macOS Mojave Installation Sensation - Krazy Ken's Tech Misadventures

The Evolution of Technology: A Reflection on Apple's Latest Features

I have to say, I'm seeing more things that I like here. Maybe that's what's new in the Preview panel, you used to not be able to expand this. It looks like that's what it is and And I know this stuff down here is new too, so you could do Markup right from here, you can do rotation right from there. Oh, I can even bulk create PDFs right from there, customize, I can probably add things to those menus through extensions.

Oh cool, trim, create PDF, sweet! Yeah kind of reminded me of those Windows XP features, you know, you had the built-in things right there on the sidebar. Oh, and this mode especially, Gallery Mode. Yeah, this is like real Windows XP-ness. (hand hits table) Tsk. Wow, I shouldn't have said that. This is real Windows XP-esque. (laughs) Oh gosh, why! Oh shit. Oh, there's a bunny! But yeah, I do like this mode, I mean, it is kind of like a direct ripoff of WindowsXP, but yeah, well. We'll just say Microsoft, you made a cool feature.

And it'll live on in Mojave. And yeah, having the more metadata with the quick actions here, too is really cool, plus, overall this just looks really pretty, it almost feels like I'm using a photo application. And I can just, let's see, let's do a rotate. Yeah, right inside of there, wow. I'll make sure I save it that way 'cause that's how it should be rotated. Hmm. I do like that, I'll probably stick to Icon View just because that's what I'm really used to, I like seeing a lot of stuff at once, but if I ever need to really look at stuff, I can kinda go into Gallery Mode just like that, and have a ball.

And I'm also noticing we're going kind of in a circle here. Earlier, in a past video I said tech trends go in circles. I think they actually go in a spiral because sometimes we come back to our old ways but we're still advancing forward at the same time, so it's a spiral. And one example of that is Software Update. Looks like it's its own separate thing inside of Settings now. It used to be a whole separate app, then it was integrated with the App Store in the Apple menu and stuff, and now it's just a separate panel inside of the System Preferences which, wait a burger-flippin' second! I'm not on 10.14.1!

Okay, oh cool, advanced. We have some à la carte functionality here. (bell dinging). That must be because the, oh yeah, the automatic download from earlier was downloaded before .1 was released. I'll install .1 just to be sure, and it looks like you know, things are smooth, like you know, we're not having any crazy-like window server lag, like that was a huge issue with the freakin' High Sierra stuff but I think, I'm not an expert but I think that was because the window server was rewritten in Metal and it was just kind of buggy at first, but right now, I mean, I'm seeing a perfect 60 FPS there, I'm not seeing any issues with any of this stuff.

Well that's fantastic! I'll just start editing in Final Cut Pro and see if shit hits the fan, right? It looks like we have an advertising section in Security and Privacy now, limit ad tracking, huh. Because I know there's-- That's off by default or is it just off for me because I did an upgrade? That's interesting. I'm gonna have to look into that some more but that's cool.

Automation, Full Disk Access. I don't remember this being an item in here before but I might just be mistaking. So even though I covered a few features, I know I didn't cover them all, let me know what ones I did miss and what features are your favorite. So far, we're off to a great start, but I'll let you know in a week if things start getting crappy.

Also, I did just wanna say one thing here. Whip! Krazy Ken, me, yeah, I'm now on Patreon. So if you wanna help me beat the curse and even have a chance to get your name in the show credits like these awesome guys (sci-fi typing), please visit the Patreon and throw a pledge my way, and we can all have more fun in this wonderful tech world.

I'm calling this a win. Thanks for sticking with me, guys. Catch the crazy and pass it on.

