went out and spent a bunch of money on this product that most people generally agreed wasn't super functional they're like oh yeah um I should probably mention real fast you guys might hear Alex kind of dipping in and out he seems to be having some internet issues because in Kentucky they're having like blizzard watch 2015 Alex how many feet of snow apocalypse Nepal is like the fifth snowpocalypse of the year yeah no it's the second it's the second like official snowpocalypse it's like the third time in a row that I feel like we've had a cold cast with you in the middle of a blizzard back yes it happened pretty regularly and it's almost spring I know it's terrible okay well Before we jump into all the show goodness I do want to say thank you to Linda for supporting this episode live com ly n da com you know what I love about Linda guys is I'm gonna be a little hokey here for a minute think that one of the best feelings in the world is growth just getting better at something you know that feeling but you get you guys ready you guys I was gonna go totally different direction in jail yeah grow that I was good yes thought I was gonna talk about buns hahaha I think getting good at something that you struggle with is one of the best things in the world and that's one thing i love about linda is it's like you know what you start with something like an application like photoshop and you're looking at it and you apps you have absolutely no idea what you're doing and then by you know a certain point you kind of kind of have a good feeling for how everything works and you're actually being productive in this tool that you didn't know before Linda calm has over 3000 high quality video courses for you to choose from that will help you get better at business at UX at Photoshop at photography they don't just teach applications they have a whole plethora of apps or lessons that don't just teach you about apps but teach you about general course topics like business photography those types of things I did an interview with one of their one of their instructors Scott Hirsch and I call him a Linda instructor but he's he's so much more than that he teaches at New York University and he is an absolute audio pro he's done you know movie editing sound editing for music you name it he knows all these in all these applications like logic reason pro tools inside and out he knows everything about them I didn't interview with them little while ago and I didn't get to broadcast so I'll be broadcasting that at the end of this show and if you're interested in logic if you're interested in reason if you're stood in creating sounds for synth you know like those little synth app so you can get on the iPhone or on the iPad or on your math to create cool digital sounds stay tuned for it it's about 20 minutes long and a Scott goes over his preference of logic pro versus Pro Tools when you would use each and why and why audio professionals prefer each one or the other and he talks about a whole lot more than that I learned quite a few things and hopefully you will too so stay tuned to till the end for my interview with Scott Hirsch and also go check out Linda calm IM da calm ford / coke cast where you can start your own 10 day free trial which gives you complete access to Linda's entire catalog you can learn all you want for free for 10 days you can access their courses on your iPhone on your Mac whatever device you have on your android device and you can get your learn on and if you are interested in any of Scott's courses because we'll cover some of the ones that he teaches in my interview with him you can actually just start your free trial and start learning from those courses right away someone thank Linda for supporting this episode lym da com fort / call cast before we talk about the spring forward event guys I think it's interesting to mention apple officially wants to be recognized as a car maker I I thought this is very interesting uh you know I did it too but then somebody told me it's really not a big deal because they've also done things for like home stuff as well but basically they're lawyers in Zurich they had the corporate description expanded so that it includes vehicles at well as well so in the future my car mmm you mean the Apple car Apple car since I card away from the moniker the I moniker the Johnny car I think they should call the Johnny car yeah cuz that sounds like Johnny cab from total real so I also thought it was cool that this this new I don't even know what to call it this new function of the company is not just able to create cars they can also build ships and aircraft anti-theft devices bicycles golf carts wheelchairs the Apple wheelchair imagine how cool that would be motorcycles Oh incredible the Napa motorcycle that Apple Segway that would be to eat a snack without an apple stuff away I think I'm pretty excited about the Apple golf court idea to that seems like something that Apple needs to get into for all those golf enthusiasts out there so interesting development yeah I mean all of a sudden apples not just making computers and phones and stuff but they have officially designated themselves as a company that could build vehicles this may mean something it may mean nothing but it's certainly interesting nonetheless yeah okay let's go ahead and move on let's talk about the let's move on to the meat potatoes of the episode no more dilly-dallying let's talk about the March 9th Apple spring forward event most them here it is my question to you buster apple said that they're going to be broadcasting the stream live yeah what language do you think we'll get to enjoy it in i'm gonna guess ethiopian do they do ethiopian I don't know but it prob possibly maybe yeah that's definitely a possibility i was thinking it's gonna be maybe mandarin mandroid was I mean that was last time and it was okay but I just feel like they should go with a different one maybe German this time that would be pretty cool one thing is almost certain is we will not see it eating yeah that's gonna be it's not gonna be Phil Schiller's voice that we hear it's gonna be some some interpreter or if you do get it ill you know break up and everything the entire time oh man I I really hope they get this one right historically speaking you guys probably all know Apple always seems a struggle really badly with these live streams I don't understand with in today's day and age with amazon and with microsoft like as your services all these like huge cloud services that Apple uses why they're having such a hard time do I hope Digital streaming I imagine that every time the demand is way more than they expect that's that's my guess well I well I don't know the language thing was just somebody on the back end well I think what happened the English the English stream went to crap and so they're like okay quick we got to do something before Tim Cook realizes what's going on and comes back here and pimp slaps us all so they just diverted to the asian feed or to the Chinese feed because they needed to have something up right they can't just leave it blank you have any drug schedule that's why it's that truck schedule like that that scene that you you would see on TV when a station like it wasn't broadcast yeah exactly do you think that the streams actually gonna work this year let's hope so I mean uh possibly possibly i'll give it seventy percent on I'm gonna give it 60 it's a 64 shades of perhaps it might be working so a they added the link to apples home page 98 or doesn't that you meant start at ten a.m. on monday or nine ten a.m. today yeah so go there click on the link I'm sure they'll have it front and center yeah and UT you could sit there frustrated as we all try to watch this thing live can't wait and you guys are covering it live right yeah I'll be it will be live you go that stuff alex is back gonna back I spoke to sip it alex e they're here okay good we can hear you clusters Buster's right we're gonna have the best live blog the absolute best below yeah so but then what happens if the the stream goes down how do you guys cover it we got sources inside the center yeah and we make it up to ya you just make stuff up completely the gold Apple edition will be priced at fifty thousand dollars and I bet nobody will even you know bad night yeah as long as we're talking about the three different edition so we obviously expect the Apple watch it's going to come in three editions the sport the Apple watch which has the steel band and then the gold edition we know the sports 350 I'm gonna I'm gonna be buying my sport edition with the with the white band for 350 like you already got that dad about God or yeah I'm not gonna I'm not gonna spend more than that I mean great to me doesn't make any sense what about this space gray finish instead of all heirloom finish yeah that's a positive i'm doing space gray specify my to wait are you talking about the band color or the actual the actual watch the sport comes in a stainless steel or an aluminum finish and a space grace the so black order to finish get them it's a black band we just it's murdered out sinners sister that's what that means or yeah I'm gonna rock that so bad yeah lizard hurt I'm uh I'm kind of into the whole white thing like the white band thing and I like really like the white iphone i tried the black one this time just to kind of try it i think i might go back to white next time I just like the way it looks with the silver against it so i might do that one but how much do you think the steel editions gonna cost with just the Apple watch one thousand dollars you things give you a thousand I think it's gonna be 1111 why 1100 cuz I think that I think back to that John guru piece where he was talking about how the the actual band itself was incredibly labor-intensive to build uh-huh so I think it's gonna cost at least a thousand but I don't I don't for whatever reason I just get the impression that Apple is gonna try and price a little bit higher because it has the premium band yeah well I think we should probably talk about the different way that I think it will be sold because i think that the way you'll buy it will be like you'll get the Apple watch and then you'll have like your choice of band which depending on which type of band you pair with that watch it will raise the price up you have a good point doesn't this steel edition have I call I'm calling the apple watch edition that you know the regular out the stainless steel addition it has a stainless steel body though yeah so that one I mean you might be able to get different bands but I think it's gonna be a base price for the for the steel band and then the steel edition watch yeah well I guess that's the thing I don't know if it'll come with that steel band I guess it probably will or the link one but I think you're gonna have it you're gonna you're gonna have the choice between do you want like the stainless steel band or the Milanese looper all that the leather OOP use the other loop I don't even know what is a Milanese leap I don't even know what that is the villainies loop is like and I think that's the one that you're thinking about the one that it required tons of extra work it's the one that has all the little stainless steel rings interlock together that's gonna be chainmaille yeah gotcha okay I think this stainless steel apple watch will cost between five to seven hundred dollars no way away yeah the bands and the bands depending on the yeah you know what's funny buster is I didn't even know he was there I thought he was gone like he's with listening the whole time a creeper I have been oh yeah I keep making your internet yeah I keep figured that you got booted it be it says you're still here Alex quick your point in before your Blizzard takes away your debt I think I i think the stainless steel watch will start at five to seven hundred dollars and I think like the Milanese loop band could cost and upwards of a thousand dollars okay and those I guess they got my question so do you think apple will sell like just the Apple watch case itself and that you're saying that just the stainless steel thirty eight millimeter Apple watch case will cost 500 to 700 base yeah I wouldn't i am on to that and that's gonna buy will surprise exact yeah and i wouldn't be surprised if the sport comes with a sport band yes because they're like cheapest and then for the other word it for the other models i think you're yeah yeah good point I mean that's the big thing is how Apple's gonna sell because you don't sell it just like an iphone because there's so much customization just when you purchase it that I don't I don't know if everything's gonna be ready right in the box you know I think it one right the case the the sport the Apple watch or the apple watch edition or the Apple watch sport case which is just a little block and then separately you're gonna get the the bands with them okay so let's talk about the gold one before I move into how this thing is actually gonna be sold which i think is an interesting topic in and of itself so the gold edition buster what do you think it what how much it'll be yeah how much they charge just like the base level one case i don't like base five thousand i think it's gonna be five okay i think it's probably gonna be 40 k is alex with us oh i think i think cuz the New Yorker piece on Johnny I've met yeah and it mentioned that excellent point oh yeah so does the matter oh alrighty we're back sorry about the the audio quality issue alex is got three or four feet of snow at his house and in gale force winds it's like that scene in the day after tomorrow where gets almost or text polar vortex he just 10 freezes everyone instantly alex is covered in aluminum foil and newspapers trying to keep warm but apparently Red Hook 6 30 bucks head and in his own human excrement whatever you saw Buster and I you and I always have perfect internet connections dude it's cuz we live in civilized places less messy exactly exactly that must be why but you know Leander lives in San Francisco and he always seems to be our one that's true okay so Buster and I just gonna keep manpower and through this so Buster we were talking about the gold edition watch you think it's gonna be five I think it's gonna be four I don't know what Alex was saying but I'm getting things that's not he thinks it's gonna be a lot what he's gonna think it's gonna be plus or minus four thousand I don't know we know that he wasn't going to agree with either of our possessions it could have been a lot higher a la loire I think that the the gold edition is going to be interesting I think there's going to be a base model that appenzell at the apple store right and then there's going to be the models that are only available through exclusive retailer so if you go to Cartier for example they're going to sell edition of the addition watch that is exclusive to them if they have helped design in some way and those the ones that are going to be mega expensive because i don't think that apple can sell the car da edition you know via the apple store or v or the online store they have to sell through that retailer well so what they're planning to do is I don't think they're going to do is like that with kar gaye and have it put the cardi eight brand right next to like the apple brand because then that D values the apple brand for the luxury but what they're doing is they're doing pop-up shops at like super fancy stores in London and France and stuff like that outside of apples retail locations that mean but you won't be able to you know go to best buy and buy a gold Apple watch that's for sure haha the best buy edition yeah do that and I think they're gonna be it wouldn't surprise me I think they're gonna be made in limited quantities so you'll have Cartier or you know whomever creates a limited edition watch that they may only sell you know five hundred or thousand up but they'll be insanely expensive how does that sound to you I don't think they're gonna do any like Cartier Gucci I think that they'll be limited just because not a lot of people are gonna want to drop fifty thousand dollars on an expensive Apple watch yeah yeah but I don't know I don't know if they're gonna do like I don't because like Birkin like they do that kind of stuff too like oh there's only five hundreds of these ostrich bags you know so I think that could be one way that they kind of push it to fashionistas make it limited they're gonna have to make it limited in some way I mean a that's kind of the nature of the fashion business right i think is main limit and runs but if you're going to charge and this has always been my position if you're going to charge top dollar for for a product that functionally is exactly the same as a product that you could get for three hundred fifty dollars i mean the addition watch they charged 5,000 for it functionally it's exactly the same as the as the sport model right yeah but it's not about function exactly fashion exactly so they're gonna have to be very exclusive and very limited and that way you can get people to kind of be like oh gosh I have to get this now otherwise it's gonna be sold out you know yeah and you know I mean there's just you know the one percenters who got money to burn like $20,000 on Apple watches nothing because they spent fifty thousand dollars on a Cartier watch you know right and they wear that one four times a month and that's it you know so I don't think like people saying like I don't know where Apple's gonna find all these sales like there's definitely hundreds of thousands of people out there in the US alone that are spending ridiculous not the money on fashion items for no reason yeah they just how it's just gonna be a matter of getting into the retailer's where these custom shop and like just earning like that mindshare I think with like the fashion community that Apple is on that same level as a Cartier watch as far as like gets really expensive and like it's a status symbol type thing you know okay so we talked about the different editions we talked about the pricing it'll be interesting to see what app Apple actually does when do you think it'll be available to actually buy so South pre-orders and then when it's get a ship oh if the events coming up soon and I mean pre-orders must be around the corner and then shipping I'm saying the beginning of April if Tim Cook said they're going to ship in April it sounds like they they're gonna ship at the beginning of April I think that you're probably right I think we're going to see pre-orders I'm gonna go out on a limb and say they'll there they're gonna start accepting pre-orders right away no way you don't think so and if they don't miss a Friday it'll be friday that was gonna be my next guest house the hedge my bet hair so it's gonna be available right away or it's gonna be available friday and then it'll ship to us from that and then the release would be like two weeks from that friday exactly which that would be in march still I think it might be the end of March yeah when people actually start engagement notifications yeah let's talk about apps for a moment this is one of those things I was actually reading a while ago that Apple had a lot more planned for the Apple watch and they had all these experts that we talked about before working on this plethora of sensors and the Apple watch was going to be a lot more than it actually is turning out to be because they just couldn't get everything to work as well as they had hoped in time to ship this device so with that said the Apple watch I'm kind of expecting a more limited experience and what we've talked about you know in the last 12 months it's going to be essentially a fitness tracking device and you'll have to charge it every night Tim Cook said recently that you'll actually able to wear at the shower so that makes that makes me think that it must be waterproof or a brilliant move little cook take that into the one the show it just just totally Sparks and fizzles you have to go buy another one oh sorry the warranty doesn't it doesn't cover that I'm sorry did you take that into the shower why would you do that and the apps are going to be limited they're going to be interactions essentially between apps that you already have on your phone brought to the Apple watch could you speak a little bit more about that buster so I've thought about that yeah the apps will be limited they're not going to be native on the Apple watch to start out with at least not the third party once and by that I mean that the Apple watch isn't actually running the apps itself right right they're all on their phone here your phone is basically going to become like the pocket inside your computer but and your aunt will watch apps I think the main function of them should be so that you don't have to pull your phone out of your pocket every three minutes you know because that's like my probably my worst habit is any time I'm just you know I have nothing to do I pull out my phone just to just and run through everything and check notifications and stop right so I think especially we have been awkward situations yeah i think apple watch will kind of like you know for all of your simple notifications i push-push to your Apple watch so you're kind of using your phone a little bit less hopefully in the future I thought more at like Apple ads like new sensors so the Apple watch and it will definitely add like third party apps native eventually but for now I know yeah for now it just kind of seems like that's it yeah it really doesn't seem like it's gonna do a whole lot I'm very curious to see what other information they they reveal on stage on Monday because they have an entire how long is this event going to be they never actually really tell us go probably ass hour and a half hour and a half and we're going to talk about in a little bit if we expect any other products to be announced but let's just say they don't announce any other products and this is just going to be just the Apple watch they're going to spend 90 minutes talking about the Apple watch I mean it's got to be doing a whole lot of things that we don't know about well yeah I mean the thing is I still eat you still don't want to have like apps that are like intensive on the Apple watch because you don't want to be like fiddling around on your Apple watch scream for more than like 10 seconds you know I don't play want to raise that up so I think a lot of like what the Apple watch the main thing is like just having wearable sensors with you all the time and and having cool stuff to do over on your iPhone with that data as well like the fitness aspect Tim Cook has hit on quite a bit and that seems to be like a big thing is you know having like a fitness tracker on you all the time can really change like your your fitness levels and your health and stuff especially because one of the features they've talked about quite often is the the wash is going to urge you to stand more often or move yes that you're not sitting so much and just having those gentle cues I think really make a huge difference in fact we've had automatic sponsor the show a ton and I haven't automatic in my car and just a little cues that it gives you kind of bring to your attention that you're doing something that you don't know you're doing I think I think and drastically affect your your day-to-day life because it just makes you aware of what you're doing you know so I think that's going to be a major piece of the apple watch is that oh I've been sitting for too long I need to get up because most people don't even realize don't even realize they've been doing that um battery life I'm gonna say a day and by day i mean if you use it sparingly you might have make it to the night without charging it see I used to be like oh man if it doesn't have folded a battery life that's such a so lame but at the same time I also i know i don't wear a watch like 24 7 through the day when I do have a watch they're usually like put on you know during a like special occasions sometimes like oh I'm gonna go out like if i'm lounging around the house i'm not really going to be wearing one around so i don't know if the battery life is really that big of an issue i don't know if it's gonna be that big of an issue either assoc be since the interactions have been designed to be brief it's supposed to be and I think Apple did this intentionally right they don't want you training the battery yeah you're not going to be spending an hour and a half on your Apple watch straight oh it's supposed to give you quick glimpses into things that are important like text messages that you might want to see initiating Apple pay transactions that type of thing we definitely want to talk about a few other things regarding the Apple watch so Tim Cook said it will eventually replace your car keys which I thought was awesome yeah I've talked about that before how many times have you lost your car keys oh my gosh or just hot just the annoyance of having to get them out of your pocket and the Apple watch is also supposed to have a power reserve mode will talk about that and then if we have time Buster's going to talk about the public beta of the Photos app in iOS 10 point 10.3 because buster is actually used it and we're gonna have him talk about this on a previous show this is the app it's going to replace aperture and in iPhoto on your Mac but it's in beta now so if you want to try what we talked about that before we continue though I want to thank audible for supporting this episode audible is great you know one of the things I love most of my life buster besides beards is is audiobooks in audio entertainment and audible has over 150,000 audio titles for you to choose from and every category Matt imaginable and and if you like mystery if you like romance if you are one of the like five percent of people to actually like nonfiction they have a huge breath I say that word right Brett Brett Brett Brett of titles that you can choose from I listen to audio books all the time whenever I'm working out whenever I'm doing something maybe like that doesn't require any any mind cycles like cleaning or something I always have an audio book going and audible is the best place to get your audio books from and when you go to audible for its last call cast you get a 30 day free trial and a free audiobook of your choice so let me pimp to audio books that i think are very worthwhile and in and certainly for free the first is our own lk nice Johnny I've the genius behind apple's greatest products if you haven't read this book yet horse to do who is a very popular apple analyst said it was the best book the best apple book that he has ever read so you have that recommendation it's rated very highly on amazon and you know now since leander isn't here i can say this that without fluffing his ego I think leander is a great writer every time I read a piece by him I I thoroughly enjoy it he writes the way he speaks very conversational and he is very good at explaining things general way so that people can understand them so that's my first recommendation is Johnny I'm the genius behind Apple scripts products and then the other one is a book by Tony Robbins which I've talked about before called money master the game money master the game Tony rob it this look sounds hokey I will fully give it to you that it sounds really kind of hokey this is one of the best books that I've read in the last I'd say five years its outstanding and it's all about the truth of investing your money and how to do it without getting without getting torn a new bong in since right because what most people don't know and the book goes through all of this step by step and it's explained very very well is that investing is tough and what most people don't know is the mutual fund the mutual fund market the stuff that you buy through your job your 401k market all the stuff that you get generally speaking is really terrible and the fees that you pay our built-in systematically to rip you off without you even knowing it and so this book goes through and talks about how to invest your money wisely without paying a bunch of fees how the pros invest their actual money and not just other people's money and Tony Robbins interviews a bunch of the top investors in the world all these guys are like billionaires including Carl Icahn only a long interview with Carl Icahn and it's a fascinating book I it's a very good book for laymen if you don't know very much about financing as I did not this book it's long it's about 600 pages the actual book is the audiobook is 21 hours but I listened to the entire thing in a week which means i was listening to like two and a half hours a day it was that good so if you are you're interested in investing if you have a 401k if you're interested in mutual funds definitely go check out money master the game by tony robbins it's on audible and you get either of these books one hundred percent free with a 30-day free trial at audible /co cast i want to think audible for supporting this episode ok buster where where we headed oh my goodness so Tim Cook recently said that apple watch will avenge replace your car keys yeah this is where I think we're headed like you know I you know one of my professors in college said do you know what aliens would find in a thousand years if we all died today and they came in a thousand years and they were searching for clues to who we were the thing that they would find the most cars keys key is they would find keys everyone has really like 20 keys right 10 20 days and no one likes using keys I hate using keys especially if your car is older you stick a key in the in the door and it doesn't turn very well how amazing would it be to just have a watch on your wrist and everywhere you go because it's monitoring your biological functions it's it knows it's you and you can just get into your house you could get into your car you can get into your office that's the future that we're headed towards buster it's pretty nice Tim Cook talk a little bit about how it was going to be used to getting or how the Apple watch could help you get into your car which I wouldn't be surprised if that was a a bullet point on the Apple car checklist of features oh definitely I think that that's definitely going to be built in I think I'd be incredible to replace your keys and only replace your keys but to replace your credit cards which I don't know about you but I haven't really gotten to use Apple pay very much in the last year have you buster yeah you know I use it whenever I go to McDonald's which is very rare so twice and that's about it yeah that's about it yeah I haven't either i use it to buy some licorice at walmart the other leg the other month and that's about it but it once once Apple pay does become more ubiquitous we're going to start seeing it everywhere and how cool would it be to just scan your wrist on something and then just have it charged your card accordingly yeah i'm i'm pretty excited for that because i find that Apple pay is supported in a lot of gas stations that I go to yeah but I always leave my phone in my car and so with the Apple watch I will have it on my wrist all the time and yes click click ultimate laziness which is what we like if you're concerned about battery life so Tim Cook did say the Apple washer is going to get about a whole day life but if you if you get stranded and and your and your i watch is dying because you've been playing around with it too much especially when you first get it this will probably happen to a lot of people according to the new york times the apple watch will actually have a special battery saving feature that will essentially turn into a basic timepiece so it just kind of put it into dumb mode I guess yeah so it'll just display time and that's it which is probably all it'll be able to do anyway if you don't hit on not even that what you want to mail this at the time we talked about this on passes Buster I kind of forget where you fall on this but defo it's gonna be a useful product without an iphone or an ipad or mac okay well i think that there's a well yet yeah it is because the thing i mean you're not gonna buy one if you don't already have an iphone uh-huh I know me might you know you're not fashion item no you know it be it's alright it's an iphone accessory I feel like that's been very very clear the entire time in fact Tim Cook's has said that they hope that the apple watch will actually increase iphone sales because you need an iphone 5 or greater so if somebody comes in with a iPhone 4 or 4s and they want an Apple watch they're gonna have to upgrade their iphone as well who who has an iphone 4s is good a one Apple watch who is it oh dude Mike my mom like I know lots of people who are like you know very in detect but slowed upgrade their phones because you know you really don't need to upgrade your iphone every year that's hilarious because all the people that I know that have iphone 4s iPhone 4s is are people that have absolutely no idea what's going on in the world technology they could more or less they're very low tech people and I can imagine them being interested in the Apple watch well the iphone 4s it was it's only two and a half years old no is it we're on the state's we had the 5s and the five and then there's a for us so wow it's hard to believe that it wasn't longer than a longer rather than that yeah okay so let's talk about the event not having to do with Apple watch are we expecting any other products the wild card is the 12 inch retina macbook air okay that supposedly is going to be launching in q2 according to The Wall Street Journal so that's enough time for Apple to announce it at the event and then you know get it shipping out so that's I think the only possible other hardware that we might see there so you don't think that we're gonna see the ipad pro no that's our damn TV the ipad pro has officially been delayed until sep tember and the apple TV is probably never coming even like even though i'm even like an update to the hockey puck apple TV is never coming that hasn't been updated in what tears yeah it's ridiculous the the macbook air it's been about a year now yeah I feel right I don't think they're gonna start announcing a bunch of new hardware at this event now I think they'll probably save that till WWDC and they'll announce if they don't they'll announce like new MacBook Airs the for the 11 and 13 inch and macbook pros and stuff which I actually need a new macbook pro so that's what I'm waiting did your friend sit on this one yeah yeah the spring or the the events called spring ahead spring forward spring forward I don't think that we're gonna get very much besides the Apple watch in fact I kind of expected to just talk about Apple watch and that's it if anything we might see some soft releases so Apple my update the macbook air on their website with just like a spec bump but right not really talk about it you know yes and that might be it as far as that goes okay so we're not really expecting any more hardware aside from that it's going to be all Apple watch all event long Tim Cook's going to be on stage raisins hands in the air and pumping his fists in the air which is going to be great for me because I could use a new Tim Cook gift let's go ahead and talk about the Photos app busted before we wrap it up so photos app we've been talking about it for several months it's replacing I photo on your Mac which I'm happy about because I've never really been a huge fan of my photo and aperture which was apples actually really really nice professional photo editing application had some problems but for the most part I it was brilliant to use the UI was incredible the workflows were incredible but they've retired aperture as many of you know this is going to be taking the pace at the place of that so apple has released a public beta that you can actually download buster how are you liking using the Photos app so far I haven't switched over to using it dedicated like full time yet so beta but it's way better than I photo that's for sure um like the biggest I think the biggest thing is actually iCloud photo library so that you know everything's stored in the cloud and it optimizes storage for your mac so like i have