"WEBVTTKind: captionsLanguage: en- You gottaentertain yourself somehowwhile the installation is commencing.And an error occurred!That's great.Well, we're already off to a great start!(beeping)(typing)(electronica)Hey guys, how're you all doin'?Really?That's just great.You know what, I'm doingpretty great today, toobecause we're here for this.It's a very dark day becausewe're getting macOS Mojave(sci-fi typing)with Dark Mode.But it is actually a little too dark.Gaston, please(claps)would you be a dearand turn on the lights?Ah yes, thank you.Let's have a look here.Details.I did not upgrade to Mojaveright when it came out simplybecause of the issuesI had with High Sierra.And Sierra.If you wanna check out allof those great misadventures,feel free to.However, this time around Appleseems to be doing a good jobwith QA, quality assurance forpeople keeping score at home.But just to be safe, Iwaited for the .1 update.I no longer want to upgradeon .0 updates anymore!So in addition to all of thenew features that Mojave has,10.14.1 adds support for group FaceTimeup to 32 friends and enemies,and over seven new emoji.You know if Apple put as muchenergy as they do into emojis,they'd probably have, I don'tknow, a new Mac Pro by now.But at least they updated theMac mini and the MacBook Air.That was really nice.So those are some of the newthings and I'm sure some othermaintenance things were done as well.I just want to have abugless experience, please!So macOS Mojave was smart enoughto download in the backgroundso we don't need to waitfor the magical internet signals to travel10 stories undergroundand download the software.Simply, it downloadeditself automagically!We're gonna continue and agree.So after I do the installationsensation, I will absolutelytest-ride the new features,because I have used macOS Mojaveaside from the beta, Iused the beta a little bit,just the first beta, I never updated it.Aside from that, I used macOSMojave for maybe five minutesin my entire life so Ihaven't used the features yet.A lot of it is new to meso this should be fun.We're gonna install iton the macOS partition.Sounds reasonable.And we're not connected to a power sourcebecause we are rebels.Now I don't know whythese are called helpers,if anyone could tellme, that would be great.Hamburger Helper I guess.Let's do that.Here we go, about 10 minutesremaining, check it out.It's gonna then reboot anddo the thing and keep going,it's gonna be longer than 10minutes overall but at leastwe're off to a good star--Oh 17 now, okay, well.That's disappointing.We're making real strides now,a whole minute has passed.I'm looking forward to thisone, this should be much moresteady than the High Sierra debacle.And I think that was mainlybecause High Sierra had a lotof under-the-hood changesbut macOS Mojave is more of afeature focus release?So while that's doingits thing in the backgr--Wait, what?Did it seriously just.What!Oh!Well that wasn't 10 minutes at all.Whatever.Well, I was gonna gothrough some of the featureswhile it was freakin' doing its thingbut I guess it's already done.But, quickly.There's a lotta things I wanna try.But Dark Mode is the thingI am most excited about.And for those who know me,you know I have like a dark mode fetish.I don't know why, I just do.And I'm guessing a lotof other people do, too.And it seems like a lot ofthings are moving with, you know,toward that direction of being dark,so yeah I'm excited for that.Desktop Stacks looks pretty cool too,I try to keep my desktopclean, but I'm kind of excitedto have that just in case becausesometimes it can get a tadmessy and having the thingsjust pile up on the desktopwill be very noice.We'll dive into more of that stuff laterwhen we do the test drive butfor now it looks like this guyis early to the party.And the macOS Mojave is ready to install.Restart.(click)And here we go.And our installation has commenced.Oh, and I have a mouse cursor.Oh, and now I don't.And now there's a fruit.Don't know if that wassupposed to happen or not but,I trust it, and therewe go, there's our ETA,that's what I was waiting for.36 minutes.The last estimate was 17minutes and it took like three.So maybe it'll go faster, maybe not, so.You gotta entertain yourself somehowwhile the installation is commencing.So I'm having a bitof an E.T. moment.