a macbook air and it's 128 gigs so I'm always fighting for storage and so now you can have like your photo library on your Mac and whenever you need more space it just smartly deletes like the original files that are on your Mac and then they're already in iCloud and it'll just get them again whenever you have more space so that's really cool and because it does that it can like edit your or sync your edits from like your iPhone in your Mac to on images so that's pretty sweet too so that is cool so now your photos will stay synced across all your devices mm-hmm and you're at a tool to as far as storage space goes I've always found this iCloud storage space thing to be confusing I know they give everyone five gigs so are you going to be chewing through that faster now that all of your phone okay so you are and I upgraded yeah uh hi did I raid yeah that I and I think it's a good cell though I think like the iCloud buying storage for I finally boost it up to I think 200 gigabytes which is well like four bucks a month I think it's 299 a month or so oh that maybe Cooper that's really inexpensive actually which is like it's not too bad you know and uh it's probably cheaper than going out and buying an X and external hard drive so yeah yeah it's really not that's really not convenient either yeah so as far as the the the the photo app goes I mean does it use or does it have as many features as I photo did because I've yeah a lot of advanced features I've kind of feel like this might be a dumb down version it's cleaner so it kind of looks like yeah it doesn't have as many theater features but it has I think better filters you can edit the pictures a little bit quicker and there's pictures are actually the focus of the app like you know they changed the UI so there's more space so like your pictures are bigger so that's really what you're focusing on and it just like feels quicker like it used to be if you have a big library and I photo and you're trying to scroll past like 100 photos you're going to get like the what is that the beach ball and like now just seconds but now like with the new Photos app it's just fine like I'm scrolling through like two thousand pictures and it's nothing well I think one of the really cool feature is that you that you mentioned already is the fact that you could boot this thing up edit something boot up a photo on your iPad edit it with your hands cuz I like editing photos with my hands mm-hmm and then have those edits come back down to your back yeah did you ever get to use aperture you know I never did uh I haven't really you know I've never gotten into any to advanced photo apps I just can't imagine that this Photos app is gonna be nearly as powerful as I was yeah i think the apples definitely not even trying to replace aperture most yeah basically want aperture users to go use lightroom instead which is fine i like lightroom allah adobe lightroom but it kind of sucks that there's no good competitor to Adobe Adobe's Lightroom now yeah which I always kind of like competition I am sure that Adobe will continue to improve lightroom and make it a better and better product but went out without any competition it's it could cause situation where that product doesn't get as updated doesn't get updated as often as I would like to see it updated and may not get really cool advanced features that that it might have otherwise gotten if Apple was coming out with cool stuff all the time too and Lightroom had to compete you know uh-huh yeah but then again photos is free yep an aperture was what two hundred bucks mmhmm yeah how much does Lightroom it's like she fingered I will now light room is part of Creative Cloud oh so you can't I don't even think you can buy it yeah I think I think they were selling a subscription it's been since I've checked so this could be totally off but I think they were selling a subscription to lightroom and photoshop for ten dollars a month for a while which was a really great deal I don't know if they're still doing that but but now if you want to have ax to adobe's entire suite I think it's like 50 bucks a month which is kind of a lot for if you just need to use like several of the apps well I was at I mean is tangent Lee related but how do you feel about like although subscription because microsoft today announced the microsoft office 2016 for mac they gave out the free preview which you can go download and it looks great like it's awesome it's very nice but they're also going to move it to like the office 365 subscription model where you know you pay a monthly fee to get access to the word and all those apps like I just I kind of don't like having to pay a monthly subscription for for apps i kind of hate that i do too i really hate it in fact um i don't like paying monthly subscriptions for anything and i will do it if but it makes it a tough sell for me because if you're gonna sell me a monthly subscription whatever you're selling has to be something i really need yeah and whereas before is i might have bought office because it was 130 bucks nowadays i don't really need office right there's so many other third-party apps that are pretty decent that are pretty good right that that have a basic set of features in fact some friends of mine were just asking me about this they were asking if it was worth buying microsoft office or just using something for free and i was asking them what they were going to be using it for and they basically just need word you know and they don't do anything fancy they just need to be able to type something so i sent them to open office which is the free version of microsoft office essentially it's like the open source version and then Google Docs obviously is another good option because now if you know if you don't need to if you don't even have a bunch of advanced features that's like why pay for it right especially when in how much his office per month like seven or eight box I have no idea I wouldn't even would never buy a subscription though yeah I don't think it's hell for guys like you and me maybe if we were in college still that yeah a better deal for us you need those powerpoints yeah it's already quite so bad wait it's five bucks a month I'm like the cheapest or 1254 business 5 octa month is actually not bad at all it's not horrible actually it's like you just quickly do it they gotta charge a low enough price to make it so that's something that you really don't think about you know as long as we're talking about subscription services so we got some some news today that hbl the price for HBO is going to be there they're unbundled you know service just their web service it's going to be 15 bucks a month how do you feel about that uh if it's gonna be 15 bucks a month I'm gonna have to decide to cut netflix or hulu out of my like monthly your piece crib shoes yeah yeah totally now i dont i I've never been a big big user of Hulu I know there are people that are but for me I guess the fact that I don't really watch me shows it just hasn't really made sense for me okay well I watched we all catch like The Daily Show on it and uh you know me my girlfriend will watch like the Mindy project and new girl student just you know like the TV shows that like we're never around to watch together that have for free uh-huh but then we can pay a monthly subscription to watch them 15 month is pretty steep dude I am I think that's borderline for me i would consider because you know you could pay 20 and get it you can get it via cable yeah then you're bang for your pen cable too well I comcast is starting to offer a lot of subscription services that include Jess internet and HBO uh-huh which is the one that I have so it's really fast internet oh and HBO and that's it so and I get access to HBO Go so for me that they were smart about it right they knew what people started to want and they're like okay we'll just give you the two things that you want for a decent price and the internet isn't as fast as I would want it but it's pretty good does the HBO Go subscription come with live access to the HBO channel you mean like you mean the streaming service that they're talking about charging 15 bucks for well yeah so you could tap into like whatever HBO is broadcasting no I think it's yeah only but you can do that on HBO now yes and I I can use both right now but but yeah the HBO GO or the HBO streaming service is just going to be web-only but like that matters because you'll just be able to stream it on your Apple TV in fact we heard some news the Apple might be partnering with HBO to bring this to the apple TV yeah you're gonna be other watch on your xbox you'll be able to watch it's you know on your chromecast there's like a hundred different ways to watch HBO now yeah 15 bucks I don't know with dish or sling TV is 20 bucks and you're getting like 20 channels with that CNN ESPN it doesn't he all right a dozen but it's got AMC which is Alma which is an HBO but it's you know catching up there now the stakes high quality Channel right I don't know I think that is kind of a little pricey ten bucks and I'd be sold but fifteen yeah I'm gonna have to like look at it for a bit yeah I would do 12 I think max that I'd like much about it but then 15 I'm kind of thinking yeah I do love HBO's content how often am I gonna use it you gotta catch up on game of thrones dude i'm probably not i made this haha i I've already tried to get caught up on the walking dead right now oh yeah please this boiler is oh my gosh i'm watching I'm watching the the first half of the current season uh-huh so they took a break right they did eight episodes they did another episode so I'm like halfway through the first eight you know and this season that those episodes I stopped watching the show for a while and then I came back just for this season and they've been great like all the episodes of like been intense you know yeah they have been so I'm gonna go into spoilers if you if you haven't watched the walking dead skip ahead 60 seconds cuz I'm not gonna spoil a lot but I am gonna do some spoilers right now full warning ready here we go so the governor story arc I just did not like it all star see ya too it was what I like about that show is is the mystique and the suspense of what the hell is going on in this world uh-huh everything was fine then all of a sudden you had the zombie thing take over and that hanging on that big question mark for me was what really draws me in and having them explore the world and try to figure out that mystery is what I love most so when they got to the governor and all of a sudden they're just posted up in this town for the entire season it was just like a normal show except oh by the way there's zombies on the outside of this wall now yeah yeah that wasn't cool for me but this season now that they're back in in the thick of it and trying to figure out what's going on and they've got and they've got that uh that doctor who thinks he knows how to solve the problem yeah have you gotten very far no no no that's okay oh boy Buster's like not sure what he gonna say he's like yeah that's always hard right what so is describing a show and you haven't watched it in a while and you're never really sure exactly what season they're in or when things happen like every time I go watch Game of Thrones yeah I'm not gonna smell anything in case people are back with us you know the end of season one of game of Game of Thrones something pretty big happens and and I always think that happens in a totally different season because it doesn't doesn't seem to me like there's any way they could get to that point in ten episodes oh yeah even reading the book i think you know you're shocked at that oh my gosh and then in their season and then of course easin ending is even worse oh my gosh I know I said this before that traumatized me I was I was sick at the end of that episode and I thought about it non-stop for two weeks the red wedding yeah yeah it was it was tough to watch as long as we're talking about media that I couldn't stop thinking about so I finally saw interstellar okay oh my god oh you were saying that you actually didn't love it no yeah you were tell you were telling me you're on orgasmic I saw but yeah i was i was in pure ecstasy by the end of that movie i thought it was very very pretty eye candy I mean it was great movie is a solid movie his awesome movie I just didn't think it was amazing as Alex you didn't think it was top ten said I didn't think it rivals like a Space Odyssey space odyssey 2000-2001 space honestly took what's that I tried to watch that movie and I probably made it 15 minutes in and I was so bored that i had to stop does it get it does it get interesting at any point I think you have to be on drugs and asked me late at night I was on so many drugs I was like on all the drugs at 2am and I still couldn't get it maybe that was my promise on too many drugs ah yeah I mean you know that point where you just go full Barney and you just have to focus on not dying yeah uh check the show notes by the way for that for that gingery okay well Buster should we go ahead and wrap it up I guess I kind of actually like it's all day I think this might be my favorite part of the show this is the tangent where we just talk about things that we're watching well hey oh that's all the cold cast we have for you guys this week I hope you're as excited as we are to have our Apple watches come Monday it's gonna be an exciting day well of course be covering it on cult Mac and make sure you're following Buster be at BST 3r em at air fun we're going to be tweeting up a mofo on that day just covering all things and apples talking about Oh stick around for my interview with Scott Hirsch that is coming up next I think you're really going to enjoy it miss them in the comcast the best 30-plus manal conversation you're going to hear all week long new episodes of the comcast come out every Thursday night want to thank everyone for listening and we'll see you guys next time don't forget to set your clocks this weekend us listeners so he's bringing forward got a spring forward before you hey Scott hey how's it going hey good how are you doing good how are you uh great sorry I'm a little late I no problem I couldn't connect to skype it was making me download a new version how obvious it which is always what you want to do right before you hit record right exactly let's see here can you hear me ok I can hear you great ok fantastic if you don't have any questions we will jump jump right into it no I'm good I'm ready to go okay let's do it all right hey guys it's serafin I'm here with Scott Hirsch a instructor but not always hidden he an instructor he's a sound designer in an editor and a mixer for film and video a musician and audio engineer he's also an adjunct professor at New York University's Music School of Technology did I say that right Scott yeah it's the it's the music technology program at NYU and you also teach logic pro you teach pro tools which I thought it was really interesting that you teach both and you teach reason so you're kind of teaching all the very popular audio editing classes is that right yeah that's that's right i like to keep it keep it real keep all keep all of it you've all the programs going so i can remember all the keystrokes about yeah that sounds like a challenge in and of itself I'm and I'm actually using Logic Pro X I'm using your logic pro boxing essentials course on I've been telling our listeners that i recently switched don't laugh i recently switched from GarageBand to logic pro x because i wanted to edit like the big boys do yeah and it helped me make the transition because that's a super complicated application it definitely is but it's really cool that you can go right from GarageBand into logic with no problems as you probably something you know there's some new stuff in there but it it feels the same which is great I think they have a nice path that you can kind of walk on to get from one to the other yeah I totally agree with you I was surprised how similar they were and you really can go for one application to the other because as I learned from you Logic Pro X has an in advanced mode that you can kind of activate to really turn on the powerful features that's right so ask you this which do you prefer do you prefer logic or do you prefer pro tools haha I like them both to be honest oh come on since no no seriously I when I'm composing music I working on commercial music or even just getting sort of a demo together something that need to get up and running really quickly I use logic because it's so fast and so easy to make a great sounding track right away and when I'm you know recording a band or a lot of times working in film and video I use pro tools and I use them both interchangeably but really there's different times it's I really thought I'd like to think about applications kind of just like different instruments you know like i might play a Fender Telecaster for one song and I might play a Gibson Les Paul for another song and there's reasons why you would choose one over the other and I like to choose apps audio apps for the same reasons there's there's they kind of do the same thing in the end a lot of them all have the same goal you can record a band is just as well in logic as you can and pro tools but there's certain needs and just sort of resources or even choices you might make by using one over the other depending on what your needs are and that's when I would choose one one before the other so I using both I've heard that logic pro x is better for creating music and protools is better for creating audio effects may be editing a movie editing a podcast what do you say to that I think there's some truth in that a little bit although again like if you wanted to make music with Pro Tools you just have to use it and get around some of the ideas of it and you can make just as much music and pro tools as you can imagine I koultimate Lee if you look at sort of the specs they all they both to almost identically the same thing there's just a slightly different way of going about it so one I think logic is it's a much faster and it's much more of a complete package which is really cool because you you by the application which is actually incredibly cheap for what you get i might add like under two hundred dollars yeah but just pro tools well it depends on what platform you get it's a lot more there's some different it's a little more stratified and I can't even it changes all the time so I'm not even gonna quote a price or anything like that um but what you don't get with Pro Tools as much as you do with logic is in comprehensive set of instruments and samples and other stuff I mean you do get you do get some things with pro tools but it just works out that just by off the starting gate with logic you have a very comprehensive tool to make an incredible sounding music list so for that kind of thing you know for someone who just wants to make a really good sounding track right away it's it's awesome you know and I would say the same thing on the other side of the coin for pro tools is someone wanting to edit sound for for a movie or just get into basic sound design just the functionality and the way that it can work with that that kind of stuff is is awesome too so again there's just different times different reasons I to tell my students learn them all like really you need to have it's like part of your toolkit as an audio professional so which one has better or i should actually ask it this way I've heard that logic has much better compression than garage band is that true I think some of the plugins are a little bit more advanced so uh I think I you know it's funny because I don't know Garage Band is I've oh I've only always used logic because when it got bought by Apple back and I guess the late 90s it came from a totally different place it was it was a magic and apple bottom so it originally didn't have a relationship GarageBand wasn't even a thing so I sort of never had need to go down to GarageBand in that way but I know that there's a compressor in garage band and I know you can use the same compressor in logic um do you mean compression like audio compression or more like mp3 like codec comprado audio compression okay yeah so but i know that in logic there is just the kind of the standard plug in compressor that i don't think you get in in garage band and it's got some more advanced controls on it basically um but yeah I would say definitely at all the eq's and and plugins compressors and eq's and all the sort of tool based plug and our great sounding in logic again you don't need to go outside unless you want to third-party plug in manufacturer's in you know unless you really want to get specialized because it includes a lot of great sounding stuff do you have any logic pro tips that you can share with us maybe things that would help someone get started or things about the application yeah well I just want to tackle it I I wanted to talk a little bit about just some of the awesome new stuff in Logic Pro 10 or logic pro x as you call it I don't actually to this day I'm not sure what was the preferred method Bobby proton or logic pro x but I'm sure either way people will be angry at us let's just go with your way I think I called it Logic Pro 10 in the course yeah i think i'm going to switch to that actually but I the thing a couple things that I think are just amazing new additions from logic pro 9 is the drummer idea the drummer track and this is really revolutionary idea where you can add a drummer track it's a special kind of track it's not a MIDI track it's not an audio track or an instrument track and basically you have a collection of virtual personalities of drummers to choose from which at first when I heard that I was kind of like that sounds kind of because John's hokey yeah it'll make you a little hokey um and you know it's like I have enough real drummer personalities in my life I don't know I don't need a virtual love this endless endless drummer jokes you can make with this thing with um but but really it's it actually turned out to be really cool and what it what it is is these drummers depending on who you choose will play beats with a different feel different style they also get loaded up with different kinds of drum kits different sounding drum kits and you basically have a like vector control where you can make them play louder or more complex depending on where you put the little dot in that vector and it's really fun because what they'll just like they kind of know instinctively when it gets to the end of a bar they'll play a fill and and it's just a really fast way to work with something that's not a drum machine it's like a little bit more intelligent than a drum machine because it'll kind of kind of anticipate fills and again by moving this the little dot around in the vector you can change sort of the how they're going about playing and you can change that from part 2 section 2 section in the song so that's an awesome thing and one tip I wanted to talk about with the drummer is the you can use these things called arrangement markers and they're in the timeline and before the before word logic 10 Logic Pro 10 I didn't use them as much because basically just a way of marking like in your song this is the intro this is the verse this is the chorus and you know it's helpful to have that but you don't need it but now with drummer if you do that first and then you add a drummer track drum the drummer track will have these little regions that correspond to the intro correspond to the verse and correspond to the chorus and it'll actually change the feel automatically of how they play during those different sections which is awesome super fast and helpful way to just get something in there that you can write your song too um my cousin was a drummer actually and he was blown away by what you were just talking about when the first came out he couldn't bat yeah it's it's really cool again like I I really believe there's no substitute for a real drummer I'm not yet but a lot of people I mean they don't have that there's a lot of resources they have to go into that I mean you have to have someone's time but if you want to record it you have to have a lot of microphones a lot of inputs a good room where there's no neighbors around and this is just a really fast and awesome sounding way to get something going and you know maybe you hire drummer later or work out a song this way but it's it's it I think it really inspires a lot of creativity that you might not have just on your own with with less resources so it's really cool so then the last tip I want to talk about with the drummer track is once you get this drummer this virtual drummers performance you can then customize it and the way you can do this is you can change any drummer region into just a straight MIDI region so after they've already imposed their personal style on it you can convert to MIDI and you can go at this point it'll just be static like you won't change as you move the slider around but then you can personally then go in and you know maybe you don't want like a double kick drum at this point in the song so you can take out what you can customize and edit the MIDI to your liking so you get the benefit of their kind of style and then just like again just like a lot of drummers you like well why do they do that right there but you can then go in and customize it to your own needs after they've kind of already played to it so that is a really awesome kind of power user tip let's convert your drummer tracks to MIDI and then you can customize them so that's I love that one or maybe convert your actual drummer into two magic pro 10 drummer yeah just make it get way less attitude like maybe better beats like Tron like they just all of a sudden go into the computer and then you see their face on camera let me ask you this so going through logic pro x essentials course what can people expect to learn about logic from maybe not knowing anything to going through the end of that course yeah well my goal is to get past the initial learning curve so by the end of the course you'll see all of the basically all the areas that you can work in and all and just how to get started how to go through and you'll at least be exposed to every avenue that you could take creatively and you know because there's a lot of stuff in logic we don't go as in-depth as you might want to like later but you'll have seen everything and you'll have a working kind of resource to begin your path and you know that and you know I always say this in my courses but the idea is like to get the fastest possible route from your creative idea to actually doing it so that's really what you should expect is like now you won't be staring at the screen wondering what things are how do I get this going you'll have seen it and you'll know how to do it you can go back and thing i love about Linda calm is everything is everything is closed caption so you can search any term so if you just want know what drummer just type in drummer logic it'll go right to that movie wow I I know that you can see the text of what the persons that are the authors saying right on long side and also all of that text is catalog and searchable it's awesome no idea any single thing like let's say you just like it so what is the solo button do again so search solo button and we'll take you to the part right exactly to the movie where I talk about solo and Newt buttons and how to work them in the mixer and all this stuff so that's really cool so you have it as your resource but also if you just go through and watch it and follow along with the exercise files that we've provided you can expect to not be a pro expert at logic but you'll know how to use it and from there you can take your own course and practice and get go farther along but it you won't be a scary mystery which it is for some people because it's the reason why it's so awesome is because it's also so complex um and you know it can be a little intimidating at first but that's the point of this course is to get you past that so you feel comfortable and you're able to make music or a podcast or a podcast at Sac I mean I think it's incredible that I was able to pretty much pretty seamlessly switch from one audio application to another and if I hadn't mentioned it on the show I don't think people would have been able to tell beside fact that our voices probably sounded better um but other than that I mean I just made the switch one day and boom I was up and running and you know we run a really tight ship over a cult cast yeah and our listeners don't put up with bad sound quality ever so I would write about it if there had been any faux paws but yeah i used the course and i was up and running in no time off and i'm still going through it i still have a lot to learn but as I one of the things I love about Linda as you know is you can go back and revisit stuff anytime just like you said yeah and I didn't even realize that if you remember to term it couldn't member where it was you could search for it so you could literally go and revisit that one part that you couldn't remember where it was in the series of videos exactly that's really super awesome yeah oh let me ask you this you have edited movies and you do audio design as well is that correct that's true and which which application do you prefer for doing that kind of work is it probables or is it logic and why for the editing I think I mentioned this earlier I Pro Tools is sort of the one and there's various reasons and one of them is just that because it kind of is in that world the industry standard so a lot of the time when I'm working on a movie i'm working with a team of people and there are people that you know if i'm editing sound effects i have to deliver all my files to the sound effects to be to the head editor or the i guess you call the person the supervising sound editor so um so the workflow with Pro Tools it's just you know there's MIT probably many economic and other reasons why it just became that but that's what we use in that world but I will say you know composers people that write music to movies are often using logic again because of the ease and flexibility and the mini capabilities so film has people using definitely different different applications so logic does fit in there but just in a different style when I work on movies I'm mostly working on just at the actual sound like sound effects the fully the sound design and I'm using primarily pro tools for that and you actually have some courses that are about editing for faculty right that's right yeah so you hired mixing a short film with logic pro that's right mixing a short film with Pro Tools see that's right it's pick your pick your poison they're messing a short film with audition which is an Adobe product right that's right yep so we did the kind of the same course in all three platforms so again like I was saying earlier like all of these platforms in the end can do the same thing there's just different ways to use them so we had an idea to make three courses based on these three different apps and they end goal is the same in all of them basically but but yeah I did all I did those three courses and there's actually going to be a couple more coming up soon in that world for film editing for film which I'm excited about any other audio courses you want to plug while I got you here I do I'd well there's there's there's two courses that well there's one that exists and it helps in programming basics so you're in the synthesis which a lot of people are these days that is a need and you're kind of a little again you look at a synthesizer especially a virtual one like the es tu for example in Logic Pro and on a favor look at that one or so they're pretty intimidating at first and so this course is designed to get you to understand what goes into synthesis we're talking about oscillators filters lfos all these fun things that just make the craziest sounds you can ever imagine so there's that one and that's existing right now and I just literally last weekend finished recording since programming beyond the basic Oh name of the course so it's kind of part two of this series so it's sort of once you get get familiar with those basic things I thought I just mentioned now it's like how do we make a huge bass line using Native Instruments massive or how do we use a vocoder in Ableton Live so we go through different apps different course it's not just app specific so we use protools Ableton logic a native instruments and we use a bunch of different stuff to look at simp but the idea is that you know all these scents are actually universal language that you can learn and use in any app so I was going to say I see iOS apps all the time that have a lot of these concepts built into the keyboards that you see exactly yeah totally help you with those yeah a lot of people make the mistake of thinking their application specific and it really there is a common language that sense and a lot of the stuff uses so it's good to know that at first I thought you were preparing me to be the next member of a devo band I could get my little casio guitar and put on my red cap that's what they use in that band right like the little casio since oh yeah oh yeah awesome paper intimate dx7 which is a great great whole bunch of other stuff so yeah yeah whip it yeah whip it good that's that's my motto in life wait Scott thanks for hanging out it's been fun chatting with you thank you very much too it's been a blast and for those interested if you want to take any of Scott's courses if you want to check out his logic pro 10 course you want to learn more about Pro Tools if you want to learn more about reason or creating affects different synth apps head on over to Linda calm ly and da calm /co cast and Linda is giving our listeners a ten day free trial so you have unfettered access to lindos entire catalogue of courses including Scott's and so much more you can learn all you want for free for ten days you can watch their courses on your iPhone on your Mac whatever device you have hope you guys enjoyed this chat with Scott Hirsch thanks for sticking in till the end my name is Erich von Elijah and I will see you guys next time you bad Alex can join her phone her phone stupid the brother-sister Blizzard her phone the blizzard took my plea really how did the blizzard eyes your understand yes I don't understand either how did the blizzard change it how does it look any make an old mother does I just think alex has shitty internet I do to each blames on webcam that day sometimes it's the internet rule days roommate lizard stole myCook's final thoughts on a game-changing day that he says would have made his mentor be you told me you began designing and developing this watch after Steve Jobs died do you do you think he'd be smiling at what you announced today I think of him every day and I miss him dearly but today I I think he's smiling and welcome to the low Caskey fast 30 plus minute I'll conversation you're gonna hear all week long I'm you know Stefan Elijah joining me today a band of merry men he's the Little John to my Robin Hood buster Chinese here hey man hey and of course no Sherwood Forest would be complete without the lovely maid marian AKA alex hehe hello that was accurate your man and many voices Alex your female is spot on we got a great show planned for you guys this week so as you probably know we have a big apple event coming up monday the spring forward event such a cheeky name when you guys think so yeah it's so punny so it's so yeah that's right it's a good word I like that so we're doing talking about everything we expect we're of course expecting the Apple watch but if we're gonna see anything else there and then we go through and talk about some of the things that we actually know or think we know about the Apple watch and kind of go through things that we've probably talked about in past shows but sum it up very succinctly well maybe not succinctly but all in one place you guys come to know what to expect on monday also i'm curious i thought it'd be fun to do you like little price guessing game guys so we can guess prices on the three different