(ringtone)(censored) you!You beeped in the background,you ruined my moment!(SMPTE beep)So I'm having a bit of an E.T. moment.I'll be right heeere.And oh my gosh I'm already inlove with this new lock screen(laughs) Yeah the last 10minutes were like fake minutes,it went like:ten nine eight seven six fivefour three two one, boom!Done.Alright.Let's take a look here first.As we can see,it no longer Gaussianblurs out the backgroundwhich looks pretty cool.Photo's now, you know, morevisible, that looks cool.This is clearly the dynamicwallpaper because it's laterin the day so we have kindof a sunset-y thing going on.That's pretty cool.And it looks like user icons are bigger.I'm already lovin' someof the visual tweaks here.iCloud Keychain, I do notsave passwords into the cloud.I like to keep those just local.And I will keep allthat stuff off, why not?And here we go.Ah yes, of course, choose your look.Light mode is kinda cool butdark mode's where it's at.I love dark mode.I cannot wait to just use dark mode,I'm so freakin' excited, ohh!Oh gosh.You shut down your computerbecause of a problem?I did?What!Well, we're already off to a great start!Is Mojave the problem?What did it do?Oh my gosh, well.Cancel, I guess.Okay.So it just wiped outthe wallpaper I had set.Thank you very much, lads.Oh, there it goes (laughs).I mean, honestly theMojave one is beautiful.But I like using my own photography.Okay.Now that the installationsensation is done,which by the way, thatwas effortless (chuckles).Good job, Apple.Now that the installationsensation is done, we will nowtake the features for a test drive.Yes, fabulous.Starting with appearance stuff.Oh, but wait.We have News in ze dock.That is a news feature, hah hah hah.But I don't give a shit!Okay.So now that that's taken care of.I just wanna immediately addressthe dark mode does affectthe folder icons, those looklike darker blue, that's cool.And we have a dark trash can.And I'm also noticingwith the dark mode somelike window design element,oh my gosh, that looks so f--Oh shit, that looks so good (chuckles).I'm noticing like if we zoom in here,we do have like that bevel-ykinda look going on here.It seems to be more pronouncedwith the dark mode enabledwhich, you know, I'm not against that.Wow, this looks so good.Oh, chee, aye!Wow!Shit, like this could bethe only feature they addedand I would be okay with it.Yes, we're gonna explore morefeatures, don't you worry.But holy cow, just this feature by itself,especially with like the blue texts therethat gives me the iteminformation, that ohh dude.Oh man.Just the dark windows and thedark menus and the dark dockand I am, oh, it's gettin' hot in here.Ho gosh.Hoo.Well, I want to try theDesktop Stacks feature but,like I said, I usuallykeep a pretty clean desktopsooo we may have tosimulate something later.Yeah that feature is stillgonna be cool using the Stacks.But it's kind of uselessto me just because I tryto keep my shit organized but--Oh.Get back up there, you, what the sh--?Yo, w-what did you just?You just jumped around, okaywell I'm gonna have to fix you.Sort by name.Let's go to System Preferencesand fiddle with theappearance because I knowthere's new accent colors.Oh, that's hawt.We have purple!Oh yes, very good.We have pink!Pretty pretty.And separate highlight colors like usual.We have red.Oh-range!Ye-llow!Green!And graphite.I don't know, I'm so used to blue.Oh man, even the fill coloris changing a little bit.Wait, what?Yeah, even the fill colorkinda changes a little bitwhen you go graphite.I think there's a little bitof blue in this dark mode.There's actually a funway to figure that out.Yes, there is a bit more bluein there than green and red.So yes, there is alittle bit of a blue tintor blue shade in this darkmode gray, but if we switch itall to graphite, then it's just gray-gray.Cool, well I'm gonna keepthat, I mean I like blue.I'm so used to the aqualook, I like the blue.So we got that, cool new features there.Now, let's go to the AppStore which I never use.Not System Preferences, you a-hole!App Store.So, this is it.I mean it does look beautiful.This looks really good butagain, I just don't have a hugeuse for it 'cause I don'treally browse apps a lot.But maybe I will now with this new design.It does look really pretty.So I can see why people would use this.I don't know if I will,but I do like this layout.This