models and then we'll come Monday we'll see who's actually right I know I've asked you guys just before but i think it's it's a bears repeating are you guys planning on actually buying the Apple watch Alex oh fo sho are you gonna go for the gold cuz it's gonna be like some thousand dollars uh yeah i'm thinking the gold with all the bands so come on I was like for me it was like for me it was like get a new car get Apple wat and I think Apple watches were functional I think you made the way at the right choice there how could a car possibly be more functional than an Apple watch Buster would buy you yeah you know like you know obligated for work to buy one so I will a true apple fan ladies and gentlemen I mean that's just you know the reality of it I don't really you know I mean to do my job I have to i know right Apple watch and actually I feel the exact way I don't know if I'd really recommend people buying it first gen but right now it's gonna be one of those classic first gen apple products like the ayat lik the original iphone that is probably probably going to be pretty limited v1 yeah but we all kind of have to happen it's going to be about it yeah and you're gonna be able to say like oh I own the first Apple watch ya know is when everybody has one uh-huh I remember how sunny it was see but I don't ever say that with like the first iphone yashka say i don't know like try you that has even know like i bought the first iphone on day one like yeah the people are like who cares it doesn't make you any cooler to anyone don't think like I went out and spent a bunch of money on this product that most people generally agreed wasn't super functional they're like oh yeah um I should probably mention real fast you guys might hear Alex kind of dipping in and out he seems to be having some internet issues because in Kentucky they're having like blizzard watch 2015 Alex how many feet of snow apocalypse Nepal is like the fifth snowpocalypse of the year yeah no it's the second it's the second like official snowpocalypse it's like the third time in a row that I feel like we've had a cold cast with you in the middle of a blizzard back yes it happened pretty regularly and it's almost spring I know it's terrible okay well Before we jump into all the show goodness I do want to say thank you to Linda for supporting this episode live com ly n da com you know what I love about Linda guys is I'm gonna be a little hokey here for a minute think that one of the best feelings in the world is growth just getting better at something you know that feeling but you get you guys ready you guys I was gonna go totally different direction in jail yeah grow that I was good yes thought I was gonna talk about buns hahaha I think getting good at something that you struggle with is one of the best things in the world and that's one thing i love about linda is it's like you know what you start with something like an application like photoshop and you're looking at it and you apps you have absolutely no idea what you're doing and then by you know a certain point you kind of kind of have a good feeling for how everything works and you're actually being productive in this tool that you didn't know before Linda calm has over 3000 high quality video courses for you to choose from that will help you get better at business at UX at Photoshop at photography they don't just teach applications they have a whole plethora of apps or lessons that don't just teach you about apps but teach you about general course topics like business photography those types of things I did an interview with one of their one of their instructors Scott Hirsch and I call him a Linda instructor but he's he's so much more than that he teaches at New York University and he is an absolute audio pro he's done you know movie editing sound editing for music you name it he knows all these in all these applications like logic reason pro tools inside and out he knows everything about them I didn't interview with them little while ago and I didn't get to broadcast so I'll be broadcasting that at the end of this show and if you're interested in logic if you're interested in reason if you're stood in creating sounds for synth you know like those little synth app so you can get on the iPhone or on the iPad or on your math to create cool digital sounds stay tuned for it it's about 20 minutes long and a Scott goes over his preference of logic pro versus Pro Tools when you would use each and why and why audio professionals prefer each one or the other and he talks about a whole lot more than that I learned quite a few things and hopefully you will too so stay tuned to till the end for my interview with Scott Hirsch and also go check out Linda calm IM da calm ford / coke cast where you can start your own 10 day free trial which gives you complete access to Linda's entire catalog you can learn all you want for free for 10 days you can access their courses on your iPhone on your Mac whatever device you have on your android device and you can get your learn on and if you are interested in any of Scott's courses because we'll cover some of the ones that he teaches in my interview with him you can actually just start your free trial and start learning from those courses right away someone thank Linda for supporting this episode lym da com fort / call cast before we talk about the spring forward event guys I think it's interesting to mention apple officially wants to be recognized as a car maker I I thought this is very interesting uh you know I did it too but then somebody told me it's really not a big deal because they've also done things for like home stuff as well but basically they're lawyers in Zurich they had the corporate description expanded so that it includes vehicles at well as well so in the future my car mmm you mean the Apple car Apple car since I card away from the moniker the I moniker the Johnny car I think they should call the Johnny car yeah cuz that sounds like Johnny cab from total real so I also thought it was cool that this this new I don't even know what to call it this new function of the company is not just able to create cars they can also build ships and aircraft anti-theft devices bicycles golf carts wheelchairs the Apple wheelchair imagine how cool that would be motorcycles Oh incredible the Napa motorcycle that Apple Segway that would be to eat a snack without an apple stuff away I think I'm pretty excited about the Apple golf court idea to that seems like something that Apple needs to get into for all those golf enthusiasts out there so interesting development yeah I mean all of a sudden apples not just making computers and phones and stuff but they have officially designated themselves as a company that could build vehicles this may mean something it may mean nothing but it's certainly interesting nonetheless yeah okay let's go ahead and move on let's talk about the let's move on to the meat potatoes of the episode no more dilly-dallying let's talk about the March 9th Apple spring forward event most them here it is my question to you buster apple said that they're going to be broadcasting the stream live yeah what language do you think we'll get to enjoy it in i'm gonna guess ethiopian do they do ethiopian I don't know but it prob possibly maybe yeah that's definitely a possibility i was thinking it's gonna be maybe mandarin mandroid was I mean that was last time and it was okay but I just feel like they should go with a different one maybe German this time that would be pretty cool one thing is almost certain is we will not see it eating yeah that's gonna be it's not gonna be Phil Schiller's voice that we hear it's gonna be some some interpreter or if you do get it ill you know break up and everything the entire time oh man I I really hope they get this one right historically speaking you guys probably all know Apple always seems a struggle really badly with these live streams I don't understand with in today's day and age with amazon and with microsoft like as your services all these like huge cloud services that Apple uses why they're having such a hard time do I hope Digital streaming I imagine that every time the demand is way more than they expect that's that's my guess well I well I don't know the language thing was just somebody on the back end well I think what happened the English the English stream went to crap and so they're like okay quick we got to do something before Tim Cook realizes what's going on and comes back here and pimp slaps us all so they just diverted to the asian feed or to the Chinese feed because they needed to have something up right they can't just leave it blank you have any drug schedule that's why it's that truck schedule like that that scene that you you would see on TV when a station like it wasn't broadcast yeah exactly do you think that the streams actually gonna work this year let's hope so I mean uh possibly possibly i'll give it seventy percent on I'm gonna give it 60 it's a 64 shades of perhaps it might be working so a they added the link to apples home page 98 or doesn't that you meant start at ten a.m. on monday or nine ten a.m. today yeah so go there click on the link I'm sure they'll have it front and center yeah and UT you could sit there frustrated as we all try to watch this thing live can't wait and you guys are covering it live right yeah I'll be it will be live you go that stuff alex is back gonna back I spoke to sip it alex e they're here okay good we can hear you clusters Buster's right we're gonna have the best live blog the absolute best below yeah so but then what happens if the the stream goes down how do you guys cover it we got sources inside the center yeah and we make it up to ya you just make stuff up completely the gold Apple edition will be priced at fifty thousand dollars and I bet nobody will even you know bad night yeah as long as we're talking about the three different edition so we obviously expect the Apple watch it's going to come in three editions the sport the Apple watch which has the steel band and then the gold edition we know the sports 350 I'm gonna I'm gonna be buying my sport edition with the with the white band for 350 like you already got that dad about God or yeah I'm not gonna I'm not gonna spend more than that I mean great to me doesn't make any sense what about this space gray finish instead of all heirloom finish yeah that's a positive i'm doing space gray specify my to wait are you talking about the band color or the actual the actual watch the sport comes in a stainless steel or an aluminum finish and a space grace the so black order to finish get them it's a black band we just it's murdered out sinners sister that's what that means or yeah I'm gonna rock that so bad yeah lizard hurt I'm uh I'm kind of into the whole white thing like the white band thing and I like really like the white iphone i tried the black one this time just to kind of try it i think i might go back to white next time I just like the way it looks with the silver against it so i might do that one but how much do you think the steel editions gonna cost with just the Apple watch one thousand dollars you things give you a thousand I think it's gonna be 1111 why 1100 cuz I think that I think back to that John guru piece where he was talking about how the the actual band itself was incredibly labor-intensive to build uh-huh so I think it's gonna cost at least a thousand but I don't I don't for whatever reason I just get the impression that Apple is gonna try and price a little bit higher because it has the premium band yeah well I think we should probably talk about the different way that I think it will be sold because i think that the way you'll buy it will be like you'll get the Apple watch and then you'll have like your choice of band which depending on which type of band you pair with that watch it will raise the price up you have a good point doesn't this steel edition have I call I'm calling the apple watch edition that you know the regular out the stainless steel addition it has a stainless steel body though yeah so that one I mean you might be able to get different bands but I think it's gonna be a base price for the for the steel band and then the steel edition watch yeah well I guess that's the thing I don't know if it'll come with that steel band I guess it probably will or the link one but I think you're gonna have it you're gonna you're gonna have the choice between do you want like the stainless steel band or the Milanese looper all that the leather OOP use the other loop I don't even know what is a Milanese leap I don't even know what that is the villainies loop is like and I think that's the one that you're thinking about the one that it required tons of extra work it's the one that has all the little stainless steel rings interlock together that's gonna be chainmaille yeah gotcha okay I think this stainless steel apple watch will cost between five to seven hundred dollars no way away yeah the bands and the bands depending on the yeah you know what's funny buster is I didn't even know he was there I thought he was gone like he's with listening the whole time a creeper I have been oh yeah I keep making your internet yeah I keep figured that you got booted it be it says you're still here Alex quick your point in before your Blizzard takes away your debt I think I i think the stainless steel watch will start at five to seven hundred dollars and I think like the Milanese loop band could cost and upwards of a thousand dollars okay and those I guess they got my question so do you think apple will sell like just the Apple watch case itself and that you're saying that just the stainless steel thirty eight millimeter Apple watch case will cost 500 to 700 base yeah I wouldn't i am on to that and that's gonna buy will surprise exact yeah and i wouldn't be surprised if the sport comes with a sport band yes because they're like cheapest and then for the other word it for the other models i think you're yeah yeah good point I mean that's the big thing is how Apple's gonna sell because you don't sell it just like an iphone because there's so much customization just when you purchase it that I don't I don't know if everything's gonna be ready right in the box you know I think it one right the case the the sport the Apple watch or the apple watch edition or the Apple watch sport case which is just a little block and then separately you're gonna get the the bands with them okay so let's talk about the gold one before I move into how this thing is actually gonna be sold which i think is an interesting topic in and of itself so the gold edition buster what do you think it what how much it'll be yeah how much they charge just like the base level one case i don't like base five thousand i think it's gonna be five okay i think it's probably gonna be 40 k is alex with us oh i think i think cuz the New Yorker piece on Johnny I've met yeah and it mentioned that excellent point oh yeah so does the matter oh alrighty we're back sorry about the the audio quality issue alex is got three or four feet of snow at his house and in gale force winds it's like that scene in the day after tomorrow where gets almost or text polar vortex he just 10 freezes everyone instantly alex is covered in aluminum foil and newspapers trying to keep warm but apparently Red Hook 6 30 bucks head and in his own human excrement whatever you saw Buster and I you and I always have perfect internet connections dude it's cuz we live in civilized places less messy exactly exactly that must be why but you know Leander lives in San Francisco and he always seems to be our one that's true okay so Buster and I just gonna keep manpower and through this so Buster we were talking about the gold edition watch you think it's gonna be five I think it's gonna be four I don't know what Alex was saying but I'm getting things that's not he thinks it's gonna be a lot what he's gonna think it's gonna be plus or minus four thousand I don't know we know that he wasn't going to agree with either of our possessions it could have been a lot higher a la loire I think that the the gold edition is going to be interesting I think there's going to be a base model that appenzell at the apple store right and then there's going to be the models that are only available through exclusive retailer so if you go to Cartier for example they're going to sell edition of the addition watch that is exclusive to them if they have helped design in some way and those the ones that are going to be mega expensive because i don't think that apple can sell the car da edition you know via the apple store or v or the online store they have to sell through that retailer well so what they're planning to do is I don't think they're going to do is like that with kar gaye and have it put the cardi eight brand right next to like the apple brand because then that D values the apple brand for the luxury but what they're doing is they're doing pop-up shops at like super fancy stores in London and France and stuff like that outside of apples retail locations that mean but you won't be able to you know go to best buy and buy a gold Apple watch that's for sure haha the best buy edition yeah do that and I think they're gonna be it wouldn't surprise me I think they're gonna be made in limited quantities so you'll have Cartier or you know whomever creates a limited edition watch that they may only sell you know five hundred or thousand up but they'll be insanely expensive how does that sound to you I don't think they're gonna do any like Cartier Gucci I think that they'll be limited just because not a lot of people are gonna want to drop fifty thousand dollars on an expensive Apple watch yeah yeah but I don't know I don't know if they're gonna do like I don't because like Birkin like they do that kind of stuff too like oh there's only five hundreds of these ostrich bags you know so I think that could be one way that they kind of push it to fashionistas make it limited they're gonna have to make it limited in some way I mean a that's kind of the nature of the fashion business right i think is main limit and runs but if you're going to charge and this has always been my position if you're going to charge top dollar for for a product that functionally is exactly the same as a product that you could get for three hundred fifty dollars i mean the addition watch they charged 5,000 for it functionally it's exactly the same as the as the sport model right yeah but it's not about function exactly fashion exactly so they're gonna have to be very exclusive and very limited and that way you can get people to kind of be like oh gosh I have to get this now otherwise it's gonna be sold out you know yeah and you know I mean there's just you know the one percenters who got money to burn like $20,000 on Apple watches nothing because they spent fifty thousand dollars on a Cartier watch you know right and they wear that one four times a month and that's it you know so I don't think like people saying like I don't know where Apple's gonna find all these sales like there's definitely hundreds of thousands of people out there in the US alone that are spending ridiculous not the money on fashion items for no reason yeah they just how it's just gonna be a matter of getting into the retailer's where these custom shop and like just earning like that mindshare I think with like the fashion community that Apple is on that same level as a Cartier watch as far as like gets really expensive and like it's a status symbol type thing you know okay so we talked about the different editions we talked about the pricing it'll be interesting to see what app Apple actually does when do you think it'll be available to actually buy so South pre-orders and then when it's get a ship oh if the events coming up soon and I mean pre-orders must be around the corner and then shipping I'm saying the beginning of April if Tim Cook said they're going to ship in April it sounds like they they're gonna ship at the beginning of April I think that you're probably right I think we're going to see pre-orders I'm gonna go out on a limb and say they'll there they're gonna start accepting pre-orders right away no way you don't think so and if they don't miss a Friday it'll be friday that was gonna be my next guest house the hedge my bet hair so it's gonna be available right away or it's gonna be available friday and then it'll ship to us from that and then the release would be like two weeks from that friday exactly which that would be in march still I think it might be the end of March yeah when people actually start engagement notifications yeah let's talk about apps for a moment this is one of those things I was actually reading a while ago that Apple had a lot more planned for the Apple watch and they had all these experts that we talked about before working on this plethora of sensors and the Apple watch was going to be a lot more than it actually is turning out to be because they just couldn't get everything to work as well as they had hoped in time to ship this device so with that said the Apple watch I'm kind of expecting a more limited experience and what we've talked about you know in the last 12 months it's going to be essentially a fitness tracking device and you'll have to charge it every night Tim Cook said recently that you'll actually able to wear at the shower so that makes that makes me think that it must be waterproof or a brilliant move little cook take that into the one the show it just just totally Sparks and fizzles you have to go buy another one oh sorry the warranty doesn't it doesn't cover that I'm sorry did you take that into the shower why would you do that and the apps are going to be limited they're going to be interactions essentially between apps that you already have on your phone brought to the Apple watch could you speak a little bit more about that buster so I've thought about that yeah the apps will be limited they're not going to be native on the Apple watch to start out with at least not the third party once and by that I mean that the Apple watch isn't actually running the apps itself right right they're all on their phone here your phone is basically going to become like the pocket inside your computer but and your aunt will watch apps I think the main function of them should be so that you don't have to pull your phone out of your pocket every three minutes you know because that's like my probably my worst habit is any time I'm just you know I have nothing to do I pull out my phone just to just and run through everything and check notifications and stop right so I think especially we have been awkward situations yeah i think apple watch will kind of like you know for all of your simple notifications i push-push to your Apple watch so you're kind of using your phone a little bit less hopefully in the future I thought more at like Apple ads like new sensors so the Apple watch and it will definitely add like third party apps native eventually but for now I know yeah for now it just kind of seems like that's it yeah it really doesn't seem like it's gonna do a whole lot I'm very curious to see what other information they they reveal on stage on Monday because they have an entire how long is this event going to be they never actually really tell us go probably ass hour and a half hour and a half and we're going to talk about in a little bit if we expect any other products to be announced but let's just say they don't announce any other products and this is just going to be just the Apple watch they're going to spend 90 minutes talking about the Apple watch I mean it's got to be doing a whole lot of things that we don't know about well yeah I mean the thing is I still eat you still don't want to have like apps that are like intensive on the Apple watch because you don't want to be like fiddling around on your Apple watch scream for more than like 10 seconds you know I don't play want to raise that up so I think a lot of like what the Apple watch the main thing is like just having wearable sensors with you all the time and and having cool stuff to do over on your iPhone with that data as well like the fitness aspect Tim Cook has hit on quite a bit and that seems to be like a big thing is you know having like a fitness tracker on you all the time can really change like your your fitness levels and your health and stuff especially because one of the features they've talked about quite often is the the wash is going to urge you to stand more often or move yes that you're not sitting so much and just having those gentle cues I think really make a huge difference in fact we've had automatic sponsor the show a ton and I haven't automatic in my car and just a little cues that it gives you kind of bring to your attention that you're doing something that you don't know you're doing I think I think and drastically affect your your day-to-day life because it just makes you aware of what you're doing you know so I think that's going to be a major piece of the apple watch is that oh I've been sitting for too long I need to get up because most people don't even realize don't even realize they've been doing that um battery life I'm gonna say a day and by day i mean if you use it sparingly you might have make it to the night without charging it see I used to be like oh man if it doesn't have folded a battery life that's such a so lame but at the same time I also i know i don't wear a watch like 24 7 through the day when I do have a watch they're usually like put on you know during a like special occasions sometimes like oh I'm gonna go out like if i'm lounging around the house i'm not really going to be wearing one around so i don't know if the battery life is really that big of an issue i don't know if it's gonna be that big of an issue either assoc be since the interactions have been designed to be brief it's supposed to be and I think Apple did this intentionally right they don't want you training the battery yeah you're not going to be spending an hour and a half on your Apple watch straight oh it's supposed to give you quick glimpses into things that are important like text messages that you might want to see initiating Apple pay transactions that type of thing we definitely want to talk about a few other things regarding the Apple watch so Tim Cook said it will eventually replace your car keys which I thought was awesome yeah I've talked about that before how many times have you lost your car keys oh my gosh or just hot just the annoyance of having to get them out of your pocket and the Apple watch is also supposed to have a power reserve mode will talk about that and then if we have time Buster's going to talk about the public beta of the Photos app in iOS 10 point 10.3 because buster is actually used it and we're gonna have him talk about this on a previous show this is the app it's going to replace aperture and in iPhoto on your Mac but it's in beta now so if you want to try what we talked about that before we continue though I want to thank audible for supporting this episode audible is great you know one of the things I love most of my life buster besides beards is is audiobooks in audio entertainment and audible has over 150,000 audio titles for you to choose from and every category Matt imaginable and and if you like mystery if you like romance if you are one of the like five percent of people to actually like nonfiction they have a huge breath I say that word right Brett Brett Brett Brett of titles that you can choose from I listen to audio books all the time whenever I'm working out whenever I'm doing something maybe like that doesn't require any any mind cycles like cleaning or something I always have an audio book going and audible is the best place to get your audio books from and when you go to audible for its last call cast you get a 30 day free trial and a free audiobook of your choice so let me pimp to audio books that i think are very worthwhile and in and certainly for free the first is our own lk nice Johnny I've the genius behind apple's greatest products if you haven't read this book yet horse to do who is a very popular apple analyst said it was the best book the best apple book that he has ever read so you have that recommendation it's rated very highly on amazon and you know now since leander isn't here i can say this that without fluffing his ego I think leander is a great writer every time I read a piece by him I I thoroughly enjoy it he writes the way he speaks very conversational and he is very good at explaining things general way so that people can understand them so that's my first recommendation is Johnny I'm the genius behind Apple scripts products and then the other one is a book by Tony Robbins which I've talked about before called money master the game money master the game Tony rob it this look sounds hokey I will fully give it to you that it sounds really kind of hokey this is one of the best books that I've read in the last I'd say five years its outstanding and it's all about the truth of investing your money and how to do it without getting without getting torn a new bong in since right because what most people don't know and the book goes through all of this step by step and it's explained very very well is that investing is tough and what most people don't know is the mutual fund the mutual fund market the stuff that you buy through your job your 401k market all the stuff that you get generally speaking is really terrible and the fees that you pay our built-in systematically to rip you off without you even knowing it and so this book goes through and talks about how to invest your money wisely without paying a bunch of fees how the pros invest their actual money and not just other people's money and Tony Robbins interviews a bunch of the top investors in the world all these guys are like billionaires including Carl Icahn only a long interview with Carl Icahn and it's a fascinating book I it's a very good book for laymen if you don't know very much about financing as I did not this book it's long it's about 600 pages the actual book is the audiobook is 21 hours but I listened to the entire thing in a week which means i was listening to like two and a half hours a day it was that good so if you are you're interested in investing if you have a 401k if you're interested in mutual funds definitely go check out money master the game by tony robbins it's on audible and you get either of these books one hundred percent free with a 30-day free trial at audible /co cast i want to think audible for supporting this episode ok buster where where we headed oh my goodness so Tim Cook recently said that apple watch will avenge replace your car keys yeah this is where I think we're headed like you know I you know one of my professors in college said do you know what aliens would find in a thousand years if we all died today and they came in a thousand years and they were searching for clues to who we were the thing that they would find the most cars keys key is they would find keys everyone has really like 20 keys right 10 20 days and no one likes using keys I hate using keys especially if your car is older you stick a key in the in the door and it doesn't turn very well how amazing would it be to just have a watch on your wrist and everywhere you go because it's monitoring your biological functions it's it knows it's you and you can just get into your house you could get into your car you can get into your office that's the future that we're headed towards buster it's pretty nice Tim Cook talk a little bit about how it was going to be used to getting or how the Apple watch could help you get into your car which I wouldn't be surprised if that was a a bullet point on the Apple car checklist of features oh definitely I think that that's definitely going to be built in I think I'd be incredible to replace your keys and only replace your keys but to replace your credit cards which I don't know about you but I haven't really gotten to use Apple pay very much in the last year have you buster yeah you know I use it whenever I go to McDonald's which is very rare so twice and that's about it yeah that's about it yeah I haven't either i use it to buy some licorice at walmart the other leg the other month and that's about it but it once once Apple pay does become more ubiquitous we're going to start seeing it everywhere and how cool would it be to just scan your wrist on something and then just have it charged your card accordingly yeah i'm i'm pretty excited for that because i find that Apple pay is supported in a lot of gas stations that I go to yeah but I always leave my phone in my car and so with the Apple watch I will have it on my wrist all the time and yes click click ultimate laziness which is what we like if you're concerned about battery life so Tim Cook did say the Apple washer is going to get about a whole day life but if you if you get stranded and and your and your i watch is dying because you've been playing around with it too much especially when you first get it this will probably happen to a lot of people according to the new york times the apple watch will actually have a special battery saving feature that will essentially turn into a basic timepiece so it just kind of put it into dumb mode I guess yeah so it'll just display time and that's it which is probably all it'll be able to do anyway if you don't hit on not even that what you want to mail this at the time we talked about this on passes Buster I kind of forget where you fall on this but defo it's gonna be a useful product without an iphone or an ipad or mac okay well i think that there's a well yet yeah it is because the thing i mean you're not gonna buy one if you don't already have an iphone uh-huh I know me might you know you're not fashion item no you know it be it's alright it's an iphone accessory I feel like that's been very very clear the entire time in fact Tim Cook's has said that they hope that the apple watch will actually increase iphone sales because you need an iphone 5 or greater so if somebody comes in with a iPhone 4 or 4s and they want an Apple watch they're gonna have to upgrade their iphone as well who who has an iphone 4s is good a one Apple watch who is it oh dude Mike my mom like I know lots of people who are like you know very in detect but slowed upgrade their phones because you know you really don't need to upgrade your iphone every year that's hilarious because all the people that I know that have iphone 4s iPhone 4s is are people that have absolutely no idea what's going on in the world technology they could more or less they're very low tech people and I can imagine them being interested in the Apple watch well the iphone 4s it was it's only two and a half years old no is it we're on the state's we had the 5s and the five and then there's a for us so wow it's hard to believe that it wasn't longer than a longer rather than that yeah okay so let's talk about the event not having to do with Apple watch are we expecting any other products the wild card is the 12 inch retina macbook air okay that supposedly is going to be launching in q2 according to The Wall Street Journal so that's enough time for Apple to announce it at the event and then you know get it shipping out so that's I think the only possible other hardware that we might see there so you don't think that we're gonna see the ipad pro no that's our damn TV the ipad pro has officially been delayed until sep tember and the apple TV is probably never coming even like even though i'm even like an update to the hockey puck apple TV is never coming that hasn't been updated in what tears yeah it's ridiculous the the macbook air it's been about a year now yeah I feel right I don't think they're gonna start announcing a bunch of new hardware at this event now I think they'll probably save that till WWDC and they'll announce if they don't they'll announce like new MacBook Airs the for the 11 and 13 inch and macbook pros and stuff which I actually need a new macbook pro so that's what I'm waiting did your friend sit on this one yeah yeah the spring or the the events called spring ahead spring forward spring forward I don't think that we're gonna get very much besides the Apple