is really pretty.Let's take a look at an app page.Ooh dats nice.Ooh dats very nice.New app store.Fantastic.Okay, so here's something I amkind of excited about becausescreenshots on the Macintoshhave been around forever,and the way Grab works,is just so perfect.I love it.But I know they updated it.In fact, I don't thinkGrab even exists anymore.I think, yeah, it's justcalled Screenshot now.Let's open 'er up.And here's the new interfacefor taking screenshots.We have the marquee,and it looks like we cando Capture Entire Screen,Capture Selected Window,Record Entire Screen,Record Selected Portion.Now screen recording has beenbuilt into QuickTime for yearssince Snow Leopard, but nowit's built into the Screenshotapp, maybe it's stillbuilt into QuickTime,I should actually take a look at that.And let's see here.Save to desktop, documents,clipboard, mail, messages.Timer, nice.Yeah, show mouse pointer,remember last selection,show and capture.Wow, very nice.Very elegant.Very very nice.And the floating thumbnailthing I will show you in a bit.I don't remember if I demoedthat in the beta system.Let's escape outta that.I wanna see if theshortcuts are still there.Awesome.So I can still do myclassic macOS shortcut:shift-command-four, hold downthe space bar, move around,or like shift-command-four, space bar,select individual elements.So it looks like thoseclassic Screenshot shortcutsare still there, which makesme happier than a pig in shit.But we still get the awesomenew thumbnail down hereso I can click on that.And this is very meta, butyeah, now we have these new,looks like a Markup featureswhich is really nice.So I can do Markup rightinside of here without havingto open up the Screenshot insideof the Preview application.Markup is now built in to the Screenshots,or I can say trash.Very cool.So let's try that with something else.Let's just say, heyyy.I really like this icon,it reminds me of Smosh.Let's have a look.Berp-pa-durp-pa-derp, takea screenshot like this,andboom, there it is.We can do Markup, text, shapes,everything,share it,trash it.And let's take a look at QuickTime here.I don't know what just happened,but launchpad just took a shit, okay.So we go file,it looks like we can still doscreen recording from here.QuickTime, you know,I'm curious, would QuickTimeget light in light mode?Probably not, 'cause QuickTimeis like a dark application,typically, let's take a look.I'm curious.Yup, it stays dark.As it should!Very good, Screenshot.Helps if I spell screen correctly.And let's do RecordEntire Screen, options,we'll just do no microphonefor now, save to the desktop,show mouse clicks, and r--I don't know what that is.Oh, click to stop recording.Oh.Very handy.Alright, and let's do it.Hey yo, this is my new tutorial.I'm gonna show you howto drag a window around.So what you do is you put yourmouse cursor on the window.You click and hold down onthe trackpad but not too hard,you don't wanna hurt it.And then you move yourfinger around like this.And that is how you drag a window around.Alright.So now our littlerecording goes down here.Click on that.I mean, I don't know aboutyou but I do screenshotslike a lot so having moreof this stuff just automaticis really cool, and itlooks so elegant especiallywith the dark mode, andit looks like we can trimright inside of here, too.Again, Markup and trimming,we can just do it right insideof freakin' like QuickLook windows and stuff.We don't even have to open things upin Preview or in QuickTime anymore.That's cool, oh.I just, oh!Shit.I just did a thing, I justsaved it, I wasn't even liketrying to do that, it just happened.Let's have a look.It recorded at 52.4 frames persecond, so yeah, it probablydropped a few frames and it averaged out.But yeah, let's look at playback.I mean, I'm looking at it, it'sdefinitely not a perfect 60but yeah, smoother than 30 though.Cool, and look at that downhere, we have a new sectionin ze dock, and Iimmediately don't like it.I'm guessing that's forrecent applications,so I'm gonna turn that shit off.Yup, goodbye.There we go.So in Quick Look now whichagain, is a feature I use all thefreakin' time, yes, just as Iremembered from the originaldemo from Craig Federighi, youcan do things like rotationand trimming right inside ofQuick Look now without havingto open up files inside of QuickTime.And an error