watch in fact I kind of expected to just talk about Apple watch and that's it if anything we might see some soft releases so Apple my update the macbook air on their website with just like a spec bump but right not really talk about it you know yes and that might be it as far as that goes okay so we're not really expecting any more hardware aside from that it's going to be all Apple watch all event long Tim Cook's going to be on stage raisins hands in the air and pumping his fists in the air which is going to be great for me because I could use a new Tim Cook gift let's go ahead and talk about the Photos app busted before we wrap it up so photos app we've been talking about it for several months it's replacing I photo on your Mac which I'm happy about because I've never really been a huge fan of my photo and aperture which was apples actually really really nice professional photo editing application had some problems but for the most part I it was brilliant to use the UI was incredible the workflows were incredible but they've retired aperture as many of you know this is going to be taking the pace at the place of that so apple has released a public beta that you can actually download buster how are you liking using the Photos app so far I haven't switched over to using it dedicated like full time yet so beta but it's way better than I photo that's for sure um like the biggest I think the biggest thing is actually iCloud photo library so that you know everything's stored in the cloud and it optimizes storage for your mac so like i have a macbook air and it's 128 gigs so I'm always fighting for storage and so now you can have like your photo library on your Mac and whenever you need more space it just smartly deletes like the original files that are on your Mac and then they're already in iCloud and it'll just get them again whenever you have more space so that's really cool and because it does that it can like edit your or sync your edits from like your iPhone in your Mac to on images so that's pretty sweet too so that is cool so now your photos will stay synced across all your devices mm-hmm and you're at a tool to as far as storage space goes I've always found this iCloud storage space thing to be confusing I know they give everyone five gigs so are you going to be chewing through that faster now that all of your phone okay so you are and I upgraded yeah uh hi did I raid yeah that I and I think it's a good cell though I think like the iCloud buying storage for I finally boost it up to I think 200 gigabytes which is well like four bucks a month I think it's 299 a month or so oh that maybe Cooper that's really inexpensive actually which is like it's not too bad you know and uh it's probably cheaper than going out and buying an X and external hard drive so yeah yeah it's really not that's really not convenient either yeah so as far as the the the the photo app goes I mean does it use or does it have as many features as I photo did because I've yeah a lot of advanced features I've kind of feel like this might be a dumb down version it's cleaner so it kind of looks like yeah it doesn't have as many theater features but it has I think better filters you can edit the pictures a little bit quicker and there's pictures are actually the focus of the app like you know they changed the UI so there's more space so like your pictures are bigger so that's really what you're focusing on and it just like feels quicker like it used to be if you have a big library and I photo and you're trying to scroll past like 100 photos you're going to get like the what is that the beach ball and like now just seconds but now like with the new Photos app it's just fine like I'm scrolling through like two thousand pictures and it's nothing well I think one of the really cool feature is that you that you mentioned already is the fact that you could boot this thing up edit something boot up a photo on your iPad edit it with your hands cuz I like editing photos with my hands mm-hmm and then have those edits come back down to your back yeah did you ever get to use aperture you know I never did uh I haven't really you know I've never gotten into any to advanced photo apps I just can't imagine that this Photos app is gonna be nearly as powerful as I was yeah i think the apples definitely not even trying to replace aperture most yeah basically want aperture users to go use lightroom instead which is fine i like lightroom allah adobe lightroom but it kind of sucks that there's no good competitor to Adobe Adobe's Lightroom now yeah which I always kind of like competition I am sure that Adobe will continue to improve lightroom and make it a better and better product but went out without any competition it's it could cause situation where that product doesn't get as updated doesn't get updated as often as I would like to see it updated and may not get really cool advanced features that that it might have otherwise gotten if Apple was coming out with cool stuff all the time too and Lightroom had to compete you know uh-huh yeah but then again photos is free yep an aperture was what two hundred bucks mmhmm yeah how much does Lightroom it's like she fingered I will now light room is part of Creative Cloud oh so you can't I don't even think you can buy it yeah I think I think they were selling a subscription it's been since I've checked so this could be totally off but I think they were selling a subscription to lightroom and photoshop for ten dollars a month for a while which was a really great deal I don't know if they're still doing that but but now if you want to have ax to adobe's entire suite I think it's like 50 bucks a month which is kind of a lot for if you just need to use like several of the apps well I was at I mean is tangent Lee related but how do you feel about like although subscription because microsoft today announced the microsoft office 2016 for mac they gave out the free preview which you can go download and it looks great like it's awesome it's very nice but they're also going to move it to like the office 365 subscription model where you know you pay a monthly fee to get access to the word and all those apps like I just I kind of don't like having to pay a monthly subscription for for apps i kind of hate that i do too i really hate it in fact um i don't like paying monthly subscriptions for anything and i will do it if but it makes it a tough sell for me because if you're gonna sell me a monthly subscription whatever you're selling has to be something i really need yeah and whereas before is i might have bought office because it was 130 bucks nowadays i don't really need office right there's so many other third-party apps that are pretty decent that are pretty good right that that have a basic set of features in fact some friends of mine were just asking me about this they were asking if it was worth buying microsoft office or just using something for free and i was asking them what they were going to be using it for and they basically just need word you know and they don't do anything fancy they just need to be able to type something so i sent them to open office which is the free version of microsoft office essentially it's like the open source version and then Google Docs obviously is another good option because now if you know if you don't need to if you don't even have a bunch of advanced features that's like why pay for it right especially when in how much his office per month like seven or eight box I have no idea I wouldn't even would never buy a subscription though yeah I don't think it's hell for guys like you and me maybe if we were in college still that yeah a better deal for us you need those powerpoints yeah it's already quite so bad wait it's five bucks a month I'm like the cheapest or 1254 business 5 octa month is actually not bad at all it's not horrible actually it's like you just quickly do it they gotta charge a low enough price to make it so that's something that you really don't think about you know as long as we're talking about subscription services so we got some some news today that hbl the price for HBO is going to be there they're unbundled you know service just their web service it's going to be 15 bucks a month how do you feel about that uh if it's gonna be 15 bucks a month I'm gonna have to decide to cut netflix or hulu out of my like monthly your piece crib shoes yeah yeah totally now i dont i I've never been a big big user of Hulu I know there are people that are but for me I guess the fact that I don't really watch me shows it just hasn't really made sense for me okay well I watched we all catch like The Daily Show on it and uh you know me my girlfriend will watch like the Mindy project and new girl student just you know like the TV shows that like we're never around to watch together that have for free uh-huh but then we can pay a monthly subscription to watch them 15 month is pretty steep dude I am I think that's borderline for me i would consider because you know you could pay 20 and get it you can get it via cable yeah then you're bang for your pen cable too well I comcast is starting to offer a lot of subscription services that include Jess internet and HBO uh-huh which is the one that I have so it's really fast internet oh and HBO and that's it so and I get access to HBO Go so for me that they were smart about it right they knew what people started to want and they're like okay we'll just give you the two things that you want for a decent price and the internet isn't as fast as I would want it but it's pretty good does the HBO Go subscription come with live access to the HBO channel you mean like you mean the streaming service that they're talking about charging 15 bucks for well yeah so you could tap into like whatever HBO is broadcasting no I think it's yeah only but you can do that on HBO now yes and I I can use both right now but but yeah the HBO GO or the HBO streaming service is just going to be web-only but like that matters because you'll just be able to stream it on your Apple TV in fact we heard some news the Apple might be partnering with HBO to bring this to the apple TV yeah you're gonna be other watch on your xbox you'll be able to watch it's you know on your chromecast there's like a hundred different ways to watch HBO now yeah 15 bucks I don't know with dish or sling TV is 20 bucks and you're getting like 20 channels with that CNN ESPN it doesn't he all right a dozen but it's got AMC which is Alma which is an HBO but it's you know catching up there now the stakes high quality Channel right I don't know I think that is kind of a little pricey ten bucks and I'd be sold but fifteen yeah I'm gonna have to like look at it for a bit yeah I would do 12 I think max that I'd like much about it but then 15 I'm kind of thinking yeah I do love HBO's content how often am I gonna use it you gotta catch up on game of thrones dude i'm probably not i made this haha i I've already tried to get caught up on the walking dead right now oh yeah please this boiler is oh my gosh i'm watching I'm watching the the first half of the current season uh-huh so they took a break right they did eight episodes they did another episode so I'm like halfway through the first eight you know and this season that those episodes I stopped watching the show for a while and then I came back just for this season and they've been great like all the episodes of like been intense you know yeah they have been so I'm gonna go into spoilers if you if you haven't watched the walking dead skip ahead 60 seconds cuz I'm not gonna spoil a lot but I am gonna do some spoilers right now full warning ready here we go so the governor story arc I just did not like it all star see ya too it was what I like about that show is is the mystique and the suspense of what the hell is going on in this world uh-huh everything was fine then all of a sudden you had the zombie thing take over and that hanging on that big question mark for me was what really draws me in and having them explore the world and try to figure out that mystery is what I love most so when they got to the governor and all of a sudden they're just posted up in this town for the entire season it was just like a normal show except oh by the way there's zombies on the outside of this wall now yeah yeah that wasn't cool for me but this season now that they're back in in the thick of it and trying to figure out what's going on and they've got and they've got that uh that doctor who thinks he knows how to solve the problem yeah have you gotten very far no no no that's okay oh boy Buster's like not sure what he gonna say he's like yeah that's always hard right what so is describing a show and you haven't watched it in a while and you're never really sure exactly what season they're in or when things happen like every time I go watch Game of Thrones yeah I'm not gonna smell anything in case people are back with us you know the end of season one of game of Game of Thrones something pretty big happens and and I always think that happens in a totally different season because it doesn't doesn't seem to me like there's any way they could get to that point in ten episodes oh yeah even reading the book i think you know you're shocked at that oh my gosh and then in their season and then of course easin ending is even worse oh my gosh I know I said this before that traumatized me I was I was sick at the end of that episode and I thought about it non-stop for two weeks the red wedding yeah yeah it was it was tough to watch as long as we're talking about media that I couldn't stop thinking about so I finally saw interstellar okay oh my god oh you were saying that you actually didn't love it no yeah you were tell you were telling me you're on orgasmic I saw but yeah i was i was in pure ecstasy by the end of that movie i thought it was very very pretty eye candy I mean it was great movie is a solid movie his awesome movie I just didn't think it was amazing as Alex you didn't think it was top ten said I didn't think it rivals like a Space Odyssey space odyssey 2000-2001 space honestly took what's that I tried to watch that movie and I probably made it 15 minutes in and I was so bored that i had to stop does it get it does it get interesting at any point I think you have to be on drugs and asked me late at night I was on so many drugs I was like on all the drugs at 2am and I still couldn't get it maybe that was my promise on too many drugs ah yeah I mean you know that point where you just go full Barney and you just have to focus on not dying yeah uh check the show notes by the way for that for that gingery okay well Buster should we go ahead and wrap it up I guess I kind of actually like it's all day I think this might be my favorite part of the show this is the tangent where we just talk about things that we're watching well hey oh that's all the cold cast we have for you guys this week I hope you're as excited as we are to have our Apple watches come Monday it's gonna be an exciting day well of course be covering it on cult Mac and make sure you're following Buster be at BST 3r em at air fun we're going to be tweeting up a mofo on that day just covering all things and apples talking about Oh stick around for my interview with Scott Hirsch that is coming up next I think you're really going to enjoy it miss them in the comcast the best 30-plus manal conversation you're going to hear all week long new episodes of the comcast come out every Thursday night want to thank everyone for listening and we'll see you guys next time don't forget to set your clocks this weekend us listeners so he's bringing forward got a spring forward before you hey Scott hey how's it going hey good how are you doing good how are you uh great sorry I'm a little late I no problem I couldn't connect to skype it was making me download a new version how obvious it which is always what you want to do right before you hit record right exactly let's see here can you hear me ok I can hear you great ok fantastic if you don't have any questions we will jump jump right into it no I'm good I'm ready to go okay let's do it all right hey guys it's serafin I'm here with Scott Hirsch a instructor but not always hidden he an instructor he's a sound designer in an editor and a mixer for film and video a musician and audio engineer he's also an adjunct professor at New York University's Music School of Technology did I say that right Scott yeah it's the it's the music technology program at NYU and you also teach logic pro you teach pro tools which I thought it was really interesting that you teach both and you teach reason so you're kind of teaching all the very popular audio editing classes is that right yeah that's that's right i like to keep it keep it real keep all keep all of it you've all the programs going so i can remember all the keystrokes about yeah that sounds like a challenge in and of itself I'm and I'm actually using Logic Pro X I'm using your logic pro boxing essentials course on I've been telling our listeners that i recently switched don't laugh i recently switched from GarageBand to logic pro x because i wanted to edit like the big boys do yeah and it helped me make the transition because that's a super complicated application it definitely is but it's really cool that you can go right from GarageBand into logic with no problems as you probably something you know there's some new stuff in there but it it feels the same which is great I think they have a nice path that you can kind of walk on to get from one to the other yeah I totally agree with you I was surprised how similar they were and you really can go for one application to the other because as I learned from you Logic Pro X has an in advanced mode that you can kind of activate to really turn on the powerful features that's right so ask you this which do you prefer do you prefer logic or do you prefer pro tools haha I like them both to be honest oh come on since no no seriously I when I'm composing music I working on commercial music or even just getting sort of a demo together something that need to get up and running really quickly I use logic because