occurred!That's great!I think that feature mightneed a little bit of work,I'll just put you in the garbage, okay.Safari dark mode.It still looks good.Ooh, our rainbow thinglooks like really goodat the top of that, oh.Oh, that's good,just that nice frostedglass with the dark on it,that looks really good.Oh yeah, did you follow me, camera guy?We need an instant replay of this.Just, hoo, look at that.Look at Brent's face, justgauzy and blur right there,that is beautiful.Okay.That was fun.Dark mode Safari looks very cool, too.Just everything in darkmode looks so freakin' cool.Now I know there's somenew Safari features as wellbut I actually alreadyhad those in High Sierrabecause, Safari 12 I think we're on now,was compatible on HighSierra, 12, yes indeedy.Alright, let's see whatelse we can do here.Group FaceTime, you have tohave friends for that featureto work though, so I'm justgonna scroll right by that.So, let's take a look atsome of those new apps.Voice Memos.Welcome to Voice Memos!More devices now runs on the Mac.Syncs with iCloud, redesigned.Continue.Current location, yes.Oh, that's cool,so it will yeah name yourfiles based on where you are.That's cool.I'm a little picky aboutlocation features though.But that is really cool.So I'm guessing, I don't know where my,I'm on iOS 12 on my phone butI guess I just haven't turnedon the iCloud sync forthose features yet insideof the Voice Memos application.But I'm guessing those would show up here.So let's do a recording.Ooh, that looks pretty.Check, check, microphonecheck, we're checking.It looks like it's really getting loud,it's probably clipping,my audio's probably like overmodulating.Oh yeah, that's horrible.We're gonna bring it downnow just a little bitso we're not clipping like crazy.This interface is really cool.Pause, resume, done.Rewind, scrub.(playback) Oh yeah, that's horrible.We're gonna bring it downnow just a little bitso we're not clipping l--And done.Beautiful, and I can justscroll right through this.Wow, that is reallyconvenient, and we have, oh!Okay.This is like a very iOS-ishinterface element, this popover here.I've never seen those in macOS,I mean I've seen popoversin macOS before butnever stylized like this,are we gonna be seeing more of that?That's interesting.See now, this is what I'm more used to.For like a standard like macOS UI menu.That's interesting.I was not expecting that,I'm kinda weirded out.Also, the like littlestem of the bubble hereis like not centered and itis driving my CDO insane.It's not center--oh my gosh, ohhh.Oh, Craig Federighi, fix that please.(shuddering)Okay, hang on, it's okay.Deep breaths, deep breaths,okay, we can ignore that,everything else looks pretty good so far.Let's take a look at Homeeven though I have zero Home devices.And you have to haveiCloud Keychain on for it.Which I guess I could turn on but again,I don't have any Home devices.Again, another new feature Ireally can't use but oh well.Stocks, I will tell you this.I don't have stocks anymore.But I still like to lookat fancy sparklines.Now that looks nice, it'scool to have this built-in.This interface is likereally pretty though.Like you can see ranges there.Alright, I am going tolock my screen here.Oh, that's hot, behbeh.I like it.Yeah, it doesn't blur outthe wallpaper anymore.Aw, that looks beautiful.Wow, that looks really good.Let's take a look at Notification Center.Ah, no notifications, status quo, perfect.But it does look nicein the dark mode again.Desktop Stacks, that's right.My desk is too clean.But let's just pretend,and boom.Boom!Shuh!Nice and pretty.So if my desktop does get messy,it can now default to this.And it just kinda stacks thingsup, and I can still previewthings, yup, that looksgood, and I can close 'em.Can I slow-mo this?Ohh.I can slow-mo that.Let's, wachoo.Let me play you this in slow-mo.Good old Steve Jobs moments.Okay, yeah, that's a cool feature.And I can still right-clickinside of 'em, good.Oh, let's see group stacks by,oh I can change how I groupthe stacks, and I can drag astack of items into the trash.Okay.So I can just say like hey,these are just copies of things,oh I'm just gonna drag 'em into the bin.Goodbye.Yes, I'd love to empty my trash.Fantastic.So word on the street is there'smore metadata in the Findereven though the Findercould already displaya healthy amount of metadata,especially through theGet Info panel or window.So let's say I have apicture of this awesomeOrange Krate Sting-ray by Schwinn.Normally I would go command-I and be like,oh there's my metadata,shot on an EOS 60D.Wow, that must've been a while ago'cause I haven't had a 60D in forever.So yeah, all that stuff isthere so I don't really knowwhat's new with that, but Iknow there is also like thePreview window,like this,I don't see, show more maybe?Maybe that's what's newin the Preview panel,you used to not be able to expand this.I think that's what it is.And I know this stuffdown here is new, too,so you could do Markup right from here,you can do rotation right from here.Oh, I can even like bulkcreate PDFs right from there,customize, I can probably add thingsto those menus through extensions.Oh cool, trim, create PDF, sweet!Yeah kind of reminded me ofthose Windows XP features,you know, you had thebuilt-in things right thereon the sidebar.Oh, and this modeespecially, Gallery Mode.Yeah, this is like real Windows XP-ness.(hand hits table)Tsk.Wow, I shouldn't have said that.This is real Windows XP-esque.(laughs)Oh gosh, why!Oh shit.Oh, there's a bunny!But yeah, I do like this mode,I mean, it is kind of a likea direct ripoff of WindowsXP, but yeah, well.We'll just say Microsoft,you made a cool feature.And it'll live on (chuckles) in Mojave.And yeah, having the more metadata therewith the quick actionshere, too is really cool,plus, overall this justlooks really pretty,it almost feels like I'musing a photo application.And I can just, let'ssee, let's do a rotate.Yeah, right inside of there, wow.I'll make sure I save it that way'cause that's how it should be rotated.Hmm.I do like that, I'll probablystick to Icon View justbecause that's what I'm reallyused to, I like seeing a lotof stuff at once, but if I everneed to really look at stuffI can kinda go into GalleryMode just like that,and have a ball.And I'm also noticing we'regoing kind of in a circle here.Earlier, in a past video Isaid tech trends go in circles.I think they actually go ina spiral because sometimeswe come back to our old waysbut we're still advancingforward at the sametime, so it's a spiral.And one example of thatis, Software Update.Looks like it's its own separate thinginside of Settings now.It used to be a whole separateapp, then it was integratedwith the App Store in the Applemenu and stuff, and now it'sjust a separate panel insideof the System Preferenceswhich, wait a burger-flippin' second!I'm not on 10.14.1!Well, blow me down!Okay, oh cool, advanced.We have some à la cartefunctionality here.(bell dinging).That must be because the, ohyeah, the automatic downloadfrom earlier was downloadedbefore .1 was released.I'll install .1 just to be sure,and it looks like you know,things are smooth, like youknow, we're not having any like,crazy-like(rubbing trackpad)window server lag, likethat was a huge issue withthe freakin' High Sierrastuff but I think,I'm not an expert but I thinkthat was because the windowserver was rewritten in Metaland it was just kind of buggyat first, but right now, I meanthat's, you know, I'm seeinga perfect 60 FPS there, I'mnot seeing any issues with anyof this stuff.Well that's fantastic!I'll just start editing in Final Cut Proand see if shit hits the fan, right?It looks like we havean advertising sectionin Security and Privacynow, limit ad tracking, huh.Because I know there's--That's off by defaultor is it just off for mebecause I did an upgrade?That's interesting.I'm gonna have to look intothat some more but that's cool.Automation, Full Disk Access.I don't remember this beingan item in here beforebut I might just be mistaking.So even though I covered a few features,I know I didn't coverthem all, let me knowwhat ones I did miss and whatfeatures are your favorite.So far, we're off to a greatstart, but I'll let you knowin a week if things start getting crappy.Also, I did just wanna say one thing here.Whip!Krazy Ken, me, yeah, I'm now on Patreon.So if you wanna help me beat the curseand even have a chance to getyour name in the show creditslike these awesome guys,(sci-fi typing)please visit the Patreonand throw a pledge my way,and we can all have more funin this wonderful tech world.I'm calling this a win.Thanks for sticking with me, guys.Catch the crazy and pass it on.(electronica)\n"