it's so fast and so easy to make a great sounding track right away and when I'm you know recording a band or a lot of times working in film and video I use pro tools and I use them both interchangeably but really there's different times it's I really thought I'd like to think about applications kind of just like different instruments you know like i might play a Fender Telecaster for one song and I might play a Gibson Les Paul for another song and there's reasons why you would choose one over the other and I like to choose apps audio apps for the same reasons there's there's they kind of do the same thing in the end a lot of them all have the same goal you can record a band is just as well in logic as you can and pro tools but there's certain needs and just sort of resources or even choices you might make by using one over the other depending on what your needs are and that's when I would choose one one before the other so I using both I've heard that logic pro x is better for creating music and protools is better for creating audio effects may be editing a movie editing a podcast what do you say to that I think there's some truth in that a little bit although again like if you wanted to make music with Pro Tools you just have to use it and get around some of the ideas of it and you can make just as much music and pro tools as you can imagine I koultimate Lee if you look at sort of the specs they all they both to almost identically the same thing there's just a slightly different way of going about it so one I think logic is it's a much faster and it's much more of a complete package which is really cool because you you by the application which is actually incredibly cheap for what you get i might add like under two hundred dollars yeah but just pro tools well it depends on what platform you get it's a lot more there's some different it's a little more stratified and I can't even it changes all the time so I'm not even gonna quote a price or anything like that um but what you don't get with Pro Tools as much as you do with logic is in comprehensive set of instruments and samples and other stuff I mean you do get you do get some things with pro tools but it just works out that just by off the starting gate with logic you have a very comprehensive tool to make an incredible sounding music list so for that kind of thing you know for someone who just wants to make a really good sounding track right away it's it's awesome you know and I would say the same thing on the other side of the coin for pro tools is someone wanting to edit sound for for a movie or just get into basic sound design just the functionality and the way that it can work with that that kind of stuff is is awesome too so again there's just different times different reasons I to tell my students learn them all like really you need to have it's like part of your toolkit as an audio professional so which one has better or i should actually ask it this way I've heard that logic has much better compression than garage band is that true I think some of the plugins are a little bit more advanced so uh I think I you know it's funny because I don't know Garage Band is I've oh I've only always used logic because when it got bought by Apple back and I guess the late 90s it came from a totally different place it was it was a magic and apple bottom so it originally didn't have a relationship GarageBand wasn't even a thing so I sort of never had need to go down to GarageBand in that way but I know that there's a compressor in garage band and I know you can use the same compressor in logic um do you mean compression like audio compression or more like mp3 like codec comprado audio compression okay yeah so but i know that in logic there is just the kind of the standard plug in compressor that i don't think you get in in garage band and it's got some more advanced controls on it basically um but yeah I would say definitely at all the eq's and and plugins compressors and eq's and all the sort of tool based plug and our great sounding in logic again you don't need to go outside unless you want to third-party plug in manufacturer's in you know unless you really want to get specialized because it includes a lot of great sounding stuff do you have any logic pro tips that you can share with us maybe things that would help someone get started or things about the application yeah well I just want to tackle it I I wanted to talk a little bit about just some of the awesome new stuff in Logic Pro 10 or logic pro x as you call it I don't actually to this day I'm not sure what was the preferred method Bobby proton or logic pro x but I'm sure either way people will be angry at us let's just go with your way I think I called it Logic Pro 10 in the course yeah i think i'm going to switch to that actually but I the thing a couple things that I think are just amazing new additions from logic pro 9 is the drummer idea the drummer track and this is really revolutionary idea where you can add a drummer track it's a special kind of track it's not a MIDI track it's not an audio track or an instrument track and basically you have a collection of virtual personalities of drummers to choose from which at first when I heard that I was kind of like that sounds kind of because John's hokey yeah it'll make you a little hokey um and you know it's like I have enough real drummer personalities in my life I don't know I don't need a virtual love this endless endless drummer jokes you can make with this thing with um but but really it's it actually turned out to be really cool and what it what it is is these drummers depending on who you choose will play beats with a different feel different style they also get loaded up with different kinds of drum kits different sounding drum kits and you basically have a like vector control where you can make them play louder or more complex depending on where you put the little dot in that vector and it's really fun because what they'll just like they kind of know instinctively when it gets to the end of a bar they'll play a fill and and it's just a really fast way to work with something that's not a drum machine it's like a little bit more intelligent than a drum machine because it'll kind of kind of anticipate fills and again by moving this the little dot around in the vector you can change sort of the how they're going about playing and you can change that from part 2 section 2 section in the song so that's an awesome thing and one tip I wanted to talk about with the drummer is the you can use these things called arrangement markers and they're in the timeline and before the before word logic 10 Logic Pro 10 I didn't use them as much because basically just a way of marking like in your song this is the intro this is the verse this is the chorus and you know it's helpful to have that but you don't need it but now with drummer if you do that first and then you add a drummer track drum the drummer track will have these little regions that correspond to the intro correspond to the verse and correspond to the chorus and it'll actually change the feel automatically of how they play during those different sections which is awesome super fast and helpful way to just get something in there that you can write your song too um my cousin was a drummer actually and he was blown away by what you were just talking about when the first came out he couldn't bat yeah it's it's really cool again like I I really believe there's no substitute for a real drummer I'm not yet but a lot of people I mean they don't have that there's a lot of resources they have to go into that I mean you have to have someone's time but if you want to record it you have to have a lot of microphones a lot of inputs a good room where there's no neighbors around and this is just a really fast and awesome sounding way to get something going and you know maybe you hire drummer later or work out a song this way but it's it's it I think it really inspires a lot of creativity that you might not have just on your own with with less resources so it's really cool so then the last tip I want to talk about with the drummer track is once you get this drummer this virtual drummers performance you can then customize it and the way you can do this is you can change any drummer region into just a straight MIDI region so after they've already imposed their personal style on it you can convert to MIDI and you can go at this point it'll just be static like you won't change as you move the slider around but then you can personally then go in and you know maybe you don't want like a double kick drum at this point in the song so you can take out what you can customize and edit the MIDI to your liking so you get the benefit of their kind of style and then just like again just like a lot of drummers you like well why do they do that right there but you can then go in and customize it to your own needs after they've kind of already played to it so that is a really awesome kind of power user tip let's convert your drummer tracks to MIDI and then you can customize them so that's I love that one or maybe convert your actual drummer into two magic pro 10 drummer yeah just make it get way less attitude like maybe better beats like Tron like they just all of a sudden go into the computer and then you see their face on camera let me ask you this so going through logic pro x essentials course what can people expect to learn about logic from maybe not knowing anything to going through the end of that course yeah well my goal is to get past the initial learning curve so by the end of the course you'll see all of the basically all the areas that you can work in and all and just how to get started how to go through and you'll at least be exposed to every avenue that you could take creatively and you know because there's a lot of stuff in logic we don't go as in-depth as you might want to like later but you'll have seen everything and you'll have a working kind of resource to begin your path and you know that and you know I always say this in my courses but the idea is like to get the fastest possible route from your creative idea to actually doing it so that's really what you should expect is like now you won't be staring at the screen wondering what things are how do I get this going you'll have seen it and you'll know how to do it you can go back and thing i love about Linda calm is everything is everything is closed caption so you can search any term so if you just want know what drummer just type in drummer logic it'll go right to that movie wow I I know that you can see the text of what the persons that are the authors saying right on long side and also all of that text is catalog and searchable it's awesome no idea any single thing like let's say you just like it so what is the solo button do again so search solo button and we'll take you to the part right exactly to the movie where I talk about solo and Newt buttons and how to work them in the mixer and all this stuff so that's really cool so you have it as your resource but also if you just go through and watch it and follow along with the exercise files that we've provided you can expect to not be a pro expert at logic but you'll know how to use it and from there you can take your own course and practice and get go farther along but it you won't be a scary mystery which it is for some people because it's the reason why it's so awesome is because it's also so complex um and you know it can be a little intimidating at first but that's the point of this course is to get you past that so you feel comfortable and you're able to make music or a podcast or a podcast at Sac I mean I think it's incredible that I was able to pretty much pretty seamlessly switch from one audio application to another and if I hadn't mentioned it on the show I don't think people would have been able to tell beside fact that our voices probably sounded better um but other than that I mean I just made the switch one day and boom I was up and running and you know we run a really tight ship over a cult cast yeah and our listeners don't put up with bad sound quality ever so I would write about it if there had been any faux paws but yeah i used the course and i was up and running in no time off and i'm still going through it i still have a lot to learn but as I one of the things I love about Linda as you know is you can go back and revisit stuff anytime just like you said yeah and I didn't even realize that if you remember to term it couldn't member where it was you could search for it so you could literally go and revisit that one part that you couldn't remember where it was in the series of videos exactly that's really super awesome yeah oh let me ask you this you have edited movies and you do audio design as well is that correct that's true and which which application do you prefer for doing that kind of work is it probables or is it logic and why for the editing I think I mentioned this earlier I Pro Tools is sort of the one and there's various reasons and one of them is just that because it kind of is in that world the industry standard so a lot of the time when I'm working on a movie i'm working with a team of people and there are people that you know if i'm editing sound effects i have to deliver all my files to the sound effects to be to the head editor or the i guess you call the person the supervising sound editor so um so the workflow with Pro Tools it's just you know there's MIT probably many economic and other reasons why it just became that but that's what we use in that world but I will say you know composers people that write music to movies are often using logic again because of the ease and flexibility and the mini capabilities so film has people using definitely different different applications so logic does fit in there but just in a different style when I work on movies I'm mostly working on just at the actual sound like sound effects the fully the sound design and I'm using primarily pro tools for that and you actually have some courses that are about editing for faculty right that's right yeah so you hired mixing a short film with logic pro that's right mixing a short film with Pro Tools see that's right it's pick your pick your poison they're messing a short film with audition which is an Adobe product right that's right yep so we did the kind of the same course in all three platforms so again like I was saying earlier like all of these platforms in the end can do the same thing there's just different ways to use them so we had an idea to make three courses based on these three different apps and they end goal is the same in all of them basically but but yeah I did all I did those three courses and there's actually going to be a couple more coming up soon in that world for film editing for film which I'm excited about any other audio courses you want to plug while I got you here I do I'd well there's there's there's two courses that well there's one that exists and it helps in programming basics so you're in the synthesis which a lot of people are these days that is a need and you're kind of a little again you look at a synthesizer especially a virtual one like the es tu for example in Logic Pro and on a favor look at that one or so they're pretty intimidating at first and so this course is designed to get you to understand what goes into synthesis we're talking about oscillators filters lfos all these fun things that just make the craziest sounds you can ever imagine so there's that one and that's existing right now and I just literally last weekend finished recording since programming beyond the basic Oh name of the course so it's kind of part two of this series so it's sort of once you get get familiar with those basic things I thought I just mentioned now it's like how do we make a huge bass line using Native Instruments massive or how do we use a vocoder in Ableton Live so we go through different apps different course it's not just app specific so we use protools Ableton logic a native instruments and we use a bunch of different stuff to look at simp but the idea is that you know all these scents are actually universal language that you can learn and use in any app so I was going to say I see iOS apps all the time that have a lot of these concepts built into the keyboards that you see exactly yeah totally help you with those yeah a lot of people make the mistake of thinking their application specific and it really there is a common language that sense and a lot of the stuff uses so it's good to know that at first I thought you were preparing me to be the next member of a devo band I could get my little casio guitar and put on my red cap that's what they use in that band right like the little casio since oh yeah oh yeah awesome paper intimate dx7 which is a great great whole bunch of other stuff so yeah yeah whip it yeah whip it good that's that's my motto in life wait Scott thanks for hanging out it's been fun chatting with you thank you very much too it's been a blast and for those interested if you want to take any of Scott's courses if you want to check out his logic pro 10 course you want to learn more about Pro Tools if you want to learn more about reason or creating affects different synth apps head on over to Linda calm ly and da calm /co cast and Linda is giving our listeners a ten day free trial so you have unfettered access to lindos entire catalogue of courses including Scott's and so much more you can learn all you want for free for ten days you can watch their courses on your iPhone on your Mac whatever device you have hope you guys enjoyed this chat with Scott Hirsch thanks for sticking in till the end my name is Erich von Elijah and I will see you guys next time you bad Alex can join her phone her phone stupid the brother-sister Blizzard her phone the blizzard took my plea really how did the blizzard eyes your understand yes I don't understand either how did the blizzard change it how does it look any make an old mother does I just think alex has shitty internet I do to each blames on webcam that day sometimes it's the internet rule days roommate lizard stole my\n"